C A L I FOR N I A H EALTH C ARE F OU NDATION Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer February 2009 Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer Prepared for California HealthCare Foundation by Walter Sujansky, M.D., Ph.D. Ronald Sterling, M.B.A., C.P.A. Richard Swafford, M.B.A., Ph.D. Sujansky & Associates, LLC February 2009 About the Authors Walter Sujansky is president of Sujansky & Associates, a consulting firm in San Carlos, California, that specializes in health care informatics and software development. Ronald Sterling is president of Sterling Solutions, a consulting firm in Silver Spring, Maryland, that helps medical practices use technology to improve patient services and practice operations. Richard Swafford is director of information technology and chief information officer at the Council of Community Clinics and Community Clinics Health Network in San Diego, California. Acknowledgments The authors thank everyone who provided information about the requirements for and features of practice management systems, including the staff at various safety-net clinics, private medical practices, and vendors. Thanks also to members of the American Academy of Family Physicians who participated in a Sujansky & Associates survey. Special thanks to Vinson Hudson of Jewson Enterprises, who shared research data from The POMIS Report: Physician’s Office Management & Medical Information Systems Industry Market Research & Analysis Knowledge Base. About the Foundation The California HealthCare Foundation is an independent philanthropy committed to improving the way health care is delivered and financed in California. By promoting innovations in care and broader access to information, our goal is to ensure that all Californians can get the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford. For more information, visit www.chcf.org. ©2009 California HealthCare Foundation Contents 2 I. Executive Summary 4 II. Introduction 5 III. Background 7 IV. PMS Needs Safety-Net Clinics Small Physician Offices State, Funder, and Managed Care Requirements of SNCs and SPOs Price Sensitivity 1 4 V. PMS Market Overview System Architectures and Pricing Models Functional Scope Service Offerings 2 4 VI. PMS Selection Factors Special Considerations for SNCs in California Application Service Provider Versus Client/Server Expanding from Administrative to Clinical Functions Impact of Health Industry Trends Upgrade Considerations and Recommendations 3 1 VII. Summary of Key Considerations 3 3 VIII. Conclusion 3 4 Appendices: A: Vendors, by Product Category B: Additional Resources, by Type 3 6 Endnotes I. Executive Summary Recent changes in health care delivery , PMSs also vary in terms of their degree of support reimbursement, and information technology for appointment scheduling, electronic eligibility are prompting many outpatient care providers checking, advanced claims editing, automated to reassess their practice management systems payment posting, configurable reporting, and (PMSs). Motivating factors include a desire to take specialized Medicaid claims handling. In particular, full advantage of transaction standards under the not all PMSs support the full set of HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability transaction standards, some of which can significantly Act (HIPAA), a need to better integrate with improve administrative efficiencies. Another PMS electronic health record (EHR) systems, and an variation is the extent to which the systems integrate interest in outsourcing administrative processes such with EHRs, ranging from no integration to seamless as insurance billing and information technology integration of data and workflow. Oftentimes, the maintenance. degree and cost of integration depend on the business Safety-net clinics and small physician offices in relationship between PMS and EHR vendors. California, which deliver primary care services to Lastly, PMS vendors offer a variety of services much of the state’s population, are among provider in addition to software, ranging from basic training organizations considering their PMS options. and technical support to fully outsourced insurance Although the clinical workflow at these organizations billing and even appointment scheduling. is comparable to other ambulatory care settings, Safety-net clinics and small physician offices face their special administrative needs and financial many decisions in evaluating their choices. However, constraints play a key role in the type of PMS they several factors warrant careful consideration. First, consider purchasing. For clinics, these stem from the safety-net clinics must bear in mind that new broad range of health services they provide and their products with advanced capabilities for electronic unique sources of public and private funding. For data exchange and EHR integration may not small physician offices, the needs and constraints are necessarily meet their idiosyncratic billing and related to management of billing and collections, and reporting needs, at least not without significant the typically limited resources available to them for customization. Second, the increasing availability purchasing and operating information technology. of Web-based systems gives physician offices an More than 300 vendors in the United States opportunity to offload more of their information sell PMS products. Most revenues accrue to the 10 technology support and to more easily outsource largest suppliers, but the market also supports many management of their revenue cycle. But outsourcing small, local firms. Products vary in a number of ways. also raises potential problems, including the Architecturally, purchasers can choose an on-site continued availability of software and their data if the client/server system, subscribe to a Web-based system relationship with the vendor changes. hosted by a third party, or a combination of the two. Third, clinics and offices upgrading their PMS to prepare for a future EHR should select a PMS 2 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation based on their timeframe and strategy for EHR implementation. If implementation of a complete EHR is imminent, they should concurrently evaluate PMSs and EHR systems, while a deferred or partial EHR implementation favors the selection of a PMS that maximizes future flexibility. Finally, clinics and offices should bear in mind upcoming developments in the health care system, including Medicare payment incentives for e-prescribing, the growth of high-deductible insurance plans, the advent of the “medical home” concept in primary care, and the proposed transition from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10 billing codes. Although a rapidly changing health care and technology environment has created incentives for safety-net clinics and small physician offices to upgrade their PMS, such upgrades also entail significant costs, both financial and operational. Each organization must assess its own circumstances and needs in deciding whether and when to upgrade. Nevertheless, for many clinics and offices, the evolution of technology and the health care system warrants at least a closer look at PMS products. Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 3 II. Introduction C hanges in health care delivery , eligibility checks under HIPAA and recent reimbursement, and information technology (IT) are implementation of the National Provider prompting many outpatient care providers to reassess Identifier have created new requirements that their practice management systems (PMSs). Among only updated PMSs can meet. the motivating factors are these: Given the hundreds of PMS vendors and dozens Clinics and practices are planning to implement of product variations on the market, providers an electronic health record (EHR) and seeking considering a PMS upgrade face many choices. PMSs that will more smoothly integrate with it; Safety-net clinics (SNCs) and small physician offices (SPOs) are among outpatient providers navigating Many older PMSs do not adequately support the market. These two practice settings, which play electronic data exchange according to an important role in providing primary care to specifications in the Health Insurance Portability both underserved and mainstream populations in and Accounting Act (HIPAA). Clinics and California, have a number of special PMS needs. medical practices are recognizing the value of This report examines those needs and provides such transactions in streamlining administrative an overview of the related technical architectures, tasks; functional differences, integration capabilities, and Newer PMS products based on the application service offerings of PMSs. It does not evaluate or service provider model have created opportunities compare individual products, but rather offers a for clinics and practices to outsource IT framework for understanding current PMSs and maintenance tasks they previously had to perform evaluating the differences among them. The report themselves; also highlights specific factors that bear on the PMS purchasing decisions of SNCs and SPOs, including Clinics and practices that want to outsource whether and when an organization plans to adopt an their billing functions are becoming aware of EHR, and makes several recommendations. the ability of Web-based PMSs to facilitate information exchange between their staffs and billing firms; and The changing business fortunes or acquisitions of some PMS vendors have caused their products to be discontinued, orphaned, or minimally supported. These products are no longer upgraded, which creates problems for users in a rapidly changing health care environment. For example, health plan support for electronic 4 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation III. Background PMSs are software systems that support significantly from those of commercial fee-for-service, administrative workflow in outpatient medical managed-care, and Medicare health plans; settings. Administrative staff use them to manage They provide a wider range of services than patients’ demographic and insurance information, do many traditional practices, given their mission arrange appointments, support billing and to meet the broader health care needs of the collections, and track the practice’s productivity and underserved. For example, an SNC may provide financial status. Nearly all outpatient facilities now adult primary, pediatric, prenatal, behavioral health, use some type of computerized PMS, a critical tool in and HIV-related care as well as dentistry, podiatry, supporting billing and payment. and ophthalmology/optometry services; A variety of SNCs provide outpatient health care Because private SNCs receive public funding and services to Californians who cannot easily find care a favorable tax status, they must file annual reports elsewhere because they are uninsured, underinsured, to government agencies and other funders. These or have state-funded health insurance not accepted reports must substantiate that clinics are meeting by all providers.1 Most SNCs are private, not-for- licensing requirements and using funds appropriately. profit, community-based clinics and free clinics Small physician offices — those with five or licensed by the state Office of Statewide Health fewer doctors, for the purposes of this report — still Planning and Development. In 2003, more than 750 provide most outpatient care in the United States. such clinics were operated in California, serving 3.2 Recent data indicate that 67 percent of all office visits million patients (about 9 percent of the population take place in such offices and that 75 percent of all at the time) and conducting more than 10 million office-based physicians work in these settings.4,5 An patient visits. More than 80 percent of patients at estimated 78 percent of all office practices are very these clinics had family incomes at or below 200 small, consisting of only one or two physicians.6 Data percent of the federal poverty level, and most were are not available specifically for California, but the women, children, and racial/ethnic minorities.2 proportion of small practices is likely to be lower, Many SNCs are licensed as federally qualified though not substantially so, due to the presence of health centers and rural health clinics. These Kaiser-Permanente and several other large health care designations confer additional funding opportunities systems. and entail greater federal oversight. Small practices are typically owned and operated SNCs differ from traditional medical practices by member physicians. A national survey found in several ways, some of which have implications for that 75 percent of all office-based physicians own their administrative processes and PMS requirements: their practices, and a small survey of members of the Most receive much of their revenues from state- American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) funded health insurance programs, especially Medi- suggests that smaller practices are more likely to be Cal, and public and private grants.3 These funding physician-owned than are larger ones. 7,8 sources have billing and payment practices that differ Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 5 Hence, for the most part, the PMS market consists of many small, physician-owned purchasers. The implications of this are two-fold. First, the cost of purchasing and operating a PMS at most practices directly affects the take-home pay of their physician owners. Second, most purchasers are too small to be able to support full-time staff to maintain and operate PMSs and other information technologies. 