Topline KFF/CNN Mental Health in America October 2022 KFF METHODOLOGY This KFF CNN Mental Health Survey was designed and analyzed by public opinion researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) and CNN. The survey was conducted July 28-August 9, 2022, online and by telephone among a nationally representative sample of 2,004 U.S. adults. Interviews were conducted in English (n=1,942) and in Spanish (n=62). Sampling, data collection, weighting and tabulation were managed by SSRS of Glen Mills, PA in close collaboration with KFF researchers. Teams from KFF and CNN worked together to develop the questionnaire and analyze the data, and both organizations contributed financing for the survey. The sample includes 1,603 adults reached online through the SSRS Opinion Panel, including an oversample of parents (n=398). The SSRS Opinion Panel is a nationally representative probability-based panel where panel members are recruited randomly in one of two ways: (a) Through invitations mailed to respondents randomly sampled from an Address-Based Sample (ABS) provided by Marketing Systems Groups (MSG) through the U.S. Postal Service's Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS); (b) from a dual-frame random digit dial (RDD) sample provided by MSG. For the online panel component, invitations were sent to panel members by email followed by up to 4 reminder emails. Another 401 interviews were conducted from a random digit dial telephone sample of prepaid cell phone numbers obtained through MSG. Phone numbers used for the prepaid cell phone component were randomly generated from a cell phone sampling frame with disproportionate stratification aimed at reaching Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black respondents. Stratification was based on incidence of the race/ethnicity groups within each frame. The combined cell phone and panel samples were weighted to match the sample's demographics to the national U.S. adult population using data from the Census Bureau's 2021 Current Population Survey (CPS). Weighting parameters included sex, age, education, race/ethnicity, region, parental status, party ID, and education. The sample was also weighted to match patterns of civic engagement from the September 2017 Volunteering and Civic Life Supplement data from the CPS. The sample was also weighted to match frequency of internet use from the National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) for Pew Research Center. The weights take into account differences in the probability of selection for each sample type (prepaid cell phone and panel). The party ID parameter is from an SSRS benchmarking study run in June and July 2022. This includes adjustment for the sample design and geographic stratification of the cell phone sample, within household probability of selection, and the design of the panel-recruitment procedure. The margin of sampling error including the design effect for the full sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points. Numbers of respondents and margins of sampling error for key subgroups are shown in the table below. Sample sizes and margins of sampling error for other subgroups may be higher and are available by request. Sampling error is only one of many potential sources of error and there may be other unmeasured error in this or any other public opinion poll. KFF public opinion and survey research is a charter member of the Transparency Initiative of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. White, non-H non-H nic H ic identification Democrat n Other Total nts LGBT adults Notes for reading the topline: - Percentages may not always add up to 100 percent due to rounding. - Values less than 0.5 percent are indicated by an asterisk (*). - "Vol." indicates a response was volunteered by the respondent, not offered as an explicit choice - Questions are presented in the order asked; question numbers may not be sequential. KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 1 AGE, What is your age? AGE2. (ASK IF DON'T KNOW OR REFUSED AGE) Could you please tell me if you are between the ages of... (READ LIST) RECAGE2 VARIABLE 8/22 18-29 20 30-49 33 50-64 24 65+ 22 Don't know/Refused/Web blank (NET) * RGENDER. Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, or in some other way? 8/22 Man 47 Woman 52 Some other way 1 Don't know - Refused/Web blank - CHILD. Are you the parent or guardian of any child under the age of 18 living in your household? 