1. Cesser de Fumer: Profite a la Sante Publication: The World Health Organization, [ca. 1975] Subject(s): SmokingSmoking CessationPublic Health Archival Collection: Visual Culture and Health Posters (Profiles in Science)
2. It is her first baby. The setting the preparations, the precautions against mishap maybe modern, but the great event lived by mother and child is essentially what is always has been Subject(s): Equipment and SuppliesInfant, NewbornNursesParturitionSwedenWorld Health Organization
3. Sudanese washing their feet in canal water. A correlation has been detected between the incidence of urinary bladder cancers and schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) infection - caused by a water-borne parasite- in some river valley areas Subject(s): World Health Organization
4. Filling the vaccine bottles before freeze-drying, one of the final steps in smallpox vaccine production. The freeze-drying process ensures stability of the vaccine at any temperature Subject(s): Smallpox VaccineWorld Health Organization
5. Smallpox eradication campaign in Uganda Subject(s): MothersMother-Child RelationsInfant, NewbornWorld Health Organization
6. Modern medicine tends to emphasize technical solutions Subject(s): Equipment and SuppliesWorld Health Organization
7. Those road casualties who survive often need continued care. Rehabilitation represnts a huge drain on hospitals, medical and public health resources. This patient is learning how to repair watches so he can earn a living when he returns home Subject(s): African Continental Ancestry GroupWorld Health Organization
8. Les jeunes pharmaciens étranglés--: votre santé de demain en danger Publication: [Tours, France? : s.n., 1975?] Subject(s): Pharmacists -- economicsPharmaceutical Services -- manpower
9. Nuit de la médecine Publication: [Paris? : s.n., 1975] Subject(s): Anniversaries and Special EventsFund RaisingVoluntary Health AgenciesNeoplasms -- prevention & controlStrigiformes
10. Le diabète est une maladie souvent ignorée mais facile à dépister Publication: [France] : Comité d'éducation sanitaire et sociale de la pharmacie française, [1975?] Subject(s): Diabetes Mellitus -- prevention & controlDiabetes Mellitus -- diagnosisDiabetes Mellitus -- urine