*This machine-generated transcript may have errors. If remediation or a manually-generated transcript is needed, please contact NLM Support at https://support.nlm.nih.gov.* *This machine-generated transcript may have errors. If remediation or a manually-generated transcript is needed, please contact NLM Support at https://support.nlm.nih.gov.*100:01:12,340 --> 00:01:17,030four models have been proposed for myasthenia gravis in recent years. The first I have listed is generally agreed to most closely resemble myasthenia gravis in man. This model arose is an incidental laboratory observation in the course of basic studies of purified acetylcholine receptor. The second model, described by taika and colleagues, involves the passive transfer of myasthenia gravis antibodies into mice. This model provides the first evidence that human anti receptor antibodies are pathogenic, and this model should be very valuable in elucidating the pathogenesis of neonatal myasthenia, where trans placental transfer of antibodies does occur. The third model described by Sata, Murty and others, involves the direct injection of rats with alpha neurotoxins of cobra venom. This model has been useful in demonstrating that paralysis of the societal calling receptor molecule itself can mimic myasthenia gravis clinically and electro physiologically. However, the mechanisms involved at the level of the acetylcholine receptor molecule are quite different in mechanism of that of myasthenia gravis or of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis. The fourth model experimental autoimmune thing I'm itis has been included for historic completeness. However, this model today remains a subject of controversy and its relationship to human myasthenia gravis is not clear. Our understanding of myasthenia gravis today I was much two basic studies of the chemistry, pharmacology and physiology of the electric organs of fishers. Like the Californian torpedo ray, the electric organ of the torpedo can be seen as a raised present on the lateral body of the animal. Large amounts of acetylcholine receptor can be extracted from this organ and purified by affinity chromatography, which takes advantage of another exotic product of nature. The alpha neurotoxin of cobra snakes. The acetylcholine receptor is soluble ized from electric organ membranes absorbed onto beads to which toxin is conjugated and finally eluded free from the toxin in purified form 1972 Patrick and Lindstrom observed by chance that rabbits immunized with purified acetylcholine receptor became paralyzed. This observation led to the development of the model experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis, which has been studied most extensively in the rat. E A. M G ensues when rats are immunized with acetylcholine receptor together with immunological adjuvants. Clinically, the rats develop weakness and fatigue ability. Pharmacologically, this weakness can be improved temporarily with pro Stig mean and the rats demonstrate sensitivity to minute doses of cure Ari electro physiologically de Krim entitle electro Maya grams are found. The phenomena of post Titanic facilitation. Post activation, post activation exhaustion and reduced amplitudes of miniature end plate potentials are found immunologically antibodies to acetylcholine receptor of the rats own post synaptic membrane are demonstrable and there is also cellular immunity to acetylcholine receptor by electron microscopy. Reduced numbers of toxin binding sites are found on the post synaptic membrane. The ultra structure of the post synaptic membrane is highly simplified, and both egg and the third component of compliment have been demonstrated on the post synaptic membrane. The next one rats are injected into the skin with purified acetylcholine receptor, either that isolated from electric organ of eel or marine raise or with purified acetylcholine receptor from rat muscle itself The antigen is combined with complete Freud's adjuvant, and an injection of potassium vaccine is also given. This animal received adjuvant only and remains completely free of weakness. Rats receiving acetylcholine receptor inoculations develop usually two episodes of weakness. The first occurs one week after inoculation and is usually transient. This weakness or acute phase of weakness is followed by a transient stage of remission and four weeks later, a chronic phase of weakness ensues, which is usually progressive. The weakness involves predominantly the four limbs, the head and neck and the respiratory muscles. This slide shows the posture which is characteristic of a MG. The animal has difficulty raising its head or raising its front half of its body. The cry is very weak. The muscles of mastication are so weak that the animals have to be maintained on soft food. However, when given soft food and water within easy reach, the animals can survive for up to a year. Electro physiologically with repetitive nerve stimulation. There is a detriment of the muscle response. When the stimulation is prolonged, the