8/22 Yes 25 No 75 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * Qi6. In general, do you feel (optimistic) or (pessimistic) about each of the following? (ROTATE ITEMS IN PARENTHESIS; ROTATE ITEMS A-C) Refused/Web Optimistic Pessimistic Don't know blank a. Your own future 8/22 80 17 2 * b. The future of the country 8/22 36 61 3 * c. The future of the planet 8/22 46 50 3 * IF CATI: This survey asks about your views and experiences with the topic of mental health. Your responses are confidential. If you are Ql. uncomfortable answering any question, you can just skip it. Do you think there is or is not a mental health crisis in the U.S today? 8/22 Yes, there is a mental health crisis 90 No, there is not a mental health crisis 9 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 1 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Qi1. In the U.S. today, do you think each of the following are a crisis, a problem but not a crisis, or not a problem at all? (ROTATE ITEMS A-F) Problem, but not a Don't know/Refused Crisis crisis Not a problem /Web blank a. Anxiety or depression in adults 8/22 45 52 3 * b. The opioid epidemic 8/22 69 26 3 2 c. Mental health issues in children and teenagers 8/22 55 41 3 1 d. Severe mental illness in adults 8/22 51 44 5 * e. Loneliness 8/22 25 62 11 1 f. Anxiety or stress caused by political events 8/22 39 52 8 1 Do you think that most people in the following groups are able or not able to get the mental health services they need? Don't know/Refused/ Yes No Web blank a. Adults in the U.S. 8/22 48 51 1 b. Children and teenagers in the U.S. 8/22 44 55 1 c. People like you 8/22 66 32 1 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q3. Thinking about mental health in the U.S., how big of a problem, if at all, is each of the following? (ROTATE ITEMS A-F; ALWAYS SHOW A & C TOGETHER WITH A ALWAYS FIRST) Don't Asmall know/Refused A problem (NET) A big problem problem Not a problem /Web blank a. Not enough mental health care providers, such as therapists or counselors 8/22 87 55 33 11 2 b. The cost of mental health care 8/22 95 80 15 3 2 c. Not enough mental health care providers, such as therapists or counselors, who take insurance 8/22 89 63 26 10 2 d. Stigma or shame associated with mental health problems 8/22 92 62 30 7 2 e. Lack of diversity among mental health care workers 8/22 73 39 35 25 2 f. Health insurance companies not covering mental health services like they do physical health 8/22 93 74 19 6 1 a4. How much of a role, if any, should each of the following play in helping address mental health problems in U.S. society today? (SCRAMBLE ITEMS A-F) Don't know/Refused A role (NET) Major role Minor role No role at all /Web blank a. Government 8/22 83 54 29 17 * b. Individuals and families 8/22 98 84 15 2 * c. Employers 8/22 90 44 46 10 * d. Churches and other religious organizations 8/22 85 39 46 15 1 e. Schools 8/22 95 64 31 4 * f. Family doctors or other health care providers 8/22 98 83 15 2 * KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 3 Q9. If you or a loved one was having a mental health crisis, would you (INSERT ITEM)? (ROTATE ITEMS A-B) Don't know/Refused/ Yes No Web blank a. Know who to call or how to seek help 8/22 72 27 * b. Know where to find mental health services 8/22 69 30 * Qs. Have you ever called 9-1-1 or another hotline while you or a loved one was having a mental health, alcohol or drug, or suicide crisis? 8/22 Yes 20 No 80 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * Q9c. If you or a loved one was having a mental health crisis, do you think calling 9-1-1 would do more to (help), do more to (hurt), or have no impact on the situation? (ROTATE TEXT IN PARENTHESIS) 8/22 Hurt 27 Help 52 No impact 19 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 1 Q9d. Why do you think it would hurt to call 911 if you or a loved one was having a mental health crisis? [OPEN-END] Based on those who think calling 9-1-1 would do more to hurt the situation 8/22 Police are untrained to deal with mental health/Safety concerns for people in mental health crisis 52 Would make situation worse/More stressful 18 Wouldn't receive proper help/Not the right resource 15 Don't want the police involved/Don't trust the police 13 Don't want it to result in an arrest/Record/Hospitalization 10 Don't want it to be a public matter/Avoid embarrassment/Stigma 7 Cost/Ambulance/Emergency room bills 4 Person would feel angry/Hurt/Might lose their trust 4 Safety concerns/Police acting aggressively towards people of color 3 Depends on the issue/Would only call under certain circumstances 2 Concerns about sedative/Drugs being used 2 Could have an impact on job/Unable to work 1 Want to save resources/Responders for emergency situations 1 Other 5 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * n=609 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q6. How much, if anything, have you heard about the new 9-8-8 mental health hotline that will help connect people with mental health services? 