[':_]fi American Hospital Association™ New Polls of Nurses and Physicians Finds Advancing Healthin America The majority of nurses and physicians say that health insurer policies are a barrier to patient care. Nurses report insurers' administrative requirements: @ 0 Delay patients' access 0O to necessary care fifi 0 Reduce patients' G 0O quality of care Interfere with patients 63 % being transferred to the right care setting Physicians report insurers' administrative requirements: 0/ Affect their ability to O practice medicine © 2023 American Hospital Association | July 2023 | www.aha.org [i]fi American Hospital Association™ Advancing Health in America The burden of these policies is increasing. 82% Nurses report the amount of administrative paperwork required has increased in the past few years 94% Physicians think it has become more financially and administratively difficult to operate a solo practice These policies are driving physicians out of solo practices, and driving nurses away from the profession altogether. Nurses report that their job satisfaction has decreased due to insurer-required administrative tasks. 56% Physicians report that the administrative burden from payers (i.e. prior authorization, etc.) has an impact in their ability to operate a solo practice. 84% Need for Action Some commercial health insurers have implemented policies that affect physicians' and nurses' ability to practice medicine and provide high quality and timely care. These policies add billions of dollars in unnecessary administrative costs to the health care system while compromising patient care and burning out our caretakers. Commercial health plan abuses must be addressed to protect patients' health and ensure that medical professionals, not the insurance industry, are making the key decisions in patient care. Morning Consult surveyed nurses and physicians on behalf of the American Hospital Association. A nationally representative sample of 500 nurses responded to the poll between March 1 and March 10, 2023, and a nationally representative sample of 500 physicians responded to the poll between March 30 and April 7, 2023. The interviews were conducted online. The full survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. © 2023 American Hospital Association | July 2023 | www.aha.org