when I first met you, baby. You fed me on chicken and wine. It was steak and potatoes and lobster and baby. I sure felt fine. This program was designed to supplement lectures on gastrointestinal physiology. The format of this program is part laboratory demonstration and part discussion. This format has been selected to maximize the impact of this information by providing the student with actual laboratory data and subsequently discussing this data. To provide a perspective for understanding G.I Motility. After completing this program, you should be able to one describe the occurrence of a frequency gradient within the small intestine of the G. I tract to describe the occurrence of higher frequencies in the proximal portion of the small intestine. Three explain the translation of the frequency gradient into a pressure gradient and four described the sodium dependence of the basic electrical rhythm. Five described the calcium dependence of smooth muscle, contract ill itty. The purpose of this program is to demonstrate gastrointestinal motility. We're going to do this in a laboratory setting. Obviously we can't use human tissue to demonstrate this. And the closest laboratory animal that can resemble the gastrointestinal motility of humans is that of the rat. We will be showing you the frequency gradient that occurs in the longitudinal muscle from the small intestine. We will be showing you the frequency gradient that occurs within that muscle from the duodenum to the ilium and that frequency gradient will then be translated into a pressure gradient. Right now, I'd like to have dr Weissinger explain her experimental protocol. The rat was sacrificed by decapitation. The entire small intestine was removed. Four sections of the small intestine were separated from the rest of the small intestine, the proximal duodenum, the proximal proximal ilium and distal ilium. The longitudinal smooth muscle, which is the outer layer of the gut was teased away from the other section of the small intestine. This smooth muscle was hooked up in a smooth muscle bath And immersed in the physiologic buffer. The physiologic buffer contains physiologic concentrations of sodium potassium, calcium, magnesium dextrous is an energy source and is bubbled with 100% oxygen. The smooth muscle is hooked up to a forced displacement transducer, which is in turn connected to a dyno graph recorder. The isometric contraction produced by an agonist will in turn be recorded on the dyno graph as a change intention, which will be shown by a pen deflection. The tracings produced by all depends on the fizzy. A graph represent the spontaneous activity of each of the sections of the small intestine which we have removed. The first pen shows the spontaneous activity in the duodenum, the second, the spontaneous activity in the home and the third in the ilium and the fourth, the terminal ilium. As you can see the activity in the duodenum is much greater. The frequency of contractions is much greater in the duodenum than it is in the terminal ilium and there is a gradual transition in the rate at which the longitudinal muscle contracts going from the duodenum to the terminal ilium. We are now going to add acetylcholine to each of the baths. Acetyl colon being the normal neurotransmitter substance for the parasympathetic outflow which innovates the gut. Acetylcholine will produce a rapid phase IQ increase intention followed by a more prolonged tonic contraction. Dr Y singer will now add acetylcholine to each of the tissue baths first I'll add it to the terminal ilium now to the ilium. Then I'll add to the junior and eduardo. The acetylcholine will now be washed out of each of the tissue baths and the tissue will now go into a relaxation. The normal physiological buffer will be replaced with a sodium free buffer with the sodium has been replaced with an isotonic or rather its osmotic concentration of sucrose. It will take approximately 30 minutes for the tissue to equal a break with this new solution during this time the cameras will not be running to expedite this film. In this second part of our program we're going to see the effects of a sodium free solution on the spontaneous activity in the smooth muscle. From the small intestine. As you can see from the tracing that there is very little spontaneous or no spontaneous act activity in any of the smooth muscle sections from the small intestine. This demonstration is to show that sodium is a very important ion for maintaining the spontaneous activity in the small bowel. We are going to demonstrate however, by the addition of acetylcholine that acetylcholine is still capable of inducing a contraction of these smooth muscle preparations dr Weissinger will now add acetylcholine to each of these preparations. Acetylcholine has now been added to the terminal alien portion of these tissues. And you can see that there is a rapid increase in tension, occurring. The maximum tension achieved in each of these preparations is going to be smaller than that which we observed in the previous portion of this program. The point that we're trying to make is that acetylcholine is still capable of producing a contraction in these tissues. Even though the sodium ion has been removed from the physiological medium. The contractor responses to acetylcholine have now plateaus. And we're going to wash the solution out, wash the acetylcholine out with a solution which has normal physiological levels of sodium potassium, magnesium dextrose. But no calcium. In the third part of this film we will be observing