Doctor Adam Bender from the Medical neurology branch at the National Institutes of Health. And I'm going to be discussing the application of electron microscopy to the study of skeletal muscle. The electron microscope has been largely responsible for the precise delineation of muscle structure and function over the past two decades. And when combined with histo chemical techniques, the electro microscope has more recently allowed a much deeper understanding of the basic disease processes that affect skeletal muscle. In this talk, I'm going to be discussing the contributions of electron microscopy to the study of both normal and pathological muscle. First, I will review the technique of obtaining a sample of muscle for a study with the electron microscope and then I will discuss normal muscle ultra structure and function. This will be followed by a review of the pathological changes in muscle discernible at the ultrastructural level. Both those which are non specific and those which can be considered characteristic of certain well defined disease processes. Finally, I'll mention a few newer applications of electron microscopy to the study of neuromuscular diseases. The first thing to realize when obtaining a muscle biopsy is that it must be obtained in the uncontracted state. And the easiest way to do this is seen on this slide, we use a clamp to make sure that the muscle is not over contracted. This is the one we use at the NIH any clamp will do. This is actually a triangular shaped structure in which the end has been cut off. And the muscle is obtained between these two jaws. The muscle is then placed in proper fixatives dehydrated and embedded in a special plastic material. And then section for light and electron microscopy. The next slide, this slide illustrates the importance of proper sampling in studying a muscle on the electron microscope. This is the field normally seen under the light microscope. And this little square here represents the size of an entire block which is examined on the electron scope. And as you can see, there are maybe six or seven fibers at most which can be examined at one time. So that let's say that the only abnormal muscle fiber in this biopsy was right here and this was the only block you looked at. You might assume that this was typical of this biopsy. It stands to reason that you must look at many blocks before coming to a conclusion as to what the abnormality in the muscle is. And likewise, if there were scattered abnormal fibers throughout this sample and this particular square had no abnormal fibers, you might assume that the biopsy were normal. So it is very important to use proper sampling techniques. Look at many blocks and make a proper estimation of the prevalence of any particular abnormality. Next slide, I'm now going to start reviewing some of the terminology as applied to normal skeletal muscle. First, here, the muscle biopsy is taken from a skeletal muscle. This is the deltoid region. The muscle is composed of muscle fasi which are bundles of muscle fibers bounded by connective tissue, muscle fasi are composed of many single muscle fibers. And these are the basic histological unit of skeletal muscle. It's actually a sensi, it's a multi nucleated cylindrical structure. Most of the interior of the muscle fiber is composed of myo fibrils, which are these small bands here, which are actually made up of repeating units called SOS and representing this banded pattern. The SOCO consists of inter digit thick and thin filaments bounded on each end by a dense structure known as the Z disc. These filaments are composed of specific proteins. The thin filaments are composed of acting molecules and you can think of them as being two strands of pearls twisted around each other to compose one filament. And it's bounded by the Z disc. The thick filaments are composed of myosin molecules which are long golf cub shaped structures having a globular head at each end. These heads protrude from the thick filaments as small cross bridges. And these are very important in muscle contraction as we will see later. So that if you take a cross section at this level, you can see that the thick filament is surrounded by an array of six thin filaments for every thick, there are six thin filaments. And in the next slide, this illustrates the terminology applied to the various bands. The dense line on either end is known as the Z line or the Z band where there are only thin filaments present. There is a light band known as the eye band. The central portion of the SOIR is known as the A band is composed entirely of thick filaments. There is a dense line in the center of the score known as the M line, which is responsible for keeping the thick filaments in proper register. The A band remains constant in length. But when the muscle contracts, the eye band becomes smaller because during contraction, these filaments actually slide in among the thick filaments. And in the next slide, this is a high power electron micrograph of insect flight muscle. To show the filaments in cross section, you see the thick filaments surrounded by an array of six thin filaments every in this very nice repeating pattern, almost like a crystalline pattern. The next slide, this illustrates the membranous structures within the muscle fiber. Each muscle fiber in its entirety is surrounded by a membrane known as the sarcolemma and at various points along the muscle fiber. This membrane actually invaginated to form T tubules. These are T tubules here are actually invagination on the outside membrane into the muscle