Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory Connecting Remote Cardiac Monitoring Issues with Care Areas ABSTRACT technological advances have introduced new elec- Patients in noncritical settings may have underlying tronic telemonitoring methods such as the electronic cardiac conditions or demonstrate unexpected symp- ICU, the war room (a central command center for toms and condition changes that require continuous telemetry), and Tele-ICU.1-5 or physiologic cardiac monitoring or transfers to a higher level of care, for which appropriate treatment In remote cardiac monitoring, individuals who moni- may be delayed due to bed unavailability. Many facili- tor surveillance are also responsible for capturing ties implement remote cardiac monitoring to facilitate data and alerting staff in the appropriate care area alarm notification. Remote cardiac monitoring of about any changes in patient physiological condi- patients in noncritical care areas alerts healthcare tions so that bedside assessments may be conducted providers about patient condition changes, which may and appropriate care is delivered.6 Remote cardiac avoid further deterioration of patient conditions and monitoring enhances patient safety by providing potential cardiac arrests. Remote cardiac monitoring noncritical patient care areas with rapid cardiac data alone does not ensure patient condition changes are transmission, improves communication through use successfully communicated to appropriate healthcare of real-time data, and reduces liability.7,8 Late rec- providers. Seventy-four percent of the 194 Incidents ognition of arrhythmias and symptoms may lead to and Serious Events reported to the Pennsylvania potentially avoidable deaths.9,10 Remote cardiac moni- Patient Safety Authority from June 2004 to December toring helps in the early identification of physiological 2008 associated with remote cardiac monitoring were changes, guides appropriate therapies, results in better issues with communication or monitoring problems. clinical outcomes, and enhances operating efficiency.9 Monitoring problems include the failure to monitor, Remote Cardiac Monitoring Event Data the unavailability of monitors, or delay in monitor- Reported to the Authority ing. Healthcare providers may consider incorporating risk reduction strategies that include more effective There were 194 Incidents and Serious Events, includ- communication between care areas, delineation ing 12 deaths, reported to the Pennsylvania Patient of personnel responsibility, and standard protocols Safety Authority from June 2004 to December 2008 for alarm conditions. (Pa Patient Saf Advis 2009 associated with remote cardiac monitoring. The most Sep;6[3]:79-83.) frequently cited types of failure in these reports were as follows: ■ Communication issues Patients in noncritical settings may demonstrate unex- ■ Delayed or incorrect placement pected symptoms and condition changes that require ■ Power failures (including disconnection of devices cardiac monitoring or transfer to a higher level of from their power sources and failure to replace care. Remote cardiac monitoring is one of many batteries) important telemedicine applications available in today’s healthcare environment. Remote cardiac mon- Communication Issues itoring provides additional surveillance for patients, Of the 194 reports submitted to the Authority from typically at locations outside the care areas.1 This type June 2004 to December 2008, 74% of these events of cardiac monitoring generates visual and audible included issues with communication and delayed alarm signals based upon condition changes that monitoring, or failure to place a patient on monitor- exceed established alarm limits for a specific patient.2 ing, or incorrect monitoring placement (see Table). Remote cardiac monitoring of patients in noncriti- The reports indicate breakdown in communication cal settings provides the physiological monitoring between the healthcare providers performing surveil- and identification of potential cardiac arrhythmias lance and those administering care to the monitored by qualified staff in a centralized remote location patients in the noncritical care areas. Seventy-three away from the patient care area. For example, remote event reports indicated communication issues. The cardiac monitoring observation may be performed by majority of the communication issues involve failures intensive care unit (ICU) nurses who have the added to implement remote cardiac monitoring orders and responsibility of balancing the demands of a typical to identify arrhythmias. Examples of these events caseload of critically ill patients with responding