6 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation IV. PMS Needs An understanding of the general These differences create variations in administrative administrative workflow in outpatient settings tasks and, in turn, PMS needs. The following are provides context for the specific PMS needs of SNCs tasks that vary most. and SPOs. The workflow entails a series of sequential tasks associated with each patient encounter (Figure 1 Registration and related descriptions in Table 1).9 Reports submitted to federal and state agencies must include certain socio-economic data that other health Safety-Net Clinics care providers typically do not record. SNCs record As noted earlier, SNCs differ from conventional and report these data, including family income and practice settings in a number of ways, particularly in size, and employment, homeless, and migrant-worker terms of their range of services and revenue sources. status, for each patient they serve. Figure 1. Administrative Workflow in Outpatient Encounters Patient Appointment Eligibility Patient Registration Scheduling Check Check-in Claim/ Patient Clinical Charge Entry Bill Generation Check-out Encounter Claim/ Payment Secondary $$/EOB Receipt Bill Submission Posting Billing Patient Denied Reporting Collections Claim Handling Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 7 Table 1. Administrative Tasks in Outpatient Encounters, continued Task Description Patient • Record patient’s demographic and contact information. registration • Record information about guarantor (person responsible for bill payment). • Record details of insurance coverage (if applicable). Appointment • Locate an available time slot for an appointment with the requested clinician at the appropriate location. scheduling • Record the appointment. • Remind the patient about the appointment shortly before the scheduled date. Note: For new patients, scheduling may precede patient registration. Eligibility • Contact the insurance carrier of record to confirm that the patient is currently covered and eligible for benefits. check • For specialist care, confirm that a referral has been authorized (if the insurer requires this) and record the referral information to support later billing. Patient • Verify current demographic and insurance information. check-in • Record the patient’s arrival and notify clinical staff. • Prepare documentation for the clinical encounter (typically, a “super bill” for recording charges, a progress note form, lab and imaging order forms, and/or patient identification labels). • Collect co-payment (if applicable). Clinical • At the end of an encounter, the clinician: encounter • Records the relevant diagnosis, procedure, and level-of-service codes for billing purposes (typically using the super bill form or an electronic equivalent). • Instructs administrative staff to arrange follow-up activities, such as future appointments or referrals (also often recorded on the super bill form or an electronic equivalent). Patient • Give patient the relevant test order forms, prescriptions, patient education materials, etc. check-out • Schedule follow-up appointment or record patient recall information (a reminder to schedule the patient later). Charge • Enter the recorded diagnosis and procedure codes, procedure modifiers, and level-of-service codes into the billing entry system to generate an insurance claim or patient bill. • Adjust codes or charges based on the specific insurance carrier of the patient. For example, uninsured patients may receive a sliding-scale discount. • Perform edit checks to catch errors or omissions in the entered charges that could prevent or delay insurance payment. Claim/bill • Review the entered charges and generate a claim for the appropriate insurance carrier in the appropriate format. generation • Perform edit checks to catch errors or omissions in the claim that may prevent or delay insurance payment. Alternatively, this “claims scrubbing” may be performed by a third party if the practice submits claims through an electronic clearinghouse. • For uninsured patients, generate a patient statement requesting payment. Claim/bill • Mail or electronically transmit the claim (individually or in batches) to the insurer. submission • The practice may submit an electronic claim directly to the insurer or, more commonly, to a clearinghouse that forwards the claim to the carrier. The clearinghouse may also validate the claim and/or convert it to a standard format before forwarding. • Mail the bill to uninsured patient or collect the deductible and/or co-insurance amounts. 8 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Table 1. Administrative Tasks in Outpatient Encounters, continued Task Description $$/EOB • Receive an explanation of benefit (EOB), otherwise known as the remittance advice, from the insurer. An EOB receipt reports the amount paid for the submitted charges and/or explains any denied charges. Note: EOBs may be paper documents accompanying individual checks or they may be electronic records transmitted in batch files. Electronic EOBs are known as “electronic remittance advice.”) • In parallel, receive the corresponding payment (if any) from the insurer in the form of a check or electronic funds transfer. Denied claim • Review EOB/remittance advice for an explanation of the denied charges. handling • Revise the claim to address the errors/omissions (if possible). Revisions may include changes to or the addition of diagnosis and procedure codes, changes to or the addition of administrative information, and/or addition of clinical attachments required to justify the services. Insurer requirements for correct claims may vary. • Resubmit the revised claim to the insurer. • If applicable, submit an appeal to the insurer to contest denied charges. Payment • Record the payment received against the corresponding charge(s) in the patient’s account. This is a bookkeeping posting function necessary for tracking accounts receivable and aging of patient balances, for verifying payment per contracted fee schedules, and for generating appropriate claims/bills for secondary payers. • For insurance payment, the posted information appears on the paper EOB or the electronic remittance advice. Secondary • Generate and submit claims for secondary insurers (if applicable). billing • Generate and mail statements for residual charges the patient owes (for example, co-insurance). Patient • Identify overdue patient accounts. collections • Contact the patient, discuss the collection issue, and record a payment commitment and/or plan follow-up action. • Follow up at the scheduled time. • Prepare and mail collection letters according to a practice-defined collection strategy. Reporting • Generate management reports for internal use (for example, total accounts receivable, aging of patient balances, timeliness of insurance payments, patient no-shows, etc.). • Generate reports to meet funders’ and government agencies’ requirements (for example, reports of services rendered and the patient population served). Additionally, state and federal agencies frequently Patient Check-in change their data requirements. PMSs must be able Because SNCs provide a greater range of services to store the currently required data and, ideally, than most private practices and clinics, the check- enforce the recording of these data during patient in process generates appropriate documentation for registration. a variety of visit types, ranging from adult medical care to prenatal care and vision care. This means Scheduling their PMS must be able to print customized patient- SNCs are more likely than private physician specific and visit-specific super bills. practices to offer group visits for prenatal counseling, behavioral health care, and social-support services. Consequently, their PMS must be able to schedule group visits. Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 9 Charge Entry and Claim/Bill Generation provided. For example, the EACP program The billing process accounts for the greatest pays a uniform statewide reimbursement rate differences and idiosyncrasies in SNC administrative of $71.50 per encounter, which covers all processes. SNC-specific billing processes include: professional services as well as ancillary pharmacy, Federal sliding scale billing. Unlike private laboratory, and x-ray services.10 When SNCs practices, licensed federally qualified health bill for encounters under these programs, they centers are obligated to serve all patients must aggregate, or “roll up,” all of the individual regardless of ability to pay, and to discount charges incurred during a visit into one charge. charges for uninsured indigent patients according Commercial health plans rarely require roll- to a sliding scale. One of five sliding scales may up billing for outpatient claims, but because apply, depending on the patient’s income and clinics also receive reimbursement from other family size relative to the federal poverty level. sources, their PMSs must support this function Determining and applying the correct sliding conveniently and reliably; scale often is done manually. Ideally, however, Wrap-around billing. SNCs receive a monthly the PMS supports multiple sliding scales and capitation payment for patients enrolled in automates this process; Medi-Cal managed care plans. However, as Split billing. Because SNCs offer a variety of federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), they services and their funding comes from multiple also are guaranteed a flat rate for each Medi- sources, they sometimes split the charges for a Cal patient encounter, regardless of whether it patient visit among two or more claims, which is capitated or fee-for-service. If the sum of the they submit to separate payers. For example, annual capitation payments for Medi-Cal HMO Medi-Cal may cover only the treatment enrollees falls short of payments the SNC would of a medical illness; if a patient receives an have generated for the same enrollees’ had their immunization or reproductive services during a visits been billed at the FQHC flat rate, Medi-Cal visit, the charges must be billed to one or more reimburses the difference.11 Because such deficits other payers. Similarly, Medi-Cal reimburses are common and clinics cannot wait until the for professional services; if a clinic also provides end of the year to recoup the difference, FQHCs drugs, equipment, immunization serum, or other submit claims to Medi-Cal for each encounter. materials, which often are paid for with grant For each encounter with a Medi-Cal HMO funds, it must split the charges. Otherwise, Medi- enrollee, a clinic submits an encounter report Cal will deny the entire claim. PMSs need to to the Medi-Cal HMO (essentially a claim with support split billing — and be able to report the all charges forced to $0) and a claim to Medi- number of patient encounters regardless of this Cal to “pre-collect” a portion of the anticipated task — without clumsy workarounds; deficit. Therefore, clinics need a PMS that enables duplicate claims to be submitted to two different Roll-up billing. Certain state programs, such payers with two distinct sets of charges; as Medi-Cal and the Expanded Access to Primary Care (EACP) program, pay a flat fee Payer-specific edit checks. Medi-Cal and for all outpatient visits, regardless of the services other public funding sources impose rules and 10 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation requirements on claims that differ from those must automatically support proportional posting of other insurance carriers. For example, claims of roll-up payments; submitted under the state Family Planning- Reporting. SNCs that receive public and/ Access-Care-Treatment program must include a or grant funding must file a variety of reports primary diagnosis encoded with one of several “S” documenting the population