AARP Public Policy Institute Quick Health Facts 2008 A COMPILATION OF SELECTED STATE DATA AARP Public Policy Institute Quick Health Facts 2008 A COMPILATION OF SELECTED STATE DATA Compiled by Leigh Purvis and Lynda Flowers AARP Public Policy Institute April 2008 ©2008, AARP Reprinting with permission only. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ii Table of Contents Page Introduction...................................................................................................................................iv Quick Health Facts........................................................................................................................1 Data Documentation.....................................................................................................................53 AARP State Offices......................................................................................................................59 Acknowledgements We would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that shared data for the development of Quick Health Facts 2008. We also thank our colleagues within AARP’s Public Policy Institute— Keith Lind, Shelly-Ann Sinclair, Gerry Smolka, and Jackson Williams—for invaluable assistance with the substantive content of this report. We extend a very special thank you to Carlos Figueiredo for data expertise and to Colleen Carrigan for assistance with cover design. The information compiled in this publication is presented for purposes of information, discussion, and debate and does not necessarily represent formal policies of AARP. iii Introduction Quick Health Facts 2008: A Compilation of Selected State Data presents major health system characteristics for each state and the District of Columbia. This report is adapted from the State Profiles: Reforming the Health Care System series that was published annually from 1990 to 2000 and biennially from 2001 to 2005 by the AARP Public Policy Institute. This 1st edition of Quick Health Facts presents the most up-to-date data available at the time of production. The Quick Health Facts section of this report is designed to reflect some of the current health care priorities. For example, the Demographics category presents data on the population distribution by family income, as well as the population distribution by age. The number Part D enrollees who receive the low-income subsidy and the number of Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage can be found in the Medicare category. The Medicaid category includes data on Medicaid expenditures that differentiate between spending as a percentage of total state budgets and spending as a percentage of state-only budgets. Information about the average total premium for health coverage at private employers is presented in the Health Coverage category. In some cases, indicators have been broken down into age subsets to highlight the variation among different age groups. Quick Health Facts is not a continuation of the State Profiles series; therefore, comparisons should not be made with information contained in past editions of State Profiles. For additional copies of Quick Health Facts 2008, please call the AARP Public Policy Institute at 202-434-3890. This publication, as well as state-specific versions, can also be accessed via the Internet at iv Alabama Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.2 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.0 14.0 200% of poverty or below 27.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 26.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 43.9 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 794 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 17 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 24 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 37.1 34.7 Individually purchased 35.4 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 14.4 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 87 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 224 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 48.2 49.9 Adult 19.3 25.8 Elderly 13.0 10.3 Disabled 19.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 18.5 17.3 Adult 4.5 11.6 Elderly 24.5 26.1 Disabled 26.8 40.8 Unknown 25.8 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 42.0 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 23.3 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 10.9 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 70.2 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 27.6 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 111,660 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 12.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,419 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,420 $10,728 1 Alaska Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.6 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 6.8 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 0.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 13.5 14.0 200% of poverty or below 19.5 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below (-) 22.4 200% of poverty or below 22.0 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 58 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 8 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 19 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 45.8 34.7 Individually purchased (-) 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 <1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 82 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 14 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 61.8 49.9 Adult 21.7 25.8 Elderly 6.1 10.3 Disabled 10.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 31.6 17.3 Adult 14.3 11.6 Elderly 17.2 26.1 Disabled 35.9 40.8 Unknown 0.9 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 40.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 11.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 6.3 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 37.0 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 63.0 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 19,561 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.5 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $5,088 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,542 $10,728 2 Arizona Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 17.9 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 18.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 24.4 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.5 22.4 200% of poverty or below 28.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 848 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 13 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 10 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 36.3 34.7 Individually purchased 19.5 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 32.3 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 151 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 45.6 49.9 Adult 39.0 25.8 Elderly 6.3 10.3 Disabled 9.0 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 26.9 17.3 Adult 17.8 11.6 Elderly 16.9 26.1 Disabled 33.2 40.8 Unknown 5.2 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 44.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 19.5 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.6 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 60.6 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.4 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 175,301 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 15.9 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,294 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,268 $10,728 3 Arkansas Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.9 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 12.1 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.0 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 14.4 14.0 200% of poverty or below 24.6 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 32.2 22.4 200% of poverty or below 45.4 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 500 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 18 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 27 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 28.4 34.7 Individually purchased 25.6 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 132 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 52.7 49.9 Adult 23.8 25.8 Elderly 8.7 10.3 Disabled 14.8 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 23.6 17.3 Adult 6.6 11.6 Elderly 27.4 26.1 Disabled 41.0 40.8 Unknown 1.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 43.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 21 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 7.7 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 55.9 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 29.7 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 82,209 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 14.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,590 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,190 $10,728 4 California Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 16.8 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 9.5 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 22.1 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 21.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 33.8 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 4,407 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 12 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 24 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 31.9 34.7 Individually purchased 18.3 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 32.7 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 87 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 1,152 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 40.9 49.9 Adult 41.5 25.8 Elderly 8.7 10.3 Disabled 8.8 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 17.3 17.3 Adult 12.5 11.6 Elderly 28.2 26.1 Disabled 40.2 40.8 Unknown 1.8 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 46.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 20.6 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 15.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 40.3 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 52.1 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 976,180 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.8 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,823 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,551 $10,728 5 Colorado Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.2 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 8.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.4 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 11.2 14.0 200% of poverty or below 15.8 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 20.4 22.4 200% of poverty or below 28.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 564 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 12 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 35.0 34.7 Individually purchased 27.7 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 29.4 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 91 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 58.9 49.9 Adult 17.2 25.8 Elderly 9.5 10.3 Disabled 14.5 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 19.6 17.3 Adult 7.9 11.6 Elderly 26.4 26.1 Disabled 39.2 40.8 Unknown 6.8 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 36.3 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 17.6 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 11.7 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 46.1 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 49.3 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 107,335 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 12.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,891 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,850 $10,728 6 Connecticut Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.8 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.5 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 9.9 14.0 200% of poverty or below 15.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 17.9 22.4 200% of poverty or below 30.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 540 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 17 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 38.6 34.7 Individually purchased 31.3 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 9.