to include the following: remote arrhythmia alarms for patients in other care Patient was seen in the postanesthesia care unit, areas.3 Remote cardiac monitoring may also be per- and remote telemetry was ordered [after transfer to formed by technicians or monitor watchers who may the floor]. Patient arrived on floor [one hour later]. be responsible for as many as 50 monitors of patients [Remote telemetry] orders were not communicated to in different care areas simultaneously.1 More recently, floor, so a remote telemetry monitor was not reserved. Vol. 6, No. 3—September 2009 REPRINTED ARTICLE - ©2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Page 79 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory had been administered [four hours after the remote Table. Remote Cardiac Monitoring Events telemetry orders were written], which was the reason Reported to Pennsylvania Patient Safety for monitoring. Authority, June 2004 to December 2008 A physician ordered remote monitoring but [the moni- REMOTE CARDIAC NUMBER OF PERCENTAGE toring] nurse was not notified, resulting in a delay. The MONITORING ISSUES REPORTS (%) patient was placed on the monitor [16 hours later]. Communication 73 38% The remote monitor assigned to [patient A] was sent Unavailable/delayed/ 69 36% not placed to the ED but was placed on [patient B], whose assigned remote monitor was placed on [patient A]. Patient condition (e.g., 24 12% arrhythmia, seizure, fall) [This] resulted in the wrong rhythm information for Battery problem or 17 8% both patients; [patient A] was not in an [arrhythmia disconnection as the monitor indicated] and [patient B] was [expe- Wrong patient 11 6% riencing an arrhythmia] and not in [a normal sinus 194 100% heart] rhythm [as the monitor indicated]. Total A patient on a medical/surgical unit was placed on remote telemetry monitor and monitored by nurses in After reviewing the patient’s chart, it was discovered the cardiac care unit (CCU). A sticker with patient’s that the patient was transferred from the ICU to name found on the desk—indicating telemetry #4 [a patient care area]. Staff did not notify the [moni- being used for this patient—was showing a monitor toring] nurse or the monitor station that the patient pattern. Nurses later found a discontinuation notice was ordered remote monitoring. for this same telemetry [#4] on a different patient’s [chart]. When investigated, the patient whose telem- Patient was to have remote telemetry once admitted etry was discontinued was still on telemetry and the to the floor. The emergency department (ED) handoff CCU nurses were monitoring [the patient’s] pattern communication form did not [indicate remote telem- for [the patient] on telemetry #4, which was never etry was] needed for the patient. The patient [was] turned on. [Nine hours after arriving on the medical/ admitted to the floor and had been transported with surgical unit], telemetry #4 was turned on and the a monitor in use. The ED nurse who transported correct patient was being monitored. Unable to check the patient did not know if the patient was to have anything in telemetry memory since [the monitor] was remote [telemonitoring], and there was no handoff not turned on. [communication]. Power Failures Remote telemonitoring was ordered on admission. Seventeen of the reports involved failures related to The order was signed off, but a telemetry monitor the remote cardiac monitors’ power supplies. These was never [secured] for the patient. included improper battery insertion or absent battery A telemetry unit was transmitting [a heart rhythm] issues. Examples are as follows: with a full signal but with[out] patient information. The monitoring telemetry unit called the [patient The unit [where the signal was transmitting from care] unit to say that they did not have a reading on a was called] and was not aware of any admission patient and [requested a battery change] because there to telemetry. [The unit staff were notified that] the was no signal. [The monitor was checked and it was] transmission was coming from their unit and the discovered that there were no batteries in the monitor. monitor was found on a patient in [that unit]. A patient was admitted from the ED [to a patient A telemetry monitor was placed on a medical surgical care area] and ordered remote telemetry. Upon arrival patient, but the monitoring ICU was not aware of to the [patient care area], the patient information was the need to [remotely] monitor the patient until loaded into the monitor but the rhythm was not visible 10 hours later. to the monitor technician. Upon checking the monitor, Delayed or Incorrect Placement staff discovered