fiber and are responsible for conduction of impulses transmitted along the muscle fiber. In among the myo five brill. This is actually cardiac muscle showing that there is only one T tubule per sarco here in regular skeletal muscle that actually there are two T tubes per score. One on either side of the band in between two sets of T tubules is a complex membranous structure known as the sarcoplasm reticulum. The sarcoplasm reticulum is in close contact with the T tubule on each end via a dilated portion known as the terminal cistern or the lateral sac. There is no actual anatomical contact here. These are merely in close opposition and this structure contains calcium which is released during contraction toward the center of the score. The sarcoplasm reticulum assumes a complex cisternal pattern and is broken up into many small CIA. As you see here in the next slide at the region where the nerve and the muscle join. A very specialized structure is found. This is known as the neuromuscular junction or the motor end plate. You see here, a nerve axon coming in and forming contact with the muscle at these three points in the terminal part of the axon. There are small round vesicles which contain the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. The muscle membrane or the postsynaptic membrane is characteristically thrown into a series of complex folds which you see here when a nerve impulse comes down the axon, it is thought to cause the release of acetylcholine from these small vesicles or packets. The Cetalol then diffuses across this membranous cleft and interacts with an acetylcholine receptor on the muscle fiber and the muscle end. Now, in the next slide, once the nerve impulse is initiated or initiates an action potential at the neuromuscular junction, the action potential is then conducted along the sarcolemma membrane and down into the T tubule. As you see here, the pluses change to minuses. The nerve impulse comes down causes the sarcoplasm reticulum to release calcium. In among the myo fibri, the release of calcium then causes the relaxed muscle to contract. As you see here, the thin filaments have slid in among the thick filaments in accordion like fashion. Next slide. This is a diagram of how the calcium is thought to initiate contraction. This is the thick filament, the myosin. And you see the cross bridge here, those little globular golf color heads protruding from the molecule on the thin filaments. There is an active site which is normally covered by a Tropomyosin troponin structure. As you see here, protein. And as soon as calcium comes in these squares represent calcium, this active site becomes exposed as this structure moves over. Once the active site is exposed, the cross bridge is then attracted to this site and results in contraction. The energy for this process is obtained from A T P and there is some A T P A molecule located right on the cross bridge. As you see here, these two dots representing A T P A. And in the next slide, this shows how this attraction of the cross bridge. The thin filament results in contraction. This is the muscle in its relaxed state with the thin filaments, the thick filaments and the little cross bridges protruding as little discs. Here, calcium comes in, the little cross bridge is attracted to the thin filament. As you see here, it then pushes or actually pulls the thin filament in almost like the action of caterpillar feet or a ratchet actually. And this Z band as you see here, normally here starts to move in and then once this is accomplished, the cross bridge, then lets go and comes back again and attaches once more so that it's a constant joining and releasing. So that eventually where thin filaments are separated, they come together in this fashion and contraction results once the muscle is contracted, calcium is actively taken up by the sarcoplasm reticulum and relaxation then occurs. He slide. I'm going to show you some electron micrograph of some of the normal structures that I've been mentioning. This is a normal muscle fiber, you see here that it is bound by a membrane. The circle lema membrane here and the membrane actually has two components to it. This outer membrane which looks like a little fuzz on the outside is known as the basement membrane. And is composed of mucopolysaccharide substance. Underneath, this is a thin more well defined membrane known as the plasma membrane. And this is composed of lipo protein structures. Nuclei in the muscle fiber typically lie at the periphery of the cell just underneath the scala membrane. And there is typically chromatin clumped around the edge of the nucleus. As you see here, these small little black dots which are present just about in every space available are glycogen particles which are useful in the energy for contraction. In the next slide, this is a muscle fiber down here and up here is actually a separate structure. This is a satellite cell. It is not part of the muscle. As you see there is this membrane separating or actually two membranes separating this cell from the muscle cell. And yet this cell is still underneath the basement membrane which envelops the muscle fiber. These cells are important in regeneration because once a muscle fiber is injured, these satellite cells which are usually dormant, become active and actually participate in the regeneration of muscle fibers, they are thought to become MYOB blasts and actually form new muscle cells. Once the, once the fiber is injured, you see here, these structures in the Iban region which are mitochondria typically located in the Iban