STATE PROFILES 2005 REFORMING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM by Lynda Flowers Leigh Gross Patricia Kuo Shelly-Ann Sinclair 13 TH EDITION © 2005, AARP, Reprinting with permission only. THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................iv HOW TO USE STATE PROFILES 2005 ............................................................................................................v HIGHLIGHTS HEALTH POLICY MAPS..................................................................................................................................1 Guaranteed Issue in Individual Market Coverage Requirements for Mental Health Benefits State Enrollment of Elderly and/or Disabled in Medicaid Managed Care Plans Medicaid Medically Needy Program for Aged and Disabled Asset Verification for Medicare Savings Programs Estate Recovery for Medicare Savings Programs State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs State Medicaid Cost Containment Measures State Policies to Control Medicaid Drug Costs State Patient Safety Centers Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Medical Errors or Adverse Events in Hospitals Policies to Enhance Pain Management State Minority Health Office or Designated Contact Limits on Non-Economic Damages for Medical Malpractice Health Plan Liability Laws to Protect Consumers HEDIS Reporting for Commercial Plans External Grievance Review for Health Plan Coverage Decisions STATE HEALTH PROFILES...........................................................................................................................11 Demographics Expenditures and Financing Health Status Utilization and Quality of Services Resources Available Medicare Medicaid Health Coverage and the Uninsured Key Trends STATE DATA AND RANKINGS....................................................................................................................221 DATA DOCUMENTATION ...........................................................................................................................263 AARP MEMBERSHIP MAP..........................................................................................................................286 AARP STATE OFFICES...............................................................................................................................287 Acknowledgments We would like to thank the many individuals and organizations that shared data for the development of State Profiles 2005. We also thank our colleagues within AARP—Joyce Dubow, David Gross, Susan Raetzman, Lee Rucker, Gerry Smolka, and Jackson Williams—for invaluable assistance with the substantive content of this report. We extend a very special thank you to Carlos Figueiredo for data expertise and to Strat Maloma for invaluable assistance with cover design. Susan Raetzman deserves a special thank you for her support and guidance. Finally, Theresa Varner deserves continued recognition for her support in producing the many edi- tions of State Profiles. The information compiled in this publication is presented for purposes of information, discussion, and debate and does not necessarily represent formal policies of AARP. iii Introduction State Profiles: Reforming the Health Care System 2005 is a compilation of major health system characteristics for each state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Published since 1990 by the AARP Public Policy Institute, the State Profiles series was developed to help guide policy discussions among public and private sector leaders in health care throughout the United States. It offers a snapshot of each state’s health care landscape by providing comparable state-level and national data for nearly 100 indicators that are otherwise difficult to obtain from a single source. This 13th edition of State Profiles presents the most up-to-date data available at the time of production. The section on Health Policy Maps has been significantly revised to demonstrate the variation that exists among states on health care issues of greatest interest today. For example, this year’s edition includes two maps that concern state efforts to control Medicaid costs: one that concerns benefit and eligibility cuts, and another that concerns efforts to control drug costs using preferred drug lists and bulk purchasing. Other new topic areas in the Maps section include estate recovery for Medicare Savings Programs, patient safety centers, pain management policies, and minority health offices or designated contacts. The State Health Profiles section has also been revised to reflect current health care priorities. For example, the Expenditures and Financing category includes data on Medicaid expenditures that differentiate between spending as a percentage of total state budgets and spending as a percentage of state-only budgets. In the Health Status category, an indicator has been added to reflect the percentage of adults age 50 and older who reported exercising with the intention to maintain or lose weight. A new indicator on Medicare hospice utiliza- tion has been added to the Utilization and Quality of Services category. In the Resources Available category, an indicator on the number of practicing pharmacists appears for the first time. In the Medicare category, a new indicator highlights the number of Medicare prescription drug plans that are available in each state. In some cases, indicators have been broken down into new age subsets to help highlight the changes that take place after age 50. This year’s edition continues to provide a category in each state’s profile on Key Trends, first introduced in the 2001 edition. The purpose of this category is to show changes over time in both population and environmental characteristics that affect a state. It also shows state and population characteristics that, at least in part, can be impacted by policies and priorities within a state. Data for these 12 indicators are shown at two points in time, usually 10 years apart. The State Profiles series has a longstanding history; caution must be used, therefore, when making compar- isons with information contained in previous editions because of changes that may have been made in the source or definition of a particular indicator. For additional copies of State Profiles 2005, please call the AARP Public Policy Institute at 202-434-3890. This publication, as well as state-specific versions, can also be accessed via the Internet at http:// iv How to Use State Profiles 2005 State Profiles consists of four sections—Health Policy Maps, State Health Profiles, State Data and Rankings, and Data Documentation. Listed below are tips to help navigate this year’s edition. To find data on a particular state, consult the State Health Profiles section, which is organized alphabetically by state. It provides state- and national-level data on nearly 100 indicators in nine topic categories. The categories are Demographics, Expenditures and Financing, Health Status, Utilization and Quality of Services, Resources Available, Medicare, Medicaid, Health Coverage and the Uninsured, and Key Trends. To determine how the picture has changed over time within a state, use the Key Trends category of the State Health Profiles section. Data for two points in time are presented, along with the cumulative percent change. To find data on a particular health indicator, go to the State Data and Rankings section. It organizes the state data from the State Health Profiles section by indicator. For each health measure, readers can quickly view the variation among states, as well as in comparison to the nation as a whole. Each indicator is presented under an abbreviated title. To compare how states are performing on particular measures, use the State Data and Rankings section, which also ranks the state data from highest to lowest. Readers can see where a particular state falls relative to others, and they can compare how states rank across several health measures. It is important to recognize that ranking highest does not necessarily imply “doing the best” (e.g., the highest death rate from a particular disease). Users should also be aware that some indicators are not well-suited to being ranked. For information on state policies and programs related to key health policy issues, visit the section entitled Health Policy Maps. It showcases a regional perspective on health policy initiatives and the diversity of approaches that states are taking to address health care issues. To determine the original data source, refer to the Data Documentation section in the back of the book. Readers should use this section regularly. It identifies the sources of data, provides a detailed explanation of each indicator, and describes any caveats or limitations that apply to the data. It also provides additional detail for states that have an asterisk (*) noted in the State Health Profiles section. For locations of AARP state offices, turn to pages 287-288. The addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers are provided for each state office. You will also find a map illustrating AARP membership across the country. v Highlights HEALTH POLICY MAPS • As of March 2005, 25 states had parity between coverage of mental illness or substance abuse and coverage of other physical disorders and diseases. Twenty-one states had either minimum mandated benefit laws (10) or mandated offering laws (11). • Twenty-seven states had one of two types of state pharmaceutical assistance programs as of July 2005. Subsidy programs, where the state pays all or part of the cost of the drug, were operational in fewer than half (18) of the states, and 9 states had operational discount programs, in which the state negotiates a reduced or discounted retail price for eligible participants. Four states offered both subsidy and discount programs. • In an effort to help contain Medicaid costs, 12 states adopted either benefit cuts or eligibility cuts in FY2005. An additional 6 states adopted both types of cuts. • With rising drug prices, many states initiated efforts to control Medicaid drug costs. Twenty-two states operated a preferred drug list as of August 2005, and an additional 11 states operated a preferred drug list and participated in a pharmaceutical bulk purchasing program. • In the U.S. in 2003, 46 states had at least one policy to enhance pain management. Of the states that had policies, 19 had three or more policies that contained provisions to enhance pain management. • As of July 2005, 28 states placed a limit on non-economic damages for medical malpractice awards. Twenty-one states imposed limits specific to non-economic damages. Six states capped the amount of total damages, which indirectly limits non-economic and other categories of damages. One state limited both non-economic and the total amount of damages. DEMOGRAPHICS • The number of persons age 50-64 in the U.S. was projected to grow 44.8 percent between 1995 and 2005. Nevada was expected to experience the greatest increase in the age 50-64 population, growing 93.3 percent during the 10-year period. Twenty-two other states were projected to experience a 50 percent or greater growth in their age 50-64 population. California had the largest number of persons age 50-64 in 1995 and was projected to have the largest number in 2005 (3.66 million and 5.67 million, respectively). Wyoming had the smallest number (65,537) in 1995, while the District of Columbia was projected to have the smallest number (87,763) in 2005. • The share of the population that was of a minority race or ethnicity in the U.S. increased 24.2 percent between 1995 and 2005. Over the 10-year period, Maine (261.5%), Nebraska (178.0%), Iowa (146.5%), Minnesota (117.6%), and South Dakota (117.2%) experienced the largest increases in the proportion of the population that was minority or ethnic. The District of Columbia (-6.9%) was the only area that experienced a decrease in the percentage of minority or ethnic persons in its population. • In 2004, the portion of persons age 65 and older with family income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) averaged 9.8 percent in the U.S. The southeastern states of Mississippi and Arkansas had the highest percentages at 21.3 and 15.0 percent, respectively. The states with the lowest percentages were Utah (3.6%) and Vermont (5.7%). Across all states, an additional 28.1 percent of persons age 65 and older had family income between 101% and 200% of the FPL. vi Highlights • In the U.S., the percentage of persons under age 65 with family income at or below poverty decreased by 11.9 percent between 1994 and 2004. The majority of states (33) and the District of Columbia experienced a decrease in the percentage of persons under age 65 with family income at or below poverty. Minnesota experienced the largest decline in this rate during the period (-42.4%). EXPENDITURES AND FINANCING • On average, states spent 21.4 percent of their total state budget on Medicaid (including long-term care) in FY2003. Total state budgets consist of state general funds, other state funds, and federal funds. Tennessee (33.9%), Missouri (32.6%), and Pennsylvania (28.8%) spent the highest proportions of their total budgets on Medicaid, while Wyoming (7.9%), Hawaii (9.7%), and West Virginia (11.1%) spent the lowest proportions. • States spent an average of 12.6 percent of their state-only budget on Medicaid in FY2003. Ohio (23.0%), Connecticut (20.2%), and Tennessee (19.7%) led the way with the highest shares. Conversely, Medicaid expenditures accounted for the smallest share of state-only budgets in West Virginia (3.3%) and Wyoming (3.7%). • The average price of a prescription in the U.S. in 2003 was $52.97. Eighteen states and the District of Columbia were above the national average, with Alaska ($66.89), the District of Columbia ($66.81), and Maryland ($64.96) being the highest. The average price of a prescription was lowest in New Mexico ($44.71). • Among active U.S. workers in 2003, the average employee health insurance premium contribution was 17.4 percent of the total premium. Employees in Nebraska contributed the largest percentage (25.0%), while employees in Hawaii contributed the smallest share (8.3%). HEALTH STATUS • In the U.S. in 2003, 45.0 percent of adults age 50+ reported ever being told that they had high blood pressure. Percentages well above the national rate were reported in Mississippi (55.4%), West Virginia (52.8%), and Alabama (52.7%). At the other end of the range, percentages in Alaska (37.1%), Montana (37.1%), and New Mexico (37.2%) were substantially below the national figure. • In the U.S. in 2004, the share of adults age 50+ who reported having ever been told by a doctor that they had diabetes was 13.4 percent. The District of Columbia had the highest percentage (19.8%), followed by West Virginia (19.7%) and Mississippi (18.0%). Alaska and Colorado were tied for the lowest share of residents reporting a diabetes diagnosis at 9.2 percent. • In 2004, 19.7 percent of U.S. adults age 50-64 reported smoking cigarettes in the past year. Kentucky (27.6%) and Oklahoma (25.2%) had the highest percentages of near-elderly smokers, while Utah (8.5%) and California (13.4%) had the lowest percentages of these smokers. In comparison, fewer U.S. adults age 65+ reported smoking cigarettes in the past year (9.2%), with the highest percentage of elderly smokers in Nebraska (14.5%) and the lowest percentage of elderly smokers in Texas (4.8%). • In 2003, 66.5 percent of U.S. adults age 50-64 and 54.7 percent of U.S. adults age 65+ reported that they exercise with the intention of maintaining or losing weight. Minnesota had the largest percentage of adults age 50-64 who reported exercise with the intention of maintaining/losing weight (75.1%), while Alabama had the smallest percentage (54.9%). Among adults age 65+, Hawaii had the largest percentage who reported exercising with the intention of maintaining/losing weight (67.4%), while Kentucky had the smallest percentage (40.2%). vii Highlights • In 2004, more than 9 percent (9.3%) of U.S. adults age 65+ reported having a self-care limitation. Residents of Mississippi (14.3%), Louisiana (12.0%), Arkansas (11.9%), West Virginia (11.8%), and Alaska (11.7%) had the highest percentages of elderly persons self-reporting a self-care limitation. South Dakota (5.8%) and Wisconsin (6.1%) reported the smallest share of adults age 65+ with a self-care limitation. UTILIZATION AND QUALITY OF SERVICES • In 2004, 67.3 percent of all U.S. women age 50+ reported receiving a mammogram in the previous 12 months. Delaware had the highest percentage with 76.1 percent of the state’s women age 50 and older reporting receiving a mammogram, while Idaho had the lowest percentage at 57.5 percent. • In 2004, about half (48.6%) of U.S. adults age 50+ reported ever receiving a screening colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy and also indicated having had one within the past ten years. Minnesota had the highest percentage (62.8%), while Louisiana had the lowest percentage (40.8%). • In 2004, nearly two-thirds (64.6%) of all U.S. adults age 65+ reported ever receiving a pneumococcal vaccination. Montana had the highest percentage (71.6%), while the District of Columbia had the lowest percentage (51.4%). In the same year, just over one-half (52.3%) of all U.S. adults age 65+ reported receiving an influenza vaccination during the past 12 months. South Dakota had the highest percentage (63.9 %), while Nevada had the lowest percentage (44.5%). • In 2003, 2.1 percent of all aged and disabled Medicare beneficiaries in traditional fee-for-service Medicare used Medicare hospice services. Arizona had the largest percentage with 4.2 percent, twice the national share, while Alaska had the lowest percentage with 0.2 percent. • Between 1993 and 2003, U.S. utilization of outpatient emergency rooms (as measured by visits per 1,000 persons) increased by 4.9 percent (from 383 to 402). Maryland had the highest rate of increase (21.9%) in emergency room visits per 1,000 persons over the 10-year period (from 311 in 1993 to 379 in 2003). Nevertheless, close to half (22) of the states (including the District of Columbia) experienced a decrease in the rate of emergency room use. While the emergency room visit rate decreased notably in the District of Columbia during this period (-19.3%), it had the highest number of emergency room visits per 1,000 persons in both 1993 (805) and 2003 (649). RESOURCES AVAILABLE • Nationally, there were 23 geriatricians per 100,000 persons age 65+ in 2005. The District of Columbia had the highest rate (45), while Mississippi (9) and Idaho (8) had the lowest. Other states with high numbers of geriatricians per 100,000 persons age 65+ tended to be in the mid-Atlantic and northeast: Maryland (40), New York (40), Connecticut (39), Pennsylvania (37), and Massachusetts (37). • The number of practicing pharmacists per 100,000 population in 2004 varied widely among the states, from a high of 115 in Nebraska to a low of 59 in Alaska, while the U.S. figure was 73. • Only 14.4 percent of all hospital-based, full-time-equivalent registered nurses practiced in nonmetropolitan areas in 2003. Wyoming had the largest portion of these registered nurses working in nonmetropolitan areas (66.2%), followed by New Hampshire (57.1%) and Vermont (49.0%). The states with the smallest percentage of hospital-based registered nurses working in nonmetropolitan areas were California (2.6%), Florida (4.0%), and Rhode Island (4.1%). viii Highlights • The share of the U.S. population underserved by a primary care physician grew by 14.7 percent between 1995 and 2005. Arizona had the largest increase, proportionately, while Vermont had the greatest decrease (from 6.8% to 3.6%). The top five states with the largest proportional increase in the population underserved by a primary care physician were Arizona (5.9% to 13.5%), Florida (6.8% to 15.7%), Maryland (3.2% to 6.5%), Missouri (11.8% to 23.7%), and Delaware (4.1% to 8.0%). MEDICARE • The share of Medicare beneficiaries as a percent of state population equaled or exceeded the U.S. average (14%) in 34 states in 2004. West Virginia had the highest percentage of its population accounted for by Medicare beneficiaries (19.6%), while Alaska had the lowest (7.7%). Other states with percentages above the national figure included Maine (17.9%), Pennsylvania (17.4%), Florida (17.1%), and Arkansas (16.9%). • The share of disabled Medicare beneficiaries in the U.S. was 15.4 percent in 2004. Mississippi (23.9%) and Kentucky (23.7%) had the highest portion of Medicare beneficiaries who were eligible on the basis of disability, while Hawaii (10.4%) and North Dakota (11.1%) had the lowest. • In 2003, the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries of all ages with full or partial Medicaid was 19 percent. Medicare beneficiaries with partial Medicaid are not eligible for full Medicaid benefits but may receive assistance with some or all of their Medicare premiums and cost sharing. Across the states, the percentage of all beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid coverage ranged from a high of 36 percent in Maine to a low of 7 percent in Idaho. • One-third (34.0%) of Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ had employer-sponsored supplemental health insurance in 2004, and about one-quarter (25.7%) had privately purchased individual supplemental insurance in 2004. The District of Columbia and Delaware were well above the national rate, with more than half (52.5% and 51.1%, respectively) of the age 65+ population having employer-sponsored health insurance. In three states, North Dakota (48.6%), Iowa (47.5%), and Nebraska (47.5%), almost half of the beneficiaries had individually purchased health insurance to supplement Medicare’s coverage. • Nationally, in 2006 there will be a total of 1,443 stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans. The number of plans varies by state, ranging from a high of 52 in Pennsylvania and West Virginia to a low of 27 in Alaska. MEDICAID • In 2004, 43.2 percent of all U.S. adults under age 65 living in poverty received Medicaid. Maine (64.8%), the District of Columbia (59.0%), and Massachusetts (54.8%) had the highest percentages. States with the lowest percentages were New Hampshire (25.1%), Colorado (25.4%), and Nevada (25.7%). • Between 1992 and 2001, total Medicaid enrollment increased by 31.6 percent in the U.S. Delaware experienced the largest increase (92.9%), with enrollment growing from 69,000 in 1992 to 133,000 in 2001. North Dakota (-0.9%) and West Virginia (-6.2%) were the only two states where Medicaid enrollment decreased over the nine-year period. ix Highlights HEALTH COVERAGE AND THE UNINSURED • The share of uninsured persons under age 65 in the U.S. was 17.8 percent in 2004. Texas had the largest percentage (27.6%), while Minnesota had the smallest percentage (9.9%). Other states with high percentages of persons under age 65 without health insurance, relative to other states, included New Mexico (23.8%), Florida (23.6%), Oklahoma (23.1%), and Montana (22.3%). • In 2004 in the U.S., 62.3 percent of persons under age 65 had employer-sponsored health insurance. New Hampshire had the highest percentage (76.1%), and New Mexico had the lowest percentage (51.6%). • The share of the minority/ethnic population that was uninsured and under age 65 reached 25 percent or greater in 21 states in 2004, with a U.S. rate of 26.5 percent. Montana had the highest percentage of minority/ethnic persons under age 65 without health insurance coverage (43.5%), while Hawaii had the lowest (24.2%). Texas (36.4%) and Florida (31.6%), both states with large numbers of minority/ethnic persons, were among the five states with the highest percentages of uninsured minority/ethnic persons under age 65. • The percentage of children below 200% of poverty who were uninsured varied widely among the states in 2004, from a high of 32.9 percent in Colorado to a low of 8.8 percent in Alabama. The U.S. figure was 18.5 percent. • In the U.S. in 2004, 15.8 percent of full-time workers and their dependents were uninsured. New Mexico (24.1%), Texas (23.6%), and Oklahoma (22.2%) had the highest percentages of full-time workers with dependents who were uninsured. Hawaii (5.9%) and Minnesota (7.6%) had the lowest percentages. x Health Policy Maps 1 Health Policy Maps Guaranteed Issue in Individual Market, as of December 2004 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Guaranteed issue Some guaranteed issue No guaranteed issue Coverage Requirements for Mental Health Benefits, as of March 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Parity Minimum mandated benefit Mandated offering No law 2 Health Policy Maps State Enrollment of Elderly and/or Disabled in Medicaid Managed Care Plans, as of December 2002 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No Medicaid Medically Needy Program for Aged and Disabled, as of January 2004 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No 3 Health Policy Maps Asset Verification for Medicare Savings Programs, as of Fall 2002 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Required Not required N/A Estate Recovery for Medicare Savings Programs, as of August 2004 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No N/A 4 Health Policy Maps State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs, as of July 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Subsidy program Discount program Both Neither State Medicaid Cost Containment Measures, FY2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Eligibility cuts Benefit cuts Both Neither 5 Health Policy Maps State Policies to Control Medicaid Drug Costs, as of August 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Preferred drug list Preferred drug list and bulk purchasing Neither State Patient Safety Centers, as of July 2004 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No 6 Health Policy Maps Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Medical Errors or Adverse Events in Hospitals, as of July 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No Policies to Enhance Pain Management, as of March 2003 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Five or more policies Three to four policies One to two policies No policies 7 Health Policy Maps State Minority Health Office or Designated Contact, as of June 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI State office of minority health Designated contact only Neither Limits on Non-Economic Damages for Medical Malpractice, as of July 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Cap on total damages Cap on non-economic damages Both Neither 8 Health Policy Maps Health Plan Liability Laws to Protect Consumers, as of December 2004 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No HEDIS Reporting for Commercial Plans, as of August 2005 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI NV IL IN OH NJ CT UT CO KS WV DE MO MD KY VA CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Audited data Data required Other HEDIS data No HEDIS data required without audit required required 9 Health Policy Maps External Grievance Review for Health Plan Coverage Decisions, as of December 2004 WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Yes No 10 State Health Profiles 11 Alabama Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.3% 41.4% 18.0% 11.6% 1.7% 4,527,166 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................29.2 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$27,630 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$48,500 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................19.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.6 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.2 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................34.6 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................69.51 SCHIP ...................................................................................................78.66 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................21.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................33.2 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........22.3 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.9 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................29.5 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,478 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................31.3 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................8.2 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$55.42 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................20.2 17.4 12 Alabama/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................32.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................52.7 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................14.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............56.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................15.4 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.2 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................12.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................54.9 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................41.6 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................10.7 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.2 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................69.4 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................46.5 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................60.1 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.3 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................159.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................8.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................33 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.8 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................29 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................176 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................14 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................98 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................15.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................335 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................163 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................19 19 13 Alabama/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................733 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................21.9 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................23.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................32.7 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................28.4 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.7 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................8.4 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 49.0% 49.7% 16.1% 24.5% 14.3% 10.9% 20.6% 14.9% 780,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................49.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................19 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........61.3 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 15.2% 17.8% 62.6% 62.3% 4.8% 6.8% 13.2% 10.8% 4.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................13.8 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................18.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .......................................8.8 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.0 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................13.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................3,500 181,794 14 Alabama/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 812,993 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 603,114 34.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 602,411 36,695,904 1995 556,781 33,619,311 % change 8.2 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 29.8 32.9 1995 26.8 26.5 % change 11.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 17.4 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 16.7 15.1 % change 4.2 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.7 5.5 1993 9.9 8.4 % change -12.1 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 67.6 65.8 1994 55.9 56.7 % change 20.9 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 11.7 8.1 1994 12.5 7.5 % change -6.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 25.8 11.5 1995 17.8 10.0 % change 45.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 781 47,061 1992 546 35,754 % change 42.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 16.3 14.2 1997 10.3 8.1 % change 58.5 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 485 402 1993 486 383 % change -0.3 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.7 4.1 1994 3.9 4.9 % change 20.8 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 15 Alaska Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 31.2% 44.9% 17.2% 6.1% 0.6% 661,110 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................34.3 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$34,085 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$67,408 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.4 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................5.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................7.1 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below ........................................................................................(-) 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..............................................................................(-) 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.16 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.11 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................14.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................36.5 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........12.1 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........5.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.8 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,896 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................18.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................9.2 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$66.89 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................10.8 17.4 16 Alaska/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................18.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................37.1 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.8 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............50.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004............................................................9.2 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.7 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................12.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................74.3 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................58.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.7 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................56.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................60.6 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................45.1 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................57.2 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................47.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................6.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................70.8 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................3.5 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................19 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................1.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................0.2 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................59 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................157 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................23 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................59 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................36.7 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................196 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................25 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................34 19 17 Alaska/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)....................................................................................50 41,385 Medicare Percent of population................................................................................7.7 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................18.6 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................19.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................35.0 34.0 Individually purchased................................................................................(-) 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................89.1 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................27 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 62.9% 49.7% 20.9% 24.5% 6.2% 10.9% 10.0% 14.9% 100,300 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................35.3 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................81 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................97.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004............0.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 18.0% 17.8% 58.9% 62.3% 5.7% 6.8% 11.2% 10.8% 6.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................15.9 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................22.1 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................20.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................32.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................12.3 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................15.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................482 181,794 18 Alaska/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 113,779 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 70,527 61.3 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 43,999 36,695,904 1995 29,847 33,619,311 % change 47.4 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 33.0 32.9 1995 21.5 26.5 % change 53.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.6 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 10.3 15.1 % change -6.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.1 5.5 1993 7.5 8.4 % change -18.3 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 69.0 65.8 1994 63.0 56.7 % change 9.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 10.4 8.1 1994 9.3 7.5 % change 11.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 14.0 11.5 1995 15.3 10.0 % change -8.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 100 47,061 1992 72 35,754 % change 39.3 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 13.0 14.2 1997 7.3 8.1 % change 76.8 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 331 402 1993 480 383 % change -31.1 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 1.6 4.1 1994 2.7 4.9 % change -39.6 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 19 Arizona Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 29.0% 41.3% 16.7% 11.5% 1.6% 5,868,004 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................11.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$28,609 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$48,346 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................16.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.0 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.5 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................66.98 SCHIP ...................................................................................................76.89 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$2.9b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................16.3 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................38.8 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.7 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........8.7 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004...........................................0.6 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,960 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................28.1 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................3.4 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.73 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................17.5 17.4 20 Arizona/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.6 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................40.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.2 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............36.7 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................17.5 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.9 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................66.5 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................63.1 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................62.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................65.4 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................47.3 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................68.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.0 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................107.7 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................20 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.4 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................4.2 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................27 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................174 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................15 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................61 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................7.5 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................190 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................57 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................10 19 21 Arizona/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................754 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.1 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................10.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................32.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................22.6 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.7 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................26.7 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................43 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 54.2% 49.7% 28.4% 24.5% 6.1% 10.9% 11.3% 14.9% 808,300 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................53.6 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................200 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........88.4 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 19.7% 17.8% 55.0% 62.3% 8.8% 6.8% 14.3% 10.8% 2.3% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................13.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................28.0 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................22.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................30.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................16.1 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................17.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 22 Arizona/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 978,918 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 549,340 78.2 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 765,061 36,695,904 1995 576,934 33,619,311 % change 32.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 39.9 32.9 1995 27.7 26.5 % change 44.0 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 15.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 17.1 15.1 % change -11.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.6 5.5 1993 7.0 8.4 % change -6.3 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 60.8 65.8 1994 50.6 56.7 % change 20.2 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.5 8.1 1994 6.6 7.5 % change 14.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 13.5 11.5 1995 5.9 10.0 % change 130.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 808 47,061 1992 551 35,754 % change 46.7 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 N/A 14.2 1997 N/A 8.1 % change N/A 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 319 402 1993 360 383 % change -11.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 1.7 4.1 1994 2.4 4.9 % change -31.3 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 23 Arkansas Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.6% 40.8% 17.9% 11.9% 1.9% 2,777,007 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................41.8 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$25,724 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$42,020 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................16.9 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................23.4 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.6 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................15.0 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................29.1 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................73.77 SCHIP ...................................................................................................81.64 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$2.0b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................25.5 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................45.0 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........19.5 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........7.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................29.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,948 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................24.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................2.9 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$44.76 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................20.6 17.4 24 Arkansas/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................30.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................49.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.5 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............53.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................13.4 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................24.3 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................60.4 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................49.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.9 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................58.7 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................42.6 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................62.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................55.8 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................14.4 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................144.1 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................6.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................35 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.6 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................45 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................154 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................16 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................89 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................32.4 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................350 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................123 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................38 19 25 Arkansas/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................460 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.9 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................20.8 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................27.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................18.5 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................32.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................40 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 49.6% 49.7% 21.9% 24.5% 11.7% 10.9% 16.7% 14.9% 550,700 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................44.5 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................20 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........60.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 19.1% 17.8% 54.7% 62.3% 8.4% 6.8% 14.4% 10.8% 3.4% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................17.6 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................23.7 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................33.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................18.3 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................19.3 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................3,051 181,794 26 Arkansas/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 496,536 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 354,939 39.9 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 382,276 36,695,904 1995 361,890 33,619,311 % change 5.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 22.0 32.9 1995 18.0 26.5 % change 22.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 15.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 15.1 15.1 % change 2.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.1 5.5 1993 9.5 8.4 % change -14.5 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.1 65.8 1994 58.0 56.7 % change 14.0 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 10.2 8.1 1994 10.3 7.5 % change -0.9 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 10.1 11.5 1995 14.3 10.0 % change -29.2 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 551 47,061 1992 360 35,754 % change 53.0 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.8 14.2 1997 9.8 8.1 % change 51.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 469 402 1993 448 383 % change 4.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.6 4.1 1994 7.3 4.9 % change -36.8 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 27 California Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 29.2% 44.2% 15.7% 9.3% 1.5% 36,038,859 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................2.3 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$35,172 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$54,839 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................15.1 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.7 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.4 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.1 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ......................................$23.6b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................20.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................45.2 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........18.5 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........11.6 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................24.0 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,441 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................23.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................10.7 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.94 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................14.4 17.4 28 California/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................23.8 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................13.8 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............36.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................15.1 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................13.4 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................6.3 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................67.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................65.1 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.6 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.2 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................65.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................50.2 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................63.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.7 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................7.7 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................96.9 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.5 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................31 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................31 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................214 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................21 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................61 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................2.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................192 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................593 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................16 19 29 California/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................4,142 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................11.6 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.3 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................24.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................30.3 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................18.6 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................87.4 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................31.4 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................47 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 39.2% 49.7% 42.2% 24.5% 9.2% 10.9% 9.4% 14.9% 8,528,300 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................45.6 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................107 Supplemental Security Income, 2003....................................................100.2 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........50.5 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 20.8% 17.8% 54.8% 62.3% 8.6% 6.8% 14.3% 10.8% 1.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................26.9 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................19.1 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................35.1 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................16.0 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................19.7 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................8,738 181,794 30 California/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 5,670,193 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 3,666,758 54.6 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 3,900,193 36,695,904 1995 3,458,312 33,619,311 % change 12.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 55.6 32.9 1995 47.6 26.5 % change 16.8 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 14.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 19.0 15.1 % change -25.3 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.6 5.5 1993 6.7 8.4 % change -16.0 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 61.3 65.8 1994 51.6 56.7 % change 18.8 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.9 8.1 1994 8.3 7.5 % change -4.4 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 10.0 11.5 1995 9.0 10.0 % change 11.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 8,528 47,061 1992 6,060 35,754 % change 40.7 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 17.2 14.2 1997 9.2 8.1 % change 86.9 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 262 402 1993 298 383 % change -12.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 2.7 4.1 1994 3.2 4.9 % change -13.7 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 31 Colorado Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.9% 45.3% 16.9% 8.6% 1.3% 4,617,962 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................14.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$36,109 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$62,585 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.5 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.8 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.3 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.1 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$2.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................26.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................40.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........17.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........11.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................34.3 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,072 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................25.0 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................4.8 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.51 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................15.9 17.4 32 Colorado/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................18.4 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................38.2 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.9 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............41.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004............................................................9.2 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................15.3 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................74.2 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................61.7 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................6.2 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................59.3 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................65.4 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................45.5 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................70.1 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................59.7 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................98.5 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.3 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................27 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.4 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................3.3 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................39 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................209 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................21 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................74 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................11.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................197 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................123 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................26 19 33 Colorado/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................506 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................11.2 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................34.1 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................27.9 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................26.5 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................43 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 53.3% 49.7% 19.3% 24.5% 11.6% 10.9% 15.7% 14.9% 410,700 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................25.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................39 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................78.7 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........97.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 18.5% 17.8% 64.1% 62.3% 8.8% 6.8% 5.7% 10.8% 2.9% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................13.4 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................30.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................32.9 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................32.8 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................15.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................16.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................4,783 181,794 34 Colorado/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 782,709 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 501,135 56.2 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 455,641 36,695,904 1995 377,328 33,619,311 % change 20.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 28.6 32.9 1995 17.0 26.5 % change 68.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 10.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.4 15.1 % change 8.5 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.3 5.5 1993 7.5 8.4 % change -15.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 59.8 65.8 1994 44.8 56.7 % change 33.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.0 8.1 1994 5.4 7.5 % change 66.9 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 10.2 11.5 1995 7.7 10.0 % change 32.6 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 411 47,061 1992 330 35,754 % change 24.5 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 10.0 14.2 1997 6.3 8.1 % change 58.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 309 402 1993 357 383 % change -13.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.1 4.1 1994 5.2 4.9 % change -21.8 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 35 Connecticut Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.5% 42.1% 17.7% 11.4% 2.3% 3,503,185 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................8.7 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$45,506 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$70,560 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.6 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.1 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................25.2 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................39.9 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................38.8 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........25.3 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........20.2 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................50.