what the effect of a normal physiological solution is without calcium. In this third part of the program, we're going to see what acetylcholine will do in these particular tissues. Uh they've been incubated with zero calcium physiological solution for approximately 45 minutes. Now, as you can see from the tracings, there are no spontaneous activities and any other portions of the small intestine that we have taken from the rat. If you remember in the previous section when we added acetylcholine to the relatively quiescent smooth muscle as we have here, we got a rather large contraction of the smooth muscle. We're now adding the acetylcholine to the tissues that have been equal abraded in the zero calcium medium. As you can see there is no spontaneous activity in these tissues. And when we add acetylcholine to these preparations, we should see no response in the previous section of this program. We saw that as still Killeen when added to the sodium free solution which also was quiescent, we got a rather substantial contraction of the tissues. However, in zero calcium we see that there is no response to acetylcholine. We are now going to wash the tissue free of acetylcholine and replace the calcium free medium with normal physiological buffer. By replenishing both the sodium and the calcium back into the tissue. We should be able to re establish a spontaneous activity as well as uh contract the ability of the tissues in the presence of acetylcholine. We will see these phenomenon in our fourth portion of the program We will allow approximately 30-45 minutes for the tissues to equal a break. Before we begin the fourth part of the program In this fourth part of our program, the tissues have been equal abating for 15 minutes now. In normal physiological solution containing sodium potassium calcium and magnesium. As you can see the tissues are responding in a normal way as they have in the part one of this program, the frequency gradient is again established between the duodenum and the terminal ilium dr Y. Singer is now going to add acetylcholine to each of the tissues to confirm that they are still capable of producing a contraction in these particular tissues. As you can see, the acetylcholine produced very nice contractions. Similar to what we had in the first part of this program. We are now going to go down to the studio where we will have our fifth part of this program, which will be a summary of all the data that we have presented so far. In this fifth portion of our program, we're going to review the sections that we have already covered. We're going to look at the data and relate the contract of events which occurred to the ionic constituents of the medium in which the smooth muscle was bathed. On this first plate. The bottom tracing represents the tracing that the muscle contractions that occurred in the duodenum, in the in the mid ilium and in the terminal ilium. And we can see that there is a frequency gradient from the duodenum to the terminal ilium. The duodenum contracts at a much rapid, much more rapid rate than does the terminal ilium and therefore we have a frequency gradient which occurs from the most proximal to the distal portion of the small bowel on the next plate. This shows what happened when we added acetylcholine to each of the segments of the small bowel that we had been observing acetylcholine was added to the duodenum to june, um midday liam and terminal ilium. And you can see that acetylcholine caused a rather substantial contraction in each of these segments of the smooth muscle from the small intestine. This just shows that the smooth muscle will respond to the normal neurotransmitter substance acetylcholine. At the end of this contraction, the tissue was washed with sodium free solution. The solution did not contain sodium but contained an isotonic or so osmotic concentration of sucrose. When the sodium was replaced we found that rhythmic contractions in all sections of the small bowel no longer occurred. Yet the smooth muscle in each of those sections was capable of responding to added acetylcholine to each of the baths. The implication here is that the removal of sodium somehow causes a loss in the spontaneous activity. However, the ability of the smooth muscle in each section is still capable of responding to added acetylcholine, the normal neural transmitter which produces contraction in the small bowel. At the end of this particular experiment we replaced the sodium free solution with solution which contains sodium but did not contain calcium in this next plate. You can see that the result of leaving out the calcium from the physiological solution results in flat tracings a loss of all spontaneous activity. When acetylcholine was added at approximately this point in the tracing there was no increase in tension. So the removal of calcium. Therefore not only eliminates the spontaneous activity but also eliminates the responsiveness to the normal neurotransmitter substance. Acetylcholine. After this portion of the experiment was done, the tissue was washed again with normal physiological solution. After approximately 30 to 40 minutes, spontaneous activity began occurring again. And we could see that the frequency gradient has been reestablished. The duodenum is contracting much more rapidly than the terminal ilium. So we see this frequency gradient. The reason that we did put the tissues back into normal physiological medium was to show that the tissues were not killed or altered in any prolonged way, that the lack of spontaneous activity was