. N CENTER for RETIREMENT RESEARCH at BOSTON COLLEGE HOW MANY MEDICAID RECIPIENTS MIGHT BE ELIGIBLE FOR SSI? Michael Levere and David Wittenburg CRR WP 2023-20 November 2023 Center for Retirement Research at Boston College Haley House 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Tel: 617-552-1762 Fax: 617-552-0191 https://crr.bc.edu Both authors are with Mathematica Policy Research; Michael Levere is a senior researcher and David Wittenburg is a senior fellow. The research reported herein was pursuant to a grant from the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) funded as part of the Retirement and Disability Research Consortium. The findings and conclusions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of SSA, any agency of the federal government, Colgate University, Mathematica Policy Research, or Boston College. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the contents of this report. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The authors are grateful to Jody Schimmel Hyde and participants at an SSA work-in-progress seminar for feedback on early findings. Claire Erba and Addison Larson provided excellent research assistance. © 2023, Michael Levere and David Wittenburg. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit including © notice, is given to the source. About the Center for Retirement Research The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, part of a consortium that includes parallel centers at the National Bureau of Economic Research, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was established in 1998 through a grant from the Social Security Administration. The Center's mission is to produce first-class research and forge a strong link between the academic community and decision makers in the public and private sectors around an issue of critical importance to the nation's future. To achieve this mission, the Center conducts a wide variety of research projects, transmits new findings to a broad audience, trains new scholars, and broadens access to valuable data sources. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College Haley House 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 phone: 617-552-1762 Fax: 617-552-0191 https://crr.bc.edu Affiliated Institutions: The Brookings Institution Mathematica - Center for Studying Disability Policy Syracuse University Urban Institute Abstract Children's participation in the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program has declined substantially over the past decade. Many children with disabilities might be eligible for SSI, yet barriers such as a lack of knowledge of the program or perceived challenges with applying may limit participation. In this paper, we use machine learning models on Medicaid administrative data to estimate the number and characteristics of children who are potentially eligible for SSI but do not currently receive benefits. The paper found that: A substantial number of children are potentially eligible for SSI. Depending on the exact probability used to define potential eligibility, the increase could likely range from 10 percent to 55 percent increase in enrollment (relative to the current number of SSI recipients). Children potentially eligible for SSI have intensive health care usage, often more intensive than current child SSI recipients. This is particularly notable given the pattern that SSI recipients have much more intensive usage than non-SSI recipients, consistent with the requirement that SSI recipients must have a disability. The policy implications of the findings are: Local-level estimates presented in this paper, which identify counties and states where many children are potentially eligible for SSI, might facilitate more effective outreach to families who are potentially eligible for SSI. Especially when supplemented with additional data on socioeconomic deprivation, more narrowly targeting outreach to areas where many children are likely to be eligible might allow for an efficient use of limited resources. Creating a direct link between Medicaid and the Social Security Administration's (SSA) data might improve the overall administration of the SSI program. For example, SSA could use the data here to identify children who might be eligible based on their pattern of claims and conduct outreach to them. Alternatively, the data might facilitate more streamlined disability determinations for new applications by allowing SSA to review recent patterns of health care claims. Introduction Take-up of social benefits programs is often incomplete, with numerous eligible people who do not participate (Currie 2006). A variety of barriers may prevent people from participating, such as stigma (Celhay, Meyer, and Mittag 2022), administrative burden (Herd et al. 2013), or lack of awareness (Chetty, Friedman, and Saez 2013), among others. High take-up rates mean that people eligible for benefits are accessing the supports they need from the program. For programs that are entirely income driven, like the Earned Income Tax Credit, it is straightforward to identify those who are eligible based on income data. Yet it is challenging to identify those who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which require a person to have a significant disability, because this disability criterion cannot be directly measured in readily available data. Declines in participation in child SSI, which provides cash assistance to low-income families who have a child with a disability, suggest that many who are eligible may not be participating in the program. From 2013 to 2021, the number of child SSI recipients fell by nearly 20 percent. During the COVID-19 pandemic, applications declined dramatically. Yet this latter decline was not uniform across regions (Levere, Hemmeter, and Wittenburg 2023a), consistent with longstanding geographical variation in child SSI participation (Schmidt and Sevak 2017). The Social Security Administration (SSA), which administers SSI, has sought to reach vulnerable populations to support more equitable access, though it is difficult to determine how to target those efforts most efficiently. One critical step to make this determination is more fully understanding who might potentially be eligible for the program. We use Medicaid data to estimate the number and characteristics of children who are potentially eligible but do not currently receive SSI benefits. We focus on Medicaid recipients for three reasons. First, the program is means-tested, so children who are already receiving benefits come from relatively low-income families and are thus presumably more likely than an average child to meet income and resource limits associated with SSI. Second, though we cannot directly observe whether someone has a disability who meets SSA's criteria, measures of health care utilization available in the data may suggest someone's likely disability status. Third, because Medicaid recipients are already participating in a government benefits program, stigma may be a relatively smaller barrier to participation for them. Using machine learning tools, we identified children who are potentially eligible for SSI based on an array of health care utilization measures in Medicaid's data. We limited our analysis to states where we could reliably infer whether someone is eligible for SSI based on administrative data from both SSA and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). We found 32 "high-match" states where the number of child SSI recipients in Medicaid data were sufficiently similar to SSA administrative records. To generate a probability of SSI eligibility for each child who was not receiving SSI, we estimated a separate random forest model in each of these 32 states in 2019. The model includes over 1,000 health care utilization measures. Our results did not change when we used data from earlier years (2017 and 2018). A substantial number of children are potentially eligible for SSI. If we define potential eligibility as those with a probability of receipt of over 40 percent in our model, our estimates indicate that over 110,000 children might be potentially eligible for SSI (a 9.7 percent increase relative to current child SSI recipients). As we lower this probability threshold, we find more children who might be eligible (and as we increase the threshold, we find fewer who might be eligible). For example, with a threshold of 30 percent, the potentially eligible population would be over 260,000 (a 23 percent increase); with a threshold of 20 percent, the potentially eligible population would be nearly 650,000 (a 55 percent increase). The raw numbers reflect both the increase in the 32 high-match states from which we estimated the model and the increase in the remaining 18 states (and the District of Columbia) applying the same percentage increase to the current child SSI recipients from SSA administrative reports. Children potentially eligible for SSI have intensive health care usage, often more intensive than current child SSI recipients. For example, in some states, those likeliest to be eligible for SSI had more than double the number of prescription drug claims as current SSI recipients, who already have substantially higher