8/22 Have heard at least a little (NET) 44 Alot 7 Some 16 A little 21 Nothing at all 56 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * Q7. (IF RESPONDENT HAS NOT HEARD A LOT: As you may have heard,) 9-8-8 is the new three-digit number that helps callers reach services like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and other mental health services. How likely, if at all, would you be to call a 9-8-8 number if you or a loved one were experiencing a mental health crisis? (ROTATE 1-4/4-1) 8/22 Very/Somewhat likely (NET) 85 Very likely 45 Somewhat likely 40 Not very/Not at all likely (NET) 15 Not very likely 10 Not likely at all 5 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * READ/DISPLAY TO ALL: Moving onto another topic... Qi2. How would you describe your own (INSERT ITEM) at this time? Excellent/ Only Don't Very good Very fair/Poor know/Refused (NET) Excellent good Good (NET) Only fair Poor /Web blank a. Physical health 8/22 42 11 30 36 22 18 4 * b. Mental health or emotional well being 8/22 46 17 29 32 22 17 4 * Q13. How well, if at all, do you feel you are able to cope with things that are currently affecting your mental health or emotional well-being right now? (ROTATE 1-4/4-1) Based on those whose mental health or emotional well-being is good, only fair, or poor 8/22 Very/Somewhat well (NET) 78 Very well 13 Somewhat well 65 Not too/Not at all well 22 Not too well 19 Not at all well 3 Don't know/Refused/Web blank - n=1,058 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q15. Is each of the following a major source of stress, a minor source of stress, or not a source of stress for you? (ROTATE ITEMS A-D) Don't know/ A source of Major source Minor source Notasource Refused/Web stress (NET) of stress of stress of stress blank a. Your personal situation such as relationships with family members and friends 8/22 65 24 41 35 * b. Your work 8/22 56 24 33 41 2 c. Your personal finances 8/22 76 39 37 24 * d. Politics and current events 8/22 73 32 41 27 * qQis. The next questions are about how you feel about different aspects of your life. For each one, tell me how often you have felt that way in the past 12 months. (SCRAMBLE A-C; ROTATE 1-5/5-1) Don't Rarely/ know/ Always/ Never Refused/ Often (NET) Always Often Sometimes (NET) Rarely Never Web blank a. Lonely 8/22 21 7 14 28 51 29 23 * b. Depressed 8/22 21 6 15 33 46 29 18 * c. Anxious 8/22 33 11 22 34 33 23 10 * Q23. How comfortable, if at all, do you feel talking to relatives and friends about your mental health? (ROTATE 1-4/4-1) 8/22 Very/Somewhat comfortable (NET) 64 Very comfortable 26 Somewhat comfortable 38 Not too/Not comfortable at all 35 Not too comfortable 23 Not comfortable at all 12 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 1 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q23a. What is the MAIN reason why you don't feel comfortable talking to your relatives and friends about your mental health? (OPEN-END) Based on those who are not too or not at all comfortable talking to relatives and friends about their mental health 8/22 I'm a private person/Don't like sharing feelings 15 Shame/Stigma associated with mental health issues 14 Lack of understanding/Compassion 11 Fear of being judged 11 Don't want to be a burden or cause worry/Should deal with my own problems 8 They are not qualified to help, would not be able to help/Prefer to talk to professional 5 Don't want to admit weakness/Supposed to be strong 4 They don't believe in this/Would not listen 4 Hard to talk about/Don't like talking about it 4 They have their own problems 3 Don't have anyone/Not close enough to others 3 Feel nervous/Anxious/Afraid 2 Worried they would gossip/Tell others 1 Worried about their response 1 Hard to trust people 1 I don't want to sound like I'm complaining/Whining 1 Don't want to be made fun of 1 They're the reason for stress/Mental health issues * Other 10 Don't have mental health issues 1 Don't Know/Refused/Web Blank (NET) 2 n=693 Q22alt. Overall, has the coronavirus pandemic had a negative impact, no impact, or a positive impact on your children's mental health? Based on those who are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 8/22 Negative Impact 47 No impact 48 Positive impact 3 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 2 n=509 Q22followup.Has the coronavirus pandemic had a (major negative impact) or a (minor negative impact) on your children's mental health ? Based on those who felt the coronavirus had a negative impact on their children's mental health 8/22 Major negative Impact 36 Minor negative impact 64 Don't know/Refused/Web blank - n=237 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q22alt/Q22followup Combo Table Based on those who are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 8/22 Negative Impact 47 Major negative impact 17 Minor negative impact 30 Don't know/Refused/Web blank - No impact 48 Positive impact 3 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 2 n=509 Qi19. In the past 12 months, have you ever been unable to work or engage in other activities due to a mental health condition? 