region and these are responsible for energy derived from oxidated metabolism. The next slide, this is what a neuromuscular junction or motor end plate looks like. And you see here the axon tip, mitochondria. And if you look carefully, you can see the small round vesicles representing the packets of Acela cole. Here, this is the nucleus of a Schwann cell covering the axon tip. Then the muscle fiber down here with its membrane thrown into a series of complex folds. And this is the typical appearance of the neuromuscular junction. The next slide, this shows you what the appearance of the T tubules and the sarcoplasm reticulum look like. The combination of a T tubule and two lateral sacks of the sarcoplasm reticulum is known as a triad. And as you can see, there's no contact between the sarcoplasm reticulum and the T tubule in the center. Remember, there are two triads per next, I'm going to be discussing abnormal muscle fibers in discussing the ultras structural changes seen in pathological muscle. A few basic points must first be emphasized. First of all, most changes that can be seen are rather non specific specific in their nature and they can be seen in any process in which skeletal muscle fibers are injured. Secondly, there are certain rare conditions in which a single otherwise non specific pathological change is prominent throughout the biopsy in these instances. Such a specific change can become diagnostic but only by virtue of its prevalence within the biopsy. This is especially true in conditions producing congenital non progressive weakness. Thirdly, the electron microscope is best used to evaluate changes within individual muscle fibers. The prevalence of a particular abnormality that is the number of fibers involved must be first determined by light microscopy. Fourth, in just about every abnormality seen with the electron microscope, you can first suspect this abnormality with a light microscope. It is therefore only necessary to do electron microscopy. If some unusual change is first noted with a light microscope, a sample for electron microscopy should always be taken at every biopsy but may be discarded if his a chemical evaluation does not reveal any atypical features in discussing the pathological changes seen in muscle biopsies on the ultrastructural level. I'm first going to show a light micrograph stained with histo chemical techniques to show a particular abnormality. This will be followed by an electron micrograph showing the ultrastructural equivalent. And in this first light micrograph, the first disease I'm going to be discussing is denervation. There are two characteristic changes in denervation seen on a light microscope level. These are the appearance of small angular fibers as you see here in this light micrograph and the presence of target fibers which I'll show you in the next picture. But first, I'm going to concentrate on these small angular fibers you see here the normal appearing fibers and these small angular fibers. This is AD P N H tetrazolium reductase stain which stains these angular fibers darkly. The electron microscopic equivalent of this fiber is seen in this electron micrograph. This is a small angular fiber. Notice that the membrane, the atom membrane has a folded appearance that the nuclei no longer have chromatin at the periphery but have a dense chromatin throughout giving the nuclei a PG appearance of seen in the light microscope. And you can see that the my fibrils are basically intact, they're slightly disorganized, but they are still present. Uh Typically there is increase in the, in the membranous components within these muscle fibers. And if this fiber continued to get even smaller, eventually, it would get to be just, it would look as if it were just nuclei and it would appear on the light microscope as a PG nuclear clump. And in the next uh light micrograph, I'm now going to show a target fiber. I want you to concentrate on this particular section here which is an oxidative enzyme stain and shows you a typical appearing target fiber which is characteristic of denervation. There is a central clear zone surrounded by a zone of increased staining and then an outer zone of relatively normal staining. So this is a target fiber rather characteristic of denervation. The electron microscope in this slide here shows us why the fiber has this target appearance. The central portion of the muscle fiber has totally absent mitochondria, membranous components and the Z band as you see here is not normal but has a streamed appearance. This is in the center portion of the target, the intermediate zone where you remember there is increased oxidative enzyme staining has actually increased numbers of mitochondria and increased membranous components forming a collar around the central zone and the outer zone seen here is relatively normal appearing. So this is the target fiber characteristic of denervation. The next fiber I'm going to show is more characteristic of so called myopathic conditions or conditions in which the major change is thought to be in the muscle fiber rather than in the nerve. And what you see here are two abnormal fibers among some relatively normal appearing fibers. This is these fibers would be termed degenerating fibers. And at the same time as these fibers are degenerating, they may be regenerating. Hence, the two processes may be going on simultaneously degeneration and regeneration. And we sometimes call these de regen fibers. And in this electron micrograph, this is an example of one of these degen regen fibers. Typically, the nuclei are