my role today is to describe the XML transport systems or so called ectoplasmic flow and the role of these systems in the normal maintenance of motor neurons. And then to review what's known about external transport in motor neuron pathology. Now on the first side mm this is a highly schematic representation of a motor neuron and in general it can be divided into three parts a cell body, an axon and the synaptic terminals. Now, you all know that the cell body and the synaptic terminals are the business ends of the motor neurone. The cell body with its dendrites, which are not shown here are the area where uh the interplay with uh segmental and super segmental influences occurs. The motor nerve terminal is the site of transmission too. Uh the effect er in this case muscle at the neuromuscular junction. What's not showing on this diagram is a really proportion of sizes of these structures, the axon intervening between the cell body and the motor terminal is actually uh in a human motor neurone several 100 times the volume of either the cell body or of course the terminals. And yet one of the striking facts in neurobiology is that the axum is almost entirely incapable of synthesis of such essential substances as proteins. Rather, the Exxon depends on uh the continuous delivery to it of uh proteins synthesized in the nerve cell body and carried by external transport. The cell body is consequently one of the most vigorous sites of protein synthesis in the body. In fact, we probably should regard a normal cell body as a protein. Secretary sell engaged in the internal secretion of protein and lack of proteins into the axon and the means by which these substances are moved within the axon are the accidental transport system. So, I'm talking about transport. We're talking about the cell body synthesis of external substances in their movement within the axon. At the present time, we recognize three external transport systems which are summarized on the slide. Two are engaged in moving material away from the cell body. Fast anterograde and slow anterograde transport, and one retrograde transport moves material toward the cell body. Well briefly describe these systems of external transport and then return to our diagram attic uh neuron and fill in some of the pieces. Fast anterograde transport moves materials down the Accident with a rate of about 400 millimeters a day. It's worth reflecting that in the human psychotic nerve. That means it will take roughly three days for newly synthesized protein to reach the motor nerve, ending this rapidly transported material is associated in transport with sacks of smooth and a plasmid particular. Um As we discuss in a moment, transmission related enzymes are among the rapidly transported constituents that is cold master race, dopamine, beta hydroxy Alice and other enzymes involved in synaptic transmission. Yeah, these rapidly transported materials are preferentially distributed to the synaptic terminal and probably served to renew the member list components of the terminals, the synaptic vesicles and the axle M. O. And as we'll see, the mechanism of fast transport is unknown, but micro tubules appear to be involved. Slow transport on the other hand, Moves materials at a discreet rate of 1 - two a day. With still transport. The materials carried are much better characterized and consists primarily of the bulk of ectoplasm that is micro tubules and neural filaments uh Instead of being preferentially distributed to the terminals, solar transported materials are quite generally distributed along the axon and their role is a presumably the renewal of these. X surprise my constituents finally, retrograde transport carries materials toward the cell body. Uh And as we'll see, these are both recycled materials delivered to the ending by fast transport and exogenous substances taken up in the synaptic cleft. Uh We'll discuss in a moment recent results suggest that the rate of retrograde transport should be regarded as 250 millimeters per day. Now, the next slide, the next slide will show these systems in the context of our schematic nirvana. Yeah. First, with regard to fast transport i in studies using protein or glycoprotein precursors injected near the cell body. E. M. On choreographic and biochemical studies have shown the presumptive uh victoria will uh synthesis and transport of these materials uh loosen injected near a motor neuron cell body for example, is incorporated into proteins which will be rapidly transported uh in rough and a plasma particular um A complement of these Are conjugated. two sugars in the golgi apparatus informed lack of proteins. Both the non glock oscillated proteins and the glycoprotein. Then inter fast transport for the most part as member list components of smooth and the plasma, particularly other substances such as cold as to raise our probably within the smooth. And applies in particular these sacks or long to bills of ectoplasmic particular. Um then enter the transport process and it's we look at the next side, we can see that a if we take this as a rat lumbar, eventual horn and imagine that we have just injected treated, losing through micro pipettes into this region 15 minutes later, essentially no radio activity can be found out along the nerve. Uh the position of radio activity along the nerve indicated on the X axis by three hours. However, a discreet front of radio activity has moved out, Reaching about 50 in terms of 24 hours, that would be about 400 a day By six hours. This materials reached about 100. So, at the rate of fast transport, as we have indicated, measured by The fastest moving front of newly synthesized protein is about 400 a