Case Study CARE MODELS FOR High-Need, High-Cost Project ECHO’s Complex Care Initiative: Patients Building Capacity to Help “Superutilizers” in Underserved Communities August 2016 Martha Hostetter, Sarah Klein, and Douglas McCarthy This case study is one in an ongoing series examining programs that aim to PROGRAM AT A GLANCE improve outcomes and reduce costs of KEY FEATURES  Patients with complex, unmet care needs receive hands-on support from care for patients with complex needs, primary care teams coached through videoconference sessions led by experts in addiction who account for a large share of U.S. medicine, psychiatry, and other fields. health care spending. TARGET POPULATION  Low-income Medicaid beneficiaries with serious mental illness, substance abuse, and other challenges—an underserved population that accounts for a dis- For more information about this brief, please contact: proportionate share of health spending in the U.S. Martha Hostetter WHY IT’S IMPORTANT  Current care models and capacity are not adequate to meet the Consulting Editor and Web Content needs of patients with confounding behavioral health and social support needs. Developer BENEFITS  Early results show significant drops in emergency department and hospital The Commonwealth Fund use, with reduced costs to Medicaid. CHALLENGES  Finding and retaining primary care practitioners who are willing to work in inner-city and remote areas. The mission of The Commonwealth Fund is to promote a high performance health care system. The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on INTRODUCTION health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and By the time Mark reached his early 40s, years of alcohol abuse had almost killed policy. Support for this research was him. On the day he first met with Chris Ruge, a nurse practitioner in New Mexico, provided by The Commonwealth Fund. The views presented here Mark was incoherent, with 20 pounds of fluid in his abdomen a clear sign that are those of the authors and his liver had nearly stopped working. Ruge called 911, and Mark spent four weeks not necessarily those of The Commonwealth Fund or its directors, recovering in an ICU and skilled nursing facility. He was unable to walk and barely officers, or staff. able to talk when he was discharged, but started drinking again within days. Ruge and his care team are throwing lifelines to Medicaid beneficiaries like Mark—the “superutilizers” who accrue very high health care costs because of their addictions, mental illness, and physical health problems, which are often compounded by poverty and social isolation. To help Mark, Ruge spent hours with To learn more about new publications when they become available, visit the him. “We didn’t talk about medical stuff,” he says. “I just talked to him about his Fund’s website and register to receive life and asked whether he wanted to stick around.” After several such conversa- email alerts. tions, Mark told Ruge he was ready to get sober, and asked for help. Commonwealth Fund pub. 1891 Vol. 22 2 The Commonwealth Fund Ruge and his colleagues are guided in this work by experts at the University of New Mexico’s Project ECHO: A Proven Approach Project ECHO (Extension for Community Health The Project ECHO approach to leveraging the primary Outcomes) program, which for more than a decade care workforce in rural and other medically underserved has been using telehealth to support primary care areas was developed in 2003 by Sanjeev Arora, M.D., a clinicians caring for complex patients in under- University of New Mexico gastroenterologist who served communities. In Project ECHO’s latest wanted to find a way to bring his expertise to the effort, the experts are training five primary care thousands of hepatitis C patients around the state who couldn’t make it to Albuquerque to see him. His teams in the field via regular videoconferences to solution was to offer regular videoconferences during offer therapy and medication to treat patients’ which a team of interdisciplinary experts offers training mental illnesses and addictions, provide hands-on and advice to primary care providers in managing support in managing their physical health problems, complex cases. and connect them with housing and other social A 2011 study found the approach worked: primary care supports to stabilize their lives. physicians provided hepatitis C care that was as safe and But Ruge believes the team’s key point effective as that provided by specialists, and within two of leverage is building trusting relationships with years, the number of clinics treating the disease increased patients. “We’re able to open those doors a crack more than tenfold. Since 2003, Arora and his colleagues have expanded the number of conditions for their and give them some hope, and show them some teleECHO clinics. They have also taught many others to alternatives,” he says. use their approach: today there are ECHO-style training Ruge’s team is one of five working across the hubs in more than 70 universities, health systems, and state, part of this complex care initiative launched in government agencies around the