[United States Navy Training Film. Nonclassified. Copyright 1945 by Hugh Harman Productions, Inc.] [Commandments for Health] [Personal Cleanliness] [Singing] Who's the guy that fights by keeping garbage cans clean? And who's the lucky Joe that they picked to dig the latrine? Oh, he's your Uncle's favorite fighting Marine! McGillicuddy! Who likes to get his hands upon that lady marine? Who released him for duty in a horse's latrine? It's that chamber-maid-commando, that fighting marine, McGillicuddy! [End of singing] But he's not the only one. All the guys have dirty jobs to do and a smart guy will take a bath whenever he can find clean water. These men want to get the dirt, germs, and sweat off their skin - and a bath is the best method. But not McGillicuddy! He doesn't like to take a bath. He's allergic to water. [Flies are flying around McGillicuddy and a skunk comes out to sniff him but quickly runs away] [Trumpet sounds and McGillicuddy wakes up scratching his whole body] Uh huh, the first signs of the itch. The skin you love to scratch. [McGillicuddy takes of his socks and throws them at the wall] [McGillicuddy gets undressed and finds his socks running away from him; he chases them] [McGillicuddy catches his socks after they surrender in defeat] [McGillicuddy's in bed but his feet are covered in rashes and he continuously scratches them] [As McGillicuddy sleeps germs begin to chip and saw away at his feet making his rashes worse] [Trumpet sounds and soldiers are marching] Well, McGillicuddy! After a good night's sleep, fresh as a daisy! [Daisies next to McGillicuddy's feet wilt and die] Oh, uh, sorry daisies. [McGillicuddy's walking on his hands with his feet in the air] [Natives pop out from behind trees after McGillicuddy passes] [McGillicuddy's avoids using his feet; he swings through the treetops] [Natives follow McGillicuddy on the ground] [McGillicuddy comes across a post] [Third Commandment Personal Cleanliness] "Thou shalt keep thy personal habits clean. For surely cleanliness is next to Godliness. Dirt and filth are the brothers of discomfort, disease and death." Uh, they ain't kiddin'. [McGillicuddy's crawling on the ground] McGillicuddy: Help! [Natives tie up and carry McGillicuddy away without his shoes] [Natives tie McGillicuddy to a tree and stir a boiling cauldron] [Natives hold McGillicuddy above the boiling cauldron] McGillicuddy: Are, are you going to eat me? Native: No, sir! We're going to give you a bath! [Natives drop McGillicuddy into cauldron] [The End. MN 2808 f. 1945]