day, there's a good deal of confirmatory evidence indicating that endogenous enzymes a similarly move at that rate. Uh This rate probably applies not just to peripheral neurons but to the central nervous system as well. Uh Now, if we go back to the previous slide at the level of the motor nerve ending, it seems most probable that these transported sacks and vesicles of smooth enterprise in particular um provide precursors for synaptic vesicles indicated here and in addition are capable of merging with the axon terminal itself to add new Excel Emma to the synaptic terminal and elegant E. M. Auto radiographic studies by drones have very firmly confirmed that idea now. Uh if we turn to slow transport, uh we can first of all say that if the same sorts of techniques are used, protein precursor is injected near the cell body. That uh the synthesis of solar transported materials appears to take place primarily on polly ribosomes. And as we've indicated, the primary substances synthesized are micro tube bills and narrow filaments. Uh whether these uh inter transport as a solid uh continuous fibers, protein or a soluble subunits is not yet defined. I these materials, as we said before, are distributed generally along the axon. So that is indicated on the next slide, The amounts of radio activity one finds as one goes distantly decrease. It's also worth emphasizing that the rate at 1-2 mm a day. Presuming that that's applicable to the human means that in a human psychotic nerve, we would be talking about roughly three years before uh a fresh bullets of newly synthesized slowly transported protein would reach uh motor nerve endings in the foot. Oh and now, if we turn to a retrograde transport again for a moment uh we're here depicting the into psychosis of uh membrane uh at the synaptic terminal uh forming again, sacks or tubules which are very similar to the s er that has carried anterograde which then enter a retrograde transport. Now, uh the use of radio chemicals has been more difficult in establishing rates of transport and retrograde direction because unlike newly synthesized proteins in the cell body, a very rapid entry of a front of material doesn't occur with retrograde transport. If an IUD nated preformed protein is injected into muscle up, take it slow and one simply sees a gradation of transported activity along the nerve. We've recently used a technique for identifying the fastest moving components of retrograde transport and have taken advantage of the fact that cold, among other things, reversible e stops both fast and low grade and retrograde transport. So, by putting a cold cuff on rats, psychotic nerves and injecting an isolated protein in this case I donated tetanus toxin into the hind foot muscles. Uh We have allowed a substantial accumulation of radio activity to occur distal to the cold block. Then the cold block is rapidly re warmed in the front of transported material continues to move retrograde up the axon by doing that dr Lloyd shield in our laboratory has a established both in vitro and in vivo, A very predictable and constant transport rate of about 200 and 50 millimeters a day. Uh 242, mm A day. So that in many ways this retrograde transport system can be looked on as the obverse of anterograde transport. Uh We imagine rapidly transported membrane carried to the Exxon terminal inserted into Excel Emma and at some later time into psychosis producing new member nous packages which are returned by retrograde transport. The one edition being that exogenous materials from the synaptic cleft are capable of being carried back to the cell body. Now, later phenomenon probably has uh considerable biologic and pathologic significance. We've indicated that tetanus toxin can be carried retrograde and work with dr Donald Price. Uh Uh huh. Uh We think it's most likely at the present time that the route of entry of tetanus uh into um motor neurons and the pre synaptic region or tetanus acts in clinical tetanus is via retrograde transport. Uh similarly uh nerve growth factor and botulinum toxin appear to be carried retrograde through the same sort of system. And finally it's very likely that a number of viruses and pathologic significance including uh polio viruses can ascend retrograde into the nervous system. So that retrograde transport might be looked on if you will as a back door to the central nervous system and possibly quite important means of entry of a ideological path genetic factors in disease. So that to summarize what we've said, we've talked about a a rapidly transported. Uh we talked about rapid transport of members elements from cell body to terminal from terminal to sell body. And we think of fast anterograde and retrograde transport as essentially providing a high speed shuttle system between uh sell body in synaptic terminal. On the other hand, still transport provides a means of renewing the enormous amount of X applies um between so we have briefly and obviously highly schematically summarized these elaborate systems which neurons have evolved for maintenance of their axons. We want now to focus on what's known about the role of these transport systems in a path of biology or pathology of motor neurons. We should begin by emphasizing that at the moment only one process in only one process is there a clear cut relationship between accidental pathology, excellent generation and external transport. And that situation is in acute watery and degeneration of the axon while randy generation. We mean the prompt degeneration, the breakdown and ultimate figure psychosis of the axon that occurs after. For example, cutting a nerve that occurs in the distance, dump the excellent segments separated from