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 100 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 54.1 49.9 Adult 21.3 25.8 Elderly 12.3 10.3 Disabled 12.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 16.0 17.3 Adult 7.1 11.6 Elderly 36.6 26.1 Disabled 39.8 40.8 Unknown 0.5 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 52.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 17.6 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 19.3 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 54.0 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 33.3 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 58,226 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 9.0 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,390 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,717 $10,728 7 Delaware Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.4 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.3 14.0 200% of poverty or below 17.8 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.6 22.4 200% of poverty or below 26.1 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 137 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 13 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 49.2 34.7 Individually purchased 18.8 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 2.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 24 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 43.2 49.9 Adult 37.6 25.8 Elderly 7.3 10.3 Disabled 11.8 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 18.0 17.3 Adult 25.1 11.6 Elderly 21.0 26.1 Disabled 35.6 40.8 Unknown 0.3 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 39.1 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 14.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 9.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 57.9 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 33.9 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 12,917 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.4 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,623 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,964 $10,728 8 District of Columbia Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 16.0 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 9.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 22.2 14.0 200% of poverty or below 30.3 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 29.2 22.4 200% of poverty or below 39.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 74 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 13 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 26 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 49.4 34.7 Individually purchased (-) 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.0 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 80 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 21 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 48.5 49.9 Adult 24.6 25.8 Elderly 8.6 10.3 Disabled 18.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 17.4 17.3 Adult 11.8 11.6 Elderly 18.7 26.1 Disabled 46.3 40.8 Unknown 5.9 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 58.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 N/A 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 N/A 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 51.9 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 24.5 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 10,819 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 10.8 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,220 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,623 $10,728 9 Florida Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.9 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 14.8 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 16.4 14.0 200% of poverty or below 22.7 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 22.1 22.4 200% of poverty or below 35.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 3,152 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 17 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 26.8 34.7 Individually purchased 26.2 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 24.2 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 589 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 52.0 49.9 Adult 18.9 25.8 Elderly 13.1 10.3 Disabled 16.0 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 15.6 17.3 Adult 9.2 11.6 Elderly 27.4 26.1 Disabled 38.5 40.8 Unknown 9.3 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 27.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 23.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 14.3 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 62.1 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 29.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 664,866 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 19.5 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,003 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,852 $10,728 10 Georgia Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 16.8 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 8.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.2 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.6 14.0 200% of poverty or below 19.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 23.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 38.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,124 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 12 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 19 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 29.1 34.7 Individually purchased 18.6 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.9 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 290 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 59.3 49.9 Adult 17.7 25.8 Elderly 9.0 10.3 Disabled 14.0 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 24.1 17.3 Adult 13.8 11.6 Elderly 22.8 26.1 Disabled 37.5 40.8 Unknown 1.8 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 40.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 22.2 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 13.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 67.8 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 26.3 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 231,920 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 14.0 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,861 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,262 $10,728 11 Hawaii Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.4 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.8 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.9 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 13.3 14.0 200% of poverty or below 17.9 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 16.1 22.4 200% of poverty or below 21.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 191 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 13 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 44.6 34.7 Individually purchased 18.1 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 35.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 35 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 46.3 49.9 Adult 33.0 25.8 Elderly 10.0 10.3 Disabled 10.7 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 19.8 17.3 Adult 20.4 11.6 Elderly 27.0 26.1 Disabled 31.8 40.8 Unknown 1.0 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 38.1 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 10.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 5.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 60.4 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 37.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 22,007 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 9.4 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,339 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,392 $10,728 12 Idaho Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 17.9 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 9.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.3 14.0 200% of poverty or below 18.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 23.4 22.4 200% of poverty or below 35.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 208 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 14 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 7 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 28.6 34.7 Individually purchased 26.2 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 19.4 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 83 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 35 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 65.0 49.9 Adult 14.9 25.8 Elderly 6.1 10.3 Disabled 14.1 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 20.6 17.3 Adult 10.0 11.6 Elderly 19.5 26.1 Disabled 48.5 40.8 Unknown 1.3 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 46.5 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 21.9 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 12.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 40.0 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 43.4 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 (-) 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 (-) 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,078 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,398 $10,728 13 Illinois Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 17.3 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.3 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.9 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.0 14.0 200% of poverty or below 18.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.4 22.4 200% of poverty or below 37.1 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,753 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 14 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 13 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 30.6 34.7 Individually purchased 36.9 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 7.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 338 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 53.3 49.9 Adult 18.2 25.8 Elderly 16.6 10.3 Disabled 11.9 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 16.3 17.3 Adult 8.9 11.6 Elderly 22.5 26.1 Disabled 39.0 40.8 Unknown 13.3 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 44.8 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 28.3 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 17.7 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 48.5 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 28.4 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 292,384 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 13.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,049 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,574 $10,728 14 Indiana Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.0 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.9 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 10.3 14.0 200% of poverty or below 17.6 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 21.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 34.4 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 947 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 40.8 34.7 Individually purchased 29.9 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 9.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 170 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 59.0 49.9 Adult 18.4 25.8 Elderly 8.0 10.3 Disabled 14.6 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 19.1 17.3 Adult 9.0 11.6 Elderly 26.4 26.1 Disabled 44.0 40.8 Unknown 1.5 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 53.3 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 17.7 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.9 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 54.3 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 21.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 77,464 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 6.4 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,042 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,678 $10,728 15 Iowa Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.7 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 12.1 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 8.5 14.0 200% of poverty or below 13.4 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.4 22.4 200% of poverty or below 29.