CHART BOOK: A PROFILE OF HEALTH COVERAGE FOR MISSISSIPPI ADULTS November 2019 Overview Researchers from the State Health Access UNINSURED ADULTS Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) at the Mississippi County-Level Data University of Minnesota compiled Mississippi UPDATE PUBLISHED JULY 2017 data from the 2017 United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) at the request of the Center for Mississippi Health Policy. The ACS asks a representative sample of households about their health insurance coverage. This chartbook summarizes the responses provided by nonelderly (19 through 64 years of age) Mississippi adults. This chartbook also includes a summary of the responses provided by Mississippi employers who were asked about health insurance offered in 2017. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) conducts the survey, known as the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). A related fact sheet (see image on the left) detailing the number, percentage, and trend of nonelderly uninsured adults for each county in Mississippi is also available at www. 2 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Health Coverage by Type in the United States & Mississippi, 2017 70% Nonelderly adults in Mississippi have 60% 63.5% significantly (p<.05) lower rates of private health insurance coverage than U.S. adults 58.2% (employment-based and military 58% vs. 50% 64%. Mississippi’s nonelderly adults have slightly 40% lower rates of public health insurance coverage at 15.5% compared to U.S. 30% nonelderly adults at 15.7%. Public coverage includes programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. 20% 18.2% Uninsurance rates are also significantly 15.7% 15.5% (p<.05) higher among nonelderly adults in 10% 12.2% Mississippi at 18% vs. 12% nationwide. 8.6% 8.1% 0% Private Private Public Uninsured* (Employment-Based (Purchased) & Military)* United States Mississippi Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. *Note: statistically significant difference (p<.05). 3 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Percent of Health Coverage by Type in Mississippi, 2012 - 2017 60% 58% 58% 55% 55% 56% 56% Statewide trends in health coverage rates for nonelderly adults with any type of private 50% coverage (military and employment-based or privately purchased) or public coverage showed increases from 2012 to 2016. 40% A decrease in uninsurance rates occurred over the same period. The drop in 30% uninsurance rates is driven more by 25% 25% increases in private coverage than public 22% coverage. 20% 19% 18% 18% 15% 15% 13% 16% 16% 16% 10% 7% 8% 8% 8% 6% 5% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Private (Employment-Based & Military) Uninsured Public Private (Purchased) Source: American Community Survey. (2012-2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 4 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Coverage in Mississippi, 2017 58% Most nonelderly adult Mississippians obtain private insurance coverage via employer based and military plans (58%), and the 16% remaining plans are purchased directly (8%). More than 1 out of 6 (18%) nonelderly adults in the state are uninsured. Nonelderly adults are more likely to be uninsured than children or the elderly due to eligibility standards for public programs: 18% Low-income children can qualify for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Programs when family income is up to 214% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). 8% Medicaid is available for only a select group of nonelderly adults who meet certain categorical requirements. Private (Employment-Based & Military) Not only must they be below income Private (Purchased) thresholds, they must also be Uninsured pregnant, blind, the parent of a minor Public child, or disabled. Adults 65 or older are eligible for Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Medicare. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 5 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Type of Coverage by Age Group in Mississippi, 2017 Young adults under twenty-six years comprise the age group with the lowest private insurance coverage rates and the 19-25 Years 64%* 12%* 24% highest uninsurance rates. In contrast to younger adults, those age 45 to 64 had the lowest uninsurance rates and the highest rates of public coverage. Approximately two out of three in this age group had private coverage over the period. 26-44 Years 66%* 13%* 21% There was a statistically significant difference (p<.05) between the percentage uninsured and insured across all age groups. 45-64 Years 67%* 20%* 13% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Private Public Uninsured Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. *Note: statistically significant difference (p<.05). 