Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know JULY 2021 AUTHORS Andrew Broderick, Valerie Steinmetz, Michael Benzinou, Sarah Carroll, and Hanna Helms Contents About the Authors 3 What Problems Can RPM Help Solve? Andrew Broderick, MBA, is research program director at the Public Health Institute (PHI); 4 What Do Providers Want and Need from RPM? Valerie Steinmetz, MPH, is program director at PHI; and Michael Benzinou, PhD, is founder 8 What Are Patients' Needs and Perspectives? of Elements Innovation. The Public Health 10 How Is RPM Currently Reimbursed in Medicaid Institute, an independent nonprofit orga- and Medicare? nization, is dedicated to promoting health, well-being, and quality of life for people 11 What Should Providers Know About Starting or throughout California, across the nation, and Scaling up a Program? around the world. 14 What Is the Outlook for RPM in the Safety Net? Sarah Carroll, MPH, is senior director, and Hanna Helms is senior manager at the Center 15 Appendices for Care Transformation, AVIA. A leading A. RPM Landscape Scan digital transformation partner for health care B. Patient Focus Group Findings organizations, AVIA provides unique market intelligence, proven collaborative tools across C. Key Informant Interviews a network of 50+ leading health systems, and 22 Endnotes results-based consulting to help solve health care's biggest strategic challenges. Acknowledgments Design by Dana Herrick; illustration by Miro Salazar. About the Foundation The California Health Care Foundation is dedicated to advancing meaningful, measur- able improvements in the way the health care delivery system provides care to the people of California, particularly those with low incomes and those whose needs are not well served by the status quo. We work to ensure that people have access to the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford. CHCF informs policymakers and industry leaders, invests in ideas and innovations, and connects with changemakers to create a more responsive, patient-centered health care system. California Health Care Foundation 2 T reatment and prevention of chronic illness Public Health Institute and AVIA, including literature threatens to overwhelm California's health care searches, stakeholder interviews, and focus groups of safety net - the provider and payer organi- safety-net patients and others. The report includes a zations that serve people with low incomes. Long landscape scan of some of the available tools geared stressed by workforce shortages, the safety net is to chronic condition management. The research was under increasing strain due to the rising prevalence done between November 2020 and February 2021 in of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabe- an extremely fast-evolving marketplace, so the infor- tes in the patient population. Encouraged by positive mation shown is not complete. The report addresses experiences with telehealth modalities during the several questions: COVID-19 pandemic, providers and payers are inter- $ What problems can RPM help solve? ested in additional ways to use technology for greater efficiency and access, including to facilitate chronic $ What do providers want and need from RPM? condition care and prevention. $ What are patients' needs and perspectives? $ How is RPM currently reimbursed in Medicaid Remote patient monitoring is a type and Medicare? of telehealth that involves the secure $ What should providers know about starting or scaling up a program? transfer of personal health and $ What is the outlook for RPM in the safety net? medical data to a provider for remote $ What is the landscape of emerging companies monitoring, care, and support. focused on RPM? To do so, some providers across the health care spec- trum have incorporated remote patient monitoring (RPM) into their workflows. RPM is a type of telehealth What Problems Can RPM that involves the secure transfer of personal health and medical data to a provider for remote monitor- Help Solve? ing, care, and support. Although not yet widely used Some 14 million Californians are living with at least one among California's safety-net providers - in part chronic condition, and more than half of this group because of current Medicaid reimbursement policy have multiple chronic illnesses. Cardiovascular disease - RPM offers potential for mitigating access bar- is the most common, affecting 36.4% of the popula- riers and facilitating care management for patients tion; this condition is also the most costly, accounting who have chronic conditions or have warning signs of for 16% of all health care costs in the state. More than such illnesses. Providers see the potential for RPM to 2.3 million California adults report having been diag- improve connections with patients outside clinic walls, nosed with diabetes, representing one out of every 12 integrate services across the continuum of care, maxi- adults in the state. Among patients with type 2 diabe- mize workforce efficiency, expand access to care, and tes, cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of reduce health inequities. mortality and morbidity.1 Three in 10 adult Californians are affected by high blood pressure.2 This report was commissioned by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) to offer providers, pay- A disproportionate share of Californians with chronic ers, and policymakers basic information about RPM illness depend on Medi-Cal, the nation's largest and its potential application in the safety net. The Medicaid program, for their health coverage. One report is based on research conducted separately by in three of the state's residents - 13 million people Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 3 - are enrolled. Unfortunately, patients seeking care in What Do Providers Want the safety net are disproportionately affected by trans- portation, technology, language, cultural, and other and Need from RPM? barriers.3 The pandemic further hampered their care; Safety-net providers have observed the effectiveness while an estimated 41% of all US adults delayed or of telehealth in facilitating care for patients with dia- avoided medical care because of COVID-19 concerns, betes, hypertension, and heart disease, as well as the these rates were higher among communities of color positive impact of telehealth on mortality, quality of and people with disabilities.4 life, and preventable hospitalizations. Research shows that RPM solutions are particularly beneficial in serving Safety-net providers are hindered in their ability to com- the overlapping population health needs of people prehensively manage and prevent chronic illness as a with chronic conditions, individuals over 65, and those result of inadequate resources, including an insufficient who have difficulty accessing health services on a reg- supply of health professionals and frontline workers, ular basis because of transportation or other barriers.7 especially in primary care and prevention. The system is further constrained by imbalanced geographic distri- Benefits of RPM include maximizing the roles of non- bution of health workers in rural regions and inner-city physician members of the care team, such as nurses urban areas and by limited cultural and language con- or medical assistants; shifting care to a progressively cordance between providers and populations.5 lower acuity setting; and supporting patient self-care. Organizational experience with the adoption of RPM at scale in the US health care system indicates RPM Nearly 700 hospitalizations per 100,000 can lead to significant improvements in the quality people are potentially preventable through and cost of care and enhance performance on key outcome measures.8 Providers, therefore, are inter- effective chronic care management and ested in the potential for RPM to address resource access to primary care. and capacity challenges while improving the ability to manage chronic