the batteries were inserted backward. Sixty-nine of the remote cardiac monitoring reports Clinical Guidelines indicated lack of monitor availability or delays in placing a patient on monitoring. The reports do not In 2004, the American Heart Association (AHA) always convey why monitor placement was delayed, issued a scientific statement from the Councils on which may have been based on other factors unre- Cardiovascular Nursing, Clinical Cardiology, Cardio- lated to remote cardiac monitoring, such as workload. vascular Disease in the Young, and the International Examples include the following: Society of Computerized Electrocardiology to update and expand the scope of the best practice standards A physician ordered remote cardiac monitoring. The for in-hospital electrocardiographic monitoring.8 order was discovered [15 hours later]. The patient was These comprehensive guidelines outline the need for placed on the monitor upon discovery of the event. 24-hour human surveillance of monitors, appropri- Orders to start remote telemetry were written [but not ate staff levels consisting of qualified physicians and initiated for nearly 10 hours]. Intravenous Lopressor® nurses in critical and noncritical care areas, and the Page 80 REPRINTED ARTICLE - ©2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Vol. 6, No. 3—September 2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory development of protocol and procedures for common to the competing demands placed on telemetry nurses arrhythmias for in-hospital hard-wire and telemetry and has the potential to negatively affect patient safety cardiac rhythm monitoring systems for adults and and the nurses’ caseloads. These demands may delay children. A rating system was developed by the or impede communication between the telemetry staff American College of Cardiology Emergency Cardiac and the patient care area staff. Upon detection of a Care Committee in 1991, which is still used today potentially fatal arrhythmia by the telemetry nurse, to classify common clinical conditions for cardiac its prompt communication to the appropriate nurse, monitoring. This rating system categorizes patient and the quick response, assessment and treatment by conditions into three classes, depending on the sever- the nurse in the non-ICU area may be delayed due to ity of medical indications. Class I signifies patients competing workload demands.3 at significant risk of an immediate, life-threatening A prospective observational study conducted by Tsien arrhythmia for which cardiac monitoring is indicated. et al. looked at the accuracy in determining positive Class II patients may benefit from cardiac monitor- predictive value of routine monitoring alarms and ing, but it is not essential for all patients of this class causes for false-positive alarms.5 This study assessed type. Cardiac monitoring is not indicated in Class III the effectiveness of ICU alarms in alerting personnel patients because the risk of a serious arrhythmia or to significant changes in patient conditions. False the therapeutic benefit is low with these patients.8 alarm rates were found to be extremely high, while The AHA’s scientific statement is based on expert positive predictive values were very low. Of the opinions, supported by clinical experience, and 2,942 total alarms, 86% were found to be false posi- indicates that regardless of the technologic advances tive, 6% were classified as clinically irrelevant true over the last 40 years, the electrocardiogram (ECG) alarms, and only 8% were determined to be true contains a wealth of diagnostic information and its alarms with clinical significance. High false-positive interpretation continues to require human oversight.8 rates may lead to the disabling of alarms by ICU per- Despite the more aggressive treatment methods for sonnel, as they can be distracting and annoying. Other arrhythmias, the use of new drugs (which have the competing auditory sounds in the ICU may also be potential to cause certain arrhythmias), and the confusing for ICU personnel who must determine introduction of new technology, only humans can the source of the alarms, particularly if they have the determine whether individual patients will require added responsibility for the remote cardiac monitoring cardiac monitoring either remotely or in ICUs.8 surveillance of patients in noncritical care areas.5 Clinical Literature Risk Reduction Strategies Hodgett et al. conducted a retrospective review that Healthcare providers may use a number of strategies examined the odds of potentially avoidable cardiac to facilitate communication about remote cardiac arrests in non-ICU patient care areas