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,244 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................25.6 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................10.0 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$54.12 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................21.5 17.4 36 Connecticut/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................17.2 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.2 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............38.2 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.1 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................16.9 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................6.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................70.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................53.1 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.0 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................71.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................59.4 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................67.8 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................55.3 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.7 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................108.7 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................10.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................33 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................7.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................18 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................328 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................39 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................68 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................6.0 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................201 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................27 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................16 19 37 Connecticut/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................525 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.7 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................17.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................39.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................23.8 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................93.8 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................5.5 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 54.7% 49.7% 18.9% 24.5% 13.5% 10.9% 12.9% 14.9% 444,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................54.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................107 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................99.8* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........75.4 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.4% 17.8% 70.5% 62.3% 5.3% 6.8% 9.7% 10.8% 1.1% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.4 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................19.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................24.8 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................12.0 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................2,380 181,794 38 Connecticut/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 621,459 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 449,195 38.3 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 479,443 36,695,904 1995 466,923 33,619,311 % change 2.7 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 22.6 32.9 1995 15.2 26.5 % change 48.7 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 10.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 11.2 15.1 % change -6.2 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.1 5.5 1993 7.1 8.4 % change -28.0 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 61.0 65.8 1994 52.8 56.7 % change 15.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 5.9 8.1 1994 6.5 7.5 % change -9.2 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 6.3 11.5 1995 7.1 10.0 % change -12.1 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 444 47,061 1992 332 35,754 % change 33.8 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 11.2 14.2 1997 5.7 8.1 % change 97.7 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 401 402 1993 405 383 % change -0.9 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.1 4.1 1994 6.2 4.9 % change -2.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 39 Delaware Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.5% 42.4% 17.9% 11.6% 1.6% 836,687 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................20.7 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$35,559 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$59,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.8 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................5.6 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.6 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.8 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................19.0 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.09 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.06 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................23.2 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................37.8 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........11.5 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........7.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................33.2 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,622 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................23.0 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................9.8 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$58.96 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................18.4 17.4 40 Delaware/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................19.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................48.5 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.2 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............47.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.9 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.2 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................65.4 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................50.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.7 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................76.1 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................57.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................66.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.3 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................116.4 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.7 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................23 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.2 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.6 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................28 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................210 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................14 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................62 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................16.2 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................210 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .....................................................................5 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................13 19 41 Delaware/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................123 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.9 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................15.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................13.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................51.1 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................12.7 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.5 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................47 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 46.1% 49.7% 34.0% 24.5% 7.6% 10.9% 12.2% 14.9% 133,100 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................39.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................117 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........77.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.5% 17.8% 67.6% 62.3% 4.5% 6.8% 8.6% 10.8% 1.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................13.9 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................22.1 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................22.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................23.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................14.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................12.5 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 42 Delaware/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 149,986 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 96,156 56.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 110,307 36,695,904 1995 91,325 33,619,311 % change 20.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 30.4 32.9 1995 21.3 26.5 % change 42.7 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 8.4 15.1 % change 13.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 11.5 5.5 1993 8.3 8.4 % change 38.0 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.0 65.8 1994 56.1 56.7 % change 17.6 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 6.3 8.1 1994 6.6 7.5 % change -4.4 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 8.0 11.5 1995 4.1 10.0 % change 96.7 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 133 47,061 1992 69 35,754 % change 92.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 15.4 14.2 1997 8.6 8.1 % change 80.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 366 402 1993 378 383 % change -3.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.6 4.1 1994 4.6 4.9 % change -21.4 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 43 District of Columbia Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 24.1% 48.4% 15.9% 9.9% 1.7% 551,136 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................0.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$52,101 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$48,020 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................19.4 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.9 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.6 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.8 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................28.0 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................70.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................79.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.0b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................16.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................42.5 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003 ...........N/A 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003...........N/A 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................24.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,613 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003 ..................................................................N/A 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003............................................................N/A 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$66.81 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.0 17.4 44 District of Columbia/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................18.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................49.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.7 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.9 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................19.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.6 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.1 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................70.3 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.1 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.4 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................62.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................69.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................58.7 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................51.4 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................46.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................9.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................240.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................6.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................0.9 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................36 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................673 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................45 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................71 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003 ..........................................................................................N/A 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................597 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................11 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................29 19 45 District of Columbia/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)....................................................................................74 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.5 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.3 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................26.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................52.5 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................12.4 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................92.4 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................6.9 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................47 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 50.0% 49.7% 22.8% 24.5% 9.2% 10.9% 18.0% 14.9% 152,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................59.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................200 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........64.2 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 14.9% 17.8% 59.2% 62.3% 6.7% 6.8% 18.0% 10.8% 1.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................10.4 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................16.8 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................22.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................12.1 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................13.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 46 District of Columbia/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 87,763 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 74,055 18.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 63,767 36,695,904 1995 76,034 33,619,311 % change -16.1 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 70.3 32.9 1995 75.5 26.5 % change -6.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 17.4 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 22.1 15.1 % change -21.3 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 23.8 5.5 1993 18.5 8.4 % change 28.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 61.7 65.8 1994 55.7 56.7 % change 10.8 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.6 8.1 1994 10.4 7.5 % change -7.5 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 24.8 11.5 1995 25.4 10.0 % change -2.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 153 47,061 1992 126 35,754 % change 21.1 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 8.7 14.2 1997 4.5 8.1 % change 94.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 649 402 1993 805 383 % change -19.3 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.4 4.1 1994 4.0 4.9 % change 10.3 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 47 Florida Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 24.6% 39.7% 18.5% 14.8% 2.4% 17,509,827 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................6.3 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$31,460 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$50,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.7 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................19.3 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.7 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.7 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.9 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................29.7 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................58.89 SCHIP ...................................................................................................71.22 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$9.8b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................15.2 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................52.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........22.3 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........13.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................27.2 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,552 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................31.7 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................8.3 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$54.33 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................20.9 17.4 48 Florida/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................23.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................47.7 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............44.2 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.5 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.3 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.5 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................65.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................58.7 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.7 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................71.1 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................52.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................48.8 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.5 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................135.3 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................10.8 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................33 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................3.2 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................29 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................207 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................15 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................74 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................4.0 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................293 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................274 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................19 19 49 Florida/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................2,980 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................17.1 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.9 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................29.0 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................25.4 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................93.5 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................19.3 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................43 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 50.0% 49.7% 20.4% 24.5% 13.0% 10.9% 16.5% 14.9% 2,462,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................35.9 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................62 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........67.5 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 23.6% 17.8% 56.8% 62.3% 6.7% 6.8% 9.5% 10.8% 3.4% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................18.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................31.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................22.6 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................37.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................18.2 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................22.0 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................476 181,794 50 Florida/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 3,231,187 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 1,984,592 62.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 3,017,357 36,695,904 1995 2,627,737 33,619,311 % change 14.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 37.0 32.9 1995 33.6 26.5 % change 10.1 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.7 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 16.0 15.1 % change -20.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.6 5.5 1993 8.7 8.4 % change -12.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 64.0 65.8 1994 53.0 56.7 % change 20.8 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.3 8.1 1994 10.1 7.5 % change -7.6 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 15.7 11.5 1995 6.8 10.0 % change 129.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 2,462 47,061 1992 1,803 35,754 % change 36.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 19.3 14.2 1997 11.8 8.1 % change 63.6 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 394 402 1993 388 383 % change 1.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 2.6 4.1 1994 2.8 4.9 % change -8.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 51 Georgia Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 29.3% 45.1% 16.0% 8.4% 1.2% 8,925,796 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................19.6 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,074 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$50,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.8 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.0 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.6 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.5 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................30.0 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................60.60 SCHIP ...................................................................................................72.42 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$4.8b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................20.3 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................38.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........17.6 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........10.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................23.5 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,141 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................38.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................9.2 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.35 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.3 17.4 52 Georgia/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................29.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................50.6 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.9 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............52.5 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................16.2 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.0 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................11.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................58.6 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................46.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.1 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................62.3 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................67.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................49.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................59.4 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................47.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.0 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................107.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................29 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.2 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.2 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................26 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................187 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................16 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................72 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................23.4 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................233 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................165 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................10 19 53 Georgia/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................995 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................11.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................19.7 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................19.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................34.1 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................17.1 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................92.0 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................2.2 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................42 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 55.4% 49.7% 19.1% 24.5% 10.2% 10.9% 15.3% 14.9% 1,328,400 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................42.2 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................58 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........93.8 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 19.1% 17.8% 60.8% 62.3% 5.9% 6.8% 11.8% 10.8% 2.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................15.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................24.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................18.5 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................31.7 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................17.8 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 54 Georgia/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,425,515 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 914,332 55.9 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 856,108 36,695,904 1995 720,526 33,619,311 % change 18.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 40.7 32.9 1995 37.6 26.5 % change 8.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 13.6 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 14.3 15.1 % change -4.9 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.5 5.5 1993 10.1 8.4 % change -15.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 63.9 65.8 1994 53.6 56.7 % change 19.2 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 12.3 8.1 1994 13.4 7.5 % change -8.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 15.1 11.5 1995 13.8 10.0 % change 9.8 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,328 47,061 1992 968 35,754 % change 37.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 12.9 14.2 1997 9.6 8.1 % change 35.1 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 413 402 1993 513 383 % change -19.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.6 4.1 1994 4.9 4.9 % change -4.8 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 55 Hawaii Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.9% 41.4% 18.4% 11.6% 1.7% 1,276,552 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................28.8 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$32,606 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$65,043 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.0 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.6 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................19.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................58.81 SCHIP ...................................................................................................71.17 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................23.5 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................32.0 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003............9.7 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........4.8 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................32.6 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$4,475 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................26.2 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................13.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$52.31 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 ...................................................................................8.3 17.4 56 Hawaii/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004....................................N/A 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................45.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004 ........................................................................N/A 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004 .............N/A 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004 ...........................................................N/A 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs .................................................................................................N/A 19.7 65+ yrs....................................................................................................N/A 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................74.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................67.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.4 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.2 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004 ..........................................N/A 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004..................N/A 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+) .......................................................N/A 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+)..................................................................................N/A Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.0 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................87.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................2.6 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................19 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................2.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................34 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................264 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................38 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................76 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................20.9 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................214 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................28 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005.....................................................................8 19 57 Hawaii/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................178 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.2 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................10.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................13.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................45.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................12.9 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................95.2 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................32.4 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................29 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 46.4% 49.7% 32.1% 24.5% 10.6% 10.9% 10.9% 14.9% 190,000 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................38.8 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................100 Supplemental Security Income, 2003 ....................................................64.7* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........79.7 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 11.2% 17.8% 71.2% 62.3% 4.0% 6.8% 7.7% 10.8% 5.9% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ........................................................................................................9.3 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................11.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................18.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.6 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004....................................5.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 58 Hawaii/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 234,415 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 154,459 51.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 170,075 36,695,904 1995 149,496 33,619,311 % change 13.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 81.4 32.9 1995 69.1 26.5 % change 17.8 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 8.8 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.4 15.1 % change -6.4 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.7 5.5 1993 6.7 8.4 % change 14.5 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 N/A 65.8 1994 39.6 56.7 % change N/A 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 N/A 8.1 1994 2.5 7.5 % change N/A 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 4.4 11.5 1995 2.5 10.0 % change 76.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 190 47,061 1992 111 35,754 % change 71.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 12.8 14.2 1997 4.9 8.1 % change 162.2 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 263 402 1993 249 383 % change 5.8 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 2.1 4.1 1994 2.1 4.9 % change 0.6 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 59 Idaho Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 29.8% 42.2% 16.8% 9.7% 1.6% 1,407,060 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................36.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$26,839 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$52,928 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................24.0 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................5.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................31.4 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................69.91 SCHIP ...................................................................................................78.94 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.8b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................23.3 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................48.3 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........19.6 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........10.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.4 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,169 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................26.0 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.1 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$53.97 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................16.2 17.4 60 Idaho/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.6 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.3 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............44.4 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.5 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.1 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................69.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................57.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................64.2 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................57.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................42.9 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................60.1 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................47.4 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.4 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................98.3 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................6.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.6 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................40 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................127 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005..........................................8 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................79 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................47.1 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................218 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................73 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................27 19 61 Idaho/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................184 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.6 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 ...........................7.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................33.1 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................26.2 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................85.9 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................10.4 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 63.8% 49.7% 15.0% 24.5% 6.9% 10.9% 14.3% 14.9% 172,400 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................42.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................31 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................80.7 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........80.8 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.8% 17.8% 60.8% 62.3% 11.1% 6.8% 9.9% 10.8% 1.4% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................14.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................30.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................30.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................15.6 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................16.0 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................1,364 181,794 62 Idaho/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 236,130 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 152,547 54.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 158,646 36,695,904 1995 133,533 33,619,311 % change 18.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 15.1 32.9 1995 8.9 26.5 % change 69.7 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 10.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 12.4 15.1 % change -17.7 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.7 5.5 1993 7.5 8.4 % change -24.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 65.2 65.8 1994 54.2 56.7 % change 20.3 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.9 8.1 1994 7.1 7.5 % change 39.2 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 18.1 11.5 1995 15.8 10.0 % change 14.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 172 47,061 1992 100 35,754 % change 72.4 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 15.8 14.2 1997 10.6 8.1 % change 49.2 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 345 402 1993 350 383 % change -1.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.7 4.1 1994 4.1 4.9 % change -8.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 63 Illinois Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.2% 43.5% 16.3% 10.2% 1.8% 12,699,336 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................13.3 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$34,725 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$57,040 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.1 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.8 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................11.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................28.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$9.1b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................15.4 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................45.3 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........25.4 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........17.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................30.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,711 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................35.3 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................9.7 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$48.11 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................16.9 17.4 64 Illinois/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................22.9 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................43.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............49.0 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................18.6 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................67.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................53.5 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.2 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................67.2 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................44.2 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................58.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................48.7 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................124.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................8.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.7 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.9 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................30 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................223 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................27 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................85 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................11.4 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................256 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................358 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................20 19 65 Illinois/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................1,677 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.5 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................13.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................42.3 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................29.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................94.4 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................5.2 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................42 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 57.5% 49.7% 20.5% 24.5% 8.4% 10.9% 13.6% 14.9% 1,798,800 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................38.5 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................140 Supplemental Security Income, 2003.......................................................N/A* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004............9.6 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 15.8% 17.8% 67.4% 62.3% 6.8% 6.8% 8.4% 10.8% 1.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.4 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................24.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................21.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 .................................................................................16,374 181,794 66 Illinois/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 2,072,062 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 1,574,560 31.6 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 1,520,783 36,695,904 1995 1,497,080 33,619,311 % change 1.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 31.9 32.9 1995 25.8 26.5 % change 23.6 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 13.0 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 13.1 15.1 % change -0.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.1 5.5 1993 10.3 8.4 % change -31.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 65.7 65.8 1994 56.0 56.7 % change 17.3 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.9 8.1 1994 8.6 7.5 % change -8.5 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 13.2 11.5 1995 8.0 10.0 % change 64.9 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,799 47,061 1992 1,637 35,754 % change 9.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 17.3 14.2 1997 8.2 8.1 % change 110.2 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 385 402 1993 353 383 % change 9.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 5.1 4.1 1994 6.2 4.9 % change -18.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 67 Indiana Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.3% 42.5% 16.9% 10.6% 1.7% 6,249,617 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................22.5 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,070 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$52,500 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.0 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................11.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................28.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................62.98 SCHIP ...................................................................................................74.09 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................28.7 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................41.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.5 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........11.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................34.4 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,023 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................28.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................12.0 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$48.93 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................21.0 17.4 68 Indiana/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................25.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................48.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.3 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............50.9 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................64.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................52.0 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.4 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................62.2 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................44.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................62.1 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.5 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................12.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................114.1 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.6 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................27 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.6 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.8 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................40 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................169 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................17 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................89 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................17.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................291 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................91 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................21 19 69 Indiana/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................889 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.5 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................15.5 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................36.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................27.9 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................95.8 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................2.5 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................42 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 60.1% 49.7% 16.6% 24.5% 9.5% 10.9% 13.7% 14.9% 825,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................53.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................29 Supplemental Security Income, 2003 ......................................................73.8* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........63.6 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 15.9% 17.8% 66.4% 62.3% 5.6% 6.8% 10.2% 10.8% 1.9% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................14.8 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................22.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................14.5 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.4 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.3 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................13.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................9,252 181,794 70 Indiana/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,057,744 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 792,760 33.4 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 766,210 36,695,904 1995 735,648 33,619,311 % change 4.2 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 14.9 32.9 1995 10.1 26.5 % change 47.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 14.3 15.1 % change -12.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.6 5.5 1993 9.3 8.4 % change -18.8 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 67.5 65.8 1994 60.7 56.7 % change 11.2 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.8 8.1 1994 7.9 7.5 % change -0.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 8.7 11.5 1995 8.5 10.0 % change 2.0 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 826 47,061 1992 535 35,754 % change 54.3 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 13.7 14.2 1997 11.3 8.1 % change 22.0 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 405 402 1993 391 383 % change 3.6 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.1 4.1 1994 7.0 4.9 % change -13.8 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 71 Iowa Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.0% 41.0% 17.4% 12.1% 2.5% 2,973,700 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................45.5 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,970 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$56,040 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.4 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................6.4 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.4 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................29.6 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................63.61 SCHIP ...................................................................................................74.53 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.9b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................32.2 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................41.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........18.1 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.7 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................41.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,118 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................20.3 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................4.0 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$48.54 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................20.8 17.4 72 Iowa/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................19.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................44.8 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................7.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............48.4 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.0 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................18.1 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................68.9 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................54.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.3 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................70.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................48.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................68.2 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................59.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................120.7 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................4.8 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.0 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................40 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................139 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................16 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................88 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................39.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................300 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................161 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................37 19 73 Iowa/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................486 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.7 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................14.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................30.0 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................47.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................95.2 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................5.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 50.4% 49.7% 19.8% 24.5% 12.6% 10.9% 17.2% 14.9% 331,100 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................43.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................82 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........90.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 10.9% 17.8% 69.2% 62.3% 10.7% 6.8% 8.3% 10.8% 0.8% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ........................................................................................................9.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................24.8 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.9 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................20.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................8.2 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004....................................9.3 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................N/A 181,794 74 Iowa/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 516,341 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 394,088 31.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 435,794 36,695,904 1995 434,429 33,619,311 % change 0.3 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 10.6 32.9 1995 4.3 26.5 % change 146.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 11.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 10.5 15.1 % change 9.5 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 4.9 5.5 1993 6.9 8.4 % change -28.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 67.8 65.8 1994 62.5 56.7 % change 8.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 4.7 8.1 1994 4.9 7.5 % change -3.4 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 9.4 11.5 1995 8.7 10.0 % change 8.9 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 331 47,061 1992 305 35,754 % change 8.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 16.6 14.2 1997 10.3 8.1 % change 61.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 365 402 1993 336 383 % change 8.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 7.1 4.1 1994 7.5 4.9 % change -4.6 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 75 Kansas Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.5% 41.9% 16.6% 10.9% 2.1% 2,751,509 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................37.3 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$31,003 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$54,624 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.5 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.2 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.0 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................60.41 SCHIP ...................................................................................................72.29 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................28.7 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................46.8 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........16.0 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........8.5 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................40.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,056 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................27.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.4 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$50.02 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................23.1 17.4 76 Kansas/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................8.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............46.4 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.5 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.0 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................12.5 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................65.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................52.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.9 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.6 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................72.6 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................45.4 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................62.5 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................54.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................121.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.0 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.7 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................41 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................170 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................22 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................86 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................40.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................327 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................198 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................34 19 77 Kansas/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................397 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.9 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.0 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................12.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................24.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................46.3 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.2 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................3.7 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................40 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 56.3% 49.7% 15.5% 24.5% 11.3% 10.9% 16.9% 14.9% 281,100 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................40.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................38 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........56.9 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 12.5% 17.8% 67.9% 62.3% 8.7% 6.8% 8.4% 10.8% 2.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................10.8 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................20.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.5 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................24.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.8 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................10.3 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................1,706 181,794 78 Kansas/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 457,329 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 333,536 37.1 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 358,069 36,695,904 1995 355,153 33,619,311 % change 0.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 16.4 32.9 1995 15.5 26.5 % change 5.8 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.0 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 15.4 15.1 % change -22.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.5 5.5 1993 8.2 8.4 % change -32.7 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 65.8 65.8 1994 48.6 56.7 % change 35.4 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.5 8.1 1994 6.1 7.5 % change 21.9 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 15.3 11.5 1995 8.4 10.0 % change 83.