phenomena of post activation facilitation is seen which is followed by post activation exhaustion. These phenomena are characteristic of myasthenia gravis in man here, after the injection of prostate mean intraparty. Nearly the deck criminal which preceded the injection is repaired and this repair lasts up to three hours and then the detriment returns by miniature electrodes Studies rats were studied at various times after a single injection, with the receptor and achievements for the rats studied for the first seven days after injection, the amplitude of the miniature end plate potentials was normal. This is the normal range. However, from Day seven there was a significant reduction in amplitude of the maps and even in the period of clinical remission, the amplitude remained low and continued to be very low out into the chronic phase of the disease. Histological e The findings in the acute phase and chronic phase are quite different. I will discuss the acute phase first. This shows the hist o chemical and him a toxic linen ears and appearance of the end plate region of normal rat skeletal muscle by Alpha Enough, alas, etait reaction the colonist eras reaction at the post synaptic membrane can be seen mhm. This just shows the appearance of intact in plate morphology. In the acute phase of weakness in the rat, there is a tremendous infiltration of modern nuclear inflammatory cells in the region of the post synaptic membrane. The colonist er is positive material, is sequestered away from the muscle fiber and is undergoing disintegration And with higher power magnification, you can see the nuclei of the modern nuclear cells actually are embedded in this colonist to raise positive material. The end plate is being engulfed by inflammatory cells. The next slide reminds you of the ultra structure of the post synaptic membrane and the nerve terminal in a rat. Here is the nerve terminal containing vehicles which are presumed to hold the A subtle Colleen. Here you can see mitochondria, the underlying muscle fiber with the membrane the post synaptic membrane, highly specialist with delicate folds beneath the nerve ending the synaptic space is very narrow. This is the Schwann cell here in the acute phase of myasthenia gravis in the rat. This whole area of the motor junction is a disaster area The nerve terminal is quite intact. The muscle fiber underneath is completely denuded of post synaptic membrane. Here you can see remnants of the post synaptic membrane separating the intact nerve terminal from the muscle fiber. There are fake acidic inflammatory cells here containing debris of membrane. After Day 12, these inflammatory cells disappear from the post synaptic region and the nerve terminal comes back into its position opposite the post synaptic membrane, which at this time is showing signs of repair. But continued degeneration also occurs, and at this stage and into the chronic phase of E. A. M. G, the ultra structural picture is indistinct indistinguishable from that of human myasthenia gravis. The synaptic spaces widened and the post synaptic membrane is highly simplified. The acetylcholine receptor in the post synaptic membrane of a normal rat neuromuscular junction can be visualized by its reaction with a peroxide is conjugated alpha neurotoxin of the snake venom. But normally the Estelle Colin receptor is situated at the tops of the folds of the post synaptic membrane in the chronic phase of a MG as Dr Engel has also demonstrated for human myasthenia gravis, the acetylcholine receptor is very or that I should say, the toxin binding sites on the post synaptic membrane are greatly reduced in number. Now I will briefly go over the phases of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis so we can look at some of the immunological events that are occurring. First of all, if we concentrate on the preclinical phase of the AMG a day zero, the rat is injected in the skin with an emotion of acetylcholine receptor. With adjuvants, the antigen is drained to the local lymph nose, where the specific immunological reaction is triggered. By day four. In the peripheral blood specific immunoglobulins and sensitized T cells can be demonstrated by day five through seven Immunoglobulin can be demonstrated on the post synaptic membrane of the neuro muscular junction, also by skin testing and by tests of peripheral blood lymphocytes. We know that there are sensitized thymus derived, or T lymphocytes both in the blood and in the tissues. The events which occur at this pre clinical phase leading to membrane license, which is seen ultra structurally fig acidosis and chemo taxes. Attracting the inflammatory cells might involve either activation of the complement system, which does occur with anti receptor antibodies. It might involve non immune cells such as B lymphocytes or macrophages, having receptors for the FC end of immunoglobulins or the chemo. Taxes and cider toxicity might involve T cells themselves, specifically sensitized, wandering by chance into the region of the neuromuscular