8/22 Yes 20 No 80 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * Q20. Has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you have a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety? 8/22 Yes 36 No 64 Don't know/Refused/Web blank - COVERAGE. Are you, yourself, now covered by any form of health insurance or health plan or do you not have health insurance at this time? (READ IF NECESSARY: A health plan would include any private insurance plan through your employer or a plan that you purchased yourself, as well as a government program like Medicare or [Medicaid/Medi-CAL])? 8/22 Covered by health insurance 87 Not covered by health insurance 13 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * AGECOV VARIABLE 8/22 Insured less than 65 84 Uninsured less than 65 16 n=1,522 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 8 COVTYPE. Which of the following is your MAIN source of health insurance coverage? Is it a plan through your employer, a plan through your spouse's employer, a plan you purchased yourself either from an insurance company or a state or federal marketplace, are you covered by Medicare or (Medicaid/[INSERT STATE-SPECIFIC MEDICAID NAME)), or do you get your health insurance from somewhere else? [INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF R SAYS THEY GOT INSURANCE THROUGH HEALTHCARE.GOV, OBAMACARE, OR A STATE HEALTH INSURANCE MARKETPLACE/EXCHANGE, CODE AS 3]. Based on those who are insured 8/22 Plan through your employer 34 Plan through your spouse's employer 12 Plan you purchased yourself 6 Medicare 23 Medicaid/[state-specific medicaid name] 18 Somewhere else (specify) 4 Plan through your parents/mother/father (Vol.) 4 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * n=1,801 Q24. In the past 12 months have (INSERT ITEM) received mental health services from a doctor, counselor, or other mental health professional? Item b based on those who are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 Don't know/ Refused/Web Yes No blank a. You 8/22 21 79 - n=2,004 b. Any of your children 8/22 28 72 - n=509 Q25. Did you receive mental health services mostly by phone or online, or mostly in-person? Based on those who received mental health services in the past 12 months 8/22 By phone or online only 40 In-person only 39 About an even mix of in-person and online or by phone 22 Don't know/Refused/Web blank - n=450 Q28. Was there a time in the past 12 months when you thought (INSERT ITEM) might need mental health services or medication, but didn't get them? Item b based on those who are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 Don't know/Refused/ Yes No Web blank a. You 8/22 27 73 * n=2,004 b. Any of your children 8/22 15 85 - n=509 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q29a. Q29b. What was the main reason you did not get mental health services or medication? (SCRAMBLE CODES 1-6) Based on those who thought they might have needed mental health services or medication but didn't get them 8/22 You couldn't afford the cost 20 You were afraid or embarrassed to seek care 20 You were too busy or couldn't get the time off work 20 You couldn't find a provider 13 Your insurance wouldn't cover it 8 You didn't know how to find services 7 You felt better/Dealt with it on your own (Vol.) 3 You didn't think it was urgent or necessary (Vol.) 2 You didn't think it would help (Vol.) 1 You had a long wait for an appointment (Vol.) 1 You were overwhelmed/Found it daunting (Vol.) * Or some other reason (Please specify) 6 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * n=531 What was the main reason your child did not get mental health services or medication? (SCRAMBLE CODES 1-7) Based on those who thought their child might have needed mental health services but didn't get them Insufficient sample size to report Generally speaking, if you needed mental health services, would you prefer to receive them ...? 