world. For example, 2013. This profile describes the work, focusing on the Department of Defense uses the approach so that its two primary care teams: one in the Southeast Heights specialists can support clinicians working with soldiers neighborhood of Albuquerque, and the other serving suffering from chronic pain on aircraft carriers and over- seas bases. University of Chicago experts use the ECHO the rural community of Las Vegas, New Mexico. model to train clinicians working in community health centers on the South Side of Chicago to treat conditions like persistent hypertension. A Project ECHO primary care team works with Medicaid beneficiaries in the rural community of Las Vegas, N.M., where nearly half of residents live below the federal poverty level. Project ECHO’s Complex Care Initiative: Building Capacity to Help “Superutilizers” 3 PROJECT ECHO’S TARGET POPULATION The complex care initiative targets Medicaid beneficiaries who incur very high costs due to substance abuse problems and/or mental illnesses, often accompanied by significant physical health problems. Most of the 425 current participants in the program received Medicaid coverage under New Mexico’s 2014 expansion to cover poor, childless adults. Because the ECHO team is working with all four of the state’s Medicaid managed care plans, and because nearly all of New Mexico’s beneficiaries are enrolled in managed care, participants are drawn from the vast majority of the state’s adult Medicaid beneficiaries. (New Mexico Medicaid decided to exclude those who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare, since any savings from reduced hospitalizations would accrue to Medicare.) “The uni- fying characteristic is that they’re considered extremely difficult to care for,” says Miriam Komaromy, M.D., Project ECHO’s associate director. Leaders initially planned to use predictive modeling to identify patients most likely to be hospitalized—the key driver of cost—and invite them to join the program, but it proved too difficult to reliably contact this transient population. Instead, patients are referred by managed care plans, community health centers, emergency departments, and social service agencies if they: 1. Have two or more chronic conditions (including physical conditions, mental health prob- lems, or chemical dependencies) and 2. Have been hospitalized in the past six months and in the preceding 12 months, or have had three or more emergency department visits in the last six months. While many thousands meet these criteria, health plan care managers tend to refer the only the subset of patients they have not been able to engage, Komaromy says. The Southeast Heights team is treating 107 patients in this poor Albuquerque neighborhood, mainly minorities as well as some refugees. Twenty-four are homeless or unstably housed. The Las Vegas team serves 81 mostly Hispanic patients, including one homeless person. Many were released from the town’s state psychiatric hospital decades ago, as part of efforts to deinstitutionalize mentally ill patients, and remained in Las Vegas because they had nowhere else to go. Project ECHO team members helped Ramon Valencia of Las Vegas, N.M., find a place in public housing. Valencia, who has several serious medical conditions, had been living in a shed and using an extension cord to get power. 4 The Commonwealth Fund KEY PROGRAM FEATURES Interdisciplinary Teams That Support Patients and Each Other Five interdisciplinary teams work in regions of the state where there are sufficient numbers of high- cost patients: two of the teams are in Albuquerque and the others are in Las Vegas, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces. The four Medicaid managed care plans pay team members’ salaries, and the plans’ care man- agers liaise with the teams in the field to offer background on patients and other support. The teams are based at community primary care clinics, but they work as autonomous units, allocating their time and resources as necessary to address patients’ physical, behavioral health, and social needs. Project ECHO’s Complex Care Teams CLINICAL LEAD (nurse practitioner or physician assistant) provides direct primary care and oversees care plan, including tracking specialist care SANTA FE LAS VEGAS SOCIAL WORKER or REGISTERED NURSE COUNSELOR ALBUQUERQUE helps provide care; links to support services acts as team manager and/or offers counseling LAS CRUCES TWO COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN engage patients, help them achieve their goals, spends half a day a week advising clinical lead provide education and providing backup (e.g., prescribing certain drugs that clinical leads are not allowed to prescribe) Project ECHO’s Complex Care Initiative: Building Capacity to Help “Superutilizers” 5 Nurse practitioners or physi- cian assistants, who have broad scopes Clark Hardgrave, a physician assistant in the Southeast Heights neighborhood of practice under New Mexico law, of Albuquerque, N.M., checks in with his patient, Jonté Davis. serve as each team’s medical lead. At each of the clinics, primary care physicians support each team by