they served codes defined by the payer rather than the typical and the services they rendered. For example, ICD-9-CM codes. (ICD stands for International FQHCs must annually submit a Uniform Data Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related System report to the federal Health Resources Health Problems.)12 In addition, Medicare and Services Administration and a utilization Part B reimburses FQHCs for physical exams report to California’s Office of Statewide Health they perform on Medicare beneficiaries; other Planning and Development.14,15 They may also providers are not reimbursed for such exams.13 have to submit reports to certain grant agencies Clinic PMSs should accommodate specialized to account for funds received, substantiating that edit checks to catch errors or omissions in the they were used appropriately (for immunizations claim that may prevent or delay insurance or family planning, for example). Each agency has payment; its own requirements for the content and format Dental billing. Although the administrative of these specialized reports, which are unlikely to workflow for dental visits is similar to that for be used elsewhere. Clinics’ PMSs must have the medical encounters, there are different coding built-in capability to produce the reports or to systems for documenting dental diagnoses and support custom report writing. procedures, and different rules and requirements for submitting correct dental claims. SNCs that Small Physician Offices provide dental services need a PMS that supports Administrative workflow related to patient visits in both medical and dental billing, or separate PMSs small physician offices (SPOs) is generally similar for these two functions. The latter approach to that in larger medical groups, or those with more requires an interface between the two systems to than five doctors. However, there are some differences avoid duplicate entry of diagnosis and insurance when larger groups have multiple locations, business information, and to enable consolidated entities, and/or specialties. The number of subunits reporting; in these practices means they need a PMS that can segregate financial and operational activities by Payment posting. Although roll-up claims are subunit and also share patient information, help billed and paid as a single charge, payments must coordinate services, and aggregate reporting data be posted such that the proportion of payment across subunits. for each service is specified. For example, under Another difference has to do with non-functional roll-up billing, a clinic would bill $150 for three requirements, especially those related to PMS services valued at $100, $30, and $20. However, installation and operational costs. Unlike larger after it receives the contracted $75, the clinic practices (and many SNCs), small practices typically should post that amount as a 50 percent payment do not have a dedicated IT support staff to configure, applied to each of the three charges. The PMS customize, and maintain PMS hardware and software Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 11 or back up data, train staff, and provide technical and utilization reporting requirements imposed by support.16 They depend more on their software managed care. vendors and independent consultants for these services, which can be relatively expensive. The cost Price Sensitivity of on-site training from several PMS vendors that the Relative to the capital budgets of large private American Academy of Family Physicians surveyed in medical groups for information technology, those of 2002 ranged from $800 to $1,500 per day.17 SNCs and SPOs are limited. Typically, neither type SPOs need a PMS that is minimally complex of organization generates sufficient cash surpluses to reduce configuration and training costs; that from operations to finance large capital outlays or to gives users access to online training sessions or pre- support expensive consulting and training services. recorded training modules, and to comprehensive SNCs are in a somewhat better position than SPOs online help and thorough documentation to because they attract grant funding from government minimize the need for support and training services; agencies and private philanthropies. Clinics often and that allows remote maintenance, including use these grants to finance IT procurement.20 When routine software upgrades and data back-ups. available, grants may enable them to purchase relatively sophisticated and costly systems. The State, Funder, and Managed Care Tides Foundation and the California Endowment Requirements of SNCs and SPOs awarded grants to more than 150 community clinics SNCs in California must adhere to the specific between 1999 and 2006 — an average of $176,000 reporting requirements of state agencies and the per clinic — to buy PMSs and other information idiosyncratic billing rules of Medi-Cal and other technologies.21 state and local funding sources. The requirements SPOs, in contrast, are still largely physician- and rules vary from those in other states and even owned and must finance IT with cash flows among regions in California. In addition, SNCs in that would otherwise accrue to the physicians as California receive funding from entities, such as the compensation.22 Although debt financing for this California HealthCare Foundation and the California purpose is available (sometimes arranged through Endowment, that only award in-state grants. A SNC software vendors), physicians in SPOs are often or its software vendor often must customize the reluctant to invest in new IT when, in their view, the PMS to address the entities’ billing and reporting existing administrative systems and processes work specifications. adequately, if not optimally.23 To motivate SPOs to For SPOs, different requirements and rules arise upgrade their PMS, there usually must be significant from the greater number of managed care plans in incentives — higher revenues, reduced costs, or California than in many other states. In 2007, 17 secondary gains, such as a system that enables use of million Californians, or about 58 percent of the an EHR. state’s insured population, were enrolled in HMOs compared to 66 million nationwide, or about 26 percent of the insured population.18,19 SPOs in HMO networks must meet referral management 12 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation V. PMS Market Overview SNC s and SPO s seeking to upgrade at the lower end of the market, where more than 300 their PMS have many choices today. Products vary smaller vendors shared the remaining 25 percent in terms of general architecture, specific features, of sales. The market is apparently large and varied vendors’ service offerings, and pricing models. This enough to support many small vendors, which section assesses the PMS market and the choices differentiate themselves by providing products to a purchasers have. It does not review or compare specific market and/or offering local support. One individual products, noteworthy fact is that but rather provides Figure 2. MS Market Share, by Revenue, U.S., 2007 P the PMS market ($4.7 information that will billion) is more than help buyers understand TOTAL MARKET: $4.7 BILLION twice as large as the general product ambulatory EHR market differences. It also ($2.2 billion). McKesson discusses PMS attributes 15% Remaining relevant to their specific 306 Vendors System needs. 25% GE Healthcare Architectures and In 2007, according 10% Pricing Models to a market report, Sage Software A fundamental difference 6% 331 vendors offered Next among PMS products is 15 Vendors PMS products for the 17% whether they are client/ Next U.S. ambulatory care 7 Vendors* server systems that a setting.24 There was 27% practice installs and considerable market operates on site, or Web- concentration by sales based systems remotely revenue: The 10 largest *Includes AllScripts/Mysis, AthenaHealth, Cerner, DST Health, Epic Systems, Med3000, hosted and operated by and Siemens. vendors commanded an application service Source: Hudson, V.J. The POMIS Report: Physician’s Office Management/Medical almost 60 percent of the Information Systems Industry Market Research & Analysis Knowledge Base. Jewson provider (ASP). There Enterprises: 2007. market and the top 25 are also variations and commanded 75 percent combinations of these (Figure 2). Recent corporate acquisitions — such two architectures. For example, depending on the as General Electric’s purchase of IDX, McKesson’s purchaser’s preference, some Web-based PMSs are purchase of Practice Partner, and Sage’s purchase installed on-site, while others are hosted remotely by of the products Intergy, MedWare, HealthPro, and a software vendor or third party. In California, it is Medical Manager — consolidated the market to not uncommon for a non-profit consortium of SNCs some extent, although many of these vendors offer to host a Web-based PMS on behalf of its member multiple PMSs. There was significant fragmentation clinics as a way to share hardware, maintenance, and Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 13 support costs. Other architectures involve an on-site Functional Scope computer (client) that accesses a remotely hosted Different PMS products offer different functions, computer (server). This facilitates data sharing and ranging from basic bookkeeping to sophisticated communications among practice sites. decision support, workflow automation, and On-site and remotely hosted PMSs also are electronic data exchange. The following sections different in a business sense. Users of on-site systems describe features and capabilities that, from the typically purchase licensed software up-front and perspective of SNCs and SPOs, differentiate these pay an annual maintenance fee for updates. Users products. of remotely hosted systems, in contrast, pay a flat monthly subscription fee to use the software and Practice Management Features receive data back-ups, support, and periodic updates Nearly all PMSs available today offer the basic set of via an architecture called “software as a service” features listed in Table 2, which may vary in terms of (SaaS). Although there are no data for the PMS ease of use, effectiveness, and reliability. Only certain market specifically, about 75 percent of the 433 products have newer and more advanced features vendors that sold PMS and/or EMR systems in (Table 3). 2007 offered the software-licensing architecture and Some of these features are described in greater 25 percent offered the SaaS architecture.25 These detail below. figures do not reflect the market shares of the two approaches, but they do indicate that SaaS is a widely Graphical User Interface available alternative today. Although the vast majority of PMS products marketed today offer graphical user interfaces, many legacy products and a few new products still have character-based user interfaces. Table 2. Common PMS Features Feature capabilities Basic registration Records demographic, guarantor, and insurance information for each patient. Charge entry Records diagnosis codes, procedure codes, procedure modifiers, and level-of-service codes for an encounter from a super bill. Basic claims generation Applies appropriate charges to each service based on the practice’s fee schedule, performs at least minimal error checking, and generates a complete claim. Electronic claims submission Generates an electronic claim and transmits it to the appropriate payer. Although nearly all PMSs on the market support this function, some still necessitate a clearinghouse to translate claims into the standard HIPAA 837 format and/or forward claims to the payer. Manual payment posting Enables manual entry of payment information from an EOB, with automated updates of claim balances. Patient statement generation Generates and prints billing statements for patients. Basic reporting Provides a set of pre-defined reports, with minimal or no ability to customize report parameters or to drill down into report results. 