8/22 Only in person 44 Only online or via telehealth 10 Have no preference 38 Don't want mental health services 8 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 10 Q27a. | Why would you prefer to receive mental health services in-person? [OPEN-END] Based on those who would prefer mental health services in-person 8/22 Prefer or are more comfortable in person/One-to-one 17 Feels more personal, more human contact 16 Want to see them/Be face to face/Eye-to-eye 14 Easier to express self/Communicate 13 Better to establish a relationship, connection, and build trust 10 More effective/Provider can better evaluate and diagnose 10 Offers more privacy, confidentiality, and security 5 Can better assess body language and reactions 4 Don't like or trust technology/Telehealth services 4 Easier (unspecified) 2 More likely to stay engaged/Less distracted 2 Better experience/Interaction 1 Dealing with serious issues/Topics 1 More confident that the provider is listening/Paying attention/Focused on you 1 More personalized attention 1 Want to be able to evaluate the provider 1 More meaningful * Can leave the house/Go to their office * Other 10 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 3 n=829 Q27b. Why would you prefer to receive mental health services online or via telehealth? [OPEN-END] Based on those who would prefer mental health services online 8/22 Convenience (NET) 40 Can do it from home/Don't have to go out/Commute 17 Convenience (unspecified) 15 Saves time/Fits busy schedule 7 Don't drive or have a car/Transportation 2 Have kids/Family to take care of 2 Easier access 2 Less stressful/Would feel less anxiety 14 Online/Telehealth (unspecified) 13 Easier or more comfortable to talk to someone online 10 More privacy 6 Easier (unspecified) 5 Avoid COVID-19 exposure 4 Safer 2 Feel less embarrassed/Judged 2 Other 18 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 1 n=216 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) Q33. Thinking about teenage children in the U.S., how worried are you about each of the following negatively impacting their lives? (ROTATE ITEMS A-F; ROTATE 1-4/4-1) Not Very/ too/Not at Don't know/ Somewhat Very Somewhat all worried Not too Not at all Refused/ worried (NET) worried worried (NET) worried worried Web blank a. Alcohol or drug use 8/22 84 48 36 16 11 5 * b. Eating disorders 8/22 67 27 40 33 24 9 * c. Self-harm 8/22 74 34 40 26 19 6 * d. Anxiety 8/22 82 40 42 18 13 5 * e. Depression 8/22 85 43 42 15 11 4 * f. Loneliness or isolation caused by the pandemic 8/22 75 36 39 25 19 5 * Q37. Do you have any family members who have ever (INSERT ITEM)? (ROTATE ITEMS A-F; ALWAYS ASK G LAST) Don't know/Refused/ Yes No Web blank a. Run away from home and lived on the streets because of mental health problems 8/22 14 86 * b. Experienced homelessness because of mental health problems 8/22 16 84 * c. Had a severe eating disorder requiring hospitalization or in-person treatment 8/22 8 92 * d. Received in-person treatment because they were thought to be a threat to themselves or others 8/22 28 72 * e. Had a drug overdose requiring an ER visit or hospitalization 8/22 21 79 * f. Engaged in cutting or other self-harming behaviors 8/22 26 73 * g. Committed suicide 8/22 16 84 * Q37 Summary Table 8/22 Yes to any item 51 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 12 Q38. How much of an impact, if any, did that family member's mental health issues have on (INSERT ITEM)? Based on those who answered yes to any Q37 item Don't Total impact A major A minor No know/Refused/ (NET) impact impact impact Web blank a. You, including your mental health 8/22 83 46 37 17 - n=1,019 b. You or your family's financial situation 8/22 57 22 35 43 * n=1,019 c. Your family's relationship 8/22 77 42 35 22 1 n=1,019 READ TO ALL: Now we have a few questions we will use to describe the people who took part in our survey... EDUC. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? (DO NOT READ LIST) [INTERVIEWER NOTE: Enter code 3-HS graduate if R completed vocational, business, technical, or training courses after high school that did NOT count toward an associate degree from a college, community college or university (e.g., training for a certificate or an apprenticeship)] 8/22 HS grad or less (NET) 36 Less than high school (Grades 1-8 or no formal schooling) 3 High school incomplete (Grades 9-11 or Grade 12 with no diploma) 6 High school graduate (Grade 12 with diploma or GED certificate) 28 Some college (NET) 28 Some college, no degree (includes some community college) 18 Two-year associate degree from a college or university 10 College grad+ (NET) 36 Four-year college or university degree/Bachelor's degree 18 Some postgraduate or professional schooling, no postgraduate degree 4 Postgraduate or professional degree, including master's, doctorate, medical or law degree 14 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * HISPANIC. Are you, yourself, of Hispanic or Latino background, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background? 