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 502 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 17 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 14 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 26.4 34.7 Individually purchased 44.3 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 10.8 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 82 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 52.5 49.9 Adult 21.5 25.8 Elderly 9.9 10.3 Disabled 16.1 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 15.0 17.3 Adult 9.1 11.6 Elderly 25.4 26.1 Disabled 49.1 40.8 Unknown 1.5 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 48.5 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 18.9 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 9.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.6 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 36.6 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 47,708 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,686 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,359 $10,728 16 Kansas Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.0 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.3 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 9.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 13.7 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 20.6 22.4 200% of poverty or below 34.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 413 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 12 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 31.4 34.7 Individually purchased 46.4 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 6.5 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 67 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 56.8 49.9 Adult 17.2 25.8 Elderly 9.6 10.3 Disabled 16.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 18.7 17.3 Adult 7.7 11.6 Elderly 24.5 26.1 Disabled 44.4 40.8 Unknown 4.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 45.5 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 20.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 12.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 38.5 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 53.7 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 37,710 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.6 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,755 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,734 $10,728 17 Kentucky Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.1 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.1 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.1 14.0 200% of poverty or below 26.5 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 29.7 22.4 200% of poverty or below 46.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 715 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 17 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 24 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 34.3 34.7 Individually purchased 27.7 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 193 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 49.5 49.9 Adult 15.6 25.8 Elderly 11.0 10.3 Disabled 23.9 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 21.1 17.3 Adult 10.5 11.6 Elderly 23.8 26.1 Disabled 43.9 40.8 Unknown 0.6 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 46.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 22 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 9.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 60.2 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 29.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 121,507 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 15.9 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,823 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,617 $10,728 18 Louisiana Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.1 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 23.8 14.0 200% of poverty or below 32.2 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 27.3 22.4 200% of poverty or below 42.4 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 644 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 24 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 35.2 34.7 Individually purchased 25.6 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 16.7 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 187 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 60.8 49.9 Adult 12.4 25.8 Elderly 9.7 10.3 Disabled 17.2 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 16.6 17.3 Adult 9.1 11.6 Elderly 22.2 26.1 Disabled 46.9 40.8 Unknown 5.2 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 42.7 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 33.3 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 15.0 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 43.7 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 27.1 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 142,908 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 20.3 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,931 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,602 $10,728 19 Maine Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 21.6 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 12.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.3 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 11.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 20.4 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 24.6 22.4 200% of poverty or below 40.6 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 248 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 19 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 36 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 26.8 34.7 Individually purchased 38.0 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 2.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 80 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 82 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2004: Child 39.5 49.9 Adult 33.5 25.8 Elderly 11.2 10.3 Disabled 15.7 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2004: Child 21.3 17.3 Adult 19.1 11.6 Elderly 18.4 26.1 Disabled 40.7 40.8 Unknown 0.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 61.3 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 31.1 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 15.9 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 36.8 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 52.5 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 23,656 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.3 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,290 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,289 $10,728 20 Maryland Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.2 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.2 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 8.1 14.0 200% of poverty or below 10.9 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.6 22.4 200% of poverty or below 25.4 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 731 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 13 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 14 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 52.0 34.7 Individually purchased 16.0 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 5.0 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 83 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 122 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 54.8 49.9 Adult 21.1 25.8 Elderly 9.5 10.3 Disabled 14.6 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 19.5 17.3 Adult 10.1 11.6 Elderly 24.0 26.1 Disabled 45.6 40.8 Unknown 0.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 40.9 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 20.9 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 13.6 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 55.9 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 40.4 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 105,073 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 10.2 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,834 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,528 $10,728 21 Massachusetts Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.6 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.1 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.3 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.8 14.0 200% of poverty or below 19.7 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 20.9 22.4 200% of poverty or below 33.1 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,003 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 23 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 36.6 34.7 Individually purchased 22.5 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 15.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 243 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 39.7 49.9 Adult 28.7 25.8 Elderly 11.9 10.3 Disabled 19.7 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 17.0 17.3 Adult 11.4 11.6 Elderly 27.9 26.1 Disabled 43.2 40.8 Unknown 0.5 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 48.1 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 22.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 13.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 54.5 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 40.1 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 (-) 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 (-) 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,235 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,435 $10,728 22 Michigan Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.9 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 14.0 14.0 200% of poverty or below 19.7 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 20.7 22.4 200% of poverty or below 31.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,552 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 16 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 52.7 34.7 Individually purchased 19.6 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 14.4 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 269 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 52.3 49.9 Adult 23.8 25.8 Elderly 7.5 10.3 Disabled 16.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 16.0 17.3 Adult 10.6 11.6 Elderly 19.4 26.1 Disabled 39.7 40.8 Unknown 14.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 51.5 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 21.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 12.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 67.8 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 31.9 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 160,466 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.6 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,287 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,005 $10,728 23 Minnesota Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.0 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.1 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.1 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 9.3 14.0 200% of poverty or below 14.3 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 17.8 22.4 200% of poverty or below 29.6 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 736 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 14 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 18 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 33.7 34.7 Individually purchased 39.8 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 27.5 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 88 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 126 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 51.1 49.9 Adult 22.7 25.8 Elderly 12.2 10.3 Disabled 14.1 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 17.7 17.3 Adult 9.4 11.6 Elderly 26.1 26.1 Disabled 46.1 40.8 Unknown 0.8 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 43.3 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 21.6 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 13.3 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 32.6 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 60.