6 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-25 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Coverage in Mississippi, 2017 54% More than half (54%) of young adult 11% Mississippians had employment based and military coverage.  Another eleven percent had privately purchased coverage.  Nearly one-quarter (24%) were uninsured, and more than one in nine (12%) had public coverage. 12% Young adults have the highest rates of uninsurance. Although younger adults are more likely to be healthy, not having health insurance does reduce access to health care, particularly preventive care, and can delay timely care when health issues emerge. 24% Private (Employment-Based & Military) Uninsured Public Private Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 7 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-25 Years of Age Percent of Health Coverage by Type in Mississippi, 2012 - 2017 70% 65% Young adults in Mississippi exhibited a rise 64% 60% 62% in private coverage rates while uninsurance 60% and public coverage rates fell from 2012 to 57% 2016. 50% 49% A provision in the Affordable Care Act of 2010 allows adults through age 25 to remain 40% covered on their parent’s health insurance 37% plan if the plan offers dependent coverage. However, this analysis was not conducted to 32% 30% 30% determine a causal relationship. 26% 23% 24% 20% 14% 10% 11% 12% 12% 12% 10% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Private Uninsured Public Source: American Community Survey. (2012-2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 8 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 26-44 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Coverage in Mississippi, 2017 7% 60% Sixty percent of adults 26-44 years old in Mississippi had employer-sponsored and military coverage. Another seven percent had privately purchased coverage. One 13% out of five (21%) in this age category were uninsured and thirteen percent had public coverage. 20% 21% Private (Employment-Based & Military) Uninsured Public Private (Purchased) Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 9 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 26-44 Years of Age Percent of Health Coverage by Type in Mississippi, 2012 - 2017 70% Private insurance coverage rose and 65% 66% 66% uninsurance rates dropped from 2012 to 63% 60% 60% 2017 in adults 26 to 44 years of age. Public 57% coverage rates changed very little over the same time frame in this age group. 50% 40% 30% 28% 27% 24% 20% 22% 21% 20% 15% 13% 13% 14% 14% 13% 10% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Private Uninsured Public Source: American Community Survey. (2012-2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 10 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 45-64 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Coverage in Mississippi, 2017 59% 9% Fifty-nine percent of nonelderly adults 45 to 64 years of age in Mississippi had employment based and military coverage and nine percent had coverage purchased from private sources.  One in five (20%) in this age category had public coverage 13% and the remaining thirteen percent were uninsured. 20% Private (Employment-Based & Military) Public Uninsured Private (Purchased) Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 11 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 45-64 Years of Age Trends in Rates of Health Coverage by Type in Mississippi, 2012 - 2017 70% 67% 66% 66% Private health insurance coverage for those 65% 60% 62% 61% 45 to 64 years old in Mississippi from 2012 to 2017, increased and during the same time frame uninsurance declined. Public 50% coverage rates did not change over the period in this age group. 40% 30% 20% 20% 20% 20% 19% 19% 20% 19% 19% 16% 14% 13% 13% 10% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Private Uninsured Public Source: American Community Survey. (2012-2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 12 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Uninsurance by Race and Ethnicity in Mississippi, 2017 50% 48% 44% Uninsurance rates are highest for Hispanic and Native American nonelderly adults. 40% Nearly half (39%) of Mississippi’s Hispanic 39%* adults are uninsured, compared to 21 percent of Black adults and 15 percent of 33%* White adults. 30% Uninsurance rates for Hispanic, Native American, and Black adults were significantly (p<.05) higher than the rates for White adults. 20% 21% 21%* However, because of the smaller numbers of Mississippi adults who are Hispanic or 15% Native American, they represent a small percentage (6% and 1% respectively), of the 10% uninsured adults in the state. Almost half (48%) of uninsured adults are White and 44 6% percent are Black. 2% 1% 0% Hispanic Native Other Black White American Percent of Category Who Are Uninsured Percent Uninsured Who Are in Category Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. *Note: statistically significant difference (p<.05) when compared to the white population. 