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- "A malarial dream", 19101
- "Challenge of Our Aging Population", 19361
- "Changing Concepts Concerning Cancer", 19601
- "Contributions of the Medical Department of the U.S. Army to the advancement of knowledge..," by Col. W. P. Chamberlain - January, 19301
- "Deficient excretion from kidneys not organically diseased, and some of the diseases peculiar to women", and diseases of the skin1
- "Developing an Overall Air Pollution Index", 19671
- "Doctor Jones" says -1
- "Loisette" exposed: (Marcus Dwight Larrowe, alias Silas Holmes, alias Alphonse Loisette) : together with Loisette's complete system of physiological memory, the instantaneous art of never forgetting : to which is appended a bibliography of mnemonics, 1325-18881
- "The attitude of the United States Army toward prostitution," to Committee on Equal Moral Standards, Washington, D.C., May 10, 19251
- "The medical service in a theater of operations," at Army War College, February 23, 19281
- "The surgical contributions of William Stewart Halsted" by Lawrence R. Wharton, 19241
- "Transactions: Meeting on TNT Poisoning" US War Dept., 2-3 Apr. 19431
- "We shall travel on": quality of care, economic development, and the international migration of long-term care workers1
- 'Why vegetarian'?: a reply to critics1
- (cont'd), 9/23/1983-11/29/19831
- 1/11/1984-4/25/19841
- 1001 questions and answers on physiology and hygiene1
- 12/1/1987-2/11/19871
- 12/2/1983-12/30/19831
- 158 - Investigations on the control of insects and other arthropods of importance to the armed forces conducted by the Orlando, Fla., research laboratory, April 1942 to October 19451