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- A manual of physiology1
- A systematic treatise on abortion and sterility1
- A treatise on the principles and practice of medicine: designed for the use of practitioners and students of medicine1
- Classification of a few of the "new remedies" according to the parts of the body acted upon after the plan of Bonninghausen1
- Clinical lectures on diseases of the liver, jaundice, and abdominal dropsy1
- Constitution and by-laws of the Clinico-Pathological Society of Washington, D.C., 18681
- Diploteratology: Part I : an essay on compound humam monsters : comprising the history, literature, classification, description and embryology of double and triple formation, including parasitic monsters, foetus in foetu, and supernumerary development1
- Dissertação sobre a ovariotomia e as molestias para allivio ou cura das quaes esta operação é mais particularmente adaptada: these apresentada e sustentada para verificação de titulo perante a Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia em maio de 18681
- El tífus icterodes ó fiebre amarilla: estudios sobre su historia, causas, diagnóstico, naturaleza y tratamiento curativo general : mas racional, seguro y conveniente, entre los propuestos hasta el dia, con indicaciones sobre su profilaxis posible, especialmente para los Europeos, en particular mas expuestos á padecerla en estas Antillas : resúmen de trabajos sobre el mismo objeto, presentados á la Direccion de Sanidad Militar y Ateneo Catalan, en tempo oportuno, y que han dido aceptados col elogios notables, que se hallen consignados en actas y notas oficiales correspondientes1
- Electro-physiology and therapeutics: being a study of the electrical and other physical phenomena of the muscular and other systems during health and disease, including the phenomena of the electrical fishes1
- Hull's Jahr: a new manual of homoeopathic practice : symptomatology1
- La elefantiásis de los Griegos i su verdadera naturaleza: o determinación científica de la verdadera causa, el verdadero asiento, el mecanismo, i efectos de esta espantosa enfermedad, con el modo seguro de curarla1
- Manual of anatomy1
- On diseases of the skin: a system of cutaneous medicine1
- Ovariotomy: a paper read before the Ohio State Medical Society at its annual meeting, held at Delaware, June, 18681
- Practical observations on the aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of anal fissure1
- Report on epidemic cholera and yellow fever in the Army of the United States, during the year 18671
- Tésis presentada y sostenida ante el protomedicato de la Republica de Guatemala para optar a la licenciatura en medicina y cirujía, el dia [ ] de enero de 18681
- The American practice of medicine1
- The Philadelphia system of obstetrics: in twelve parts, fully illustrated, designed for a text-book for students, and as reference for the practitioner1