illness care. However, while a number Rates of avoidable hospitalizations in California are of small-scale pilots and use cases have demonstrated highest among Medi-Cal beneficiaries; nearly 700 the effectiveness of RPM, it has largely remained an hospitalizations per 100,000 people are potentially underutilized resource in the safety net. preventable through effective chronic care manage- ment and access to primary care.6 Such numbers point Literature searches, stakeholder interviews, and focus to unnecessary suffering for people with chronic condi- group findings point to factors that may advance tions as well as unnecessary expense for the safety-net acceptance and widespread use of RPM among safety- system. Providers, payers, and all Californians have an net providers. These factors are summarized here. interest in leveraging technologies that can assist in the management of chronic illnesses. Integration into electronic health records. Clinicians note that applications should be compatible with elec- Providers and patients, while they share the same tronic health records (EHRs) to facilitate uploading of overall goal for RPM tools - better management of patient health data at clinic appointments and shar- chronic conditions - also bring separate perspectives ing data remotely when adjustments to medications about the best means to get there. Some specifics are are needed. Integration with EHRs ensures that RPM discussed in the following two sections. data are not stored in separate silos of information that may complicate access. "It needs to show up in front of my eyeballs when I'm seeing patients, and it has to be delivered to me in a way that I don't have to California Health Care Foundation 4 jump through hoops to sign into a different website," Providers noted that the automation of data flowing asserted Dr. Ida Sim from the University of California, into the physician office, together with algorithms that San Francisco (UCSF). "It's got to be right within the surface important insights for the physician, can help workflow." alleviate patient concerns and allow them to maintain or improve their quality of life. Interviewees reported that such data monitoring is most useful with diabe- "It needs to show up in front of my eyeballs tes, hypertension, and to a lesser extent heart failure, based on evidence in literature reviews. when I'm seeing patients, and it has to be delivered to me in a way that I don't have to Connected versus nonconnected devices. Safety- jump through hoops." net providers often weigh the pros and cons of using "connected" or "nonconnected" devices: - Dr. Ida Sim, UCSF $ Connected RPM devices automatically transmit data through the internet or a cell phone into an Many applications and vendors (including all of those analytics platform that providers and patients use included in the RPM landscape scan in Appendix A) to view the data and manage care. Such con- do have the ability to exchange information with vari- nected devices lessen the number of manual steps ous EHR systems. However, integration may be costly required for patients and providers to collect and and time-consuming for providers. While acknowl- deliver data. However, the connected devices are edging that integration is ideal, many of the providers more expensive than nonconnected devices - in interviewed for this report - including those featured some cases twice as expensive - with integration in the case studies - were willing to pilot RPM solu- into the provider's EHR system being yet another tions prior to beginning an EHR integration. expense. Clinical decision support. Providers value the poten- $ Nonconnected devices require patients to manu- tial for RPM to allow them to see their patients' health ally report health measures such as blood sugar and data from outside of the clinical setting and to see blood pressure through a patient web portal, by these data more regularly. The use of algorithms can text message, or during a visit with their provider. enhance monitoring by providing trend information Many clinics choose such low-tech RPM meth- and alerting clinicians of the need for patient follow- ods because of cost factors and limited access to up when readings are out of range. EHR data capture internet or cellular data. However, these solutions can be continuous but is more often encounter- require the provider to develop workflows to cap- based, especially in the safety net. Dr. Danielle Oryn ture data and may present additional challenges if from Redwood Community Health Coalition (RCHC) readings are not accurately reported by patients. explained: "Right now, patients can enter data to the portal, but an encounter is what triggers providers Providers and other stakeholders emphasized the receiving it. Patients could take 600 values between need for RPM program operations and workflows visits and we don't know about it." Because some to be thoroughly considered before a technology is providers lack staff or resources to manage RPM pro- selected. Cindy Keltner of the California Primary Care grams, including drawing real-time insights from the Association noted, "Our clinics are very concerned data, certain vendors offer clinical care management with the workflow implications in terms of monitor- services along with devices and software. ing, managing, and acting on data as it streams in electronically." Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 5 Figure 1 illustrates the difference between a connected and nonconnected device for remote patient monitoring. The box on page 7 includes two case studies detailing the use of connected and nonconnected devices. Figure 1. Patients Communicating with Their Health Care Providers: Connected Versus Nonconnected Devices Connected Nonconnected California Health Care Foundation 6 CASE STUDIE S Nonconnected Versus Connected Solutions for Hypertension Management Axis Community Health (Axis). In 2020, Alameda Northeast Valley Health Corporation (NEVHC). County–based Axis, which serves more than 15,000 Providing comprehensive primary health care annually patients annually, partnered with CareSignal, a remote to more than 83,000 medically underserved residents patient monitoring company. The project's aim was to of Los Angeles County, NEVHC is piloting a project reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension, focusing on patients diagnosed with uncontrolled avert emergency department (ED) visits, and advance hypertension. NEVHC is partnering with Rimidi, a health equity. Axis began outreach to their highest-risk cloud-based software platform that combines patient- patients beginning in 2017, using community health generated health data with clinical data from the EHR workers, medical assistants, and nurses. Axis discovered system to drive patient-specific clinical insights and that patients were ready for simple technology after actions. The pilot, which has a goal of reaching 50 observing that appointment reminder texts achieved patients in 2021, is financed through a one-time grant. a more than 95% continuous engagement rate and a Unlike NEVHC's previous RPM efforts, which relied dropout rate of less than 5%.