claims than the average non-SSI recipient. Such children also commonly have chronic conditions indicating that they have developmental delays. These developmental delays are quite rare among non-SSI recipients, but they are highly prevalent among children who are potentially eligible for SSI (up to nearly 75 percent of those with the highest probability of SSI receipt). Many claims and conditions exhibit a similar pattern, where SSI recipients have more intensive usage of care than non-SSI recipients, with differentially higher intensive usage of care the higher the probability of SSI receipt. Our findings might be especially useful for policymakers in exploring ways to promote higher take-up of programs, especially for children's SSI. Recent research has focused on how to effectively target outreach to families who are potentially eligible for SSI, especially considering recent program declines. For example, Levere, Wittenburg, and Hemmeter (2022) highlighted localized Census tracts where actual child SSI participation was less than a predicted participation level based on socioeconomic deprivation. Extensive declines in child SSI participation also occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the restriction of in-person services at SSA field offices, disruptions to local networks, and macroeconomic stabilization policies all contributing to this decline (Levere, Hemmeter, and Wittenburg 2023a). For example, the pandemic disrupted schools, which may be an especially important way that children and families learn about the SSI program (Levere, Hemmeter, and Wittenburg 2023b). Other research has found that simplifying the user experience by reducing administrative burdens can promote participation. Giannella et al. (2023) show that simplifying the intake interview process for potential Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program participants limits procedural denials and increases long-term participation. Deshpande and Li (2019) find that the closure of SSA field offices reduced SSI and SSDI applications, both in the counties where the field office closed and in neighboring counties (because of increased congestion). The findings also contribute to a growing literature on leveraging big data and machine learning approaches to enhance the delivery of social programs. For example, Sansone and Zhu (2023) use administrative data on people who contribute to the Australian social security system to predict whether people will need income support. They find machine learning techniques can effectively identify people in need, allowing the government to potentially reach these at-risk individuals in a timely fashion. Heller et al. (2022) show that using machine learning on arrest and victimization data can accurately predict people's risk of being shot in Chicago. Using these predictions to target social services to prevent ensuing gun violence could have substantial economic benefits (in addition to improving public safety). Numerous other papers show the potential for using machine learning to improve policy related to education (e.g., Chalfin et al. [2016] on identifying effective teachers to promote), health (e.g., Hastings, Howison, and Inman [2020] on flagging opioid prescriptions that might be high risk for subsequent addictions), and tax collection (e.g., Battaglini et al. [2022] on effectively targeting tax audits to detect tax evasion). However, machine learning is not effective in all circumstances - for example, Bazzi et al. (2022) show that it is challenging to accurately predict local outbreaks of violence using detailed data from Colombia and Indonesia. Institutional Context The SSI program, administered by SSA, requires recipients to meet specific disability and financial eligibility requirements. The disability criterion for children requires a "marked and severe functional limitation" resulting from a physical or mental impairment that significantly impacts the child's daily activities and is expected to last at least a year or lead to death. The eligibility requirements also include a limit on allowable assets and income. SSA manages a comprehensive eligibility determination process that involves conducting a thorough review of the child's medical history, daily functioning, and financial status. Once financial eligibility is confirmed, the state's Disability Determination Service evaluates the disability criterion by examining health provider information and gathering inputs from those involved in the child's daily life. Children who qualify for SSI are eligible for a cash payment and could qualify for services from other programs. In 2023, the federal maximum payment from SSI is $914 per month. The most common disorders for youth receiving SSI are autism spectrum disorders, developmental disorders, and other mental health disorders (which can frequently include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]). About 60 percent of child SSI recipients have one of these three diagnoses (SSA 2022). The potential health care needs of children likely vary depending on diagnosis. For instance, autism spectrum disorders might necessitate speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, and sometimes medications for associated symptoms. Developmental disorders may require similar treatments depending on the specific condition and could additionally require physical therapy or specialized educational support. Mental health conditions such as ADHD often involve a combination of medication, behavioral therapy, and ongoing counseling or psychotherapy. Other less common disorders, such as nervous system and sense organ disorders (7.0 percent of current child SSI recipients) and congenital anomalies (5.6 percent), likely require very different types of treatment to effectively manage. Our measures of health care utilization based on Medicaid claims, described below, capture a broad range of metrics that cover the diverse sets of health care needs that children with disabilities are likely to have. In 2021, about 1 million children received SSI; however, this number has been declining since 2013 (Figure 1). The program generally experienced broad increases since its inception in 1974, with a large expansion in the early 1990s after the Zebley decision. As part of welfare reform in 1996, the disability criterion became more stringent, leading to a slight reduction in participation at that time. Although the rules have not changed since 1996, program participation continuously increased from 2000 to 2013, and then decreased since. Figure 1. Child SSI Participation, 1974-2021 20 o S 18 -~ 16 - o 14 o c 512 O o = 3T 10 8= = = 6 S 4 ) n 2 0 <t O 0 O N < © O O N O MO NSO O N © 0O P~~~ 0 0 OwWOowOawWOooOoOo oo O OO0 00 «~-- - - - GO OGO oo oo o000 OO0 00 o oo T T T T T T ™ v - - - - NN NN N A NN NN Source: SSA (2022). The declining caseloads and state variations have prompted policy efforts to identify underserved youth. The Social Security Act authorizes SSA to collaborate with various entities to conduct outreach to potentially eligible populations. In response to the significant decrease in applications during the pandemic, SSA received increased funding in fiscal year 2021 to enhance outreach efforts targeting potential child SSI applicants (SSA 2021). These initiatives aim to address the challenges associated with declining participation. In most states, children who receive SSI automatically qualify for health insurance coverage through Medicaid, though some states can have separate eligibility requirements. In 34 states and the District of Columbia, a newly awarded SSI recipient will also automatically be enrolled in Medicaid. However, nine states are known as 209(b) states, in which the Medicaid income criteria can be more stringent than the SSI criteria, meaning some children who receive SSI are not eligible for Medicaid. To qualify for Medicaid in these states, children (and families) must file a separate application. An additional seven states are considered SSI states, in which a newly awarded SSI recipient is automatically eligible for Medicaid, but qualifying also requires a separate application. Thus, in these 16 states where SSI receipt does not automatically lead to Medicaid receipt, some children might receive SSI but not Medicaid. Medicaid is larger in scale than SSI, with eligibility primarily based on income. In December 2021, about 40 million children throughout the United States were enrolled in Medicaid (Kaiser Family Foundation 2023). In contrast, only about 1 million children receive SSI. Medicaid eligibility for children is relatively generous, in part because of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The latter, first established in 1997, led many states to substantially increase the income eligibility level and thus led to many more children qualifying for Medicaid (Cohen-Ross et al. 2009). Children make up nearly half of the total Medicaid and CHIP recipients. Though income criteria are typically more generous for Medicaid than for SSI, a relatively small share of people have incomes that would lead them to qualify for Medicaid but not SSI: a recent study by Levere et al. (2019) indicated substantial overlap in the income