14 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Table 3. Differentiating PMS Features Feature capabilities Graphical user interface Facilitates use by new users and infrequent users, such as physicians. In the best-designed PMSs, (GUI) keyboard shortcuts supplement GUI menus and buttons to accelerate tasks for experienced users. Appointment scheduling Integrated calendars record patient appointments and help staff locate available time slots. The most sophisticated systems include an integrated patient-recall feature. Advanced registration Allows the addition of custom fields. Enforces entry of required fields. Also enforces payer-specific rules for populating fields — for example, recording of a health ID number in a specific format so it will later appear on claims correctly. Electronic eligibility checks Sends electronic eligibility inquiries to payers via the standard HIPAA 270/271 transactions, in batch and/or real-time modes. Referral and authorization Primary care physicians can maintain and look up lists of the providers in various managed care management networks, and look up the referral authorization rules of various payers. Specialists can inquire electronically about authorized referrals via the HIPAA 278 transaction and track the number of authorized services used and remaining. Printing of encounter-specific Prints a super bill when patient checks in. A super bill includes patient-specific demographic super bills information and all billing codes relevant to the type of patient visit. Integrated credit card Automatically records credit card payments against the patient’s account in the PMS, obviating the processing need to later post payments manually (for credit card payment of co-payments or patient balances at the time of care). Scanning of super bills Scans a paper super bill and automatically records the charges against the patient account, obviating the need for manual charge entry. Advanced edit checks Provides payer-specific rules for detecting errors in claims. Rules are updated automatically. Electronic remittance advice Receives electronic EOBs from payers via the standard HIPAA 835 transaction and automatically posts payment information against the corresponding claims. Patient collections tools Screens and query features enable billing staff to easily identify patient accounts that require collection efforts per practice-defined criteria. Tools support workflow for contacting patients, tracking patients’ compliance with commitments to pay, and scheduling follow-up collection tasks. Advanced reporting Configures reports via a user-friendly interface. Drills down into report results. Includes a real-time “dashboard” of key performance indicators. Exports report data to other software, such as Excel. A relational database supports ad hoc reporting using third-party reporting tools. Enables Uniform Data System and Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development reporting (if applicable). Appointment Scheduling at the time of scheduling, such as an outstanding The better scheduling modules are fully integrated balance or the need to update insurance information. with the entire PMS and allow administrative staff These systems may also display recalls and referral to easily review demographic information and authorizations when a patient is scheduled. payment history at the time of scheduling. The most sophisticated systems include rule-based alerts that automatically notify staff of certain conditions Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 15 Electronic Eligibility Checking prepares claims can minimize payment delays and Most health plans now provide electronic eligibility provide useful coding feedback to physicians. Claims information in response to HIPAA 270 eligibility clearinghouses also offer scrubbing services. inquiries. A recent survey showed that electronic The most sophisticated PMSs remotely update eligibility checks are significantly more efficient than payer-specific rules in real time as the rules change inquiries made via phone, fax, or a Web portal.26 or new ones arise. These systems enable practices to Some PMS products support HIPAA 270 and 271 apply the new rules immediately without having to (eligibility response) transactions, enabling electronic wait for periodic software upgrades. eligibility checks with a single click. A subset of these systems can automatically batch and send Electronic Remittance Advice multiple eligibility inquiries for upcoming patient All health plans must now offer electronic remittance appointments. The most effective products store advice to their contracted providers via the HIPAA the 271 response in the patient record for future 835 transaction. Many PMSs can receive HIPAA reference. 835 remittances and automatically post the payment Not all payers and PMS products support the 271 information against the corresponding claims. transaction identically. Some systems support only This process is steadily replacing manual entry a basic eligibility response (a “yes/no” as to whether of payment information from paper EOBs (the the patient is currently covered), while others support traditional method of posting payments) and has inquiries regarding patients’ specific deductible, obvious advantages in terms of workflow efficiency co-payment, and co-insurance amounts. Although and reducing human errors. For a busy practice, electronic eligibility checking based on HIPAA 270 is automated payment posting can literally reduce not yet 100 percent reliable nor fully standardized by hours of work to a single click. health plans, it is a useful adjunct to other methods for eligibility checking and will become increasingly Advanced Reporting valuable as health insurers, clearinghouses, and PMS More sophisticated PMSs allow reports to be vendors work out the remaining interoperability customized using “report wizards” — if, for example, issues.27 a pre-defined report does not meet the owner’s specific needs — and other user-friendly graphical Advanced Edit Checks tools. These systems also may be able to export Some PMS products include sophisticated “claims reports in standard file formats for analysis by scrubbing” modules with payer-specific rules. The other applications that the PMS does not support. modules can evaluate a claim against the specific Alternatively, many modern PMSs store data in coding rules of the relevant health plan and detect relational databases, which third-party reporting and errors before the claim is submitted, thereby analysis tools can directly access. preventing denials and accelerating payments. For Advanced reporting is a more useful function for example, a claims scrubber would flag a Medicare SNCs and larger facilities that must meet complex claim that includes charges for a physical exam reporting requirements than it is for small physician because Medicare does not typically cover that offices, where basic reporting features are often service. Detecting errors as a medical practice adequate. However, small practices may benefit from 16 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation other advanced reporting features, such as the ability with providers and prefer to interact with a small to drill down into report results to see underlying number of clearinghouses. details, such as individual patients who are more than 120 days in arrears on payment or real-time Claims Status Checks “dashboards” that display various key performance HIPAA 276/277 transactions enable practices indicators for the medical practice. to inquire about the status of submitted claims electronically and in a standard format that all Electronic Data Exchange Features payers support. Payers also use the 277 response The federal government’s mandate that health to communicate the status of a claim to a practice, insurers support electronic HIPAA transactions is especially when there are errors. an opportunity for SNCs and SPOs to significantly This standardized transaction streamlines status streamline certain administrative processes. Such checks relative to inquiries made by telephone, fax, transactions can replace the following inefficient or even a Web portal, which, although electronic, communication and data entry tasks. requires re-entering patient and claim information stored in the PMS. Indeed, the 276/277 transaction Eligibility Checks could replace the entire claim inquiry process, but Electronic eligibility checks can be faster and few PMS systems have been enhanced to fully exploit reduce personnel costs and claim denials. Some this capability. PMSs support batch eligibility inquiries that are automatically submitted before scheduled patient Receipt and Posting of Remittance Advice visits. Others support ad hoc inquiries that users The HIPAA 835 transaction standardizes the format can submit with a single click from the patient’s of electronic EOBs and facilitates the electronic demographic profile; they receive a response in real receipt and automated posting of EOBs from any time. However, not all payers currently support real- payer. Most payers now support this process. When a time eligibility checks. PMS supports both electronic EOBs and automated posting, a practice can eliminate a lot of keystroke Claims Submission entry and manual claims reconciliation. The HIPAA 837 transaction standardizes the way However, not all systems have these features. claims for professional services are submitted to In addition, many products ostensibly provide insurers. Such transactions can largely eliminate the automated posting, but they do not adequately need to mail paper claims and generate different handle complex situations in which the remittance electronic claim formats for different payers. advice differs from the submitted claim — for Historically, claims clearinghouses translated claims example, differences due to bundling or downcoding to the various electronic formats. PMSs that directly by the payer. generate HIPAA 837-compliant claims eliminate this step and any errors or delays it may cause. Referral Authorization Many small SNCs and SPOs will still need a The HIPAA 278 transaction enables practices to clearinghouse for electronic connectivity to their electronically submit a referral authorization request payers because some payers do not connect directly to a health plan and receive an electronic response. Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 17 It can replace less efficient request channels, such as found that lack of integration with a PMS is among telephone, fax, mail, email, and Web portals, all of the causes for EHR implementation failures in small which are slower and require repeating or re-entering practices.31 According to the National Association of patient and provider information. Community Health Centers, 85 percent of centers in Many PMS products do not provide fully California reported that the inability to integrate an automated support for such transactions and many EHR with their PMS was a key barrier to adopting payers do not support them yet. EHRs. (Only 12 percent of these centers were using EHRs as of 2006.)32 HIPAA — The Bottom Line PMSs support EHR integration in various ways Although electronic HIPAA transactions can and to varying degrees. Support levels range from no streamline administrative processes, even newer integration to data interfacing, data integration, and PMSs may not support all of them. For example, in workflow integration. the small survey of AAFP members cited earlier, 10 of 22 physicians who had purchased a PMS within No Integration the previous three years (45 percent) reported that Some basic PMSs cannot integrate with EHRs. their system did not yet support electronic eligibility They are neither part of a tightly integrated PMS/ checks or electronic remittance advice.28 In addition, EHR system nor can they interface with an EHR to not all payers support the full set of transactions, exchange data. In most cases, staff must input the or the response times are slow during peak business same information into two separate systems. hours.29 Nonetheless, it is likely that all payers will ultimately offer complete and reliable support for the Data Interface transaction set. This entails transmitting electronic data between Prospective PMS purchasers who want to realize separate PMS and EHR applications. Patient the efficiencies of electronic HIPAA transactions demographic and insurance data collected in the should determine which transactions are supported PMS can be transferred to the EHR, and charge by the system they are considering, by their data captured in the EHR can be transferred to the major payers, and, if applicable, by their claims PMS. This level of interoperability is the minimum clearinghouse. They should also ascertain the extra necessary for efficient use of both a PMS and EHR. set-up and/or maintenance costs, if any, for HIPAA- Data transfers are typically based on the Health Level based electronic data exchange, including charges 7 (HL7) data exchange standard. In some cases, their clearinghouse assesses. data interfacing occurs via non-standard messaging protocols or batch file exchanges. Integration With EHRs Data interfaces can preclude duplicate data entry, Another reason many SNCs and SPOs consider but the separate systems are susceptible to errors if purchasing a new PMS is that they want better one or the other is altered. For example, changes to integration with an existing or planned EHR the master file of one system, such as the addition of system.30 Integration of the two systems is essential new billing codes or new physicians, may result in in order to take full advantage of their electronic errors if corresponding changes are not made to the capabilities and avoid duplicate data entry. One study other system. 