providing oversight and writing some prescriptions, including medications used for opioid withdrawal. When enrolling patients, Ruge, the Las Vegas nurse practitio- ner, visits them in their homes to assess their health and living situa- tion, and works with them to develop a care plan. Since patients have layers of social, behavioral, and medical problems, Ruge takes an incremental approach. “We explore with the patient what, if anything, they are willing to do today to decrease their risk and improve their health,” he says. This might include organizing medications in a pill box, scheduling overdue lab tests, starting counseling, or seeking ways to overcome stress. For patients on high doses of narcotics, Ruge makes clear that he won’t continue writing such prescriptions if he deems them medically unnecessary, but he will provide help in overcoming addiction. “Some people, at that point, just get up and walk out,” he says. The nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses help patients manage their condi- tions. Nurses offer education and hands-on support and provide guidance to the community health workers, who may be the first to notice a patient’s depressed appearance or learn of a new symptom. Each team has two community health workers (CHWs) who make efforts to engage patients and build trust, often by finding tangible ways to improve their lives, such as getting a free cell phone. Over time, CHWs steer patients toward longer-term goals, such as taking steps to lose weight or get sober. Since many patients are socially isolated, CHWs help them make connections in their com- munities. For example, when Jeremy Estrada, a CHW in Las Vegas, learned one of his patients loves baseball, he began taking him along to the Little League games he coaches. Jeremy Estrada, a community health worker in Las Vegas, N.M., outside the home of his patient, Marcella Martinez. 6 The Commonwealth Fund While ECHO’s leaders had planned to include social workers or counselors on the teams, this has not happened at all of the sites.* Instead, community health workers do some of the tasks traditionally done by social workers, such as signing people up for benefits. And even though nearly all of the patients have serious behavioral health problems, most “are not particularly ready for or open to traditional psychotherapy,” Komaromy says. Instead, they need to work on “developing trust, and learning how to make a plan—the kind of mental health care that can be delivered by a CHW or another member of the team,” she says. Features of Project ECHO’s Complex Care Clinics Enrolls Medicaid beneficiaries with: 1) two or more chronic conditions, and 2) one Targeting the population hospitalization in the past six months and another in the preceding 12 months, or most likely to benefit three or more ED visits in the last six months. Participants are referred by health care providers, health plans, and social service agencies. Assessing patients’ health- Primary care team members assess patients’ health and living situations and related risks and needs explore what steps they may be ready to take to improve their health. Biweekly videoconferences with specialists help primary care teams develop Developing patient- integrated care plans that take into account patients’ behavioral, physical, and centered care plans social needs. Nurses help patients manage their conditions through education and support, Engaging patients and while community health workers support them in achieving personal goals such family in managing care as taking steps to lose weight or get sober. All team members are trained in motivational interviewing and other methods of activating patients. Transitioning patients Patients receive intensive services during transitions of care after hospital following hospital discharge, including tailored patient education. discharge Coordinating care and Primary care teams discuss cases with an interdisciplinary group of University of New Mexico experts through biweekly videoconferences. Experts also respond to facilitating communication team members’ questions via phone or email. Primary care team members may among providers accompany patients on visits to specialists. Primary care teams offer therapy and medication to treat patients’ mental Integrating physical/ illnesses and addictions. Some sites offer counseling services. For patients behavioral health care who are not ready for psychotherapy, primary care team members focus on developing trust and learning how to make a plan. Since many patients are socially isolated, community health workers help them Integrating health and make connections in their communities, including links to housing and other social services social supports to stabilize their lives. Making care or services Patients have 24-hour access to the care team, with rapid access to face-to-face more accessible visits when needed. Community health workers and other members of the care team communicate Monitoring patients’ with patients frequently via text, phone, and in-person visits and track their progress health in a database that is overseen by the university