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 281 47,061 1992 246 35,754 % change 14.3 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.1 14.2 1997 10.0 8.1 % change 41.0 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 352 402 1993 327 383 % change 7.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.3 4.1 1994 9.0 4.9 % change -30.0 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 79 Kentucky Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.9% 42.8% 17.9% 10.9% 1.6% 4,163,360 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................43.4 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$27,151 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$43,004 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................19.4 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................18.8 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.7 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.8 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................31.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................69.26 SCHIP ...................................................................................................78.48 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................20.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................48.9 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................24.2 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,322 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................27.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................4.6 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$48.57 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................20.0 17.4 80 Kentucky/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................34.6 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................50.8 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................15.2 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............58.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.2 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................27.6 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................59.0 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................40.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.4 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................67.8 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................43.4 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................57.7 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................15.5 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................143.8 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.7 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................31 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.4 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.6 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................33 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................182 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................15 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................87 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................39.7 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................326 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................160 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................16 19 81 Kentucky/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................660 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.2 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................23.7 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................24.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................33.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................24.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................94.1 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................2.8 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................42 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 50.2% 49.7% 13.3% 24.5% 12.2% 10.9% 24.3% 14.9% 761,900 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................42.3 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................70 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........92.9 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.3% 17.8% 61.0% 62.3% 6.4% 6.8% 12.9% 10.8% 3.4% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................15.5 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................22.5 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................14.1 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.1 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................12.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................3,060 181,794 82 Kentucky/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 745,902 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 545,671 36.7 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 519,544 36,695,904 1995 488,038 33,619,311 % change 6.5 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 10.8 32.9 1995 7.4 26.5 % change 45.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 18.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 20.0 15.1 % change -9.0 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.6 5.5 1993 8.8 8.4 % change -35.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 68.1 65.8 1994 61.0 56.7 % change 11.6 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 13.3 8.1 1994 12.2 7.5 % change 9.6 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 13.5 11.5 1995 13.3 10.0 % change 1.0 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 762 47,061 1992 637 35,754 % change 19.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 18.6 14.2 1997 12.5 8.1 % change 49.0 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 520 402 1993 496 383 % change 4.8 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.4 4.1 1994 4.4 4.9 % change 0.2 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 83 Louisiana Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 29.2% 42.1% 16.8% 10.4% 1.5% 4,534,310 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................25.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$27,219 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$40,800 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................17.8 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.8 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.3 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.9 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................30.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................69.79 SCHIP ...................................................................................................78.85 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................24.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................46.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........26.2 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........10.4 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................25.7 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,929 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................37.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................3.6 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.81 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.1 17.4 84 Louisiana/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................31.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................50.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.5 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............52.7 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................16.4 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................22.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................6.9 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................61.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................45.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................12.0 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................70.2 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................40.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................67.4 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................51.5 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.1 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................155.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................11.9 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................54 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.9 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.0 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................30 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................222 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................18 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004...................104 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................13.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................394 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................104 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................36 19 85 Louisiana/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................628 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.2 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................19.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................24.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................26.8 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................22.1 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................93.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................11.7 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................39 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 57.5% 49.7% 11.6% 24.5% 11.4% 10.9% 19.6% 14.9% 886,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................40.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................20 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........78.7 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 19.6% 17.8% 56.5% 62.3% 6.5% 6.8% 14.7% 10.8% 2.7% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................15.3 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................26.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.9 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................33.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................20.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................19.7 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................1,257 181,794 86 Louisiana/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 764,006 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 569,696 34.1 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 539,017 36,695,904 1995 494,915 33,619,311 % change 8.9 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 37.6 32.9 1995 32.7 26.5 % change 15.0 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 17.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 26.3 15.1 % change -35.0 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 9.7 5.5 1993 9.8 8.4 % change -0.8 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 68.3 65.8 1994 59.4 56.7 % change 15.0 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 14.0 8.1 1994 11.3 7.5 % change 23.8 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 21.1 11.5 1995 21.2 10.0 % change -0.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 887 47,061 1992 735 35,754 % change 20.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 18.6 14.2 1997 10.9 8.1 % change 71.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 564 402 1993 483 383 % change 16.8 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 5.1 4.1 1994 7.7 4.9 % change -33.4 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 87 Maine Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 23.9% 41.5% 20.0% 12.5% 2.1% 1,318,557 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................41.8 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$29,973 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$52,572 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.8 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.6 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.2 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.1 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.8 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................35.0 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................62.90 SCHIP ...................................................................................................74.03 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................18.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................49.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........28.2 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........13.2 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................28.6 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,437 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................35.2 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................7.4 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$59.40 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................18.1 17.4 88 Maine/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.8 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................44.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.5 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............49.9 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.7 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.3 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.0 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................73.0 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.5 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.1 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................70.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................55.2 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................65.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................55.3 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.7 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................114.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................8.2 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.7 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................0.9 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................47 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................214 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................32 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................68 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................47.8 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................261 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................93 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................13 19 89 Maine/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................231 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................17.9 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................19.3 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................36.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................24.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................33.8 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 34.1% 49.7% 18.4% 24.5% 22.5% 10.9% 25.0% 14.9% 277,900 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................64.8 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................157 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................75.1 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........61.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 11.7% 17.8% 62.7% 62.3% 5.8% 6.8% 17.4% 10.8% 2.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.5 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic ...........................................................................................(-) 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................10.7 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................18.1 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................10.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 90 Maine/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 263,384 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 169,334 55.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 192,544 36,695,904 1995 172,773 33,619,311 % change 11.4 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 4.7 32.9 1995 1.3 26.5 % change 261.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.6 15.1 % change 27.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.0 5.5 1993 6.6 8.4 % change -24.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 65.4 65.8 1994 53.0 56.7 % change 23.4 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.0 8.1 1994 6.3 7.5 % change 11.2 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 7.3 11.5 1995 8.0 10.0 % change -7.8 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 278 47,061 1992 189 35,754 % change 47.0 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 13.8 14.2 1997 9.2 8.1 % change 49.9 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 554 402 1993 485 383 % change 14.3 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.8 4.1 1994 5.4 4.9 % change -29.2 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 91 Maryland Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.5% 43.7% 17.3% 10.0% 1.5% 5,600,563 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................5.2 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$39,629 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$68,569 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.2 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.0 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.3 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.7 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................23.7 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................23.0 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................44.9 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........17.7 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........11.2 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.6 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,491 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................29.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................7.7 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$64.96 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................23.1 17.4 92 Maryland/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................46.0 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.7 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.5 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................13.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.9 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................67.5 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................60.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.9 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................70.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................59.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................115.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.2 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................20 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.8 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................25 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................357 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................40 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................66 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................7.2 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................197 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................38 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005.....................................................................7 19 93 Maryland/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................685 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................12.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.0 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................14.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................40.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................19.0 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................95.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................4.2 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................47 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 57.2% 49.7% 18.7% 24.5% 9.4% 10.9% 14.7% 14.9% 704,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................28.7 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................40 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........67.9 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.4% 17.8% 68.3% 62.3% 6.1% 6.8% 6.9% 10.8% 2.3% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................10.7 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................24.1 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................21.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................32.0 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.1 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................14.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................5,260 181,794 94 Maryland/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 971,444 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 665,349 46.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 642,389 36,695,904 1995 570,288 33,619,311 % change 12.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 40.5 32.9 1995 35.2 26.5 % change 15.1 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.8 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 10.7 15.1 % change -8.4 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.0 5.5 1993 9.4 8.4 % change -25.1 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 65.6 65.8 1994 56.3 56.7 % change 16.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.8 8.1 1994 6.7 7.5 % change 15.6 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 6.5 11.5 1995 3.2 10.0 % change 101.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 705 47,061 1992 534 35,754 % change 31.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 10.4 14.2 1997 6.6 8.1 % change 57.7 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 379 402 1993 311 383 % change 21.9 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.0 4.1 1994 4.1 4.9 % change -4.0 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 95 Massachusetts Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.2% 43.3% 17.4% 11.1% 2.1% 6,518,868 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................0.4 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$42,102 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$69,946 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.1 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.0 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................11.4 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.7 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.6 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$6.4b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................27.9 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................49.6 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........12.4 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................32.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,754 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................29.7 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................8.7 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.84 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................20.4 17.4 96 Massachusetts/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................19.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................43.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.5 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............41.7 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.1 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.5 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................71.9 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................53.0 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.6 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................64.6 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................74.4 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................57.9 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................65.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................54.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.0 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................120.7 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................11.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................33 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................6.9 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.8 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................20 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................384 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................37 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................76 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................8.7 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................240 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................53 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................12 19 97 Massachusetts/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................969 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.2 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................15.5 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................23.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................37.5 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................29.4 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.2 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................16.2 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 40.3% 49.7% 28.7% 24.5% 12.4% 10.9% 18.6% 14.9% 1,125,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................54.8 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................133 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................91.0 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........62.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.2% 17.8% 68.0% 62.3% 6.2% 6.8% 11.3% 10.8% 1.4% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.6 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................19.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................24.4 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................12.8 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 98 Massachusetts/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,133,680 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 787,250 44.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 858,061 36,695,904 1995 857,555 33,619,311 % change 0.1 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 19.6 32.9 1995 11.3 26.5 % change 73.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.4 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.7 15.1 % change -3.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.0 5.5 1993 5.6 8.4 % change -11.4 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 62.1 65.8 1994 55.1 56.7 % change 12.7 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 4.8 8.1 1994 4.6 7.5 % change 4.4 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 5.1 11.5 1995 8.7 10.0 % change -41.8 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,126 47,061 1992 765 35,754 % change 47.1 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 11.4 14.2 1997 7.3 8.1 % change 56.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 460 402 1993 482 383 % change -4.6 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.3 4.1 1994 6.8 4.9 % change -6.7 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 99 Michigan Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.8% 42.6% 17.4% 10.5% 1.7% 10,207,421 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................18.6 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$32,052 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$52,301 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................15.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.6 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.0 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.9 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.9 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................25.0 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................56.59 SCHIP ...................................................................................................69.61 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$5.9b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................21.0 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................30.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.0 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........11.4 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................29.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,064 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................29.0 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$55.84 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................14.7 17.4 100 Michigan/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................21.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................47.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.7 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.0 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.9 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.1 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.1 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................64.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.0 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................68.7 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................56.2 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................60.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................51.0 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.6 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................117.3 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................9.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.9 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.0 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................28 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................198 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................21 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................81 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................13.5 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................242 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................247 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................19 19 101 Michigan/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................1,465 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.7 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................16.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................16.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................50.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................21.1 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................97.6 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................1.6 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................40 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 54.9% 49.7% 17.9% 24.5% 9.1% 10.9% 18.1% 14.9% 1,430,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................47.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................59 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................75.6 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........93.7 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.2% 17.8% 68.3% 62.3% 6.9% 6.8% 10.1% 10.8% 1.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.8 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................17.7 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................11.8 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................24.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.1 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.2 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 102 Michigan/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,771,606 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 1,285,651 37.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 1,245,644 36,695,904 1995 1,202,925 33,619,311 % change 3.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 22.0 32.9 1995 18.7 26.5 % change 17.6 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 14.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 14.8 15.1 % change -4.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.6 5.5 1993 9.3 8.4 % change -7.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.5 65.8 1994 59.6 56.7 % change 11.6 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 8.1 8.1 1994 7.1 7.5 % change 14.0 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 11.0 11.5 1995 11.4 10.0 % change -3.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,430 47,061 1992 1,361 35,754 % change 5.1 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 10.6 14.2 1997 6.7 8.1 % change 58.4 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 402 402 1993 370 383 % change 8.9 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.4 4.1 1994 3.9 4.9 % change -13.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 103 Minnesota Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.6% 43.8% 16.7% 10.0% 1.9% 5,174,743 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................27.6 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$36,173 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$69,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.6 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................3.7 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................7.1 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.5 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$4.4b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................28.0 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................44.1 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........13.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................45.5 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,581 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................30.2 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................6.2 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$54.62 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................16.4 17.4 104 Minnesota/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................16.8 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.8 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................8.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............38.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................10.2 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................18.0 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................75.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................64.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................6.3 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................62.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................73.1 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................62.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................67.9 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................60.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.0 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................119.9 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................4.5 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................21 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................6.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.7 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................54 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................209 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................32 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................78 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................21.2 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................242 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................105 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................31 19 105 Minnesota/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................687 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.6 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................18.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................31.1 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................43.3 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................79.9 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................16.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 49.0% 49.7% 24.1% 24.5% 13.7% 10.9% 13.2% 14.9% 658,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................34.5 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................275 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................84.6* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........64.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 9.9% 17.8% 73.0% 62.3% 9.7% 6.8% 6.7% 10.8% 0.7% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ........................................................................................................8.3 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................18.1 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................18.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................19.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.0 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004....................................7.6 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 .................................................................................34,434 181,794 106 Minnesota/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 866,715 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 585,588 48.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 616,805 36,695,904 1995 575,571 33,619,311 % change 7.2 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 14.8 32.9 1995 6.8 26.5 % change 117.6 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 6.8 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 11.8 15.1 % change -42.4 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 4.9 5.5 1993 7.3 8.4 % change -33.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 67.8 65.8 1994 60.7 56.7 % change 11.7 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 6.6 8.1 1994 5.4 7.5 % change 22.7 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 7.6 11.5 1995 5.1 10.0 % change 48.8 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 659 47,061 1992 501 35,754 % change 31.4 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 7.3 14.2 1997 5.7 8.1 % change 27.6 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 312 402 1993 264 383 % change 17.8 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.2 4.1 1994 9.6 4.9 % change -35.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 107 Mississippi Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 29.3% 41.7% 16.8% 10.5% 1.6% 2,915,696 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................56.6 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$24,379 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$42,560 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................20.1 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.1 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................21.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................34.5 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................76.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................83.20 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$2.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................24.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................46.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........25.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........8.8 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................23.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,577 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................36.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................8.2 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$50.64 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................15.2 17.4 108 Mississippi/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................38.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................55.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................13.5 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............58.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................18.0 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................22.7 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................57.0 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................44.1 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................14.3 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................59.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................41.4 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.5 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.1 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.4 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................145.3 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................9.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................38 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.2 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.3 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................29 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................147 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005..........................................9 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................79 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................48.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................403 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................282 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................13 19 109 Mississippi/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................446 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.5 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................23.9 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................34.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................14.7 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................24.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.2 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................38 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 54.7% 49.7% 11.0% 24.5% 13.8% 10.9% 20.5% 14.9% 681,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................50.9 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................35 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........14.5 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 19.4% 17.8% 56.2% 62.3% 5.7% 6.8% 16.0% 10.8% 2.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................14.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................26.0 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................18.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................29.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................12.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................17.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................4,258 181,794 110 Mississippi/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 490,839 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 353,035 39.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 354,283 36,695,904 1995 333,023 33,619,311 % change 6.4 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 42.1 32.9 1995 38.3 26.5 % change 9.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 18.4 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 19.7 15.1 % change -6.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 9.5 5.5 1993 11.9 8.4 % change -20.1 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 68.1 65.8 1994 58.3 56.7 % change 16.8 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 14.0 8.1 1994 14.3 7.5 % change -2.2 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 29.3 11.5 1995 27.5 10.0 % change 6.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 681 47,061 1992 537 35,754 % change 26.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 19.5 14.2 1997 12.2 8.1 % change 59.2 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 560 402 1993 497 383 % change 12.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.6 4.1 1994 4.7 4.9 % change -3.4 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 111 Missouri Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.4% 41.8% 17.4% 11.4% 1.9% 5,765,166 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................27.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,516 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$53,404 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.9 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.5 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.1 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.9 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................32.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................61.93 SCHIP ...................................................................................................73.35 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$4.1b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................28.0 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................40.0 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........32.6 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........18.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................26.7 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,148 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................44.1 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.7 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$48.58 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................17.3 17.4 112 Missouri/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................25.9 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................45.7 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.9 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............49.4 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................13.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.7 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................62.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................46.7 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.7 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................60.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................49.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................67.1 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................53.5 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................12.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................145.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................8.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................23 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.0 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................24 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................205 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................20 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................84 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................18.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................318 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................365 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................17 19 113 Missouri/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................896 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................17.0 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................18.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................28.9 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................33.4 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................94.8 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................12.3 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 54.5% 49.7% 22.6% 24.5% 9.6% 10.9% 13.3% 14.9% 1,032,300 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................52.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................82 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........44.2 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 14.4% 17.8% 64.5% 62.3% 6.8% 6.8% 12.5% 10.8% 1.8% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................24.1 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.9 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................25.1 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.2 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................13.8 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................2,954 181,794 114 Missouri/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,001,095 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 731,849 36.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 769,969 36,695,904 1995 743,741 33,619,311 % change 3.5 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 17.7 32.9 1995 12.4 26.5 % change 42.7 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 16.3 15.1 % change -20.9 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 9.3 5.5 1993 8.5 8.4 % change 9.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.0 65.8 1994 59.4 56.7 % change 11.1 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.4 8.1 1994 7.2 7.5 % change 31.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 23.7 11.5 1995 11.8 10.0 % change 100.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,032 47,061 1992 647 35,754 % change 59.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 18.3 14.2 1997 10.4 8.1 % change 75.9 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 467 402 1993 417 383 % change 11.9 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 5.2 4.1 1994 5.3 4.9 % change -0.8 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 115 Montana Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 25.9% 40.3% 19.9% 11.8% 2.0% 933,005 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................65.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$27,666 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$43,600 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................16.8 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.4 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.8 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.1 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................33.1 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................70.54 SCHIP ...................................................................................................79.38 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................25.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................37.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........15.6 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........6.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................42.5 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$4,975 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................25.8 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................11.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.85 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................13.5 17.4 116 Montana/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................37.1 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.0 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............42.6 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.1 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................73.9 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................56.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................6.2 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................64.3 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................67.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................47.2 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................71.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................56.1 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.9 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................112.9 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................4.6 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................23 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.4 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................46 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................175 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................13 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................89 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................48.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................263 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................72 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................27 19 117 Montana/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................145 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.9 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.3 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................11.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................30.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................39.7 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................92.5 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 53.9% 49.7% 18.9% 24.5% 10.7% 10.9% 16.5% 14.9% 101,900 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................33.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................65 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........67.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 22.3% 17.8% 54.4% 62.3% 10.2% 6.8% 11.0% 10.8% 2.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................19.7 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................43.5 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................22.9 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................33.4 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.5 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................20.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................3,570 181,794 118 Montana/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 185,945 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 125,430 48.2 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 129,243 36,695,904 1995 114,752 33,619,311 % change 12.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 9.7 32.9 1995 5.8 26.5 % change 67.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 15.4 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 11.8 15.1 % change 30.5 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.4 5.5 1993 7.9 8.4 % change -19.1 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 63.2 65.8 1994 54.4 56.7 % change 16.2 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.1 8.1 1994 6.3 7.5 % change 43.7 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 20.4 11.5 1995 12.7 10.0 % change 60.1 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 102 47,061 1992 92 35,754 % change 10.8 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.8 14.2 1997 9.9 8.1 % change 48.4 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 329 402 1993 345 383 % change -4.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.3 4.1 1994 5.4 4.9 % change -19.7 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 119 Nebraska Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.4% 41.4% 16.8% 11.2% 2.2% 1,744,370 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................43.4 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$32,276 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$56,517 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.6 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.7 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................29.4 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................59.68 SCHIP ...................................................................................................71.78 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.3b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................28.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................37.2 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........18.9 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.8 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................42.3 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,646 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................31.6 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................8.4 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.08 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................25.0 17.4 120 Nebraska/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................8.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.7 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.6 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................21.0 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................14.5 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................68.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................54.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.2 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.6 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................71.3 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................41.3 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................65.7 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................60.3 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................120.0 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.2 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................22 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.9 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.7 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................52 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................180 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................18 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004...................115 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................37.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................327 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................118 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................26 19 121 Nebraska/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................259 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.3 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................23.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................47.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................95.6 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................4.5 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 59.9% 49.7% 19.2% 24.5% 9.4% 10.9% 11.5% 14.9% 249,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................35.3 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................56 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................75.2 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........73.2 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.0% 17.8% 66.5% 62.3% 9.9% 6.8% 8.8% 10.8% 1.7% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................10.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................26.0 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................12.