eligibility for children who receive Medicaid and SSI. Both Medicaid and SSI have important local variations that influence program participation, and in turn influence our modeling approach. Though all states must follow certain federal guidelines in developing their Medicaid programs - such as requiring mandatory coverage for children in families with income below 138 percent of the federal poverty limit or covering certain mandatory services like hospital and physician care - each state operates its own program. States therefore differ in the extent to which certain populations or services are covered, and potentially within state if the Medicaid program has waiver approval to do so. Though SSI is a federal program, several states provide an optional supplemental payment to children with disabilities.! Child SSI participation also varies across counties and states, with much interest in the factors that drive these local differences (e.g., Schmidt and Sevak 2017, Levere, Wittenburg, and Hemmeter 2022). As discussed below, we therefore estimated a separate model predicting SSI eligibility among Medicaid recipients within each state. ! According to the Policy Surveillance Program, 23 states provided an optional supplement through 2018 (the last date of the project update). Details on state supplemental payments for child and adult SSI recipients are at http://lawatlas.org/datasets/supplemental-security-income-for-children-with-disabilities (accessed June 13, 2023). Data We used administrative data covering all Medicaid claims for children under age 18 among the universe of Medicaid beneficiaries. Specifically, we accessed the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System Analytic Files (TAF) through the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC). CMS compiles this database to facilitate research using administrative records of Medicaid eligibility and claims. We conducted our analyses at the annual level focusing primarily on data from 2019, though results were nearly identical for 2017 and 2018. Medicaid data include several variables intended to capture whether a child is receiving SSI benefits, which is a critical element of our analysis. These include monthly measures of the eligibility group code, an indicator for participation in SSI, and an SSI status code. The eligibility group code indicates the reason the person is eligible for Medicaid. Reasons of "Individuals receiving SSI," "Aged, blind, and disabled individuals in 209(b) states," or "Individuals receiving mandatory state supplements" indicate that the person is receiving SSIL. The indicator for SSI participation is a zero or one variable, while if the SSI status code indicates the person is receiving SSI or is an SSI-eligible spouse, we consider them to be receiving SSI. We focused on eligibility in December only (as opposed to any time during the year) to match the way SSA reports on child SSI recipients in its Annual Statistical Report, discussed next (SSA 2022). We considered each of the three SSI variables within the Medicaid data separately, as well as whether any of the three variables indicate the person is receiving SSI. We then calculated the total number of child SSI recipients in each year in each state. For each state, we compared the number of child SSI recipients from SSA administrative statistics to the number in Medicaid data, classifying states where these numbers were sufficiently close as "high-match" states. We calculated the ratio of Medicaid child SSI recipients to SSA-reported child SSI recipients separately in December 2017, 2018, and 2019 using each of the four separate approaches noted in the previous paragraph (eligibility group, SSI indicator, SSI status, or any of these three). To be considered a high-match state, this ratio for a single measure had to fall between 0.87 and 1.13 in all three years, indicating that the numbers were within 13 percent of each other.? For the "high-match" states, the eligibility group variable most commonly matched the SSA published statistics (27 of 32 states). One caution with this benchmarking exercise is that it only requires the aggregate number of recipients to be similar across the two data sources, though the actual children flagged as SSI recipients in Medicaid data might not be correct. Thirty-two states have reliable metrics of child SSI participation and are considered "high-match" states, which we then used in our analysis (Figure 2). The percentage of states that are "high-match" differs substantially between those where new SSI recipients automatically receive Medicaid (solid fill; 74 percent) and those where new SSI recipients do not automatically receive Medicaid (striped fill; 38 percent). In these latter states, which are either SSI criteria states or 209(b) states, there may be SSI recipients who are not Medicaid recipients; some SSI recipients may therefore (correctly) not be in the Medicaid data. Thus, this difference by type of states is unsurprising. Because the "low-match" states do not have a reliable way to tell whether someone is currently receiving SSI, we could not use these states in our modeling procedure and thus omitted them from the analysis. Next, we created extensive measures of health care utilization based on Medicaid eligibility and claims. We assessed all four primary types of claims available in TAF data: inpatient, long-term care, prescription drug, and other services. These other services include categories like physician services and outpatient hospital utilization. We then considered a host of characteristics about the claim, including: the taxonomy code for the provider who treated the patient;? the type of provider who treated the patient;* the type of services provided;' the benefit 2 CMS maintains a Data Quality Atlas to assess the reliability of certain measures with Medicaid data by comparing statistics from TAF to external data sources. It characterizes the quality as being low concern for a given state if two metrics are within 10 percent of each other. We loosened this criterion to 13 percent because of the requirement that it consistently be close enough for all three years. This indicates that the metric does not just capture the level of child SSI recipients correctly but also captures the evolving trend over time. 3 This can include a grouping like "Behavioral Health and Social Service Providers," or a classification under that grouping like "Clinical Neuropsychologist™ or "Psychologist." In total, there are 29 unique groupings and 245 unique classifications. 4 This can include providers like a "Physician" or "Speech Language Pathologist." In total, there are 57 unique provider types. 3 This can include categories like "Physicians' services" or "Speech, hearing, and language disorders services (when not provided under home health services)." In total, there are 117 unique types of service. type code;% and the type of medications prescribed." For each of these characteristics, we created variables for whether the child had each type of claim within the year, as well as the number of such claims to measure the intensity of the condition. Additionally, we identified several other characteristics from the claims and eligibility information, such as whether the pattern of claims indicates that the child has a range of comorbidities or diagnoses, such as learning disabilities, developmental delays, neurological disorders, and more. Finally, we also included several other measures for intensity of care, such as whether the child had any inpatient stays or emergency department visits and the length of those encounters. In total, we considered approximately 1,300 variables related to health care utilization. Figure 2. States with Reliable SSI Indicator . States with reliable SSI indicator . States with unreliable SSI indicator Note: Stripes indicate states in which new SSI awardees do not automatically receive Medicaid, because they are 209(b) states or SSI criteria states. Source: Authors' calculations using 2017-2019 TAF data and SSI annual statistical report. ¢ This can include categories like "Physicians' service" or "Physical Therapy and Related Services - Services for individuals with speech, hearing and language disorders." In total, there are 108 unique benefit type codes. 