13 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Type of Coverage by Education Level in Mississippi, 2017 100% Private coverage is lowest at the lowest 89%* level of educational attainment. Persons 80% with higher levels of education have greater access to jobs providing health insurance coverage. 71%* 60% Public coverage and uninsurance rates are each highest at the lowest levels of 57%* educational achievement. For those who completed high school, or 40% had higher education, rates of private and public coverage were significantly different 33% 34% 33% from uninsured rates. 20% 23% 20%* 17% 12%* 0% 4%* 6% <High School High School Some College College Graduate Private Public Uninsured Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. *Note: statistically significant difference from the uninsured (p<.05). 14 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Rate of Uninsurance by Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in Mississippi, 2017 50% The uninsurance rate declined as incomes rose above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) 40% in 2017. Persons below 100% of the FPL (the lowest levels of household income) experience the 33% highest rates of uninsurance. In 2017, one- 30% third of non-elderly adults in MS below the poverty level were uninsured. In 2017, 100% of the FPL was $12,060 for a 23% single person or $24,600 for a family of four. 20% 16% 10% 4% 0% < 100% FPL 100% - 138% FPL 139% - 400% FPL 401%+ FPL FEDERAL POVERTY LEVEL (FPL) Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. 15 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Coverage Type by Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in Mississippi, 2017 500 491* Subsidized health insurance coverage through the health insurance Marketplace 400 399* is available to those between 100% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). However, most uninsured adults in Mississippi live below 100% FPL. 300 There was a statistically significant difference (p<.05) between those uninsured and those with private coverage for all above 100% FPL. 200 Uninsured adults below 100% FPL do not 156 160 157 have access to premium assistance through the Marketplace. However, under the option provided to states within the Affordable 100 101 Care Act (ACA) to expand Medicaid eligible 71* persons at or below 138% FPL would be 58* eligible for enrollment if Mississippi chose to 39 33 expand. Given the distribution of insurance 11* 20 0 states at or below 138% FPL among other < 100% FPL 100% - 138% FPL 139% - 400% FPL 401%+ FPL factors, there is no way to determine exactly FEDERAL POVERTY LEVEL (FPL) how many people would enroll if given the Private option. Public Uninsured Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. *Note: statistically significant difference from the uninsured (p<.05). 16 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age Trends in Uninsurance by Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in Mississippi, 2012-2017 500 From 2012 to 2016, the number of uninsured 450 nonelderly adults dropped in each category 34 29 of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) 400 statewide. The most striking decline has 237 172 17 occurred in the 100% - 400% FPL category, 350 which benefited from the subsidized 156 16 coverage offered through the Health 139 19 Insurance Marketplace beginning in 2103. In 300 20 123 134 2017, however, there was a slight up-tick in the number of uninsured in this group. 250 229 200 198 171 150 162 160 157 100 50 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 <100% FPL 100-400% FPL 401% + FPL Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. 17 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Adults 19-64 Years of Age at or Below 138% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) Distribution by Type of Coverage in Mississippi, 2017 32% 7% A little more than one-third (38%) of nonelderly adults at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) have private health insurance coverage, while almost one out of three (31%) is uninsured and another third (32%) is covered through a public program. 30% 30% 31% Public Uninsured Private (Employment-Based & Military) Private (Purchased) Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 18 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Uninsured Working Mississippi Adults 19-64 Years of Age at or Below 138% FPL Listed by Top 20 Occupational Categories, 2017 OCCUPATION UNINSURED OCCUPATION UNINSURED Most working, uninsured nonelderly adults Cashiers 12,471 Stock Clerks & Order Fillers 3,229 in Mississippi living at or below 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) are Cooks 9,629 Assemblers & Fabricators 2,243 employed in the twenty leading occupations within the retail, manufacturing, and service sectors. Waiters & Waitresses 6,030 Carpenters 2,239 Janitors & Building Cleaners 4,828 Construction