18 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Data Integration PMS/EHR Vendor Relationships Data integration means a PMS and EHR system PMS purchasers who intend to integrate it with an share a single database, including patient data and EHR immediately or eventually should consider the master files. This approach obviates the need to build type of business relationships a PMS vendor has with and maintain an HL7 interface between two systems one or more EHR vendors. These arrangements will and to synchronize changes in master files. An dictate not only the potential level of integration, integrated database also ensures that all patient data but also integration costs and the EHR choices, if stored in one system are available to the other system. any. There are three general types of arrangements For example, the lab-ordering component of an EHR between PMS and EHR vendors (summarized in requires access to patients’ insurance information Table 4 on the next page): from the PMS, but not all HL7 interfaces can Same vendor. The PMS vendor also sells an exchange this information. With data integration, integrated EHR system. This model is rapidly the lab-ordering component of the EHR can access emerging, especially among medium and large the information directly from the PMS database. vendors of PMS and EHR products. They Similarly, the billing component of a PMS can access typically offer an EHR system as an option that all of the clinical information in the EHR database, can be bundled with or later added to the PMS enabling staff to ensure that all relevant charges are at additional cost. When a vendor sells and included in claims. PMS and EHR products that maintains both the PMS and EHR, the potential share one database are typically sold by a single for sharing one database and integrating workflow vendor. is greatest. But purchasers should carefully evaluate the nature and extent of integration Workflow Integration because it is not guaranteed. For example, when a PMS and EHR systems that share a database can also vendor has added a PMS or EHR system through provide workflow integration — that is, help clinical acquisition, the integration between the systems and administrative staff communicate or share may be marginally better than that of PMS and information. Workflow integration can take several EHR systems from separate vendors. And because forms. They include messaging between users — for a vendor’s PMS and EHR products usually are example, a clinician can communicate with staff “pre-integrated,” there is no related integration about a follow-up appointment for a patient time or cost. On the other hand, pre-integration while documenting the patient’s encounter — and between a PMS and EHR from the same vendor maintaining patient context when switching between may mean that integration with an EHR from a PMS and EHR functions. Such integration can different vendor is not possible; even improve the clinical process — for example, by allowing an appointment scheduler to track and Different vendor — partnered. Many PMS reinforce a physician’s care plan. Although relatively vendors partner with one or more EHR vendors few PMS/EHR combinations support it, workflow to achieve better interfacing and to leverage integration offers the greatest efficiencies in practices cross-marketing opportunities. In these cases, the that have both a PMS and EHR. products usually have separate databases that can exchange data via pre-defined HL7 interfaces, but Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 19 Table 4. Arrangements Between PMS and EHR Vendors Source of EHR system Implications for D ifferent Vendor —  D ifferent Vendor —  PMS/EHR Integration Same Vendor Partnered Independent Data interfacing? Sometimes, but data integration Almost always Frequently may also be available (via HL7) (via ad hoc HL7 or file exchange) Data integration? Often, but sometimes only data Unlikely Very unlikely interfacing is available Workflow integration? Often, although to varying degrees Unlikely Very unlikely Integration costs None (typically) None to low Medium to high ($5,000) ($5,000 – $50,000) EHR options One (occasionally two) One to several Many workflow integration is rarely available. A PMS Service Offerings vendor with multiple partners can offer a choice PMS products also vary in terms of the supplemental of EHR systems. Because the interfaces have services that vendors offer. For SNCs and SPOs, the been largely pre-defined, the integration costs availability or unavailability of certain services may are typically lower than those for PMS and EHR affect a product’s appeal and suitability. products whose vendors do not partner; Training, Maintenance, and Support Different vendor — independent. When PMS Nearly all PMS vendors offer some type of training, and EHR vendors do not partner, the integration maintenance, and support. In some cases, the process typically entails developing an ad hoc vendor’s employees provide the services; in other interface, usually based on HL7 if both products cases, contractors or local distributors provide them. support this messaging standard. Occasionally, Either approach can work well, but for SNCs and the interface will consist of only automated file SPOs with a limited budget and support staff, there exchange. Although these interfaces may be just are several important considerations. as functional as those between partnered vendors, First, the design and the complexity of a PMS the costs will be higher — sometimes prohibitively affects training and maintenance requirements. high for small clinics and medical practices. Systems with complex features designed for larger If a purchaser can bear the cost of an ad hoc clinics, such as multiple-site support or complicated interface and forgo workflow integration, it will patient scheduling rules, may unnecessarily add have the most options when selecting an EHR. to training or configuration costs in a small clinic Smaller clinics and practices with modest budgets or practice that does not need those features. In may prefer to focus instead on pre-integrated addition, GUI-based client/server systems with solutions. relational databases may require more maintenance and support than simpler systems with “dumb terminals” and proprietary databases.33 Because most 20 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation new PMSs are GUI-based, this added complexity receivables, aging reports, reasons for denied claims, may be a consideration for clinics and practices and up-to-date patient accounts in a timely fashion. contemplating an upgrade. More recently, the business of PMS software Second, training, maintenance, and support may development and outsourced billing have started be less costly if they are provided remotely. Many to merge. Now, some PMS vendors also offer PMS vendors now offer online training via Web outsourced billing services and some billing firms meetings or pre-recorded training modules. Remote offer PMS software, creating a software-plus-services network access also enables vendors to upgrade or combination that can better integrate in-office troubleshoot PMS software without on-site visits. administrative processes with outsourced billing Third, Web-based PMSs enable vendors to services. Such integration enables practice staff to remotely upgrade and maintain server hardware and enter charges directly into the PMS that the billing software, and to back up data. The availability of service uses and to track patient accounts, claims remote maintenance and support can reduce costs status, and various financial indicators in real time. for smaller clinics and practices that do not have IT There are at least two business models in this support staff. software-plus-services approach: A PMS software vendor provides outsourced Outsourced Billing and Collections billing as an optional service. Medical practices A recent trend in practice management is the may purchase the PMS software alone, which integration of PMS software with outsourced their staff uses in the traditional manner, or they billing and collections services. Outsourced may purchase the software along with outsourced billing services have been available for a long billing and collections services. In either case, time. These firms take responsibility for revenue patient, insurance, and billing data reside in cycle management — generating clean insurance one PMS database to which staff members have claims, submitting claims to payers, addressing and access. If a practice buys only the software, it pays resubmitting denied claims, and posting received the vendor a software licensing fee or a monthly payments. Such firms generally charge a percentage subscription fee. If it also purchases the billing of the medical practice’s collected billings, typically and collections services, the practice often pays between 3 percent and 10 percent. The percentage only a percentage of the revenues collected and depends on the firm’s pricing strategy and the the software licensing or subscription fees are practice’s overall collections, such that percentage waived; charged to smaller practices is usually higher. Traditionally, outsourced billing services An outsourced billing firm provides PMS software have used their own software for revenue cycle as a required component of its services. Clients management, separate from the PMS systems their must purchase the PMS software and billing clients use. This separation of technologies meant services as a package deal. These arrangements that practices had to send their paper super bills to tightly integrate the practice’s front-office the billing service or periodically transmit electronic processes and the billing firm’s back-office or paper reports of their charges. The separation also services. Because payments to the firms are based limited practices’ ability to review their accounts solely on the billings they collect, their PMS Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 21 software is designed to optimize the entry of charges, the generation of clean claims, and the resolution of denials. Oftentimes, using the PMS alone is not an option; if a practice stops using the vendor’s billing services, it may have to find another PMS. Although most small practices still do their own billing and collections, they can free up staff time for other tasks, reduce their administrative costs, and/or improve their claims payment rates by outsourcing the two functions.34 Many practices that outsource their billing achieve these goals, but others are less satisfied. Problems reported in the AAFP survey included the inability of certain services to do billing effectively and reliably, their lack of familiarity with the practice’s internal processes, and excessive cost.35 Obviously, quality and cost-effectiveness vary depending on the billing firm and medical practice characteristics. SPOs must assess quality and cost- effectiveness carefully when they consider a combined PMS/billing solution. Additional Administrative Services Beyond revenue cycle management, some PMS vendors offer additional administrative services a la carte. Such services may include mailing patient statements, analyzing billing processes, collecting payments, and developing Web sites for practices. Some vendors even perform various front-desk functions — patient registration, patient scheduling, and eligibility verification, for example.36 Web- based PMSs, especially, enable SNCs and SPOs to outsource more of their administrative tasks because the vendor that hosts the PMS application has direct access to much of the practice’s administrative data. 22 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation VI. PMS Selection Factors Special Considerations for SNCs in reside on servers at the vendor’s data center; practice California staff access the system remotely via an Internet Given the needs of SNCs and SPOs, and the PMS connection and Web browser. The practice pays a product choices, a number of factors warrant flat monthly subscription fee to “rent” the software, consideration when purchasers select a system. and an initial set-up fee. The subscription typically As discussed earlier, SNCs have special PMS covers use of the software, system maintenance, needs that are unlike those at most ambulatory routine back-ups, periodic upgrades, and technical practices. The most important of these include support. In addition, many ASP hosts offer a support for