slightly larger than normal and they have a vesicular appearance because the clumped chromatin which is normally present is no longer present. The nucleus has a paler appearance as compared to the pg appearance in denervation. The nuclei are as you see internal in location rather than being peripheral. Now, they actually in this particular muscle fiber degeneration is going on this portion and regeneration is going on. In this portion, you see the degenerating fibr where this bundle here has actually been cut off right here, there's increase in membranes components. And over here you see newly forming bundles of myo fibers. So this is a typical degenerating regenerating fiber. What you see on the periphery here is probably a a satellite cell which is becoming a myoblast. In other words, the injury to the muscle fiber has produced a change in this fiber. You see that the endoplasm reticulum, the fiber, this cell is becoming activated to produce new muscle fibers. The next micrograph shows what we call a ring fiber. This is a rather non specific abnormality and it's most typically seen in myotonic atrophy or myotonic dystrophy. Instead of the my fibros are running from the screen out in this manner, the myo fibros are disrupted so that they form a ring around the muscle fiber. And you see here this ring and if you look carefully, you can see that there are actually striations within this ring. This is a curious abnormality. Again, it is non specific but is most common in my atomic atrophy and an electron micrograph. You see again, this ring fiber, the central portion of the muscle fiber in cross section shows the typical appearance of a cross section of a muscle. And in the peripheral portion, you can see the muscle fibers running actually perpendicular. Uh This is the ring around the muscle fiber on the outer membrane located here. Z bands, et cetera. The next group of diseases I'm going to be discussing are the uh the so called congenital myopathies or diseases in which there is muscle weakness at birth, which is relatively non progressive. And the first one is this, which is rod disease also called nele myopathy. Typically, these muscle biopsies on a light microscope. This is a modified trichrome stain. You see the appearance of many of these small red rod shaped structures which form clumps within the muscle fiber. And you see here also many little rods almost looks like tubercle, bacillus stained with an acid fast stain. We use the electron microscope to give us an idea of what these rods are composed of. And you see here several rods under the electron microscope. And if you look down here, you see that the rods seem to arise from the Z disc. This is a normal Z disk and here is what is probably the beginning of a rod. Here is one which is slightly larger and then these may be considered more mature rods, these larger structures. So the electron microscope tells us that these rods probably arise for some reason out of the Z band. The ideology of this disease is at this point quite obscure. You see these black dots representing glycogen out here. Next change which is rather characteristic is this here, which is central core disease. And again, I want you to concentrate on this this stain here, which is the oxidative enzyme stain. And you see that typically in central core, there is almost a punched out region in the center of the muscle fibers. And this is rather characteristic. And an occasional lesion like this within a muscle biopsy is not significant. However, in central core disease, this is an extremely prominent finding. It is present in the vast majority of specifically the type one muscle fibers which are dark with the D P tetrazolium Duta and light with the regular A P stain. This is a reverse a stain. Now what is responsible for the appearance of these cores? If you look at the electron micrograph, you can see again an appearance which is actually sort of similar to that of the target fiber, the central portion of the muscle fiber, as you see here is a punch out abnormal region with streaming of the Z band. And if you look carefully, there are no mitochondria again within this region, explaining the absence of oxidative enzyme staining slightly different from the target fiber is that there usually is no intermediate zone of increased staining. So in other words, it's a two zone affair. This central core would run the entire length of a muscle fiber. Whereas in a target fiber, this might be shorter in length and not run the entire length of muscle fiber, the periphery of the muscle fiber is normal as you see here. The next light micrograph shows what may be a variation of central cord disease. This has been called several things. It has been called multi core disease. It has been called focal loss of cross tris. And what you see here is instead of a central core of abnormality, there actually is a perpendicular core running in this direction rather than in this direction. And these are may be multiple within the muscle fiber. And hence the name multi core. And typically there may be disruption of the normal cross durational pattern. Hence the name focal loss of cross striations in these lesions. There are frequently nuclei seen at their periphery. And this is an electron micrograph of what is probably a variant of this multi core condition. What I want you to notice here is the difference between this side of the slide and this side of the slide. If you look from here over there are large numbers of mitochondria at present and large amounts of membranous components and the Z band is