and found that monitoring. Consider addressing the following key they were 5.1 times greater for these patients than those elements for use of remote cardiac monitoring of in critical care areas. In 48% of 78 cases, personnel patients in noncritical care areas. failed to act on the clinical signs of deterioration in Communication the 24 hours preceding the cardiac arrest. The study Implementing effective alarm notification can pro- cited system failures, which included errors and delays vide organizations with a communication process in diagnosis, (eight delays in diagnosis were due to that begins with the monitoring system and ends incorrect ECG interpretation; of these, six were missed with appropriate assessment and care provided to myocardial infarctions), inadequate interpretation the patient in the noncritical care area. This process of investigations, incomplete treatment or a failure would include developing communication proto- to appreciate the severity of patient conditions, and cols that identify backup coverage and ensure staff personnel inexperience. The review indicated that the notification when the primary caregiver is unavail- majority of the non-ICU cardiac arrests are potentially able.11 Some communication methods include the avoidable and are the result of multisystem failures.10 use of smart phones, cell phones, or personal digital assistants, although there may be problems with lim- Billinghurst et al. conducted a prospective observa- ited memory and security concerns to consider.7,12 tional study of 420 hours of observation in a nine-bed Wireless technology may add more access points for coronary respiratory care unit to determine the fre- remote cardiac monitoring, improve workflow, and quency of rhythm disturbance events among patients decrease dead zones within the care areas, but it can being remotely monitored by telemetry nurses, as be more expensive than other applications.1,9,10-14 What well as the number of detected cardiac events and the is key in alarm notification is that the communication effect of the events on telemetry nurses’ workload.3 of the alarm signal is delivered to the surveillance per- There were a high number of remote telemetry warn- son, who communicates this information to the nurse ing arrhythmias, though 80.2% were artifact. Warning in the patient care area, not just to the device.12 alarms occurred every 2.1 to 6.2 minutes, and although no malignant arrhythmias were noted during this Responsibility Delineation study, telemetry nurses detected 60% to 100% of valid Organizations may consider the development of sur- warning alarms. This added surveillance contributes veillance protocols for the remote cardiac monitoring Vol. 6, No. 3—September 2009 REPRINTED ARTICLE - ©2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Page 81 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory of noncritical patients and the assessment and care of the remote cardiac monitoring of noncritical patients. Supplementary Review Consider including standing orders for placing A March 2008 Pennsylvania Patient Safety patients on remote cardiac monitoring and verifying Advisory supplementary review discussed the waveform and numerics at the monitoring station.6 results of a failure mode and effects analysis Ongoing education and competency skills of monitor (FMEA) about alarm interventions during medical surveillance staff may include the ability to recognize telemetry monitoring. Healthcare facilities can use computer algorithms, to ensure proper skin prepara- the published results of this FMEA to understand tion and accurately place monitoring electrodes, to telemetry monitoring alarm response processes ensure appropriate heart rate alarm settings, and to and similar process failures and as an aid to develop facility-specific risk reduction strategies. measure heart rate and intervals using ECG calipers. The complete review, “Alarm Interventions during Ensure monitor surveillance staff are qualified to ver- Medical Telemetry Monitoring: A Failure Mode ify alarm conditions on cardiac monitors by providing and Effects Analysis,” is available on the Pennsyl- regular refresher programs that include validation of vania Patient Safety Authority’s Web site at http:// arrhythmia interpretation skills and problem solving case-based scenarios.6 Ensure noncritical care area AdvisoryLibrary/2008/mar5(suppl_rev)/Pages/ nurses are qualified to respond to and assess arrhyth- mar5(supplrev).aspx. mias by providing regular competency reviews that include the demonstration of patient care provided to simulated malignant arrhythmias.1,5,8-10,14 Notes Standard Protocols for Alarm