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................12.8 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................6,087 181,794 122 Nebraska/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 293,350 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 213,626 37.3 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 233,233 36,695,904 1995 229,085 33,619,311 % change 1.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 16.4 32.9 1995 5.9 26.5 % change 178.0 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 8.7 15.1 % change 9.2 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.1 5.5 1993 8.8 8.4 % change -30.3 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 67.3 65.8 1994 60.6 56.7 % change 11.1 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 6.2 8.1 1994 5.4 7.5 % change 15.9 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 5.7 11.5 1995 8.9 10.0 % change -35.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 249 47,061 1992 163 35,754 % change 52.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 16.0 14.2 1997 11.3 8.1 % change 41.6 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 309 402 1993 264 383 % change 16.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.1 4.1 1994 9.9 4.9 % change -38.5 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 123 Nevada Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.8% 43.0% 17.9% 10.3% 1.0% 2,352,086 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................10.4 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$33,783 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$52,600 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.3 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................20.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.7 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.1 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................23.1 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................54.76 SCHIP ...................................................................................................68.33 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................19.7 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................41.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.2 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........14.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................23.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,694 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................28.7 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................7.4 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.56 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................13.3 17.4 124 Nevada/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................21.8 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................12.2 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............47.1 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.9 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.6 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................58.4 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................51.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.0 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................61.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................42.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................66.7 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................44.5 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................94.5 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................28 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................2.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................3.1 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................23 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................154 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................10 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................73 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................8.0 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................184 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................30 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................20 19 125 Nevada/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................287 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................12.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................11.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................31.0 34.0 Individually purchased................................................................................(-) 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.1 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................28.3 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 50.3% 49.7% 21.1% 24.5% 11.4% 10.9% 17.3% 14.9% 167,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................25.7 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................87 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................78.6 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........50.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 20.8% 17.8% 66.3% 62.3% 5.5% 6.8% 5.1% 10.8% 2.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................16.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................27.9 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................27.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................33.2 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.6 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................17.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 126 Nevada/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 421,417 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 218,033 93.3 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 266,255 36,695,904 1995 174,466 33,619,311 % change 52.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 37.6 32.9 1995 27.3 26.5 % change 37.7 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 11.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 11.8 15.1 % change -2.5 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.8 5.5 1993 6.6 8.4 % change -12.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 62.7 65.8 1994 53.9 56.7 % change 16.3 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.6 8.1 1994 10.5 7.5 % change -8.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 14.1 11.5 1995 11.9 10.0 % change 18.6 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 167 47,061 1992 99 35,754 % change 68.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 12.3 14.2 1997 5.4 8.1 % change 128.1 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 279 402 1993 322 383 % change -13.4 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 1.5 4.1 1994 2.0 4.9 % change -23.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 127 New Hampshire Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.0% 43.2% 18.8% 10.3% 1.7% 1,314,821 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................37.7 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$36,676 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$69,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................5.7 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................3.0 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................7.2 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.1 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................24.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................32.7 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................38.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........26.4 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........18.9 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................38.7 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,727 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................33.8 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................2.8 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$53.10 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................21.1 17.4 128 New Hampshire/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................18.7 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................41.7 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............45.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................13.4 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................17.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.3 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................69.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................56.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................69.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................71.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................57.6 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................66.8 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................53.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.4 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................92.8 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.8 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................30 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.1 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................37 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................219 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................30 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................73 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................57.1 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................207 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................34 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................19 19 129 New Hampshire/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................187 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................16.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................11.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................34.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................23.6 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................88.6 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 61.3% 49.7% 14.5% 24.5% 11.9% 10.9% 12.4% 14.9% 108,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................25.1 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................60 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................77.4* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004............0.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.2% 17.8% 76.1% 62.3% 4.9% 6.8% 4.0% 10.8% 1.8% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.7 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................21.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................20.1 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.1 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.8 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................12.6 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................272 181,794 130 New Hampshire/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 246,900 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 141,135 74.9 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 158,010 36,695,904 1995 137,738 33,619,311 % change 14.7 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 5.1 32.9 1995 2.5 26.5 % change 104.0 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 5.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 7.6 15.1 % change -32.9 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 2.9 5.5 1993 4.8 8.4 % change -39.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 63.4 65.8 1994 57.6 56.7 % change 10.1 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 6.8 8.1 1994 6.6 7.5 % change 3.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 5.9 11.5 1995 5.7 10.0 % change 2.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 109 47,061 1992 79 35,754 % change 37.3 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 11.1 14.2 1997 6.4 8.1 % change 73.7 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 433 402 1993 386 383 % change 12.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.7 4.1 1994 4.8 4.9 % change -0.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 131 New Jersey Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.5% 43.2% 17.2% 11.2% 1.9% 8,745,279 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................0.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$41,636 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$72,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.1 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.5 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.1 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.9 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................26.8 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$5.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................27.7 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................49.5 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........20.6 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........13.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................36.2 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$8,117 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................35.2 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................14.3 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$62.20 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................16.0 17.4 132 New Jersey/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................22.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................45.5 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............44.2 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................13.0 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................16.1 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................66.4 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................52.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.0 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................69.2 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................52.9 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.7 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.1 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................128.8 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.8 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................6.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.6 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................19 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................273 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................31 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................83 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003 ..........................................................................................N/A 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................261 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................49 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005.....................................................................4 19 133 New Jersey/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................1,226 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.1 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................37.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................24.6 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................7.9 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 49.4% 49.7% 20.5% 24.5% 15.6% 10.9% 14.5% 14.9% 923,100 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................34.6 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................41 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................77.9 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........69.6 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 17.1% 17.8% 71.4% 62.3% 3.5% 6.8% 6.6% 10.8% 1.3% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ........................................................................................................9.5 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................30.0 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................24.2 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................35.0 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................14.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 134 New Jersey/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,506,815 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 1,113,767 35.3 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 1,145,315 36,695,904 1995 1,092,381 33,619,311 % change 4.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 35.4 32.9 1995 27.3 26.5 % change 29.7 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 7.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.5 15.1 % change -16.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.1 5.5 1993 8.0 8.4 % change -36.1 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 65.4 65.8 1994 61.3 56.7 % change 6.7 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 8.6 8.1 1994 11.4 7.5 % change -25.0 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 2.8 11.5 1995 4.9 10.0 % change -41.6 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 923 47,061 1992 790 35,754 % change 16.8 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 12.6 14.2 1997 7.0 8.1 % change 79.9 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 341 402 1993 333 383 % change 2.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.3 4.1 1994 4.6 4.9 % change -7.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 135 New Mexico Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.7% 40.5% 18.2% 11.0% 1.6% 1,902,057 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................35.4 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$26,154 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$46,900 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................18.8 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.9 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.4 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................26.7 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................71.15 SCHIP ...................................................................................................79.81 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.8b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................14.0 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................38.9 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........17.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........6.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................28.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,012 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................21.5 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................4.7 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$44.71 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................17.6 17.4 136 New Mexico/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................26.7 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................37.2 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................12.6 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............42.9 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.5 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.9 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.9 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................71.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................59.3 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................10.6 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................59.9 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................61.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................46.5 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................54.4 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................9.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................88.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................6.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................26 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................2.8 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................41 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................186 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................21 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................72 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................33.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................197 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................101 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................26 19 137 New Mexico/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................257 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.5 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................16.1 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................16.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................35.8 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................24.2 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................94.9 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................16.1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................43 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 64.2% 49.7% 18.6% 24.5% 7.1% 10.9% 10.2% 14.9% 423,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................46.5 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................69 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........64.2 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 23.8% 17.8% 51.6% 62.3% 5.8% 6.8% 15.2% 10.8% 3.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................14.6 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................30.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................17.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................36.7 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................15.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................24.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................1,292 181,794 138 New Mexico/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 346,353 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 218,509 58.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 239,558 36,695,904 1995 185,645 33,619,311 % change 29.0 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 56.2 32.9 1995 49.9 26.5 % change 12.6 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 17.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 22.2 15.1 % change -23.0 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.3 5.5 1993 9.3 8.4 % change -42.8 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 58.9 65.8 1994 48.8 56.7 % change 20.7 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 10.3 8.1 1994 8.1 7.5 % change 27.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 27.6 11.5 1995 20.0 10.0 % change 37.9 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 424 47,061 1992 241 35,754 % change 75.7 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 4.7 14.2 1997 6.7 8.1 % change -30.1 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 361 402 1993 373 383 % change -3.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 2.7 4.1 1994 3.1 4.9 % change -12.7 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 139 New York Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.7% 43.2% 17.1% 11.1% 1.9% 19,258,082 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................8.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$38,333 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$54,402 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................16.3 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.8 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.1 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.3 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................25.5 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ......................................$31.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................27.3 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................48.1 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........28.4 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........15.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................38.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$8,030 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................50.0 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................6.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$63.34 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................17.4 17.4 140 New York/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................25.6 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................45.5 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.8 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............46.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................15.0 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.2 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................66.4 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................54.0 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.9 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................70.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................65.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................52.6 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................63.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.0 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................131.0 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.8 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................33 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.6 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.2 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................21 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................339 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................40 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................69 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................5.1 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................305 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................131 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005.....................................................................7 19 141 New York/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................2,779 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.6 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.9 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................23.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................41.8 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................18.1 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................82.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................18.9 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................46 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 46.6% 49.7% 23.2% 24.5% 13.3% 10.9% 16.9% 14.9% 3,548,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................54.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................150 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................85.4 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........61.8 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.1% 17.8% 62.7% 62.3% 5.2% 6.8% 14.8% 10.8% 1.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.4 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................21.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.6 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................26.7 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................14.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 142 New York/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 3,287,879 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 2,517,412 30.6 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 2,508,693 36,695,904 1995 2,418,864 33,619,311 % change 3.7 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 38.1 32.9 1995 31.5 26.5 % change 21.0 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 15.3 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 17.9 15.1 % change -14.5 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.2 5.5 1993 8.3 8.4 % change -25.5 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 63.2 65.8 1994 57.4 56.7 % change 10.1 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.9 8.1 1994 10.7 7.5 % change -26.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 10.0 11.5 1995 12.2 10.0 % change -17.9 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 3,549 47,061 1992 2,928 35,754 % change 21.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 11.6 14.2 1997 5.1 8.1 % change 126.5 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 395 402 1993 381 383 % change 3.6 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.6 4.1 1994 4.5 4.9 % change 2.3 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 143 North Carolina Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.6% 43.2% 17.2% 10.5% 1.5% 8,702,410 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................31.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$29,303 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$50,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................15.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................19.1 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.7 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.4 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................35.8 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................63.49 SCHIP ...................................................................................................74.44 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$6.0b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................27.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................43.2 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........23.4 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........11.5 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................30.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,890 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................36.8 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................6.9 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$53.18 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................15.8 17.4 144 North Carolina/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................29.6 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................50.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.8 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............55.0 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................16.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................22.6 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.6 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................59.2 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................47.9 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.3 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................64.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................69.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................51.5 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................51.1 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................118.4 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.7 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.2 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.7 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................35 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................210 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................20 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................71 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................25.0 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................252 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................171 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................14 19 145 North Carolina/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................1,234 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.6 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................19.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................23.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................27.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................30.6 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................93.0 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................5.6 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................38 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 50.1% 49.7% 20.2% 24.5% 13.0% 10.9% 16.6% 14.9% 1,375,800 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................37.8 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................57 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........69.5 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 17.5% 17.8% 61.2% 62.3% 7.0% 6.8% 9.8% 10.8% 4.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................13.4 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................25.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................18.5 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................30.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.7 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................15.3 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 146 North Carolina/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,500,106 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 990,406 51.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 1,037,474 36,695,904 1995 905,575 33,619,311 % change 14.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 33.5 32.9 1995 24.3 26.5 % change 37.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 14.7 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 14.1 15.1 % change 4.3 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.2 5.5 1993 10.3 8.4 % change -20.4 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.4 65.8 1994 59.7 56.7 % change 11.2 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 13.1 8.1 1994 11.0 7.5 % change 19.4 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 7.8 11.5 1995 8.7 10.0 % change -10.1 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,376 47,061 1992 882 35,754 % change 56.0 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 19.0 14.2 1997 9.0 8.1 % change 110.6 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 416 402 1993 431 383 % change -3.4 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.0 4.1 1994 3.8 4.9 % change 6.7 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 147 North Dakota Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.9% 40.8% 17.6% 12.1% 2.6% 635,468 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................54.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$29,247 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$51,112 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................20.8 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................4.2 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................9.2 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.2 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.5 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................65.85 SCHIP ...................................................................................................76.10 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.4b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................39.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................39.1 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........19.0 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................57.8 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,072 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................30.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.9 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$52.18 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.0 17.4 148 North Dakota/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.6 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................8.1 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............49.4 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.7 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................18.1 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................69.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................54.9 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................6.2 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................66.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................48.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................70.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................57.4 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................9.3 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................135.9 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.5 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................19 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.8 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.3 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................60 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................169 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................30 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................86 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................39.4 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................421 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................75 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................25 19 149 North Dakota/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................104 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.5 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................11.1 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................16.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................24.7 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................48.6 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................97.8 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................1.1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 48.2% 49.7% 21.4% 24.5% 15.7% 10.9% 14.7% 14.9% 65,400 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................38.6 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................69 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........61.7 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.0% 17.8% 64.4% 62.3% 12.9% 6.8% 6.6% 10.8% 3.1% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ........................................................................................................9.5 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................39.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................20.6 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................20.3 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.6 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................1,800 181,794 150 North Dakota/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 111,560 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 83,132 34.2 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 93,635 36,695,904 1995 93,633 33,619,311 % change 0.0 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 10.5 32.9 1995 5.5 26.5 % change 90.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 10.4 15.1 % change -4.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.5 5.5 1993 7.1 8.4 % change 6.0 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 70.4 65.8 1994 57.1 56.7 % change 23.3 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 5.7 8.1 1994 6.7 7.5 % change -16.2 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 20.8 11.5 1995 18.6 10.0 % change 11.8 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 65 47,061 1992 66 35,754 % change -0.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 12.1 14.2 1997 7.7 8.1 % change 56.6 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 415 402 1993 398 383 % change 4.1 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 7.3 4.1 1994 8.4 4.9 % change -13.4 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 151 Ohio Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.3% 41.9% 17.6% 11.4% 1.8% 11,477,557 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................19.5 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$31,135 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$55,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.3 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.0 8.9 101%-200% of poverty .............................................................................11 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.4 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................28.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................59.88 SCHIP ...................................................................................................71.92 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$9.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................32.3 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................44.7 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........23.1 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........23.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................40.4 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,579 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................28.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.8 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.29 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................16.9 17.4 152 Ohio/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................22.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................44.6 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.1 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............47.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.7 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.9 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................64.5 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................51.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.9 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.3 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................72.2 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................48.3 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................61.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................54.8 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................128.1 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.3 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................6.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................31 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................211 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................20 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................87 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................11.5 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................278 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................99 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................23 19 153 Ohio/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................1,740 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................13.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................41.7 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................25.1 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.4 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................12.8 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................43 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 54.3% 49.7% 21.0% 24.5% 8.9% 10.9% 15.8% 14.9% 1,660,400 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................51.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................100 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........31.2 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.0% 17.8% 70.2% 62.3% 5.4% 6.8% 9.8% 10.8% 1.7% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................21.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................14.3 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................23.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.5 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004....................................9.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 154 Ohio/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 2,016,109 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 1,529,337 31.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 1,521,603 36,695,904 1995 1,496,464 33,619,311 % change 1.7 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 17.1 32.9 1995 13.4 26.5 % change 27.6 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.3 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 14.4 15.1 % change -14.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.9 5.5 1993 8.8 8.4 % change 0.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 68.0 65.8 1994 61.2 56.7 % change 11.1 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.7 8.1 1994 8.3 7.5 % change -6.6 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 7.2 11.5 1995 7.8 10.0 % change -7.9 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,660 47,061 1992 1,619 35,754 % change 2.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 16.0 14.2 1997 8.7 8.1 % change 85.0 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 476 402 1993 432 383 % change 10.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 5.9 4.1 1994 6.0 4.9 % change -3.0 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 155 Oklahoma Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.2% 41.2% 17.4% 11.4% 1.8% 3,521,379 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................36.8 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$27,819 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$45,971 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................24.6 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................4.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.6 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.5 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................32.2 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................67.91 SCHIP ...................................................................................................77.54 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$2.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................26.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................37.2 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........18.4 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........8.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................35.8 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,546 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................26.6 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.8 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.98 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.0 17.4 156 Oklahoma/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................30.0 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................48.0 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................12.3 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............55.6 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................15.3 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................25.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.1 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................57.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................46.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................10.1 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.1 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................62.1 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................41.1 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................70.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................60.4 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................129.7 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................9.7 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................50 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.4 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................3.2 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................31 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................136 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................10 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................83 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................27.7 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................310 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................65 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................37 19 157 Oklahoma/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................529 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................15.9 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................19.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................35.4 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................29.5 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................95.5 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................8.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................42 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 64.7% 49.7% 13.8% 24.5% 9.5% 10.9% 11.9% 14.9% 677,700 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................37.7 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................45 Supplemental Security Income, 2003 .....................................................80.6* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........68.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 23.1% 17.8% 56.8% 62.3% 5.6% 6.8% 9.9% 10.8% 4.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................20.7 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................29.1 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................22.5 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................34.5 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................18.6 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................22.2 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................2,841 181,794 158 Oklahoma/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 612,315 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 462,297 32.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 464,645 36,695,904 1995 444,306 33,619,311 % change 4.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 26.9 32.9 1995 16.3 26.5 % change 65.0 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 10.7 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 17.3 15.1 % change -38.2 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.5 5.5 1993 9.2 8.4 % change -18.0 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 70.0 65.8 1994 55.6 56.7 % change 25.9 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 10.9 8.1 1994 9.2 7.5 % change 18.2 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 15.6 11.5 1995 10.8 10.0 % change 43.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 678 47,061 1992 414 35,754 % change 63.7 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 16.2 14.2 1997 9.8 8.1 % change 65.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 403 402 1993 354 383 % change 14.1 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.3 4.1 1994 7.0 4.9 % change -38.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 159 Oregon Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.1% 42.7% 18.7% 10.5% 1.9% 3,596,083 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................23.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,584 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$52,659 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.2 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.3 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................5.9 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.4 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................61.57 SCHIP ...................................................................................................73.10 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$2.1b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................22.1 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................32.6 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........18.7 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.6 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.2 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,485 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................25.5 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................7.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.55 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................13.0 17.4 160 Oregon/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.4 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.3 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.0 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.0 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................18.5 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.0 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................68.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.0 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................10.3 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................64.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................66.1 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................49.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................69.4 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.7 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................95.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................19 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.8 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................3.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................36 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................212 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................18 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................86 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................19.5 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................181 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................122 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................11 19 161 Oregon/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................524 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.6 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.7 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................28.5 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................38.0 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................93.9 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................32.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................45 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 41.9% 49.7% 39.8% 24.5% 7.6% 10.9% 10.7% 14.9% 594,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................41.2 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................100 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................74.0 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........80.1 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 18.9% 17.8% 62.2% 62.3% 9.0% 6.8% 8.8% 10.8% 1.0% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................16.0 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................30.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................15.0 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................32.8 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................16.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................9,638 181,794 162 Oregon/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 672,795 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 428,460 57.0 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 448,765 36,695,904 1995 426,224 33,619,311 % change 5.3 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 18.2 32.9 1995 11.0 26.5 % change 65.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 12.8 15.1 % change 0.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.3 5.5 1993 6.7 8.4 % change -5.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 64.2 65.8 1994 56.3 56.7 % change 14.0 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 10.1 8.1 1994 7.1 7.5 % change 41.9 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 6.9 11.5 1995 10.3 10.0 % change -33.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 595 47,061 1992 335 35,754 % change 77.5 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 9.5 14.2 1997 4.6 8.1 % change 104.0 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 312 402 1993 353 383 % change -11.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 1.7 4.1 1994 3.3 4.9 % change -47.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 163 Pennsylvania Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 25.6% 41.0% 18.2% 12.9% 2.3% 12,426,603 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................16.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$33,257 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$54,725 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.3 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.8 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.4 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.0 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................30.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................55.05 SCHIP ...................................................................................................68.54 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$8.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................34.8 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................41.3 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........28.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........19.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................42.1 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,097 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................39.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................9.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$54.52 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................15.4 17.4 164 Pennsylvania/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................24.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................45.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.0 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............52.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.5 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................21.0 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.9 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................66.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.2 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.6 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................62.4 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................49.1 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................63.9 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................49.8 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.1 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................147.5 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................9.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.6 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.3 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................32 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................250 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................37 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................87 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................10.