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- Report to the Illinois State Medical Society on laryngeal tumors2
- Restriction and prevention of diphtheria2
- Restriction and prevention of scarlet fever2
- "Chemical restraint" in the management of the insane1
- "Oral electricity and the new departure"1
- A Scotch asylum for the insane1
- A case of Basedow's disease, terminating in total loss of sight from neuro-paralytic inflammation of the cornea1
- A case of abscess of the left frontal lobe of the cerebrum, with special reference to localization1
- A case of persistent hyaloid artery: with chromo-lithograph1
- A case of primary tuberculosis of the larynx1
- A case of rapid and widespread muscular wasting without disease of the spinal cord1
- A clinical contribution to the study of the fevers of the Mississippi Valley1
- A collection of the various editions of the medical almanac of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, published for the year 18811
- A complicated case: remittent fever with jaundice and probable hepatitis, convulsions, hemiplegia, typhoid fever occurring in a rachitical child1
- A contribution to the doctrine of bilateral functions, after experiences of metaloscopy1
- A contribution to the haematinic properties of dialized iron: being extracts from communications read before the Boston Society of the Medical Sciences and the Boston Society for Medical Observations1
- A contribution to the study of fractures and dislocations: read before the N.H. Medical Society, June 21, 18811
- A contribution to the study of the bacterial organisms commonly found upon exposed mucous surfaces and in the alimentary canal of healthy individuals1
- A critical examination of our materia medica1
- A directory of the dentists practicing in the state of Missouri, January 1st, 18811