junction, releasing them for kinds. The final pathway we see as the acute phase, which occurs 8 to 11 days after immunization. At this stage, the animals a week electro physiologically there is evidence of the innovation. Inflammatory cells are pouring into this post synaptic area, and there is a decrease in the amount of receptor. At this stage. I should emphasize that a human equivalent of the acute phase of experimental myasthenia gravis has not been described yet But in the experimental animals, everything has been amplified by our use of adjuvants to initiate the auto immune process. During the stage of recovery, the cells disappear, the animals are in clinical or emission and there is a transient increase in the total amount of acetylcholine receptor in the animals. Between days 15 and 25 the level of specific anti anti muscle recep to antibody in the serum is increasing. There is repair of membrane, the post synaptic membrane, and at this stage, the amount of acetylcholine receptor is reducing. The chronic phase of the AMG is indistinguishable from human myasthenia gravis ultra. Structurally, there is a similar weakness. There is impairment of neuromuscular transmission There are high levels of IgG anti receptor antibody in the serum and in muscle. There is a reduction in the amount of total amount of acetylcholine receptor and there is demonstrable on the post synaptic membrane both immunoglobulin G and the third component of compliment The next slide. Yeah, how briefly review some of the properties of antibodies to acetylcholine receptor. First of all, the antibodies to receptor bind to antigenics sites on the acetylcholine receptor molecule outside of the societal calling binding site of the molecule. I'll explain this further in the next slide. Secondly, we know that antibodies in vitro can impair the electro physiological responses of acetylcholine receptors. When a Seattle calling itself is applied iron to. Theoretically, this activity of antibody is independent of the action of Compliment. Thirdly we know that antibodies to acetylcholine receptor can transfer E AMG in vivo. This can be done by passively transferring antibodies from the serum of an immune rat to a normal rat or, as has been done by Taika and his colleagues by taking antibodies from the serum of patients with myasthenia gravis and injecting them into mice. Fourthly, we know from human studies that antibodies to acetylcholine receptor can cross the human placenta and presumably responsible for the syndrome of neonatal myasthenia. Fifthly we know that antibodies to acetylcholine receptor, both experimentally induced and those occurring spontaneously in humans, can activate the complement system we've mhm. There have been many different reports of the occurrence of antibodies to acetylcholine receptor in patients with myasthenia gravis. The essay is reported in the literature have employed different principles. And superficially, these reports might appear confusing. So I think it's worth of spending a few minutes to look at the principles of the different essays employed so that we can then explain some of the apparent discrepancies in the literature. First of all, the Radio Immuno essay is employed to detect antibody to acetylcholine receptor have for the most part employed the principle of radio labeling the acetylcholine receptor protein by by using the alpha bungalow toxin from Cobra venom, which has been itself labeled with radioactive iodine. Now, if we picture the acetylcholine receptor protein as a block, there is one binding site for a subtle calling on this receptor molecule When it interacts with the radioactive toxin, the receptor itself becomes radio labelled now to detect antibodies. The antibody might, for example, be added before the radioactive toxin is added. In this case, if antibody, which I've represented as an inverted Y here, is added before the toxin, if that antibody is directed to antigenics determinants on the receptor molecule in the region of the binding site for a subtle Colleen, one would expect that the antibody would prevent the radioactive toxin from gaining access to the receptor molecule This activity has in fact been described. It was first described by almond and apple using cell globalized as Tell Colin Receptor, which had been prepared from day innovated rat muscle. However, when acetylcholine receptor was purified by Dr John Lindstrom from normal human muscle this activity of the antibody could not be demonstrated Therefore, we know that the androgenic determinants expressed on Dean elevated muscle a slightly different from those exposed on junction all receptor from normal human muscle. However when essays employee receptor which is actually insight you in frozen sections of human muscle such as has been described by Dr Bender and his colleagues, application of antibody to frozen sections of neuromuscular junctions have demonstrated the blocking of the binding of radioactive toxin in up to 70% of patients. So the demonstration of the inhibition