[National Library of Medicine HF1263 This transfer made: 03/31/06 Length: 00:14:32] [Made in co-operation with the Department of Biology and Public Health, Massachusetts Institute of Technology] [Directed by the Rochester Dental Dispensary and approved by the American Dental Association] [Girl shown with big smile] [Teeth are made from food we eat] [Girl shown sitting at table with plates of food and a glass of milk] [Girl cuts up food and eats] [A diagram shows the parts of a tooth] [Diagram of a tooth with a pointer showing where the enamel is located] [Enamel Inorganic Material] [Diagram of a tooth with a pointer showing where the Cementum is located] [Cementum - Bone Like 2/3 Inorganic 1/3 Organic] [Diagram of a tooth with a pointer showing where the Dentine is located] [Dentine 2/3 Inorganic 1/3 Organic] [Diagram of a tooth with a pointer showing where the Dental Pulp is located] [Dental Pulp Entirely Organic] [Right foods are necessary for good teeth] [Girl is shown sitting at table eating and drinking] [Vigorous chewing helps to make strong teeth] [Girl is shown sitting at a table with a plate of fruit. She chooses an apple and bites into it. Close up of the girl chewing.] [Stain and deposits lead to decay] [Extreme close up of a mouth with lips pulled back. Teeth are stained and unclean.] [The mouth opens and closes] [The dental hygienist helps to keep the mouth healthy] [A woman is shown welcoming a young boy to a dental chair] [The boy sits down and the woman puts a dental bib on him] [The woman pulls a tray of dental tools towards her] [The woman looks at the boys teeth with a dental mirror] [The woman rubs the boy's gums with a solution] [The woman paints the boy's teeth with a dark solution] [Close up of the boy's mouth as solution is being applied] [The woman scraps the boy's teeth with a dental tool] [Close up of boy's mouth while the woman scrapes his teeth] [The woman polishes a front tooth] [The woman uses a mirror to see the back of the boy's teeth] [Close up of the boy's mouth as a dark solution is painted on the back of his teeth] [Close up of the woman scraping the back of the boy's teeth with a dental tool] [The woman gives the boy a demonstration of the correct way to brush teeth using a hand held model] [The hygienist shows how to brush the teeth thoroughly] [Close up of the woman showing the correct way to brush teeth using herself as a model] [Decay usually starts in places hard to keep clean] [Diagram of teeth with a pointer indicating the starting points of decay] [Starting Points of Decay] [Pointer shows areas where decay can start. Points to the flat part of molars. Points next at areas between teeth where they touch.] [Diagram of one tooth} [Starting point of decay] [Pointer again points to flat part of molar.] [Animation shows cavity developing and spreading through the enamel] [Spreads along dento-enamel junction] [Animation shows cavity spreading through dental pulp] [Points toward dental pulp] [The dentist can repair decayed teeth] [A male dentist is shown in an office with a young girl sitting in a dental chair] [The dentist wipes his hands and then picks up a dental instrument] [The dentist is working in her mouth with tools] [Close up of the girl's mouth as the dentist uses a dental tool on her teeth] [Close up of the dentist drilling out a cavity] [A solution is sprayed on the tooth] [A piece of cotton is used to clean out the tooth] [The dentist fills the tooth] [A decayed tooth not repaired in time dies and an abscess may form at the root] [A diagram of teeth is shown with the label 1st stage of decay] [A pointer shows the first stage of decay] [A pointer shows the second stage of decay with label 2nd stage of decay] [A pointer shows the third stage of decay with the label 3rd stage of decay] [A pointer shows a big cavity with the label 4th stage of decay] [Close up of a mouth with a dental mirror showing a big cavity] [A diagram shows what happens to a tooth if it is not repaired] [An animated diagram shows a tooth as the cavity gets bigger and bigger] [Spread of decay into pulp causes death of tooth] [Animation shows the spread of decay through the roots] [Infection spreads through apex] [An abscess is formed] [Diagram changes to another diagram again showing that an abscess is formed] [Incorrect breathing and the habit of finger sucking cause narrow dental arches] [Two young girls are shown looking at a magazine] [One girl is shown sucking on her finger] [The dentist's mirror shows how the upper teeth have grown outward] [Close up of a mouth with a mirror showing how the upper teeth are pulled forward] [Some teeth are poorly developed because of childhood diseases] [Close up of mouth with poorly developed teeth] [Close up of mouth with spaces between front teeth both on the top and the bottom] [Crooked teeth can be straightened] [Close up of crooked teeth] [Close up of mouth with braces on the teeth] [Close up of mouth with straight teeth] [Home care of the teeth is very important] [A girl is shown in a bathroom brushing her teeth] [The girl brushes her teeth and tongue] [Dental floss is used with care not to injure the gums] [The girl is shown flossing her teeth] [The girl rinses her mouth]