after rehearsing the different hand grasps and practicing the setting of various Kanzler controls. The operator is now ready to learn how to adjust the articulator. Candler controls to Kandahar path records the procedure. Manual contains instructions on how to set the articulator pantagraph assembly to create a training aid, which will make it easy to practice how to adjust the consular controls. In this exercise, the articulator is set to produce an exaggerated side shift movement and then a recording is made of the articulator movements. In this way we start with an articulator which is already set so that all style. I automatically track the recorded lines. In addition the lines represent candler settings of known values. Next we will modify each adjustment, increasing and decreasing its setting while simultaneously studying the effect which each articulator adjustment has on the ability of all style I. To track their respective records. Set the left immediate side shift to one millimeter and the left progressive side shift to 20 degrees. The right side shift is set to 10° and both pra Crucitti. Kanzler paths are set to 30°. All other articulator adjustments are set at zero position. New record blanks on the record tables with all the style I retracted manually placed the upper bow on the lower bow, since there is an immediate side shift programmed into the instrument. Note that centric relation is achieved when the right con dial touches the right medial fossil wall. Practice excursion movements with the instrument, making left and right lateral movements with the underhand, push pull grasp and a progressive movement with the underhand, proc lucid push grasp. Be sure the proc lucid movement is made from centric relation to make the recording, connect the stylist control valve to the pantagraph and turn the power supply on all the way to retract the style. I engage the elastics with an assistant depressing the stylist control button to hold the style I in the down position, move the articulator in a right lateral movement, a left lateral movement and a pro truce it movement from centric relation. Have the assistant released the button to retract the style? I turn off the power supply, disengage the elastics to press the button to exhaust the system and disconnect the air hose from the manifold of the pantagraph. Place protective overlays over the recordings to protect the tracings, replace the upper bow and engage the elastics. Practice the various hand grasps the underhand push pull, the underhand, progressive the overhand push the overhand pull and the overhand progressive. If the articulator is opened. With the elastics engaged, the posterior horizontal style, I will overshoot the record tables, closing the articulator with the elastics engaged. Could damage the style I Adjustment # one is the proc Rousset adjustment but just the progressive conjurer path, so the posterior horizontal style I touched their pro truce If tracings while all vertical style. I also tracked their progressive tracings. The progressive tracings are the long lower lines on the posterior vertical record tables hold the articulator with all vertical style light touching their proc lucid tracings just the right progressive candler path. So the right posterior horizontal stylist touches its protruding, tracing not the effect this adjustment has on the left horizontal stylus. The proc lucid adjustments must be made concurrently on the right and left sides. When the inclination of the patients produce it, consular paths are diagnosed. This data is recorded on a panna graphic survey record form Adjustments, numbers two and three are the immediate and progressive side shift adjustments set the left immediate side shift to zero and the left progressive side shift to 10°. Use the underhand push grasp to affect a right lateral mandibular movement. The left immediate side shift record is on the posterior horizontal record table. It is the small step like portion of the tracing located at the forward extremity of the long line which extends outward and posterior early loosen the immediate side shift adjustment lock screw and move the medial fossil wall immediately move the upper bow until the vertical stylist touches the lateral extremity of the immediate side shift record, move the medial fossil wall laterally until it contacts the left. Con dial secure it in that position to establish a limit for this range of movement. The progressive side shift record is also found on the posterior horizontal record table. It is the line which extends outward and backward. If the vertical stylist does not track the progressive side shift record. The medial fossil wall must be adjusted approximately parallel to the progressive side shift record, loosen the lock screw and align the medial fossil wall parallel to the progressive side shift record. So the stylist will track the recorded line Adjustment. # four is the rear wall adjustment. This control is adjusted to accommodate to the out and forward or out and backward movement of the rotating con dial as it moves laterally. This condo her path of movement record is the short line on the posterior horizontal record table. Disengage the centric latch and with the underhand push