relatively intact. And if you go from here on, there's not one single mitochondria in present. And as soon as the mitochondria go away, the Z band has this streamed appearance, which is typical when mitochondria are no longer there. Hence, this has a similar appearance to a core, but you can think of it as perpendicular to the plane of the usual core and these would be multiple within a single muscle fiber. Next, light micrograph shows another congenital condition producing muscle weakness. And this we have called type one fiber smallness or hypotrophy with central nuclei. Another name for this condition is myo tubular myopathy and the reason people used to call this myo tubular myopathy is that these small muscle fibers with single central nuclei have a striking resemblance to muscle fiber in its embryonic state in which there are small fibers with many nuclei lined up in rows, giving a central tube appearance or myo tubular. It is thought that this is possibly a defect in muscle maturation. And that that's why these myo tubes persist. And an electron micrograph of a small fiber with internal nuclei. Seen here, you can see that the outer part of the fiber is relatively normal. Actually, the mitochondria are sparser out here than they are in the center, which is also typical of myo tubes. And in the center of the fiber are many nuclei usually lined up in rows. There are, this condition has also been called central nuclear myopathy by some. And if you notice the central portion of the fiber also has a degenerated appearance. And hence some people even call this per central nuclear myopathy indicating that the damage is around the nuclei. The next uh disorder which you see on the on the light micrograph is periodic paralysis. Now here a very characteristic change takes place which is almost diagnostic for this condition. And this is the appearance of many single central vacuoles. These pale regions within the muscle fiber. These vacuoles occur in both the hypo and the hyperkalemic forms of periodic paralysis but are much more commonly seen in the hypokalemic form. They can occur either during or in between attacks of weakness, which are characteristic of this disease. What are these vacuoles composed of? If you look here at the electron micrograph, you see one of these vacuoles in the center of the muscle fiber. And what you see here is a T tubule actually leading up to this vacuole and actually having anatomical communication with it. So that these vacuoles are thought to be actually dili locations of normal membranous structures within the muscle fiber and are therefore reversible. When this dili decreases. The next light micrograph shows an example of one of the glycogen storage diseases in glycogen storage disease. The characteristic finding is that of many vacuoles within the muscle fiber. These vacuoles typically are located just underneath the saral membrane. The vacuoles are the result of glycogen accumulation. This is the modified trichrome stain and here is the P S stain which stains glycogen and you see the red material representing glycogen. This again is Myla deficiency or Mac's disease characteristically, there are accumulations of glycogen. So that when you see vacuoles on a muscle fiber like this and when they stain positively with the P S stain, if you look at the electron micrograph of such a fiber, you can see the large accumulations of glycogen material within the muscle fiber actually displacing the normal myo fibular structures. Here, he's the muscle membrane with a subir accumulation of glycogen. This is phosphorylase deficiency in the next light micrograph. You see the most one of the most severe forms of glycogen stores, disease, namely acid maltase deficiency. This is the juvenile form which affects a large majority of the fibers. And you can see that the muscle fibers have almost a Swiss cheese appearance. They're almost totally replaced with glycogen and the infantile form of this disease. All of the muscle fibers in the biopsy will have this appearance and it will sometimes be mistaken for a tissue other than muscle. It will look so bizarre. And this is a an electron micrograph of a case of infantile acid maltase deficiency. And you can see the massive accumulation of glycogen within this biopsy. Displacing the normal my fibro structures. You see here, this is all glycogen in here underneath the membrane. And in the uh next light micrograph, you see the appearance of what a biopsy looks like on a light microscope level when one of the so called mitochondrial myopathies is present. These are conditions in which the primary abnormality appears to be within the mitochondria. And when you stain such a biopsy with a modified trichrome stain, you see that there is a clumping of red material around the periphery of the fiber. And in addition, the central portion of the muscle fiber has a rather ragged appearance due to the presence of excessive numbers of mitochondria as well as lipid and glycogen structures. Hence, we call these ragged red fibers. And these are typical of diseases in which there are increased numbers of mitochondria. And if you look at these such a fiber on the electron microscope, you see here that there are large numbers of mitochondria toward the periphery of the fiber beneath the muscle membrane here and near the nucleus here. These are abnormal in number but normal in size. Uh in the uh next uh electron micrograph. This is another example of uh such an abnormal biopsy with abnormal mitochondria. This is a higher power and you see here uh this is one single large