specialists. Note: ED = emergency department * In Las Vegas, Ruge felt the team could rely on the primary care clinic’s staff counselors, while in Southeast Heights the team was unable to recruit a social worker or counselor willing to work in this untraditional way. The three other teams have included licensed mental health counselors, though not throughout the four years of the program due to staff turnover. Project ECHO’s Complex Care Initiative: Building Capacity to Help “Superutilizers” 7 Strategies for Engaging “Difficult” Patients These patients are often deemed “difficult to care for” by other primary care providers not just because their many needs cannot be addressed in a 15-minute visit, but because their addictions or mental ill- nesses can make them unpredictable, combative, rigid, or otherwise hard to deal with. Team members say their most challenging patients are those with personality disorders, who can be verbally abusive or manipulative. At the Southeast Heights clinic, team members meet with such patients in pairs to offer each other support and to prevent patients from pitting one team member against another. Patients benefit from having personal and sustained attention. Many have lost touch with family members or friends, so they crave social con- nections, says Valarie Oldhorn, a Southeast Heights CHW who receives calls from some of her patients With a lot of people, there’s nothing several times a week. “That phone call could elimi- to do in town. There’s no work. nate an emergency room visit,” she says. “Someone There’s no way to plug in, especially may not really need to go to the ER, but they just if they have an addiction history, then want to talk to somebody.” idle time means abusing one thing Team members have also found that offer- or another. So the CHW works with ing help without judgment earns patients’ trust. “We patients, finds out what their passions show them that we’re here for them in spite of their are, and what they’d like to do, and addiction,” says Hardgrave. Such an approach coun- then walks them down that path. terbalances the historic tendency of medical profes- sionals to treat addiction as a character flaw rather Chris Ruge than an illness. Team members also note the impor- Las Vegas nurse practitioner tance of understanding that many patients have had traumatic experiences. Developing meaningful connections with patients means they may turn up at the clinics unexpectedly. Once, a patient came to the Albuquerque clinic in a psychotic state, threatening to shoot people. Following protocol, Oldhorn called an ambulance and the police. While she waited for their arrival, she talked calmly with the man. “We know these guys really well,” Hardgrave says. Rachel Murphy, a community health worker based in the Southeast Heights neighborhood of Albuquerque, N.M., helped find housing for Cynthia Brochard, a former addict who spent years living on the streets. She now has a stable life, and a service dog. 8 The Commonwealth Fund “It’s not like a stranger who has to guess at what’s going on. We’ve seen them at their worst. We know what their substance abuse preferences are, what they might have taken. I think because of that, they actually seek us out when they’re in crisis because they know we’re going to find them a safe place.” Training and Support From Experts The five primary care teams are supported by a large and varied group of experts at the University of New Mexico, including a psychiatrist; physicians specializing in addiction medicine, cardiology, chronic pain, endocrinology, gastroenterology, infectious disease, internal medicine, nephrology, and palliative care; a pharmacist; a counselor specializing in addiction treatment; and a community health worker. Project ECHO reimburses each of them for 0.1 of an FTE (one half-day per week), which covers their attendance at the two-hour biweekly videoconferences with the primary care teams, as well as the time they spend responding to team members’ questions via phone or email. During the videoconference, the experts offer short presentations on subjects such as trauma- informed care, motivational interviewing, and addiction medicine. The primary care teams then take turns presenting their most challenging cases, and the experts offer their recommendations. A large and varied group of experts at the University of New Mexico offers advice and coaching to Project ECHO’s primary care teams during biweekly videoconferences. Sometimes, the University of New Mexico experts, led by the counselor, help primary care team members by role-playing different approaches to engaging patients, such as one morbidly obese man facing respiratory failure who refused to change his diet or see a specialist. In the case of a heroin addict, the addiction medicine physician offered advice to his nurse practitioner on the use of Suboxone to wean him off of his dependency. This approach gives the primary care teams compre- hensive care plans that take into account patients’ behavioral, physical, and social needs. “By getting everybody in one room, we can hash out a plan, rather than a disjointed referral