grasp, push the upper bow to the left pivot the right rear wall and note the slight back and forth movement of the right vertical stylists. All the instrument in this right lateral mandibular position and adjust the rear wall information until all vertical style I touched the ends of their respective records, lock the control in that position. Having completed the adjustments of the immediate side shift, progressive side shift and rear wall inclination, confirm the accuracy of these settings by observing the ability of the interior style I to track their respective recordings. If the style I do not accurately track the interior recordings adjustments. Numbers 2 3 and four should be rechecked Adjustment. # five is the vertical axis verification the articulator con dials were positioned using the intercon dollar gauge which located them 12.5 millimeters medial to the tips of the posterior reference pins. It is never necessary to change the position of the con dials at this time Adjustment # six is the orbiting path adjustment. The orbiting path record is found on the posterior vertical record table. It is the long line extending upward and backward. Use the same articulator adjustment to measure the angle of inclination of the orbiting path. That was used to measure the inclination of the protruding path, loosen the adjustment lock screw. Use an overhand pull grasp and maintain the articulator in a left lateral position, adjust the produce of inclination of the right fossa until the posterior horizontal stylist touches the end of orbiting path record, secure the fossa inclination lock screw Adjustment. # seven is the top wall adjustment, loosen the top wall adjustment screw position the wrench in the rear wall adjustment lock screw and bury the inclination of the top wall component. The top wall adjustment record is found on the posterior vertical record table. It is the small line extending anterior early from centric relation. Using the overhand push grasp, maintain the articulator in a right lateral position and adjust the top wall until all vertical style I approximate the ends of their recorded lines. Any change in articulator adjustments # six or 7 will cause movement of the horizontal stylists on the opposite side. For this reason, when the right fossa is adjusted to its orbiting path record, you must concurrently adjust the left top wall to its rotating path record. Conversely when the left orbiting path is adjusted the right top wall must be adjusted concurrently to gain proficiency in the adjustment of an articulator to a pan. A graphic record. The operators should review each adjustment increasing and decreasing its value and studying the reciprocal influence these adjustments have on the ability of all the style I to track their recorded lines. Any articulator setting which affects the position of one vertical stylist will have a reciprocal effect on all vertical style. I The same is true for those adjustments which affect the horizontal style. I. The procedures manual contains a section which outlines the sequence of adjustments for the most efficient setting of the articulator to the fantagraphics record. When this adjustment sequences followed. The operator will quickly learn to adjust the articulator to diagnose the candler paths of movement of the patient in the minimum amount of time. To complete the specifications. The maxillary cast is secured to the maxillary bow by means of the centric relation. Record the mandibular cast is secured to the mandible turbo. Now the inside cell table can be adjusted to the vertical and horizontal overlap of the interior teeth. Set. The progressive inclination of the inside cell table to its maximum inclination and secure it in that position, unlock the inside cell pin foot and pull it to a forward position, pull the upper bow back and push the foot of the incisor pin posterior early to contact the incisor table, return the articulator to centric relation, lock the inside cell pin, foot in position, loosen the proc lucid adjustment of the inside cell table. All the articulator in a progressive relationship, incline the incisor table to contact the foot of the incisor pin and lock it in that position, remove the inside cell table and loosen the lateral wing adjustment. Lock screws, replace the inside cell table. Hold the articulator in a lateral position with the custards in function. Elevate the lateral wing of the inside cell table to contact the incisor pin foot, observe the angular setting to which each wing must be adjusted, remove the inside cell table and set the lateral wings to these settings. Return the inside cell table to the articulator. The inside cell table has been adjusted to the relationships of the interior teeth in the various excursion movements. The use of the donor system of a clue cell treatment enables the dentist to provide his technician with full arch casts mounted in centric relation on a fully adjustable articulator, accompanied by instructions for setting the candler controls and the inside cell table. The inclusion of individual dies with readily discernible margins, completes the materials required for the fabrication of restorations which are in harmony with the patient's functional considerations