* on patient self-reporting, this pilot will test a more Axis created an algorithm that identifies patients at automated and integrated RPM system while using con- risk for poor health outcomes and sends an SMS text nected devices. Under the supervision of the director message inviting them to enroll in CareSignal. Using of quality and health education, NEVHC staff will enroll nonconnected devices, patients text their blood patients in the program, review daily alerts of elevated pressure when prompted by CareSignal and receive blood pressure based on established algorithms, com- educational nudges, evidence-based check-ins, and municate blood pressure values and recommendations targeted feedback. Messages are in English or Spanish. to providers, and conduct patient follow-up. Patients do not need to download an app or be con- The aim is to reduce patients' cardiovascular disease cerned about excessive data plan usage. To address the scores, improve HEDIS measures, and reap financial racial health inequity gap, Axis's identification algorithm savings through a decrease in the need for in-person incorporates patient race and ethnicity. visits and higher levels of care. The program will also The program was financed through grant support. Early make it easier for providers to share educational results will be measured in mid-2021. Axis expects resources and to determine when to further engage improved hypertension control after one year of patients to keep them on a healthy track. Outcome data comparing Uniform Data System (UDS) and the measures to assess the effectiveness of the pilot include National Committee for Quality Assurance's Healthcare baseline blood pressure values; values at monthly Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) rates intervals; duration to get blood pressure under control; year over year. Axis plans to enroll up to 4,000 patients medication adjustments; lifestyle recommendations; in phases over the next two years and sees potential and patient, provider, and care team satisfaction. to scale the solution to other chronic conditions in the NEVHC plans to use the pilot outcomes to secure future future. funding and scale the program. *See more at R. M. Peters et al., "Assessing the Utility of a Novel SMS- and Phone-Based System for Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients: Feasibility Study," JMIR Cardio 1, no. 2 (2017): e2; and "Case Study: How the Largest FQHC in Colorado Prepared for the Shift from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Care," CareSignal, accessed May 23, 2021. Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 7 What Are Patients' Literature searches, stakeholder interviews, and focus group findings point to factors that may drive or hin- Needs and Perspectives? der acceptance and widespread engagement with RPM enables patients to track their health data over RPM among patients in the safety net. Some of the time, identify trends, access educational information, factors affecting patient engagement with RPM are and conveniently stay in touch with providers between summarized here. visits. Focus groups conducted for this report con- firmed that patients feel empowered by being able Barriers to technology use. Despite their growing to see data trends and patterns and connecting these interest in using telehealth and RPM, potential users with what is happening with their health. Providers in the safety net face significant obstacles to benefit- noted that patients become more engaged as they ing from digital technology.11 Such "digital exclusion" better understand their results - like how blood pres- poses great problems among specific groups, includ- sure or blood glucose readings can improve over time. ing people over 65, individuals with disabilities, and Providers also observed that patients are often more people of color. Nearly a quarter of adults lack basic willing to change medication or dosing based on digital skills, and 10% have never used the internet.12 better understanding their home monitoring results. Many patients in the safety net lack connectivity and "This has proved to an unexpected positive," noted internet/Wi-Fi at home, and rural access to broadband Debra Rosen of Northeast Valley Health Corporation is often a serious challenge. In fact, rural counties are (NEVHC). 10 times as likely as urban areas to have little broad- band access, to be located in areas where diabetes is widespread, and to experience physician short- ages that are more than double the national average. Focus groups confirmed that patients Further, households with fewer devices and limited feel empowered by being able broadband may prioritize applications for school or to see data trends and patterns work over those for telehealth and RPM. and connecting these with what is Such obstacles make it critical that people's living situ- happening with their health. ations and languages, and the social determinants of health such as health literacy and digital access, are factored into decisions about RPM adoption. Research confirms that many people served in the Fortunately, as noted by Dr. Oryn of RCHC, "most safety net are interested in using RPM innovations. One patients have cell phones," which are more common study found that the overwhelming majority of people than computers or Wi-Fi access. "A significant por- of color in an urban, underserved area with access to tion of our patients just got computers at home when digital health-compatible devices were either using or their kids started online school because of COVID," were interested in using such technology in manag- Oryn added. However, even those with cell phones ing their health.9 Another study demonstrated high may face problems such as having service cut off, adherence within vulnerable populations. A Federally data plans exceeded, or phone numbers changed. In Qualified Health Center (FQHC) successfully used selecting communication modalities for populations, an automated identification and outreach system to it is important to note that SMS,13 text, and phone deliver tailored self-management education to a pop- do not require the patient to have internet access to ulation that was high-risk and low-income.10 engage - unlike digital applications, portals, and websites. Appendix A lists vendor solutions that use SMS, text, and phone. California Health Care Foundation 8 Specific features of RPM programs have been shown SMS, text, and phone approaches do to correlate with sustained engagement. For exam- not require the patient to have internet ple, studies found that smartphone notifications access in order to engage - unlike digital can motivate users toward reaching their health tar- gets and that enabling connectivity to diabetes care applications, portals, and websites. teams for remote blood glucose monitoring and medication adjustments in real time can be effective.15 Debra Rosen of NEVHC underscored the value of tex- Multimodal content, including videos, and the ability ting modalities in the safety net. "Texting is a key part to have direct contact with the provider were found to of the patient-provider-clinic interaction," she said. be predictors of a higher adherence level. Research "Whatever can be done through texting with patients also points to the effectiveness of diabetes education is preferred. We send links to sign up for classes via videos, patient forums, support groups, and live chat text; we text all the time with our patients." with health coaches.16 Applications related to dia- betes, research shows, are most effective if they are Supporting patient enrollment and training. comprehensive - not focused on a single aspect of Introducing patients to RPM devices, helping them diabetes management such as food choice.17 Training understand the data, and providing education on staff in motivational interviewing also has been found chronic disease management can lead to more to encourage continued patient engagement. engaged patients, the research shows. Many ven- dors (and all of the vendors listed in Appendix A) Providing patients a sense of support. The focus offer enrollment and technical support for onboarding groups and literature provide many examples of the new patients. Provider staff can play a critical role. For critical importance of users' perception of support. example, the diabetes-focused RPM program at the For instance, this was a key driver of adherence with University of Mississippi uses registered nurses (RNs) an automated text-messaging platform, with partici- to work with caseloads of 200 patients each. The RNs, pants reporting that they received emotional support who are skilled in motivational interviewing, provide from reading and responding to the messages; this support and encourage engagement. Such skills have was particularly true among participants who spoke proved crucial for this initiative. Patients' HbA1c levels Spanish.18 have dropped an average of 1.7 percentage points, patients' weight has decreased, and no patients have been hospitalized or visited the ED.14 Sustaining patient engagement over time. Technologies hold little benefit if they cannot maintain user involvement, which can erode over time as a result of problems like requirements for repetitive data entry. The research underscores the importance of identify- ing users' needs and involving them in the design of new technologies as a strategy to drive higher adop- tion and sustained engagement, which are directly correlated with effectiveness. For example, in a study involving patients with diabetes, high levels of patient activation and engagement with RPM were associated with better glycemic control outcomes. Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 9 How Is RPM Currently Medicaid state policies. Medicaid telehealth policy varies from state to state, and coverage for RPM is Reimbursed in Medicaid lacking in most states. As of September 2020, only 21 states provided some form of reimbursement for and Medicare? RPM in their Medicaid programs: Alabama, Alaska, The cost of starting and sustaining a RPM program is a Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, crucial concern for safety-net providers. Costs include Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, staffing, software, devices, and integration with the Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah, EHR system and workflow. Expenses are often covered Vermont, and Virginia. Two states (South Carolina and by grants over a limited time frame to secure devices Washington) eliminated sections of their manuals that and pay for staffing. But without sustained RPM reim- provided reimbursement for remote patient monitor- bursement tied to cost savings or improved clinical ing. Two additional states (Hawaii and New Jersey) outcomes, providers may not be able to continue pro- have laws requiring Medicaid reimbursement for RPM, grams after grant support has ended. Reimbursement but no official written policies. Further, many of the policies nationwide, in the various states, and in states that offer RPM reimbursement have restrictions California are briefly discussed in this section. associated with its use. The most common of these restrictions include offering reimbursement only to home health agencies, restricting the clinical condi- Without sustained RPM reimbursement tions for which symptoms can be monitored, and tied to cost savings or improved clinical limiting the type of monitoring device that can be used and the type of information that can be collected.22 outcomes, providers may not be able to continue programs after grant support has ended. Payer Seizes Opportunity Partnership HealthPlan of California (PHC) is working to make RPM available to patients with diabetes Medicare. In 2019, the Centers for Medicare & despite the exclusion of FQHCs from reimburse- Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced new Chronic Care ment under Medi-Cal. In its model, the plan Remote Physiologic Monitoring codes in Medicare, primarily pays for the RPM solution and works with including codes for setting up the RPM equipment, primary care providers to implement it. Currently, PHC is conducting a small-scale pilot of Gojji, a monitoring the data, interacting with patients, and tech-driven chronic condition management program reimbursing for 20-minute segments. A year later, the focused on diabetes. Medicare policy was expanded to include additional Patients can obtain a variety of nonconnected reimbursement for more than 20 minutes per month of devices at any pharmacy with a prescription from RPM services.19 In 2021, CMS further specified billing the provider, and in response to the pandemic, the requirements and identified which providers may bill health plan added direct distribution by mail. Distri- for RPM: namely, only physicians and other provider bution to patients has increased from 100 devices types eligible to provide evaluation and management per month to 500 per month. Dr. Robert Moore, services, including care teams under the supervision PHC's chief medical officer, said the health plan's goal is to improve patient outcomes through better of a physician.20 RPM is covered for individuals who diabetes control. Nonconnected diagnostic devices are dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. available through direct distribution include scales, In California, 11 percent of the population (1.4 million blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, and ther- people) are dually eligible; safety-net providers may mometers. Therapeutic devices available include be reluctant to implement RPM solutions that could nebulizers, humidifiers, and vaporizers. be offered only to a small portion of their patient population.21 California Health Care Foundation 10 Medicaid reimbursement in California. Medi-Cal Dr. Tearsanee Davis, who participated in an RPM pilot does not currently reimburse provider time spent on program at the University of Mississippi - leading to RPM. Certain devices, such as blood pressure cuffs reimbursement from Medicaid in that state - noted and glucose meters, are covered by Medi-Cal as dura- that the education piece set the program apart from ble medical equipment. The most recently passed what was already out there. She said that the uni- California state budget (FY  2020 –  21) authorized versity built its RPM program on top of a successful remote patient monitoring as a telehealth modality and educational program from the American Diabetes allows DHCS to determine payment. More details will Association. Dr. Davis cautioned: "Do not approach be available once DHCS releases guidance about how this work as what technology solution is the best. this new modality will be implemented. In his January Layer the technology aspect onto the program. It's 2021 budget proposal, Governor Gavin Newsom pro- more about the individual wanting to keep the con- posed coverage of RPM for chronic health conditions nection to their nurse or health coach." if the intervention is intended to improve outcomes and quality of life and reduce mortality and hospital and nursing facility admissions. Proposed reimburse- "Do not approach this work as what ment would include one-time setup and education, technology solution is the best. Layer the remote monitoring of physiological parameters, and interpretation and communication back to the patient. technology aspect onto the program." Although FQHCs and rural health centers (RHCs) may - Dr. Tearsanee Davis, University of Mississippi be excluded from reimbursement, DHCS is consid- ering the use of RPM services in the context of an alternative payment methodology.23 Some Medi-Cal Invest in organizational change management. health plans have begun partnering with primary care Despite the commonly acknowledged benefits of providers to pilot RPM interventions; test technology RPM, it has not been broadly deployed at scale. A criti- solutions; and evaluate cost, outcomes, and return on cism has been that technology is generally introduced investment. conservatively in health services with the aim of deliv- ering small improvements rather than transforming how services are delivered. Technology interventions What Should Providers like RPM require health systems to have an organiza- tional culture that supports innovation, in addition to Know About Starting or the necessary technical resources. Early RPM adopters found that facilitating change management was key Scaling up a Program? to effective implementation. Providers may need to Literature searches, stakeholder interviews, and focus adapt their operating model by redefining care path- groups conducted for this report offer some guidance ways, staff roles, and care protocols. All of this requires for starting RPM programs and sustaining them over the development of new workforce competencies to time. implement the cultural, legal, financial, and techno- logical changes required to adopt and sustain RPM at Use RPM as a tool within a wider program. Numerous scale. experts pointed to the need for RPM to be integrated within a fully developed chronic disease management program that includes appropriate staffing. "RPM is a tool you use that is part of your bigger program. If you don't build a good program, technology is not going to help you," observed consultant Kathy Duckett. Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 11 Identify key performance indicators. Because the Build a business case. It is important to determine the value proposition for RPM spans virtually all patient size of the population that will be impacted so that RPM populations and types of care, providers have a wide companies can estimate the expected enrollment and range of choices in piloting and scaling services. In the continued engagement rates. The monetized value of planning process, providers will need to identify and the key performance indicators can be calculated by prioritize short-term and long-term use cases, target estimating what would be lost through inaction; for populations, and measurable goals. Data analysis can example, inaction may result in lost revenue, contin- identify unmet needs, priority populations, untapped ued no-shows, or other such outcomes. Also estimate revenue potential, quality score improvements, and what would be gained through the intervention, such patient appetite for simple technology solutions. as patient engagement and retention. Data extrac- These data can be used to establish key performance tion, EHR integration, and results analysis should be indicators, which are then employed to measure spe- taken into account. cific results of the program. Table 1 provides examples of key performance indicators often measured by Providers can share their business case with nearby stakeholders. hospitals, health systems, and health plans to justify a collaborative approach to funding and implementing For example, a safety-net provider may be motivated RPM. to increase primary care visits and reduce no-shows among patients with more than one chronic illness; a Providers can use their business case neighboring hospital may be interested in reducing avoidable ED visits and readmissions among its Medi- to discuss partnership opportunities Cal population; and a regional health plan may want with RPM companies, hospitals, health to improve HEDIS quality scores and reduce total cost of care for some or all members. This systematic plans, and community health centers. approach to goal setting can lead to supportive part- nerships and sustainable change. Safety-net providers Test the value of RPM solutions. In fee-for-service may find health plans to be a natural place to start, models, providers can use at least three levers to test given their accountability for outcomes. RPM in the absence of Medi-Cal reimbursement: (1) greater care team efficiency; (2) increase in preventive and follow-up appointments; and (3) added revenue for dually eligible patients. Achieving any of these outcomes can improve access, convenience, satisfac- tion, and clinical outcomes for patients, while yielding stronger relationships and deeper loyalty to the health center. Serving dually eligible patients with RPM is now encouraged by CMS with Medicare reimbursement. Table 1. Key Performance Indicators SAFETY-NET PROVIDERS HOSPITALS/HEALTH SYSTEMS PAYERS/HEALTH PLANS $ Primary care visits and no-show rates $ Avoidable ED visits $ HEDIS quality measures $ Patient satisfaction and retention $ Avoidable hospitalizations $ Star quality and service measures $ Provider satisfaction and retention $ Length of stay $ Member satisfaction $ Patient safety from exposure to viruses in clinic $ Readmissions $ Medical loss ratio $ Incentives for payer-established outcomes $ Inpatient capacity $ Total cost of care $ Clinical outcomes (e.g., blood pressure, HbA1C) $ Provider satisfaction and retention California Health Care Foundation 12 In risk-bearing models, providers have tested RPM in The Veterans Administration (VA) credits its patient value-based demonstrations. For example, in New identification algorithm for the VA's high rate of suc- York State, the Staten Island Performing Provider cess (see sidebar). Because adherence to RPM tools System partnered with Wellth to reach out to the varies widely among patient subgroups, there is highest-risk Medicaid and uninsured patients with potential benefit from first deploying tools that diabetes. Enrollees reduced their average HbA1c assess baseline health literacy and digital health lit- level by 1.29 percentage points, from 10.05 to 8.76. eracy levels, which may affect patients' acceptance of In addition, ED services decreased by 92%, and pre- technology use in their health care. UCSF S.O.L.V.E. ventable short-term diabetes complications dropped Health Tech (Surmounting Obstacles for Low-Income by 77%.24 Providers wishing to build a financial impact and Vulnerable Populations Everyday Using Health estimate with this example can estimate a yearly sav- Technology) published sample questions for screen- ings per enrolled patient of $1,056, or $88 per person ing patients' digital needs (PDF).28 per month, and multiply by the number of enrollees expected or observed to experience fewer emergen- cies and complications.25 The VA Systematized RPM at Scale The VA routinized virtual care, including RPM, Ensure interoperability. The transition toward a into standard care delivery practice for patients digital health system requires the support of interop- with chronic conditions. Virtual care has been erability between existing technologies, including shown to support patient self-management, shift data communication between hospitals, pharmacies, responsibilities to nonclinical providers, and reduce laboratories, and other health services. Because ven- hospitalizations for target populations. dors may change over time, it can be useful to ensure The VA developed a patient classification system reproducible pathways for data to be written into to help categorize patients on the basis of the the EHR system. One solution is the use of SMART complexity of their care and an algorithm to assign RPM solutions accordingly. The algorithm uses on FHIR, which allows interoperability of RPM vendor indicators related to physical and cognitive abilities, data from the vendors' applications directly to the such as manual dexterity and literacy level. Patients EHR system.26 are reassessed on a quarterly basis. Care coordinators credit the use of the algorithm Match technologies with patients. Engagement and in reaching high levels of patient satisfaction and success require identifying patients who need and can compliance with the VA's home telemonitoring benefit from RPM tools and matching these patients care model.* with the most appropriate technologies. For exam- *See "Connected Care Programs," US Department of Veterans ple, providers may want to start with nonconnected Affairs; Andrew Broderick, "The Veterans Health Administration: Taking Home Telehealth Services to Scale Nationally," Case devices and SMS text-based solutions if broadband is Studies in Telehealth Adoption, January 2013, Commonwealth limited,27 patients are more mobile, homelessness is Fund; and Adam Darkins et al., "Care Coordination/Home Telehealth: The Systematic Implementation of Health Informatics, prevalent, or the population is especially difficult to Home Telehealth, and Disease Management to Support the reach and engage. Care of Veteran Patients with Chronic Conditions," Telemedicine Journal and E-Health 14, no. 10 (December 2008): 1118 – 26; and Home Telehealth Operations Manual, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Connected Care, December 2017. Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 13 Promote equitable solutions. Stakeholders affirmed What Is the Outlook for the importance of ensuring that vulnerable popula- tions are not left behind. Cultural responsiveness is RPM in the Safety Net? critical in designing solutions that reflect the linguistic, The limited research that exists indicates that RPM health literacy, and cultural norms of the populations programs can deliver strong clinical outcomes when they are intended to benefit. In addition, solutions applied to safety-net populations. should take into account physical limitations such as vision or hearing loss, tremors, and neuropathy among But for such solutions to reach their potential, basic users. It is important to train staff to support a varied barriers must be resolved to make these technologies population of individuals in the use of the technology. available to more people. Broadband infrastructure needs improvement, especially in rural areas that are home to many people who are vulnerable and iso- lated. Health information technology grants can help. How-Tos for Equitable Access For example, the Connected Care Pilot Program will A toolkit developed by UCSF's Center for Vulnerable Populations and the Commonwealth provide up to $100 million to support the provision of Fund offers guidance in equitably expanding connected care services, including costs of broadband digital health tools: "Telemedicine for Health connectivity, network equipment, and information Equity Toolkit," Center for Care Innovations, services necessary to provide care to the intended October 17, 2020. patient population.29 Another pressing need is for additional research, Enable patient control. The research for this report especially for studies with larger sample sizes, more underscored the importance of patient trust. Since diverse geographic and population representation, they provide personal health data voluntarily, patients and deployment in primary care settings. Research is need to have a sense of control over the data, as well also needed on implementation practices and integra- as clarity about what the health care organization will tion into new care and payment models. The Agency do with the data. Cautioned Dr. Ida Sim of UCSF, for Healthcare Research and Quality recommended "Without that kind of transparency and account- that future research promote broader implementation ability, I think that we have trouble with maintaining and practice-based studies. trust." Kyle Zebley from the American Telemedicine Association emphasized the centrality of patient trust. The most valuable information, experts said, would "It is going to be a huge leading indicator for how come from rigorous, large-scale evaluations of the private insurance and state Medicaid agencies will be clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of RPM pro- able to begin to empower their own patients with that grams, conducted by provider organizations with kind of ownership," he said. research funding. Such a fiscal impact analysis would support changes in coverage and payment that would in turn facilitate broader market adoption. California Health Care Foundation 14 Appendix A. RPM Landscape Scan Overview of Use Cases and Capabilities for Remote Patient Monitoring RPM solutions have been designed for a wide range of uses, with chronic condition management (the focus of this report) being just one. Connected and nonconnected devices that convey clinical and educational information between patients and providers are also helpful for diagnostic purposes, to help patients monitor their health after a hospital stay, and to support people who are frail or elderly with living independently at home; see Table A1. Table A1. Remote Patient Monitoring Use Cases CHRONIC CONDITION DIAGNOSTIC POST-ACUTE TRANSITIONS MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING Patient Healthy individuals People recovering from People with chronic diseases: People who are frail or population with potential risk: surgeries: defined rehabili- condition management elderly: support for aging of focus cardiology, pregnancy, tation, postsurgical for heart failure, diabetes, at home sleep recovery, hospital-level hypertension, and pulmo- care in home nary disease Value of Improve patient Improve convenience Improve patient conve- Improve patient conve- RPM convenience and for patients, decrease nience, reduce costs nience and ability to live access inpatient costs, and related to readmissions at home, reduce costs increase capacity within and length of stay, improve related to readmissions hospitals population health and length of stay Company Babyscripts, iRhythm Current Health, CareSignal, Health Recovery Care Innovations, examples Reflexion Health Solutions, Rimidi VitalTech The design and capabilities that RPM solutions offer can be simple or very comprehensive; see Table A2. Table A2. RPM Solutions for Chronic Care Management: Basic and Advanced Capabilities BASIC CAPABILITIES ADVANCED CAPABILITIES Provider $ Collect clinically relevant information $ Offer evidence-based guidance on care navigation workflow $ Leverage a variety of Food and Drug $ Provide a dedicated implementation team for training Administration–approved, patient-centered and workflow change management biometric devices and measurement tools $ Deliver clinical support through a multidisciplinary team $ Support condition- and patient-specific (e.g., health coach, community health worker) workflows and care pathways $ Triage and treat patients (e.g., virtual or in-person visit, $ Deliver alerts for patients and caregivers by increased education, medication changes) condition based on predetermined parameters $ Customize reporting metrics specific to care plans or $ Leverage predictive algorithms to identify conditions potential health conditions and levels of risk $ Document clinical and financial data and trends $ Provide dashboards for providers, patients, $ Integrate into workflow through EHR systems, care and caregivers management, or population health platform $ Support broad range of use cases $ Offer pricing flexibility and ability to support risk-based contracting $ Automated time tracking and billing support Patient $ Deliver reminders to collect and share data $ Offer users logistical, onboarding, and technology engagement support (e.g., kit delivery, device support, training to use) $ Acquire information from users through simple interactions with limited steps $ Connect to patient-owned devices $ Offer culturally responsive, condition-specific $ Built with incentives to drive adoption, usage, education adherence to care plan, and goal completion (e.g., gamification) $ Support multimodal communication (e.g., click to call, Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Needtext, chat) with artificial intelligence capabilities to Know 15 RPM Solutions for Chronic Care Management: Vendor Landscape Tables A3 and A4 provide examples of vendors that offer remote patient monitoring solutions. Table A3 highlights whether those vendors offer features that providers consider important, as noted in the research, interviews, and focus groups conducted for this report. Table A4 highlights whether those vendors offer the features considered important by patients themselves (see page 17). This is not an exhaustive list of companies. Table A3. RPM Vendors: A Provider Perspective IMPORTANT FEATURES FOR PROVIDERS CLINICAL CARE MANAGEMENT CLINICAL CONNECTED NONCONNECTED EHR COMPANY SUPPORT DECISION SUPPORT DEVICE DEVICE INTEGRATION Alertive Healthcare* 4 4 4 4 Care Innovations 4 4 4 4 CareSignal 4 4 4 Certintell Telehealth* 4 4 4 Health Recovery Solutions 4 4 4 LucidAct Health* 4 4 4 m.Care 4 4 4 Memora Health* 4 4 4 4 Optimize Health* 4 4 Pack Health* 4 4 Rimidi 4 4 4 VitalTech 4 4 4 4 Wellth* 4 4 4 *Company with founders identifying as