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 56,494 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 6.2 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,932 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,846 $10,728 24 Mississippi Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.2 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.8 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 21.9 14.0 200% of poverty or below 32.2 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 37.3 22.4 200% of poverty or below 52.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 471 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 34 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored (-) 34.7 Individually purchased 29.2 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 6.8 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 160 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 51.0 49.9 Adult 16.4 25.8 Elderly 12.2 10.3 Disabled 20.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 15.5 17.3 Adult 8.3 11.6 Elderly 27.4 26.1 Disabled 36.1 40.8 Unknown 12.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 36.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 30.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 13.3 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 63.2 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 12.1 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 98,264 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.8 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,402 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,987 $10,728 25 Missouri Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.0 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 14.5 14.0 200% of poverty or below 22.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.8 22.4 200% of poverty or below 34.0 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 952 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 18 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 32.3 34.7 Individually purchased 27.4 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 15.5 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 195 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 54.1 49.9 Adult 22.1 25.8 Elderly 8.4 10.3 Disabled 15.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 21.5 17.3 Adult 10.8 11.6 Elderly 24.8 26.1 Disabled 42.6 40.8 Unknown 0.3 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 40.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 34.3 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 18.6 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 46.4 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 125,390 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 12.0 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,741 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,948 $10,728 26 Montana Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 21.6 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 12.3 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.2 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 11.4 14.0 200% of poverty or below 21.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 30.3 22.4 200% of poverty or below 44.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 157 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 11 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 22.9 34.7 Individually purchased 43.4 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 11.4 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 83 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 25 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 54.2 49.9 Adult 19.4 25.8 Elderly 9.6 10.3 Disabled 16.8 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 22.0 17.3 Adult 10.4 11.6 Elderly 26.9 26.1 Disabled 37.8 40.8 Unknown 3.0 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 40.8 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 17.3 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 7.4 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 51.8 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 43.7 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 29,143 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 14.6 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,898 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,058 $10,728 27 Nebraska Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.1 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.2 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.4 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below (-) 14.0 200% of poverty or below 11.7 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.5 22.4 200% of poverty or below 33.7 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 268 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 22.0 34.7 Individually purchased 39.1 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.2 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 88 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 44 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 59.8 49.9 Adult 18.5 25.8 Elderly 9.2 10.3 Disabled 12.6 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 23.0 17.3 Adult 8.8 11.6 Elderly 26.2 26.1 Disabled 39.9 40.8 Unknown 2.1 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 34.3 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 19.2 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 10.9 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 54.7 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 35.7 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 34,310 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 10.9 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,777 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,805 $10,728 28 Nevada Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.0 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.2 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.0 14.0 200% of poverty or below 17.9 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 16.2 22.4 200% of poverty or below 29.0 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 322 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 13 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 11 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 27.7 34.7 Individually purchased (-) 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 30.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 47 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 55.8 49.9 Adult 20.6 25.8 Elderly 9.3 10.3 Disabled 14.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 22.0 17.3 Adult 10.6 11.6 Elderly 20.2 26.1 Disabled 43.1 40.8 Unknown 4.1 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 25.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 16.2 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.6 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 48.6 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 42.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 67,949 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.2 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,752 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,011 $10,728 29 New Hampshire Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 20.3 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 8.9 14.0 200% of poverty or below 13.2 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 17.1 22.4 200% of poverty or below 32.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 200 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 11 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 42.6 34.7 Individually purchased 26.5 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 2.0 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 78 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 32 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 61.3 49.9 Adult 13.5 25.8 Elderly 10.3 10.3 Disabled 14.9 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 22.5 17.3 Adult 5.9 11.6 Elderly 31.0 26.1 Disabled 40.2 40.8 Unknown 0.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 30.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 27.6 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 20.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 59.7 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 24,609 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 9.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,175 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,835 $10,728 30 New Jersey Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.3 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.3 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.1 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 8.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 12.4 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 18.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 27.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,266 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 38.5 34.7 Individually purchased 27.5 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.8 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 223 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 51.3 49.9 Adult 18.3 25.8 Elderly 14.6 10.3 Disabled 15.8 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 13.3 17.3 Adult 5.7 11.6 Elderly 37.0 26.1 Disabled 42.9 40.8 Unknown 1.2 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 32.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 18.2 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 11.3 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 48.3 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 34.1 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 188,554 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 11.9 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,332 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,403 $10,728 31 New Mexico Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.8 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 18.1 14.0 200% of poverty or below 24.2 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 27.1 22.4 200% of poverty or below 39.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 287 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 16 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 30.3 34.7 Individually purchased (-) 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 21.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 67 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 59.4 49.9 Adult 23.8 25.8 Elderly 6.4 10.3 Disabled 10.3 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 26.6 17.3 Adult 12.5 11.6 Elderly 18.1 26.1 Disabled 33.9 40.8 Unknown 8.9 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 43.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 23 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 29.9 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 66.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 75,345 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 21.8 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,813 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,637 $10,728 32 New York Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.1 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.2 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.1 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 21.8 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 27.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 39.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 2,861 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 23 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 39.7 34.7 Individually purchased 14.9 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 22.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 722 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 41.3 49.9 Adult 35.4 25.8 Elderly 10.6 10.3 Disabled 12.7 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 10.7 17.3 Adult 16.1 11.6 Elderly 29.1 26.1 Disabled 42.5 40.8 Unknown 1.6 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 52.