7 We mapped each National Drug Code identifier, which is reported in the Medicaid data, to a unique set of 44 medication types, such as "ADHD Medications" or "Antidepressant medications." A descriptive comparison indicates that child SSI recipients have much more intensive health care utilization than child non-SSI recipients (Table 1). For example, the claims of child SSI recipients indicate that they are on average 9 times as likely as non-SSI recipients to have a learning disability chronic condition (30.1 percent versus 3.3 percent) and 14 times as likely to have another developmental delay chronic condition (17.1 percent versus 1.2 percent). Child SSI recipients are prescribed ADHD medications at a rate 6.5 times as frequently as non-SSI recipients. Though there are small differences between child SSI recipients and non-SSI recipients in having a claim where the type of service is either physician services or prescription drugs, the big difference is in the intensity of usage, as measured by the number of claims: the average child SSI recipient has 2.4 times as many physician services claims and 4.2 times as many prescription drug claims. These differences reflect the key underlying factor that leads children to qualify for SSI, namely that they must have a significant disability. This disability in turn leads to intensive usage of health care. Table 1. Characteristics of Child Medicaid Beneficiaries, by Receipt of SSI SSI recipients mean Non-SSI recipients mean Characteristic (percentage unless (percentage unless otherwise noted) otherwise noted) Learning disabilities chronic condition 30.1 3.3 Other developmental delays chronic condition 17.1 1.2 Prescribed ADHD medications 28.6 4.4 Has claim with Speech-Language pathologist 54 0.7 Has claim with Local Education Agency 14.4 1.4 Has physician services claim 73.7 60.1 Number of physician services claims 7.61 2.88 Has prescription drugs claim 69.4 45.5 Number of prescription drug claims 12.47 2.97 Total population size 894,687 29,141,512 Note: Includes all child Medicaid recipients within the 32 "high-match" states. Source: 2019 TAF data. We also included measures of sociodemographic characteristics that are available in the Medicaid data. These include age, race/ethnicity, and sex, as well as income.® Income might be 8 Not all of these variables are reliably available for all states; see more information at the Data Quality Atlas at https://www.medicaid.gov/dg-atlas/ 10 especially important given that the income cutoffs are relatively higher for Medicaid than for SSI. Some Medicaid recipients may therefore have health care utilization suggesting they could be eligible for SSI, yet they may not have sufficiently low family income or resources to qualify. Though income data are not available in many states, we present supplemental analyses from Massachusetts and Colorado (which have reliable family income data) to show that our results were similar when we considered several variations to exclude or include income in the model to generate predicted probabilities. In particular, we did two things: (1) assess how many of the same children are above each probability threshold when estimating models that include and exclude income; and (2) assess what share of children flagged as potentially eligible have family income that is above 255 percent of the federal poverty limit, in models that both include and exclude income. Finally, we supplemented these administrative data with measures of socioeconomic characteristics at the zip code level available from the American Community Survey. In prior work, we found that a measure of socioeconomic deprivation at the local level is highly correlated with child SSI participation (Levere, Wittenburg, Hemmeter 2022). We therefore controlled for all the input characteristics that were included in the calculation of socioeconomic deprivation (which was in turn based on the Area Deprivation Index; see Singh [2003] for more details); these characteristics are all listed in Appendix Table 1. Methodology The primary goal of our analysis was to identify the probability that each child Medicaid recipient who is not receiving SSI is, in fact, eligible. With this probability, we can estimate how many children are potentially eligible. We considered a variety of different probability thresholds to determine potential eligibility. To estimate this probability of SSI eligibility, we used machine learning techniques that algorithmically identify the characteristics most predictive of SSI receipt based on current SSI recipients. Our primary approach is a random forest model (Breiman 2001). The random forest model offers many advantages in terms of flexibly identifying characteristics that are important predictors without overfitting (Mullainathan and Spiess 2017). It creates decision trees by using a random set of input variables to partition the original data into groups that classify the object of interest, which in our setting is whether the child is an SSI recipient. It then creates many such 11 trees, averaging across the various classifications from each tree to estimate a probability that the child is eligible for SSI. This procedure essentially identifies children as being potentially eligible for SSI if they have health care utilization similar to that of children who are currently receiving SSI. To avoid overfitting the actual data, we left out a testing sample of at least 20 percent of child Medicaid recipients in each state who were not used in training the model. Because data availability and the way that states process health care claims vary across states, we estimated a separate model for each of the 32 "high-match" states. For example, we developed a model using all children in Arkansas to estimate the probability that each child in Arkansas is eligible for SSI (leaving out 20 percent of children as a testing sample). We then repeated this process for each of the other 31 states." We used the same exact approach in terms of specifying the random forest model, such as hyperparameters and input variables. However, the model may select different characteristics as relatively more or less important in estimating the probability of SSI receipt in each state. This is particularly important, given that (1) Medicaid is inherently a state-specific program and may have different procedures for processing and characterizing claims, and (2) the reliability of certain data characteristics like income may differ across states. Our predictive models therefore account for the existing interplay of SSI and Medicaid within each state. For example, lower SSI participation in certain states could relate to stringent disability criteria or to general social factors. If low SSI participation relates to stringent disability criteria, leading only children with the most severe disabilities to qualify for benefits, then the potentially eligible population will likely be smaller too as it would only include children with the most severe disabilities. If, instead, low SSI participation is unrelated to the extent of health care utilization, the size of the potentially eligible population might not depend on the current level of SSI participation. A naive approach that attempted to model these differences across all states could bias results. Though results are available for all 32 states, the results in this paper cover four states for simplicity of presentation: Arkansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Colorado. These four states cover a range of existing child SSI participation per capita: Arkansas and Louisiana have the two ® To ensure tractability of the model, we could not include more than approximately 1.5 million children in the training sample. So, for states with more than 1.875 million Medicaid recipients (CA, FL, NY, and TX), we randomly sampled 1.5 million children to include in the training sample, leaving the remaining group as the testing sample. We applied the model to calculate the probability of SSI receipt among all Medicaid recipients in the state. 12 highest rates of child SSI participation among "high-match" states (34.69 and 29.26 per 1,000 children, respectively); Massachusetts has roughly the median rate of child SSI participation (15.72 per 1,000 children); and Colorado has very low SSI participation (6.74 per 1,000 children).!® Additionally, Massachusetts and Colorado have reliable income data, which allow us to explore the sensitivity of our findings to including income in the model, as discussed previously. To make the estimation more tractable, we excluded rare health care utilization measures from the model that do not substantively differ between SSI recipients and non-SSI recipients. For indicators on types of health care utilization, we excluded characteristics that met two criteria: (1) fewer than 1 percent of SSI recipients and fewer than 1 percent of non-SSI recipients each have that type of claim, and (2) the standardized difference in the mean!! between SSI recipients and non-SSI recipients is less than 2 standard deviations. If we exclude the indicator for any utilization, we then also exclude the continuous measure for number of claims of that type.1? The exclusion is based on pooled data across all 32 "high-match" states. Given that these characteristics are extremely rare and not extensively different between SSI and non-SSI recipients, these characteristics are unlikely to meaningfully affect the estimated probabilities. In total we excluded 760 variables, such as claims where the service provider taxonomy group is either "Podiatric medicine and surgery service providers" or "Dietary and nutritional service providers." Across all states, the random forest model appears to generate reasonable and reliable estimates of the probability of SSI eligibility (Figure 3). Each bar in Figure 3 represents the group of child Medicaid recipients who fall into a bucket covering a range of 5 percent probability (e.g., the first bar on the left of each graph represents recipients with a 0 to 5 percent estimated probability). The bar then shows the percentage of children in that range who are on SSI (in light gray) and not on SSI (in dark gray). In all states, approximately 0 percent of those 10 Only Wyoming (6.72 per 1,000 children) and Hawaii (4.05 per 1,000 children) have lower rates of child SSI participation among "high-match" states. Yet because these states are also much lower in population than Colorado, and thus have fewer potential SSI recipients, they are subject to issues related to small sample sizes. We therefore prefer to present results for Colorado as the representative low participation state. 