continuity with the cell body. And a variety of approaches have indicated that the most important factor in initiating this process of orange generation is the acute complete interruption of accidental transport. Inferential evidence suggests that it's fast axonal transport. This most important if one calculates the time to failure to fire. Of a no muscular preparation with a very distal external section and then increasingly lengthens the proximal, increasingly lengthens the distal stump and measures the time to failure to fire. one finds that each additional 15 millimeters of distance dumped length provides physiologic activity, the capacity to transmit across the neuromuscular junction for about one additional hour. Uh Similarly, the length of the distal stump affects the development of pathologic changes of orange generation in the Exxon. Uh in that 15 mm/h correlates very closely to the rate of fast external transport. If uh excellent transport is interrupted not by excellent section, but by application of culture seen or been blasting along the course of the nerve or by a sustained cold block. A similar polarity generation of the distance stump occurs. Having said that we really have summarized all that is known firmly about the relationship between transport and excellent pathology. I'd like to turn to one kind of chronic axillary generation which has attracted our interest in the interest of a number of laboratories recently. And that's the process of external dying back. Now dying back today, at least should be taken to indicate a situation in which the axon degenerates in a distant a proximal fashion chronically. That is if one imagines the if one imagines the axon making contact with the neuromuscular junction. Uh normally one can say in Warren degeneration that the accident was sectioned in the distance trump rapidly disappears in dying back. One can document a very slow, gradual process of distal to proximal degeneration so that I uhh we're talking about a chronic degenerative process, which is certainly applicable to a number of human peripheral neuropathy. Now, the hypothesis that has been raised regarding this can be summarized as follows. If we say that an acute interruption of external transport produces acute degeneration of the distance dump of the axon. Uh then can't we imagine that a chronic partial impairment uh in the amount of transported material received by the axon might lead to a chronic excellent regeneration decrease in transport could certainly occur either because of fear interference with cell body synthetic functions or because of abnormalities and transport per se. And we would imagine that larger or longer axons might be preferentially vulnerable simply because they have more access to maintain that the endings of their axons would represent, if you will, the last field of of irrigation. Uh this has led to a hypothesis uh that really goes back at least 100 years and was very clearly articulated by 1895. Actually enough with regard to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. And the hypothesis is simply that nerve cell body synthetic uh deficiencies lead to just like some only generation. Mhm. Well, in our laboratory and as I indicated in other laboratories recently, we've begun testing this hypothesis using experimental toxic neuropathy. The disorder that we have investigated most is acrylamide intoxication in the rat. We've also uh more recently been investigating intoxication with 25 hexane dyan in collaboration of dr peter spencer at Albert Einstein acrylamide induces a dying back neuropathy. This animal was intoxicated for about eight weeks with a chrome ride in his feed. Mhm. And uh you can see that there is marked weakness of defeat particularly uh and uh a lesser degree of weakness uh is president although it's not obvious from the side. Uh more approximately sensory loss is uh distant predominant as well so that these animals are not only weak distantly but they have impaired sensation and difficulty walking for that reason. Now is this dyslexic degeneration the result of diminished delivery of transported constituents to nerve terminals? Well, to investigate that question, we've used a preparation, we first of all you standard inv evil rate measurements of the kind that we talked about a minute ago. We've also used a preparation mhm. In which the rat sciatic nerve, the dorsal root ganglion endorsing route are removed from the animal and placed in a short term culture situation in vitro. In this arrangement, the dorsal root ganglia, that is the cell bodies that lead to the psychotic nerve and to the dorsal root uh mm are placed in a isolated chamber separated from the media surrounding the nerve and the roots by silicon grease barriers, precursors such as treated lucy and created few coast can then be added to the ganglion chamber and transport uh synthesis of proteins or black of proteins will occur here and some fraction of those newly synthesized proteins will enter fast transport both up the root and down the nerve to make sure that we don't lose transported materials. We like it. The roots and nerves H two A allow quantitative evaluation of the fraction of materials entering transport. So this type of preparation allows measurements of treated lucy inc, as well as the fraction of milly synthesized materials entering transport. I should mention also that no transport material or very little enters the ventral root. As one would expect. Uhh Now using preparations from animals chronically intoxicated with acrylamide compared to controls. On the next slide, we find no difference in total treated lucy inc by the cell bodies or in the fraction of