- (14) Books, Computers, and Medicine - Osler Oration. Presented: London, England; Published: Medical History, vol. X, no. 2, 1965 July 12; 1966 Apr.1
- (25) Surgery's Greatest Contribution to American Medicine. Presented: Jacksonville Hospital Education Program, Jacksonville, FL, 1965 Nov. 181
- (87) Sir Wm. Osler & Dr. John Shaw Billings; Presented: Tampa, FL, 1972 Mar. 71
- (90) Sir William Osler & Dr. John Shaw Billings. Presented: Osler Society of Washington, Chevy Chase Club, 1972 Oct. 181
- (First) Annual Report to the President and Congress, 1990 Aug1
- 1/11/1984-4/25/19841
- 1/7/1982-12/27/19821
- 1000 favorite prescriptions: contributed by 1000 physicians1
- 1001 questions and answers on physiology and hygiene1
- 11/1/1985-1/29/19861
- 12/1/1987-2/11/19871
- 12/2/1983-12/30/19831
- 13 - Water losses of men on life rafts1
- 132 - Drying by ice sublimation1
- 1500 prescriptions of all kinds, right and wrong: selected from prescription files, journals, formularies, pharmacopoeias, and medical works, illustrating correct and incorrect construction, Latinity, abbreviations, doses, and pharmacy, and covering all the principal forms in which medicines are commonly administered : intended as an aid to pharmaceutical teachers, students, and examiners1
- 158 - Investigations on the control of insects and other arthropods of importance to the armed forces conducted by the Orlando, Fla., research laboratory, April 1942 to October 19451
- 163 - A summary of field reports on 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate)1
- 176 - A study of the action of insect repellents in terms of their effects on insect behavior and in relation to their properties1
- 1851-1878 illustrated catalogue and price list of optical, meteorological and mathematical instruments manufactured and imported1
- 1873-1923: Fiftieth anniversary1