11 To calculate the standardized difference, we calculate an effect size that divides the log odds ratio between SSI recipients and non-SSI recipients by 1.65. 12 There are a few exceptions to this: emergency department visits, emergency department visits leading to inpatient stays, inpatient stays, nursing facility stays, and behavioral health treatment services. In these instances, we could drop the indicator if it did not meet the criteria, but its continuous counterpart would remain. 13 with the lowest probability are receiving SSI, as expected. About 90 percent of all non-SSI recipients have predicted probability less than 5 percent in Colorado, Louisiana, and Massachusetts (in Arkansas, only about 80 percent do). As the predicted probability of SSI receipt increases, so does the share of children who are actually receiving SSI. For example, about 20 percent of those with predicted probability of SSI receipt in the range of 20 to 25 percent receive SSI. Though there are very few (if any) children with very high probabilities, the general contours of this figure suggest that the model picks up important predictive information based on the health care utilization characteristics. This pattern is also not the result of the model overfitting: the pattern is nearly identical using only the testing sample that was left out when estimating the model (Appendix Figure 1). Figure 3. Distribution of SSI Receipt by Predicted Probability of SSI Receipt AR CcoO - . h - @ l @ © | © < | s N ™ o - -- o 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%A40-45%60-55%80-65%7 0-75%80-85%B0-95% 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%40-45%60-55%60-65%7 0-75%80-85%00-95% LA MA - - © © '| © © 'I < < ' o o™~ o o 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%40-45%b60-55%60-65%7 0-75%80-85%B0-95% 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%40-45%60-65%60-65%7 0-75%80-85%80-95% I NotonSSI I On SSI Notes: Indicates the share of children receiving SSI for each ventile of predicted SSI probability. If no children in a state have a probability sufficiently high, that bar is excluded from the figure (e.g., nobody in Colorado has a predicted probability above 80 percent). Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 14 Results We present three primary sets of results. First, we provide an estimate of the number of potentially eligible child SSI recipients, both as a raw number and as a percentage of current child SSI recipients. Second, we describe the characteristics of those who are potentially eligible, comparing these characteristics to child SSI recipients and to child non-SSI recipients. In each of these analyses, we show how results differ when we change the probability threshold for what constitutes a potential child SSI recipient. Finally, we also test the sensitivity of our results to the inclusion of income in the model.!3 Number of Potentially Eligible Child SSI Recipients A substantial number of children might be eligible for SSI based on their health care utilization but do not currently receive benefits (Table 2). For example, if everyone in the 32 "high-match" states with a predicted probability above 40 percent were to qualify for SSI, this would increase SSI participation by about 85,000, or 9.7 percent relative to the number of current child SSI recipients identified in the Medicaid data. Applying this percentage to the number of child SSI recipients from SSA administrative data in 2019, about 25,000 more children could be eligible in the "low-match" states that are excluded from our analysis. In total, with a probability threshold of 40 percent, there might be more than 110,000 children eligible for SSI. Instead using a more lenient probability threshold of 20 percent, the total number of potentially eligible children would be nearly 650,000. The numbers and shares are roughly similar if we use data from 2017 or 2018 (Appendix Tables 2 and 3). We focus on probabilities within this range based on the similarity between health care claims of child non-SSI recipients with such probabilities and those of child SSI recipients. As shown below, even those with predicted probabilities of at least 20 percent tend to have health care utilization that is similar to or slightly more intensive than that of the average SSI recipient. For those with predicted probability over 40 percent, the utilization is that much higher. Empirically, because SSI participation is so infrequent (overall, about 3 percent of child Medicaid recipients receive SSI; see Table 1), the model rarely produces high probabilities - for 13 We also considered a fourth analysis that would have extrapolated results from the state-specific models to a national estimate of the potentially eligible population given each state model. Ultimately, the assumptions and results from the model were not sufficiently reliable to include. For more detail, see Appendix A. 15 SSI recipients or non-SSI recipients. For example, Figure 3 shows that nobody in the four states has a predicted probability above 90 percent. Thus, even a "low" probability in the range of 30 percent might be thought of as corresponding to a high likelihood of SSI eligibility. Table 2. Potentially Eligible Child SSI Recipients Above Each Probability Threshold Predicted Number of As percentage of Number of children in Total number of probability ~ children in "high- current child SST "low-match" states Po'cnuially eligible v .. . children in United threshold match" states recipients applying same percentage States 10 percent 1,366,657 152.8% 400,264 1,766,921 15 percent 789,957 88.3% 231,361 1,021,318 20 percent 493,462 55.2% 144,524 637,986 25 percent 313,722 35.1% 91,882 405,604 30 percent 202,685 22.7% 59,362 262,047 35 percent 132,604 14.8% 38,837 171,441 40 percent 86,860 9.7% 25,439 112,299 45 percent 55,673 6.2% 16,305 71,978 50 percent 33,711 3.8% 9,873 43,584 Notes: The first column reports the total number of children across high-match states who are not receiving SSI but who have a predicted probability above the threshold. The second column expresses this as a percentage of the 894,687 total child SSI recipients across these 32 states within the Medicaid data. The third column multiplies this percentage by the 262,034 child SSI recipients in 2019 in the 18 low-match states and the District of Columbia from the SSI recipients by state and county report. Finally, the fourth column sums the first and the third columns to indicate the total number of potentially eligible children across the United States. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data and 2019 SSI recipients by state and county. The share of children likely to be eligible as a percentage of current child SSI recipients varies by state, with more potentially eligible children in the southern states that have high SSI participation (Figure 4). The map in Figure 4 calculates the number of child non-SSI recipients exceeding the 40 percent probability threshold in each state as a percentage of current child SSI recipients (referred to subsequently as the "percentage increase™). Maps considering other thresholds (10 percent, 20 percent, 30 percent, and 50 percent) are available in Appendix Figure 2, while the number of children potentially eligible at each threshold in each state is available in Appendix Table 4. The states with the highest percentage increases given the 40 percent threshold are California (16.2 percent), Louisiana (13.6 percent), Texas (11.6 percent), and Florida (11.4 percent). States with higher SSI participation per capita also tend to have larger percentage increases: a regression of the percentage increase on SSI participation per capita in 16 the state is significant and positive at the 5 percent level for every probability threshold except for 10 percent. Figure 4. Child Non-SSI Recipients with Probability of Receipt at Least 40 Percent, as Percentage of Current SSI Recipients P, o 5 . \/) Less than 2.0 l:] 20-59 . 6.0-10.9 . 11.0 or greater . States with unreliable SSI indicator Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. Our approach can also generate estimates of the share of children potentially eligible at the county level, which might be especially helpful for targeting outreach in specific geographic areas (Figure 5). Within states, the percentage increase often varies across county. These county-level statistics might be helpful to policymakers in considering where to target outreach efforts, potentially leveraging local networks. For example, local networks such as schools are important ways that children and families learn about SSI (Levere, Hemmeter, Wittenburg 2023b). SSA has recently deployed Vulnerable Population Liaisons who seek to help potentially eligible people within highly localized areas to apply for SSI. These sorts of local-level statistics can help ensure that resources are targeted to achieve the greatest impact, given a larger potentially eligible population. 