the denar articulator is adjusted by using a pad, a graphic record of the patient's jaw movements. In order to be able to make the pan a graphic record. It is necessary to accomplish two preliminary procedures, locating the horizontal reference plane and fabricating the maxillary and mandibular clutches. The horizontal reference plane will be used to measure the relationship of the inclinations of the pra crucitti candler paths. The posterior reference points can be located by using average an atomic measurements. The reference plane locator is positioned on the side of the face, so it extends from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the upper border of the external auditory me status. A posterior reference point is marked on both sides of the face. The interior reference point is also marked by using the reference plane locator. The point is measured 43 mm above the insides. Alleges of the maxillary anterior teeth. A short line is marked on the patient's face to indicate the location of the horizontal reference plane. The distance of the anterior reference point beneath the inner campus of the right eye is also measured. This information is recorded on the patient's pad, a graphic record for also recorded as the manner in which the posterior reference points were located. The pantagraph will be secured to the patient's dental arches with clutches. The clutches will be fabricated using these clutch frames at the anterior extremity of each clutch frame. There is an index to which the pantagraph crossbar can be fitted and secured with a screw clutch frames can be easily modified to accommodate to the shape of the dental arches. A clutch former will be used to fabricate clutches directly in the patient's mouth. The clutch former supports two clutch frames and a flexible clutch die. The superior surface of the dye determines the shape of the under surface of the maxillary clutch clutched. I also holds the center bearing screw, which will be incorporated in the mandibular clutch clutch. Jig supports the frames and die in proper relationship for a patient exhibiting normal vertical and horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth. For a patient who has a pragmatic relation, a spacer is inserted between the maxillary clutch frame and the clutch jig. This positions the maxillary clutch frame or distantly for maximum stability. The clutch frames must be in close approximation to the labial surfaces of the interior teeth. For a retro traffic patient, the spacer is used to position the mandibular clutch frame more posterior lee if the center bearing screw is likely to impinge on the soft tissues immediately lingual to the lower anterior teeth. The clutch dye can be pulled away from the clutch jig to locate the center bearing screw more distantly. The space which opens at the anterior margin of the rubber clutch di is closed with utility wax to prevent the resin from flowing through this space and bonding the maxillary and mandibular clutches to each other. The operator should practice assembly and disassembly of the clutch former until he is confident that he can arrange the components properly. The screws which secured the clutch frames to the clutch. Jig should not protrude out of the clutch frames where they would impinge against the teeth. Okay. The patient must be trained and rehearsed to allow the operator to affect centric relation are king of the mandible. The clutch former is tried in the mouth and inspected for proper fit with the con dials in centric relation. The clutch frames should not interfere with closure. They're contoured as required to follow the shape of the dental arches and to be positioned facially to the labial and buccal surfaces of the teeth. The clutch former is reinserted. The upper lip is retracted with the thumb and index finger for good visibility while simultaneously supporting the clutch former in the inter maxillary space at the bicuspid area. The completed clutches should be thick in the center for rigidity, but then over the ACLU cell surfaces of the teeth for minimum vertical opening. Since the clutch can also be used for a face. Boat transfer. There should be only light indexing of the tips to provide accurate seeding of a maxillary cast. The resin should not go over the heights of contour of the teeth nor impinge on the soft tissues. The volume of material used to construct the clutches is important. Auto problem arising resin is used to construct the clutches directly in the mouth. A measured amount of monomer is put in the mixing cup and the pre measured polymer is added. The material is mixed into a smooth homogeneous mess. It should have a consistency that will flow easily to accurately reproduce the shape of the superior surface of the clutch die, but which at the same time will have sufficient body so that the material can be picked up on the end of a spatula without running. Half of the resin is loaded within the maxillary clutch frame. The remainder of the resin is loaded within the mandibular clutch frame. The clutch former is immediately placed into a bowl of warm water. Avoid excessive manipulation of the resin when loading the clutch former, since it could produce wrinkles on the under surface of the maxillary clutch upon which the center bearing screw will glide when the resin is set to a consistency which resists flow but which at the same time will not rebound when it's displaced. Use the thumb and index finger to distribute the material properly. The resin should contact the inside of the clutch frames but should not extend over or beyond the frames contour the resin to be thin in the area of the ACLU cell surfaces of the teeth and thick in the center section. It is not necessary to position the resin posterior early to cover all of the rubber die. The resin needs to extend into the bicuspid areas only. Do not put the clutch former into the mouth too soon. Wait until the resin is rather tough, so it will not flow into the minute details of the ACLU cell surfaces of the teeth, locate the clutch former in the inter maxillary space, with the handle extended straight out anterior lee mark the mandible in centric relation closure. To simultaneously obtain a light indexing impression of the tips of the cusp of the maxillary and mandibular teeth, inspect the impressions to confirm that they have sufficient depth. If some of the impressions are too deep, modify the resin and return the clutches to the mouth to perfect the tooth imprints, remove the clutch former and place it in a bowl of warm water to hasten memorization. When the material is almost set but still pliable, remove the clutch former from the water, return the clutch former to the mouth for the final cure to occur intra orally instruct the patient to hold the clutch former gently between the teeth without biting down and to indicate when the resin becomes so warm that it's uncomfortable When this occurs, remove the clutch former from the mouth. Disassemble the clutches by removing the screws, which secure the clutches to the clutch jig, remove the clutch handle and separate the components. Note the concave shape formed on the under surface of the maxillary clutch. It is important that this surface be smooth and free of defects. The center bearing screw remains incorporated in the mandibular clutch raise the center bearing screw, three quarters of a turn, so the clutches will not interfere during excursion movements. Place the mandibular clutch in the mouth and check it for stability By pressing downward on the center bearing screw, insert the maxillary clutch and have the patient closed down to maintain the clutches in position. The patient is now ready to be trained and rehearsed to make the required movements necessary to obtain the panda graphic records.