multiple sliding scales; split, roll-up, service level agreement that guarantees minimum wrap-around, and dental billing; and claims edit availability and responsiveness of the system. If the checks and reporting that are specific to safety-net host does not provide service as agreed, it owes the payers. practice a refund. This model has advantages and A small number of PMS products specifically disadvantages, summarized in Table 5. targeted to the SNC market have built-in support For SPOs with fast and reliable Internet access, for these functions. Other vendors configure or ASPs offer substantial benefits. The complexity customize their products to meet SNCs’ needs, and cost of maintaining hardware and software, although the process may entail significant additional and electronic data exchange with payers and cost. Most products, however, cannot explicitly clearinghouses, can be entirely outsourced to the support all of these functions; they require various vendor. In addition, because small practices need work-arounds, such as the creation of duplicate little customization of the PMS database, rule base, encounters to support split billing. SNCs that are or built-in reports, a shared application may be considering a new PMS to better support EHR entirely adequate. Finally, if the vendor provides integration or HIPAA transactions involving robust physical and network security, patient data electronic data exchange should carefully assess a may be more secure in a monitored data center than system’s ability to support important payment and in a small medical office left unattended during non- reporting processes specific to safety-net care in business hours. California. The ASP model may be less compelling for SNCs. First, they need customized features to Application Service Provider Versus support their payers’ idiosyncratic billing and Client/Server reporting requirements. A shared application may Numerous PMS vendors offer the application not provide sufficient flexibility for customization service provider (ASP) architecture and software- compared to a dedicated on-site implementation. as-a-service (SaaS) payment model, an alternative Second, many SNCs have their own IT personnel to the traditional software licensing model.37 In or access to such personnel through local consortia ASP arrangements, data and the PMS software of community clinics, so the need to outsource Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 23 Table 5. ASP Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages • Faster implementation times, lower implementation costs, and lower • PMS functions and data may not be available when maintenance costs because there is no need to purchase, install, and Internet connectivity is disrupted. maintain server hardware and software, and no need to install and • PMS may function slowly if network servers or the maintain PMS application software on local workstations. vendor’s servers become overloaded. • Periodic updates to PMS software provided promptly, automatically, • PMS data may be lost if the vendor goes out of business. and at no additional cost. • PMS patient data may be compromised if the vendor • Periodic updates to billing codes and edit-check rules occur centrally suffers a network security breach. and become available promptly and automatically. • Practice-specific customization may be less possible • Data back-ups performed automatically at no additional cost. because many practices must share the same remotely • PMS data are at less risk of loss due to theft of computer hardware hosted application. because most data centers have enhanced security. • Integration with existing information systems in the • Access to PMS application and data often is available from any practice or clinic, such as an EHR, disease registry, or location with an Internet connection and Web browser. document scanning software, may be more difficult or • The ASP vendor arranges, implements, and remotely maintains impossible. electronic data exchange with payers. • The total lifetime cost of software use may be greater • If the same vendor provides an EHR, later EHR implementation and than the cost of licensed software due to ongoing subscription (i.e., software is never paid off). integration may entail minimal cost and effort. • No large up-front expenditure necessary to procure the software. Source: Fortin, J., MacDonald, K. Physician Practices: Are Application Service Providers Right for You? California HealthCare Foundation: October 2006 (www.chcf.org/documents/healthit/ PhysicianPracticesASPProviders.pdf); “What Is an Application Service Provider?” American Medical Association: 2003 (www.wsma.org/files/Downloads/PracticeResourceCenter/aspkmaflyer.pdf). hardware and software maintenance is less pressing. billing codes as claims are denied or payer rules Third, SNCs can attract grant funding for IT capital change. The ASP model also enables some vendors outlays, a luxury few small practices enjoy. To the to achieve economies of scale and reduce costs to a extent that such funding is available, there may point where they can offer the PMS software at no be financial advantages in the long run to license cost (beyond an installation fee) if a practice uses the software rather than subscribe to an ASP/SaaS vendors’ outsourced billing services. service. This arrangement warrants a close look if a practice is interested in purchasing a PMS and ASP for Outsourced Revenue Cycle outsourcing revenue cycle management. However, Management both the PMS and the billing services must meet its As mentioned earlier, many vendors that combine needs. And if the practice is considering purchasing PMS products with outsourced billing services do an EHR in the near future, it must assess the vendor’s so via an ASP model. A centralized and remotely EHR product during the PMS selection process hosted PMS enables a practice’s front-office staff because integrating the PMS with a different vendor’s and the billing service’s back-office staff to share one EHR in the future may not be practical. application and one database, which can facilitate Table 6 summarizes the combinations of PMS communication and data sharing. Furthermore, architectures and medical billing services available by combining software development and billing, today. The emerging ASP practice management/ vendors can rapidly update claims edit checks and outsourced billing combination is a compelling 24 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Table 6. Combinations of PMS Architectures and Medical Billing Processes Practice Management System Billing Process Client/Server A SP In-house Most common model today. Practice staff perform Traditional model for ASP practice management systems. all front-office tasks and billing using an on-site PMS. Practice staff perform front office tasks and billing using Updates to PMS codes, rules, and application must be a remotely hosted PMS. The vendor updates PMS codes, made to the on-site system during periodic upgrades. rules, and the application remotely. Outsourced Traditional model for outsourced billing. Practice staff The emerging model of outsourced billing based on perform registration, scheduling, and charge entry using an ASP practice management system. Practice staff an on-site PMS. Charges must be physically transported performs registration, scheduling, and charge entry using or electronically transmitted from the practice to the a remotely hosted PMS provided by the billing service. billing service, which uses a different PMS. A bill service does billing and collections using the same PMS, which facilitates information sharing. Updates to PMS codes, rules, and the application are applied to the remote system by the billing service. approach to streamlining this administrative process Select a PMS that has demonstrated it is at SPOs.38 It allows a practice to focus instead on compatible with multiple EHR products and clinical care and only those administrative tasks that hope that one of them will be satisfactory when require interaction with patients or physicians. the time comes to implement a clinical system; or Select a PMS that supports HL7 connectivity and Expanding from Administrative to plan to spend more money on a custom interface Clinical Functions when an EHR is purchased. Many SNCs and SPOs that are upgrading their PMS to improve administrative processes may also Partially or Gradually Implement an be considering an EHR to facilitate clinical care. EHR Now Depending on the timeframe and strategy for EHR For clinics and practices that want to implement adoption, there are different ways to jointly evaluate an EHR with a limited number of functions, such PMS and EHR products. as e-prescribing, lab result reporting, or electronic charge capture, and then add functions later on, the Implement an EHR in the Future goal is to select a PMS compatible with an EHR For clinics and practices that are generally interested that has this flexibility. Oftentimes, subsets of EHR in implementing an EHR sometime in the future but functions cannot be activated or vendors charge for have done little product research to date, the goal is the full system regardless of which functions are to avoid limiting their EHR choices when they select activated. There are products that enable activation a new PMS. They have three options, all of which of just some features, and vendors who are willing minimize the likelihood that a future EHR selection to charge only for those features. Many of these will require another PMS upgrade: products have an ASP architecture, which means Defer PMS selection until they choose an EHR, functions can be activated remotely as the clinic or and then consider only those PMS products that practice needs them. the same or a partnered vendor offers; Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 25 Fully Implement an EHR Now fee schedule.) Additionally, physicians who are not For clinics and practices that want to implement successfully prescribing electronically by 2012 will a full EHR immediately, the strategy is relatively be assessed a 1 percent payment penalty, which will simple. They must vet PMS/EHR pairs for their increase to 2 percent by 2014. Although MIPAA respective features and the level of integration they leaves the definition of “successful electronic support. Strategies for product selection include: prescribing” to the discretion of the secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services, at Developing a short list of EHRs and then a minimum, successful e-prescribing will entail evaluating the PMSs with which they integrate; the electronic generation of prescriptions, drug Developing a short list of PMSs and then interaction checking, and formulary compliance evaluating the EHRs with which they integrate; checking. MIPPA excludes most SNCs from these financial Targeting vendors that offer EHRs and PMSs incentives because Medicare does not pay federally as a pre-integrated package and evaluating these qualified health centers and rural health clinics per its systems as a unit; or normal fee schedule. However, there will be financial Evaluating EHR and PMS products separately incentives for SPOs that treat Medicare beneficiaries and then selecting the best of breed in each to acquire IT that supports e-prescribing. In category if the cost of a custom interface is not a response, some practices may purchase a full EHR factor. while others may opt for a stand-alone e-prescribing system with limited additional clinical use. In either Impact of Health Industry Trends case, practices’ need to integrate their PMS with Several recent trends in the health care industry these clinical applications may prompt many of them also affect the decision to upgrade a PMS and the to upgrade the PMS. And, conceivably, PMS vendors selection of one or another product. might add an integrated e-prescribing application to their products, creating an alternative for practices Medicare Incentives for E-Prescribing that want to qualify for the bonuses without Through legislation and regulations, the federal implementing a separate clinical information system. government is actively promoting the adoption of SPOs will have to carefully consider their preferences e-prescribing. The 2008 Medicare Improvements and options as the e-prescribing incentives and for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) authorized penalties are phased in. the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to pay a bonus to physicians for “successful electronic High-Deductible Health Plans prescribing” beginning in 2009.39 That year, Enrollment in high-deductible health plans physicians will receive a 2 percent incentive payment (HDHPs) has grown significantly over the