[Street view of the front of a building with a walled front yard. There is a gate.] [A woman dressed in dark clothing with a cape and headcovering walks up the street and tries to enter one gate.] [The woman goes to a second entrance where the gate is open and goes into the building.] [The interior of the front yard is shown. There are walls covered with vines and a tree.] [A woman is shown crossing the yard and checking on something that is steaming on the ground.] [The interior has men in uniform and women in suits and skirts. There is an American flag on a wall which is covered with masks of faces.] [Closer view of one of the men in uniform and a woman who is watching him light a cigarette.] [The man takes off a prosthetic chin and mouth. It fastens onto his face with strings that go around his ears.] [The man replaces the prosthetic and turns to face and speak to the woman, and she to him.] [A woman paints a prosthetic chin.] [The prosthetic chin is fitted to a plaster mask to check for fit.] [The prosthetic chin covers a severe deformity of the face.] [A man wearing a white coat works on a plaster mask. A woman assists him.] [The man trims some pieces of a mold taken from a mask. He is talking as he brushes the edges.] [The man hands the pieces to a woman who is piecing them together. She holds the assembled mold up to the camera.] [The man holds up the plaster mask and then takes off the prosthetic piece which is covering a damaged chin.] [The man carefully looks at the mask and is talking as he holds it up.] [He shows the mask with the damaged portion once again hidden by the prosthetic.] [A woman shows a mold for a prosthetic ear which is attached to a frame with wire.] [She uses the frame to hold the ear suspended within a bowl.] [She turns some knobs on a small machine nearby and closes the top of the machine.] [Another woman is molding a prosthetic nose.] [A woman is painting a prosthetic nose that a man is wearing. He is seated in front of her and is in uniform.] [The man and woman are talking as she works. The plaster molds are hanging on the wall behind them.] [Two women and a man are discussing and working on a mold. The man removes the prosthetic from the mold to adjust it.] [The man adjusts the piece and tries it on the plaster mask again.] [The man and women laugh about something. One of the women is smoking while they work.] [A few more adjustments are made.] [A man with severe injuries to his face removes a covering he wears.] [He is fitted with a prosthetic piece that covers the area around his eyes and his nose.] [The prosthetic maker adjusts the fit of the prosthetic which attaches around the man's ears.] [He removes the prosthetic again to make further fitting adjustments, then replaces it.] [End of movie]