Conditions 1. ECRI Institute. Alarm-notification models. Health Developing alarm setting protocols that are tailored Devices 2007 Jan;36(1):8-15. for individual patient needs that are communicated 2. Cale DD. A new perspective on patient monitoring. during shift change and handoff communications Nurs Manage 2007 Dec;38(12):24-6. may minimize nuisance alarms and remove excess 3. Billinghurst F, Morgan B, Arthur HM. Patient and alarm noise.6 Monitor technicians may be better nurse-related implication of remote cardiac telemetry. equipped to filter false alarms and thereby reduce Clin Nurs Resh 2003 Nov;12(4):356-70. the number of false alarms that reach the monitoring nurses.1,9,12,15 Organizations may consider developing 4. Celi LA, Hassan E, Marquardt C, et al. The eICU: policies that address regular battery replacement of it’s not just telemedicine. Crit Care Med 2001 Aug;29 cardiac monitors, as well as training and implement- (8 Suppl):N183-9. ing reminders about battery replacement to reduce 5. Tsien CL, Fackler JC. Poor prognosis for existing improper battery insertion in remote cardiac moni- monitors in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 1997 toring devices.6 Technological advances include the Apr;25(4):614-9. electronic ICU, the war room (a central command 6. Alarm interventions during medical telemetry monitor- center for telemetry), and Tele-ICU that enable ing: a failure mode and effects analysis. Pa Patient Saf uninterrupted care to ICU patients across multiple Advis [online] 2009 Mar 5 [cited 2009 Jan 11]. Available hospitals using remote and often intensivist-led mul- from Internet: tidisciplinary teams. These advances augment on-site ADVISORIES/AdvisoryLibrary/2008/mar5(suppl_rev)/ care and interventions, ensure continuous care, and Pages/home.aspx. can provide hospitals with the ability to track out- comes of performance improvement indicators.1-5 7. Rosenthal K. Enjoy “smarter” patient monitoring. Nurs Manage 2006 May;37(5):52. Conclusion 8. Drew BJ, Califf RM, Funk M, et al. Practice standards for electrocardiographic monitoring in hospital settings: Remote cardiac monitoring enhances patient safety an American Heart Association scientific statement by providing noncritical patient care areas with rapid from the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Clinical cardiac data interpretation, improves communication Cardiology, and Cardiovascular Disease in the Young: through use of real-time data, and reduces liabil- endorsed by the International Society of Computerized ity.7,8 Remote cardiac monitoring assists in the early Electrocardiology and the American Association of Criti- identification of physiological arrhythmia changes cal-Care Nurses. Circulation 2004 Oct 26;110(17):2721-46 and directs appropriate assessment and treatment.9 9. Davidson K, Barber V. Electronic monitoring of patients Remote cardiac monitoring results in better clinical in general wards. Nurs Stand 2004 Aug 18-24;18(49):42-6. outcomes and enhanced operating efficiency. Risk reduction strategies that healthcare providers may 10. Hodgetts TJ, Kenward G, Vlackonikolis I, et al. Inci- implement when using remote cardiac monitoring dence, location and reasons for avoidable in-hospital of patients in noncritical care areas include the key cardiac arrest in a district general hospital. Resuscitation elements of clear communication protocols, responsi- 2002 Aug;54(2):115-23. bility delineation, and standard practices protocols for 11. ECRI Institute. Alarm-enhancement technologies. alarm conditions. Health Devices 2007 Jan;36(1):16-21. Page 82 REPRINTED ARTICLE - ©2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Vol. 6, No. 3—September 2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory 12. Robeznieks A. New life for dead zones. Mod Healthc 15. AACE Healthcare Technology Foundation. Impact 2006 Mar;36(12):30-2. of clinical alarms on patient safety: a report from the 13. Semple D, Dalessio L. Improving telemetry alarm American College of Clinical Engineering Healthcare Technology Foundation. J Clin Engineer [online]. ? response to noncritical alarms using a failure mode and effects analysis. JHQ Online 2004 Sep-Oct [cited 2009 2007 Jan-Mar [cited 2009 Jan 11]. Available from Inter- Apr 1]. Available from Internet: net: journal/online/sep_oct/Improving_Telemetry.pdf. JCE_Alarms_Paper.pdf. 14. ECRI Institute. Alarm notification for physiologic monitoring: could you benefit from a new strategy? Health Devices 2007 Jan;36(1):5-7. ? Self-Assessment Questions The following questions about this article may be useful for 4. The American College of Cardiology Emergency Cardiac internal education