Laborers 2,219 Retail Salespersons 4,704 Construction & Maintenance Workers 2,219 Maids & Housekeepers 4,432 Food Preparation Workers 1,931 Drivers/Sales Workers & Truck Drivers 3,937 Medical Aides 1,920 Laborers & Movers 3,522 Personal Care Aides 1,812 Automotive Service Technicians and Customer Service Representatives 2,365 1,677 Mechanics Grounds Maintenance Workers 2,283 First-Line Supervisors 1,658 Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using ACS. 19 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Working Mississippi Adults 19-64 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Coverage, 2017 79% Most (79%) working nonelderly adults in Mississippi had private health insurance coverage in 2017, while sixteen percent 16% were uninsured and five percent had public coverage. 5% Private Public Uninsured Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. 20 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Unemployed Mississippi Adults 19-64 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Coverage, 2017 43% Nearly one quarter (23%) of unemployed nonelderly adults in Mississippi lack health insurance coverage. 23% 34% Public Private Uninsured Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. 21 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Uninsured Working Mississippi Adults 19-64 Years of Age Distribution by Employer Type, 2017 6% 82% Nonelderly, working adults who are uninsured largely work for private employers (82%), while fewer are self-employed (12%) 12% or employed by government agencies (6%). Private Employer Self-Employed Government Employer Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 22 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Uninsured Mississippi Adults 19-64 Years of Age Distribution by Type of Work Status, 2017 46% Two out of three (66%) uninsured Mississippi adults are employed, with almost half (46%) working full-time and one-fifth (19%) working part-time jobs. Over one- 19% third (35%) of the uninsured adults are not working. 35% Full-Time Work Not Working Part-Time Work Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. Due to rounding, all categories may not add to 100 percent. 23 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Mississippi Parents & Childless Adults 19-64 Years of Age Uninsurance by Coverage by Type and Work Status, 2017 83% 6%* 11%* Nonelderly adult parents experience Parents Working Full-Time significantly lower (p<.05) uninsurance 3% rates than childless adults when working 81% 16% either full-time or not working. Parents Childless Adults Working Full-Time experienced significantly higher public coverage rates when compared to the rates 59%* 15%* 26% for childless adults working full-time or part- Parents Working Part-Time time in 2017. Parents working part-time had significantly (p<.05) less private coverage and significantly higher public coverage 66% 8% 26% Childless Adults Working Part-Time than childless adults working part-time. Mississippi nonelderly adults are ineligible for Medicaid (public coverage) unless they 36% 46% 18%* Parents Not Working are low income and either pregnant, blind, the parent of a minor child, or disabled. 33% 42% 25% In contrast with parents, childless adults had Childless Adults Not Working lower private coverage rates when working full-time than when working part-time. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Private Public Uninsured Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. * Note: Statistically significant difference between parents and childless adults (p<.05). 24 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Mississippi Parents & Childless Adults 19-64 Years of Age Uninsurance by Federal Poverty Level (FPL), 2017 40% 36% When examined by Federal Poverty Level (FPL), nonelderly childless adults have higher rates of uninsurance compared to 30% nonelderly parents in each FPL category except for those at 100% - 138% FPL. 25% 23% 23% 20% 17% 13% 10% 5% 4% 0% <100% FPL 100% - 138% FPL 139% - 400% FPL 401%+ FPL Parents FEDERAL POVERTY LEVEL (FPL) Childless Adults Source: American Community Survey. (2017). Health Insurance Coverage. Data Compiled by SHADAC using IPUMS-ACS. 25 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Private Sector Employers in Mississippi Percentage Offering Health Insurance to Employees by Firm Size, 2017 100% The Agency for Healthcare Research 97% and Quality (AHRQ) conducts the annual Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) of employers for health coverage offered. 80% The survey findings indicate businesses with a majority of lower paid staff are less likely to offer health insurance to their employees. 60% Many adults do not have access to health insurance coverage through an employer, particularly when working for a small employer. Most private employers in Mississippi have fewer than 50 employees. 