[Silent, no sound] [This tape was duplicated from a 16mm film by Erickson Archival for the National Library of Medicine, July 2003. NLM call number HF0772.] [A Communicable Disease Center Study Film. US Public Health Service. Federal Security Agency.] [Australorbis Glabratus. Host of Schistosoma mansoni in Puerto Rico.] [This is assembled film footage not used in "Manson's Blood Fluke." Its value is restricted to students of helminthology.] [Snails moving up and down grass stems in water.] [Microscopic views of cells growing.] [Snails moving up and down on grass stems in water.] [Close-up view of snails in water.] [Snails moving up and down on grass stems in water.] [The end. CDC 4 - 066.0]