*This machine-generated transcript may have errors. If remediation or a manually-generated transcript is needed, please contact NLM Support at https://support.nlm.nih.gov.* Oh, does it hurt war? Oh, it doesn't hurt that much about calling it. Oh, nobody's gonna cut my hair. Why also tonight when I see all the and after how she looks and then I'll make up my mind. Okay. Good cut. Is that a good take? Good for sound. Thank you. I finish. Yeah. Okay. Goodbye. Okay. The next scene Naja is the interview with you. Okay. Help my I'm gonna say, Martha, you can attach your mike. Yeah, Mike. Like Like they are Very. Are you nervous? No more. Not anymore now. Oh, plans a bit. That's really important. You have to act natural. Och, natural color of the camera. Yeah, just pretend that it's not there. Okay? This pretend you're sitting alone in a room, just you and me, and we're talking, and I'll ask you and me and Uschi and Joan and England You just gotta forget they're all there. If it's no good, we'll try again. You ready? Okay Okay. Ready for action? Role found. Speak Camera played it. Mattia interview seemed to take one action. Oh, yeah, I'm I can't Bel Hi. Yeah, go ahead. Try it I'm not the Frankel and I live that? Uh huh. On that. What? Pretend that you're meeting a new kid. You're just going to tell them about yourself? Okay, I'm ready for the next. My name is Nadya DeFranco. I'm nine years old and I live in Toronto when tap My name is Larry DeFranco and nine years old and I live in Toronto. I have spina visitor When I was born, I had a little opening in my spine, which didn't send enough strength to my legs. So I wear a break. I can feel my hip, my knee and my ankle, but not my foot. I go to physio twice a week, Mondays and Friday. Oh we do sit up. We do the stairs And just now I'm learning how to do things and a couple more. But I I forget. I do the weight. 123 up this, you or something in it. And when you try to pick up your leg, it feels really heavy. You're like a ton alley oop. It's not one of my I'll try the other one right up as high as you can get it. Come on. I'll give you a big kiss if you get weight So hard Exercise. Because if you don't have too much strength in your legs and you try to pick it up, it's hard. Can you touch my lovely in this way? Can you touch my hand Wow. I just started a couple of weeks ago to work with Kane. Okay, Turn your cut canes there. Okay, off. I'm pretty good, but when you try to balance, it's Slaught Leigh. And you're trying to stay up there Keep going right around. The hardest part of it is trying to keep your balance on them because you're trying to give them straight. And they wiggle all around and you know, help. Hey, you look at it. Probably okay for your child you know? What's this? My stomach. You're not kidding at physio? I do stairs so I can learn to go up and down them better Only drilling get behind me. And then what would happen if it fell on me? I make you thinner fast. Well, you need to lose some weight. That's what you keep telling me. We're looking down. It's really scary. Then him What is the road trip? Yeah, to a ticket. Uh huh. Mother jump for joy jump. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah, yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Okay, okay. I just need to come up. I mean, first. Yeah. Mhm. I go to Sunday school. It's a school for handicapped kids in the morning. Kristen gives us Sara. Sorry, Nicky. What Nobody do you want, Jason? Remember, you game, Tommy. Okay. Uh Mm hmm. Um, Tommy thinks that boys are the best in the world. Women are a week and all the stuff when we get fighting does he backed down? Yeah. No, no, no. Craig better known as creepy Craig. He sits beside me all day and I got to put up with Okay, three. Sure. Yeah. Mhm. Okay, cool. It's just that what I do on number 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26. You don't know what I have to go through with that guy Three years in his class. We get it pushed. Nick, We tried to explain it. Sometimes he's serious. Sometimes he joked around Sometimes the the cheese different. You can't Can't explain what mix Like Richards from Hollande. Mm. The third guy to get his electric picture. Nicky was the first guy, and Ricky was the second guy to get their Weight Watchers. Yeah, You must be substituted into the center, which you've been doing for the others. Yeah, I saw them from from within Does it make sense? So it's mhm. Which one? Yeah, Ricky, He uses this helmet with long thing attached to type. I think he's one of the smartest kids in the back. Mhm. It's okay. Yeah. Mm. Mhm Yeah. Can you help me with the question What question? Number nine. Jason is a new boy in our class. He hasn't been with us long, so he's sort of shy for me on this car. Right? I think you're Nancy The teacher Says is one of the quietest kids in the whole class. One reason that I not not so good at swimming Now, I used to really good, and I was little. My parents say, Well, one of the reason is because when I was at the camp, I think finding a cat Sambolin camp here, of course. Um I don't know if something happened. I fell in and I got really scared after that. And my mother's brother, he found when he was at Center Island when I was just a little baby they have in the diet was diving for putting into Okay, for one at that. Come on. No, no, no. Get down. Down. Yeah I'm before I used to just for a soft in the water. But last year they found a big script on Monday, and I couldn't tell that I scraped my foot along into the pool because I can't feel my feet. So that's why I were running shoes and socks in the water when I swim Woman block Good would be critical. Yeah, sooner or elephant Holloway. What? Why Wait for me, Eddie, when you're getting me all the way back. Okay, Molly, I go to Velma's on the weekends when my parents go shopping. She has two birds. Mickey and Billy. Mhm Hamster named Scam and dog named Skippy. We don't you pretty dirty isn't. Thank you. I haven't been a good first. Did you miss one Nope. But now they're way. No, I wasn't you. You love them greater with there as well. And see that six. Yeah. 123456 Stop! All right, that's enough. You're cheating. You say I can please himself. Where I got a lot to do here. Look at always in here. All right? Mm hmm. Mm. Cities are tired, and Norman never worked They never had any Children. They have Skippy And he has trouble seeing hearing, And I think he has a brightest to skip. Hey, look. Right right beside me. Skippy is 104 dog years. And when Skippy dies, I think bomb was going to feel really awful because she likes animals. Food, but And she gets attached to them now what? How many times you gonna move Come on. You move twice. I think you move this one. Then you turn around a little. That one? Yeah. It's my turn How did you get to him there? I had him in a long. There's six more cheap Forget anything? I don't know. It's mine It's mine. Oh, you. I'm just 56 Good campaign, everybody. What? Yeah, I know. The CN Tower is the tallest, freestanding structure in the whole world. A horn in his nose horn. Well, it seems like it the CN tower is a good place to go to because there is ramps for handicapped Children or handicapped people If I had only one wish. My wish would be putting ramps in the building because there's too many stairs and things now in normal book. Oh my stomach. Uh huh. It up. Uh huh. Uh huh. Um, what if we get caught? Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Wow. I hope we are in. Yeah, Yeah. The building looks like small. Don't they look bigger when your tongue on the ground? Yeah You're up here. You feel like a giant when you're up here. Hey, look at the Royal York. Oh, yeah, Yeah. Hi Party. Linda, You didn't? Oh, yeah, you don't. I mean, and I went there once. I know. But now let's go to the car. Yeah, I don't really quick answer or something smaller than that. Oh, that's small. I'll take a closer. You left her brain at home. Oh, right here. I don't know. Cars just finished making a record called Sing a Song. Mhm. Yeah, Yeah All right. Stop there. Okay. You have eyes like a roving reporter. You look at your Are you scaring me? Now you go, like, back and forth like this. And now you're like this happening, and they don't stay on me for very long. make your eyes smile. Got your teeth? Not your eyes. All right Let's go. This girl is just the songs and this makes Skinny plays the piano. Yeah with that. Yeah. Mhm. I can try to. Are you? Yeah. Mm hmm Not bad for a bunch of dumb guys. Yeah. Yeah. We have a basketball team at Sunny View. Yeah, Our coach is Ron Clark Uh, Miss San Sugar. Regular basketball. Like they walk around and they run and they get tired. Us. We just go in a wheelchair It's a little different. We are the same rules. Except for the wheel. Children. No traveling that, pushing the riches only twice. And then you gotta count. And in regular basketball, you can't touch the person here. You can't touch the wheelchair or the person you heard. Yeah. How about Yeah. No honor. Yeah. Get hurt. Like I've been hit all over the place I got hit a couple of times on my side. I've been in the forehead and the nose and the 10 1 just for a little bump on the head. I wouldn't give up basketball. Yeah Okay. Let's be clear. Clear? Sure One. Come on. My baby cousin. His name's Michael, and I like him because so honey. Okay, Michael. Guys, change your diaper. Hope you can do a dirty Yeah Oh, Michael. Yes? The street you ran on me, you win. And Michael's around six months, and I changed his diapers now, and the two times I don't like him is when he starts crying because, like his vapor being put on or when he does the job and that isn't very nice to clean, we're gonna get you all cleaned up. Well, Uncle's birthday. Yeah. Whoa, Marin, come get him. You guessed it. Maurizius, my older brother. But I call him Morris for Sharp. Do you want? You know, my boy? Yeah. Okay. It's my father's birthday party. Cinquanta, Mary? No. Maybe around a bunch of cannot put the candle. Don't take them into. I put one candle for every 10 years, right? And one candle for good luck. Even one in the middle People come back to you, live in I Do you like one? Yeah. Make a way to make a way. One million.$1 million Yeah, that's my grandmother. I call her enough. That means grandmother in Italian and that Michael's mother Mary over there. No, let me take You know, I just still here. I don't know. Office and then the box. I get it. Well, I wish you have to take Daddy smile during sandy tail. Smile. Mhm Mm. Oops. They came out a little dark while I'm at it. I think I'll show you some of my other people. Here's one where I got enrolled in brownies last year. This run is on Halloween. Two years ago, me and my girlfriend here went out. No, it's not really my girlfriend. It's my brother and his friends This place. I'm not sure what's really called but I call it the Robot breaks. It's kind of awkward to get into. I just want to, because that, of course, is this is the second one. I was on the restaurant Was I taught horses. The supermarket. This what I think is my first birthday. My mother was holding me up because I couldn't stand. I had casts on. Oh, make sure none of the Children see this one from one skinny dipping in this picture. Uh, here's another one. I must have been around three or four. Now, this picture is a little before my time. My mother says she's glad it was before my time. This is me and my brother and I'm not sure But I think the robot brace again. This is my first Communion. Everybody says I look so innocent here, but they don't know me very well do they? Good, Cold. You've got some massages Plank. You know, you shaved his off. Remember his green. Got to get in shape for the flower. My family and friends like Mehlman said, and even Craig are important to me They never feel sorry for me, and that's the way I like it. Sometimes when I go out with my parents or something, all the kids and the parents, they always scared and stuff. Okay, my mother goes because that it's something new and but they they shouldn't scare them. Why shouldn't they stare at you? Well, it's like it's not nice and, you know, like you make the person feel bad. I really feel bad when I come home. You think like so different from them. Are you different? No magic. If I'm a kid walking or playing in the street and I see a handicapped person tell me how I should react to him or her. Like if you're in the street and you see someone that began, you kept popping with something like, you don't just stare at the person like, give your mom or like you would with our ordinary kids, because, like Hey, I'm sorry, Mary, When you go to a regular school, what problems will you have and how will you deal with them? I don't know yet. If I'm gonna be able to go to a normal school, my mother can get me in there. The problems we're gonna have, Like, maybe the kids make remarks or jokes, cracks about my brace. And I don't have I'll deal with them. But I'll find a way. Uh huh, yeah. Mm.