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 29.2 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 15.0 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.4 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 44.3 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 415,436 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 12.4 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,239 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,280 $10,728 33 North Carolina Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.2 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.6 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 18.1 14.0 200% of poverty or below 25.9 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 26.8 22.4 200% of poverty or below 42.4 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,368 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 23 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 31.8 34.7 Individually purchased 24.8 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 13.7 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 339 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 52.5 49.9 Adult 18.7 25.8 Elderly 11.5 10.3 Disabled 17.3 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 17.6 17.3 Adult 11.7 11.6 Elderly 25.7 26.1 Disabled 44.3 40.8 Unknown 0.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 50.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 23.9 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 11.4 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 40.1 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 43.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 282,702 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.8 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,802 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $9,657 $10,728 34 North Dakota Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.4 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 12.2 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 12.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 19.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.7 22.4 200% of poverty or below 35.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 105 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 16 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 23.9 34.7 Individually purchased 52.8 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 5.8 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 89 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 17 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 51.1 49.9 Adult 22.4 25.8 Elderly 12.8 10.3 Disabled 13.7 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 13.3 17.3 Adult 7.3 11.6 Elderly 36.6 26.1 Disabled 41.0 40.8 Unknown 1.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 40.7 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 16.1 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 55.1 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 24.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 14,028 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 11.4 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,438 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $8,334 $10,728 35 Ohio Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.8 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.5 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.0 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 11.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 16.8 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.8 22.4 200% of poverty or below 33.0 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,813 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 13 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 48.3 34.7 Individually purchased 20.1 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 17.0 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 314 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 53.2 49.9 Adult 23.0 25.8 Elderly 7.9 10.3 Disabled 16.0 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 14.3 17.3 Adult 10.9 11.6 Elderly 28.3 26.1 Disabled 46.0 40.8 Unknown 0.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 59.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 24.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 25.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 55.6 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 28.9 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 194,053 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 9.1 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,928 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,662 $10,728 36 Oklahoma Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.9 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.8 14.0 200% of poverty or below 21.7 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 22.2 22.4 200% of poverty or below 37.0 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 568 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 19 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 31.0 34.7 Individually purchased 29.1 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 11.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 122 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 63.3 49.9 Adult 14.3 25.8 Elderly 9.1 10.3 Disabled 13.3 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 27.6 17.3 Adult 7.8 11.6 Elderly 24.5 26.1 Disabled 39.5 40.8 Unknown 0.6 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 36.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 19.5 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 10.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 46.0 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 41.4 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 101,493 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.5 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,088 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,985 $10,728 37 Oregon Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.7 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.1 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 15.6 14.0 200% of poverty or below 22.4 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.3 22.4 200% of poverty or below 31.1 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 571 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 30.8 34.7 Individually purchased 33.5 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 37.8 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 95 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 49.2 49.9 Adult 27.6 25.8 Elderly 9.1 10.3 Disabled 14.1 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 20.2 17.3 Adult 20.9 11.6 Elderly 22.4 26.1 Disabled 35.9 40.8 Unknown 0.6 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 41.5 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 16.1 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.0 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 28.4 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 71.6 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 100,460 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 13.6 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,051 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,898 $10,728 38 Pennsylvania Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 12.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.6 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 10.0 14.0 200% of poverty or below 14.9 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.1 22.4 200% of poverty or below 31.6 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 2,195 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 18 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 28.3 34.7 Individually purchased 36.6 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 30.3 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 394 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 47.4 49.9 Adult 17.8 25.8 Elderly 11.5 10.3 Disabled 23.3 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 15.6 17.3 Adult 8.8 11.6 Elderly 32.2 26.1 Disabled 42.3 40.8 Unknown 1.1 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 48.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 32.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 22.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 63.2 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 27.7 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 220,435 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,195 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,108 $10,728 39 Rhode Island Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.4 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.6 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 9.8 14.0 200% of poverty or below 13.9 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 21.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 33.8 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 176 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 17 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 20 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 33.1 34.7 Individually purchased 29.8 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 33.5 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 41 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 45.3 49.9 Adult 25.0 25.8 Elderly 11.4 10.3 Disabled 18.3 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 18.1 17.3 Adult 9.3 11.6 Elderly 27.4 26.1 Disabled 45.0 40.8 Unknown 0.2 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 57.7 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 27.5 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 17.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 54.3 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 44.3 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 (-) 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 (-) 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,417 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,924 $10,728 40 South Carolina Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.4 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 16.9 14.0 200% of poverty or below 24.4 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 27.9 22.4 200% of poverty or below 45.8 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 703 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 20 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 25.2 34.7 Individually purchased 29.2 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.6 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 170 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 48.7 49.9 Adult 23.2 25.8 Elderly 14.0 10.3 Disabled 14.0 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 18.6 17.3 Adult 9.3 11.6 Elderly 18.1 26.1 Disabled 32.6 40.8 Unknown 21.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 50.5 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 24 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 11.6 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 49.5 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 33.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 125,900 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 16.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,943 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,436 $10,728 41 South Dakota Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.6 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.8 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.6 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 8.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 14.0 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 25.2 22.4 200% of poverty or below 41.9 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 130 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 20.1 34.7 Individually purchased 48.6 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 3.5 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 89 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 22 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 61.7 49.9 Adult 16.5 25.8 Elderly 9.6 10.3 Disabled 12.2 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 24.5 17.3 Adult 10.0 11.6 Elderly 26.3 26.1 Disabled 38.5 40.8 Unknown 0.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 43.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 18.5 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 9.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 53.8 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 37.