8/22 Yes 17 No 83 Don't know * Refused/Web blank * KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 13 RACE. What is your race? Are you white, Black, Asian or some other race? (IF RESPONDENT SAYS HISPANIC ASK: Do you consider yourself a white Hispanic or a Black Hispanic? CODE AS WHITE (1) OR BLACK (2). IF RESPONDENTS REFUSED TO PICK WHITE OR BLACK HISPANIC, RECORD HISPANIC AS "OTHER," CODE 97) Race/Hispanic Combo Table Based on total 8/22 White, non-Hispanic 63 Black or African-American, non-Hispanic 12 Hispanic 17 Asian, non-Hispanic 6 Other/Mixed race, non-Hispanic 3 Undesignated 1 NATIVITY. Were you born in the United States, on the island of Puerto Rico, or in another country? Based on Hispanic adults 8/22 U.S. 50 Puerto Rico 4 Another country 46 Don't know - Refused/Web blank - n=299 EMPLOY. What best describes your employment situation today? 8/22 Employed (NET) 57 Employed full-time 45 Employed part-time 11 Unemployed (NET) 7 Unemployed and currently seeking employment 6 Unemployed and not seeking employment 2 A student 4 Retired 20 On disability and can't work 6 A homemaker or stay at home parent 6 Don't know/Refused/Web blank (NET) * Don't know - Refused/Web blank * PARTYCNN. In politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, or an independent? 8/22 Republican 29 Democrat 33 Independent 31 Other party 5 Don't know/Undecided/Refused 3 Web blank * KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 14 PARTYCNN2. As of today, do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party? 8/22 Democratic 27 Republican 29 Neither/Other 38 Don't know/Undecided/Refused/Web blank 5 n=752 PARTLEANCNN 8/22 Republican 40 Independent 17 Democrat 43 Undesignated - IDEOLOGY. Would you say your views in most political matters are liberal, moderate, or conservative? 8/22 Liberal 25 Moderate 40 Conservative 32 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 3 LGBT. Do you consider yourself to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender? 8/22 Yes 9 No 90 Don't know - Refused/Web blank * Q39. Do you or does anyone in your house own a gun? 8/22 Yes (NET) 36 Yes, me 17 Yes, another household member 11 Yes, me and another household member 8 No 63 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 1 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 15 CARE. Today, what kind of place, if any, do you usually go to when you are sick or when you need advice about your health? Is it: 8/22 A private doctor's office 60 Aneighborhood clinic or health center 18 A retail clinic at a place like CVS or Walgreens 2 A hospital emergency room 7 VA/Veterans' hospital/Military clinic (Vol.) 1 Urgent care (Vol.) 1 Hospital (Vol.) * Telehealth/online (Vol.) * University clinic/health center (Vol.) * Indian Health Service (IHS)/Native American clinic (Vol.} - Some other type of place 1 Do not have a usual source of care 9 Don't know * Refused/Web blank - CARE2. Do you have a health care provider that you trust to answer questions about your child's mental health, or not? Based on those who are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18 8/22 Yes 69 No 30 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * n=509 CARE3. Do you have a health care provider that you trust to answer questions about your own mental health, or not? 8/22 Yes 66 No 34 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * HHADULTS. How many adults, age 18 and over, currently live in your household including yourself? 8/22 1 21 2 48 3 18 4 9 5 2 6 or greater 2 Don't know/Refused/Web blank * KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 16 INCOME. Last year - that is, in 2021- what was your total family income from all sources, before taxes? Just stop me when | get to the right category. (READ LIST) 8/22 Less than $20,000 13 $20,000 to less than $30,000 10 $30,000 to less than $40,000 10 $40,000 to less than $50,000 9 $50,000 to less than $75,000 17 $75,000 to less than $90,000 10 $90,000 to less than $100,000 5 $100,000 or more 21 Don't know/Refused/Web blank 5 KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) KFF KFF Headquarters and Conference Center 185 Berry Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94107 650-854-9400 Washington Offices and Conference Center 1330 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-347-5270 This publication is available at Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues, KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California. KFF/CNN Mental Health in America (July 28-August 9, 2022) 18