women and/or people of color. Note: Solution company features, functions, and other comparable characteristics were collected by AVIA in vendor interviews, written responses to questions, qualitative customer interviews, and online research performed in fall/winter 2020. California Health Care Foundation 16 Table A4. RPM Vendors: A Patient Perspective IMPORTANT FEATURES FOR PATIENTS PHONE: LIVE OR INTERACTIVE VOICE ENROLLMENT AND COMPANY SMS TEXT RECORDING (IVR) LANGUAGE(S) TECHNICAL SUPPORT Alertive Healthcare* 4 4 English and Spanish 4 Care Innovations English and Spanish 4 CareSignal 4 4 English, Spanish 4 Certintell Telehealth* 4 4 English and Spanish 4 Health Recovery Solutions 4 4 English, Chinese, French, German, 4 Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese LucidAct Health* 4 4 English, Cantonese, Korean, 4 Mandarin, Spanish m.Care 4 English and Spanish 4 Memora Health* 4 4 English, Creole, Mandarin, 4 Spanish, Swahili, Vietnamese Optimize Health* 4 4 English only 4 Pack Health* 4 4 English, Spanish 4 Rimidi 4 English and Spanish 4 VitalTech 4 English only 4 Wellth* 4 English, Russian Spanish 4 *Company with founders identifying as women and/or people of color. Note: Solution company features, functions, and other comparable characteristics were collected by AVIA in vendor interviews, written responses to questions, qualitative customer interviews, and online research performed in fall/winter 2020. Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 17 Appendix B. Patient Focus Group Findings The research for this report included five focus groups Cons. Some results, especially if out of range, made with patient advisory boards and patients in the safety participants unsure if they could trust the device. net in California. Two gatherings were conducted When blood pressure readings were high, for exam- in Spanish and three in English. They were held in ple, some said they would rest for 5 to 10 minutes Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kern, Santa Clara, and and test again. Some individuals noticed differences Alameda counties. Nineteen participants provided between a glucose meter and a CGM, making them feedback on connected and non-connected RPM question the accuracy of the CGM. solutions, discussing what they liked and disliked about each solution and if they found it appealing and Another concern was the need to carry an extra the information trustworthy. Participants were also device, like a glucometer or a reader for a CGM, at asked what types of individuals would benefit most all times. If the device were connected to a phone, from these types of technologies and if they would be they would just need to bring their phone with them, interested in using a solution like this. Answers were which many do anyway. Some did not want to manu- on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being not interested at all ally enter data into the device to transmit to a clinician, and 10 being very interested). preferring to record their data in a notebook and call in or bring in their results. One person said they would Non-Connected Devices prefer to self-report by phone or video rather than Pros. Participants felt more familiar with non-con- manually enter data, concerned with their typing skills nected devices and some already had glucometers and potential to make errors. and blood pressure cuffs. Overall, they felt the process of writing down their recordings and self-reporting is Participants felt that individuals who would benefit easy. Patients reported feeling empowered by being the most from unconnected devices are those who able to see data trends and patterns and connecting are more active. Most focus group participants rated that with what is happening in their bodies. Due to TV these devices as something participants would be advertising, patients in the Los Angeles County area very interested in using (mean: 9.6; range: 5 to 10). were already aware of and interested in blood sugar testing devices that do not require a finger prick, a Connected Devices continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that requires Pros. Participants felt that using a connected device subcutaneous insertion of sensor and attachment of enabling their clinician to see their data would lead a transmitter for sending data to an external device to less frequent visits. One participant put it this way: reader, allowing them to check their blood sugar "Don't waste my time and I won't waste your time." anytime. They said testing with this device occurred Some found benefit in how connected devices could more frequently, helping the person understand the store data in the cloud, making data accessible in relationship between how they were feeling and their an emergency or if a device or logbook were lost or blood sugar level. Such a device can keep track of stolen. Many thought that the automation of data glucose readings longer than the traditional meter, communication reduced the chance of human error. which was also a plus. Patients with grandchildren said Others said they would save time by not having to they felt more at ease without the potential harm from record and document data in logbooks. sharps being around the house. Automation of some devices, like the inflation of the blood pressure cuff is Cons. A concern of patients about connected devices preferred by some participants because there is less was that the care team could see the device readings chance for user error. anytime. The care team might notice if the patient with diabetes, for example, was "bad" and had a sweet dessert, spiking blood sugar. "The device would be California Health Care Foundation 18 telling on me," said one participant. There were also Key Takeaways concerns that many people do not have Wi-Fi or inter- The top requirement for all types of devices was net connectivity at home, and it would be costly for user friendliness and the availability of training from patients to get this service. Many commented that the health organization. Cost was noted as a signifi- some patients, particularly those over 65, may not cant barrier, and most people associated connected be comfortable using devices or connecting them devices with higher cost. One participant felt that the to Wi-Fi or hotspots and that such solutions may be higher cost of a connected device could be offset by harder to use than those with nonconnected devices. feeling empowered by the knowledge of one's health Participants also had privacy concerns about who status. Similarly, in reference to connected devices, received the data with connected devices. Most were some participants said that their health is "numero comfortable with the health care providers having uno" in priority and that the cost could be offset by access to the information but did not want device com- the benefit of not having to prick one's finger with a panies or outside groups having access. Participants traditional glucometer and by having more continuous wanted to be sure their personal identifying informa- monitoring and direct communication with providers. tion was safe, along with sensitive information such as HIV/AIDS status. With either solution, participants strongly felt that trainings and hosted classes on how to use the devices Participants felt that those who would benefit the would be needed. All preferred the option of having most from connected devices would be individuals access to staff or a health coach to provide support. who are unable to leave their home often. Most focus All agreed they would have greater confidence using group participants rated these devices as something a device that their clinician recommended over choos- participants would be interested in using (mean: 8.5; ing one on their own at a retail pharmacy. Some range 7 to 10). participants reported the desire to send and/or receive data via text message regardless of whether they used a connected or nonconnected device. Finally, participants were concerned about the lack of instructions, prompts, and support for devices in lan- guages other than English (e.g., Spanish and Chinese). Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 19 Appendix C. Key Informant Interviews NAME ORGANIZATION Veenu Aulakh, MSPH Center for Care Innovations Alexis Auman American Telemedicine Association Kirk Barnes Rimidi Steve Berman AMC Health Sebastien Blanchard Noteworth Anita Browning Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center Howard Chapman Tri-Area Community Health Grace Chen LucidAct Health Amber Christ, JD Justice in Aging Tearsanee Davis, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP University of Mississippi Medical Center Kathy Duckett K. Duckett Consulting Rashann Duvall, JD Federal Communications Commission Pramod Gaur, PhD Pace University Seidenberg School of CSIS Ray Goforth SilverCloud Health Brian Greene Care Innovations Cheryl Hammil, MS, RN Medical University of South Carolina Steve Hendrix m.Care Eric Ido-Bruce Vivify Health Aisha Iqbal Community Clinic Association of LA County Brantley Jolly, MD Department of Health and Human Services Shadi Kanaan California Primary Care Association Cindy Keltner, MPA California Primary Care Association Elaine Khoong, MD, MS Center for Vulnerable Populations, UCSF Kathryn King, MD Medical University of South Carolina Elizabeth Kirkland, MD Medical University of South Carolina Joe Kvedar, MD American Telemedicine Association Mei Kwong Center for Connected Health Policy Doug Lang Health Recovery Solutions Trong Le California Primary Care Association Carlin Lee Optimize Health Ben Lefever Certintell Telehealth California Health Care Foundation 20 NAME ORGANIZATION Patrice Little San Fernando Community Health Center Robert Longyear Avenue Healthcare Matt Loper Wellth Shameet Luhar Vheda Health Blake Marggraff CareSignal India McGee, JD Federal Communications Commission Robert Moore, MD, MPH, MBA Partnership HealthPlan of California Matt Moyer, MPH Community Clinic Association of LA County Anitha Mullangi, MD, MHCM St. John's Well Child & Family Center David Ofman, MD SF Community Clinic Consortium Danielle Oryn, DO Redwood Community Health Coalition Amit Pabla Axis Community Health Dhiren Patel Pack Health Sunita Patolia, PharmD, PhD Mike Rakotz, MD, FAHA, FAAFP American Medical Association Karen Rheuban, MD Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center Beth Rittenhouse-Dhesi, MS SF Community Clinic Consortium Debra Rosen, RN, MPH Northeast Valley Health Corporation (NEVHC) Kian Saneii Independa Manav Sevak Memora Health Nirav Shah Alertive Healthcare Ida Sim, MD, PhD, FACMI UCSF Matt Stark Current Health Tanya Tucker University of Mississippi Medical Center Lori Uscher-Pines, PhD, MSc RAND Corporation Irene Walela California Department of Aging, Long-Term Care and Aging Services Division Victor Wang Kathy Hsu Wibberly, PhD Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center Greg Wozniak, PhD American Medical Association Charlotte Yeh, MD AARP Services Peter Yellowlees, MBBS, MD UC Davis Health Kyle Zebley American Telemedicine Association Remote Patient Monitoring in the Safety Net: What Payers and Providers Need to Know 21 Endnotes 1.Paul M. Brown, Mariaelena Gonzalez, and Ritem Sandhu 16.Frank J. Snoek and T. Chas Skinner, "Psychological Aspects Dhaul, "Cost of Chronic Disease in California: Estimates at of Diabetes Management," Medicine, vol. 34 issue 2 the County Level," Journal of Public Health Management and (February 1, 2006): 61–2. Practice 21, no. 1 (January/February 2015). 17.Sherry Pagoto et al., "Evidence-Based Strategies in Weight- 2.Jen Joynt, "2020 Edition - Quality of Care: Chronic Loss Mobile Apps," American Journal of Preventive Medicine Conditions," California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), 45, no. 5 (2013): 576 – 82. July 22, 2020. 18.Jessica L. Watterson et al., "Improved Diabetes Care 3."Medi-Cal Monthly Eligible Fast Facts" (PDF), California Management Through a Text-Message Intervention for Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), Low-Income Patients: Mixed-Methods Pilot Study," JMIR November 2020. Diabetes 3, no. 4 (October–December 2018): e15. 4.Mark E. Czeisler et al., "Delay or Avoidance of Medical Care 19.Nathaniel M. Lacktman, "Medicare Remote Patient Because of COVID-19–Related Concerns - United States, Monitoring: CMS Finalizes New Code and General June 2020," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Supervision," Health Care Law Today (blog), Foley & Lardner September 11, 2020. LLP, November 5, 2019. Meeting the Demand for Health: Final Report of the 5. 20.State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Policies (PDF), California Future Health Workforce Commission (PDF), Center for Connected Health Policy, Fall 2020. California Future Health Workforce Commission, 21.As of June 2020, there are 1,421,612 full-benefit dually February 2019. eligible enrollees in California. California Health and 6.Joynt, "2020 Edition - Quality of Care: Chronic Conditions." Human Services (CHHS), CHHS Open Data Portal, "Month of Eligibility, Dual Status, by County, Medi-Cal Certified 7.Andrew Broderick and David Lindeman, "Scaling Telehealth Eligibility" (2010 to the most recent reportable month), Programs: Lessons from Early Adopters," Commonwealth June 2020. Fund, January 30, 2013. 22.State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Policies. 8.Broderick and Lindeman, "Scaling Telehealth Programs"; and Rashid Bashshur et al., "The Empirical Foundations 23."Post-COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Telehealth of Telemedicine Interventions for Chronic Disease Policy Recommendations: Public Document" (PDF), State of Management," Telemedicine and e-Health 20, no. 9 California - Health and Human Services Agency, DHCS, (September 2014): 769– 800. February 2, 2021. 9.Mary-Catherine Stockman, Katherine Modzelewski, and 24.Wellth reduces HbA1c level by 1.29 percentage pointsin Devin Steenkamp, "Mobile Health and Technology Usage by high-risk diabetes population. "Outcomes: The Impact of Patients in the Diabetes, Nutrition, and Weight Management Wellth," Wellth case study, accessed May 24, 2021. Clinic at an Urban Academic Medical Center," Diabetes 25.Christopher M. Whaley et al., "Reduced Medical Technology & Therapeutics 21, no. 7 (July 2019): 400 – 5. Spending Associated with Increased Use of a Remote 10.Alison A. Lewinski et al., "Addressing Diabetes and Diabetes Management Program and Lower Mean Blood Poorly Controlled Hypertension: Pragmatic mHealth Self- Glucose Values," Journal of Medical Economics 22, no. 9 Management Intervention," Journal of Medical Internet (May 8, 2019). Research 21, no. 4 (April 9, 2019): e12541. 26."A Decade of Smart," Boston Children's Hospital 11.Matthew Honeyman, Phoebe Dunn, and Helen McKenna, Computational Health Informatics Program, accessed A Digital NHS? An Introduction to the Digital Agenda and May 24, 2021. Plans for Implementation (PDF), King's Fund, September 2016. 27.Note that open source sites like and Ookla. 12.Honeyman, Dunn, and McKenna, A Digital NHS?. com show broadband access and usage down to the neighborhood level. 13.Note that SMS texts are limited to 160 characters/spaces and cannot include pictures, audio, or video. 28.Sample Questions (PDF), University of California, San Francisco, Center for Vulnerable Populations, Zuckerberg 14.From an interview with Tearsanee Carlisle Davis, DNP, San Francisco General Hospital, accessed May 23, 2021. FNP-BC, Center for Telehealth, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, December 3, 2021. 29."Connected Care Pilot Program," Federal Communications Commission, accessed June 1, 2021. 15.Sahar Ashrafzadeh and Osama Hamdy, "Patient-Driven Diabetes Care of the Future in the Technology Era," Cell Metabolism 29, no. 3 (March 5, 2019): 564 –75. California Health Care Foundation 22