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................314 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................179 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................14 19 165 Pennsylvania/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................2,120 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................17.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................35.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................32.8 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.7 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................24.6 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................52 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 48.6% 49.7% 16.7% 24.5% 12.6% 10.9% 22.1% 14.9% 1,647,500 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................42.6 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................66 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................77.4 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........75.4 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 14.0% 17.8% 68.9% 62.3% 6.9% 6.8% 8.7% 10.8% 1.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.5 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................20.6 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................19.2 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................23.4 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.2 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.7 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 166 Pennsylvania/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 2,256,647 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 1,690,649 33.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 1,896,510 36,695,904 1995 1,912,079 33,619,311 % change -0.8 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 16.9 32.9 1995 12.3 26.5 % change 37.4 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 13.2 15.1 % change -7.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 8.0 5.5 1993 8.7 8.4 % change -7.8 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 68.8 65.8 1994 60.1 56.7 % change 14.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 6.2 8.1 1994 5.6 7.5 % change 11.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 6.3 11.5 1995 6.3 10.0 % change 0.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,648 47,061 1992 1,543 35,754 % change 6.8 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 6.8 14.2 1997 6.7 8.1 % change 1.8 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 425 402 1993 419 383 % change 1.4 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.6 4.1 1994 4.9 4.9 % change -7.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 167 Rhode Island Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.5% 42.4% 17.2% 11.6% 2.3% 1,086,575 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ....................................................................0.0 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$34,180 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$61,317 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................13.2 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................16.1 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.5 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.4 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.1 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................30.2 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................54.45 SCHIP ...................................................................................................68.12 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.3b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................26.9 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................47.3 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........26.3 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........16.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.6 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,776 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................34.2 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.3 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.39 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................22.0 17.4 168 Rhode Island/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................24.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................51.5 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.1 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................13.6 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.3 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.6 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................66.2 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................53.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.0 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................73.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................58.9 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................70.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................57.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.1 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................115.1 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................10.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................23 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................6.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.1 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................23 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................312 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................34 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................60 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................4.1 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................223 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................32 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................13 19 169 Rhode Island/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................173 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.4 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................16.2 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................20.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................24.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................29.8 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................98.4 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................33.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 46.2% 49.7% 25.1% 24.5% 11.9% 10.9% 16.8% 14.9% 193,800 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................51.4 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................192 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................81.4 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........69.5 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 12.9% 17.8% 66.4% 62.3% 5.9% 6.8% 13.0% 10.8% 1.8% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................20.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................11.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................22.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................9.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................10.3 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 170 Rhode Island/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 186,629 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 124,031 50.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 150,891 36,695,904 1995 155,475 33,619,311 % change -2.9 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 18.7 32.9 1995 10.5 26.5 % change 78.1 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 12.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 10.2 15.1 % change 18.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.4 5.5 1993 8.5 8.4 % change -12.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 61.5 65.8 1994 N/A 56.7 % change N/A 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 5.6 8.1 1994 N/A 7.5 % change N/A 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 8.7 11.5 1995 11.2 10.0 % change -22.9 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 194 47,061 1992 124* 35,754 % change 56.3 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 10.1 14.2 1997 5.7 8.1 % change 76.9 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 441 402 1993 484 383 % change -9.0 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.5 4.1 1994 6.3 4.9 % change 2.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 171 South Carolina Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.3% 41.9% 18.3% 11.0% 1.5% 4,239,310 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................24.7 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$27,153 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$48,226 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................16.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................20.4 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.9 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.2 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.3 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................69.32 SCHIP ...................................................................................................78.52 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.4b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................18.3 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................33.1 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........22.0 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.7 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................23.3 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,128 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................33.1 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................10.6 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$50.83 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.8 17.4 172 South Carolina/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................27.8 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................50.3 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................13.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............49.7 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................16.6 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................21.9 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.6 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................66.3 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................10.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................63.9 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................64.3 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................51.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.0 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................50.9 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................13.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................123.1 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................6.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................23 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................39 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................186 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................15 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................79 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................18.9 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................251 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................176 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................11 19 173 South Carolina/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................624 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.1 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................20.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................20.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................31.9 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................24.0 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................94.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................1.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................45 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 51.9% 49.7% 25.3% 24.5% 9.1% 10.9% 13.7% 14.9% 871,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................49.2 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................97 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004............8.4 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.9% 17.8% 61.1% 62.3% 5.9% 6.8% 12.7% 10.8% 3.4% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................15.6 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................19.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................13.2 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................29.1 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.1 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................15.4 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................2,132 181,794 174 South Carolina/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 776,654 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 506,031 53.5 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 529,410 36,695,904 1995 443,647 33,619,311 % change 19.3 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 33.9 32.9 1995 30.8 26.5 % change 10.1 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 15.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 14.0 15.1 % change 7.9 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.7 5.5 1993 9.4 8.4 % change -18.4 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 64.4 65.8 1994 59.9 56.7 % change 7.5 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 11.5 8.1 1994 9.0 7.5 % change 28.6 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 15.0 11.5 1995 20.1 10.0 % change -25.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 872 47,061 1992 475 35,754 % change 83.5 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 17.1 14.2 1997 8.4 8.1 % change 104.3 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 445 402 1993 410 383 % change 8.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.0 4.1 1994 3.7 4.9 % change -18.9 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 175 South Dakota Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 28.3% 40.6% 16.9% 11.8% 2.4% 771,803 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................56.7 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,617 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$50,016 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................15.6 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................17.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty .............................................................................10 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................27.5 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................65.07 SCHIP ...................................................................................................75.55 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.5b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................24.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................41.8 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........14.9 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........9.1 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................38.0 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,014 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................27.0 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................3.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$47.53 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................22.9 17.4 176 South Dakota/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.7 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................44.8 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................7.9 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............54.2 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.6 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.0 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................13.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................67.3 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................58.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................5.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................67.0 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................71.5 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................46.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................66.2 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................63.9 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.6 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................135.1 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................4.1 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................19 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.8 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................0.9 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................50 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................160 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................14 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004...................103 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................39.7 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................357 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................93 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................37 19 177 South Dakota/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................123 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................16.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.0 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................18.5 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................45.8 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................92.5 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 59.8% 49.7% 15.7% 24.5% 11.1% 10.9% 13.4% 14.9% 106,200 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................49.5 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................61 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................75.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........97.6 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 13.8% 17.8% 60.3% 62.3% 12.7% 6.8% 10.2% 10.8% 3.1% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.1 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................28.5 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................10.7 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................23.7 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.0 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................12.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................490 181,794 178 South Dakota/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 130,616 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 93,068 40.3 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 109,363 36,695,904 1995 105,520 33,619,311 % change 3.6 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 13.9 32.9 1995 6.4 26.5 % change 117.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 14.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 15.3 15.1 % change -7.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.4 5.5 1993 10.5 8.4 % change -29.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 67.2 65.8 1994 56.5 56.7 % change 18.9 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 6.2 8.1 1994 6.3 7.5 % change -2.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 24.6 11.5 1995 18.5 10.0 % change 33.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 106 47,061 1992 75 35,754 % change 41.6 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.3 14.2 1997 8.2 8.1 % change 73.4 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 286 402 1993 345 383 % change -17.1 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 6.5 4.1 1994 9.0 4.9 % change -27.4 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 179 Tennessee Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.0% 42.5% 18.0% 11.0% 1.6% 5,965,317 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................27.3 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$29,806 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$44,500 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................18.4 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................17.4 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.1 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.3 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................33.5 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................63.99 SCHIP ...................................................................................................74.79 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$4.7b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................14.5 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................41.0 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........33.9 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........19.7 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................21.2 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,339 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................39.8 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.1 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$48.75 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................21.1 17.4 180 Tennessee/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................31.5 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................50.8 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................12.7 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............53.6 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................15.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.2 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.3 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................61.3 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................51.6 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................10.7 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.4 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................69.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................47.9 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................63.5 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................53.0 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................16.5 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................135.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................9.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................38 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.5 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................32 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................210 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................16 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................94 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................15.8 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................316 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................135 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................16 19 181 Tennessee/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................891 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.2 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................20.1 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................33.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................27.6 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................25.7 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................92.8 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................9.0 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 43.3% 49.7% 29.4% 24.5% 9.6% 10.9% 17.7% 14.9% 1,603,300 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................49.9 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................100 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004........100.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.3% 17.8% 58.4% 62.3% 7.7% 6.8% 13.7% 10.8% 3.9% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.9 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................29.9 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................16.9 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................24.7 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.0 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................16.0 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................N/A 181,794 182 Tennessee/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,070,993 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 749,745 42.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 747,646 36,695,904 1995 661,899 33,619,311 % change 13.0 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 22.5 32.9 1995 22.2 26.5 % change 1.4 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 16.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 13.9 15.1 % change 21.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 10.6 5.5 1993 9.9 8.4 % change 7.4 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.9 65.8 1994 54.8 56.7 % change 22.1 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 10.7 8.1 1994 9.3 7.5 % change 14.7 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 11.6 11.5 1995 10.6 10.0 % change 9.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,603 47,061 1992 885 35,754 % change 81.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 31.3 14.2 1997 N/A 8.1 % change N/A 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 499 402 1993 517 383 % change -3.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.3 4.1 1994 6.4 4.9 % change -33.0 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 183 Texas Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 30.7% 44.1% 15.3% 8.7% 1.2% 22,775,044 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................13.2 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$30,697 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$48,360 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................18.6 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.8 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.9 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................13.9 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.4 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................28.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................60.66 SCHIP ...................................................................................................72.46 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ......................................$11.1b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................26.5 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................35.8 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........23.0 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........12.6 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................26.0 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$7,117 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................42.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................7.0 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.80 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................16.1 17.4 184 Texas/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................28.9 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................46.9 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.9 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............39.3 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................16.2 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................19.7 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................4.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................62.9 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................54.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................59.3 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................43.8 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................61.4 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.0 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................9.7 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................115.6 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................10.6 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................45 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.3 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................29 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................173 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................16 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................71 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003...........................................................................................8.0 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................253 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................518 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................56 19 185 Texas/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)...............................................................................2,450 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................11.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................21.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................28.5 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................19.3 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.0 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................8.1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................47 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 57.1% 49.7% 16.8% 24.5% 12.9% 10.9% 13.2% 14.9% 2,729,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................34.3 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................33 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........43.3 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 27.6% 17.8% 54.7% 62.3% 5.5% 6.8% 10.0% 10.8% 2.3% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................16.8 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................36.4 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................30.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................42.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................19.3 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................23.6 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 .................................................................................25,850 181,794 186 Texas/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 3,476,697 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 2,320,670 49.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 2,268,604 36,695,904 1995 1,904,755 33,619,311 % change 19.1 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 52.8 32.9 1995 46.6 26.5 % change 13.3 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 17.1 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 19.8 15.1 % change -13.6 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.7 5.5 1993 7.6 8.4 % change -12.0 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.5 65.8 1994 58.5 56.7 % change 13.7 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 12.9 8.1 1994 10.3 7.5 % change 24.4 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 12.7 11.5 1995 11.3 10.0 % change 12.1 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 2,730 47,061 1992 2,309 35,754 % change 18.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.1 14.2 1997 7.9 8.1 % change 78.4 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 380 402 1993 349 383 % change 8.9 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.1 4.1 1994 5.1 4.9 % change -20.6 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 187 Utah Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 35.6% 42.9% 12.9% 7.4% 1.1% 2,417,998 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................11.4 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$26,946 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$56,231 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................19.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below ........................................................................................(-) 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..............................................................................(-) 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................3.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................22.6 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................70.76 SCHIP ...................................................................................................79.53 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.2b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................10.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................34.9 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........14.5 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........5.9 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................21.6 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,448 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................20.3 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................6.5 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.64 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.0 17.4 188 Utah/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................41.2 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................11.2 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............32.6 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.1 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs..................................................................................................8.5 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.9 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................73.7 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................58.0 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................56.2 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................57.9 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................50.4 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................65.8 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................58.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.9 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................90.9 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................8.4 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................45 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.5 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................3.0 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................30 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................173 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................12 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................77 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................15.4 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................184 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................34 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................23 19 189 Utah/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................226 41,385 Medicare Percent of population................................................................................9.5 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................12.8 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 ...........................9.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................40.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................24.3 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................97.7 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................4.6 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 58.6% 49.7% 23.6% 24.5% 5.9% 10.9% 12.0% 14.9% 214,700 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................36.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................53 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........89.2 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 15.2% 17.8% 66.3% 62.3% 10.4% 6.8% 7.3% 10.8% 0.8% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................32.5 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................16.3 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................24.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................10.0 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................11.9 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................2,875 181,794 190 Utah/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 312,807 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 204,643 52.9 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 206,975 36,695,904 1995 174,048 33,619,311 % change 18.9 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 13.7 32.9 1995 8.0 26.5 % change 71.3 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 10.5 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 8.4 15.1 % change 25.0 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.6 5.5 1993 6.0 8.4 % change -6.3 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 66.9 65.8 1994 58.3 56.7 % change 14.8 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 8.0 8.1 1994 8.5 7.5 % change -5.9 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 12.8 11.5 1995 8.0 10.0 % change 59.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 215 47,061 1992 175 35,754 % change 22.7 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 15.2 14.2 1997 8.1 8.1 % change 88.5 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 315 402 1993 344 383 % change -8.4 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.0 4.1 1994 3.0 4.9 % change -1.1 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 191 Vermont Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 25.3% 41.7% 20.0% 11.2% 1.9% 630,979 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................67.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$31,737 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$59,888 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.0 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................6.2 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.2 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................5.7 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................29.8 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................58.49 SCHIP ...................................................................................................70.94 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.6b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................23.9 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................38.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........25.8 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........13.9 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.0 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,472 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................31.7 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................3.3 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$53.28 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................18.2 17.4 192 Vermont/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................18.8 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................41.6 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............47.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................10.1 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................17.7 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.4 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................72.8 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................60.4 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................8.3 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................67.3 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................54.9 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................65.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................52.1 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................10.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................84.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004...................................10.5 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................35 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.7 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.1 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................53 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................296 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................22 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................73 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................49.0 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................206 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................32 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................13 19 193 Vermont/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)....................................................................................94 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................15.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................16.3 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................32.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................31.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................25.0 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................91.9 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................44 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 44.2% 49.7% 30.6% 24.5% 13.8% 10.9% 11.3% 14.9% 152,100 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................52.1 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................192 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................80.7 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........64.9 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 12.9% 17.8% 62.8% 62.3% 6.7% 6.8% 14.9% 10.8% 2.7% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................12.7 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic ...........................................................................................(-) 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................19.4 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................15.2 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................12.5 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 194 Vermont/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 126,381 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 77,156 63.8 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 82,242 36,695,904 1995 70,708 33,619,311 % change 16.3 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 4.4 32.9 1995 2.6 26.5 % change 69.2 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 8.4 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 7.8 15.1 % change 7.7 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 4.9 5.5 1993 4.9 8.4 % change -0.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 60.2 65.8 1994 54.3 56.7 % change 10.9 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 5.8 8.1 1994 4.9 7.5 % change 18.3 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 3.6 11.5 1995 6.8 10.0 % change -47.3 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 152 47,061 1992 86 35,754 % change 76.9 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 20.0 14.2 1997 11.9 8.1 % change 67.8 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 411 402 1993 340 383 % change 21.0 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.8 4.1 1994 5.4 4.9 % change -29.5 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 195 Virginia Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 27.2% 43.8% 17.6% 10.0% 1.4% 7,552,581 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................14.6 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$36,175 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$63,481 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.8 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................14.1 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.2 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................12.1 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................11.1 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.8 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.0b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................28.4 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................46.0 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........13.5 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........8.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................31.9 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,629 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................20.1 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................9.3 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$53.26 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................19.1 17.4 196 Virginia/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................20.7 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.8 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............43.4 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................14.8 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................16.5 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................8.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................65.3 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................50.8 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................65.3 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................71.4 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................55.7 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................61.6 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................54.4 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................9.9 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................102.2 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................7.6 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.2 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................36 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................222 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................22 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................70 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................16.7 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................215 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................117 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................17 19 197 Virginia/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................966 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.1 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................16.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................16.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................38.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................22.1 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................94.6 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................2.1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 53.4% 49.7% 13.2% 24.5% 14.4% 10.9% 19.1% 14.9% 700,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................29.0 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................36 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8* Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........64.8 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 16.0% 17.8% 68.2% 62.3% 6.1% 6.8% 6.1% 10.8% 3.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................11.8 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................24.3 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................16.5 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................30.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................12.7 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................14.8 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005..........................................................................No program 181,794 198 Virginia/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,327,955 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 884,567 50.1 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 867,044 36,695,904 1995 736,702 33,619,311 % change 17.7 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 32.1 32.9 1995 25.1 26.5 % change 27.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 9.3 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 10.2 15.1 % change -8.8 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.3 5.5 1993 8.5 8.4 % change -14.6 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 54.2 65.8 1994 60.1 56.7 % change -9.8 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 7.7 8.1 1994 5.6 7.5 % change 38.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 7.6 11.5 1995 7.3 10.0 % change 4.2 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 701 47,061 1992 608 35,754 % change 15.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.8 14.2 1997 11.1 8.1 % change 33.6 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 374 402 1993 391 383 % change -4.5 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.4 4.1 1994 4.6 4.9 % change -25.2 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 199 Washington Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.9% 43.8% 17.9% 9.6% 1.7% 6,204,632 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................12.5 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$35,017 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$58,880 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.5 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................17.2 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................9.3 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................10.9 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.6 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................25.4 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$4.4b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................15.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................24.5 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........22.2 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 .........13.8 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................29.5 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,511 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................30.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................4.1 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$54.90 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................10.9 17.4 200 Washington/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................19.3 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................42.4 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................10.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............39.1 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................12.4 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................16.8 19.7 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................10.0 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................73.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................57.7 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................9.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.9 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................63.7 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................52.6 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................65.8 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................51.6 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................8.5 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003............................................84.0 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.6 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................18 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.2 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................2.0 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................48 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................208 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................24 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................80 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................13.3 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................172 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................194 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005.....................................................................8 19 201 Washington/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................795 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................13.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................14.6 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................15.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................30.2 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................33.3 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................15.3 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................45 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 57.3% 49.7% 21.8% 24.5% 7.6% 10.9% 13.3% 14.9% 1,005,400 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................41.1 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................86 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................76.3 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........87.5 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 14.6% 17.8% 63.9% 62.3% 7.2% 6.8% 10.7% 10.8% 3.6% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................13.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................19.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .......................................9.8 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................27.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................11.4 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................13.2 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ...................................................................................2,732 181,794 202 Washington/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 1,110,506 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 699,941 58.7 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 702,517 36,695,904 1995 631,614 33,619,311 % change 11.2 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 21.6 32.9 1995 10.6 26.5 % change 103.8 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 11.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 12.2 15.1 % change -2.5 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 5.3 5.5 1993 6.9 8.4 % change -22.9 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 63.8 65.8 1994 56.8 56.7 % change 12.3 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 8.1 8.1 1994 5.2 7.5 % change 56.6 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 11.3 11.5 1995 9.5 10.0 % change 18.8 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 1,005 47,061 1992 671 35,754 % change 49.8 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 12.1 14.2 1997 6.4 8.1 % change 89.2 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 333 402 1993 398 383 % change -16.2 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 2.8 4.1 1994 4.4 4.9 % change -35.2 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 203 West Virginia Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 24.0% 40.6% 20.1% 13.4% 2.0% 1,818,887 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................45.1 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$25,681 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$42,000 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................16.3 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................21.4 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.7 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................17.5 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................10.8 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................38.4 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................72.99 SCHIP ...................................................................................................81.09 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$1.6b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................22.7 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................45.2 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........11.1 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........3.3 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................35.3 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$6,288 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................14.4 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................3.6 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.84 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................14.1 17.4 204 West Virginia/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................34.7 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................52.8 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................15.4 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............69.6 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................19.7 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................23.9 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................7.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................59.2 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................42.5 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004..........................................11.8 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................68.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................66.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................42.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................64.7 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................55.2 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................15.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................161.3 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.9 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................23 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................4.1 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.4 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................37 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................181 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................18 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................96 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................46.6 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................378 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 .................................................................151 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................17 19 205 West Virginia/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................351 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................19.6 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................22.7 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................16.