last for e-prescribing, an amount that will gradually several years. As of April 2008, more than 6 million decrease to 0.5 percent by 2013. (The incentive Americans were enrolled in such plans, a sixfold amount is based on allowed charges during the increase since 2005.40 HDHP enrollees now previous reporting period for all professional services represent 3.4 percent of all Americans younger rendered under the Medicare/Medicaid physician than 65 years old who are enrolled in private health 26 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation insurance. The proportion in California is 3.1 goals of enhanced access to care through open-access percent. scheduling (described in more detail below) and new The implications for PMSs are twofold. First, the options for patient-practice communication. growth of out-of-pocket payments among HDHP Some PMSs now offer Web-based patient portals enrollees, particularly for less costly outpatient that enable patients to schedule appointments, services, will favor information technologies that submit registration information, request medication allow immediate point-of-service payments via credit renewals, and ask administrative questions. Online or debit cards. PMSs with integrated electronic communications with a practice can be faster payment capabilities will enable workflow efficiencies and more convenient for patients than telephone and accelerated revenue cycle management. Second, calls to busy front-office staff. Many of the PMSs practices with HDHP enrollees will benefit from offering patient portals are ASP systems because this real-time eligibility checking via HIPAA 270/271 architecture allows both the PMS and the patient transactions, which provide information on patients’ portal to be hosted remotely, which facilitates deductibles and co-insurance. This information integration of the two. Some client/server PMSs can also accelerate revenue cycle management by also offer patient portals for scheduling, patient enabling practices to determine a patient’s payment registration, and other functions. However, because responsibility at the time of the visit and thereby these systems reside at the physician practice, avoid the usual wait until the insurance claim is integration with a remotely hosted Web portal adjudicated and a patient statement is mailed. To is often limited to messaging between patients the extent that enrollment in HDHPs continues to and practice staff. Less information is available to grow, these PMS features may become increasingly patients, and the amount of work for administrative important in helping SPOs better manage their cash staff is greater. flow. The patient-centered medical home concept includes open-access scheduling, which can reduce Patient-Centered Care patients’ wait times during appointments and A recent trend favors improved patient-physician increase their satisfaction.42 Most practices that communication and greater patient participation support open-access scheduling designate special in outpatient medical care. In 2007, a group of types of appointments on their calendars for same- professional medical organizations, including the day visits. PMSs with scheduling modules support American Academy of Family Physicians and the this process adequately when office staff books these American College of Physicians, published a joint appointments. However, when Web portals enable statement espousing the “patient-centered medical patients to do the scheduling, staff is no longer in the home.”41 The basic premise of this model is that loop and the scheduling system must know which better health outcomes will result if a patient’s care appointments have been allocated for same-day visits is managed and coordinated by his or her personal and enforce them. The scheduling modules in most physician with the right tools. Many facets of the PMSs cannot do this; nevertheless, they will become medical home model require EHRs, but PMSs with increasingly important if the current trend toward appropriate features also play an important role. open access-scheduling and patient portals continues. Specifically, these PMSs should support the model’s Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 27 ICD-10 Code Sets publish their coding requirements for ICD-10, SNCs On August 15, 2008, the U.S. Department of and SPOs will not know how clinically specific the Health & Human Services issued a proposed rule ICD-10 diagnosis codes must be and, in turn, what that would require health care providers to adopt the their PMS must support. This uncertainty about ICD-10 code sets for electronic health transactions the necessary degree of administrative and clinical by October 2011.43 If the rule is adopted, it will integration for ICD-10 may justify delaying a PMS spark a wholesale change in outpatient diagnosis upgrade. Alternatively, SNCs and SPOs that want or coding and in many PMSs. Health care providers need to upgrade now might consider ASP systems, now use the ICD-9-CM code set, which comprises which facilitate future software upgrades and data about 17,000 numeric codes with a maximum length conversions. of five digits each. The proposed ICD-10 code set comprises more than 155,000 alphanumeric codes Upgrade Considerations and with a maximum length of seven characters. Beyond Recommendations differences in scope and syntax, ICD-10 differs in the Despite uncertainty about future requirements, clinical specificity of diagnosis codes and the rules for various factors are motivating many SNCs and constructing them correctly. Therefore, the transition SPOs to upgrade their PMS sooner rather than later. to ICD-10 will entail a greater change to legacy Some that have an older system cannot take full PMSs than simply replacing the old code set with advantage of HIPAA standards for electronic data the new code set in a master file. By one estimate, exchange, and others need a system that integrates 95 percent of medical practices will need to upgrade with EHRs better. Still others want to improve their their PMS or purchase a new one to accommodate bottom line by upgrading to a PMS that streamlines ICD-10.44 administrative processes, optimizes insurance claim The implications for SNCs and SPOs considering collections, and/or allows them to outsource certain a PMS upgrade are twofold. First, if the transition billing functions. to ICD-10 occurs in 2011 as proposed, health care Many other SNCs and SPOs are keeping their providers that purchase a new PMS now will need current PMS. They think their administrative to upgrade again at that time. In addition, it will be processes and tools are adequate for seeing patients difficult to ascertain the future effectiveness of a PMS and receiving payments. Even if such organizations product with respect to ICD-10 coding until vendors could optimize processes and/or improve financial begin designing the features necessary to support performance through PMS replacement, they may ICD-10. believe that the cost would be prohibitive or at least Second, the increased specificity and complexity daunting. Furthermore, replacement also entails of ICD-10 coding may require tighter integration numerous disruptions: between administrative and clinical systems. For Patient demographic and insurance data must be example, clinicians may need computerized decision moved to the new system; support to tell them which ICD-10 diagnosis code they should enter on a super bill; ICD-9-CM Because many SNCs and SPOs cannot move comprises a much smaller code set and simpler claims data to the new PMS, they operate coding rules. Until Medicare and other payers both the old and new systems in parallel (and 28 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation consolidate all reporting) until outstanding claims charge information, the organization should and patient balances are paid; consider purchasing a new PMS; Many organizations cannot move scheduling data Those whose PMS cannot support HIPAA- to the new system, so they must operate both the compliant electronic claims submission and old and new systems for awhile; remittance advice should consider upgrading to a system with these capabilities. The time savings An existing EHR interface must be re- achieved through automatic payment posting, implemented; versus manual posting, is a compelling rationale Existing interfaces with payer or clearinghouse in and of itself; systems must be re-implemented; Those whose PMS enables electronic claims Staff must be retrained and, in some cases, submission and remittance advice but lacks administrative workflows must be modified support for other HIPAA transactions may be according to the new system’s capabilities. better off delaying a PMS upgrade until there is For example, a new system that offers better more consistent electronic eligibility checking and integration of front-office and back-office referral authorization among health plans; functions may require that scheduling staff be Small practices whose PMS does not offer retrained to check outstanding patient balances at sophisticated edit checks and/or electronic data the time of appointment scheduling; and exchange should think about switching to a A more complex PMS may require additional IT HIPAA-compliant ASP system. At a minimum, support to maintain it. For example, switching the savings on IT support and the increase in to a GUI-based system with a relational database claims revenue that could be achieved using an from a system in which “dumb terminals” rely on ASP system with better support for revenue cycle a host computer may necessitate more support to management are worth considering. If outsourced maintain the database server and to update client billing is feasible, a practice may want to look software on each workstation. at an ASP-based PMS that also offers this as an option. Unlike billing services that include Each organization, based on its own circumstances, integrated PMS software, optional billing enables must decide if and when investing in a PMS is a practice to continue using the PMS if it later justified. The following recommendations may help decides to do its own billing. guide those in one of four situations: For SNCs and SPOs embarking on EHR implementation, smooth and reliable integration with the PMS is essential to the EHR’s effectiveness and acceptance among staff. If the current PMS does not support at least the real-time exchange of patient demographic and insurance information, as well as encounter- Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 29 VII. Summary of Key Considerations M any factors influence the decision to upgrade a PMS and the selection of an appropriate product. Because the circumstances and needs of individual SNCs and SPOs vary, there is no “one size fits all” advice. The general guidelines in Table 7 provide a starting point. Table 7. Key PMS Purchase Considerations, continued Issue Considerations Safety-Net Clinics Support for specialized billing/reporting • Clinicswith limited funds and IT staff may want to focus on PMSs with built-in specialized billing and reporting support. Although these systems may offer fewer state-of-the-art features and integrated EHR capabilities, they will facilitate mission-critical business processes. However, the product choices are limited. • Clinics with ample resources to fund product customization and configuration can seek a PMS that supports all of its other functional needs (EHR integration, electronic data exchange, advanced edit checks, etc.) and ask the vendor to make modifications that will support the clinic’s billing and reporting needs. This requires a careful assessment of the product’s and vendor’s capabilities to ensure that such modifications are possible. The vendor and product choices are more numerous in this instance. EHR integration • Clinicswith limited funds and IT staff may want to focus on integrated PMS/ EHR products from one vendor. They should first ensure that the products are truly integrated at the database level and, ideally, the workflow level, which is not always the case. • Clinics with more funding and IT staff can likely support an HL7 interface and therefore seek best-of-breed PMS and EHR products from multiple vendors. However, they should also evaluate integrated products from one vendor, given the advantages of database and workflow integration. Support for electronic data exchange • Clinics should ensure that a PMS supports HIPAA-compliant electronic claims submission and electronic remittance advice with automated posting. A clinic should also confirm that its safety-net payers, including Medi-Cal, support electronic data exchange in a manner compatible with the PMS. • All clinics should keep in mind the idiosyncratic needs of automated payment posting in the safety-net environment, such as the reconciliation of roll-up charges, when they evaluate the electronic data exchange and electronic remittance advice features in a PMS. Small Physician Offices Remotely hosted ASP vs. on-site • Practices with limited capital and IT support can benefit the most from remotely client/server hosted, subscription-based ASP systems. This solution enables outsourcing of most IT maintenance and support to the vendor, and offers greater flexibility for gradually implementing an EHR and outsourcing billing services in the future. • ASP solutions may be more costly than lower-end client/server PMSs, but the conveniences may justify the expense. 