17 Figure 5. Child Non-SSI Recipients with Probability of Receipt at Least 40 Percent, as Percentage of Current SSI Recipients, County-Level CO |'_ Lessthan20 | ] 20-59 |_| Less than 2.0 |j| 20-59 . 6.0-10.9 . 11.0 or greater . 6.0-108 . 11.0 ar greater LA | | tessthanzo [ | 20-59 [ ] tessthan20 [T] 20-59 . §.0-100 . 11.0 or greater B s0-109 Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. Health Care Utilization of Potentially Eligible Child SSI Recipients We next summarize characteristics among the group of children who exceed a given probability of SSI receipt, comparing them to children currently receiving SSI and those not receiving SSI. The structure of these figures (such as Figure 6) is as follows: the black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients. The red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all child 18 non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Note that at higher probabilities, the size of the non-SSI group with sufficiently high probability gets smaller. Figure 6. Number of Prescription Drug Claims, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt AR CO o o | 0 ™ w0 0 % I o ® % & @ s @ ® ® T ° ® . S . ° 5 © s o e S o e ® @ = @ o o Ew Eo = e e e e R e o e Z o - et AR R i e B B epi s e 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold LA MA o ] o | . . ) E 3 - £ o "8 T TS - J S¥ L . "E- 2 o 2. P = ? o |2 2 o o ® - 2 g %1 g o0 =z --_---ee-ee-e- e -_-_---- T e e B e s e e R SR e e R o o+ T T T 1 T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. Health care utilization for children with very high predicted probability of SSI receipt is very intensive, and often more intensive than that for average child SSI recipients (Figure 6). For example, in Arkansas, the average child SSI recipient had 14.4 prescription drug claims in 2019, while the average non-SSI recipient had 4.6 such claims. As children's probability of SSI receipt increases, so do their average prescription drug claims. For those with at least a 10 percent probability of SSI receipt, the average number of prescription drug claims is 13.6 (95 percent of the SSI recipient mean). Meanwhile, for those with at least a 50 percent probability, the average number of prescription drug claims is 22.7 (67 percent higher, or 157 percent of the SSI recipient mean). Patterns for prescription drug claims in other states are mostly similar, with 19 more such claims among SSI recipients than non-SSI recipients and differentially more intensive prescription drug claims with higher probability of SSI receipt. In Massachusetts, children with probability over 50 percent have more than double the average prescription drug claims of child SSI recipients in the state. Many of the children not currently receiving SSI with the highest probability have claims that signify they have a developmental delays chronic condition (Figure 7). This condition is quite rare among child non-SSI recipients, with fewer than 5 percent having it across the four states. Yet it is highly prevalent among those potentially eligible for SSI - for children with the highest probability of SSI receipt, more than half in Arkansas and two-thirds to three-quarters in Colorado and Massachusetts have a developmental delays chronic condition. Louisiana follows a different pattern, with this condition not appearing to be especially predictive of SSI receipt. Figure 7. Presence of Other Developmental Delays Chronic Condition, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt AR CcO = e ° | © @ . ® " ° . @ 0 ® @ 0 o o @ S« o 8« 4 ® E * ® v e e, * a 8 ol B te & o" &~ e e b o S e N N = T 1 T [ 1 T T T 1 T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold LA MA P = 4 @ © J © 4 ° . . L) e @ 0 o = o ® &« ] 8w @ g e 8 e {2 o] £ : s a o ) e @ » . w = - T il A T R i e iy I e e AR SR T T T T & T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Prabability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 20 The pattern of results for a given characteristic often differs across states, reinforcing findings related to heterogeneous local patterns in SSI participation. For example, the pattern of being prescribed medication for ADHD in Arkansas and Louisiana mostly follows that of prescription drug claims: children with the highest probability of SSI receipt have higher rates of ADHD prescriptions, with the prevalence even higher than that of current child SSI recipients (Appendix Figure 3). Yet in Colorado, the pattern is the opposite, as the higher the probability of SSI receipt, the lower the rate of being prescribed ADHD medications. Claims with a speech- language pathologist appear to be very predictive of SSI receipt in Arkansas: about 66 percent of those likeliest to be eligible for SSI had such a claim, nearly double the rate among current SSI recipients (Appendix Figure 4). Yet in Massachusetts and Louisiana, almost nobody has such a claim, meaning it is not an effective way to identify potentially eligible SSI recipients. These patterns reiterate the importance of taking a state-specific modeling approach, given that states can differ extensively in how they characterize certain types of claims. They are also broadly consistent with findings showing local variation in SSI eligibility and participation (e.g., Levere, Wittenburg, Hemmeter 2022). Patterns for other types of claims and conditions are available upon request, but are omitted for space constraints, !4 Importance of Income as a Predictive Variable Our results are similar when including or excluding family income in the predictive model (Table 3). Because many states do not have reliable income data, a concern is that if income were included in the model our findings would differ, or that the model may be identifying children who are in fact ineligible for SSI because of high family income. However, when we estimate models both including and excluding income in Colorado and Massachusetts, both of which have reliable income data, we find substantial overlap in the Medicaid beneficiaries identified as potentially eligible for SSI. For example, our main model including income yields 1,507 children in Massachusetts with a predicted probability exceeding 30 percent. Of this group, Table 3 shows that 75.8 percent of them (998) would still have predicted probability exceeding 30 percent if we re-ran the model with all the same characteristics but excluded income. 14 For the four patterns of claims presented in the paper and appendix, we also present analogous graphs in Appendix Figures 5 through 8 for four high population states: California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. 21 The models also do not identify children with high family income as potentially eligible for SSI, even when income is not included in the predictive model (Appendix Table 5). In Colorado, at least 98 percent of the Medicaid beneficiaries identified as potentially eligible at all probability thresholds between 10 and 50 percent had family income under 255 percent of the federal poverty limit. This is sufficiently low that a family might be likely to qualify for SSI: the income threshold to receive any SSI benefits is 235 percent of the federal poverty limit for families with one child and two parents and only earned income (Levere et al. 2019). In the model that excluded income, the corresponding number was at least 96 percent. In Massachusetts, over 90 percent of those identified as potentially eligible were on the lower end of the income distribution. Table 3. Overlap in Potentially Eligible Child SSI Beneficiaries between Models that Include and Exclude Income Predicted probability threshold Colorado Massachusetts 20 percent 79.4 84.1 25 percent 78.6 79.7 30 percent 75.1 75.8 35 percent 68.4 70.3 40 percent 64.1 66.2 45 percent 45.2 60.2 50 percent 47.4 60.0 Notes: The numbers in the table show the percentage of child Medicaid beneficiaries who have a probability that exceeds the predicted probability threshold in the random forest model that includes income as a predictor who also have a probability exceeding the same threshold in the random forest model that does not include income as a predictor. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. Conclusion We used machine learning tools to identify children potentially eligible for SSI based on their patterns of health care utilization. Many children not currently receiving SSI might be eligible. Depending on the probability threshold that is considered to represent potential eligibility, the increase relative to current SSI recipients could range from about 10 percent (40 percent threshold) to 55 percent (20 percent threshold). Those potentially eligible SSI recipients often have very intensive usage of health care, frequently exceeding those of current SSI recipients. 