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................44.7 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................14.4 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.3 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................6.2 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................52 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 49.7% 49.7% 16.8% 24.5% 9.5% 10.9% 24.0% 14.9% 351,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................45.3 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................38 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........44.4 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 19.3% 17.8% 59.6% 62.3% 4.5% 6.8% 12.4% 10.8% 4.2% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................19.2 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic ...........................................................................................(-) 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................15.3 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................29.6 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................14.9 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................16.5 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................N/A 181,794 206 West Virginia/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 364,856 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 278,666 30.9 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 279,656 36,695,904 1995 277,674 33,619,311 % change 0.7 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 4.7 32.9 1995 3.2 26.5 % change 46.9 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 14.9 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 19.6 15.1 % change -24.0 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 7.4 5.5 1993 9.3 8.4 % change -20.3 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 70.5 65.8 1994 58.4 56.7 % change 20.7 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 11.7 8.1 1994 12.4 7.5 % change -5.5 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 13.8 11.5 1995 16.5 10.0 % change -16.5 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 352 47,061 1992 375 35,754 % change -6.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 19.3 14.2 1997 11.4 8.1 % change 68.5 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 622 402 1993 588 383 % change 5.8 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 3.5 4.1 1994 3.7 4.9 % change -6.6 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 207 Wisconsin Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.9% 42.8% 17.3% 11.0% 2.0% 5,554,343 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................27.7 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$32,063 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$55,621 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................14.1 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................15.9 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................8.7 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ............................................................................8.8 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.5 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................26.4 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................57.65 SCHIP ...................................................................................................70.36 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$3.6b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................27.6 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................50.4 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003..........12.6 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........6.0 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................41.8 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,397 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................16.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ............................................................5.8 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$49.16 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................22.1 17.4 208 Wisconsin/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................19.1 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................45.1 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.0 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............46.0 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.7 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................20.7 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................72.9 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................55.9 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................6.1 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................66.8 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................69.1 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................55.0 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................70.3 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................56.1 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ......................11.2 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................107.7 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................4.5 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................24 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................5.0 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.6 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................43 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................199 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................25 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................76 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................22.4 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................233 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................77 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................15 19 209 Wisconsin/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................814 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.9 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.1 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................16.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................35.7 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................40.2 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................96.0 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................8.1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................45 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 47.2% 49.7% 23.8% 24.5% 11.7% 10.9% 17.4% 14.9% 673,600 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................39.8 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004................192 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................85.0 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........45.4 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 11.9% 17.8% 68.6% 62.3% 7.8% 6.8% 9.8% 10.8% 1.8% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................10.0 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................21.2 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .....................................10.4 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................21.9 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ..............................................................8.3 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004....................................9.1 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 .................................................................................18,228 181,794 210 Wisconsin/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 963,058 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 677,820 42.1 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 720,807 36,695,904 1995 685,132 33,619,311 % change 5.2 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 14.9 32.9 1995 10.1 26.5 % change 47.5 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 13.2 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.5 15.1 % change 38.9 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 6.4 5.5 1993 8.0 8.4 % change -20.2 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 68.0 65.8 1994 57.9 56.7 % change 17.4 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 5.7 8.1 1994 3.8 7.5 % change 50.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 10.4 11.5 1995 11.5 10.0 % change -10.0 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 674 47,061 1992 616 35,754 % change 9.4 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 15.2 14.2 1997 8.0 8.1 % change 89.2 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 334 402 1993 322 383 % change 3.8 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.9 4.1 1994 8.3 4.9 % change -41.0 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 211 Wyoming Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-84 yrs 85+ Total Demographics State 26.3% 41.5% 19.7% 10.9% 1.6% 507,268 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 10.7% 1.8% 299,527,141 State U.S. Rural population (% of total), 2004 ..................................................................69.5 16.9 Per capita personal income (average), 2004 ..............................................$34,199 $33,041 Family income (median), 2004...................................................................$56,730 $53,774 Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.....................................................................................12.0 14.4 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................17.7 18.3 Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below ........................................................................................(-) 8.9 101%-200% of poverty ..............................................................................(-) 12.3 Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004: Poverty or below.......................................................................................7.7 9.8 101%-200% of poverty ..........................................................................28.9 28.1 State U.S. Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: Expenditures Medicaid...............................................................................................54.23 SCHIP ...................................................................................................67.96 and Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 ........................................$0.3b $213.5b Financing Medicaid payments (% of total), FY2002: Elderly ....................................................................................................23.9 24.3 Disabled .................................................................................................45.3 43.3 Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003............7.9 21.4 State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 ...........3.7 12.6 Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004.........................................44.3 31.6 Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 .......................................................................................$5,332 $6,122 Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003.................................................................16.9 31.5 Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 ..........................................................22.6 7.8 Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 ..........................................$51.23 $52.97 Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 .................................................................................15.5 17.4 212 Wyoming/2 State U.S. Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................19.4 21.7 High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................41.6 45.0 Health Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for Status >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................9.3 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............46.8 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................11.6 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................18.8 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................9.7 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................71.4 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................53.9 54.7 Adults age 65+ with self-care limitation (%), 2004............................................7.5 9.3 Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001..........................................63.5 66.5 State U.S. Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................62.0 67.3 Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................43.1 48.6 Utilization Adult immunization (%), 2004: and Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................70.7 64.6 Quality Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................56.7 Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 ........................9.8 52.3 10.7 of Services Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003..........................................105.5 119.4 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................4.8 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................3.6 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................0.9 2.1 State U.S. Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................50 31 Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................143 220 Resources Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005........................................17 23 Available Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004...................100 73 Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003.........................................................................................66.2 14.4 Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 ..................................................253 258 Community health centers (#), 2005 ...................................................................25 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005...................................................................39 19 213 Wyoming/3 State U.S. Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)....................................................................................70 41,385 Medicare Percent of population..............................................................................14.0 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.4 15.4 Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 .........................13.0 19.0 Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%), 2004: Employer sponsored ...............................................................................29.0 34.0 Individually purchased ............................................................................37.0 25.7 Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 .................................................................................90.6 93.3 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 .............................1.5 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................41 1,443 Medicaid Enrollment by Category of Enrollee, 2001 Child Adult Elderly Disabled Total Medicaid State U.S. 58.5% 49.7% 18.3% 24.5% 8.6% 10.9% 14.5% 14.9% 57,900 47,060,700 State U.S. Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in poverty), 2004 .....................................................................34.7 43.2 Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004..................60 Supplemental Security Income, 2003......................................................73.8 Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004............0.0 61.3 Persons Under Age 65 With and Without Health Insurance, 2004 Uninsured Employer Other Private Medicaid Other Public Health State U.S. 15.9% 17.8% 63.0% 62.3% 9.9% 6.8% 7.6% 10.8% 3.5% 2.2% Coverage State U.S. and the Uninsured persons (%), 2004: White ......................................................................................................14.6 13.1 Uninsured Minority/ethnic........................................................................................25.0 26.5 Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 .........................................(-) 18.5 Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004...........................................................................28.0 30.5 Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 ............................................................13.2 13.5 Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004..................................15.5 15.8 High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 ......................................................................................658 181,794 214 Wyoming/4 State U.S. Population age 50-64 (#) 2005 100,077 50,359,150 Key Trends* 1995 % change 65,537 52.7 34,773,584 44.8 Population age 65+ (#) 2005 63,414 36,695,904 1995 53,120 33,619,311 % change 19.4 9.2 Minority/ethnic population (%) 2005 10.9 32.9 1995 7.6 26.5 % change 43.4 24.2 Persons under age 65 with family income 2004 10.7 13.3 at or below poverty (%) 1994 9.3 15.1 % change 15.1 -11.9 Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births) 2003 3.4 5.5 1993 8.1 8.4 % change -57.7 -34.6 Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%) 2004 63.2 65.8 1994 56.5 56.7 % change 11.9 16.0 Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%) 2004 9.1 8.1 1994 7.9 7.5 % change 16.1 8.0 Population underserved by primary care physicians (%) 2005 22.8 11.5 1995 14.1 10.0 % change 62.4 14.7 Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s) 2001 58 47,061 1992 49 35,754 % change 18.2 31.6 Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%) 2004 14.2 14.2 1997 8.0 8.1 % change 78.4 75.1 Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population) 2003 435 402 1993 408 383 % change 6.7 4.9 Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+) 2004 4.0 4.1 1994 6.6 4.9 % change -39.3 -15.6 *Percent change figures are cumulative for entire time period. 215 Puerto Rico Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 Demographics 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-79 yrs 80+ Total State 29.4% 41.5% 16.6% 9.4% 3.1% 3,911,299 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 8.7% 3.6% 299,527,141 Territory U.S. Expenditures Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: and Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 Financing Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003..............$3,256 $6,122 Territory U.S. Health Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................54.9 21.7 Status High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................49.3 45.0 Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for >1 week in month (%), 2004.......................................................................14.8 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............62.9 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................21.9 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................10.6 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................5.2 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................53.1 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................56.3 54.7 Territory U.S. Utilization Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................61.2 67.2 and Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................29.5 48.9 Quality Adult immunization (%), 2004: Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................32.7 64.5 of Services Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................25.1 52.3 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................5.2 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................28 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................0.3 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................1.0 2.1 216 Puerto Rico/2 Territory U.S. Resources Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................53 31 Available Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................164 220 Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................47 73 Community health centers (#), 2005 .....................................................................6 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005 ........8 19 Territory U.S. Medicare Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)..................................................................................588 41,385 Percent of population..............................................................................15.1 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................25.7 15.4 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ...........................19.8 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006.........................10 1,443 Territory U.S. Medicaid Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004..........98.4 61.3 217 Virgin Islands Distribution of Population by Age (projected), 2005 Demographics 0-19 yrs 20-49 yrs 50-64 yrs 65-79 yrs 80+ Total State 30.9% 38.6% 19.8% 8.7% 2.0% 108,708 U.S. 27.8% 42.8% 17.0% 8.7% 3.6% 299,527,141 Territory U.S. Expenditures Federal matching funds (%), FY2006: and Medicaid...............................................................................................50.00 SCHIP ...................................................................................................65.00 Financing Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003..............$3,078 $6,122 Territory U.S. Health Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 ..................................23.9 21.7 Status High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 ..................44.6 45.0 Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for >1 week in month (%), 2004.........................................................................8.0 11.0 Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004............45.2 46.8 Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004..........................................................18.7 13.4 Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................10.2 19.7 65+ yrs ....................................................................................................4.8 9.2 Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003: 50-64 yrs................................................................................................65.2 66.5 65+ yrs ..................................................................................................54.6 54.7 Territory U.S. Utilization Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004.........................................58.9 67.2 and Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 ................31.8 48.9 Quality Adult immunization (%), 2004: Pneumococcal pneumonia (age 65+)......................................................32.8 64.5 of Services Influenza (age 50+) ................................................................................27.1 52.3 Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004.....................................2.0 8.0 Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004.........................25 30 Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004..................................................0.7 4.7 Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003.............................................0.4 2.1 218 Virgin Islands/2 Territory U.S. Resources Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003.........................................20 31 Available Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003........................................120 220 Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004.....................37 73 Community health centers (#), 2005 .....................................................................2 6,760 Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005 ......16 19 Territory U.S. Medicare Medicare beneficiaries, 2004: Number (in 1,000s)....................................................................................12 41,385 Percent of population..............................................................................11.3 14.0 Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 ................................13.4 15.4 Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 ..............................<1 13.4 Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006...........................4 1,443 Territory U.S. Medicaid Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004............0.0 61.3 219 State Data and Rankings 221 Demographics State Data and Rankings Population age 0-19 Population age 20-49 Population age 50-64 (% of total), 2005 (% of total), 2005 (% of total), 2005 Alabama 27.3 26 41.4 38 18.0 13 Alaska 31.2 2 44.9 4 17.2 33 Arizona 29.0 9 41.3 41 16.7 44 Arkansas 27.6 21 40.8 46 17.9 19 California 29.2 7 44.2 5 15.7 49 Colorado 27.9 17 45.3 2 16.9 36 Connecticut 26.5 39 42.1 28 17.7 20 Delaware 26.5 38 42.4 26 17.9 15 District of Columbia 24.1 49 48.4 1 15.9 48 Florida 24.6 48 39.7 51 18.5 8 Georgia 29.3 6 45.1 3 16.0 47 Hawaii 26.9 31 41.4 40 18.4 9 Idaho 29.8 4 42.2 27 16.8 42 Illinois 28.2 16 43.5 11 16.3 46 Indiana 28.3 13 42.5 24 16.9 37 Iowa 27.0 30 41.0 43 17.4 27 Kansas 28.5 11 41.9 32 16.6 45 Kentucky 26.9 35 42.8 20 17.9 17 Louisiana 29.2 8 42.1 29 16.8 39 Maine 23.9 51 41.5 36 20.0 3 Maryland 27.5 23 43.7 10 17.3 29 Massachusetts 26.2 42 43.3 12 17.4 24 Michigan 27.8 18 42.6 22 17.4 28 Minnesota 27.6 22 43.8 9 16.7 43 Mississippi 29.3 5 41.7 34 16.8 40 Missouri 27.4 24 41.8 33 17.4 26 Montana 25.9 45 40.3 50 19.9 4 Nebraska 28.4 12 41.4 39 16.8 41 Nevada 27.8 19 43.0 17 17.9 16 New Hampshire 26.0 44 43.2 15 18.8 6 New Jersey 26.5 40 43.2 13 17.2 32 New Mexico 28.7 10 40.5 49 18.2 11 New York 26.7 36 43.2 16 17.1 35 North Carolina 27.6 20 43.2 14 17.2 31 North Dakota 26.9 34 40.8 45 17.6 23 Ohio 27.3 27 41.9 30 17.6 22 Oklahoma 28.2 15 41.2 42 17.4 25 Oregon 26.1 43 42.7 21 18.7 7 Pennsylvania 25.6 46 41.0 44 18.2 12 Rhode Island 26.5 37 42.4 25 17.2 34 South Carolina 27.3 25 41.9 31 18.3 10 South Dakota 28.3 14 40.6 47 16.9 38 Tennessee 27.0 29 42.5 23 18.0 14 Texas 30.7 3 44.1 6 15.3 50 Utah 35.6 1 42.9 18 12.9 51 Vermont 25.3 47 41.7 35 20.0 2 Virginia 27.2 28 43.8 8 17.6 21 Washington 26.9 32 43.8 7 17.9 18 West Virginia 24.0 50 40.6 48 20.1 1 Wisconsin 26.9 33 42.8 19 17.3 30 Wyoming 26.3 41 41.5 37 19.7 5 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 222 Demographics State Data and Rankings Population age 65-84 Population age 85+ Total population (% of total), 2005 (% of total), 2005 (projected), 2005 Alabama 11.6 11 1.7 26 4,527,166 24 Alaska 6.1 51 0.6 51 661,110 47 Arizona 11.5 14 1.6 35 5,868,004 17 Arkansas 11.9 7 1.9 20 2,777,007 32 California 9.3 46 1.5 43 36,038,859 1 Colorado 8.6 48 1.3 46 4,617,962 22 Connecticut 11.4 17 2.3 7 3,503,185 29 Delaware 11.6 12 1.6 34 836,687 45 District of Columbia 9.9 43 1.7 29 551,136 50 Florida 14.8 1 2.4 3 17,509,827 4 Georgia 8.4 49 1.2 48 8,925,796 9 Hawaii 11.6 10 1.7 27 1,276,552 42 Idaho 9.7 44 1.6 36 1,407,060 39 Illinois 10.2 39 1.8 24 12,699,336 5 Indiana 10.6 31 1.7 25 6,249,617 14 Iowa 12.1 6 2.5 2 2,973,700 30 Kansas 10.9 30 2.1 9 2,751,509 33 Kentucky 10.9 28 1.6 39 4,163,360 26 Louisiana 10.4 36 1.5 40 4,534,310 23 Maine 12.5 4 2.1 11 1,318,557 40 Maryland 10.0 42 1.5 41 5,600,563 19 Massachusetts 11.1 23 2.1 10 6,518,868 13 Michigan 10.5 34 1.7 28 10,207,421 8 Minnesota 10.0 41 1.9 15 5,174,743 21 Mississippi 10.5 33 1.6 33 2,915,696 31 Missouri 11.4 15 1.9 18 5,765,166 18 Montana 11.8 8 2.0 12 933,005 44 Nebraska 11.2 20 2.2 8 1,744,370 38 Nevada 10.3 38 1.0 50 2,352,086 35 New Hampshire 10.3 37 1.7 31 1,314,821 41 New Jersey 11.2 19 1.9 19 8,745,279 10 New Mexico 11.0 24 1.6 38 1,902,057 36 New York 11.1 22 1.9 17 19,258,082 3 North Carolina 10.5 35 1.5 44 8,702,410 11 North Dakota 12.1 5 2.6 1 635,468 48 Ohio 11.4 16 1.8 22 11,477,557 7 Oklahoma 11.4 18 1.8 23 3,521,379 28 Oregon 10.5 32 1.9 16 3,596,083 27 Pennsylvania 12.9 3 2.3 6 12,426,603 6 Rhode Island 11.6 13 2.3 5 1,086,575 43 South Carolina 11.0 25 1.5 42 4,239,310 25 South Dakota 11.8 9 2.4 4 771,803 46 Tennessee 11.0 27 1.6 37 5,965,317 16 Texas 8.7 47 1.2 47 22,775,044 2 Utah 7.4 50 1.1 49 2,417,998 34 Vermont 11.2 21 1.9 21 630,979 49 Virginia 10.0 40 1.4 45 7,552,581 12 Washington 9.6 45 1.7 30 6,204,632 15 West Virginia 13.4 2 2.0 14 1,818,887 37 Wisconsin 11.0 26 2.0 13 5,554,343 20 Wyoming 10.9 29 1.6 32 507,268 51 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 223 Demographics State Data and Rankings Rural population Per capita personal income Family income (% of total), 2004 (average), 2004 (median), 2004 Alabama 29.2 20 $27,630 42 $48,500 38 Alaska 34.3 18 $34,085 17 $67,408 7 Arizona 11.0 41 $28,609 39 $48,346 40 Arkansas 41.8 12 $25,724 49 $42,020 49 California 2.3 47 $35,172 12 $54,839 22 Colorado 14.1 36 $36,109 10 $62,585 10 Connecticut 8.7 43 $45,506 2 $70,560 2 Delaware 20.7 30 $35,559 11 $59,000 13 District of Columbia 0.0 49 $52,101 1 $48,020 42 Florida 6.3 45 $31,460 25 $50,000 35 Georgia 19.6 31 $30,074 33 $50,000 35 Hawaii 28.8 21 $32,606 20 $65,043 8 Idaho 36.1 16 $26,839 47 $52,928 27 Illinois 13.3 37 $34,725 14 $57,040 15 Indiana 22.5 29 $30,070 34 $52,500 31 Iowa 45.5 7 $30,970 28 $56,040 19 Kansas 37.3 14 $31,003 27 $54,624 24 Kentucky 43.4 10 $27,151 45 $43,004 47 Louisiana 25.0 26 $27,219 43 $40,800 51 Maine 41.8 11 $29,973 35 $52,572 30 Maryland 5.2 46 $39,629 5 $68,569 6 Massachusetts 0.4 48 $42,102 3 $69,946 3 Michigan 18.6 33 $32,052 23 $52,301 32 Minnesota 27.6 23 $36,173 9 $69,000 4 Mississippi 56.6 5 $24,379 51 $42,560 48 Missouri 27.0 25 $30,516 32 $53,404 26 Montana 65.1 3 $27,666 41 $43,600 46 Nebraska 43.4 9 $32,276 21 $56,517 17 Nevada 10.4 42 $33,783 18 $52,600 29 New Hampshire 37.7 13 $36,676 7 $69,000 4 New Jersey 0.0 49 $41,636 4 $72,000 1 New Mexico 35.4 17 $26,154 48 $46,900 43 New York 8.1 44 $38,333 6 $54,402 25 North Carolina 31.0 19 $29,303 37 $50,000 35 North Dakota 54.1 6 $29,247 38 $51,112 33 Ohio 19.5 32 $31,135 26 $55,000 21 Oklahoma 36.8 15 $27,819 40 $45,971 44 Oregon 23.0 28 $30,584 31 $52,659 28 Pennsylvania 16.0 34 $33,257 19 $54,725 23 Rhode Island 0.0 49 $34,180 16 $61,317 11 South Carolina 24.7 27 $27,153 44 $48,226 41 South Dakota 56.7 4 $30,617 30 $50,016 34 Tennessee 27.3 24 $29,806 36 $44,500 45 Texas 13.2 38 $30,697 29 $48,360 39 Utah 11.4 40 $26,946 46 $56,231 18 Vermont 67.1 2 $31,737 24 $59,888 12 Virginia 14.6 35 $36,175 8 $63,481 9 Washington 12.5 39 $35,017 13 $58,880 14 West Virginia 45.1 8 $25,681 50 $42,000 50 Wisconsin 27.7 22 $32,063 22 $55,621 20 Wyoming 69.5 1 $34,199 15 $56,730 16 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 224 Demographics State Data and Rankings Distribution of persons under age Distribution of persons under age Distribution of persons age 50- 50 by family income (%): 50 by family income (%): 64 by family income (%): Poverty or below, 2004 101%-200% of poverty, 2004 Poverty or below, 2004 Alabama 19.0 4 18.6 24 10.9 7 Alaska 10.4 42 18.7 23 5.9 43 Arizona 16.5 11 21.2 12 9.0 19 Arkansas 16.9 9 23.4 4 9.9 12 California 15.1 18 21.2 12 9.7 14 Colorado 11.0 39 16.5 34 6.8 38 Connecticut 11.0 39 10.6 51 8.5 23 Delaware 10.5 41 15.8 40 5.6 44 District of Columbia 19.4 2 18.9 21 9.6 15 Florida 13.7 25 19.3 19 8.7 21 Georgia 14.8 19 21.0 14 7.9 30 Hawaii 9.5 47 15.7 41 6.0 42 Idaho 11.5 36 24.0 3 5.3 45 Illinois 14.1 21 15.2 42 7.8 32 Indiana 14.0 23 18.0 27 6.3 40 Iowa 12.4 32 18.2 26 8.5 23 Kansas 13.0 29 18.5 25 8.3 26 Kentucky 19.4 2 18.8 22 13.9 2 Louisiana 17.8 8 22.8 6 14.5 1 Maine 12.8 30 14.6 44 10.2 11 Maryland 10.2 43 14.0 46 8.5 23 Massachusetts 10.1 44 13.0 47 6.5 39 Michigan 15.5 16 16.6 33 9.0 19 Minnesota 7.6 50 12.2 49 3.7 48 Mississippi 20.1 1 22.1 8 11.3 4 Missouri 13.9 24 16.5 34 9.1 18 Montana 16.8 10 27.4 1 10.8 8 Nebraska 10.0 45 21.7 10 7.5 34 Nevada 12.3 33 20.7 16 8.3 26 New Hampshire 5.7 51 12.2 49 3.0 49 New Jersey 8.1 49 12.5 48 7.1 37 New Mexico 18.8 5 22.9 5 10.4 10 New York 16.3 13 16.8 32 11.1 6 North Carolina 15.5 16 19.1 20 11.7 3 North Dakota 11.5 36 20.8 15 4.2 47 Ohio 13.5 26 16.3 36 8.0 29 Oklahoma 12.0 34 24.6 2 4.9 46 Oregon 14.2 20 22.3 7 8.3 26 Pennsylvania 13.3 27 16.2 37 7.8 32 Rhode Island 13.2 28 16.1 38 7.5 34 South Carolina 16.5 11 20.4 17 9.3 16 South Dakota 15.6 15 17.7 28 7.9 30 Tennessee 18.4 7 17.4 30 11.3 4 Texas 18.6 6 21.8 9 9.9 12 Utah 11.5 36 19.7 18 (-) (-) Vermont 9.0 48 15.0 43 6.2 41 Virginia 9.8 46 14.1 45 7.2 36 Washington 12.5 31 17.2 31 9.3 16 West Virginia 16.3 13 21.4 11 10.7 9 Wisconsin 14.1 21 15.9 39 8.7 21 Wyoming 12.0 34 17.7 28 (-) (-) Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 225 Demographics State Data and Rankings Distribution of persons age 50-64 Distribution of persons age 65+ Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%): by family income (%): by family income (%): 101%-200% of poverty, 2004 Poverty or below, 2004 101%-200% of poverty, 2004 Alabama 14.8 7 14.2 6 34.6 4 Alaska 7.1 47 (-) (-) (-) (-) Arizona 14.5 9 9.6 20 21.5 48 Arkansas 18.6 1 15.0 2 29.1 20 California 14.4 10 7.3 45 27.1 32 Colorado 8.3 43 9.1 24 22.9 43 Connecticut 8.1 45 7.6 41 25.2 38 Delaware 12.6 20 6.8 46 19.0 50 District of Columbia 13.5 14 12.8 10 28.0 26 Florida 13.7 13 7.9 39 29.7 17 Georgia 14.6 8 8.5 32 30.0 15 Hawaii 8.6 41 8.6 29 19.9 49 Idaho 13.8 12 8.3 33 31.4 11 Illinois 11.8 26 8.6 29 28.9 21 Indiana 11.8 26 6.6 47 28.9 21 Iowa 6.4 49 7.4 43 29.6 18 Kansas 12.5 21 8.2 35 22.0 46 Kentucky 15.7 4 14.8 3 31.9 10 Louisiana 15.3 6 13.9 8 30.9 12 Maine 13.1 17 9.8 19 35.0 3 Maryland 10.3 34 11.7 12 23.7 41 Massachusetts 11.4 28 8.7 28 27.6 27 Michigan 12.9 18 8.9 27 25.0 39 Minnesota 7.1 47 9.5 22 22.9 43 Mississippi 16.8 3 21.3 1 34.5 5 Missouri 10.9 30 8.3 33 32.9 8 Montana 12.5 21 9.1 24 33.1 7 Nebraska 10.6 33 10.7 17 29.4 19 Nevada 10.7 32 8.1 36 23.1 42 New Hampshire 7.2 46 9.1 24 24.9 40 New Jersey 8.9 38 9.6 20 26.8 33 New Mexico 13.5 14 13.3 9 26.7 34 New York 10.3 34 14.3 5 25.5 36 North Carolina 12.5 21 14.4 4 35.8 2 North Dakota 9.2 37 9.2 23 27.5 28 Ohio 11 29 7.4 43 28.9 21 Oklahoma 15.6 5 11.5 13 32.2 9 Oregon 8.8 39 5.9 48 27.4 30 Pennsylvania 13.4 16 8.0 38 30.9 12 Rhode Island 8.4 42 8.1 36 30.2 14 South Carolina 12.9 18 14.2 6 27.3 31 South Dakota 10 36 11.3 14 27.5 28 Tennessee 12.1 24 10.3 18 33.5 6 Texas 13.9 11 12.4 11 28.9 21 Utah (-) (-) 3.6 50 22.6 45 Vermont 8.2 44 5.7 49 29.8 16 Virginia 12.1 24 11.1 15 21.8 47 Washington 10.9 30 8.6 29 25.4 37 West Virginia 17.5 2 10.8 16 38.4 1 Wisconsin 8.8 39 7.5 42 26.4 35 Wyoming (-) (-) 7.7 40 28.9 21 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 226 Expenditures and Financing State Data and Rankings Federal matching funds (%): Federal matching funds (%): Total Medicaid payments for Medicaid, FY2006 SCHIP, FY2006 all enrollees, FY2002 Alabama 69.51 78.66 $3.2b 24 Alaska 50.16 65.11 $0.7b 45 Arizona 66.98 76.89 $2.9b 26 Arkansas 73.77 81.64 $2.0b 31 California 50.00 65.00 $23.6b 2 Colorado 50.00 65.00 $2.2b 29 Connecticut 50.00 65.00 $3.2b 22 Delaware 50.09 65.06 $0.7b 46 District of Columbia 70.00 79.00 $1.0b 40 Florida 58.89 71.22 $9.8b 4 Georgia 60.60 72.42 $4.8b 12 Hawaii 58.81 71.17 $0.7b 44 Idaho 69.91 78.94 $0.8b 41 Illinois 50.00 65.00 $9.1b 6 Indiana 62.98 74.09 $3.7b 17 Iowa 63.61 74.53 $1.9b 32 Kansas 60.41 72.29 $1.5b 36 Kentucky 69.26 78.48 $3.5b 20 Louisiana 69.79 78.85 $3.2b 23 Maine 62.90 74.03 $1.7b 34 Maryland 50.00 65.00 $3.7b 18 Massachusetts 50.00 65.00 $6.4b 8 Michigan 56.59 69.61 $5.9b 10 Minnesota 50.00 65.00 $4.4b 14 Mississippi 76.00 83.20 $2.5b 27 Missouri 61.93 73.35 $4.1b 16 Montana 70.54 79.38 $0.5b 48 Nebraska 59.68 71.78 $1.3b 37 Nevada 54.76 68.33 $0.7b 43 New Hampshire 50.00 65.00 $0.7b 42 New Jersey 50.00 65.00 $5.5b 11 New Mexico 71.15 79.81 $1.8b 33 New York 50.00 65.00 $31.5b 1 North Carolina 63.49 74.44 $6.0b 9 North Dakota 65.85 76.10 $0.4b 50 Ohio 59.88 71.92 $9.2b 5 Oklahoma 67.91 77.54 $2.2b 28 Oregon 61.57 73.10 $2.1b 30 Pennsylvania 55.05 68.54 $8.5b 7 Rhode Island 54.45 68.12 $1.3b 38 South Carolina 69.32 78.52 $3.4b 21 South Dakota 65.07 75.55 $0.5b 49 Tennessee 63.99 74.79 $4.7b 13 Texas 60.66 72.46 $11.1b 3 Utah 70.76 79.53 $1.2b 39 Vermont 58.49 70.94 $0.6b 47 Virginia 50.00 65.00 $3.0b 25 Washington 50.00 65.00 $4.4b 15 West Virginia 72.99 81.09 $1.6b 35 Wisconsin 57.65 70.36 $3.6b 19 Wyoming 54.23 67.96 $0.3b 51 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 227 Expenditures and Financing State Data and Rankings Medicaid payments (% of Medicaid payments (% of Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, total): Elderly, FY2002 total): Disabled, FY2002 FY2003 Alabama 21.8 35 33.2 46 22.3 Alaska 14.8 48 36.5 43 12.1 Arizona 16.3 44 38.8 34 20.7 Arkansas 25.5 23 45.0 18 19.5 California 20.6 38 45.2 17 18.5 Colorado 26.6 20 40.4 30 17.8 Connecticut 39.9 1 38.8 35 25.3 Delaware 23.2 31 37.8 39 11.5 District of Columbia 16.8 43 42.5 23 N/A Florida 15.2 47 52.7 1 22.3 Georgia 20.3 39 38.4 38 17.6 Hawaii 23.5 29 32.0 49 9.7 Idaho 23.3 30 48.3 7 19.6 Illinois 15.4 46 45.3 15 25.4 Indiana 28.7 8 41.7 25 20.5 Iowa 32.2 6 41.7 26 18.1 Kansas 28.7 7 46.8 10 16.0 Kentucky 20.8 37 48.9 6 20.8 Louisiana 24.6 26 46.7 11 26.2 Maine 18.6 41 49.7 3 28.2 Maryland 23.0 32 44.9 19 17.7 Massachusetts 27.9 13 49.6 4 20.8 Michigan 21.0 36 30.4 50 20.0 Minnesota 28.0 11 44.1 21 20.8 Mississippi 24.8 24 46.4 12 25.8 Missouri 28.0 12 40.0 31 32.6 Montana 25.8 22 37.4 40 15.6 Nebraska 28.6 9 37.2 41 18.9 Nevada 19.7 40 41.7 27 20.2 New Hampshire 32.7 4 38.7 36 26.4 New Jersey 27.7 15 49.5 5 20.6 New Mexico 14.0 50 38.9 33 17.8 New York 27.3 17 48.1 8 28.4 North Carolina 27.8 14 43.2 22 23.4 North Dakota 39.8 2 39.1 32 19.0 Ohio 32.3 5 44.7 20 23.1 Oklahoma 26.8 19 37.2 42 18.4 Oregon 22.1 34 32.6 48 18.7 Pennsylvania 34.8 3 41.3 28 28.8 Rhode Island 26.9 18 47.3 9 26.3 South Carolina 18.3 42 33.1 47 22.0 South Dakota 24.6 25 41.8 24 14.9 Tennessee 14.5 49 41.0 29 33.9 Texas 26.5 21 35.8 44 23.0 Utah 10.6 51 34.9 45 14.5 Vermont 23.9 28 38.4 37 25.8 Virginia 28.4 10 46.0 13 13.5 Washington 15.6 45 24.5 51 22.2 West Virginia 22.7 33 45.2 16 11.1 Wisconsin 27.6 16 50.4 2 12.6 Wyoming 23.9 27 45.3 14 7.9 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 228 Expenditures and Financing State Data and Rankings State Medicaid expenditures as a Medicaid long-term care Medicare fee-for-service percent of state-only budget, payment per beneficiary FY2003 expenditures (%), FY2004 (average), 2003 Alabama 9.9 29.5 34 $6,478 20 Alaska 5.3 31.8 24 $5,896 32 Arizona 8.7 0.6 51 $5,960 30 Arkansas 7.3 29.9 32 $5,948 31 California 11.6 24.0 44 $7,441 8 Colorado 11.3 34.3 19 $6,072 27 Connecticut 20.2 50.9 2 $7,244 9 Delaware 7.0 33.2 20 $6,622 16 District of Columbia N/A 24.9 42 $7,613 5 Florida 13.0 27.2 38 $7,552 6 Georgia 10.3 23.5 45 $6,141 25 Hawaii 4.8 32.6 22 $4,475 51 Idaho 10.1 31.4 27 $5,169 45 Illinois 17.0 30.9 30 $6,711 14 Indiana 11.1 34.4 18 $6,023 29 Iowa 9.7 41.9 8 $5,118 46 Kansas 8.5 40.1 11 $6,056 28 Kentucky 9.1 24.2 43 $6,322 22 Louisiana 10.4 25.7 41 $7,929 3 Maine 13.2 28.6 36 $5,437 42 Maryland 11.2 31.6 25 $7,491 7 Massachusetts 12.4 32.9 21 $7,754 4 Michigan 11.4 29.1 35 $7,064 12 Minnesota 13.0 45.5 3 $5,581 37 Mississippi 8.8 23.1 47 $6,577 18 Missouri 18.3 26.7 39 $6,148 24 Montana 6.1 42.5 5 $4,975 50 Nebraska 9.8 42.3 6 $5,646 35 Nevada 14.1 23.1 48 $6,694 15 New Hampshire 18.9 38.7 13 $5,727 34 New Jersey 13.0 36.2 15 $8,117 1 New Mexico 6.3 28.1 37 $5,012 49 New York 15.1 38.9 12 $8,030 2 North Carolina 11.5 30.1 31 $5,890 33 North Dakota 9.1 57.8 1 $5,072 47 Ohio 23.0 40.4 10 $6,579 17 Oklahoma 8.1 35.8 16 $6,546 19 Oregon 9.6 31.2 28 $5,485 39 Pennsylvania 19.1 42.1 7 $7,097 11 Rhode Island 16.1 31.6 26 $6,776 13 South Carolina 9.7 23.3 46 $6,128 26 South Dakota 9.1 38.0 14 $5,014 48 Tennessee 19.7 21.2 50 $6,339 21 Texas 12.6 26.0 40 $7,117 10 Utah 5.9 21.6 49 $5,448 41 Vermont 13.9 31.0 29 $5,472 40 Virginia 8.3 31.9 23 $5,629 36 Washington 13.8 29.5 33 $5,511 38 West Virginia 3.3 35.3 17 $6,288 23 Wisconsin 6.0 41.8 9 $5,397 43 Wyoming 3.7 44.3 4 $5,332 44 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 229 Expenditures and Financing State Data and Rankings Publicly funded state health care Public health and community Price of retail prescription expenditures (% of total state health services expenditures (% budget), FY2003 of state health spending), FY2003 drug (average), 2003 Alabama 31.3 8.2 $55.42 9 Alaska 18.9 9.2 $66.89 1 Arizona 28.1 3.4 $49.73 38 Arkansas 24.4 2.9 $44.76 50 California 23.9 10.7 $51.94 22 Colorado 25.0 4.8 $51.51 29 Connecticut 25.6 10.0 $54.12 14 Delaware 23.0 9.8 $58.96 7 District of Columbia N/A N/A $66.81 2 Florida 31.7 8.3 $54.33 13 Georgia 38.4 9.2 $51.35 30 Hawaii 26.2 13.5 $52.31 20 Idaho 26.0 5.1 $53.97 15 Illinois 35.3 9.7 $48.11 48 Indiana 28.4 12.0 $48.93 43 Iowa 20.3 4.0 $48.54 47 Kansas 27.4 5.4 $50.02 35 Kentucky 27.4 4.6 $48.57 46 Louisiana 37.4 3.6 $51.81 25 Maine 35.2 7.4 $59.40 6 Maryland 29.9 7.7 $64.96 3 Massachusetts 29.7 8.7 $51.84 23 Michigan 29.0 5.5 $55.84 8 Minnesota 30.2 6.2 $54.62 11 Mississippi 36.4 8.2 $50.64 34 Missouri 44.1 5.7 $48.58 45 Montana 25.8 11.5 $49.85 37 Nebraska 31.6 8.4 $49.08 42 Nevada 28.7 7.4 $51.56 28 New Hampshire 33.8 2.8 $53.10 19 New Jersey 35.2 14.3 $62.20 5 New Mexico 21.5 4.7 $44.71 51 New York 50.0 6.5 $63.34 4 North Carolina 36.8 6.9 $53.18 18 North Dakota 30.4 5.9 $52.18 21 Ohio 28.4 5.8 $51.29 31 Oklahoma 26.6 5.8 $49.98 36 Oregon 25.5 7.5 $49.55 39 Pennsylvania 39.9 9.5 $54.52 12 Rhode Island 34.2 5.3 $49.39 40 South Carolina 33.1 10.6 $50.83 33 South Dakota 27.0 3.5 $47.53 49 Tennessee 39.8 5.1 $48.75 44 Texas 42.9 7.0 $51.80 26 Utah 20.3 6.5 $51.64 27 Vermont 31.7 3.3 $53.28 16 Virginia 20.1 9.3 $53.26 17 Washington 30.9 4.1 $54.90 10 West Virginia 14.4 3.6 $51.84 23 Wisconsin 16.9 5.8 $49.16 41 Wyoming 16.9 22.6 $51.23 32 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 230 Expenditures and Financing State Data and Rankings Average employee health Adults age 50+ in poor or fair High blood pressure prevalence insurance premium contribution general health (%), 2004 among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 (%), 2003 Alabama 20.2 15 32.5 4 52.7 3 Alaska 10.8 50 18.3 47 37.1 50 Arizona 17.5 29 20.6 29 40.4 47 Arkansas 20.6 13 30.1 7 49.3 11 California 14.4 44 23.8 19 42.9 32 Colorado 15.9 38 18.4 46 38.2 48 Connecticut 21.5 7 17.2 49 42.4 38 Delaware 18.4 25 19.5 38 48.5 13 District of Columbia 19.0 21 18.1 48 49.3 11 Florida 20.9 11 23.3 20 47.7 17 Georgia 19.3 18 29.3 10 50.6 7 Hawaii 8.3 51 N/A (-) 45.3 23 Idaho 16.2 35 20.6 29 42.9 32 Illinois 16.9 32 22.9 21 43.9 30 Indiana 21.0 10 25.3 16 48.4 14 Iowa 20.8 12 19.5 38 44.8 26 Kansas 23.1 2 20.1 33 42.4 38 Kentucky 20.0 16 34.6 3 50.8 5 Louisiana 19.1 19 31.5 5 50.4 8 Maine 18.1 27 20.8 26 44.4 29 Maryland 23.1 2 20.1 33 46.0 19 Massachusetts 20.4 14 19.1 42 43.3 31 Michigan 14.7 43 21.5 25 47.9 16 Minnesota 16.4 34 16.8 50 42.8 36 Mississippi 15.2 42 38.3 1 55.4 1 Missouri 17.3 31 25.9 14 45.7 20 Montana 13.5 46 20.1 33 37.1 50 Nebraska 25.0 1 20.1 33 42.9 32 Nevada 13.3 47 21.8 24 42.3 42 New Hampshire 21.1 8 18.7 45 41.7 43 New Jersey 16.0 37 22.1 23 45.5 21 New Mexico 17.6 28 26.7 13 37.2 49 New York 17.4 30 25.6 15 45.5 21 North Carolina 15.8 39 29.6 9 50.3 9 North Dakota 19.0 21 20.1 33 42.6 37 Ohio 16.9 32 22.5 22 44.6 28 Oklahoma 19.0 21 30.0 8 48.0 15 Oregon 13.0 48 20.4 31 42.9 32 Pennsylvania 15.4 41 24.5 17 45.3 23 Rhode Island 22.0 6 24.1 18 51.5 4 South Carolina 19.8 17 27.8 12 50.3 9 South Dakota 22.9 4 20.7 27 44.8 26 Tennessee 21.1 8 31.5 5 50.8 5 Texas 16.1 36 28.9 11 46.9 18 Utah 19.0 21 20.3 32 41.2 46 Vermont 18.2 26 18.8 44 41.6 44 Virginia 19.1 19 20.7 27 42.4 38 Washington 10.9 49 19.3 41 42.4 38 West Virginia 14.1 45 34.7 2 52.8 2 Wisconsin 22.1 5 19.1 42 45.1 25 Wyoming 15.5 40 19.4 40 41.6 44 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 231 Health Status State Data and Rankings Adults age 50+ whose mental Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost Adults age 50+ with diabetes health was not good for >1 week to decay or gum disease (%), in month (%), 2004 2004 (%), 2004 Alabama 14.6 3 56.3 4 15.4 10 Alaska 10.8 26 50.8 14 9.2 49 Arizona 11.2 23 36.7 48 12.8 29 Arkansas 11.5 19 53.8 8 13.4 24 California 13.8 4 36.3 49 15.1 12 Colorado 9.9 37 41.3 43 9.2 49 Connecticut 9.2 42 38.2 47 11.1 43 Delaware 9.2 42 47.8 21 12.9 27 District of Columbia 10.7 28 43.9 33 19.8 1 Florida 11.6 17 44.2 32 14.5 18 Georgia 11.9 11 52.5 12 16.2 7 Hawaii N/A (-) N/A (-) N/A (-) Idaho 10.3 34 44.4 30 12.5 34 Illinois 9.6 39 49.0 19 12.8 29 Indiana 11.3 21 50.9 13 14.8 15 Iowa 7.4 50 48.4 20 12.0 38 Kansas 8.6 45 46.4 27 12.5 34 Kentucky 15.2 2 58.8 2 14.2 20 Louisiana 10.5 29 52.7 11 16.4 6 Maine 10.5 29 49.9 15 12.7 31 Maryland 11.7 15 43.5 35 13.8 21 Massachusetts 10.5 29 41.7 42 11.1 43 Michigan 11.7 15 43.0 38 14.9 14 Minnesota 8.6 45 38.3 46 10.2 47 Mississippi 13.5 5 58.3 3 18.0 3 Missouri 11.9 11 49.4 17 13.8 21 Montana 10.0 35 42.6 41 11.1 43 Nebraska 8.6 45 43.7 34 12.6 32 Nevada 12.2 10 47.1 24 12.9 27 New Hampshire 10.4 32 45.8 29 13.4 24 New Jersey 11.6 17 44.2 31 13.0 26 New Mexico 12.6 8 42.9 40 12.5 34 New York 10.8 26 46.8 25 15.0 13 North Carolina 11.8 14 55.0 6 16.8 4 North Dakota 8.1 48 49.4 17 11.7 40 Ohio 11.1 25 47.3 23 14.7 17 Oklahoma 12.3 9 55.6 5 15.3 11 Oregon 11.3 21 43.0 38 12.0 38 Pennsylvania 10.0 35 52.8 10 14.5 18 Rhode Island 11.4 20 43.1 37 13.6 23 South Carolina 13.4 6 49.7 16 16.6 5 South Dakota 7.9 49 54.2 7 12.6 32 Tennessee 12.7 7 53.6 9 15.8 9 Texas 11.9 11 39.3 44 16.2 7 Utah 11.2 23 32.6 50 11.1 43 Vermont 9.4 40 47.8 21 10.1 48 Virginia 9.8 38 43.4 36 14.8 15 Washington 10.4 32 39.1 45 12.4 37 West Virginia 15.4 1 69.6 1 19.7 2 Wisconsin 9.0 44 46.0 28 11.7 40 Wyoming 9.3 41 46.8 25 11.6 42 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 232 Health Status State Data and Rankings Adults 50-64 who smoke Adults 65+ who smoke Adults 50-64 reporting exercise with the intention to cigarettes (%), 2004 cigarettes (%), 2004 maintain/lose weight (%), 2003 Alabama 23.2 7 12.2 5 54.9 51 Alaska 19.7 26 12.4 4 74.3 3 Arizona 17.5 42 7.9 39 66.5 26 Arkansas 24.3 3 9.4 23 60.4 43 California 13.4 49 6.3 49 67.7 22 Colorado 15.3 48 9.7 18 74.2 4 Connecticut 16.9 44 6.7 48 70.8 14 Delaware 23.2 7 10.2 12 65.4 34 District of Columbia 20.6 19 8.1 37 70.3 15 Florida 20.3 20 7.5 45 65.7 32 Georgia 19.0 33 11.2 6 58.6 47 Hawaii N/A (-) N/A (-) 74.7 2 Idaho 19.1 32 9.4 23 69.8 16 Illinois 18.6 36 10.8 8 67.7 22 Indiana 23.2 7 8.7 31 64.1 37 Iowa 18.1 38 9.4 23 68.9 19 Kansas 19.0 33 12.5 3 65.7 32 Kentucky 27.6 1 9.8 17 59.0 46 Louisiana 22.2 13 6.9 47 61.8 41 Maine 19.3 28 10.0 15 73.0 8 Maryland 19.2 29 7.9 39 67.5 24 Massachusetts 19.2 29 8.5 35 71.9 11 Michigan 20.1 23 7.1 46 64.1 37 Minnesota 18.0 40 10.4 10 75.1 1 Mississippi 22.7 11 9.7 18 57.0 50 Missouri 20.7 17 9.7 18 62.7 40 Montana 20.2 22 7.8 42 73.9 5 Nebraska 21.0 15 14.5 1 68.8 20 Nevada 23.6 6 9.4 23 58.4 48 New Hampshire 17.2 43 9.3 27 69.1 18 New Jersey 16.1 47 10.2 12 66.4 27 New Mexico 19.9 25 10.9 7 71.8 12 New York 19.2 29 10.2 12 66.4 27 North Carolina 22.6 12 7.6 44 59.2 44 North Dakota 18.1 38 8.8 30 69.7 17 Ohio 23.9 4 10.8 8 64.5 36 Oklahoma 25.2 2 9.1 28 57.8 49 Oregon 18.5 37 8.0 38 68.1 21 Pennsylvania 21.0 15 8.9 29 66.1 31 Rhode Island 20.3 20 8.6 33 66.2 30 South Carolina 21.9 14 8.6 33 66.3 29 South Dakota 20.0 24 13.2 2 67.3 25 Tennessee 23.2 7 10.3 11 61.3 42 Texas 19.7 26 4.8 50 62.9 39 Utah 8.5 50 7.9 39 73.7 6 Vermont 17.7 41 8.4 36 72.8 10 Virginia 16.5 46 8.7 31 65.3 35 Washington 16.8 45 10.0 15 73.1 7 West Virginia 23.9 4 7.8 42 59.2 44 Wisconsin 20.7 17 9.7 18 72.9 9 Wyoming 18.8 35 9.7 18 71.4 13 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 233 Health Status State Data and Rankings Adults 65+ reporting exercise Adults age 65+ with self-care Deaths due to five major with the intention to limitation (%), 2004 chronic diseases (%), 2001 maintain/lose weight (%), 2003 Alabama 41.6 50 10.7 10 65.2 34 Alaska 58.3 11 11.7 5 56.4 50 Arizona 63.1 4 7.5 42 62.8 44 Arkansas 49.8 42 11.9 3 67.5 15 California 65.1 2 9.6 20 68.2 8 Colorado 61.7 5 6.2 47 59.3 49 Connecticut 53.1 32 8.0 36 66.8 23 Delaware 50.3 41 9.7 19 66.5 25 District of Columbia 55.1 22 9.4 22 62.4 46 Florida 58.7 10 7.7 41 68.0 10 Georgia 46.4 46 11.1 9 62.3 47 Hawaii 67.4 1 8.4 32 66.2 28 Idaho 57.4 14 8.8 26 64.2 41 Illinois 53.5 31 8.8 26 67.2 18 Indiana 52.0 36 8.4 32 67.4 16 Iowa 54.2 27 8.3 34 68.8 3 Kansas 52.2 35 7.9 39 65.6 31 Kentucky 40.2 51 11.4 7 68.0 10 Louisiana 45.2 47 12.0 2 65.0 35 Maine 55.5 19 8.5 29 67.1 19 Maryland 60.3 7 9.8 17 65.9 29 Massachusetts 53.0 33 8.6 28 64.6 38 Michigan 55.3 20 9.0 23 68.4 6 Minnesota 64.3 3 6.3 46 62.5 45 Mississippi 44.1 48 14.3 1 67.0 20 Missouri 46.7 45 8.5 29 67.7 13 Montana 56.2 16 6.2 47 64.3 40 Nebraska 54.3 26 7.2 45 65.6 31 Nevada 51.2 39 8.0 36 65.0 35 New Hampshire 56.4 15 7.8 40 69.0 2 New Jersey 52.4 34 9.0 23 67.4 16 New Mexico 59.3 8 10.6 12 59.9 48 New York 54.0 28 9.9 16 70.4 1 North Carolina 47.9 43 11.3 8 64.8 37 North Dakota 54.9 24 6.2 47 67.8 12 Ohio 51.4 38 8.9 25 68.3 7 Oklahoma 46.8 44 10.1 15 68.1 9 Oregon 55.0 23 10.3 14 64.5 39 Pennsylvania 55.2 21 8.5 29 67.6 14 Rhode Island 53.8 30 8.0 36 68.5 4 South Carolina 55.8 18 10.5 13 63.9 42 South Dakota 58.8 9 5.8 51 67.0 20 Tennessee 51.6 37 10.7 10 66.4 27 Texas 54.8 25 11.5 6 65.8 30 Utah 58.0 12 7.5 42 56.2 51 Vermont 60.4 6 8.3 34 66.5 25 Virginia 50.8 40 9.5 21 65.3 33 Washington 57.7 13 9.8 17 66.9 22 West Virginia 42.5 49 11.8 4 68.5 4 Wisconsin 55.9 17 6.1 50 66.8 23 Wyoming 53.9 29 7.5 42 63.5 43 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 234 Utilization and Quality of Services State Data and Rankings Women age 50+ receiving Adults age 50+ receiving Adult immunization (age 65+): colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy Pneumococcal pneumonia mammogram (%), 2004 (%), 2004 (%), 2004 Alabama 69.4 19 46.5 33 60.1 43 Alaska 60.6 44 45.1 37 57.2 49 Arizona 65.4 34 47.3 30 68.6 9 Arkansas 58.7 48 42.6 44 62.0 39 California 65.9 32 50.2 21 63.6 34 Colorado 65.4 34 45.5 35 70.1 5 Connecticut 71.9 7 59.4 2 67.8 12 Delaware 76.1 1 57.8 7 66.3 17 District of Columbia 69.0 22 58.7 5 51.4 50 Florida 71.1 11 52.8 15 64.3 28 Georgia 67.9 24 49.0 24 59.4 46 Hawaii N/A (-) N/A (-) N/A (-) Idaho 57.5 50 42.9 43 60.1 43 Illinois 67.2 27 44.2 39 58.3 47 Indiana 62.2 39 44.8 38 62.1 38 Iowa 70.0 16 48.0 28 68.2 10 Kansas 72.6 5 45.4 36 62.5 37 Kentucky 67.8 25 43.4 41 57.7 48 Louisiana 70.2 15 40.8 50 67.4 13 Maine 70.9 13 55.2 11 65.6 22 Maryland 70.9 13 59.0 3 64.0 31 Massachusetts 74.4 2 57.9 6 65.3 24 Michigan 68.7 23 56.2 9 60.0 45 Minnesota 73.1 3 62.8 1 67.9 11 Mississippi 59.9 46 41.4 47 64.5 27 Missouri 60.5 45 49.0 24 67.1 14 Montana 67.0 28 47.2 31 71.6 1 Nebraska 71.3 10 41.3 48 65.7 21 Nevada 61.5 42 42.0 45 66.7 16 New Hampshire 71.0 12 57.6 8 66.8 15 New Jersey 69.2 20 52.9 14 64.3 28 New Mexico 61.5 42 46.5 33 64.6 26 New York 65.5 33 52.6 16 63.0 36 North Carolina 69.5 18 51.5 19 64.3 28 North Dakota 66.0 30 48.8 26 70.3 3 Ohio 72.2 6 48.3 27 61.0 42 Oklahoma 62.1 40 41.1 49 70.0 6 Oregon 66.1 29 49.8 22 69.4 8 Pennsylvania 62.4 38 49.1 23 63.9 33 Rhode Island 73.0 4 58.9 4 70.0 6 South Carolina 64.3 36 51.8 18 64.0 31 South Dakota 71.5 8 46.8 32 66.2 18 Tennessee 69.9 17 47.9 29 63.5 35 Texas 59.3 47 43.8 40 61.4 41 Utah 57.9 49 50.4 20 65.8 19 Vermont 67.3 26 54.9 13 65.6 22 Virginia 71.4 9 55.7 10 61.6 40 Washington 63.7 37 52.6 16 65.8 19 West Virginia 66.0 30 42.0 45 64.7 25 Wisconsin 69.1 21 55.0 12 70.3 3 Wyoming 62.0 41 43.1 42 70.7 2 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 235 Utilization and Quality of Services State Data and Rankings Adult Immunization (age Number of retail prescription Hospital admissions (per drugs filled per person 50+): Influenza (%), 2004 (average), 2003 1,000 population), 2003 Alabama 52.3 26 13.3 6 159.2 3 Alaska 47.2 48 6.3 51 70.8 51 Arizona 49.0 43 8.8 43 107.7 36 Arkansas 55.8 13 14.4 4 144.1 8 California 49.7 38 7.7 50 96.9 42 Colorado 59.7 5 8.2 47 98.5 40 Connecticut 55.3 14 11.7 15 108.7 34 Delaware 52.3 26 11.2 18 116.4 27 District of Columbia 46.6 49 9.2 40 240.6 1 Florida 48.8 44 11.5 16 135.3 11 Georgia 47.6 46 11.0 23 107.2 37 Hawaii N/A (-) 8.0 49 87.6 48 Idaho 47.4 47 8.4 46 98.3 41 Illinois 48.7 45 11.3 17 124.2 18 Indiana 49.5 41 12.8 12 114.1 32 Iowa 59.2 6 13.2 8 120.7 22 Kansas 54.6 18 11.8 14 121.6 20 Kentucky 49.6 40 15.5 2 143.8 9 Louisiana 51.5 33 13.1 10 155.2 4 Maine 55.3 14 10.7 26 114.6 31 Maryland 49.2 42 10.2 30 115.6 29 Massachusetts 54.2 21 13.0 11 120.7 21 Michigan 51.0 35 10.6 27 117.3 26 Minnesota 60.6 2 10.0 34 119.9 24 Mississippi 52.1 28 13.4 5 145.3 6 Missouri 53.5 22 12.3 13 145.2 7 Montana 56.1 11 8.9 41 112.9 33 Nebraska 60.3 4 10.8 24 120.0 23 Nevada 44.5 50 8.2 47 94.5 44 New Hampshire 53.2 23 10.4 29 92.8 45 New Jersey 49.7 38 10.1 33 128.8 16 New Mexico 54.4 19 9.3 38 88.6 47 New York 52.0 30 10.2 30 131.0 14 North Carolina 51.1 34 13.3 6 118.4 25 North Dakota 57.4 9 9.3 38 135.9 10 Ohio 54.8 17 11.2 18 128.1 17 Oklahoma 60.4 3 10.8 24 129.7 15 Oregon 52.7 25 8.8 43 95.6 43 Pennsylvania 49.8 37 11.1 21 147.5 5 Rhode Island 57.6 8 11.1 21 115.1 30 South Carolina 50.9 36 13.2 8 123.1 19 South Dakota 63.9 1 10.6 27 135.1 13 Tennessee 53.0 24 16.5 1 135.2 12 Texas 52.0 30 9.7 37 115.6 28 Utah 58.2 7 8.9 41 90.9 46 Vermont 52.1 28 10.2 30 84.2 49 Virginia 54.4 19 9.9 35 102.2 39 Washington 51.6 32 8.5 45 84.0 50 West Virginia 55.2 16 15.2 3 161.3 2 Wisconsin 56.1 11 11.2 18 107.7 35 Wyoming 56.7 10 9.8 36 105.5 38 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 236 Utilization and Quality of Services State Data and Rankings Medicare home health users Medicare home health visits per Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004 person served (average), 2004 (% of beneficiaries), 2004 Alabama 8.0 17 33 9 4.3 28 Alaska 3.5 50 19 46 1.1 51 Arizona 5.1 43 20 44 3.4 44 Arkansas 6.4 34 35 7 3.6 42 California 7.5 25 31 14 4.3 27 Colorado 7.3 27 27 19 4.4 22 Connecticut 10.0 7 33 9 7.3 1 Delaware 7.7 21 23 36 4.2 31 District of Columbia 6.0 35 24 29 4.3 25 Florida 10.8 3 33 9 5.3 11 Georgia 7.0 31 29 17 3.2 47 Hawaii 2.6 51 19 46 2.1 50 Idaho 6.4 33 25 22 4.5 21 Illinois 8.1 15 24 29 5.7 8 Indiana 5.6 39 27 19 5.6 9 Iowa 4.8 45 24 29 4.5 19 Kansas 5.4 41 24 29 4.0 35 Kentucky 7.7 22 31 14 4.4 23 Louisiana 11.9 1 54 1 3.9 37 Maine 8.2 14 25 22 4.7 17 Maryland 7.2 28 20 44 5.8 7 Massachusetts 11.4 2 33 9 6.9 2 Michigan 9.1 11 25 22 3.9 36 Minnesota 4.5 48 21 43 6.1 5 Mississippi 9.1 10 38 5 3.2 46 Missouri 8.1 16 23 36 5.0 14 Montana 4.6 46 23 36 4.4 24 Nebraska 5.2 42 22 42 4.9 15 Nevada 7.1 29 28 18 2.5 49 New Hampshire 7.8 18 30 16 4.3 26 New Jersey 7.8 19 25 22 6.1 6 New Mexico 6.0 36 26 21 2.8 48 New York 7.8 20 33 9 4.6 18 North Carolina 7.7 23 24 29 4.2 30 North Dakota 5.5 40 19 46 4.8 16 Ohio 7.3 26 25 22 6.5 3 Oklahoma 9.7 8 50 2 3.4 45 Oregon 7.0 30 19 46 3.8 38 Pennsylvania 9.4 9 24 29 5.6 10 Rhode Island 10.1 6 23 36 6.5 4 South Carolina 6.4 32 23 36 3.5 43 South Dakota 4.1 49 19 46 3.8 39 Tennessee 9.0 12 38 5 5.1 12 Texas 10.6 4 45 3 4.1 33 Utah 8.4 13 45 3 4.5 20 Vermont 10.5 5 35 7 3.7 40 Virginia 7.6 24 25 22 4.2 29 Washington 5.6 38 18 51 4.2 32 West Virginia 5.9 37 23 36 4.1 34 Wisconsin 4.5 47 24 29 5.0 13 Wyoming 4.8 44 25 22 3.6 41 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 237 Utilization and Quality of Services State Data and Rankings Medicare hospice users Physician generalists (per Physician specialists (per (% of beneficiaries), 2003 100,000 population), 2003 100,000 population), 2003 Alabama 2.8 8 29 36 176 35 Alaska 0.2 51 59 2 157 44 Arizona 4.2 1 27 42 174 37 Arkansas 1.5 35 45 11 154 46 California 2.4 12 31 32 214 16 Colorado 3.3 3 39 18 209 23 Connecticut 1.4 42 18 51 328 5 Delaware 1.6 31 28 40 210 21 District of Columbia 0.9 48 36 23 673 1 Florida 3.2 5 29 37 207 25 Georgia 2.2 16 26 43 187 29 Hawaii 1.4 39 34 26 264 9 Idaho 1.6 29 40 16 127 51 Illinois 1.9 22 30 33 223 11 Indiana 1.8 23 40 15 169 41 Iowa 2.0 18 40 17 139 49 Kansas 1.7 27 41 13 170 40 Kentucky 1.6 32 33 27 182 32 Louisiana 2.0 21 30 34 222 13 Maine 0.9 49 47 9 214 15 Maryland 1.5 36 25 44 357 3 Massachusetts 1.8 24 20 49 384 2 Michigan 2.0 19 28 41 198 28 Minnesota 1.7 26 54 3 209 22 Mississippi 2.3 15 29 38 147 47 Missouri 2.4 11 24 45 205 26 Montana 1.4 40 46 10 175 36 Nebraska 1.7 25 52 5 180 34 Nevada 3.1 6 23 46 154 45 New Hampshire 1.1 46 37 20 219 14 New Jersey 1.6 30 19 50 273 8 New Mexico 2.5 9 41 14 186 30 New York 1.2 44 21 48 339 4 North Carolina 1.7 28 35 25 210 20 North Dakota 1.3 43 60 1 169 42 Ohio 2.5 10 31 30 211 18 Oklahoma 3.2 4 31 31 136 50 Oregon 3.5 2 36 22 212 17 Pennsylvania 2.3 14 32 29 250 10 Rhode Island 2.1 17 23 47 312 6 South Carolina 1.5 34 39 19 186 31 South Dakota 0.9 47 50 7 160 43 Tennessee 1.5 37 32 28 210 19 Texas 2.3 13 29 39 173 39 Utah 3.0 7 30 35 173 38 Vermont 1.1 45 53 4 296 7 Virginia 1.4 38 36 24 222 12 Washington 2.0 20 48 8 208 24 West Virginia 1.4 41 37 21 181 33 Wisconsin 1.6 33 43 12 199 27 Wyoming 0.9 50 50 6 143 48 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 238 Resources Available State Data and Rankings Geriatricians (per 100,000 Number of practicing Hospital-based registered nurses pharmacists (per 100,000 in nonmetropolitan areas population age 65+), 2005 population), 2004 (% of total), 2003 Alabama 14 43 98 5 15.3 32 Alaska 23 17 59 51 36.7 15 Arizona 15 41 61 49 7.5 43 Arkansas 16 38 89 8 32.4 17 California 21 22 61 48 2.6 49 Colorado 21 21 74 33 11.3 38 Connecticut 39 4 68 45 6.0 45 Delaware 14 45 62 47 16.2 29 District of Columbia 45 1 71 39 N/A (-) Florida 15 42 74 32 4.0 48 Georgia 16 36 72 37 23.4 20 Hawaii 38 5 76 30 20.9 23 Idaho 8 51 79 26 47.1 7 Illinois 27 14 85 18 11.4 37 Indiana 17 32 89 10 17.6 27 Iowa 16 37 88 11 39.6 12 Kansas 22 18 86 15 40.3 9 Kentucky 15 39 87 13 39.7 11 Louisiana 18 30 104 2 13.3 34 Maine 32 10 68 44 47.8 6 Maryland 40 2 66 46 7.2 44 Massachusetts 37 7 76 31 8.7 40 Michigan 21 23 81 22 13.5 33 Minnesota 32 9 78 27 21.2 22 Mississippi 9 50 79 24 48.6 5 Missouri 20 27 84 19 18.6 26 Montana 13 46 89 9 48.6 4 Nebraska 18 29 115 1 37.6 14 Nevada 10 49 73 36 8.0 41 New Hampshire 30 13 73 34 57.1 2 New Jersey 31 11 83 20 N/A (-) New Mexico 21 24 72 38 33.3 16 New York 40 3 69 43 5.1 46 North Carolina 20 25 71 41 25.0 19 North Dakota 30 12 86 16 39.4 13 Ohio 20 26 87 12 11.5 36 Oklahoma 10 48 83 21 27.7 18 Oregon 18 31 86 17 19.5 24 Pennsylvania 37 6 87 14 10.3 39 Rhode Island 34 8 60 50 4.1 47 South Carolina 15 40 79 25 18.9 25 South Dakota 14 44 103 3 39.7 10 Tennessee 16 34 94 7 15.8 30 Texas 16 35 71 40 8.0 42 Utah 12 47 77 28 15.4 31 Vermont 22 19 73 35 49.0 3 Virginia 22 20 70 42 16.7 28 Washington 24 16 80 23 13.3 35 West Virginia 18 28 96 6 46.6 8 Wisconsin 25 15 76 29 22.4 21 Wyoming 17 33 100 4 66.2 1 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 239 Resources Available State Data and Rankings Hospital beds (per 100,000 Community health centers Medicare-certified home health (#), 2005 agencies (per 100,000 population), 2003 beneficiaries), 2005 Alabama 335 8 163 14 19 24 Alaska 196 45 25 48 34 9 Arizona 190 47 57 37 10 46 Arkansas 350 7 123 20 38 3 California 192 46 593 1 16 32 Colorado 197 42 123 20 26 15 Connecticut 201 41 27 47 16 30 Delaware 210 38 5 51 13 37 District of Columbia 597 1 11 50 29 11 Florida 293 18 274 6 19 23 Georgia 233 32 165 13 10 45 Hawaii 214 37 28 46 8 47 Idaho 218 35 73 34 27 12 Illinois 256 24 358 4 20 21 Indiana 291 19 91 31 21 20 Iowa 300 17 161 15 37 5 Kansas 327 9 198 8 34 8 Kentucky 326 11 160 16 16 31 Louisiana 394 4 104 26 36 7 Maine 261 22 93 29 13 38 Maryland 197 44 38 40 7 49 Massachusetts 240 31 53 38 12 42 Michigan 242 30 247 7 19 25 Minnesota 242 29 105 25 31 10 Mississippi 403 3 282 5 13 39 Missouri 318 12 365 3 17 27 Montana 263 21 72 35 27 13 Nebraska 327 10 118 23 26 16 Nevada 184 48 30 45 20 22 New Hampshire 207 39 34 41 19 26 New Jersey 261 23 49 39 4 51 New Mexico 197 43 101 27 26 14 New York 305 16 131 19 7 50 North Carolina 252 27 171 12 14 36 North Dakota 421 2 75 33 25 17 Ohio 278 20 99 28 23 19 Oklahoma 310 15 65 36 37 4 Oregon 181 50 122 22 11 43 Pennsylvania 314 14 179 10 14 35 Rhode Island 223 34 32 43 13 40 South Carolina 251 28 176 11 11 44 South Dakota 357 6 93 29 37 6 Tennessee 316 13 135 18 16 33 Texas 253 25 518 2 56 1 Utah 184 49 34 41 23 18 Vermont 206 40 32 43 13 41 Virginia 215 36 117 24 17 29 Washington 172 51 194 9 8 48 West Virginia 378 5 151 17 17 28 Wisconsin 233 33 77 32 15 34 Wyoming 253 26 25 48 39 2 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 240 Medicare State Data and Rankings Medicare beneficiaries: Medicare beneficiaries: Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), (in 1,000s), 2004 Percent of population, 2004 2004 Alabama 733 20 16.3 10 21.9 4 Alaska 50 51 7.7 51 18.6 12 Arizona 754 19 13.1 42 14.4 27 Arkansas 460 31 16.9 5 20.8 5 California 4,142 1 11.6 46 13.3 37 Colorado 506 29 11.2 48 14.2 32 Connecticut 525 27 15.0 21 12.7 44 Delaware 123 46 14.9 24 15.2 23 District of Columbia 74 49 13.5 37 14.3 30 Florida 2,980 2 17.1 4 12.9 42 Georgia 995 11 11.4 47 19.7 8 Hawaii 178 42 14.2 32 10.4 51 Idaho 184 41 13.3 39 14.6 26 Illinois 1,677 7 13.3 40 13.5 35 Indiana 889 16 14.5 30 15.5 21 Iowa 486 30 16.7 6 12.2 48 Kansas 397 33 14.9 25 13.0 41 Kentucky 660 23 16.2 11 23.7 2 Louisiana 628 24 14.2 33 19.4 9 Maine 231 38 17.9 2 19.3 10 Maryland 685 22 12.3 44 13.0 40 Massachusetts 969 12 15.2 19 15.5 22 Michigan 1,465 8 14.7 26 16.4 15 Minnesota 687 21 13.4 38 12.6 45 Mississippi 446 32 15.5 14 23.9 1 Missouri 896 14 16.0 12 17.0 13 Montana 145 44 15.9 13 14.3 31 Nebraska 259 36 15.0 22 12.3 47 Nevada 287 35 12.0 45 14.2 33 New Hampshire 187 40 14.4 31 16.2 18 New Jersey 1,226 10 14.1 34 12.4 46 New Mexico 257 37 13.5 36 16.1 19 New York 2,779 3 14.6 29 14.9 24 North Carolina 1,234 9 14.6 28 19.2 11 North Dakota 104 47 16.5 7 11.1 50 Ohio 1,740 6 15.4 15 14.4 28 Oklahoma 529 26 15.4 16 15.9 20 Oregon 524 28 14.6 27 13.7 34 Pennsylvania 2,120 5 17.4 3 13.2 38 Rhode Island 173 43 16.4 8 16.2 17 South Carolina 624 25 15.1 20 20.4 6 South Dakota 123 45 16.3 9 12.0 49 Tennessee 891 15 15.2 18 20.1 7 Texas 2,450 4 11.0 49 14.4 29 Utah 226 39 9.5 50 12.8 43 Vermont 94 48 15.3 17 16.3 16 Virginia 966 13 13.1 41 16.4 14 Washington 795 18 13.0 43 14.6 25 West Virginia 351 34 19.6 1 22.7 3 Wisconsin 814 17 14.9 23 13.1 39 Wyoming 70 50 14.0 35 13.4 36 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 241 Medicare State Data and Rankings Medicare beneficiaries with full Private supplemental coverage Private supplemental coverage or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 among beneficiaries age 65+ (%): among beneficiaries age 65+ (%): Employer sponsored, 2004 Individually purchased, 2004 Alabama 23.0 10 32.7 26 28.4 21 Alaska 19.0 17 35.0 20 (-) (-) Arizona 10.0 49 32.6 27 22.6 37 Arkansas 27.0 5 18.5 49 32.5 15 California 24.0 7 30.3 33 18.6 43 Colorado 15.0 29 34.1 22 27.9 22 Connecticut 17.0 22 39.4 11 23.8 35 Delaware 13.0 40 51.1 2 12.7 48 District of Columbia 26.0 6 52.5 1 12.4 49 Florida 15.0 29 29.0 36 25.4 26 Georgia 19.0 17 34.1 22 17.1 45 Hawaii 13.0 40 45.2 4 12.9 47 Idaho 7.0 51 33.1 25 26.2 24 Illinois 13.0 40 42.3 6 29.5 18 Indiana 15.0 29 36.4 15 27.9 22 Iowa 14.0 38 30.0 35 47.5 2 Kansas 12.0 45 24.6 45 46.3 4 Kentucky 24.0 7 33.6 24 24.5 30 Louisiana 24.0 7 26.8 43 22.1 38 Maine 36.0 1 24.6 45 33.8 11 Maryland 14.0 38 40.4 9 19.0 42 Massachusetts 23.0 10 37.5 13 29.4 20 Michigan 16.0 23 50.4 3 21.1 40 Minnesota 18.0 20 31.1 30 43.3 6 Mississippi 34.0 2 14.7 51 24.5 30 Missouri 18.0 20 28.9 38 33.4 12 Montana 11.0 46 30.4 32 39.7 