mitochondria and within it is this long crystalline structure. And these also are typically seen in patients with ragged red fibers that the mitochondria are not only increased in number and size but typically contain large crystalline structures within them. The ideology of these conditions is at this moment very obscure. And in the next electron micrograph, you see another one of these abnormal mitochondria. Uh This one has many little squares of crystals within it. The mitochondria has this bizarre uh round shape with concentric circles around it. And the next slide you see here, another variation of this, this patient had large numbers of of mitochondria. The mitochondria were enlarged and distorted, appearing. And also there were many of these small light core dense particles which were very prominent within mitochondria. So this is another variation of the conditions in which large numbers of mitochondria may be seen in the next slide. Now, I'm going to be discussing one of the newer techniques applied to muscle biopsies. What I've shown you now up until now are just electron micrograph of normal and abnormal muscle biopsies. The more recent methods have involved specifically staining these muscle fibers for specific reactions. And one of the ways to do this at the ultrastructural level is to use the immuno peroxidase technique, which is illustrated here. What we have been interested in doing at the NIH is localizing the acetylcholine receptor on muscle fibers. It is known that the acetylcholine receptor specifically and irreversibly reacts with a snake venom known as alpha BGA toxin represented by this snake here. So that if you put bunga toxin onto a muscle biopsy sample, you specifically bind it to the acetycholine receptor region. This is representing the Nplate here. If you then take an antibody to bungo toxin made up in a rabbit and follow that by a goat antibody to the rabbit. And if you attach a enzyme marker to this goat antibody known as peroxidase and then react it with a hydrogen peroxide uh dino benzine solution, you get a brown stain and this brown stain then specifically localizes the receptor because what you've done is you've actually produced a chain through sequential antibodies which is attached to Broin and which stains its localization to the cey Coline receptor. And in the next slide, you can see the application of this technique. This is a normal human electron normal human muscle biopsy, an electron micrograph of the of the neuromuscular junction region. These are two ax on tips and this is the muscle down here. These are the junctional folds. And you see this black staining representing the localization of bogo toxin binding or the receptor. And you can see that it's specifically on the peaks of the post junctional fold of the muscle membrane. And if you do a higher magnification, you can see that in addition to being here on the muscle, there is a slight amount of staining on the postsynaptic Exxon membrane as well. So that we have localized through this technique, the silicon receptor on skeletal muscle. It's actually sort of a histo chemical technique applied to the outs structure level. One of the curious things about the Acela coin receptor is that in a normal state, it's localized only at the neuromuscular junction. But following denervation, the receptor can be found not only here on the junctional region but on the entire sarcolemma membrane out here, this is normal. So it's unstained. And if you look at this picture down here, you can see these small angular fibers representing denervated fibers as I've shown you previously and they have a rim of black staining around them. This is a normal fiber here which you see is completely unstained and this is an electron micrograph of such a situation. This is the denervated fiber showing the extra junctional staining and the normal fiber with no staining of the receptor. So this is one of the trends of electron microscopy now to apply such techniques as the immuno peroxidase to specifically localize certain antigens on the muscle fiber. Other techniques such as auto radiography can be used in which a radioactive substance is used rather than a enzyme marker. And when the radioactive decay takes place, a small silver grain can be seen to be deposited in the region of the molecule that you're looking for. And you can actually see these in electron microscope. And this is another way to localize things at the structural level. So in conclusion, when properly applied, the electron microscope is a very important tool in the evaluation of skeletal muscle disease. It is not meant as a routine procedure to be applied to every muscle biopsy but is best used as an adjunct to histo chemical evaluation. Only when some very unusual change is seen. Caution must be taken to avoid sampling errors in interpreting electromyographs and to avoid assigning significance to artifacts which may be common, any change in order to be significant. And I have to re emphasize this that any change that you see in the electron microscope must be very prominent throughout the biopsy in order to be considered significant. Anything, any one of the changes that I showed you, if you see it in one or two fibers means nothing. It's only when it's prevalent throughout the biopsy that it's important newer techniques such as the localization of specific cellular antigens with the immuno peroxidase and auto radiographic methods promised to reveal a considerable amount of information concerning the basic disease processes which affect skeletal muscle. Thank you.