22 Given this, the critical question is how these findings can ultimately inform policy. An important first step might be data linkages across organizations, such as CMS and SSA. For example, if SSA could observe health care claims and essentially replicate the analysis done here with a consistently reliable measure of SSI participation, it might be able to conduct outreach to those likely to be eligible. Such an outreach effort would need to be mindful of privacy concerns. QOutreach might be most effective if it occurs through existing relationships, such as the child's and family's health care providers. A direct data linkage could also be used in making disability determinations: the local disability determination services could use recent health care claims in assessing whether someone meets SSA's definition of disability. This might help streamline the application process, making things simpler for the applicant (who would need to gather fewer medical records) and for the doctor (who would need to complete less paperwork). Another approach might consider combining the geographic results presented here with the findings and data presented in Levere, Wittenburg, and Hemmeter (2022); that analysis uses publicly available measures on socioeconomic deprivation to also identify geographic areas where many are likely to be eligible for SSI but are not yet receiving benefits. 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Zip-Code Level Socioeconomic Controls Measure Population aged 25 and older with less than 9 years of education Population aged 25 and older who completed at least a high school education Employed persons aged 16 and older in white collar occupations (management, business, science and arts occupations) Population aged 16 and older who are unemployed Owner-occupied housing units (home ownership rate) Households with more than one person per room Median monthly mortgage ($) Median gross rent ($) Median home value (8$) Median family income (§) Income disparity (ratio of people with income under $15,000 to people with income over $75,000) Families below poverty level Population earning less than 150 percent of the federal poverty limit Single parent households with children under 18 years old Households without a motor vehicle Households without a telephone Occupied housing units without complete plumbing Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all measures are percentages. 27 Appendix Table 2. Potentially Eligible Child SSI Recipients Above Each Probability Threshold, 2018 Data Predicted Number of As percentage of Number of children in Total number of probability children in "high- current child SSI "low-match" states PoLentially cligible v . . . children in United threshold match" states recipients applying same percentage States 10 percent 1,398,576 151.9% 401,261 1,799,837 15 percent 818,236 88.9% 234,757 1,052,993 20 percent 513,623 55.8% 147,362 660,985 25 percent 326,365 35.4% 93,636 420,001 30 percent 207,464 22.5% 59,523 266,987 35 percent 132,831 14.4% 38,110 170,941 40 percent 84,808 9.2% 24,332 109,140 45 percent 53,629 5.8% 15,387 69,016 50 percent 32,357 3.5% 9,283 41,640 Notes: The first column reports the total number of children across high-match states who are not receiving SSI but who have a predicted probability above the threshold. The second column expresses this as a percentage of the 920,753 total child SSI recipients across these 32 states within the Medicaid data. The third column multiplies this percentage by the 264,170 child SSI recipients in 2018 in the 18 low-match states and the District of Columbia from the SSI recipients by state and county report. Finally, the fourth column sums the first and the third columns to indicate the total number of potentially eligible children across the United States. Source: Authors' calculations using 2018 TAF data and 2018 SSI recipients by state and county. Appendix Table 3. Potentially Eligible Child SSI Recipients Above Each Probability Threshold, 2017 Data Predicted Number of As percentage of Number of children in Total number of probability children in "high- current child SSI ~ "low-match" states pot'entlall.y e11g.1 ble " . . children in United threshold match" states recipients applying same percentage States 10 percent 1,420,519 150.0% 405,768 1,826,287 15 percent 833,954 88.0% 238,217 1,072,171 20 percent 522,082 55.1% 149,132 671,214 25 percent 330,327 34.9% 94,357 424,684 30 percent 208,427 22.0% 59,537 267,964 35 percent 131,354 13.9% 37,521 168,875 40 percent 82,479 8.7% 23,560 106,039 45 percent 50,740 5.4% 14,494 65,234 50 percent 30,004 3.2% 8,571 38,575 Notes: The first column reports the total number of children across high-match states who are not receiving SSI but who have a predicted probability above the threshold. The second column expresses this as a percentage of the 947,240 total child SSI recipients across these 32 states within the Medicaid data. The third column multiplies this percentage by the 270,577 child SSI recipients in 2017 in the 18 low-match states and the District of Columbia from the SSI recipients by state and county report. Finally, the fourth column sums the first and the third columns to indicate the total number of potentially eligible children across the United States. Source: Authors' calculations using 2017 TAF data and 2017 SSI recipients by state and county. 28 Appendix Table 4. State-level Estimates of Potentially Eligible Population Number of Potentially Eligible Child SSI Recipients Above Each Probability current SSI Threshold State recipients (in Medicaid data) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 AL 23,167 28,680 16,936 11,090 7,413 5,004 3,292 2,124 1,332 810 AR 26,374 40,109 24,091 14,933 9,320 5,878 3,619 2,158 1,224 610 AZ 17,857 30,311 17,157 10,517 6,621 4,182 2,653 1,588 906 505 CA 104,448 149,265 85,197 59,574 44,113 32,768 23,792 16,966 11,559 7,139 CO 8,766 11,662 5,242 2,668 1491 815 436 200 96 34 CT 8,081 14,947 6,258 2,495 1,145 551 260 121 57 22 DE 3,282 3415 1,587 827 440 215 101 57 28 14 FL 103,450 155,150 89,258 55,729 36,048 24,436 16,906 11,754 7,865 4,972 HI 1,309 689 367 227 118 63 44 28 17 1-10 ID 4,529 6,184 3,179 1496 732 400 225 124 69 31 IN 21,413 31,018 17,829 10,770 6,674 4,128 2462 1396 775 365 KS 7,901 12,954 5,865 2,872 1325 560 230 97 44 13 LA 35,606 38,636 25,981 18,885 12,067 8,089 6,293 4851 3,620 2,543 MA 23,253 37,752 21,995 12,979 7,454 4348 2,534 1,366 726 352 MD 19,849 35,901 21,457 12,941 7,669 4,506 2464 1,260 599 271 ME 3,924 5,195 2,486 1,197 569 282 128 60 21 11 MI 35,134 48,782 27,308 16,089 9,966 6,478 4,411 3,024 2,069 1,281 MN 10,922 17,011 10,820 6,882 4,190 2,433 1,394 748 391 188 MS 20,446 33,050 18,516 10,954 6,089 3,245 1,661 847 430 210 MT 2,036 1,669 725 335 158 90 42 23 14 1-10 NC 37,434 58,808 35,541 22,650 13,198 7,645 4,818 3,225 2,134 1,373 NM 7,842 10,964 5,743 3,314 1,978 1,099 583 289 124 63 NV 9,129 10,460 5,317 3,083 1,769 1,007 583 305 162 90 NY 80,231 138,930 89,826 59,844 39,397 24,251 13,963 7,934 4,336 2,070 OH 45,296 81,178 47,272 27,984 16,661 10,266 6,431 4,010 2,346 1,315 PA 57,460 92,315 49,916 27,672 15,954 10,224 7,400 5,771 4,487 3,251 SD 2,104 2,239 746 277 101 38 19 1-10 1-10 1-10 TX 128,218 202,083118,367 76,396 50,655 33,934 22,803 14,881 9,407 5,717 WA 15,431 25,173 11,938 5,893 2,962 1422 548 153 23 1-10 WI 21,710 33,605 19,022 10,965 6,471 3,828 2220 1,314 701 380 wV 7,245 7,743 3,750 1,834 940 495 284 181 106 61 wY 840 779 265 90 34 1-10 1-10 0 0 0 Notes: The first column reports the total number of children flagged as eligible for SSI within Medicaid data. The subsequent columns report the number who have a predicted probability at least as high as the number in the column, who thus might be thought of as potentially eligible child SSI beneficiaries given the threshold. A value of 1-10 means that the number was too low to disclose the exact value. Simplifying by treating a value of 1-10 as 5, the total across all states within each column matches the number of children in "high-match" states column (Column 2) in Table 2. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 29 Appendix Table 5. Percentage of Potentially Eligible Beneficiaries with Family Incomes Below 255 Percent of Federal Poverty Limit Predicted Colorado Massachusetts probability Model Model Model Model threshold with income without income with income without income 10 percent 98.6 97.6 94.5 93.2 15 percent 98.6 97.5 95.2 934 20 percent 98.6 97.0 96.1 93.7 25 percent 99.1 97.0 96.8 94.4 30 percent 99.6 97.0 97.1 94.4 35 percent 99.7 96.6 97.3 94.2 40 percent 99.4 96.3 97.6 94.9 45 percent 98.5 97.7 98.4 94.2 50 percent 100.0 96.4 98.8 94.4 Notes: The numbers in the table show the percentage of potentially eligible child SSI beneficiaries who have a probability that exceeds the predicted probability threshold whose family income is below 255 percent of the federal poverty limit, which indicates that their income might likely be sufficiently low for them to qualify for SSI. We report these findings from random forest models that do and do not include income variables as predictive features. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 30 Appendix Figure 1. Distribution of SSI Receipt by Predicted Probability of SSI Receipt, Testing Sample Only AR CoO - - © @ © «©Q « < e o o o 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%40-45%560-55%60-65%70-75%80-85%00-05% 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%40-45%50-56%60-65%70-75%80-85%00-95% LA MA Ao - @ © © © < s o~ o~ o o 0-5% 10-15%20-25%30-35%A0-45%50-55%60-65%70-75%80-85%80-95% 0-5% 10-159%20-25%30-35%0-45%60-55%60-6594 0-75%80-85%40-95% B Noton SSI [ On SSI Notes: Indicates the share of children receiving SSI for each ventile of predicted SSI probability, using only those children in the testing sample (not included in estimating the random forest model). If no children in a state have a probability sufficiently high, that bar is excluded from the figure (e.g., nobody in Colorado in the testing sample has a predicted probability above 75 percent). Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 31 Appendix Figure 2. Child Non-SSI Recipients with Probability of Receipt Exceeding Threshold, as Percentage of Current SSI Recipients 10 percent threshold & A || Lessthan125.0 | | 125.0- 140 [ 1500- 1599 B 1600 0r greater [ states with unretiabie $s1 indicator 30 percent threshold G a Less than 10.0 | 100-19.8 . 200-249 . 25.0 or greater . Stales with unrefiable S81 indicator 20 percent threshold | | Lessthan300 | | 300-499 - 50.0- 50.9 . 60.0 or greater . States with unreliable S5/ Indicator 50 percent threshold Lessthan05 | | 0514 W 15-20 . 3.0 or greater . States with unreliable SS1 indicator Notes: Each panel shows the potential increase in child SSI recipients if all children with probability exceeding a given threshold were eligible for SSI. Each panel considers a different probability threshold. The 40 percent threshold is presented in Figure 3. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 32 Appendix Figure 3. Has ADHD Medication Prescription, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt AR CO © © | w0 S " @ B ° . = . 0 & . &~ &R 8" cE o S o™ QN @ [ o - ¥ 5 Wi e e e e g e s e - ° ad o ] et e . e e T T T T T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold LA MA < © - ° @ b ® b Y iy @ o ® ® * &< - * &< $ £ e 3 W 3 g™ . § Qo Q @ o | T o o R o oo o g R T R T T T T T T T 1 1 T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 33 Appendix Figure 4. Has Claim with Speech-Language Pathologist, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt AR CO M~ 4 ® M~ 4 e w ° w 4 ® o 0 @ . @ 0 o e ® o Efif_-. g - = = 8'?"!- 8«;_ @ @ oo fl_'-\!*. a ® e e ® é Pl S mas g e e e e S - 2 el o m---- T T T T T T T T 1 T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold LA MA ™4 P © | ©o o W4 @ - o £ 8o ~ = 8o 8o [<F} D oo ooy T -5 R T N T e o T T T T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 34 Appendix Figure 5. Number of Prescription Drug Claims, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt (High Population States) CA NY & & ' E ® g ® < < | ha i . F N . ® e e - = 5e- . o 5@ s ° @ s a @ 2 o o . Eiche B.in = - ____________________ 1 o o A T 1 I T T T T 1 T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold PA TX & o . * ° 0 ® @ ® @ .c% e o . " ® o .E 3 . a T * S ® Swo.le G w | ® @ g |® £ 0 E € o e e e e e = b i i e A i S e i T S T i S gl vt i s o o T T 1 1 T T T T T T 10 20 40 50 10 20 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 35 Appendix Figure 6. Presence of Other Developmental Delays Chronic Condition, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt (High Population States) CA NY r-l - M~ 4 o | © o @ - ;, -w = S« . . & & © e . Q o0 & o ™ ® 0 ET " . ® ® ° ° e . g N - ¥ ~- 1D T P S vy S S S - " - v . = R L e R e e T T T T T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold PA X ~ ™~ © 4 © 4 o O o 0 ® . g P ® 8 < S . E 2 2 3 fi_'l} e~ § oy 2 g e & e ® ¥ a o . * ® ° o . A " e el e T e R A e e i T T T T T T T T T T 10 20 40 50 10 20 40 50 Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 36 Appendix Figure 7. Has ADHD Medication Prescription, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt (High Population States) CA NY @~ o - 0 o @ Ev -] 'g'v " ® @ < ® % B, - W e e " T o - @ oy BN g g g B P o O -_-_-e-ee-eee-ee- e e e - e - - --_--- O 'I- ------------------- T 1 I T T T T 1 T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold PA X © - © @ 3. 4 . . 0+ ° a e ® @ ® ° o . . @ e o, ° = s e P g q - = g ™ - 2 g2 T o T o o - o -------------------- "____________________ o A o T T T T T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 37 Appendix Figure 8. Has Claim with Speech-Language Pathologist, by State, Receipt of SSI, and Estimated Probability of SSI Receipt (High Population States) CA NY ~ M~ 4 w0 4 w0 @ ) @ 0 o o S 3« c c g ™ g o - g o & o~ g ° ° 2 © ° o ° © T ) s e i e e e . e s s e e, B oy o1& = > & = o = = - T T T T T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold PA TX ~ - M~ 4 © © @ 0 @ 0 - o o © 1] TN 0 8. 8 & o & o Sle__m _-a_a 8 0 8 o o Cly_o o 9o o _ o 9 T T T T T T T T T T 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Probability threshold Probability threshold Notes: The black solid line represents the average value for all child SSI recipients, while the red dashed line represents the average value for all child non-SSI recipients. Each circle indicates the average among all non-SSI recipients in the state with probability at least that high. Source: Authors' calculations using 2019 TAF data. 38 Appendix A We considered an analysis that would extrapolate the results from each state-specific model to estimate the size of the potentially eligible population if national SSI patterns matched a given state's participation. In our main analysis, we use each state-specific model to estimate the probability of SSI receipt for each child in that state. This national extrapolation would use each state-specific model to estimate the probability of SSI receipt for each child in the entire country, including those states that do not have a reliable indicator of SSI receipt. The extrapolation exercise could be useful from a policy perspective in helping to understand some of the reasons why SSI participation is lower in certain states: for example, SSI participation may be relatively low in Colorado both because it has fewer children with marked and severe functional limitations, or because children with the same limitations do not qualify as frequently as they do in other states. Though we conducted this analysis, we did not include it in this paper because it did not produce reliable results. Two primary factors render the results of this national extrapolation exercise to be unreliable. 1. Data availability and characterization of claims differ across states. For example, in Colorado, which has reliable income data, income variables can be highly predictive of potentially eligibility. However, many states have missing income data for everyone. If the Colorado model only identifies people as potentially eligible who have low income, then applying the Colorado model to other states will lead few people to be identified as potentially eligible based solely on the difference in data quality. See Section V.C for results that test the sensitivity of our findings to including and excluding income in the model. A similar pattern emerges with characterization of claims - for example, in Arkansas having a claim with a speech language pathologist is predictive of SSI, but some states have no claims with speech language pathologists (perhaps because of billing processes, see Appendix Figure 4). 2. Part of the national extrapolation exercise relies on applying the predictive model in states where we do not know who currently receives SSI. Because SSI receipt is so rare, the predicted probability of SSI eligibility can be very low even for those receiving SSI: 39 for example, in Massachusetts more than half of SSI recipients have a predicted probability less than 20 percent (98.4 percent of non-SSI recipients have a predicted probability less than 20 percent). It is therefore hard to reliably estimate how many are potentially eligible in states where we cannot distinguish current SSI recipients from children who do not currently qualify. Though the national extrapolation exercise would have been an interesting analysis, it was not sufficiently informative to warrant inclusion in the paper. Beyond the two main factors noted above, it is also important to consider that Medicaid is ultimately a state-specific program. As emphasized in Section II, though all states must follow certain federal guidelines in developing their Medicaid programs, each state operates its own program. Caution therefore should always be warranted when considering national patterns regarding Medicaid recipients. Here, the two specific factors together with the local nature of Medicaid means that any results from the national extrapolation exercise are too unreliable to be included in the paper. 40 RECENT WORKING PAPERS FROM THE CENTER FOR RETIREMENT RESEARCH AT BOSTON COLLEGE Are Older Workers Good for Business? Laura D. Quinby, Gal Wettstein, and James Giles, November 2023 How Much Do People Value Annuities and Their Added Features? Karolos Arapakis and Gal Wettstein, November 2023 Experiences, Behaviors, and Attitudes About COVID-19 for People with Disabilities Over Time Amal Harrati, Marisa Shenk, and Bernadette Hicks, October 2023 Shared Households as a Safety Net for Older Adults Hope Harvey and Kristin L. 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