8 Nebraska 15.0 29 23.4 48 47.5 2 Nevada 11.0 46 31.0 31 (-) (-) New Hampshire 11.0 46 34.2 21 23.6 36 New Jersey 15.0 29 37.2 14 24.6 29 New Mexico 16.0 23 35.8 16 24.2 33 New York 23.0 10 41.8 7 18.1 44 North Carolina 23.0 10 27.4 42 30.6 16 North Dakota 16.0 23 24.7 44 48.6 1 Ohio 13.0 40 41.7 8 25.1 27 Oklahoma 19.0 17 35.4 19 29.5 18 Oregon 15.0 29 28.5 39 38.0 9 Pennsylvania 15.0 29 35.6 18 32.8 14 Rhode Island 20.0 15 24.6 45 29.8 17 South Carolina 20.0 15 31.9 28 24.0 34 South Dakota 15.0 29 18.5 49 45.8 5 Tennessee 33.0 3 27.6 41 25.7 25 Texas 21.0 14 28.5 39 19.3 41 Utah 9.0 50 40.2 10 24.3 32 Vermont 32.0 4 31.2 29 25.0 28 Virginia 16.0 23 38.2 12 22.1 38 Washington 15.0 29 30.2 34 33.3 13 West Virginia 16.0 23 44.7 5 14.4 46 Wisconsin 16.0 23 35.7 17 40.2 7 Wyoming 13.0 40 29.0 36 37.0 10 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 242 Medicare State Data and Rankings Providers who accept Medicare Enrollment of Medicare Number of stand-alone Medicare fee as full payment beneficiaries in MA plans (%), prescription drug plans, 2006 (% of providers), 2005 2005 Alabama 96.7 5 8.4 20 41 Alaska 89.1 46 <1 (-) 27 Arizona 91.7 38 26.7 6 43 Arkansas 96.3 9 <1 (-) 40 California 87.4 48 31.4 4 47 Colorado 91.3 39 26.5 7 43 Connecticut 93.8 28 5.5 28 44 Delaware 96.5 7 <1 (-) 47 District of Columbia 92.4 35 6.9 25 47 Florida 93.5 29 19.3 9 43 Georgia 92.0 36 2.2 37 42 Hawaii 95.2 19 32.4 2 29 Idaho 85.9 49 10.4 18 44 Illinois 94.4 24 5.2 29 42 Indiana 95.8 15 2.5 36 42 Iowa 95.2 19 5.0 30 41 Kansas 96.2 12 3.7 34 40 Kentucky 94.1 26 2.8 35 42 Louisiana 93.3 30 11.7 17 39 Maine 91.3 39 <1 (-) 41 Maryland 95.3 18 4.2 33 47 Massachusetts 91.2 42 16.2 11 44 Michigan 97.6 4 1.6 39 40 Minnesota 79.9 51 16.0 13 41 Mississippi 91.2 42 <1 (-) 38 Missouri 94.8 22 12.3 16 41 Montana 92.5 33 <1 (-) 41 Nebraska 95.6 16 4.5 32 41 Nevada 96.1 13 28.3 5 44 New Hampshire 88.6 47 <1 (-) 41 New Jersey 91.3 39 7.9 24 44 New Mexico 94.9 21 16.1 12 43 New York 82.3 50 18.9 10 46 North Carolina 93.0 31 5.6 27 38 North Dakota 97.8 2 1.1 41 41 Ohio 96.4 8 12.8 15 43 Oklahoma 95.5 17 8.0 23 42 Oregon 93.9 27 32.0 3 45 Pennsylvania 96.7 5 24.6 8 52 Rhode Island 98.4 1 33.0 1 44 South Carolina 94.3 25 1.0 42 45 South Dakota 92.5 33 <1 (-) 41 Tennessee 92.8 32 9.0 19 41 Texas 91.0 44 8.1 22 47 Utah 97.7 3 4.6 31 44 Vermont 91.9 37 <1 (-) 44 Virginia 94.6 23 2.1 38 41 Washington 96.3 9 15.3 14 45 West Virginia 96.3 9 6.2 26 52 Wisconsin 96.0 14 8.1 21 45 Wyoming 90.6 45 1.5 40 41 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 243 Medicaid State Data and Rankings Medicaid enrollees Medicaid enrollees Medicaid enrollees (% of total): Child, 2001 (% of total): Adult, 2001 (% of total): Elderly, 2001 Alabama 49.0 37 16.1 42 14.3 5 Alaska 62.9 4 20.9 22 6.2 49 Arizona 54.2 23 28.4 8 6.1 50 Arkansas 49.6 35 21.9 17 11.7 20 California 39.2 50 42.2 1 9.2 37 Colorado 53.3 26 19.3 28 11.6 22 Connecticut 54.7 19 18.9 31 13.5 9 Delaware 46.1 45 34.0 3 7.6 44 District of Columbia 50.0 32 22.8 15 9.2 37 Florida 50.0 32 20.4 25 13.0 11 Georgia 55.4 17 19.1 30 10.2 29 Hawaii 46.4 43 32.1 4 10.6 28 Idaho 63.8 3 15.0 45 6.9 48 Illinois 57.5 11 20.5 23 8.4 43 Indiana 60.1 6 16.6 41 9.5 32 Iowa 50.4 28 19.8 27 12.6 14 Kansas 56.3 16 15.5 44 11.3 25 Kentucky 50.2 30 13.3 48 12.2 17 Louisiana 57.5 11 11.6 50 11.4 23 Maine 34.1 51 18.4 35 22.5 1 Maryland 57.2 14 18.7 33 9.4 35 Massachusetts 40.3 49 28.7 7 12.4 16 Michigan 54.9 18 17.9 37 9.1 39 Minnesota 49.0 37 24.1 11 13.7 8 Mississippi 54.7 19 11.0 51 13.8 6 Missouri 54.5 21 22.6 16 9.6 30 Montana 53.9 24 18.9 31 10.7 27 Nebraska 59.9 7 19.2 29 9.4 35 Nevada 50.3 29 21.1 20 11.4 23 New Hampshire 61.3 5 14.5 46 11.9 18 New Jersey 49.4 36 20.5 23 15.6 3 New Mexico 64.2 2 18.6 34 7.1 47 New York 46.6 42 23.2 14 13.3 10 North Carolina 50.1 31 20.2 26 13.0 11 North Dakota 48.2 40 21.4 19 15.7 2 Ohio 54.3 22 21.0 21 8.9 41 Oklahoma 64.7 1 13.8 47 9.5 32 Oregon 41.9 48 39.8 2 7.6 44 Pennsylvania 48.6 39 16.7 40 12.6 14 Rhode Island 46.2 44 25.1 10 11.9 18 South Carolina 51.9 27 25.3 9 9.1 39 South Dakota 59.8 8 15.7 43 11.1 26 Tennessee 43.3 47 29.4 6 9.6 30 Texas 57.1 15 16.8 38 12.9 13 Utah 58.6 9 23.6 13 5.9 51 Vermont 44.2 46 30.6 5 13.8 6 Virginia 53.4 25 13.2 49 14.4 4 Washington 57.3 13 21.8 18 7.6 44 West Virginia 49.7 34 16.8 38 9.5 32 Wisconsin 47.2 41 23.8 12 11.7 20 Wyoming 58.5 10 18.3 36 8.6 42 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 244 Medicaid State Data and Rankings Medicaid enrollees Total Medicaid enrollment for Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% < age 65 in (% of total): Disabled, 2001 all categories, 2001 poverty), 2004 Alabama 20.6 5 780,500 20 49.4 15 Alaska 10.0 50 100,300 49 35.3 40 Arizona 11.3 45 808,300 19 53.6 6 Arkansas 16.7 19 550,700 29 44.5 21 California 9.4 51 8,528,300 1 45.6 19 Colorado 15.7 24 410,700 32 25.4 50 Connecticut 12.9 39 444,200 30 54.4 4 Delaware 12.2 41 133,100 45 39.0 32 District of Columbia 18.0 11 152,600 43 59.0 2 Florida 16.5 21 2,462,200 4 35.9 39 Georgia 15.3 25 1,328,400 11 42.2 25 Hawaii 10.9 47 190,000 40 38.8 33 Idaho 14.3 30 172,400 41 42.0 26 Illinois 13.6 33 1,798,800 5 38.5 35 Indiana 13.7 31 825,500 18 53.0 7 Iowa 17.2 15 331,100 34 43.4 22 Kansas 16.9 16 281,100 35 40.4 29 Kentucky 24.3 2 761,900 21 42.3 24 Louisiana 19.6 7 886,500 16 40.0 30 Maine 25.0 1 277,900 36 64.8 1 Maryland 14.7 26 704,600 22 28.7 48 Massachusetts 18.6 9 1,125,600 12 54.8 3 Michigan 18.1 10 1,430,200 9 47.4 17 Minnesota 13.2 37 658,500 27 34.5 44 Mississippi 20.5 6 681,200 24 50.9 12 Missouri 13.3 35 1,032,300 13 52.0 9 Montana 16.5 21 101,900 48 33.0 46 Nebraska 11.5 44 249,200 37 35.3 40 Nevada 17.3 14 167,200 42 25.7 49 New Hampshire 12.4 40 108,500 46 25.1 51 New Jersey 14.5 28 923,100 15 34.6 43 New Mexico 10.2 49 423,500 31 46.5 18 New York 16.9 16 3,548,600 2 54.4 4 North Carolina 16.6 20 1,375,800 10 37.8 36 North Dakota 14.7 26 65,400 50 38.6 34 Ohio 15.8 23 1,660,400 6 51.4 10 Oklahoma 11.9 43 677,700 25 37.7 37 Oregon 10.7 48 594,600 28 41.2 27 Pennsylvania 22.1 4 1,647,500 7 42.6 23 Rhode Island 16.8 18 193,800 39 51.4 10 South Carolina 13.7 31 871,600 17 49.2 16 South Dakota 13.4 34 106,200 47 49.5 14 Tennessee 17.7 12 1,603,300 8 49.9 13 Texas 13.2 37 2,729,600 3 34.3 45 Utah 12.0 42 214,700 38 36.0 38 Vermont 11.3 45 152,100 44 52.1 8 Virginia 19.1 8 700,600 23 29.0 47 Washington 13.3 35 1,005,400 14 41.1 28 West Virginia 24.0 3 351,600 33 45.3 20 Wisconsin 17.4 13 673,600 26 39.8 31 Wyoming 14.5 28 57,900 51 34.7 42 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 245 Medicaid State Data and Rankings Maximum income for Medicaid Maximum income for Medicaid Medicaid enrollment in (% of poverty): Working adults (% of poverty): Supplemental managed care plans (%), as of with dependents, as of July 2004 Security Income, 2003 December 2004 Alabama 19 73.8 61.3 35 Alaska 81 97.8 0.0 49 Arizona 200 73.8 88.4 9 Arkansas 20 73.8 60.0 37 California 107 100.2 50.5 39 Colorado 39 78.7 97.1 3 Connecticut 107 99.8* 75.4 16 Delaware 117 73.8 77.1 15 District of Columbia 200 73.8 64.2 29 Florida 62 73.8 67.5 24 Georgia 58 73.8 93.8 4 Hawaii 100 64.7* 79.7 13 Idaho 31 80.7 80.8 11 Illinois 140 N/A* 9.6 47 Indiana 29 73.8* 63.6 31 Iowa 82 73.8 90.1 7 Kansas 38 73.8 56.9 38 Kentucky 70 73.8 92.9 6 Louisiana 20 73.8 78.7 14 Maine 157 75.1 61.0 36 Maryland 40 73.8 67.9 23 Massachusetts 133 91.0 62.1 32 Michigan 59 75.6 93.7 5 Minnesota 275 84.6* 64.1 30 Mississippi 35 73.8 14.5 46 Missouri 82 73.8* 44.2 43 Montana 65 73.8 67.1 25 Nebraska 56 75.2 73.2 18 Nevada 87 78.6 50.0 40 New Hampshire 60 77.4* 0.0 49 New Jersey 41 77.9 69.6 19 New Mexico 69 73.8 64.2 28 New York 150 85.4 61.8 33 North Carolina 57 73.8 69.5 21 North Dakota 69 73.8* 61.7 34 Ohio 100 73.8* 31.2 45 Oklahoma 45 80.6* 68.1 22 Oregon 100 74.0 80.1 12 Pennsylvania 66 77.4 75.4 17 Rhode Island 192 81.4 69.5 20 South Carolina 97 73.8 8.4 48 South Dakota 61 75.8 97.6 2 Tennessee 100 73.8 100.0 1 Texas 33 73.8 43.3 44 Utah 53 73.8 89.2 8 Vermont 192 80.7 64.9 26 Virginia 36 73.8* 64.8 27 Washington 86 76.3 87.5 10 West Virginia 38 73.8 44.4 42 Wisconsin 192 85.0 45.4 41 Wyoming 60 73.8 0.0 49 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 246 Health Coverage and the Uninsured State Data and Rankings Persons under age 65 Persons under age 65 with Persons under age 65 with without health insurance employer-sponsored health other private health insurance (%), 2004 insurance (%), 2004 (%), 2004 Alabama 15.2 30 62.6 30 4.8 47 Alaska 18.0 16 58.9 40 5.7 37 Arizona 19.7 8 55.0 46 8.8 11 Arkansas 19.1 12 54.7 48 8.4 15 California 20.8 6 54.8 47 8.6 14 Colorado 18.5 15 64.1 24 8.8 11 Connecticut 13.4 37 70.5 5 5.3 44 Delaware 16.5 21 67.6 15 4.5 48 District of Columbia 14.9 32 59.2 39 6.7 24 Florida 23.6 3 56.8 42 6.7 24 Georgia 19.1 12 60.8 35 5.9 32 Hawaii 11.2 49 71.2 4 4.0 50 Idaho 16.8 20 60.8 35 11.1 3 Illinois 15.8 29 67.4 16 6.8 22 Indiana 15.9 27 66.4 18 5.6 39 Iowa 10.9 50 69.2 7 10.7 4 Kansas 12.5 46 67.9 14 8.7 13 Kentucky 16.3 23 61.0 34 6.4 28 Louisiana 19.6 9 56.5 44 6.5 27 Maine 11.7 48 62.7 28 5.8 35 Maryland 16.4 22 68.3 10 6.1 30 Massachusetts 13.2 38 68.0 13 6.2 29 Michigan 13.2 38 68.3 10 6.9 20 Minnesota 9.9 51 73.0 2 9.7 9 Mississippi 19.4 10 56.2 45 5.7 37 Missouri 14.4 34 64.5 22 6.8 22 Montana 22.3 5 54.4 50 10.2 6 Nebraska 13.0 41 66.5 17 9.9 7 Nevada 20.8 6 66.3 20 5.5 41 New Hampshire 13.2 38 76.1 1 4.9 46 New Jersey 17.1 18 71.4 3 3.5 51 New Mexico 23.8 2 51.6 51 5.8 35 New York 16.1 25 62.7 28 5.2 45 North Carolina 17.5 17 61.2 32 7.0 19 North Dakota 13.0 41 64.4 23 12.9 1 Ohio 13.0 41 70.2 6 5.4 43 Oklahoma 23.1 4 56.8 42 5.6 39 Oregon 18.9 14 62.2 31 9.0 10 Pennsylvania 14.0 35 68.9 8 6.9 20 Rhode Island 12.9 44 66.4 18 5.9 32 South Carolina 16.9 19 61.1 33 5.9 32 South Dakota 13.8 36 60.3 37 12.7 2 Tennessee 16.3 23 58.4 41 7.7 17 Texas 27.6 1 54.7 48 5.5 41 Utah 15.2 30 66.3 20 10.4 5 Vermont 12.9 44 62.8 27 6.7 24 Virginia 16.0 26 68.2 12 6.1 30 Washington 14.6 33 63.9 25 7.2 18 West Virginia 19.3 11 59.6 38 4.5 48 Wisconsin 11.9 47 68.6 9 7.8 16 Wyoming 15.9 27 63.0 26 9.9 7 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 247 Health Coverage and the Uninsured State Data and Rankings Persons under age 65 with other Uninsured persons (%): Persons under age 65 with public health insurance Medicaid (%), 2004 White, 2004 (%), 2004 Alabama 13.2 12 4.2 5 13.8 20 Alaska 11.2 20 6.2 1 15.9 9 Arizona 14.3 9 2.3 25 13.2 23 Arkansas 14.4 8 3.4 12 17.6 5 California 14.3 9 1.5 39 12.2 29 Colorado 5.7 49 2.9 18 13.4 21 Connecticut 9.7 32 1.1 47 11.4 37 Delaware 8.6 37 1.2 44 13.9 19 District of Columbia 18.0 1 1.2 44 10.4 44 Florida 9.5 33 3.4 12 18.2 4 Georgia 11.8 18 2.5 22 15.2 13 Hawaii 7.7 41 5.9 2 9.3 49 Idaho 9.9 27 1.4 41 14.2 17 Illinois 8.4 38 1.6 37 11.4 37 Indiana 10.2 23 1.9 30 14.8 14 Iowa 8.3 40 0.8 49 9.1 50 Kansas 8.4 38 2.5 22 10.8 42 Kentucky 12.9 14 3.4 12 15.5 11 Louisiana 14.7 7 2.7 19 15.3 12 Maine 17.4 2 2.5 22 11.5 36 Maryland 6.9 44 2.3 25 10.7 43 Massachusetts 11.3 19 1.4 41 11.6 35 Michigan 10.1 25 1.5 39 11.8 33 Minnesota 6.7 45 0.7 51 8.3 51 Mississippi 16.0 3 2.6 21 14.1 18 Missouri 12.5 16 1.8 31 12.1 31 Montana 11.0 21 2.2 28 19.7 2 Nebraska 8.8 34 1.7 35 10.2 45 Nevada 5.1 50 2.2 28 16.1 7 New Hampshire 4.0 51 1.8 31 12.7 25 New Jersey 6.6 46 1.3 43 9.5 47 New Mexico 15.2 4 3.6 8 14.6 15 New York 14.8 6 1.2 44 12.4 28 North Carolina 9.8 29 4.5 4 13.4 21 North Dakota 6.6 46 3.1 16 9.5 47 Ohio 9.8 29 1.7 35 11.1 39 Oklahoma 9.9 27 4.6 3 20.7 1 Oregon 8.8 34 1.0 48 16.0 8 Pennsylvania 8.7 36 1.6 37 12.5 27 Rhode Island 13.0 13 1.8 31 11.1 39 South Carolina 12.7 15 3.4 12 15.6 10 South Dakota 10.2 23 3.1 16 11.1 39 Tennessee 13.7 11 3.9 7 11.9 32 Texas 10.0 26 2.3 25 16.8 6 Utah 7.3 43 0.8 49 12.2 29 Vermont 14.9 5 2.7 19 12.7 25 Virginia 6.1 48 3.6 8 11.8 33 Washington 10.7 22 3.6 8 13.2 23 West Virginia 12.4 17 4.2 5 19.2 3 Wisconsin 9.8 29 1.8 31 10.0 46 Wyoming 7.6 42 3.5 11 14.6 15 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 248 Health Coverage and the Uninsured State Data and Rankings Uninsured persons (%): Uninsured children below Uninsured non-elderly adults with family income below the Minority/ethnic, 2004 200% of poverty (%), 2004 national median (%), 2004 Alabama 18.3 44 8.8 44 27.0 30 Alaska 22.1 31 20.4 13 32.3 13 Arizona 28.0 14 22.4 8 30.6 17 Arkansas 23.7 28 (-) (-) 33.6 8 California 26.9 16 19.1 16 35.1 4 Colorado 30.2 9 32.9 1 32.8 11 Connecticut 19.6 40 (-) (-) 24.8 35 Delaware 22.1 32 22.4 8 23.9 39 District of Columbia 16.8 47 (-) (-) 22.6 43 Florida 31.6 5 22.6 6 37.9 2 Georgia 24.2 25 18.5 17 31.7 15 Hawaii 11.6 48 (-) (-) 18.3 50 Idaho 30.6 7 13.0 36 30.3 19 Illinois 24.3 23 21.0 10 27.3 27 Indiana 22.2 30 14.5 27 27.4 26 Iowa 24.8 22 13.9 30 20.3 46 Kansas 20.6 38 13.5 34 24.9 33 Kentucky 22.5 29 14.1 29 27.1 28 Louisiana 26.2 17 13.9 30 33.9 7 Maine (-) (-) 10.7 40 18.1 51 Maryland 24.1 26 21.0 10 32.0 14 Massachusetts 19.3 41 (-) (-) 24.4 37 Michigan 17.7 46 11.8 38 24.3 38 Minnesota 18.1 45 18.0 20 19.9 48 Mississippi 26.0 18 18.4 19 29.6 20 Missouri 24.1 27 13.9 30 25.1 32 Montana 43.5 1 22.9 5 33.4 9 Nebraska 26.0 19 12.0 37 27.9 24 Nevada 27.9 15 27.0 3 33.2 10 New Hampshire 21.6 33 20.1 14 27.1 28 New Jersey 30.0 10 24.2 4 35.0 5 New Mexico 30.3 8 17.4 21 36.7 3 New York 21.6 34 13.6 33 26.7 31 North Carolina 25.2 20 18.5 17 30.6 17 North Dakota 39.2 2 20.6 12 20.3 46 Ohio 21.3 35 14.3 28 23.6 41 Oklahoma 29.1 12 22.5 7 34.5 6 Oregon 30.6 6 15.0 26 32.8 11 Pennsylvania 20.6 37 19.2 15 23.4 42 Rhode Island 20.2 39 11.4 39 22.6 43 South Carolina 19.3 42 13.2 35 29.1 22 South Dakota 28.5 13 10.7 40 23.7 40 Tennessee 29.9 11 16.9 22 24.7 36 Texas 36.4 3 30.4 2 42.9 1 Utah 32.5 4 16.3 24 24.9 33 Vermont (-) (-) (-) (-) 19.4 49 Virginia 24.3 24 16.5 23 30.9 16 Washington 19.2 43 9.8 43 27.9 24 West Virginia (-) (-) 15.3 25 29.6 20 Wisconsin 21.2 36 10.4 42 21.9 45 Wyoming 25.0 21 (-) (-) 28.0 23 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 249 Health Coverage and the Uninsured State Data and Rankings Uninsured adults age 50-64 Uninsured full-time workers High-risk insurance pool partici- pation (average per month), (%), 2004 with dependents (%), 2004 reported as of 2005 Alabama 9.9 43 13.9 26 3,500 Alaska 12.3 26 15.9 18 482 Arizona 16.1 6 17.4 11 No program Arkansas 18.3 4 19.3 8 3,051 California 16.0 7 19.7 6 8,738 Colorado 15.4 9 16.1 15 4,783 Connecticut 12.0 28 11.9 37 2,380 Delaware 14.9 12 12.5 33 No program District of Columbia 12.1 27 13.9 26 No program Florida 18.2 5 22.0 4 476 Georgia 13.9 14 17.8 10 No program Hawaii 9.6 47 5.9 51 No program Idaho 15.6 8 16.0 16 1,364 Illinois 11.9 29 11.9 37 16,374 Indiana 11.3 33 13.9 26 9,252 Iowa 8.2 51 9.3 48 N/A Kansas 10.8 37 10.3 45 1,706 Kentucky 13.4 18 12.4 35 3,060 Louisiana 20.9 1 19.7 6 1,257 Maine 11.4 30 10.4 44 No program Maryland 13.1 21 14.1 24 5,260 Massachusetts 9.9 43 12.8 31 No program Michigan 11.1 35 11.2 42 No program Minnesota 9.0 49 7.6 50 34,434 Mississippi 12.4 25 17.9 9 4,258 Missouri 11.2 34 13.8 29 2,954 Montana 13.5 17 20.9 5 3,570 Nebraska 12.8 23 11.1 43 6,087 Nevada 13.6 16 17.4 11 No program New Hampshire 9.8 46 12.6 32 272 New Jersey 10.9 36 14.4 23 No program New Mexico 15.4 9 24.1 1 1,292 New York 13.4 18 14.1 24 No program North Carolina 13.7 15 15.3 21 No program North Dakota 9.6 47 11.4 41 1,800 Ohio 10.5 38 9.9 47 No program Oklahoma 18.6 3 22.2 3 2,841 Oregon 11.4 30 16.4 14 9,638 Pennsylvania 10.2 39 11.7 40 No program Rhode Island 9.9 43 10.3 45 No program South Carolina 13.1 21 15.4 20 2,132 South Dakota 10.0 40 12.1 36 490 Tennessee 10.0 40 16.0 16 N/A Texas 19.3 2 23.6 2 25,850 Utah 10.0 40 11.9 37 2,875 Vermont 15.2 11 12.5 33 No program Virginia 12.7 24 14.8 22 No program Washington 11.4 30 13.2 30 2,732 West Virginia 14.9 12 16.5 13 N/A Wisconsin 8.3 50 9.1 49 18,228 Wyoming 13.2 20 15.5 19 658 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 250 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Projected population Population age 50-64 (#), 1995 to 2005 percent change age 50-64 (#), 2005 1995 in population age 50-64 Alabama 812,993 22 603,114 20 34.8 40 Alaska 113,779 48 70,527 50 61.3 6 Arizona 978,918 18 549,340 23 78.2 2 Arkansas 496,536 31 354,939 31 39.9 31 California 5,670,193 1 3,666,758 1 54.6 15 Colorado 782,709 23 501,135 26 56.2 10 Connecticut 621,459 28 449,195 28 38.3 33 Delaware 149,986 45 96,156 45 56.0 11 District of Columbia 87,763 51 74,055 49 18.5 51 Florida 3,231,187 4 1,984,592 4 62.8 5 Georgia 1,425,515 11 914,332 11 55.9 12 Hawaii 234,415 42 154,459 40 51.8 19 Idaho 236,130 41 152,547 41 54.8 14 Illinois 2,072,062 6 1,574,560 6 31.6 47 Indiana 1,057,744 16 792,760 13 33.4 44 Iowa 516,341 30 394,088 30 31.0 48 Kansas 457,329 33 333,536 33 37.1 36 Kentucky 745,902 26 545,671 24 36.7 38 Louisiana 764,006 25 569,696 22 34.1 42 Maine 263,384 39 169,334 39 55.5 13 Maryland 971,444 19 665,349 19 46.0 26 Massachusetts 1,133,680 13 787,250 14 44.0 27 Michigan 1,771,606 8 1,285,651 8 37.8 34 Minnesota 866,715 21 585,588 21 48.0 25 Mississippi 490,839 32 353,035 32 39.0 32 Missouri 1,001,095 17 731,849 16 36.8 37 Montana 185,945 44 125,430 43 48.2 24 Nebraska 293,350 38 213,626 37 37.3 35 Nevada 421,417 34 218,033 36 93.3 1 New Hampshire 246,900 40 141,135 42 74.9 3 New Jersey 1,506,815 9 1,113,767 9 35.3 39 New Mexico 346,353 36 218,509 35 58.5 8 New York 3,287,879 3 2,517,412 2 30.6 50 North Carolina 1,500,106 10 990,406 10 51.5 20 North Dakota 111,560 49 83,132 47 34.2 41 Ohio 2,016,109 7 1,529,337 7 31.8 46 Oklahoma 612,315 29 462,297 27 32.5 45 Oregon 672,795 27 428,460 29 57.0 9 Pennsylvania 2,256,647 5 1,690,649 5 33.5 43 Rhode Island 186,629 43 124,031 44 50.5 21 South Carolina 776,654 24 506,031 25 53.5 16 South Dakota 130,616 46 93,068 46 40.3 30 Tennessee 1,070,993 15 749,745 15 42.8 28 Texas 3,476,697 2 2,320,670 3 49.8 23 Utah 312,807 37 204,643 38 52.9 17 Vermont 126,381 47 77,156 48 63.8 4 Virginia 1,327,955 12 884,567 12 50.1 22 Washington 1,110,506 14 699,941 17 58.7 7 West Virginia 364,856 35 278,666 34 30.9 49 Wisconsin 963,058 20 677,820 18 42.1 29 Wyoming 100,077 50 65,537 51 52.7 18 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 251 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Projected population Population age 65+ (#), 1995 to 2005 percent change age 65+ (#), 2005 1995 in population age 65+ Alabama 602,411 22 556,781 22 8.2 26 Alaska 43,999 51 29,847 51 47.4 2 Arizona 765,061 16 576,934 19 32.6 3 Arkansas 382,276 31 361,890 31 5.6 30 California 3,900,193 1 3,458,312 1 12.8 20 Colorado 455,641 28 377,328 30 20.8 6 Connecticut 479,443 26 466,923 25 2.7 40 Delaware 110,307 45 91,325 47 20.8 5 District of Columbia 63,767 49 76,034 48 -16.1 51 Florida 3,017,357 2 2,627,737 2 14.8 15 Georgia 856,108 13 720,526 15 18.8 11 Hawaii 170,075 40 149,496 41 13.8 18 Idaho 158,646 41 133,533 43 18.8 12 Illinois 1,520,783 7 1,497,080 6 1.6 43 Indiana 766,210 15 735,648 14 4.2 35 Iowa 435,794 30 434,429 28 0.3 46 Kansas 358,069 32 355,153 32 0.8 44 Kentucky 519,544 25 488,038 24 6.5 28 Louisiana 539,017 23 494,915 23 8.9 25 Maine 192,544 39 172,773 39 11.4 23 Maryland 642,389 20 570,288 21 12.6 21 Massachusetts 858,061 12 857,555 11 0.1 47 Michigan 1,245,644 8 1,202,925 8 3.6 38 Minnesota 616,805 21 575,571 20 7.2 27 Mississippi 354,283 33 333,023 33 6.4 29 Missouri 769,969 14 743,741 12 3.5 39 Montana 129,243 44 114,752 44 12.6 22 Nebraska 233,233 37 229,085 35 1.8 41 Nevada 266,255 35 174,466 37 52.6 1 New Hampshire 158,010 42 137,738 42 14.7 16 New Jersey 1,145,315 9 1,092,381 9 4.8 33 New Mexico 239,558 36 185,645 36 29.0 4 New York 2,508,693 3 2,418,864 3 3.7 36 North Carolina 1,037,474 10 905,575 10 14.6 17 North Dakota 93,635 47 93,633 46 0.0 48 Ohio 1,521,603 6 1,496,464 7 1.7 42 Oklahoma 464,645 27 444,306 26 4.6 34 Oregon 448,765 29 426,224 29 5.3 31 Pennsylvania 1,896,510 5 1,912,079 4 -0.8 49 Rhode Island 150,891 43 155,475 40 -2.9 50 South Carolina 529,410 24 443,647 27 19.3 8 South Dakota 109,363 46 105,520 45 3.6 37 Tennessee 747,646 17 661,899 17 13.0 19 Texas 2,268,604 4 1,904,755 5 19.1 9 Utah 206,975 38 174,048 38 18.9 10 Vermont 82,242 48 70,708 49 16.3 14 Virginia 867,044 11 736,702 13 17.7 13 Washington 702,517 19 631,614 18 11.2 24 West Virginia 279,656 34 277,674 34 0.7 45 Wisconsin 720,807 18 685,132 16 5.2 32 Wyoming 63,414 50 53,120 50 19.4 7 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 252 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Minority/ethnic population Minority/ethnic population 1995 to 2005 percent change in (%), 2005 (%), 1995 minority/ethnic population Alabama 29.8 21 26.8 16 11.2 44 Alaska 33.0 17 21.5 21 53.5 18 Arizona 39.9 9 27.7 13 44.0 24 Arkansas 22.0 26 18.0 24 22.2 35 California 55.6 4 47.6 4 16.8 39 Colorado 28.6 22 17.0 25 68.2 14 Connecticut 22.6 24 15.2 28 48.7 19 Delaware 30.4 20 21.3 22 42.7 27 District of Columbia 70.3 2 75.5 1 -6.9 51 Florida 37.0 13 33.6 9 10.1 45 Georgia 40.7 7 37.6 7 8.2 48 Hawaii 81.4 1 69.1 2 17.8 37 Idaho 15.1 37 8.9 38 69.7 12 Illinois 31.9 19 25.8 17 23.6 34 Indiana 14.9 38 10.1 36 47.5 20 Iowa 10.6 45 4.3 47 146.5 3 Kansas 16.4 35 15.5 27 5.8 49 Kentucky 10.8 44 7.4 41 45.9 23 Louisiana 37.6 11 32.7 10 15.0 41 Maine 4.7 49 1.3 51 261.5 1 Maryland 40.5 8 35.2 8 15.1 40 Massachusetts 19.6 29 11.3 32 73.5 10 Michigan 22.0 26 18.7 23 17.6 38 Minnesota 14.8 40 6.8 42 117.6 4 Mississippi 42.1 6 38.3 6 9.9 47 Missouri 17.7 32 12.4 30 42.7 26 Montana 9.7 47 5.8 45 67.2 15 Nebraska 16.4 35 5.9 44 178.0 2 Nevada 37.6 11 27.3 14 37.7 29 New Hampshire 5.1 48 2.5 50 104.0 6 New Jersey 35.4 14 27.3 14 29.7 31 New Mexico 56.2 3 49.9 3 12.6 43 New York 38.1 10 31.5 11 21.0 36 North Carolina 33.5 16 24.3 19 37.9 28 North Dakota 10.5 46 5.5 46 90.9 8 Ohio 17.1 33 13.4 29 27.6 33 Oklahoma 26.9 23 16.3 26 65.0 17 Oregon 18.2 31 11.0 33 65.5 16 Pennsylvania 16.9 34 12.3 31 37.4 30 Rhode Island 18.7 30 10.5 35 78.1 9 South Carolina 33.9 15 30.8 12 10.1 46 South Dakota 13.9 41 6.4 43 117.2 5 Tennessee 22.5 25 22.2 20 1.4 50 Texas 52.8 5 46.6 5 13.3 42 Utah 13.7 42 8.0 39 71.3 11 Vermont 4.4 51 2.6 49 69.2 13 Virginia 32.1 18 25.1 18 27.9 32 Washington 21.6 28 10.6 34 103.8 7 West Virginia 4.7 49 3.2 48 46.9 22 Wisconsin 14.9 38 10.1 36 47.5 20 Wyoming 10.9 43 7.6 40 43.4 25 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 253 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Persons under age 65 with family Persons under age 65 with family 1994 to 2004 percent change in income at or below poverty (%), income at or below poverty (%), persons under age 65 with family 2004 1994 income at or below poverty Alabama 17.4 3 16.7 12 4.2 15 Alaska 9.6 42 10.3 37 -6.8 28 Arizona 15.2 12 17.1 11 -11.1 34 Arkansas 15.5 9 15.1 17 2.6 16 California 14.2 16 19.0 8 -25.3 47 Colorado 10.2 38 9.4 44 8.5 11 Connecticut 10.5 36 11.2 33 -6.2 25 Delaware 9.5 43 8.4 48 13.1 8 District of Columbia 17.4 3 22.1 3 -21.3 43 Florida 12.7 24 16.0 14 -20.6 41 Georgia 13.6 19 14.3 20 -4.9 24 Hawaii 8.8 47 9.4 44 -6.4 26 Idaho 10.2 38 12.4 28 -17.7 40 Illinois 13.0 21 13.1 26 -0.8 18 Indiana 12.5 25 14.3 20 -12.6 35 Iowa 11.5 32 10.5 35 9.5 9 Kansas 12.0 30 15.4 15 -22.1 44 Kentucky 18.2 2 20.0 4 -9.0 33 Louisiana 17.1 5 26.3 1 -35.0 49 Maine 12.2 27 9.6 41 27.1 3 Maryland 9.8 41 10.7 34 -8.4 31 Massachusetts 9.4 45 9.7 40 -3.1 21 Michigan 14.2 16 14.8 18 -4.1 22 Minnesota 6.8 50 11.8 30 -42.4 51 Mississippi 18.4 1 19.7 6 -6.6 27 Missouri 12.9 22 16.3 13 -20.9 42 Montana 15.4 10 11.8 30 30.5 2 Nebraska 9.5 43 8.7 47 9.2 10 Nevada 11.5 32 11.8 30 -2.5 20 New Hampshire 5.1 51 7.6 51 -32.9 48 New Jersey 7.9 49 9.5 42 -16.8 39 New Mexico 17.1 5 22.2 2 -23.0 45 New York 15.3 11 17.9 9 -14.5 37 North Carolina 14.7 15 14.1 22 4.3 14 North Dakota 9.9 40 10.4 36 -4.8 23 Ohio 12.3 26 14.4 19 -14.6 38 Oklahoma 10.7 34 17.3 10 -38.2 50 Oregon 12.9 22 12.8 27 0.8 17 Pennsylvania 12.2 27 13.2 25 -7.6 29 Rhode Island 12.1 29 10.2 38 18.6 6 South Carolina 15.1 13 14.0 23 7.9 12 South Dakota 14.1 18 15.3 16 -7.8 30 Tennessee 16.9 8 13.9 24 21.6 5 Texas 17.1 5 19.8 5 -13.6 36 Utah 10.5 36 8.4 48 25.0 4 Vermont 8.4 48 7.8 50 7.7 13 Virginia 9.3 46 10.2 38 -8.8 32 Washington 11.9 31 12.2 29 -2.5 19 West Virginia 14.9 14 19.6 7 -24.0 46 Wisconsin 13.2 20 9.5 42 38.9 1 Wyoming 10.7 34 9.3 46 15.1 7 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 254 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Infant deaths (per 1,000 Infant deaths (per 1,000 1993 to 2003 percent change live births), 2003 live births), 1993 in infant deaths Alabama 8.7 8 9.9 7 -12.1 17 Alaska 6.1 34 7.5 34 -18.3 27 Arizona 6.6 27 7.0 40 -6.3 12 Arkansas 8.1 12 9.5 10 -14.5 21 California 5.6 38 6.7 43 -16.0 25 Colorado 6.3 30 7.5 34 -15.6 24 Connecticut 5.1 43 7.1 38 -28.0 40 Delaware 11.5 2 8.3 26 38.0 1 District of Columbia 23.8 1 18.5 1 28.6 2 Florida 7.6 16 8.7 21 -12.9 20 Georgia 8.5 10 10.1 6 -15.6 23 Hawaii 7.7 14 6.7 43 14.5 3 Idaho 5.7 36 7.5 34 -24.2 36 Illinois 7.1 24 10.3 4 -31.2 44 Indiana 7.6 17 9.3 13 -18.8 29 Iowa 4.9 47 6.9 41 -28.6 41 Kansas 5.5 40 8.2 28 -32.7 45 Kentucky 5.6 37 8.8 18 -35.9 47 Louisiana 9.7 4 9.8 9 -0.8 8 Maine 5.0 45 6.6 46 -24.6 37 Maryland 7.0 25 9.4 11 -25.1 38 Massachusetts 5.0 46 5.6 49 -11.4 15 Michigan 8.6 9 9.3 13 -7.2 13 Minnesota 4.9 48 7.3 37 -33.2 46 Mississippi 9.5 5 11.9 2 -20.1 31 Missouri 9.3 6 8.5 23 9.9 4 Montana 6.4 28 7.9 32 -19.1 30 Nebraska 6.1 33 8.8 18 -30.3 43 Nevada 5.8 35 6.6 46 -12.2 18 New Hampshire 2.9 51 4.8 51 -39.2 49 New Jersey 5.1 44 8.0 30 -36.1 48 New Mexico 5.3 42 9.3 13 -42.8 50 New York 6.2 32 8.3 26 -25.5 39 North Carolina 8.2 11 10.3 4 -20.4 34 North Dakota 7.5 19 7.1 38 6.0 6 Ohio 8.9 7 8.8 18 0.9 7 Oklahoma 7.5 18 9.2 17 -18.0 26 Oregon 6.3 31 6.7 43 -5.9 10 Pennsylvania 8.0 13 8.7 21 -7.8 14 Rhode Island 7.4 21 8.5 23 -12.6 19 South Carolina 7.7 15 9.4 11 -18.4 28 South Dakota 7.4 20 10.5 3 -29.2 42 Tennessee 10.6 3 9.9 7 7.4 5 Texas 6.7 26 7.6 33 -12.0 16 Utah 5.6 39 6.0 48 -6.3 11 Vermont 4.9 49 4.9 50 -0.9 9 Virginia 7.3 23 8.5 23 -14.6 22 Washington 5.3 41 6.9 41 -22.9 35 West Virginia 7.4 22 9.3 13 -20.3 33 Wisconsin 6.4 29 8.0 30 -20.2 32 Wyoming 3.4 50 8.1 29 -57.7 51 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 255 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Overweight and/or obese Overweight and/or obese 1994 to 2004 percent change in overweight and/or adults (%), 2004 adults (%), 1994 obese adults Alabama 67.6 13 55.9 32 20.9 7 Alaska 69.0 4 63.0 1 9.5 44 Arizona 60.8 46 50.6 46 20.2 11 Arkansas 66.1 22 58.0 20 14.0 27 California 61.3 44 51.6 45 18.8 14 Colorado 59.8 48 44.8 49 33.5 2 Connecticut 61.0 45 52.8 44 15.5 22 Delaware 66.0 23 56.1 30 17.6 15 District of Columbia 61.7 42 55.7 33 10.8 41 Florida 64.0 33 53.0 42 20.8 7 Georgia 63.9 34 53.6 41 19.2 12 Hawaii N/A (-) 39.6 50 N/A (-) Idaho 65.2 30 54.2 39 20.3 10 Illinois 65.7 26 56.0 31 17.3 17 Indiana 67.5 14 60.7 6 11.2 36 Iowa 67.8 11 62.5 2 8.5 45 Kansas 65.8 25 48.6 48 35.4 1 Kentucky 68.1 7 61.0 5 11.6 33 Louisiana 68.3 6 59.4 14 15.0 23 Maine 65.4 28 53.0 42 23.4 4 Maryland 65.6 27 56.3 29 16.5 19 Massachusetts 62.1 41 55.1 35 12.7 29 Michigan 66.5 19 59.6 13 11.6 34 Minnesota 67.8 11 60.7 7 11.7 32 Mississippi 68.1 7 58.3 18 16.8 18 Missouri 66.0 23 59.4 15 11.1 37 Montana 63.2 37 54.4 37 16.2 21 Nebraska 67.3 15 60.6 8 11.1 39 Nevada 62.7 40 53.9 40 16.3 20 New Hampshire 63.4 36 57.6 22 10.1 43 New Jersey 65.4 28 61.3 3 6.7 47 New Mexico 58.9 49 48.8 47 20.7 9 New York 63.2 37 57.4 23 10.1 42 North Carolina 66.4 21 59.7 12 11.2 35 North Dakota 70.4 2 57.1 24 23.3 5 Ohio 68.0 9 61.2 4 11.1 38 Oklahoma 70.0 3 55.6 34 25.9 3 Oregon 64.2 32 56.3 28 14.0 26 Pennsylvania 68.8 5 60.1 9 14.5 25 Rhode Island 61.5 43 N/A (-) N/A (-) South Carolina 64.4 31 59.9 11 7.5 46 South Dakota 67.2 16 56.5 26 18.9 13 Tennessee 66.9 17 54.8 36 22.1 6 Texas 66.5 19 58.5 16 13.7 28 Utah 66.9 17 58.3 18 14.8 24 Vermont 60.2 47 54.3 38 10.9 40 Virginia 54.2 50 60.1 10 -9.8 48 Washington 63.8 35 56.8 25 12.3 30 West Virginia 70.5 1 58.4 17 20.7 8 Wisconsin 68.0 9 57.9 21 17.4 16 Wyoming 63.2 37 56.5 26 11.9 31 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 256 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Adults age 50+ who didn't visit a Adults age 50+ who didn't visit a 1994 to 2004 percent change in doctor due to cost (%), 2004 doctor due to cost (%), 1994 adults age 50+ who didn't visit a doctor due to cost Alabama 11.7 7 12.5 3 -6.3 39 Alaska 10.4 12 9.3 16 11.3 24 Arizona 7.5 35 6.6 33 14.1 22 Arkansas 10.2 14 10.3 13 -0.9 31 California 7.9 28 8.3 21 -4.4 36 Colorado 9.0 23 5.4 43 66.9 1 Connecticut 5.9 44 6.5 35 -9.2 46 Delaware 6.3 40 6.6 34 -4.4 35 District of Columbia 9.6 17 10.4 11 -7.5 41 Florida 9.3 20 10.1 14 -7.6 42 Georgia 12.3 6 13.4 2 -8.1 43 Hawaii N/A (-) 2.5 50 N/A (-) Idaho 9.9 16 7.1 27 39.2 6 Illinois 7.9 30 8.6 19 -8.5 45 Indiana 7.8 31 7.9 24 -0.3 30 Iowa 4.7 50 4.9 47 -3.4 34 Kansas 7.5 36 6.1 39 21.9 14 Kentucky 13.3 3 12.2 5 9.6 27 Louisiana 14.0 1 11.3 7 23.8 12 Maine 7.0 37 6.3 37 11.2 25 Maryland 7.8 32 6.7 31 15.6 20 Massachusetts 4.8 49 4.6 48 4.4 28 Michigan 8.1 26 7.1 29 14.0 23 Minnesota 6.6 39 5.4 42 22.7 13 Mississippi 14.0 2 14.3 1 -2.2 33 Missouri 9.4 19 7.2 26 31.1 8 Montana 9.1 22 6.3 36 43.7 4 Nebraska 6.2 41 5.4 44 15.9 19 Nevada 9.6 18 10.5 10 -8.3 44 New Hampshire 6.8 38 6.6 32 3.3 29 New Jersey 8.6 24 11.4 6 -25.0 48 New Mexico 10.3 13 8.1 23 27.1 10 New York 7.9 29 10.7 9 -26.3 49 North Carolina 13.1 4 11.0 8 19.4 15 North Dakota 5.7 47 6.7 30 -16.2 47 Ohio 7.7 33 8.3 22 -6.6 40 Oklahoma 10.9 10 9.2 17 18.2 17 Oregon 10.1 15 7.1 28 41.9 5 Pennsylvania 6.2 42 5.6 40 11.1 26 Rhode Island 5.6 48 N/A (-) N/A (-) South Carolina 11.5 9 9.0 18 28.6 9 South Dakota 6.2 43 6.3 38 -2.1 32 Tennessee 10.7 11 9.3 15 14.7 21 Texas 12.9 5 10.3 12 24.4 11 Utah 8.0 27 8.5 20 -5.9 38 Vermont 5.8 45 4.9 46 18.3 16 Virginia 7.7 34 5.6 41 38.1 7 Washington 8.1 25 5.2 45 56.6 2 West Virginia 11.7 8 12.4 4 -5.5 37 Wisconsin 5.7 46 3.8 49 50.1 3 Wyoming 9.1 21 7.9 25 16.1 18 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 257 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Population underserved by Population underserved by 1995 to 2005 percent change in primary care physicians (%), primary care physicians (%), population underserved by 2005 1995 primary care physicians Alabama 25.8 3 17.8 8 45.3 13 Alaska 14.0 18 15.3 11 -8.4 38 Arizona 13.5 20 5.9 45 130.3 1 Arkansas 10.1 30 14.3 12 -29.2 46 California 10.0 32 9.0 28 11.5 23 Colorado 10.2 29 7.7 39 32.6 17 Connecticut 6.3 45 7.1 41 -12.1 41 Delaware 8.0 36 4.1 49 96.7 5 District of Columbia 24.8 4 25.4 2 -2.4 34 Florida 15.7 12 6.8 42 129.5 2 Georgia 15.1 15 13.8 14 9.8 24 Hawaii 4.4 49 2.5 51 76.3 7 Idaho 18.1 11 15.8 10 14.4 20 Illinois 13.2 22 8.0 36 64.9 8 Indiana 8.7 34 8.5 33 2.0 30 Iowa 9.4 33 8.7 31 8.9 26 Kansas 15.3 14 8.4 34 83.3 6 Kentucky 13.5 21 13.3 15 1.0 31 Louisiana 21.1 8 21.2 3 -0.3 33 Maine 7.3 40 8.0 37 -7.8 36 Maryland 6.5 43 3.2 50 101.3 3 Massachusetts 5.1 48 8.7 30 -41.8 50 Michigan 11.0 27 11.4 21 -3.4 35 Minnesota 7.6 39 5.1 47 48.8 12 Mississippi 29.3 1 27.5 1 6.4 27 Missouri 23.7 6 11.8 19 100.5 4 Montana 20.4 10 12.7 16 60.1 10 Nebraska 5.7 47 8.9 29 -35.5 48 Nevada 14.1 17 11.9 18 18.6 19 New Hampshire 5.9 46 5.7 46 2.5 29 New Jersey 2.8 51 4.9 48 -41.6 49 New Mexico 27.6 2 20.0 5 37.9 15 New York 10.0 31 12.2 17 -17.9 43 North Carolina 7.8 37 8.7 32 -10.1 40 North Dakota 20.8 9 18.6 6 11.8 22 Ohio 7.2 41 7.8 38 -7.9 37 Oklahoma 15.6 13 10.8 24 43.4 14 Oregon 6.9 42 10.3 26 -33.5 47 Pennsylvania 6.3 44 6.3 44 0.3 32 Rhode Island 8.7 35 11.2 23 -22.9 44 South Carolina 15.0 16 20.1 4 -25.3 45 South Dakota 24.6 5 18.5 7 33.3 16 Tennessee 11.6 25 10.6 25 9.4 25 Texas 12.7 24 11.3 22 12.1 21 Utah 12.8 23 8.0 35 59.5 11 Vermont 3.6 50 6.8 43 -47.3 51 Virginia 7.6 38 7.3 40 4.2 28 Washington 11.3 26 9.5 27 18.8 18 West Virginia 13.8 19 16.5 9 -16.5 42 Wisconsin 10.4 28 11.5 20 -10.0 39 Wyoming 22.8 7 14.1 13 62.4 9 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 258 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Total Medicaid enrollment Total Medicaid enrollment 1992 to 2001 percent change in (in 1,000s), 2001 (in 1,000s), 1992 total Medicaid enrollment Alabama 781 20 546 21 42.9 21 Alaska 100 49 72 48 39.3 24 Arizona 808 19 551 20 46.7 20 Arkansas 551 29 360 29 53.0 15 California 8,528 1 6,060 1 40.7 23 Colorado 411 32 330 32 24.5 32 Connecticut 444 30 332 31 33.8 28 Delaware 133 45 69 49 92.9 1 District of Columbia 153 43 126 39 21.1 35 Florida 2,462 4 1,803 4 36.6 27 Georgia 1,328 11 968 9 37.2 26 Hawaii 190 40 111 41 71.2 8 Idaho 172 41 100 42 72.4 7 Illinois 1,799 5 1,637 5 9.9 44 Indiana 826 18 535 23 54.3 14 Iowa 331 34 305 33 8.6 46 Kansas 281 35 246 34 14.3 42 Kentucky 762 21 637 17 19.6 37 Louisiana 887 16 735 14 20.6 36 Maine 278 36 189 36 47.0 19 Maryland 705 22 534 24 31.9 29 Massachusetts 1,126 12 765 13 47.1 18 Michigan 1,430 9 1,361 8 5.1 48 Minnesota 659 27 501 25 31.4 30 Mississippi 681 24 537 22 26.9 31 Missouri 1,032 13 647 16 59.6 11 Montana 102 48 92 44 10.8 43 Nebraska 249 37 163 38 52.9 16 Nevada 167 42 99 43 68.9 9 New Hampshire 109 46 79 46 37.3 25 New Jersey 923 15 790 12 16.8 40 New Mexico 424 31 241 35 75.7 6 New York 3,549 2 2,928 2 21.2 34 North Carolina 1,376 10 882 11 56.0 13 North Dakota 65 50 66 50 -0.9 50 Ohio 1,660 6 1,619 6 2.6 49 Oklahoma 678 25 414 27 63.7 10 Oregon 595 28 335 30 77.5 4 Pennsylvania 1,648 7 1,543 7 6.8 47 Rhode Island 194 39 124* 40 56.3 12 South Carolina 872 17 475 26 83.5 2 South Dakota 106 47 75 47 41.6 22 Tennessee 1,603 8 885 10 81.2 3 Texas 2,730 3 2,309 3 18.2 38 Utah 215 38 175 37 22.7 33 Vermont 152 44 86 45 76.9 5 Virginia 701 23 608 19 15.2 41 Washington 1,005 14 671 15 49.8 17 West Virginia 352 33 375 28 -6.2 51 Wisconsin 674 26 616 18 9.4 45 Wyoming 58 51 49 51 18.2 39 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 259 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Medicaid spending on Medicaid spending on 1997 to 2004 percent change in Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%), 2004 prescription drugs (%), 1997 prescription drugs Alabama 16.3 14 10.3 13 58.5 31 Alaska 13.0 31 7.3 32 76.8 20 Arizona N/A (-) N/A (-) N/A (-) Arkansas 14.8 22 9.8 17 51.3 37 California 17.2 11 9.2 20 86.9 13 Colorado 10.0 45 6.3 41 58.3 33 Connecticut 11.2 40 5.7 44 97.7 8 Delaware 15.4 19 8.6 23 80.3 15 District of Columbia 8.7 47 4.5 49 94.3 9 Florida 19.3 4 11.8 4 63.6 28 Georgia 12.9 32 9.6 18 35.1 44 Hawaii 12.8 33 4.9 47 162.2 1 Idaho 15.8 18 10.6 10 49.2 39 Illinois 17.3 10 8.2 25 110.2 5 Indiana 13.7 30 11.3 7 22.0 47 Iowa 16.6 13 10.3 12 61.3 29 Kansas 14.1 27 10.0 14 41.0 43 Kentucky 18.6 7 12.5 1 49.0 40 Louisiana 18.6 8 10.9 9 71.3 24 Maine 13.8 29 9.2 19 49.9 38 Maryland 10.4 43 6.6 38 57.7 34 Massachusetts 11.4 39 7.3 33 56.3 36 Michigan 10.6 42 6.7 35 58.4 32 Minnesota 7.3 48 5.7 42 27.6 46 Mississippi 19.5 3 12.2 2 59.2 30 Missouri 18.3 9 10.4 11 75.9 21 Montana 14.8 24 9.9 15 48.4 41 Nebraska 16.0 17 11.3 6 41.6 42 Nevada 12.3 35 5.4 45 128.1 2 New Hampshire 11.1 41 6.4 40 73.7 22 New Jersey 12.6 34 7.0 34 79.9 16 New Mexico 4.7 50 6.7 37 -30.1 49 New York 11.6 38 5.1 46 126.5 3 North Carolina 19.0 6 9.0 21 110.6 4 North Dakota 12.1 37 7.7 31 56.6 35 Ohio 16.0 16 8.7 22 85.0 14 Oklahoma 16.2 15 9.8 16 65.3 27 Oregon 9.5 46 4.6 48 104.0 7 Pennsylvania 6.8 49 6.7 36 1.8 48 Rhode Island 10.1 44 5.7 43 76.9 19 South Carolina 17.1 12 8.4 24 104.3 6 South Dakota 14.3 25 8.2 26 73.4 23 Tennessee 31.3 1 N/A (-) N/A (-) Texas 14.1 28 7.9 30 78.4 17 Utah 15.2 20 8.1 27 88.5 12 Vermont 20.0 2 11.9 3 67.8 26 Virginia 14.8 23 11.1 8 33.6 45 Washington 12.1 36 6.4 39 89.2 10 West Virginia 19.3 5 11.4 5 68.5 25 Wisconsin 15.2 21 8.0 28 89.2 11 Wyoming 14.2 26 8.0 29 78.4 18 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 260 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Emergency room visits Emergency room visits 1993 to 2003 percent change in (per 1,000 population), 2003 (per 1,000 population), 1993 emergency room visits Alabama 485 7 486 8 -0.3 30 Alaska 331 12 480 40 -31.1 51 Arizona 319 31 360 42 -11.2 42 Arkansas 469 13 448 10 4.7 22 California 262 48 298 51 -12.2 44 Colorado 309 32 357 46 -13.5 46 Connecticut 401 20 405 25 -0.9 31 Delaware 366 28 378 32 -3.2 33 District of Columbia 649 1 805 1 -19.3 49 Florida 394 25 388 27 1.7 28 Georgia 413 4 513 20 -19.5 50 Hawaii 263 51 249 50 5.8 19 Idaho 345 36 350 36 -1.5 32 Illinois 385 35 353 28 9.2 12 Indiana 405 23 391 22 3.6 26 Iowa 365 42 336 33 8.5 15 Kansas 352 44 327 35 7.7 17 Kentucky 520 6 496 6 4.8 21 Louisiana 564 10 483 3 16.8 4 Maine 554 8 485 5 14.3 6 Maryland 379 47 311 30 21.9 1 Massachusetts 460 11 482 12 -4.6 39 Michigan 402 30 370 24 8.9 13 Minnesota 312 49 264 45 17.8 3 Mississippi 560 5 497 4 12.7 8 Missouri 467 17 417 11 11.9 10 Montana 329 39 345 41 -4.5 37 Nebraska 309 50 264 47 16.7 5 Nevada 279 46 322 49 -13.4 45 New Hampshire 433 26 386 16 12.2 9 New Jersey 341 43 333 37 2.2 27 New Mexico 361 29 373 34 -3.2 34 New York 395 27 381 26 3.6 25 North Carolina 416 15 431 18 -3.4 35 North Dakota 415 21 398 19 4.1 23 Ohio 476 14 432 9 10.2 11 Oklahoma 403 33 354 23 14.1 7 Oregon 312 34 353 44 -11.7 43 Pennsylvania 425 16 419 17 1.4 29 Rhode Island 441 9 484 14 -9.0 41 South Carolina 445 18 410 13 8.5 16 South Dakota 286 38 345 48 -17.1 48 Tennessee 499 3 517 7 -3.5 36 Texas 380 37 349 29 8.9 14 Utah 315 40 344 43 -8.4 40 Vermont 411 41 340 21 21.0 2 Virginia 374 24 391 31 -4.5 38 Washington 333 22 398 39 -16.2 47 West Virginia 622 2 588 2 5.8 20 Wisconsin 334 45 322 38 3.8 24 Wyoming 435 19 408 15 6.7 18 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 261 Key Trends State Data and Rankings Nursing home residents age Nursing home residents age 1994 to 2004 percent change in 65+ (% of age 65+), 2004 65+ (% of age 65+), 1994 nursing home residents age 65+ Alabama 4.7 17 3.9 39 20.8 1 Alaska 1.6 50 2.7 48 -39.6 49 Arizona 1.7 49 2.4 49 -31.3 40 Arkansas 4.6 19 7.3 9 -36.8 45 California 2.7 44 3.2 44 -13.7 25 Colorado 4.1 29 5.2 23 -21.8 33 Connecticut 6.1 8 6.2 16 -2.1 11 Delaware 3.6 37 4.6 29 -21.4 32 District of Columbia 4.4 23 4.0 37 10.3 2 Florida 2.6 46 2.8 47 -8.9 22 Georgia 4.6 18 4.9 26 -4.8 16 Hawaii 2.1 47 2.1 50 0.6 6 Idaho 3.7 36 4.1 36 -8.1 21 Illinois 5.1 14 6.2 17 -18.1 28 Indiana 6.1 9 7.0 10 -13.8 26 Iowa 7.1 2 7.5 8 -4.6 15 Kansas 6.3 6 9.0 4 -30.0 39 Kentucky 4.4 24 4.4 33 0.2 7 Louisiana 5.1 13 7.7 7 -33.4 42 Maine 3.8 34 5.4 19 -29.2 37 Maryland 4.0 33 4.1 35 -4.0 14 Massachusetts 6.3 5 6.8 12 -6.7 18 Michigan 3.4 40 3.9 38 -13.9 27 Minnesota 6.2 7 9.6 2 -35.9 44 Mississippi 4.6 22 4.7 28 -3.4 13 Missouri 5.2 12 5.3 22 -0.8 8 Montana 4.3 26 5.4 21 -19.7 30 Nebraska 6.1 10 9.9 1 -38.5 47 Nevada 1.5 51 2.0 51 -23.9 34 New Hampshire 4.7 16 4.8 27 -0.9 9 New Jersey 4.3 28 4.6 30 -7.1 19 New Mexico 2.7 45 3.1 45 -12.7 23 New York 4.6 20 4.5 32 2.3 4 North Carolina 4.0 31 3.8 40 6.7 3 North Dakota 7.3 1 8.4 5 -13.4 24 Ohio 5.9 11 6.0 18 -3.0 12 Oklahoma 4.3 25 7.0 11 -38.1 46 Oregon 1.7 48 3.3 43 -47.9 51 Pennsylvania 4.6 21 4.9 25 -7.1 20 Rhode Island 6.5 4 6.3 15 2.1 5 South Carolina 3.0 42 3.7 42 -18.9 29 South Dakota 6.5 3 9.0 3 -27.4 36 Tennessee 4.3 27 6.4 14 -33.0 41 Texas 4.1 30 5.1 24 -20.6 31 Utah 3.0 41 3.0 46 -1.1 10 Vermont 3.8 35 5.4 20 -29.5 38 Virginia 3.4 39 4.6 31 -25.2 35 Washington 2.8 43 4.4 34 -35.2 43 West Virginia 3.5 38 3.7 41 -6.6 17 Wisconsin 4.9 15 8.3 6 -41.0 50 Wyoming 4.0 32 6.6 13 -39.3 48 Note: State with the highest data value within each ranking is indicated by “1.” Due to rounding, states that appear to have equal values may be ranked differently. See Data Documentation section for complete explanation of column headings and data, which may have been abbreviated in this section. 262 Data Documentation 263 Health Policy Maps HEALTH POLICY MAPS Guaranteed issue in individual market, as of December 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, “Consumer Guides for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance, 2004 Edition.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web:, June 2005. EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of December 2004, insurance carriers were required to accept applicants for individual health policies regardless of claims history or health status. “Guaranteed issue” refers to states where this requirement applied to all carriers, all state residents, and all individual insurance products. “Some guaranteed issue” refers to states where only some carriers were required to accept applicants for coverage, only some state residents may be eligible, or only specific individual insurance products are available. “No guaranteed issue” refers to states that allowed insurers in the individual market to turn down applicants based on their health history. All states are required to provide a coverage alternative for individuals not protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Even if insurers in the individual market do not have to sell coverage to all applicants, many states require insurers to offer conversion policies (that is, a group policy that may be converted into an individual policy upon leaving a job) or have high-risk pools, in order to make alternative access to health coverage available to these individuals. Coverage requirements for mental health benefits, as of March 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the National Conference of State Legislatures, “State Laws Mandating or Regulating Mental Health Benefits,” March 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of March 2005, the state had enacted legislation regarding coverage of care for mental illness and/or substance abuse. “Parity” refers to state laws that prohibit insurers or health care service plans from discriminating between coverage offered for mental illness, serious mental illness, or substance abuse, and coverage offered for other physical disorders and diseases. “Minimum mandated benefit” refers to state laws that require some level of coverage for mental illness and/or substance abuse, but allow discrepancies in the level of benefits provided between mental illness and physical illness, e.g., different visit limits, copayments, deductibles, or annual and lifetime limits. “Mandated offering” refers to state laws that do not require (or mandate) the provision of mental health and/or substance abuse benefits, but require either (1) an option of coverage for mental illness and/or substance abuse be provided, or (2) that, if benefits for mental illness and/or substance abuse are offered, they are equal to benefits for other physical disorders and diseases. “No law” refers to states that have not enacted laws regarding coverage of care for mental illness and/or substance abuse. The following states—CA, CO, HI, IN, ME, MD, MA, MS, MT, NH, OH, SC, TX, VA, WA, and WV—had enacted multiple laws or provisions that do not fall into the same category; therefore, these states were characterized according to the following hierarchy: parity, minimum mandated benefit, and mandated offering. Laws may have applied only to certain types of illnesses (e.g., serious mental illness), certain types of insurance policies (e.g., state employee plans, groups of a particular size), or specific coverage features (e.g., copayments and deductibles). State laws generally did not apply to federally funded public programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and programs operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs. “Self-funded” health insurance plans, often sponsored by large employers, are usually exempt from state regulation because of the federal ERISA law. State enrollment of elderly and/or disabled in Medicaid managed care plans, as of December 2002 — National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP), “Medicaid Managed Care: Looking Forward, Looking Back,” NASHP, June 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to states where, as of December 2002, enrollment in a managed care entity was mandatory for Medicaid beneficiaries age 65 and older and/or persons under age 65 with disabilities who qualified for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). As categorized by this source, the three types of managed care entities were managed care organizations (MCOs), prepaid health plans (PHPs), and primary care case management (PCCM) programs. Four states, AR, IA, LA, and MA, had mandatory managed care enrollment for nonelderly disabled persons, but not the aged. Only one state, MN, had mandatory managed care enrollment for the aged but not the disabled. Medicaid medically needy program for aged and disabled, as of January 2004 — Social Security Administration, “State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients, January 2004,” April 2005. EXPLANATION: Refers to states that, as of Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 264 Health Policy Maps January 2004, reported having a Medicaid medically needy program for aged, blind, and disabled populations. Under a medically needy program, medical expenses are deducted from an individual’s countable income when determining whether the state’s Medicaid medically needy income eligibility criteria are met. Individuals must also meet asset standards specific to the state’s medically needy program. States offering a medically needy program must cover pregnant women and children, but coverage of aged, blind, and disabled persons is optional. Asset verification for Medicare Savings Programs, as of Fall 2002 — Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, “Simplifying Medicaid Enrollment for the Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities” [forthcoming AARP Public Policy Institute publication]. EXPLANATION: Refers to whether the state Medicaid agency required applicants to provide documentation to verify assets for eligibility for the Medicare Savings Programs (i.e., Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries [QMBs], Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries [SLMBs], and Qualifying Individuals [QIs]). The Medicare Savings Programs, also known as Medicare buy-in, help low-income Medicare beneficiaries pay for Medicare premiums and, in some cases, their Medicare cost-sharing. Data were derived from a fall 2002 survey of state Medicaid directors. Data for NM were unavailable (indicated by “N/A”). Estate recovery for Medicare Savings Programs, as of August 2004 — American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, “Medicaid Estate Recovery: A 2004 Survey of State Programs and Practices,” AARP Public Policy Institute, June 2005. EXPLANATION: Refers to whether a state had elected the option to recover from the estates of low-income Medicare beneficiaries who had only received assistance from Medicaid in the payment of their Medicare premiums, copayments, and/or deductibles (i.e., beneficiaries who were QMBs, SLMBs, and QIs), as of August 2004. Some states indicated that they recovered only in certain circumstances. “N/A” refers to states that did not have estate recovery programs at the time the survey was conducted (CO, GA, MI, MO, and TX), and states that did not know the answer to, or did not respond to, the question (AK, NM, WI, and WY). State pharmaceutical assistance programs, as of July 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), “State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs,” NCSL, August 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of August 2005, a state had an operational pharmacy assistance subsidy program, an operational state pharmacy assistance discount program, both types of programs, or neither. “Subsidy program” refers to those state programs that pay for all or part of the cost of prescription drugs. Subsidy programs in FL, IN, MD, SC, VT, and WI operated entirely, or in part, under approved section 1115 waivers. Subsidy programs in AR, AZ, DC, HI, KY, LA, MT, NM, OR, TN, and WA were enacted but were not yet operational. The program in IN was approved in 2002, but remained unimplemented as of spring 2005. The program in TX, which only served residents with end stage renal disease, was discontinued in 2005. “Discount program” refers to programs that place limitations on the prices that can be charged to all or certain residents for their prescriptions, but do not directly pay for prescription drugs. Discount programs in AR, CT, MA, MD, MT, OK, SC, and SD were enacted but were not yet operational. “Both” refers to states that had at least one operational subsidy program and one operational discount program. State pharmacy assistance programs may limit eligibility to targeted populations. State Medicaid cost containment measures, FY2005 — Health Management Associates and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU), “The Continuing Medicaid Budget Challenge: State Medicaid Spending Growth and Cost Containment in Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005: Results from a 50-State Survey,” KCMU, October 2004. EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, in fiscal year (FY) 2005, a state adopted benefit cuts, eligibility cuts, both types of cuts, or neither, in an effort to contain Medicaid costs. Other cost containment measures that states could have undertaken but are not presented here include decreases in provider payments; the imposition of measures to control prescription drug costs; the imposition of new, or increases in existing, copayments for services; managed care expansions; the establishment of disease management and/or case management programs; implementation of measures to prevent and/or reduce fraud and abuse; and the imposition of cost controls on institutional and community-based long-term care. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 265 Health Policy Maps State policies to control Medicaid drug costs, as of August 2005 — Health Policy Tracking Service (HPTS), HPTS Rx State Policies database, “Medicaid Pharmaceutical Cost Control,” Thomson West, August 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of August 2005, a state operated a preferred drug list, operated a preferred drug list and participated in a pharmaceutical bulk purchasing program, or did neither, in an effort to contain Medicaid drug costs. Pharmaceutical bulk purchasing programs can be either intrastate or multistate. Other prescription drug cost containment measures that states could have undertaken but are not presented here include establishing a prescription drug prior authorization program, placing limits on the number of prescriptions that can be filled by a beneficiary, utilizing the services of a pharmacy benefit management company, and establishing focused disease management programs. State patient safety centers, as of July 2004 — National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP), “State Patient Safety Centers: A New Approach to Promote Patient Safety,” NASHP, October 2004. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of July 2004, a state had enacted legislation creating a patient safety center. Although they differed in governing structures, operations, and activities, patient safety centers were similar in that their mission statements included language related to improving, ensuring, or promoting patient safety. Other similar features of many of the centers included goals related to fostering a culture of safety, a desire to provide patient safety education, and the potential to serve as data repositories. Mandatory reporting requirement for medical errors or adverse events in hospitals, as of July 2005 — Health Policy Tracking Service, “Issue Brief: Medical Errors and Patient Safety,” Thomson West, July 18, 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of July 2005, a state had laws or regulations requiring mandatory reporting of medical errors or adverse events in hospitals. An adverse event is an injury that was caused by or is associated with medical management and that results in death or measurable disability. For purposes of these data, medical error and adverse event are defined synonymously. The requirements for what information must be reported varied significantly by state. Policies to enhance pain management, as of March 2003 — Pain & Policy Studies Group, University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, “Achieving Balance in Federal and State Pain Policy: A Guide to Evaluation, Second Edition,” 2003. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of policies—laws, regulations, or guidelines—in each state, as of March 2003, that had the potential to enhance pain management. A law refers to rules of conduct with binding legal force. A regulation is an official policy issued pursuant to statutory authority. A guideline is an officially adopted policy issued by a government agency. In order for a policy to be considered to enhance pain management, it must have met at least one of the following criteria: (1) contained provisions in which controlled substances were recognized as necessary for public health reasons; (2) contained provisions in which pain management was recognized as part of general medical practice; (3) contained provisions in which medical use of opioids was recognized as legitimate professional practice; (4) contained provisions in which pain management was encouraged; (5) contained provisions that addressed practitioners’ concerns about regulatory scrutiny; (6) contained provisions that recognized that prescription amount (e.g., duration or amount of drug therapy) alone was insufficient to determine legitimacy of prescribing practice; (7) contained provisions that did not confuse physical dependence or analgesic tolerance with “addiction”; and (8) contained other provisions that may have enhanced pain management (e.g., additional treatment flexibility when a provider is adhering to state medical board policy). A single policy may have met multiple criteria. State minority health office or designated contact, as of June 2005 — National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), “Minority Health Laws: Commissions and Offices of Minority Health,” NCSL, June 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to whether, as of June 2005, a state had an officially established office of minority health, a designated minority health contact only, or neither. State offices of minority health had various titles (e.g., office, commission, council, center, branch, project, or other unit) and were established as official minority health entities through executive or legislative branch action. States that had Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 266 Health Policy Maps designated minority health contacts, but no officially established office, had an identified person or entity within state government to handle issues related to minority health. Limits on non-economic damages for medical malpractice, as of July 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from Health Policy Tracking Service, “Issue Brief: Medical Malpractice and Tort Reform,” Thomson West, July 18, 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to states that had enacted medical malpractice legislation that placed limits or caps on non-economic damages for medical malpractice as of July 2005. Limits on non-economic damages may be imposed either directly through caps that apply specifically to non-economic damages or indirectly through caps that apply to total damages. “Cap on total damages” refers to states with limits that apply to total damages and, therefore, include non-economic damages. “Cap on non-economic damages” refers to states with limits that apply specifically to non-economic damages. “Both” refers to states with limits on total and non-economic damages. “Neither” refers to states with limits on neither total nor non-economic damages. Limits may not apply to certain types of injuries or categories of providers, or unless other conditions are satisfied. In addition, limits may be expressed in terms other than a single dollar amount. Health plan liability laws to protect consumers, as of December 2004 — BlueCross BlueShield Association (BCBSA), Office of Policy and Representation, “State Legislative Health Care and Insurance Issues: 2004 Survey of Plans,” BCBSA, December 2004. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to states that, as of December 2004, had laws that, under assorted liability theories, created a legal cause of action for damages against health plans (managed care and other health plans) and their employees for harm to enrollees. HEDIS reporting for commercial plans, as of August 2005 — National Committee for Quality Assurance, “Map of State Recognition of HEDIS/CAHPS®,” 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: Programs/publicpolicy/staterecognition.htm. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to state laws that required commercial managed care plans to collect and report HEDIS, the most extensively used set of performance measures in the managed care industry. “Audited data required” refers to states that required plans to report HEDIS data that had been subject to a HEDIS Compliance Audit. The audit is designed to ensure the accuracy, reproducibility, and validity of the HEDIS data, and to detect fraud and gaming. “Data required without audit” refers to states that required plans to report HEDIS data but did not require data to be audited. Data that are not audited can produce greatly different results than HEDIS data that have been audited. “Other HEDIS data required” refers to states that required plans to report HEDIS data for specific measures or plan types, and states where health plan performance measurement was not required by law or regulation but was made a contractual requirement by government agencies. “No HEDIS data required” refers to states that had no requirements to report HEDIS quality data for commercial managed care plans. External grievance review for health plan coverage decisions, as of December 2004 — BlueCross BlueShield Association (BCBSA), Office of Policy and Representation, “State Legislative Health Care and Insurance Issues: 2004 Survey of Plans,” BCBSA, December 2004. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to states that, as of December 2004, reported having at least one law that required health plans to allow enrollees who were dissatisfied with the outcome of the health plan’s internal appeals process to appeal a coverage or claims denial (or other adverse decisions) to an outside medical expert or panel. DEMOGRAPHICS Distribution of population by age (projected), 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web:; and (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Data Base (IDB), “Mid-Year Population Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 267 Demographics by Age and Sex,” July 2005 (for Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands data). Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the total projected U.S. population residing in each state in 2005, including members of the U.S. armed forces stationed in the area, and the share of the total projected population in each age group. Slightly different age groups are presented for states than for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Rural population (% of total), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, “State Fact Sheets,” 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of the estimated state population residing in nonmetropolitan areas in 2004. As defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), metropolitan areas are counties with a core urbanized area of at least 50,000 people and a total population of over 100,000 people. A county lying outside of a metropolitan area is counted as part of the metropolitan area if at least 25 percent of its total population commutes into the core metropolitan area. The commuting distance is a proxy for the significance of the economic tie that the surrounding county has to the core area. The current definition of metropolitan area was implemented in 2003. Prior to that time, counties lying outside of metropolitan areas were counted as part of the metropolitan area only if they were both economically tied to the core area and they displayed a high level of “metropolitan character” based on population density, urbanization, and population growth. Due to this definitional change, data presented in this edition of State Profiles should not be compared with earlier editions of State Profiles. Per capita personal income (average), 2004 — U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), Regional Accounts Data, “Annual State Personal Income.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: http://www. EXPLANATION: Refers to average annual per capita personal income from all sources (i.e., government and nongovernment) in 2004. Per capita personal income equals total personal income in a state divided by that state’s midyear population. Family income (median), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey (CPS) 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the annual income earned by families (and related subfamilies) in 2004 from all sources. For each state, half of the families had higher incomes and half of the families had lower incomes than the median. Distribution of persons under age 50 by family income (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons under the age of 50 with family (and related subfamily) income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold and with family (and related subfamily) income between 101 percent and 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold in 2004. In calendar year 2004, the federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $19,484. Distribution of persons age 50-64 by family income (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 50-64 with family (and related subfamily) income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold and with family (and related subfamily) income between 101 percent and 200 percent of the federal poverty threshold in 2004. In calendar year 2004, the federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $19,484. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Distribution of persons age 65+ by family income (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 65 and older with family (and related subfamily) income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold and with family (and related subfamily) income between 101 percent and 200 Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 268 Expenditures and Financing percent of the federal poverty threshold in 2004. In calendar year 2004, the federal poverty threshold for a family of two, headed by a person age 65 years or older, was $11,418. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. EXPENDITURES AND FINANCING Federal matching funds (%): Medicaid, FY2006 — U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), “Federal Register,” Volume 69, Number 226, November 24, 2004. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the share of expenditures for medical services under federally approved Medicaid plans (Title XIX) that will be paid with federal funds from October 1, 2005, through September 30, 2006. Federal payments to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories are limited by statute to maximum annual dollar amounts. Federal matching funds (%): SCHIP, FY2006 — U.S. DHHS, “Federal Register,” Volume 69, Number 226, November 24, 2004. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the share of expenditures for medical services and medical insurance under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) that will be paid with federal funds from October 1, 2005, through September 30, 2006. Total Medicaid payments for all enrollees, FY2002 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Center for Medicaid and State Operations, Medicaid Statistical Information System, Office of Research, Development and Information, “Medicaid Payments, by Basis of Eligibility and Area of Residence: Fiscal Year 2002,” Draft Table 107, Health Care Financing Review: Medicare and Medicaid Statistical Supplement, 2004 [forthcoming publication]. EXPLANATION: Refers to total Medicaid payments (in billions) in FY2002 for all categories of enrollees (e.g., children, adults, disabled, elderly, and other/unknown). Included are capitated premiums for Medicaid eligibles enrolled in managed care plans, disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, interim lump-sum provider reimbursement adjustments, and final cost report settlements. Medicaid payments (% of total): Elderly, FY2002 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CMS, Center for Medicaid and State Operations, Medicaid Statistical Information System, Office of Research, Development and Information, “Medicaid Payments, by Basis of Eligibility and Area of Residence: Fiscal Year 2002,” Draft Table 107, Health Care Financing Review: Medicare and Medicaid Statistical Supplement, 2004 [forthcoming publication]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid payments made on behalf of enrollees age 65 and older in FY2002. Capitated premiums for Medicaid eligibles enrolled in managed care plans were included in payments made on behalf of elderly enrollees. Disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, interim lump-sum provider reimbursement adjustments, and final cost report settlements were categorized as other/unknown payments and are included in the total Medicaid payments for all enrollees. Medicaid payments (% of total): Disabled, FY2002 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CMS, Center for Medicaid and State Operations, Medicaid Statistical Information System, Office of Research, Development and Information, “Medicaid Payments, by Basis of Eligibility and Area of Residence: Fiscal Year 2002,” Draft Table 107, Health Care Financing Review: Medicare and Medicaid Statistical Supplement, 2004 [forthcoming publication]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid payments made on behalf of enrollees with disabilities in FY2002. Capitated premiums for Medicaid eligibles enrolled in managed care plans were included in payments made on behalf of disabled enrollees. Disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, interim lump-sum provider reimbursement adjustments, and final cost report settlements were categorized as other/unknown payments and are included in the total Medicaid payments for all enrollees. Total Medicaid expenditures as a percent of total state budget, FY2003 — National Association of State Budget Officers, The Reforming States Group, and the Milbank Memorial Fund, “2002-2003 State Health Care Expenditure Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 269 Expenditures and Financing Report,” Table 5, “State Spending by Function as a Percent of Total State Expenditures, Fiscal 2003,” June 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to total Medicaid spending (federal and state funds) as a percentage of total state expenditures in FY2003. Total state expenditures consist of state general funds, other state funds, and federal funds spent on elementary and secondary education, higher education, public assistance, Medicaid, corrections, transportation, and other services. “N/A” = data not available. State Medicaid expenditures as a percent of state-only budget, FY2003 — Prepared by Congressional Research Service (CRS), using data from the National Association of State Budget Officers, State Expenditure Report 2003, fall 2004. “Memorandum: Medicaid in State Budgets,” Table 4, June 13, 2005. EXPLANATION: Refers to state-funded Medicaid expenditures as a percentage of FY2003 state-funded budgets. Data do not include the federal portion of Medicaid spending, but do include funds from other levels of state government. “N/A” = data not available. Medicaid long-term care expenditures (%), FY2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from Brian Burwell, The MEDSTAT Group, Table G (Total Long-Term Care Expenditures) and Table P (Medicaid Expenditures), May 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid payments attributed to long- term care services in FY2004. Data were derived from the CMS Form-64 (formerly HCFA Form-64) reports submitted by states to CMS in order to claim federal financial participation (FFP) for state Medicaid outlays. Figures do not include spending for services provided through capitated managed care programs. Long-term care services include those provided by skilled nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded persons (ICF-MR), those provided under home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers; and home health and personal care support services. Medicare fee-for-service payment per beneficiary (average), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CMS, Office of the Actuary, “Fee-for-Service Expenditure Data by County, Aged: 2003.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the average total per capita fee-for-service payment made on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Part A and Part B in 2003. The calculations assume enrollment in both Part A and Part B. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Publicly funded state health care expenditures (% of total state budget), FY2003 — National Association of State Budget Officers, The Reforming States Group, and the Milbank Memorial Fund, “2002-2003 State Health Care Expenditure Report,” Table 44, June 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to total publicly funded state health care expenditures as a percentage of total state expenditures (including capital) in FY2003. Publicly funded state health care expenditures consist of state general funds, other state funds, and federal funds spent on direct personal health in the categories of Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), state employees’ health benefits, health services provided by state department of corrections, health services expenditures related to higher education, insurance and access expansion, public health-related expenditures, state facility-based services, and community-based health services. Figures generally exclude expenditures for subsistence and personal care. “N/A” = data not available. Public health and community health services expenditures (% of state health spending), FY2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from the National Association of State Budget Officers, The Reforming States Group, and the Milbank Memorial Fund, “2002-2003 State Health Care Expenditure Report,” Table 43, June 2005. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to expenditures for public health-related and community-based health services as a percentage of total publicly funded state health care expenditures in 2003. Public health-related expenditures refer to direct personal health expenditures for specific program areas including, but not limited to, local health clinics, Ryan White AIDS grants, nonfederal Indian health care, licensing boards, and regulatory oversight. Examples of other programs that may be included are pharmaceutical assistance for the elderly, childhood immunization, and chronic disease programs. Data reported for public health-related expenditures do not include all Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 270 Health Status expenditure information for state health departments. Community-based health services expenditures are funds spent on health services provided in a community setting, excluding those eligible for reimbursement under Medicaid. Examples include rehabilitation services, alcohol and drug abuse treatment, mental health community services, developmental disabilities community services, and vocational rehabilitation services. Publicly funded state health care expenditures consist of state general funds, other state funds, and federal funds spent on direct personal health in the categories of Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), state employees’ health benefits, health services provided by state department of corrections, health services expenditures related to higher education, insurance and access expansion, public health-related expenditures, state facility-based services, and community-based health services. Figures generally exclude expenditures for subsistence and personal care. “N/A” = data not available. Price of retail prescription drug (average), 2003 — Data from Vector One™: National (VONA) from Verispan, L.L.C.: Special data request, 2004. Retrieved from the Kaiser Family Foundation on the World Wide Web: http://www. EXPLANATION: Refers to the average price of a product purchased with a prescription and dispensed in retail pharmacies, including new prescriptions and refills of both brand name and generic drugs, in 2003. The Vector One™: National (VONA) collects data from a panel of retail pharmacies, third-party payers, and data providers. Retail pharmacies included independent pharmacies, chain pharmacies, food stores, and mass merchandisers found in 814 defined regional zones. These data exclude prescriptions filled by mail order. Average employee health insurance premium contribution (%), 2003 — U.S. DHHS, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS): Insurance Component, Table II.C.3. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of the total insurance premium amount that active employees contributed to the average annual cost of employment-based health insurance for employee-only coverage in 2003. MEPS is a series of national probability surveys conducted by AHRQ on the financing and utilization of medical care in the United States. HEALTH STATUS Adults age 50+ in poor or fair general health (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. DHHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Online Prevalence Data, “Health Status — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older who reported their general health to be poor or fair. “General” health tends to reflect physical, rather than mental, health. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Due to a change in the age breakdown, data presented in this edition of State Profiles should not be compared with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. “N/A” = data not available. High blood pressure prevalence among adults age 50+ (%), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Hypertension Awareness — 2003.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older who reported that they had ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they had high blood pressure. Percentages do not include women reporting gestational hypertension. The U.S. total is the median of states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Due to a change in the age breakdown, data presented in this edition of State Profiles should not be compared with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. Adults age 50+ whose mental health was not good for >1 week in month (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 271 Health Status BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Health Status — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older who reported that their mental health was not good for at least 8 days during past 30 days. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Due to a change in the age breakdown, data presented in this edition of State Profiles should not be compared with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. “N/A” = data not available. Adults age 65+ with 6+ teeth lost to decay or gum disease (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from the U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Oral Health — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 65 and older who reported having lost six or more teeth in their lifetime due to tooth decay or gum disease. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. “N/A” = data not available. Adults age 50+ with diabetes (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Diabetes Awareness — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older who reported that they had ever been told by a doctor that they had diabetes. Percentages do not include women reporting gestational diabetes. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Due to a change in the age breakdown, data presented in this edition of State Profiles should not be compared with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. “N/A” = data not available. Adults age 50+ who smoke cigarettes (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Tobacco Use — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 to 64 and age 65 and older who reported that they were smoking cigarettes in 2004. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Due to a change in the age breakdown, data in the present edition of State Profiles should not be compared with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. “N/A” = data not available. Adults age 50+ reporting exercise with the intention to maintain/lose weight (%), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Weight Control — 2003.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 to 64 and 65 and older who reported exercising with the intention to maintain or lose weight in 2003. The U.S. total is the median of states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Adults age 65+ with a self-care limitation (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2004 American Community Survey. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 65 and older who reported having a physical, mental, or emotional condition lasting six months or more that made it difficult for them to dress, bathe, or get around inside the home in 2004. Due to a change in data source, caution should be used when comparing data presented in this edition of State Profiles with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 272 Utilization and Quality of Services Deaths due to 5 major chronic diseases (%), 2001 — U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, “The Burden of Chronic Diseases and Their Risk Factors: National and State Perspectives, 2004,” Section 1 Tables and Figures. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of all deaths in 2001 due to the five major chronic diseases. In 2001, the top five leading chronic diseases were heart disease, all cancers, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and diabetes. Together, these diseases accounted for more than two-thirds of all deaths in the United States and 75 percent of the nation’s health care costs in 2001. The U.S. total is the median of all states. UTILIZATION AND QUALITY OF SERVICES Women age 50+ receiving mammogram (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Women’s Health — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized women age 50 and older in 2004 who reported receiving at least one screening or diagnostic mammography service in the past 12 months. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Caution should be used when comparing data presented in this edition of State Profiles with data from earlier editions of State Profiles, which reported mammogram utilization over the previous two years. “N/A” = data not available. Adults age 50+ receiving colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Colorectal Cancer Screening — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older who reported ever having a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy and also reported having a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy within the past 10 years. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Caution should be used when comparing data presented in this edition of State Profiles with data from earlier editions of State Profiles, which reported colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy utilization within the past year. “N/A” = data not available. Adult immunization (age 65+): Pneumococcal pneumonia (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Immunization — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 65 and older who reported that they had ever received a pneumonia shot. This vaccine is used to prevent pneumococcal disease, which includes pneumonia, bacteremia, and meningitis. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. “N/A” = data not available. Adult immunization (age 50+): Influenza (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Immunization — 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older who reported receiving a flu Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 273 Utilization and Quality of Services shot in the past 12 months. The U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. There were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. Due to a change in the age breakdown, data presented in this edition of State Profiles should not be compared with data from earlier editions of State Profiles. “N/A” = data not available. Number of retail prescriptions filled per person (average), 2003 — Data from Vector One™: National (VONA) from Verispan, L.L.C.: Special data request, 2004. Retrieved from the Kaiser Family Foundation on the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the average number of all products filled with a prescription and dispensed in retail pharmacies, including new prescriptions and refills of both brand name and generic drugs, in 2003. The Vector One™: National (VONA) collects data from a panel of retail pharmacies, third-party payers, and data providers. Retail pharmacies included independent pharmacies, chain pharmacies, food stores, and mass merchandisers found in 814 defined regional zones. These data exclude prescriptions filled by mail order. Hospital admissions (per 1,000 population), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Forum, L.L.C., “AHA Hospital Statistics, 2005.” [Used with permission.]; and (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2004 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of patients (excluding newborns) within a state who were accepted for inpatient service by registered community (nonfederal short-term general and other special) hospitals in 2003. Data are reported per 1,000 noninstitutionalized population. The total facility inpatient number excludes separate nursing home units and includes patients who visited the emergency room and were later admitted for inpatient service. Admissions were tabulated by hospital location and may include patients who were residing in other states. Medicare home health users (% of beneficiaries), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. DHHS, CMS, Office of Information Systems (OIS), Health Care Information System (HCIS), untitled table on home health agencies, July 2005; and (2) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries in traditional (fee-for-service) Medicare who used home health services in 2004. Visits were tabulated by location of provider and may include beneficiaries who resided in other states. Data represent fee-for-service claims for services performed in 2004 and recorded as of July 2005. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Medicare home health visits per person served (average), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on home health agencies, July 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the average number of Medicare home health visits received per beneficiary using home health services in 2004. Visits were tabulated by location of provider and may include beneficiaries who resided in other states. Data represent utilization by fee-for-service beneficiaries based on claims for services performed in 2004 and recorded as of July 2005. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Medicare SNF users (% of beneficiaries), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on skilled nursing facilities, July 2005 [unpublished data]. and (2) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries in traditional (fee-for-service) Medicare who used Medicare-covered skilled nursing facility (SNF) services in 2004. Medicare-covered SNF service use was counted only for fee-for-service beneficiaries. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Caution should be used when comparing data presented in this edition of State Profiles with earlier editions of State Profiles. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 274 Resources Available Medicare hospice users (% of beneficiaries), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 2005 [unpublished data]; and (2) U.S. DHHS, CMS, “Medicare Hospice Utilization by State.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: http://www. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries in traditional (fee-for-service) Medicare who used Medicare hospice services in 2003. Data represent fee-for-service claims for services performed in 2003. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. RESOURCES AVAILABLE Physician generalists (per 100,000 population), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) American Medical Association, Department of Data Quality Measurement, Division of Data and Operations, “Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S.,” 2005 ed., 2005. [Used with permission.]; and (2) the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2004 March Supplement. Population data for U.S. territories from U.S Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Database (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2003. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of nonfederal, generalist physicians who reported being engaged in patient care as of December 31, 2003. Data are reported per 100,000 noninstitutionalized population. Generalists were defined as physicians whose self-designated practice specialty was either general practice or family practice. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Physician specialists (per 100,000 population), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) American Medical Association, Department of Data Quality Measurement, Division of Data and Operations, “Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S.,” 2005 ed., 2005. [Used with permission.]; and (2) the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2004 March Supplement. Population data for U.S. territories from U.S Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Database (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2003. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of nonfederal, nongeneralist physicians who reported being engaged in patient care as of December 31, 2003. Data are reported per 100,000 noninstitutionalized population. Specialists were defined as physicians whose self-designated practice specialty included medical, surgical, or other specialties as defined by the American Medical Association. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Geriatricians (per 100,000 population age 65+), 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), “2005 ABMS Annual Report and Reference Handbook,” Table 8 (Geographic Distribution of Diplomates by Subspecialty Certificate). [Used with permission.]; and (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of certificates awarded by state medical boards in the area of gerontology to internal medicine physicians, psychiatrists, and family physicians as of June 2005. Data are reported per 100,000 noninstitutionalized persons age 65 and older (projected for 2005). Number of practicing pharmacists (per 100,000 population), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics, 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web:; and (2) the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. Population data for U.S. territories from U.S Department of Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 275 Resources Available Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Database (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2004. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of practicing pharmacists per 100,000 noninstitutionalized population in 2004. Pharmacists were defined as licensed health personnel who dispense drugs prescribed by physicians and other health practitioners and provide information to patients about medications and their use. They may also advise physicians and other health practitioners on the selection, dosage, interactions, and side effects of medications. The Bureau of Labor Statistics uses sampling techniques for a relatively small occupational group to derive the number of pharmacists in each state. Therefore, the number of practicing pharmacist in a given state may be overestimated or underestimated. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Hospital-based registered nurses in nonmetropolitan areas (% of total), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from The American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Forum L.L.C., “AHA Hospital Statistics, 2005.” [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of full-time equivalent registered nurses who were employed by registered community (nonfederal short-term general and other special) hospitals located in nonmetropolitan areas within a state in 2003 as a percentage of all full-time equivalent registered nurses employed by registered community hospitals in the state. As defined by the OMB, metropolitan areas are counties with a core urbanized area of at least 50,000 people and a total population of over 100,000 people. A county lying outside of a metropolitan area is counted as part of the metropolitan area if at least 25 percent of its total population commutes into the core metropolitan area. The commuting distance is a proxy for the significance of the economic tie that the surrounding county has to the core area. The current definition of metropolitan area was implemented in 2003. Prior to that time, counties lying outside of metropolitan areas were counted as part of the metropolitan area only if they were both economically tied to the core area and they displayed a high level of “metropolitan character” based on population density, urbanization, and population growth. Due to this definitional change, caution should be used when comparing data presented in this edition of State Profiles with earlier editions of State Profiles. Hospital beds (per 100,000 population), 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) The American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Forum, L.L.C., “AHA Hospital Statistics, 2005.” [Used with permission.]; and (2) the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2004 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of beds, cribs, and pediatric bassinets that were regularly maintained for inpatient use by registered community (nonfederal short-term general and other special) hospitals in 2003. Data are reported per 100,000 noninstitutionalized population. The number excludes beds in separate nursing home units. Community health centers (#), 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CMS, Office of Survey and Certification, Online Survey, Certification, and Reporting (OSCAR) system, “Number of Active Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers,” July 19, 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of active federally-qualified health centers and rural health clinics. Due to variation in reporting, this figure may not include all health centers receiving federal funding from a Public Health Service program. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Medicare-certified home health agencies (per 100,000 beneficiaries), 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OSCAR, Report No. 10, ”Facility Counts, Active Providers,” July 15, 2005 [unpublished data]; and (2) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 14, 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of Medicare-certified home health agencies reported as of July 2005. Data are reported per 100,000 Medicare beneficiaries in 2004, the latest year available when this report was prepared. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 276 Medicare MEDICARE Medicare beneficiaries: Number (in 1,000s), 2004 — U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the total number of beneficiaries enrolled in the Medicare program as of 2004, including persons enrolled in Part A only (Hospital Insurance), Part B only (Supplementary Medical Insurance), or both Part A and Part B. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Medicare beneficiaries: Percent of population, 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 2005 [unpublished data]; and (2) the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. Population data for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands from U.S Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, International Programs Center, International Database (IDB), “Mid-Year Population by Age and Sex,” July 2004. EXPLANATION: Refers to the total number of beneficiaries enrolled in the Medicare program as of 2004, including persons enrolled in Part A only (Hospital Insurance), Part B only (Supplementary Medical Insurance), or both Part A and Part B, as a percentage of total state population. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Disabled Medicare beneficiaries under age 65 (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations based on U.S. DHHS, CMS, OIS, HCIS, untitled table on Medicare enrollment, July 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries, enrolled as of 2004, who were under age 65 and qualified for Medicare by receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) cash payments for at least two years, or having end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or being diagnosed with amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Medicare beneficiaries with full or partial Medicaid (%), 2003 — Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Dual Eligibles as a Percent of Total Medicare Enrollees, 2003,” 2005. Calculations based on (1) CMS Statistics: Medicare State Enrollment, CMS; and (2) Urban Institute estimates based on data from the Medicaid Statistical Information System. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare beneficiaries of all ages who also had full or partial Medicaid coverage during 2003. Medicare beneficiaries with full Medicaid coverage qualify for full Medicaid benefits, including long-term care provided both in institutions and in the community as well as prescription drugs. For this group, Medicaid may also pay Medicare premiums and cost sharing. Medicare beneficiaries with partial Medicaid coverage are not eligible for full Medicaid benefits but may receive assistance with some or all of their Medicare premiums and cost sharing. Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%): Employer sponsored, 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over who had employer-provided (retirement or other) health insurance at any time during 2004. Employer-sponsored coverage did not preclude the possibility of coverage from another source at some time during the year. Private supplemental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries age 65+ (%): Individually purchased, 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over who had privately purchased individual supplemental coverage (e.g., Medigap) at any time during 2004. Individually purchased coverage did not preclude the possibility of coverage from another source at some time during the year. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 277 Medicare Providers who accept Medicare fee as full payment (% of providers), 2005 — U.S. DHHS, CMS, Office of Financial Management, Budget & Analysis Group, 2005, “Medicare Part B Participating Physicians and Other Practitioners by State,” July 2005 [unpublished data]. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of physicians and other health care suppliers submitting Medicare claims in 2005 that are enrolled in the Medicare participating physician and supplier program. This program requires that physicians and suppliers agree to accept the Medicare fee as the total amount they will bill for Medicare-covered services (i.e., “accept assignment”), thereby limiting the patient’s financial exposure to Medicare-approved coinsurance amounts. Enrollment of Medicare beneficiaries in MA plans (%), 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from U.S. DHHS, CMS, Center for Health Plans and Providers, “Medicare Managed Care Market Penetration for All Medicare Plan Contractors – Quarterly State/County Data Files,” July 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of total Medicare beneficiaries who were enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans as of July 2005. Medicare Advantage plans include Coordinated Care Plans (HMOs), Private Fee-for-Service Plans, Preferred Provider Organizations, and Specialty Plans. Data do not include cost contracts, demonstrations or Health Care Prepayment Plans (Sec. 1833 of the Social Security Act). Enrollment was attributed to the state in which the beneficiary resided. “<1”= less than one percent enrollment. The U.S total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Number of stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans, 2006 — U.S. DHHS, CMS, “Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Approvals - September 30, 2005.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of stand-alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans operating within a state that have been approved for participation by CMS as of September 2005. Stand-alone prescription drug plans allow any beneficiary in the state to enroll in Medicare prescription drug coverage while remaining in traditional Medicare. All plans were determined to have met Medicare’s requirements for providing access to medically necessary drugs, including formulary standards as well as standards for access to convenient retail pharmacies and to drugs in nursing homes. Not included are Medicare Advantage plans offering prescription drug coverage as MA-PD plans, e.g., regional PPOs, HMOs, and private fee-for-service plans. The U.S. total number of plans is less than the sum of the number of state plans because plans offered within the same prescription drug plan region (which may consist of more than one state) were counted only once. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. MEDICAID Medicaid enrollment by category of enrollee, 2001 — The Urban Institute for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group, FY2001,” 2005. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the distribution of persons enrolled in Medicaid for any length of time during FY2001 based on their eligibility category. These individuals may not have actually used any services during this period, but they were reported as enrolled in the program and were eligible to receive services in at least one month. “Child” generally refers to enrollees age 17 and younger. “Adult” generally refers to enrollees age 18 to 64. However, some people under age 18 may have been classified as “adults” and some people age 18 and older may have been classified as “children” depending on why they qualified for the program and each state’s practices. “Elderly” refers to all enrollees age 65 and older. “Disabled” refers to enrollees age 64 and under who were reported as eligible for Medicaid due to a disability. Adjustments to enrollment data were made by The Urban Institute to assure data quality and consistency. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 278 Medicaid Persons under age 65 in poverty with Medicaid (% <65 in poverty), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of all noninstitutionalized persons under age 65 with family (and related subfamily) income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold in 2004 who were covered by Medicaid at any time during the year. Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Low-income working adults with dependents, as of July 2004 — The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, “Beneath the Surface: Barriers Threaten to Slow Progress on Expanding Health Coverage of Children and Families: A 50 State Update on Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal and Cost-Sharing Practices in Medicaid and SCHIP,” Table 3 (Income Threshold for Parents Applying for Medicaid, Based on a Family of Three as of July 2004), October 2004. EXPLANATION: Refers to the income standard for a family of three, as of July 2004, as a percentage of the federal poverty guideline, for parents applying for Medicaid under (a) section 1931 of the Social Security Act (parents with dependent children), (b) section 1115 (research and demonstration) waiver authority, or (c) state-only funded coverage expansions. The following states have expanded coverage for parents under waivers using Medicaid and/or State Children’s Health Insurance (SCHIP) funds: AZ, DE, HI, MN, NY, OR, RI, TN, VT, and WI. Utah reported providing a limited benefit package with enrollment fees, copayments, and an enrollment cap under its section 1115 waiver. PA and WA reported using state funds to extend coverage to working parents. States that stopped enrolling at least some—and possibly all—eligible parents at any time between April 2003 and July 2004 were OR, PA, TN, UT, and WA. Earnings disregards were taken into account when presenting income standards for working parents. In some cases, these disregards may have been time limited. In some states, the income eligibility guidelines vary by region. In 2004, the federal poverty guidelines for a family of three living in the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia was $15,670; in AK, the poverty guideline was $19,590 for a family of three; and, in HI, the poverty guideline was $18,020 for a family of three. Maximum annual income for Medicaid eligibility (% of poverty level): Supplemental Security Income, 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) Families USA, “Medicaid Eligibility for Seniors and People with Disabilities as of June 2003.” [Used with permission.]; and (2) U.S. DHHS, “Federal Register, Annual Update of the HHS Poverty Levels,” Volume 68, Number 26, February 7, 2003. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: http://www.aspe. EXPLANATION: Refers to the maximum amount of income, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and a State Supplement (SSP) benefit from federal and state sources, expressed as a percentage of the federal poverty guidelines, that an aged or disabled individual living in the community could receive and be eligible for Medicaid in 2003 under the SSI or SSP eligibility pathways. In most states, recipients of SSI benefits automatically receive Medicaid coverage. “*” = section 209(b) states, in which more restrictive income criteria for Medicaid eligibility may apply to aged individuals and, therefore, SSI eligibility does not guarantee Medicaid eligibility. Because specified amounts of income are excluded when determining income eligibility for Medicaid, an individual with income exceeding the maximum income eligibility level may still be eligible for Medicaid; these “income disregards” are not reflected in the figures presented. In 2003, the federal poverty guideline for a single individual living in the 48 contiguous states and the DC was $8,980; in AK, the poverty guideline was $11,210; and, in HI, the poverty guideline was $10,330. “N/A” = data not available. Medicaid enrollment in managed care plans (%), as of December 2004 — U.S. DHHS, CMS, “Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment as of December 31, 2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries enrolled in Medicaid managed care plans as of December 31, 2004. Managed care plans included primary care case management (PCCM) providers, commercial managed care organizations (MCO), Medicaid-only managed care organizations (MCO), health insuring organizations (HIO), prepaid inpatient health plans (PIHP), prepaid ambulatory health plans (PAHP), programs for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE), and other managed care plans. Enrollment figures included all Medicaid beneficiaries, including the aged, disabled, and those who may have been Medicaid-eligible because of state Medicaid coverage expansions. Enrollees were attributed to the state in which the Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 279 Health Coverage and the Uninsured health plan was located. Managed care enrollment figures reflect unduplicated counts and included enrollees who were receiving either comprehensive benefits or limited benefits. The U.S. total includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. HEALTH COVERAGE AND THE UNINSURED Persons under age 65 with and without health insurance (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized individuals under age 65 by primary source of health insurance in 2004. Individuals with more than one source of coverage during the year were assigned to a single source according to the order of the categories listed below. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. • An employer, as either a current/former employee or a dependent of a current/former employee. • Some other private source of coverage not offered through a person’s current or former employer or union. This category includes both group and individually-purchased coverage but consists primarily of individually-purchased insurance. • Medicaid. • Some other public program other than Medicaid, such as Medicare or CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services). • Uninsured, i.e., not covered by private health insurance (employer or other) and did not receive publicly financed health coverage (Medicaid or other) at any time during the year. Uninsured persons (%): White, 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized white persons under age 65 who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2004. Persons who did not define their racial origin as Black, American Indian, or Asian/Pacific Islander and did not define their ethnicity as Hispanic (of any race) were categorized as White. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. Uninsured persons (%): Minority/ethnic, 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized minority/ethnic persons under age 65 who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2004. Persons who defined their racial origin as Black, American Indian, or Asian/Pacific Islander or defined their ethnicity as Hispanic (of any race) were categorized as minority/ethnic. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. Uninsured children below 200% of poverty (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons under age 19 with family (and related subfamily) income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2004. In 2004, the federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $18,850. “–” = data not reported due to small sample size. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 280 Key Trends Uninsured nonelderly adults with family income below the national median (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 18 to 64 with family (and related subfamily) income below the national median who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2004. In 2004, the median family income for all families from all sources was $53,774. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. Uninsured adults age 50-64 (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons between the ages of 50 and 64 who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2004. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. Uninsured full-time workers with dependents (%), 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons age 18 to 64 working full-time, either full-year or part-year, who also have dependents and who reported having no type of health insurance coverage (public or private) throughout 2004. Data may overestimate the extent of uninsured persons because children on Medicaid whose parents were full-time workers and uninsured are counted as uninsured. Due to changes in the CPS questions used to ascertain health insurance status that were introduced in the 2000 survey, caution should be used when comparing data in different editions of State Profiles. High-risk insurance pool participation (average per month), reported as of 2005 — Communicating for Agriculture and the Self-Employed, “Comprehensive Health Insurance for High-Risk Individuals,” 19th ed., 2005/2006. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to the average monthly number of participants who had in-force policies in state high-risk insurance pools that make comprehensive health insurance coverage available to otherwise “uninsurable” individuals. A person eligible for Medicaid is usually not eligible to participate in a high-risk pool. Average enrollment for AR, CT, FL, IN, KS, LA, MD, MN, MS, MO, NE, NM, ND, OK, OR, SC, SD, and WI was as of the end of 2004. Average enrollment for AK, CA, CO, ID, IL, IA, KY, MT, NH, TX, UT, WA, and WY was as of June 2005. Average enrollment for AL is as of the end of 2005. The high-risk pools in AL and SD are for portability only, meaning only federally protected individuals who lose group coverage are eligible to participate. The high-risk pool in FL has been closed to new enrollees since 1991. The high-risk pool in IA is currently being reorganized. High-risk pool participants in TN are not tracked separately from Medicaid participants. The high-risk pool in WV is new and currently being organized. KEY TRENDS Population age 50-64 (#), 1995 & 2005 — Population age 50-64 (#), 1995 & 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: projections; and (2) “Population Estimates for the U.S., Regions, Divisions and States by 5-year Age Groups and Sex: Time Series Estimates, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999 and April 1, 1990 Census Population Counts.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the projected U.S. population age 50-64 residing in each state in 1995, including members of the U.S. armed forces stationed in the area, compared with the projected population in 2005. Percent change from 1995 to 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 281 Key Trends calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Population age 65+ (#), 1995 & 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web:; and (2) “Population Estimates for the U.S., Regions, Divisions and States by 5-year Age Groups and Sex: Time Series Estimates, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999 and April 1, 1990 Census Population Counts.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: popest/archives/1990s. EXPLANATION: Refers to the projected U.S. population age 65 and older residing in each state in 1995, including members of the armed forces stationed in the area, compared with the projected population in 2005. Percent change from 1995 to 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Minority/ethnic population (%), 1995 & 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 1995 March Supplement and 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of noninstitutionalized persons in 1995 who defined their racial origin as Black, American Indian, or Asian/Pacific Islander, or defined their ethnicity as Hispanic (of any race), compared with the percentage of persons in 2005. Percent change from 1995 to 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Persons under age 65 with family income at or below poverty (%), 1994 & 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute analysis using data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 1995 March Supplement and 2005 March Supplement. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of all noninstitutionalized persons under age 65 in 1994 with family (and related subfamily) income at or below 100 percent of the federal poverty threshold, compared with the percentage of persons in 2004. The federal poverty threshold for a nonelderly family of four was $15,286 in 1994 and $19,484 in 2004. Percent change from 1994 to 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Infant deaths (per 1,000 live births), 1993 & 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using (1) U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), National Vital Statistics Report (NVSR) (53:9), “Live births by race and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, each State and territory, and birth and fertility rates, preliminary 2003,” Table 4; (2) U.S. DHHS, CDC, NCHS, NVSR (53:15), “Total count of records and percent completeness of preliminary files of infant deaths and deaths 1 year and over: United States, each State and territory, preliminary 2003,” Table I; and (3) U.S. DHHS, CDC, NCHS, Monthly Vital Statistics Report (42:13), “Provisional number of deaths and infant deaths: Each division and State, 1992 and 1993,” Table 1, and “Provisional death rates and infant mortality rates: Each division and State, 1992 and 1993,” Table 3. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of deaths of children of all races under one year of age per 1,000 live births in 1993, compared with the number in 2003. Infant death rates for 2003 are based on preliminary data. Percent change from 1993 to 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 282 Key Trends Overweight and/or obese adults age 50+ (%), 1994 & 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from the U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Weight Classifications based on BMI—1994” and “Weight Classifications Based on BMI—2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of all noninstitutionalized adults age 50 and older in 1994 whose body mass index (BMI) was over 25.0, compared with the percentage in 2004. According to the CDC, a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 is considered overweight, and BMI of 30.0 or more is considered obese. BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Figures presented underestimate the prevalence of overweight among adults because people tend to underreport their weight. There were insufficient data to include RI in the aggregate 1994 BRFSS data set, and there were insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. “N/A” = data not available. The 1994 U.S. total is the median of states (excluding RI). The 2004 U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI). Percent change from 1994 to 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10- year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Adults age 50+ who didn’t visit a doctor due to cost (%), 1994 & 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from the U.S. DHHS, CDC, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, BRFSS Online Prevalence Data, “Health Care Access—1994” and “Health Care Access—2004.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of all noninstitutionalized adults age 50+ in 1994 who reported that there was a time during the past 12 months when they needed to see a doctor but did not because of the cost, compared with the percentage in 2004. There were insufficient data to include RI in the aggregate 1994 BRFSS data set, and insufficient data to include HI in the aggregate 2004 BRFSS data set. “N/A” = data not available. The 1994 U.S. total is the median of states (excluding RI). The 2004 U.S. total is the median of states (excluding HI). Percent change from 1994 to 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Population underserved by primary care physicians (%), 1995 & 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) U.S. DHHS, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Bureau of Health Professions, “Selected Statistics on Health Professional Shortage Areas” (as of June 30, 1995, and as of March 31, 2005) [unpublished tables]; (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Interim State Population Projections, 2005, “Interim State Projections of Population for Five-Year Age Groups and Selected Age Groups by Sex: July 1, 2004 to 2030.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: population/projections; and (3) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, “Population Estimates for the U.S., Regions, Divisions and States by 5-year Age Groups and Sex: Time Series Estimates, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999, and April 1, 1990 Census Population Counts.” Retrieved from the World Wide Web: popest/archives/1990s. EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of the state population considered to be underserved by primary care physicians in 1995, compared with the percentage in 2005. “Underserved,” as defined by HRSA, refers to a population-to-practitioner ratio greater than 2,000:1. “Practitioners” are defined as all nonfederal doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy providing direct patient care who practice principally in general or family practice, general internal medicine, pediatrics, or obstetrics and gynecology. Percent change from 1995 to 2005 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Total Medicaid enrollment (in 1,000s), FY1992 & FY2001 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) The Urban Institute for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Estimates based on data from HCFA- 2082 reports [unpublished data]; and (2) The Urban Institute and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Estimates based on data from Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) reports from the Centers for Medicare Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 283 Key Trends and Medicaid Services (CMS), 2005. Retrieved from the Kaiser Family Foundation on the World Wide Web: EXPLANATION: Refers to the number of persons who were enrolled in the Medicaid program in FY1992, compared with the number in FY2001. “*” = a significant number of enrollees were either missing or categorized as “unknown” (no reported enrollee group or cash assistance status) in the original 1992 data released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Therefore, the Urban Institute estimates for 1992 relied heavily on supplemental data sources. Although states are not supposed to report Title XXI program (SCHIP) enrollment on their HCFA-2082 forms, some states may have included it. Percent change from 1992 to 2001 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire nine-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Medicaid spending on prescription drugs (%), 1997 & 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from Brian Burwell, The MEDSTAT Group, Table O (Medicaid Total Long-Term Care Expenditures) and Table P (Medicaid Expenditures), May 2005, and Table M (Drugs) and Table N (Medicaid Expenditures), May 2003. [Used with permission.] EXPLANATION: Refers to the percentage of Medicaid payments (before rebates) attributed to prescription drugs in FY1997, compared with FY2004. Data were derived from the CMS Form-64 (formerly HCFA Form-64) reports submitted by states to CMS in order to claim federal matching funds. Figures do not include spending for services provided by managed care plans. N/A = states where the vast majority of spending was for services provided by managed care plans. The 1997 U.S. total did not include AZ or TN. The 2004 U.S. total did not include AZ. Percent change from 1997 to 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire seven-year period. Change (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Emergency room visits (per 1,000 population), 1993 & 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) The American Hospital Association (AHA), Health Forum, L.L.C., “AHA Hospital Statistics, 2005” and “AHA Hospital Statistics, 1994/95.” [Used with permission.]; and (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 1994 and 2004 March Supplements. EXPLANATION: Refers to the rate of emergency room visits at registered community (nonfederal, short-term general, and other special) hospitals per 1,000 persons in 1993, compared with the rate of visits in 2003. Emergency room patients admitted for inpatient care were counted as emergency visits. Visits were attributed to the state in which the hospital was located and may have included patients who resided in other states. Percent change from 1993 to 2003 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Nursing home residents age 65+ (% of age 65+), 1994 & 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculations using data from (1) Cowles Research Group, “Table III-7: Payor Mix and Census by State, 1994,” and “Table III-7: Payor Mix and Census by State, 2004,” July 16, 2005 (data derived from U.S. DHHS, CMS, OSCAR database; used with permission); and (2) U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, CPS 1995 and 2005 March Supplements. EXPLANATION: Refers to residents age 65 and older in nursing facilities as a percentage of the total population age 65 and older in 1994, compared with 2004. Percent change from 1994 to 2004 — AARP Public Policy Institute calculation. Refers to the cumulative change in indicator value over the entire 10-year period. Changes (in percentage terms) may appear especially large when the absolute value for the indicator in the first year is relatively low. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 284 AARP Membership Map AARP MEMBERSHIP MAP AARP membership as percent of age 50+ population, 2005 — Prepared by AARP Knowledge Management using data from (1) AARP Konnex Database, July 2005, and Claritas, Inc., 2005; and (2) AARP Membership Development Report and U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2005 (for Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands data). EXPLANATION: Refers to AARP member households as a percentage of all households with householders ages 50 and older. The penetration rate was in the 8 to 34.9 percent range for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and in the 55 to 65 percent range for the U.S. Virgin Islands. Note: Unless specified otherwise, U.S. figures include the District of Columbia and do not include the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories. 285 286 ® AARP Members as Percent of Individuals Age 50 Years and Older WA MT ND MN ME SD WI VT OR ID MI NH WY NY MA IA NE PA RI IL IN OH NJ CT NV UT CO WV DE KS MO KY VA MD CA DC OK TN NC AZ NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA 55 - 65% (4) AK 45 - 54.9% (14) FL 35 - 44.9% (30) 8 - 34.9% (5) HI PR VI AARP State Offices* ALABAMA DELAWARE ILLINOIS/Chicago MARYLAND 201 Monroe Street 1100 N. Market Street Suite 222 N. LaSalle Street 200 St. Paul Place Suite 1880, RSA Tower Suite 1201 Suite 710 Suite 2510 Montgomery, AL 36104 Wilmington, DE 19890 Chicago, IL 60601 Baltimore, MD 21202 (866) 542-8167 (866) 227-7441 (866) 448-3613 (866) 542-8163 FAX (334) 954-3050 FAX (302) 571-1984 FAX (312) 372-2204 FAX (410) 895-0269 ALASKA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ILLINOIS/Springfield MASSACHUSETTS 3601 C Street 601 E Street NW 300 West Edwards Street One Beacon Street Suite 1420 A1-200 3rd floor Suite 2301 Anchorage, AK 99503 Washington, DC 20049 Springfield, IL 62708 Boston, MA 02108 (866) 227-7447 (202) 434-7701 (866) 448-3617 (866) 448-3621 FAX (907) 341-2270 FAX (202) 434-7710 FAX (217) 522-7796 FAX (617) 723-4224 ARIZONA FLORIDA/St. Petersburg INDIANA MICHIGAN 201 E. Washington Street 400 Carillon Parkway One North Capitol Ave 309 North Washington Suite 1795 Suite 100 Suite 1275 Square Phoenix, AZ 85004 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Suite 110 (866) 389-5649 (866) 595-7678 (866) 448-3618 Lansing, MI 48933 FAX (602) 256-2928 FAX (727) 571-2278 FAX (317) 423-2211 (866) 227-7448 FAX (517) 482-2794 ARKANSAS FLORIDA/South Florida IOWA 1701 Centerview Drive 3350 SW 148th Avenue 600 E. Court Avenue MINNESOTA Suite 205 Suite 120 Suite C 30 East 7th Street Little Rock, AR 72211 Miramar, FL 33027 Des Moines, IA 50309 Suite 1200 (866) 554-5379 (866) 595-7678 (866) 554-5378 St. Paul, MN 55101 FAX (501) 227-7710 FAX (954) 438-7871 FAX (515) 244-4719 (866) 554-5381 FAX (651) 221-2636 CALIFORNIA/Pasadena FLORIDA/Tallahassee KANSAS 200 S. Los Robles Avenue 200 West College Avenue 555 South Kansas Avenue MISSISSIPPI Suite 400 Suite 304 Suite 201 6360 1-55 North Pasadena, CA 91101 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Topeka, KS 66603 Suite 160 (866) 448-3615 (866) 595-7678 (866) 448-3619 Jackson, MS 39211 FAX (626) 583-8500 FAX (850) 222-8968 FAX (785) 232-8259 (866) 554-5382 FAX (601) 991-3342 CALIFORNIA/Sacramento GEORGIA KENTUCKY 980 9th Street 999 Peachtree Street NE 10401 Linn Station Road MISSOURI Suite 700 Suite 1645 Plainview Center, Suite 121 700 West 47th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Atlanta, GA 30309 Louisville, KY 40223 Suite 110 (866) 448-3614 (866) 295-7281 (866) 295-7275 Kansas City, MO 64112 FAX (916) 556-3000 FAX (404) 881-6997 FAX (502) 394-9918 (866) 389-5627 FAX (816) 561-3107 COLORADO HAWAII LOUISIANA 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue 1132 Bishop Street 301 Main Street MONTANA Suite 200 19th floor Suite 1012 30 West 14th Street Denver, CO 80203 Honolulu, HI 96813 Baton Rouge, LA 70825 Suite 301 (866) 554-5376 (866) 295-7282 (866) 448-3620 Helena, MT 59601 FAX (303) 764-5999 FAX (808) 537-2288 FAX (225) 387-3400 (866) 295-7278 FAX (406) 441-2230 CONNECTICUT IDAHO MAINE 21 Oak Street 3080 Gentry Way 1685 Congress Street NEBRASKA Suite 104 Suite 100 Portland, ME 04102 301 South 13th Street Hartford, CT 06106 Meridian, ID 83642 (866) 554-5380 Suite 201 (866) 295-7279 (866) 295-7284 FAX (207) 775-5727 Lincoln, NE 68508 FAX (860) 249-7707 FAX (208) 288-4424 (866) 389-5651 FAX (402) 323-6913 *Information is current as of July 2005. For more information on an office in your state, please call AARP at (800) 424-3410. 287 AARP State Offices* NEVADA OHIO TENNESSEE WASHINGTON 5820 S. Eastern Avenue 17 South High Street 150 4th Avenue North 9750 Third Avenue NE Suite 190 Suite 800 Suite 180 Suite 450 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Columbus, OH 43215 Nashville, TN 37219 Seattle, WA 98115 (866) 389-5652 (866) 389-5653 (866) 295-7274 (866) 227-7457 FAX (702) 938-3225 FAX (614) 224-9801 FAX (615) 313-8414 FAX (206) 517-9350 NEW HAMPSHIRE OKLAHOMA TEXAS/Austin WEST VIRGINIA 900 Elm Street 126 North Bryant Avenue 98 San Jacinto Blvd 300 Summers Street Suite 702 Edmond, OK 73034 Suite 750 Suite 400 Manchester, NH 01301 (866) 295-7277 Austin, TX 75231 Charleston, WV 25301 (866) 542-8168 FAX (405) 844-7772 (866) 227-7443 (866) 227-7458 FAX (603) 629-0066 FAX (512)480-9799 FAX (304) 344-4633 OREGON NEW JERSEY 9200 SE Sunnybrook TEXAS/Houston WISCONSIN Forrestal Village Boulevard 2323 South Shepherd 222 West Washington Ave 132 Main Street Suite 410 Suite 1100 Suite 600 Princeton, NJ 08540 Clackamas, OR 97015 Houston, TX 77019 Madison, WI 53703 (866) 542-8165 (866) 554-5360 (866) 227-7443 (866) 448-3611 FAX (609) 987-4634 FAX (503) 652-9933 FAX (832) 325-2213 FAX (608) 251-7612 NEW MEXICO PENNSYLVANIA TEXAS/Dallas WYOMING 535 Cerrillos Road 30 North Third Street 8144 Walnut Hill Lane 2020 Carey Avenue Suite A Suite 750 Suite 700 Mezzanine Santa Fe, NM 87501 Harrisburg, PA 17101 Dallas, TX 75231 Cheyenne, WY 82001 (866) 389-5636 (866) 389-5654 (866) 554-5377 (866) 663-3290 FAX (505) 820-2889 FAX (717) 236-4078 FAX (214) 265-4061 FAX (307) 634-3808 NEW YORK/New York PUERTO RICO UTAH 780 Third Avenue 654 Munoz Rivera Avenue 6975 Union Park Center 33rd floor Suite 901 Suite 320 New York, NY 10017 San Juan, PR 00918 Midvale, UT 84047 (866) 227-7442 (866) 542-8169 (866) 448-3616 Fax: 212-644-6390 FAX (787) 754-2211 FAX (801) 561-2209 NEW YORK/Albany RHODE ISLAND VERMONT One Commerce Plaza 10 Orms Street 112 State Street Suite 706 Suite 200 5th floor Albany, NY 12260 Providence, RI 02904 Montpelier, VT 05602 (866) 542-8166 (866) 542-8170 (866)-227-7451 FAX (518) 434-6949 FAX (401) 272-0876 FAX (802) 224-9057 NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA VIRGINIA 225 Hillsborough Street 1201 Main Street 707 East Main Street Suite 440 Suite 1280 Suite 910 Raleigh, NC 27603 Columbia, SC 29201 Richmond, VA 23219 (866) 389-5650 (866) 389-5655 (866) 542-8164 FAX (919) 755-9684 FAX (803) 251-4379 FAX (804) 819-1923 NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA VIRGIN ISLANDS 107 West Main Avenue 5101 S. Nevada Street 93B Estate Diamond Suite 125 #150 Sunny Isle Bismarck, ND 58501 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 St. Croix, VI 00820 (866) 554-5388 (866) 542-8172 (866) 389-5633 FAX (701) 221-2242 FAX (605) 361-2323 FAX (340) 692-2544 *Information is current as of July 2005. For more information on an office in your state, please call AARP at (800) 424-3410. 288