1. On the medical properties of the natural order Ranunculaceae: and more particularly on the uses of sabadilla seeds, Delphinium staphisagria, and Aconitum napellus, and their alcaloids, verateria, sabadilline, delphinia, and aconitine Author(s): Turnbull, Alexander, 1794 or 1795-1881 Publication: Philadelphia : Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, 1838 Subject(s): RanunculaceaePlant Preparations -- therapeutic use
2. An investigation into the remarkable medicinal effects resulting from the external application of veratria Author(s): Turnbull, Alexander, 1794 or 1795-1881 Publication: Washington : Stereotyped and published by Duff Green, 1834 Subject(s): Veratrine -- therapeutic use