of binding of toxin by antibody depends on the source of receptor and on its micro environment, whether it's in membrane or whether it's soluble list. Another immuno essay employees the labelling of soluble is human muscle receptor Before the addition of antibody in this essay, the toxin binding site is already occupied before the antibody is added after addition of antibody, a second goat anti human immunoglobulin is added. This antibody reacts with the human antibody in the reaction mixture, and if that human antibody is already attached to the receptor molecule the radioactive toxin will be precipitated in the final immune precipitation. If the human antibody is not directed to the acetylcholine receptor, no radio activity will be precipitated by the second anti human antibody. The next slide gives you an illustration of the detection of antibody in a large population of human subjects. Using that second antibody method for detection, the antibody is expressed in terms of the moles of radioactive toxin, which were precipitated in the antibody essay. And it's important to note that the tighter of antibody is expressed on a log scale. Looking at a large number of non my aesthetic patients, including normals, Eaton Lambert syndrome, a Maya trophic, lateral sclerosis, polymer bursitis, other neurological diseases and non neurological diseases, including other autoimmune diseases like systemic Lupus erythematosus, thyroid itis. There was no significant amount of antibody in the myasthenia gravis population. Antibody was detected in 87 percent of patients. There was, however, no correlation with the severity of the disease and the tighter of the antibody. So far, this essay for anti receptor antibody has proven a very useful ancillary test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. The next slide illustrates a patient studied by Dr Casey and his colleagues at UCLA, where a baby born of a my aesthetic mother had at birth severe neonatal myasthenia, the tighter of the mothers antibody has shown here again on a log scale, the mother had a very high tighter of anti receptor antibody. The baby at birth also had a high tighter of anti receptor antibody. The non my aesthetic values cut off. At this point, the baby gradually improved clinically from its transient episode of neonatal myasthenia. At three months, the baby was clinically quite improved. He still had detectable antibody in his serum. When seen at five months the baby no longer had any significant amount of anti receptor antibody in his serum. The new information that we have gained from studying an animal animal model of myasthenia gravis have been, firstly demonstration of the pathogenesis itty of immune responses to acetylcholine receptor. Secondly new diagnostic tests are evolving to help in distinguishing cases of myasthenia gravis, which might otherwise be a diagnostic problem. Thirdly, we're gaining some insight into the role of the famous in myasthenia gravis. For example, we do know that the theme is is essential in the experimental animal, for the production of antibody to acetylcholine receptor and for the onset of impairment of neuromuscular transmission. It has also been reported by Mittag and his colleagues that the famous of myasthenia gravis patients in some instances does contain antibody to ask, Tell Colleen Receptor. Fourthly, we now have some evidence that the complement system might be involved in human myasthenia gravis, since we do know that antibodies to acetylcholine receptor can activate the complement system and in the animal model, we know that compliment is involved in the impairment of neuromuscular transmission in vivo and in the model involving passive transfer of human antibodies to the mouse When complement levels were low, the impairment of neuromuscular transmission was less. Finally, I would like to summarize the clinical significance of auto immunity to acetylcholine receptors. First of all, the antibody tests provide an ancillary test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis, and as we saw, it can provide a useful monitor of neonatal myasthenia gravis. The antibody tests might provide an indicator of fetal risk. It is not yet known whether antibody tests are going to be a valuable monitor of therapeutic response. I have not discussed the essays of cellular immunity, but lymphocyte transformation essays employing peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with myasthenia gravis have been reported by Richmond and his colleagues to show some correlation with the severity of myasthenia gravis. A. Bronski and his colleagues in Israel have reported that the degree of in vitro lymphocyte transformation with purified acetylcholine receptor has correlated with the effect of steroid therapy in patients with myasthenia gravis. Finally, when we look to the future, we can hope that our new knowledge of the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis might lead to more specific therapy for the auto immune basis of myasthenia gravis Thank you.