30 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Table 7. Key PMS Purchase Considerations, continued Issue Considerations EHR integration • Because interfaced PMS and EHR systems require more maintenance to keep the interface working and the systems synchronized, small practices may want to focus on integrated PMS/EHR products from one vendor. Practices should first ensure that the products are truly integrated at the database level and, ideally, workflow level, which is not always the case with systems advertised as “integrated.” Support for electronic data exchange • Practices should ensure that a PMS supports HIPAA-compliant electronic claims submission and electronic remittance advice with automated posting. If their major payers support HIPAA-compliant eligibility checking, practices may want that feature in their PMS. • All practices should ask their payers and/or clearinghouse how electronic connectivity will be established and about any additional costs. Support for outsourced billing • If a practice is strongly committed to outsourced billing, it should seek the best billing firm available that is integrated with an ASP-style PMS service. Because the firm will perform billing, the focus of PMS evaluation should be on front-office features, charge entry, and reporting. • If a practice is only considering outsourced billing, it should seek the best PMS that offers integrated outsourced billing as an optional service. This will enable the practice to bring billing back in-house if necessary without having to change its PMS software. Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 31 VIII. Conclusion S afety - net clinics and small physician offices play a critical role in California’s health care system, and practice management systems play an important role in their operation and management. IT developments and health care administration trends have created opportunities for organizations to improve efficiency and quality. But to fully leverage these opportunities, SNCs and SPOs must have a modern PMS that can integrate effectively with electronic health records and HIPAA transaction standards, and/or support the outsourcing of billing and IT maintenance. Although upgrading a PMS can entail significant expense and effort, and may not be warranted in all cases, SNCs and SPOs using an older, less functional PMS should at least consider the upgrade benefits and costs. Awareness of key considerations, including support for billing and reporting, support for outsourced billing, electronic data exchange, EHR integration, and the application service provider model versus the client/server model, are an appropriate starting point in deciding whether to upgrade and, if so, what type of PMS solution will best meet the organization’s needs. 32 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Appendix A: Vendors, by Product Category Vendors listed below are a representative sample only; there are many others in each product category. The online directories cited in Appendix B provide more complete lists of vendors and products. PMS with Built-in Support for SNCs (Billing and Reporting) HealthPort www.healthport.com/pm_overview.aspx Sage Software www.sagesoftware.com/products/healthpropd PMS with Option to Outsource Billing Services CureMD www.curemd.com/services_curebilling.htm Med3000 www.med3000.com Outsourced Billing Service with Integrated PMS (ASP Model) Athenahealth www.athenahealth.com Medrium www.medrium.com/our_services/pms.jsp MDSynergy www.mdsynergy.com/index.asp PMS (ASP Model) without Integrated EHR Avisena MedSuite www.avisena.com www.medsuite.net/billing.asp Devington Technologies PracticeOne www.devington.com/sys/index.html www.practiceone.com/practicemanager Kareo ZirMed www.kareo.com www.zirmed.com PMS (ASP Model) with Integrated EHR AdvancedMD LeonardoMD www.advancedmd.com www.leonardomd.com Athenahealth NextGen www.athenahealth.com www.nextgen.com/pro_epm.asp CureMD NueMD www.curemd.com/curemdprs.htm www.nuemd.com eMedSoft Raintree Systems www.emedsoft.com www.raintreeinc.com HealthHighway WEBeDoctor www.healthhighway.com/products.htm www.webedoctor.com/new/products.htm Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 33 Appendix B: Additional Resources, by Type Online Directories of Practice Management Systems Capterra www.capterra.com/medical-practice-management-software HIPAA www.hipaa.org/pmsdirectory/directory.php Medical Download www.medicaldownload.com/practicemanagementsystems/practicemanagementsystems.htm Medical Group Management Association www.mgma.com/pm/default.aspx?id=11130 Physicians Practice www.physicianspractice.com/index/fuseaction/productservices.category/categoryid/54.htm www.physicianspractice.com/files/pdfs/theguide_nov07.pdf PMS Buyer Guides American College of Physicians* www.acponline.org/running_practice/technology/pms BuyerZone www.buyerzone.com/software/mpm/buyers_guide1.html On-Line Consultant Software www.olcsoft.com/physician_practice_management_software_requirements.htm PMS Market Research Reports Frost & Sullivan Research Service www.frost.com/prod/servlet/report-brochure.pag?id=F822-01-00-00-00 Jewson Enterprises www.jewsonenterprises.com/products.html SK&A Information Services www.skainfo.com/physician_analytical_survey/medical_practice_management_software.php *Requires ACP membership. 34 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation Endnotes 1. Bindman, A.B., Yoon, J., Grumbach, K., and others. 10. Expanded Access to Primary Care (EAPC) Program. Physician Participation in Medi-Cal, 2001. University Medi-Cal: December 2007 of California-San Francisco, Medi-Cal Policy Institute: (files.medi-cal.ca.gov/pubsdoco/publications/masters- May 2003 (www.chcf.org/documents/policy/ mtp/part2/expand_o05.doc). medicalphysparticipation2001.pdf). 11. Lisa Daigle, personal communication, July 2, 2008. 2. Saviano, E.C., Powers, M. California’s Safety-Net Clinics: 12. Claim Completion: UB-04. Centers for Medicare & A Primer. California HealthCare Foundation: November Medicaid Services: October 2007 2005 (www.chcf.org/documents/chronicdisease/ (files.medi-cal.ca.gov/pubsdoco/publications/masters- safetynetclinicprimer.pdf). mtp/fpact/claimub_f00.doc). 3. Ibid. 13. Medicare Claims Processing Manual. Chapter 9: Rural 4. Hing, E., Cherry, D.K., Woodwell, D.A. “National Health Clinics/Federally Qualified Health Centers. Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2004 summary.” Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: March 2008 Advance Data 2006;(374): 1– 33. (www.cms.hhs.gov/manuals/downloads/clm104c09.pdf ). 5. Burt, C.W., Hing, E., Woodwell, D.A. Electronic Medical 14. 2008 Uniform Data System Reporting Manual. Health Record Use by Office-Based Physicians: United States, 2005. Resources and Services Administration: September 2008 National Center for Health Statistics: August 2006 (bphc.hrsa.gov/uds/2008manual/default.htm). (www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/ 15. Automated Licensing Information and Report Tracking electronic/electronic.htm). System (ALIRTS). Office of Statewide Health Planning 6. Hudson, V.J. The POMIS Report: Physician’s Office and Development: January 2008 Management/Medical Information Systems Industry Market (www.oshpd.ca.gov/hid/alirts/index.html). Research & Analysis Knowledge Base. Jewson Enterprises: 16. Health Center Use of Electronic Health Information: State 2007. Findings, 2006. California. National Association of 7. Hing, E., Cherry, D.K., Woodwell, D.A. “National Community Health Centers (www.nachc.com/client/ Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2004 Summary.” documents/research/hit50states/cahit.pdf). Advance Data 2006;(374): 1– 33. 17. AAFP/Microsoft Technology Guide: Practice Management 8. AAFP Member Survey on Practice Management Systems. Software. American Academy of Family Physicians: Sujansky & Associates: August 2008. The 37 participants May 2002. in this online survey were in the practice management 18. California: Total HMO Enrollment, July 2007. Kaiser systems and electronic health record systems special Family Foundation (www.statehealthfacts.org/profileind. interest groups at the American Academy of Family jsp?rgn=6&ind=348&cat=7). Physicians. 19. Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population, States 9. Certain tasks in the gray area between clinical and (2006 – 2007), U.S. (2007). Kaiser Family Foundation administrative functions, such as prescription renewal (www.statehealthfacts.org/comparebar.jsp?ind=125& requests, are omitted from the typical workflow because cat=3). developers and marketers of EHRs and PMSs have delegated these functions to EHRs. 20. Ella Meach, personal communication, July 1, 2008. Practice Management Systems for Safety-Net Clinics and Small Group Practices: A Primer | 35 21. Guthrie, K., Luckey, A., Louie, J. Clinics’ Progress 37. Web-Based Medical Billing Software Reviews. Dreamforce: Along the Path to the Sun: Reflections From the Six-Year 2007 (www.medicalbillingsoftwarepro.com/ Evaluation of CCI’s Technology Program. Community web-based%20medical-billing-software.html). Clinics Initiative, Tides Foundation: August 2006. 38. Sarro, A. ASP Models in Practice Management Systems and 22. AAFP Member Survey on Practice Management Systems. Billing Services. Medical Practice Innovations: November Sujansky & Associates: August 2008. 2008 (www.mpimed.com/seminar1.ppt). 23. Steve Lovato, personal communication, July 15, 2008. 39. Electronic Prescribing Incentive Fact Sheet. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: October 2008 (www.cms. 24. Hudson, V.J. The POMIS Report: Physician’s Office hhs.gov/pqri/03_eprescribingincentiveprogram.asp). Management/Medical Information Systems Industry Market Research & Analysis Knowledge Base. Jewson Enterprises: 40. January 2008 Census Shows 6.1 Million People Covered 2007. by HSA/High-Deductible Health Plans. America’s Health Insurance Plans: April 2008 25. Ibid. (www.ahipresearch.org/pdfs/2008_hsa_census.pdf ). 26. 2006 CORE Patient Identification Survey, Identifiers 41. Joint Principles of the Patient-Centered Medical Home. Subgroup. Executive Summary. Council for Affordable American Academy of Family Physicians, American Quality Healthcare: November 2006 Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians, (www.caqh.org/corepidsexsumm.pdf). American Osteopathic Association: March 2007 27. Ibid. (www.medicalhomeinfo.org/joint%20statement.pdf). 28. AAFP Member Survey on Practice Management Systems. 42. Murray, M., Tantau, C. “Same-day appointments: Sujansky & Associates: August 2008. Exploding the access paradigm.” Journal of Family Practice 29. Bill Hashmat, personal communication, August 12, Management 2000;7(8): 45 – 50 2008. (www.aafp.org/fpm/20000900/45same.html). 30. AAFP Member Survey on Practice Management Systems. 43. “HHS proposes adoption of ICD-10 code sets and Sujansky & Associates: August 2008. updated electronic transaction standards.” U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: 31. An Evaluation of VistA-Office EHR in the Small Practice August 15, 2008 (www.hhs.gov/news/ Setting: Functional Performance, Economic Costs, and press/2008pres/08/20080815a.html). Implementation/Support Processes. Sujansky & Associates: November 2006 (www.sujansky.com/docs/vistaofficeehr_ 44. “Docs’ group: ICD-10 date won’t work.” Health Data evaluationreport_2006-11-30.pdf ). Management: August 19, 2008 (www.health datamanagement.com/news/hipaa26808-1.html). 32. Health Center Use of Electronic Health Information: State Findings, 2006. California. National Association of Community Health Centers (www.nachc.com/client/documents/research/hit50 states/cahit.pdf ). 33. Ella Meach, personal communication, July 1, 2008. 34. AAFP Member Survey on Practice Management Systems. Sujansky & Associates: August 2008. 35. Ibid. 36. Bill Hashmat, personal communication, August 12, 2008. 36 | C alifornia H ealth C are F oundation C A L I FOR N I A H EALTH C ARE F OU NDATION 1438 Webster Street, Suite 400 Oakland, CA 94612 tel: 510.238.1040 fax: 510.238.1388 www.chcf.org