40% While nearly all large Mississippi employers (50+ employees) offer health insurance to 31% their employees, only one-third (31%) with under 50 employees offer health insurance 20% and one-fifth (20%) with fewer than 10 20% employees offer it. 0% < 10 Employees < 50 Employees 50+ Employees FIRM SIZE Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). (2017). Insurance Component. 26 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Private Sector Employees in Mississippi Trends in Health Insurance Offers & Enrollment, 2006 - 2017 100% More than four out of five employees in Mississippi work for firms that offer health insurance, and nearly four out of five of 85% Mississippi workers are eligible for health 80% 83% 84% 84% 84% 83% 82% 80% 82% 82% 80% insurance coverage. Over half of private sector employees are 56% 67% 67% 68% 67% 66% enrolled in employer-sponsored health 60% 65% 62% 63% 62% 60% insurance, and nearly one out of five is enrolled in family coverage. 55% 53% 51% 51% 51% 49% 48% 48% 47% 47% 40% 45% Eligibility and Enrollment 864,000 EMPLOYEES IN THE STATE 100% 20% 85% 15% 16% 13% 13% 14% 11% 12% 11% 11% 11% 9% 66% 0% 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 48% Employees Offered Health Insurance Employees Eligible for Health Insurance Employees Enrolled in Health Insurance 738,000 EMPLOYEES work in establishments that OFFER coverage Employees with Family Coverage 569,000 EMPLOYEES with an offer are ELIGIBLE for coverage Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). (2017). Insurance Component. 411,000 EMPLOYEES Note: No MEPS Data were available in 2007. with an offer who are ELIGIBLE to enroll in coverage 27 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Private Sector Employees in Mississippi Enrollment Rates by Work Time Status, 2006 - 2017 70% While fifty-seven percent of full-time, private 60% 65% 64% sector employees are enrolled in employer 62% 62% offered coverage, enrollment is markedly 58% 59% 60% 59% 58% 57% 57% lower for part-time employees. Only two 50% percent of part-time employees are enrolled in an employer-based plan. 40% The MEPS survey definition of full-time employee is determined by the respondent 30% to the survey questions. No specific minimum number of hours is specified in the 20% questionnaires. An employee not defined by the survey respondent as being full-time is classified as part-time. 10% 9% 6% 6% 7% 8% 4% 5% 5% 0% 3% 4% 2% 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Full-Time Part-Time Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). (2017). Insurance Component. Note: No MEPS Data were available in 2007. 28 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Private Sector Employees in Mississippi Trends in Annual Premiums & Employee Contributions for Single Coverage, 2006 - 2017 8 ,8 7 $6,000 2 $5 ,6 4 Average annual health insurance premiums $5 3 0 ,4 4 ,4 2 and employee contributions for single $5 $5 1 (employee-only) coverage have trended ,9 6 6 ,8 4 $4 4 3 $5,000 upward since 2006. However, 2017 ,6 9 ,7 1 $4 $4 $4 9 has seen the first decline in employee ,4 6 3 $4 ,3 0 contribution over the prior year. $4 4 $4,000 The portion of the premium paid by the ,7 0 $3 employee has increased from 20% in 2006 to 22% in 2017. $3,000 $2,000 0 ,4 0 9 ,3 0 1 $1 ,2 6 4 $1 ,1 5 7 6 $1 0 ,0 9 ,0 7 ,0 3 $1 94 87 $1 $1 $1 $9 $9 $1,000 27 $7 69 $5 $0 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Annual Premium Employee Contribution Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). (2017). Insurance Component. Note: No MEPS Data were available in 2007. 29 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 Private Sector Employees in Mississippi Trends in Annual Premiums & Employee Contributions for Family Coverage, 2006 - 2017 3 4 7,3 $1 $18,000 1 8 5 6,0 6 5,7 Trends in family health insurance premiums $1 2 $1 9 5,0 and employee contributions have historically $1 2 3 7 5 shown increases, but 2017 shows a decline 0 4,1 4,0 4 $15,000 0 3,7 $1 $1 2 3,4 over the prior year (2016). $1 0 2 $1 2,9 $1 For low income families, employee 3 6 1,3 contributions can be a significant barrier $1 $12,000 to enrollment in an employer-based health 9 ,7 6 insurance plan. $9 $9,000 8 7 ,4 0 7 ,3 0 ,1 3 $5 2 $5 8 $6,000 $5 5 ,7 0 ,6 7 ,5 4 8 ,3 7 $4 5 $4 7 $4 ,1 0 ,9 0 $4 $4 8 $3 ,4 5 8 $3 ,0 2 $3 $3,000 $0 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Annual Premium Employee Contribution Source: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). (2017). Insurance Component. Note: No MEPS Data were available in 2007. 30 of 32 Center for Mississippi Health Policy � Chart Book: A Profile of Health Coverage for Mississippi Adults � NOVEMBER 2019 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CHART BOOK: A PROFILE OF HEALTH COVERAGE FOR MISSISSIPPI ADULTS November 2019 Plaza Building, Suite 700 120 N. Congress Street Jackson, MS 39201 Phone 601.709.2133 Fax 601.709.2134 @mshealthpolicy