newly synthesized material entering fast transport either down the nerve or up the ventral roots between the control and the crow might intoxicated animals. Similarly, if preparations from normal animals are incubated with acrylamide uh In the incubation media, we find no impairment of either protein synthesis or fast transport. On the other hand, measuring fast transport rates, not the total amount that gets into the accident. Fast transport rates we do find, as indicated in the next slide, some slowing a fast transport. In this normal animal, rapidly transported material has reached about 60 within three hours after injection treated losing into the ventral horn. In this acrylamide intoxicated animal, uh about 60 millimeters has reached four hours after injection of translated, losing. So the calculated rate would be about 424 mm a day here And about 336 mm a day here. The next slide shows mean values for normal and acrylamide treated animals. Uh And there's a slight but significant difference between the chrome I treated animals. Very similar results have been obtained using two five X. And I own and other laboratories slowing a fast transport at least Some preliminary studies has been suggested to occur with Christine neuropathy method, beetle ketone intoxication and try a little crystal phosphate intoxication. Now does this slowing of transport lead to the dyslexic degeneration? Yeah, we currently feel that considerable caution is required in making that interpretation of the data for two reasons. 1, with acrylamide at least the slowing of fast transport is found only after the initial process of excellent regeneration has begun. If that were the responsible factor, you would anticipate finding a slowing of fast transport occurring prior to the beginning of maximum degeneration. Also, we have examined the role of fast transport in another abnormality produced by acrylamide and that's the impaired capacity of axons to regenerate. Following a crush acrylamide, intoxicated nerves are not able to grow out uh and regenerate uh or to mature their axons as well as normal animals has been shown by uh morgan Hughes and by ochoa previously and uh I am already graphic and radiochemical studies of uh preparations from those animals very clearly indicates that that failure of outgrowth cannot be ascribed to a failure of delivery rapidly transported materials to the growing tips. So at present we can say that a gross impairment in cell body protein synthesis is not requisite for the development of a dying back picture. It seems most likely that the slowing of fast transport at least in the case of acrylamide. Uh uh that the slowing of fast transport and the dislike some of the generation are both consequences of some as yet unknown mechanism of action of the toxin curly. A major need at present is for a study of individual proteins separated. Uh For example, electro theoretically. Now, how applicable such Studies are two. Human degenerative diseases is not clear. We think that the experimental models of dying back are quite good models of human dying back neuropathy, many toxic neuropathy and probably those that occur in some degenerative conditions. Perhaps Friedrich's ataxia. The difficulty is that one criteria of dying back that we previously mentioned, the selective vulnerability of larger longer axons can be satisfied on clinical or pathologic grounds in human material. With the second criteria, the demonstration of distal to proximal degeneration of individual actions is very difficult to establish. The question we might raise is whether Ailes is a disorder in which an element of dying back might occur. Uh This question uh It seems to me deserves re evaluation by classic neuropathy logic techniques because our thinking about the disorder uh at this point would be colored by the extent to which it represented a dying back process in the extent to which an analogy to these other disorders could be made. But I would add that it will be very difficult to establish the spatial temporal evolution of the pathology in a less using classic classic techniques. And I'd like to mention the value of animal models for that kind of path a biologic study. Uh At this point there have been no very good models of A. L. S. Uh There have been occasional models of motor neurone disease which dr john andrews at U. C. L. A. Among others has uh studied pathologically very extensively. We recently have been introduced to a model uncovered by dr linda cork who is now at Hopkins uh of motor neurone disease. Uh A spinal muscular atrophy occurring in Brittany spaniels. Uh These dogs, at a few months of life develop primarily approximately weakness and have muscle pathology changes that are uh strikingly similar to the human spinal muscular atrophy changes. Uh They of course show loss of anterior horn cells in the spinal cord. Uh And I would add that in addition they show changes in accident pathology which suggests some dynamic accidental process is going on as well. And this pathology includes these enormous external swellings in the spinal cord here, seeing an electron micrografx. Uh So that in this situation at least the process of motor neuron degeneration is accompanied by an axonal degeneration that we cannot ascribe simply to water and degeneration due to the death of the motor neuron. And as we've indicated before, uh it would be of interest to uh reevaluate um pathology in a minute traffic lateral sclerosis with regard to the question of whether a distal uh to proximal degeneration occurs at any rate, were quite interested in studying with uh transport. And I am already graphic techniques these models of motor neuron disease. Mhm.