[Film leader] [Film leader] [Indian music] [Films division presents] [Indian music] [A Great Problem] [Credits] [Indian music continues] [Credits] [Indian music continues] [Credits] [Animated characters fill the screen] [Narrator:] There are about450 million people in India, [Animated shirtless Indian man] but we want to talk to you. [Vocalization] "To me?" Yes, to you. [Narrator:] Have you got any problems? [Vocalization] "No." [Narrator:] No. Are you sure? [Vocalization] "Uh huh." [3 children clanging pans] And how do youfeed your children? [Vocalization] "Uh." [Narrator:] All right. We'll come with you. This farmer plows hisfield, sows the seeds, scares away the birdswho want to eat his crop. He works hard, but it's worth itbecause he gets a good harvest. The farmer has three brothersand the four of them share the harvest equally. Supposing theywere eight brothers and if 16 people hadto share the harvest. And if there were 32,almost nothing left. And you are going to feedyour family with this? You think it's enough? [Vocalization] "Oh?" [Narrator:] Are you going tohave more children? [Vocalization] "I don't know." [Narrator:] Aha, it's the willof God, is it? And if you had six children,would it be all right? [Vocalization] "Umm." [Narrator:] You can barely feed thethree kids you have now. If you have any more, howare you going to feed them? What sort of a fatherare you, anyway? Don't you care for your family? [Animated man:] You keep out of this! My family is my business. [Narrator:] Exactly. Your family is your business. [Boing, sound effect] Now relax and comealong with us. [Baby birds chirpingfor food] It is nature's lawthat a living being should reproduce its kind. That's the only way tokeep the world going, but procreation alsocreates a very big problem, the problem of overpopulation. Some busy littlestatisticians calculated that if a husband andwife had six children and if each of the childrenhad six children and so on, it would take only19 generations to fill the world with over3,238 million people, which is more than the worldpopulation today. And what does this mean? More people require more spacefor homes, more space for homes means less land for the plowbecause land remains the same even when people multiply. Less land means lessfood and more people will require more clothes,more houses, more medicines, and above all, more employment. To meet these needs, wetry to increase production and that is exactly whatour five-year plans are trying to do. We have multi-purpose projectsfor irrigation and power, new industries, we are improvingour methods of cultivation, we are developing cooperatives,transport and communications, health facilities, and so on. [Red cross vehiclewith aid worker] All this activity, bothrural and industrial, helps to increase thewealth of the nation, but our population increasesso quickly that this increased wealth is eaten up. We have to run evento stand still. Because our wealth has to bedivided between so many people, it means less foreach one of us. So what concerns thenation, concerns you. If instead of threechildren, you have more, you will not be ableto feed them properly. You will do them injustice. [Animation of food trayfloating away] Not only food, you will notbe able to give them all the things that children need. [Children observingflying objects] [Eerie music] Even as a child needsa mother's love, it needs a mother's timeand attention and care, but how can shelook after so many? Why, she won't even havetime to look after you. Think about that one. And there's another thing. Repeated pregnancies leavea woman ill and weak. An ill mother very oftenmeans an ill child. [Oil lamp flame goes out] [Dire music] [Uplifting music If you space out thebirth of children, you have a healthymother, healthy children, and enough for all. In short, if youplan for your family, you have a happy family. You see, family planning doesnot mean not having children, it means knowing whento have children. And if you need advice onhow to plan your family, you can talk to a doctor inany Family Planning Centre anywhere in the country and youwill get free advice and help. A Family Planning Centre helpsthose who have lots of children and don't wantany more and those who have none andwant to have children, but always, a FamilyPlanning Centre advises and helps toplan the ideal family. [Family poses for a picture] So plan your family and makeit a picture of happiness. [Music] [The End] [A Great Problem] [Produced by Films Division,Government of India, 1963] [End film leader]