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 12,910 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 9.1 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,796 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,312 $10,728 42 Tennessee Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.9 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.3 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.7 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 16.8 14.0 200% of poverty or below 23.5 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 28.7 22.4 200% of poverty or below 38.0 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 980 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 16 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 33 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 29.4 34.7 Individually purchased 22.2 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 17.1 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 86 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 285 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 44.2 49.9 Adult 25.6 25.8 Elderly 10.8 10.3 Disabled 19.4 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 15.2 17.3 Adult 21.5 11.6 Elderly 20.5 26.1 Disabled 42.2 40.8 Unknown 0.6 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 47.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 35.7 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 23.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 58.6 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 25.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 146,268 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 14.3 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,822 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,361 $10,728 43 Texas Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 16.3 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 8.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.3 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 18.4 14.0 200% of poverty or below 24.3 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 27.3 22.4 200% of poverty or below 41.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 2,735 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 11 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 21 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 36.1 34.7 Individually purchased 21.7 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 14.0 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 681 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 64.5 49.9 Adult 13.5 25.8 Elderly 10.3 10.3 Disabled 11.7 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 28.4 17.3 Adult 9.5 11.6 Elderly 24.0 26.1 Disabled 36.7 40.8 Unknown 1.4 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 36.2 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 27.3 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 16.8 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.1 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 43.5 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 696,321 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 19.9 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,108 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,533 $10,728 44 Utah Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 13.8 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 7.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.2 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 10.5 14.0 200% of poverty or below 15.2 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 18.5 22.4 200% of poverty or below 35.8 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 257 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 10 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 9 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 42.5 34.7 Individually purchased 28.0 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 17.5 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 84 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 34 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 56.2 49.9 Adult 27.8 25.8 Elderly 5.0 10.3 Disabled 11.0 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 17.5 17.3 Adult 10.9 11.6 Elderly 11.9 26.1 Disabled 34.1 40.8 Unknown 25.6 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 31.8 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 16.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 6.9 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 41.7 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 40.8 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 55,035 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 14.4 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,633 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,282 $10,728 45 Vermont Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 21.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.7 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.0 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 11.2 14.0 200% of poverty or below 15.3 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 22.4 22.4 200% of poverty or below 36.1 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 103 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 17 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 32 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 36.5 34.7 Individually purchased 30.5 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 1.2 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 85 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 26 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 42.2 49.9 Adult 32.6 25.8 Elderly 12.8 10.3 Disabled 12.5 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 20.2 17.3 Adult 16.5 11.6 Elderly 24.6 26.1 Disabled 36.8 40.8 Unknown 2.0 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 48.8 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 23.1 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 12.2 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 72.8 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 27.2 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 9,507 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 6.7 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,392 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,420 $10,728 46 Virginia Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 10.4 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.6 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 9.0 14.0 200% of poverty or below 14.2 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 23.0 22.4 200% of poverty or below 33.6 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 1,056 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 14 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 16 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 37.2 34.7 Individually purchased 16.8 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 8.9 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 83 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 200 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 56.1 49.9 Adult 14.9 25.8 Elderly 11.8 10.3 Disabled 17.2 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 19.3 17.3 Adult 9.2 11.6 Elderly 26.4 26.1 Disabled 44.2 40.8 Unknown 0.8 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 37.4 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 13.6 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 8.5 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 47.9 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 36.0 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 146,709 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 10.1 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,734 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,292 $10,728 47 Washington Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 19.1 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 9.9 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.9 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 9.7 14.0 200% of poverty or below 16.8 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 19.6 22.4 200% of poverty or below 29.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 881 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 14 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 15 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 40.5 34.7 Individually purchased 29.1 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 19.3 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 80 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 149 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 50.5 49.9 Adult 28.5 25.8 Elderly 7.2 10.3 Disabled 13.8 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 16.4 17.3 Adult 13.7 11.6 Elderly 17.0 26.1 Disabled 30.7 40.8 Unknown 22.2 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 44.6 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 22.4 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 14.0 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 32.2 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 60.6 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 124,080 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 10.0 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $3,975 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,018 $10,728 48 West Virginia Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 21.4 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 13.6 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.1 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 20.2 14.0 200% of poverty or below 29.3 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 28.7 22.4 200% of poverty or below 49.2 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 369 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 20 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 16 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 41.6 34.7 Individually purchased (-) 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 6.7 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 87 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 87 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 49.2 49.9 Adult 15.3 25.8 Elderly 8.9 10.3 Disabled 26.6 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 13.8 17.3 Adult 5.6 11.6 Elderly 21.5 26.1 Disabled 42.9 40.8 Unknown 16.2 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 55.9 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 11.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 3.7 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 53.0 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 39.6 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 45,064 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 10.5 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,128 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,900 $10,728 49 Wisconsin Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 18.7 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.1 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 2.2 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 8.3 14.0 200% of poverty or below 13.5 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 24.6 22.4 200% of poverty or below 39.3 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 861 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 15 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 16 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 33.7 34.7 Individually purchased 36.4 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 19.2 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 77 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 138 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 42.5 49.9 Adult 28.8 25.8 Elderly 15.1 10.3 Disabled 13.5 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 10.7 17.3 Adult 12.0 11.6 Elderly 33.5 26.1 Disabled 43.1 40.8 Unknown 0.7 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 49.9 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 13.8 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 7.1 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 45.2 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 46.0 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 83,205 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 8.3 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,223 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $10,983 $10,728 50 Wyoming Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 21.6 18.2 Percent of population age 65-84 (projected), 2008 11.5 10.9 Percent of population age 85+ (projected), 2008 1.8 1.9 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 11.2 14.0 200% of poverty or below 16.1 20.1 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006: 150% of poverty or below 20.7 22.4 200% of poverty or below 35.5 35.6 Medicare State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries (in 1,000s), 2008 75 44,199 Medicare beneficiaries (% of population), 2008 14 15 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 13 19 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2006: Employer sponsored 27.1 34.7 Individually purchased 46.3 25.