merely due to a change in the ionic constituents within the physiological medium. Again, when acetylcholine was added in this normal physiological solution, contractions occurred in a way which was similar to that which we had seen in section one of this program. At this point, I'd like to summarize the implications of all these ionic variations which we performed in sections one through four. When we removed the sodium from the physiological medium, we lost spontaneous activity. However, the responsiveness to acetylcholine was still retained. The implication there is that the ability of the smooth muscle to contract was retained when we change the tissues to a calcium free medium. Not only did we lose the spontaneous activity, but we also lost the ability to respond to acetylcholine. We can extrapolate this data one bit further and we know that there is an electrical fluctuation in membrane potential within each of the sections of the smooth muscle of the small bowel. This fluctuation is called the basic electrical rhythm. This basic electrical rhythm is a sodium dependent phenomenon. If we remove the sodium the spontaneous activity which occurs at a frequency dictated by the basic electrical rhythm, this spontaneous activity is removed when sodium is removed. When we remove calcium, not only do we remove the contra activity that the basic electrical rhythm dictates, but we also remove the contra activity which occurs when the neurotransmitter substance. Acetylcholine is put in contact with the smooth muscle, therefore contract ill. Itty is direct directly related to the presence of calcium and the basic electrical rhythm is directly related to the presence of sodium in the physiological medium. Our next chart demonstrates that a little more clearly on the lower portion of this diagram we see a fluctuating line which represents the fluctuation occurring in the membrane potential. This fluctuation is called the basic electrical rhythm or the B. Er. This be er or the frequency of the B. E. R. Varies according to its location within the small bowel. We can consider a threshold occurring anywhere along this. Be er If the B. E. R exceeds this threshold we will be able to get action potentials occurring. These action potentials in smooth muscle are calcium dependent after the occurrence of an action potential. We see that there is an increase in tension which is what the upper tracing represents. So you can see that the primary event is an action potential superimposed on the basic electrical rhythm followed by an increment intention. If the basic electrical rhythm does not exceed a threshold, action potentials will not occur. If this threshold is below the level exceeded by the basic electrical rhythm, we will get action potentials. The basic electrical rhythm is sodium dependent action potentials and contract illit E. R. Calcium dependent on the next plate. We see what happens when we record the action potentials in a single smooth muscle cell by intracellular micro electrodes. This is an action potential which occurs in a single smooth muscle cell. After the action potential occurs, we see a rather rapid increase in tension followed by a rather slow decay in the tension. The slow decay is due to the stickiness of the contractor elements in smooth muscle. When we have action potentials occurring in rapid sequence or relatively rapid sequence, the tension which occurs is additive in nature. As you can see the tension some mates as a result of each of these action potentials, depending upon how much the basic electrical rhythm exceeds the threshold value will determine how many action potentials occur. How many action potentials determines the extent of the contraction. This next figure relates directly to the tension development in isolated human colonic muscle with the electrical activity in that smooth muscle. This is an extra cellular recording and each of these up and down spikes represents one or possibly more action potentials. You can see that in this small grouping of action potentials. We get relatively little contraction. In this grouping of large numbers of action potentials. You can see that we get a summation of a great and a prolonged contraction. I would like to relate this information now to the pressure gradient which is the translation of the frequency gradient throughout the small bowel. If you look at the pressure increment or tension increment that occurs during this period of high action potential activity and we conceive of a number of these activity areas occurring frequently, one after the other. This can be visualized as producing a higher pressure than in section of the small bowel where these tension increments occur at a less frequent time interval. Therefore the frequency gradient dictated by the basic electrical rhythm is translated into a pressure gradient. At this point in the program, you should have a better understanding for the controlling factors and gastrointestinal motility. You should have a feeling for. What does the B. E. R. Mean? And how does this relate to the frequency gradient which occurs in the small bowel? How does the frequency gradient translate itself into a pressure gradient? And what are the controlling factors involved in smooth muscle contraction? The fact that sodium is responsible for the basic electrical rhythm and that calcium is responsible for smooth muscle contract ill itty I'm going down to the bakery and I'm gonna find me a jelly roll and some cannoli, some french pastry, a chocolate eclair. Don't sound too bad.