and assessment. You may use the following Care Committee’s rating system provides which of the fol- examples or come up with your own. lowing guidance statements about cardiac monitoring in 1. Benefits of remote cardiac monitoring of patients in non- Class III patients? critical settings include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Cardiac monitoring is not indicated for these patients a. Early identification of potential cardiac arrhythmias because the risk of serious arrhythmias is low. b. Additional surveillance of patients typically at locations b. Cardiac monitoring is not essential for these patients. outside the patient care areas c. Cardiac monitoring is indicated for these patients who c. Improved communication between healthcare provid- are at risk of an immediate, life-threatening arrhythmia. ers through the use of real-time data d. Cardiac monitoring may benefit these patients. d. Assurance that remote cardiac monitoring alone pro- 5. Remote cardiac monitoring generates visual and audible vides successful communication of patient condition alarm signals, based on condition changes that exceed changes to appropriate healthcare providers established alarm limits for a specific patient. 2. Problems identified with remote cardiac monitoring in the a. True noncritical setting include all of the following EXCEPT: b. False a. Communication problems b. Delayed or incorrect cardiac monitor placement c. Disconnection of cardiac monitoring device from power sources d. Scope of practice delineation problems 3. The American College of Cardiology Emergency Cardiac Care Committee’s rating system provides which of the fol- lowing guidance statements about cardiac monitoring in Class I patients? a. Cardiac monitoring may benefit these patients. b. Cardiac monitoring is not essential for these patients. c. Cardiac monitoring is indicated for these patients who are at significant risk of an immediately life-threatening arrhythmia. d. Cardiac monitoring is not indicated for these patients because the risk of serious arrhythmias is low. Vol. 6, No. 3—September 2009 REPRINTED ARTICLE - ©2009 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Page 83 PENNSYLVANIA PATIENT SAFETY ADVISORY This article is reprinted from the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory, Vol. 6, No. 3—September 2009. The Advisory is a publication of the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, produced by ECRI Institute and ISMP under contract to the Authority. Copyright 2009 by the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority. This publication may be reprinted and distributed without restriction, provided it is printed or distributed in its entirety and without alteration. Individual articles may be reprinted in their entirety and without alteration provided the source is clearly attributed. This publication is disseminated via e-mail. To subscribe, go to Workflow/MailingListAddition.aspx. To see other articles or issues of the Advisory, visit our Web site at Click on “Patient Safety Advisories” in the left-hand menu bar. THE PENNSYLVANIA PATIENT SAFETY AUTHORITY AND ITS CONTRACTORS The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority is an independent state agency created by Act 13 of 2002, the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (“Mcare”) Act. Consistent with Act 13, ECRI Institute, as contractor for the Authority, is issuing this publication to advise medical facilities of immediate changes that can be instituted to reduce Serious Events and Incidents. For more information about the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, see the Authority’s Web An Independent Agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania site at ECRI Institute, a nonprofit organization, dedicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research in healthcare to uncover the best approaches to improving patient care. As pioneers in this science for nearly 40 years, ECRI Institute marries experience and independence with the objectivity of evidence-based research. More than 5,000 healthcare organizations worldwide rely on ECRI Institute’s expertise in patient safety improvement, risk and quality management, and healthcare processes, devices, procedures and drug technology. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated solely to medication error prevention and safe medication use. ISMP provides recommendations for the safe use of medications to the healthcare community including healthcare professionals, government agencies, accrediting organizations, and consumers. ISMP’s efforts are built on a nonpunitive approach and systems-based solutions.