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 2.7 18.5 Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 83 85 Number of Medicare Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 11 9,385 Medicaid State U.S. Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (% of total Medicaid enrollees), FY2005: Child 64.7 49.9 Adult 17.1 25.8 Elderly 6.7 10.3 Disabled 11.5 14.1 Medicaid payments by category of enrollee (% of total Medicaid spending), FY2005: Child 25.3 17.3 Adult 11.9 11.6 Elderly 20.3 26.1 Disabled 41.9 40.8 Unknown 0.5 4.2 Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2006 35.1 44.0 Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 7.7 22.9 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 3.4 13.9 Medicaid nursing home expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 34.7 48.0 Medicaid HCBS expenditures (% of total Medicaid long-term care expenditures), FY2006 55.4 39.4 Health Coverage State U.S. Number of uninsured persons age 50-64, 2006 11,040 7,089,684 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 11.1 13.4 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 $4,388 $3,991 Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 $11,467 $10,728 51 Puerto Rico Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 17.4 18.2 Percent of population age 65-79 (projected), 2008 10.1 9.0 Percent of population age 80+ (projected), 2008 3.4 3.8 Medicare State U.S. Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 53.1 18.5 Virgin Islands Demographics State U.S Percent of population age 50-64 (projected), 2008 20.5 18.2 Percent of population age 65-79 (projected), 2008 10.0 9.0 Percent of population age 80+ (projected), 2008 2.4 3.8 52 Demographics Percent of population age 50-64, 2008 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web:; and (2) U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Data Base (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2005 (for Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands data). Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the total projected U.S. population age 50-64 residing in each state and territory in 2008. Percent of population age 65-84, 2008 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web:; and (2) U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Data Base (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2005 (for Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands data). Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the projected U.S. population age 65-84 residing in each state and territory in 2008. A different age group is presented for the states than for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Percent of population age 85+, 2008 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web:; and (2) U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Data Base (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2005 (for Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands data). Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the projected U.S. population age 85+ residing in each state and territory in 2008. A different age group is presented for the states than for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey (CPS) 2007 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 50-64 with family (and related subfamily) income below 150 percent of poverty, and below 200 percent of poverty in 2006. In calendar year 2006, the federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $20,614. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2007 March 53 Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 65+ with family (and related subfamily) income below 150 and below 200 percent of poverty in 2006. In calendar year 2006, the federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $20,614. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Medicare Medicare beneficiaries: Number (in 1,000s), 2008 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Total Number of Medicare Beneficiaries, 2008,” 2008. Data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of External Affairs, released 1/31/08. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the total number of beneficiaries (in 1,000s) enrolled in the Medicare program as of January 2008, including persons enrolled in Part A only (Hospital Insurance), Part B only (Supplementary Medical Insurance), or both Part A and Part B. Medicare beneficiaries: Percent of population (%), 2008 — Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Medicare Enrollment as a Percent of Total Population, 2008,” 2008. Calculations based on (1) CMS Statistics: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of External Affairs, released 1/31/08; and (2) July 1, 2007 population estimates from the United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the total number of beneficiaries enrolled in the Medicare program as of January 2008, including persons enrolled in Part A only (Hospital Insurance), Part B only (Supplementary Medical Insurance), or both Part A and Part B, as a percentage of total state population. Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 — Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Dual Eligibles as a Percent of Total Medicare Enrollees, 2003,” 2005. Calculations based on (1) CMS Statistics: Medicare State Enrollment, CMS; and (2) Urban Institute estimates based on data from the Medicaid Statistical Information System. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare beneficiaries of all ages who also had full or partial Medicaid coverage during 2003. Medicare beneficiaries with full Medicaid coverage qualify for full Medicaid benefits, including long-term care provided both in institutions and in the community as well as prescription drugs. For this group, Medicaid may also pay Medicare premiums and cost sharing. Medicare beneficiaries with partial Medicaid coverage are not eligible for full Medicaid benefits but may receive assistance with some or all of their Medicare premiums and cost sharing. Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%): Employer sponsored, 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2007 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over who had employer- provided (retirement or other) health insurance at any time during 2006. Employer-sponsored coverage did not preclude the possibility of coverage from another source at some time during the year. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. 54 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%): Individually purchased, 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2007 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over who had privately purchased individual supplemental coverage (e.g., Medigap) at any time during 2006. Individually purchased coverage did not preclude the possibility of coverage from another source at some time during the year. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2007 — Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan Penetration, 2007,” 2007. Calculations based on CMS MA Enrollment by State County Contract File. Data on the total number of Medicare eligibles from December 2005 were used to calculate plan penetration. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of total Medicare beneficiaries who were enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans as of 2007. Medicare Advantage plans include Coordinated Care Plans (HMOs), Private Fee-for-Service Plans, Preferred Provider Organizations, and Specialty Plans. Data do not include Health Care Prepayment Plans (Sec. 1833 of the Social Security Act) or Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) plans. Enrollment was attributed to the state in which the beneficiary resided. “<1”= less than one percent enrollment. The U.S total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Medicare beneficiaries with creditable prescription drug coverage (%), 2008 — Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Distribution of Medicare Beneficiaries with Creditable Prescription Drug Coverage by Type, as of January 2008,” 2008. Data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of External Affairs, released 1/31/08. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of total Medicare beneficiaries who had creditable prescription drug coverage as of January 2007. Creditable drug coverage is defined as drug coverage that meets or exceeds the actuarial value of the standard Part D benefit. Total excludes approximately 2.1 million beneficiaries with the following sources of drug coverage because these data are currently not available at the state level: other retiree coverage not enrolled in retiree drug subsidy (1.54 million); Medigap and other individual insurance (.21 million); State Pharmaceutical Insurance Programs (.02 million), Indian Health Service Coverage (.03 million); other sources (.30 million includes Federal Employee Health Benefit program spouses and dependents). U.S. total includes the U.S. territories and beneficiaries whose address information is being updated. Number of Part D enrollees receiving the LIS (in 1,000s), 2008 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Medicare Drug Benefit Enrollees with the Low-Income Subsidy, as of January 2008,” 2008. Data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of External Affairs, released 1/31/08. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of Medicare beneficiaries who were receiving the low-income subsidy as of January 2008. Medicare beneficiaries with income below 150% of poverty ($14,700/individual; $19,800/couple in 2006) and limited resources (11,500/individual; $23,000/couple) are eligible for additional premium and cost-sharing assistance for prescriptions drugs under Part D of the Medicare program. U.S. total includes the U.S. territories and beneficiaries whose address information is being updated. 55 Medicaid Medicaid enrollment by enrollment group (%), FY2005 — The Urban Institute and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group, FY2005,” 2008. Estimates based on data from Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) reports from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 2008. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the distribution of persons enrolled in Medicaid for any length of time during FY2005 based on their eligibility category. These individuals may not have actually used any services during this period, but they were reported as enrolled in the program and were eligible to receive services in at least one month. “Child” generally refers to enrollees age 17 and younger. “Adult” generally refers to enrollees age 18 to 64. However, some people under age 18 may have been classified as “adults” and some people age 18 and older may have been classified as “children” depending on why they qualified for the program and each state’s practices. “Elderly” refers to all enrollees age 65 and older. “Disabled” refers to enrollees age 64 and under who were reported as eligible for Medicaid due to a disability. The enrollment estimates differ slightly from similar estimates posted by CMS because adjustments to the data have been made for several states where some individuals appeared to be categorized incorrectly. Maine data are for FY2004. Medicaid payment by category of enrollee (%), FY2005 — The Urban Institute and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Distribution of Medicaid Payments by Enrollment Group (in millions), FY2005,” 2008. Estimates based on data from Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) reports from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 2008. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to Medicaid payments made in FY2005. “Child” generally refers to enrollees age 17 and younger. “Adult” generally refers to enrollees age 18 to 64. However, some people under age 18 may have been classified as “adults” and some people age 18 and older may have been classified as “children” depending on why they qualified for the program and each state’s practices. “Elderly” refers to all enrollees age 65 and older. “Disabled” includes enrollees age 64 and under who were reported as eligible for Medicaid due to a disability. “Unknown” refers to enrollees who were not classified. Spending includes both state and federal Medicaid payments. The payment amounts from the source data reflect payments for services during federal fiscal year 2005, based on date of payment. Maine data are for FY2004. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% <65 in poverty), 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2007 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of all noninstitutionalized persons under age 65 with family (and related subfamily) income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold in 2006 who reported being covered by Medicaid at any time during 2006. Medicaid spending as a percent of total state spending, FY2005 — National Association of State Budget Officers, The Reforming States Group, and the Milbank Memorial Fund, “2005 State Expenditure Report,” Table 5, “State Spending by Function as a Percent of Total State Expenditures, Fiscal 2005,” Fall 2006. EXPLANATION: Refers to total Medicaid spending (federal and state 56 funds) as a percentage of total state expenditures in FY2005. Total state expenditures consist of state general funds, other state funds, and federal funds spent on elementary and secondary education, higher education, public assistance, Medicaid, corrections, transportation, and other services. “N/A” = data not available. State-only Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only spending, FY2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the National Association of State Budget Officers, The Reforming States Group, and the Milbank Memorial Fund, “2005 State Expenditure Report,” Table 1, “Total State Expenditures—Capital Inclusive,” and Table 28, “Medicaid Expenditures ($ in Millions),” Fall 2006. EXPLANATION: Refers to state-funded Medicaid expenditures as a percentage of FY2005 state-funded budgets. Data do not include the federal portion of Medicaid spending, but do include funds from county/city government. “N/A” = data not available. Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%): Nursing home, FY2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from Brian Burwell, Kate Sredl, and Steve Eiken, “Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures FY 2006” Medstat, August 2007. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid long-term care payments attributed to nursing home services in FY2006. Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%): HCBS, FY2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from Brian Burwell, Kate Sredl, and Steve Eiken, “Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures FY 2006” Medstat, August 2007. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid long-term care payments attributed to home and community-based services (HCBS) in FY2006. HCBS includes home health, personal care, and HCBS waiver programs. Health Insurance Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2007 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons between the ages of 50 and 64 who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2006. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, as well as changes in CPS’s data editing in 2007, caution should be used when comparing data with that in editions of AARP Public Policy Institute’s State Profiles. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Uninsured adults age 50-64 (% of population), 2006 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2007 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to noninstitutionalized persons between the ages of 50 and 64 who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2006 as a percentage of all persons between the ages of 50 and 64. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, as well as changes in CPS’s data editing in 2007, caution should be used when comparing data with that in editions of AARP Public Policy Institute’s State Profiles. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. 57 Average total premium (employer and employee) for single coverage at private employer, 2005 — U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, 2005 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS): Insurance Component, Table II.C.1. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the average total (employer and employee share) insurance premium amount per enrolled employee at private employers offering coverage in 2005. MEPS is a series of national probability surveys conducted by AHRQ on the financing and utilization of medical care in the United States. Average total premium (employer and employee) for family coverage at private employer, 2005 — U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, 2005 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS): Insurance Component, Table II.D.1. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the average total (employer and employee share) insurance premium amount for family coverage at private employers offering coverage in 2005. MEPS is a series of national probability surveys conducted by AHRQ on the financing and utilization of medical care in the United States. 58 AARP State Offices* Alabama Alaska Arizona 201 Monroe Street 3601 C Street, #1420 Collier Center RSA Tower, #1880 Anchorage, AK 99503 201 E. Washington St #1795 Montgomery, AL 36104 Main No.: 1-866-227-7447 Phoenix, AZ 85004-2428 Main No.: 1-866-542-8167 Fax: 907-341-2270 Main No.: 1-866-389-5649 Fax: 334-954-3050 Fax: 602-256-292 Arkansas California - Los Angeles California - Sacramento 1701 Centerview Drive #205 200 S. Los Robles Ave #400 1415 L Street #960 Little Rock, AR 72211 Pasadena, CA 91101-2422 Sacramento, CA 95814 Main No.: 1-866-554-5379 Main No.: 1-866-448-3615 Main No.: 1-866-448-3614 Fax: 501-227-7710 Fax: 626-583-8500 Fax: 916-446-2223 Colorado Connecticut Delaware 1301 Pennsylvania Ave #200 21 Oak Street #104 One Rodney Square North Denver, CO 80203 Hartford, CT 06106 1100 N. Market Street #1201 Main No.: 1-866-554-5376 Main No.: 1-866-295-7279 Wilmington, DE 19801 Fax: 303-764-5999 Fax: 860-249-7707 Main No.: 1-866-227-7441 Fax: 302-571-1984 District of Columbia Florida - St Petersburg Florida - South FL 601 E Street NW A1-200 400 Carillon Pkwy #100 3350 SW 148th Avenue #120 Washington, DC 20049 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Miramar, FL 33027 Main No.: 202-434-7701 Main No.: 1-866-595-7678 Main No.: 1-866-595-7678 Fax: 202-434-7710 Fax: 727-571-2278 Fax: 954-438-7871 Florida - Tallahassee Georgia Hawaii 200 W College Avenue #304 999 Peachtree St NE #1110 1132 Bishop Street 19th fl Tallahassee, FL 32301 Atlanta, GA 30309 Honolulu, HI 96813 Main No.: 1-866-595-7678 Main No: 1-866-295-7281 Main No.: 1-866-295-7282 Fax: 850-222-8968 Fax: 404-881-6997 Fax: 808-537-2288 Idaho Illinois Illinois - Springfield Eagle Road Profess. Ctr II 222 N. LaSalle Street #710 300 West Edwards Street 3rd fl 3080 Gentry Way #100 Chicago, IL 60601 Springfield, IL 62708 Meridian, ID 83642 Main No.: 1-866-448-3613 Main No.: 1-866-448-3617 Main No.: 1-866-295-7284 Fax: 312-372-2204 Fax: 217-522-7796 Fax: 208-288-4424 Indiana Iowa Kansas One North Capitol Ave #1275 600 E. Court Avenue #C 555 S. Kansas Avenue #201 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Des Moines, IA 50309 Topeka, KS 66603 Main No.: 1-866-448-3618 Main No.: 1-866-554-5378 Main No.: 1-866-448-3619 Fax: 317-423-2211 Fax: 515-244-4719 Fax: 785-232-8259 * Information is current as of June 2007. For more information on an office in your state, please call AARP at (800) 424-3410 59 AARP State Offices* Kentucky Louisiana Maine Plainview Center #121 One American Place 1685 Congress Street 10401 Linn Station Road 301 Main Street #1012 Portland, ME 04102 Louisville, KY 40223 Baton Rouge, LA 70825 Main No.: 1-866-554-5380 Main No.: 1-866-295-7275 Main No.: 1-866-448-3620 Fax: 207-775-5727 Fax: 502-394-9918 Fax: 225-387-3400 Maryland Massachusetts Michigan 200 St. Paul Place #2510 One Beacon Street #2301 309 N. Washington Square #110 Baltimore, MD 21202 Boston, MA 02108 Lansing, MI 48933 Main No.: 1-866-542-8163 Main No.: 1-866-448-3621 Main No.: 1-866-227-7448 Fax: 410-895-0269 Fax: 617-723-4224 Fax: 517-482-2794 Minnesota Mississippi Missouri 30 East 7th Street #1200 IBM Building 700 West 47th Street #110 St. Paul, MN 55101 6360 1-55 North #160 Kansas City, MO 64112 Main No.: 1-866-554-5381 Jackson, MS 39211 Main No.: 1-866-389-5627 Fax: 651-221-2636 Main No.: 1-866-554-5382 Fax: 816-561-3107 Fax: 601-991-3342 Montana Nebraska Nevada 30 West 14th Street #301 301 S. 13th Street #201 5820 S. Eastern Avenue #190 Helena, MT 59601 Lincoln, NE 68508 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Main No.: 1-866-295-7278 Main No.: 1-866-389-5651 Main No.: 1-866-389-5652 Fax: 406-441-2230 Fax: 402-323-6913 Fax: 702-938-3225 New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico 900 Elm Street #702 Forrestal Village 535 Cerrillos Road, Ste A Manchester, NH 03101 101 Rockingham Row Santa Fe, NM 87501 Main No.: 1-866-542-8168 Princeton, NJ 08540 Main No.: 1-866-389-5636 Fax: 603-629-0066 Main No.: 1-866-542-8165 Fax: 505-820-2889 Fax: 609-987-4634 New York New York - Albany North Carolina 780 Third Avenue 33rd fl One Commerce Plaza #706 225 Hillsborough Street #440 New York, NY 10017 Albany, NY 12260 Raleigh, NC 27603 Main No.: 1-866-227-7442 Main No.: 1-866-542-8166 Main No.: 1-866-389-5650 Fax: 212-644-6390 Fax: 518-434-6949 Fax: 919-755-9684 North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma 107 West Main Avenue #125 17 South High Street #800 126 N. Bryant Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501 Columbus, OH 43215 Edmond, OK 73034 Main No.: 1-866-554-5388 Main No.: 1-866-389-5653 Main No.: 1-866-295-7277 Fax: 701-221-2242 Fax: 614-224-9801 Fax: 405-844-7772 * Information is current as of June 2007. For more information on an office in your state, please call AARP at (800) 424-3410 60 AARP State Offices* Oregon Pennsylvania - Harrisburg Pennsylvania - Philadelphia 9200 SE Sunnybrook Blvd #410 30 No Third Street #750 One Liberty Place Clackamas, OR 97015 Harrisburg, PA 17101 1650 Market Street, Suite 650 Main No.: 1-866-554-5360 Main No.: 1-866-389-5654 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Fax: 503-652-9933 Fax: 717-236-4078 Main No.: 1-866-389-5654 Fax: 215-665-8529 Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina 654 Munoz Rivera Ave #901 10 Orms Street #200 1201 Main Street #1280 San Juan, PR 00918 Providence, RI 02904 Columbia, SC 29201 Main No.: 1-866-542-8169 Main No.: 1-866-542-8170 Main No.: 1-866-389-5655 Fax: 787-754-2211 Fax: 401-272-0876 Fax: 803-251-4379 South Dakota Tennessee Texas - Austin 5101 S. Nevada Street #150 150 4th Avenue N #180 98 San Jacinto Blvd #750 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Nashville, TN 37219 Austin, TX 78701 Main No.: 1-866-542-8172 Main No.: 1-866-295-7274 Main No.: 1-866-227-7443 Fax: 605-361-2323 Fax: 615-313-8414 Fax: 512-480-9799 Texas - Houston Texas - Dallas Utah 2323 South Shepherd #1100 8144 Walnut Hill Lane #700 6975 Union Park Center #320 Houston, TX 77019 Dallas, TX 75231 Midvale, UT 84047 Main No.: 1-866-227-7443 Main No.: 1-866-554-5377 Main No.: 1-866-448-3616 Fax: 832-325-2213 Fax: 214-265-4061 Fax: 801-561-2209 Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands 112 State Street 5th fl 707 East Main Street #910 93B Estate Diamond Montpelier, VT 05602 Richmond, VA 23219 Sunny Isle Main No.: 1-866-227-7451 Main No.: 1-866-542-8164 St. Croix, VI 00820 Fax: 802-224-9057 Fax: 804-819-1923 Main No.: 1-866-389-5633 Fax: 340-692-2544 Washington West Virginia Wisconsin 9750 Third Avenue NE #450 300 Summers Street #400 222 West Washington Ave Seattle, WA 98115 Charleston, WV 25301 Suite 600 Main No.: 1-866-227-7457 Main No.: 1-866-227-7458 Madison, WI 53703 Fax: 206-517-9350 Fax: 304-344-4633 Main No.: 1-866-448-3611 Fax: 608-251-7612 Wyoming 2020 Carey Avenue Mezzanine Cheyenne, WY 82001 Main No.: 1-866-663-3290 Fax: 307-634-3808 * Information is current as of June 2007. For more information on an office in your state, please call AARP at (800) 424-3410 61 Publication of the Health Team Public Policy Institute 601 E Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20049 D18971 (308)