system where I send them to one specialist after another,” Hardgrave says. Project ECHO’s Complex Care Initiative: Building Capacity to Help “Superutilizers” 9 The teams also use the experts as a sounding board to review local specialists’ recom- I can always come to the ECHO mendations. “I often don’t get adequate feedback specialist and bounce it off of him. when I do send patients to a specialist’s office,” This is what their local cardiologist Ruge says. “And then I have certain questions is doing. How does that jive with that are unanswered.” For very ill patients—Ruge what his liver disease is doing? mentions those with advanced cirrhosis—the experts help review medication lists, steps to Clark Hardgrave take as the disease progresses, and red flags. The Southeast Heights physician assistant University of New Mexico experts also share their cell phone numbers with the primary care teams, so they can offer advice for urgent cases. The videoconferences also give primary care teams a chance to share their experiences with each other, helping to decrease the sense of isolation many providers feel when working in under- served or rural areas. And while the teams gain confidence in handling their complex patients, the specialists learn from the primary care teams’ on-the-ground experiences. “When we were piloting the complex care project, there was a real tendency for the specialists to give ‘lecturettes’ about ‘their’ organ system,” Komaromy says. “Over time that’s shifted. So we’ll hear specialists say things like, ‘There’s not really any point in trying to address the worsening kidney function until we can help to get this patient housed, so let’s focus on that first.’” Chris Ruge, a nurse practitioner in Las Vegas, N.M., visits Lydia Benavidez, a patient with advanced liver disease. 10 The Commonwealth Fund FINANCING Project ECHO’s complex care initiative is funded through a public–private collaboration. In 2012, the University of New Mexico team received an $8.4 million grant from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to support the administration of the project, development of training curricula, videoconferences, involvement of medical specialists, and evaluation. The grant support ended in June 2016. New Mexico’s Medicaid agency required the state’s four managed care plans to participate in the initiative and to pay the salaries of the primary care teams. In each region, the plans contribute to team members’ salaries based on the proportion of their members who are enrolled. RESULTS The primary care teams began enrolling patients in late 2013 and early 2014. ECHO’s leaders are tracking patients’ experiences through surveys and by monitoring their health care service use and outcomes in a database maintained by the primary care teams. Since finding a control group is dif- ficult (given that enrollment is based on referrals), they are measuring the effects of this intervention through a pre/post evaluation. In the first 12 months, data show that the number of hospitaliza- tions among participants fell by 27 percent and emergency department visits dropped by 32 percent. Preliminary findings suggest that per-member-per-month costs have also declined. Patients report they have much better access to care and much better care experiences. After 12 months of enrollment, three-quarters (76%) said it was always easy to get the care they need, com- pared with 21 percent at baseline. While just a quarter (27%) of patients were very satisfied with their care at baseline, 87 percent reported being very satisfied after 12 months. INSIGHTS AND LESSONS LEARNED A primary care model providing hands-on support from dedicated teams, with guidance from a multidisciplinary group of experts, can improve health care outcomes and reduce costs for patients with serious behavioral and physical health problems. By helping patients make small changes to improve their lives, and by cultivating their trust over time, the primary care teams have been able to encourage behavior changes and stabilize patients’ conditions, preliminary results show. Community health workers have been key in this success. “If I were redesigning this I would probably add more community health workers and downplay some of the medical expertise,” says Komaromy. “Because the social and emotional aspects of the care are two of the most important things that we do.” Staffing and supporting the primary care teams is difficult. In spite of their past experience work- ing with high-need patients, team members have often experienced conflict, frustration, and turnover. Caring for this group of patients is extremely time-consuming and taxing: leaders initially planned for the teams to treat 250 patients, but soon realized that 125 was their maximum capacity. “One of the biggest challenges has been figuring out how to support the teams and avoid burnout,” Komaromy says. “The most successful teams have been able to create a flatter structure than the usual medical hierarchy allows—one in which each team member’s strengths are maximized and members rely on one another.” Project ECHO’s Complex Care Initiative: Building Capacity to Help “Superutilizers” 11 Sustaining this approach will require evidence of a business case, and spreading it may require partnerships with other payers, including Medicare. Preliminary results suggest that the reduced health care costs from this model of complex care may be more than sufficient to cover the salaries of the primary care teams. There may also be ways to achieve efficiencies that lower the costs of pro- gram administration, as described below. Given Medicaid plans’ reluctance to include dual eligibles, encouraging Medicare’s involvement—by aligning payers’ interests through a shared-savings model, for example—could encourage enrollment of a particularly high-cost group of patients who may ben- efit from the approach. NEXT STEPS The Medicaid managed care plans had expressed interest in continuing this work after the grant funding ended and were even working with ECHO’s leaders to design a streamlined version of the program. However, recent cuts to the state Medicaid budget that were passed on to the plans led them to withdraw from contract negotiations. In the coming months, ECHO’s leaders will have more complete data on the cost savings achieved. If these data confirm the preliminary evidence of substantial savings, they may apply for federal grant support to implement the program in other interested states. They are also hoping to develop narrower enrollment criteria and automatic referral of patients so they can establish a control group against which to measure the effects of this approach. Project ECHO’s leaders also plan to share their clinical operations manual, training curricu- lum, and business plan, along with other components of the program, to encourage spread. In the meantime, Ruge’s patient, Mark, has been sober for 11 months; he continues to work with the team in Las Vegas to build his confidence and his health. 12 The Commonwealth Fund About the Authors Martha Hostetter, M.F.A., is a writer, editor, and Web content developer and partner in Pear Tree Communications. She was a member of The Commonwealth Fund’s communications department from June 2002 to April 2005, serving as the associate editor and then creating the position of Web editor. She is currently a consulting editor and Web content developer for the Fund. Ms. Hostetter has an M.F.A. from Yale University and a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. Sarah Klein is an independent journalist. She has written about health care for more than 10 years as a reporter for publications including Crain’s Chicago Business and American Medical News. She serves as editor of Transforming Care, a quarterly newsletter published by The Commonwealth Fund. Ms. Klein received a B.A. from Washington University and attended the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. Douglas McCarthy, M.B.A., is senior research director for The Commonwealth Fund. He oversees The Commonwealth Fund’s scorecard project, conducts case-study research on delivery system reforms and innovations, and serves as a contributing editor to the Fund’s bimonthly newsletter Transforming Care. His 30-year career has spanned research, policy, operations, and consulting roles for government, corporate, academic, nonprofit, and philanthropic organiza- tions. He has authored and coauthored reports and peer-reviewed articles on a range of health care–related topics, including more than 50 case studies of high-performing organizations and initiatives. Mr. McCarthy received his bachelor’s degree with honors from Yale College and a master’s degree in health care management from the University of Connecticut. He was a public policy fellow at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota during 1996–1997, and a leadership fellow of the Denver-based Regional Institute for Health and Environmental Leadership during 2013–2014. He serves on the board of Colorado’s Center for Improving Value in Health Care. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Jeremy Estrada, Clark Hardgrave, Miriam Komaromy, M.D., Valarie Oldhorn, and Chris Ruge who kindly provided information on Project ECHO’s complex care initiative. Editorial support was provided by Ann B. Gordon. All photos by Kip Malone. The aim of Commonwealth Fund–sponsored case studies of this type is to identify institutions that have achieved results indicating high performance in a particular area of interest, have undertaken innovations designed to reach higher performance, or exemplify attributes that can foster high performance. The studies are intended to enable other institutions to draw lessons from the studied institutions’ experience that will be helpful in their own efforts to become high performers. It is important to note, however, that even the best-performing organizations may fall short in some areas; doing well in one dimension of performance does not necessarily mean that the same level of performance will be achieved in other dimensions. Similarly, performance may vary from one year to the next. Thus, it is critical to adopt systematic approaches for improving performance and preventing harm to patients and staff.