flying speed tripping strung out. You meet him somewhere in the middle of his journey. You don't know where he's coming from. Ah, where he's going , you've reached him at a turning point that can lead him back or lose him. And the only sign post you can see says overdose. Um feta means alcohol. Aspirins, hash, glue, horse mescal in phencyclidine, THC uppers, downers, hallucinogens , medicines, booze, hard drugs. There are a lot of different ways to start the OD trip , but they lead to a common destination. Almost all overdose deaths come from hypoxia. Lack of oxygen caused by depressed breathing. Every overdose victim, no matter what he's taken, may need your help to keep breathing. That's the fundamental fact of OD emergency treatment. You begin, of course, with ABC Airway breathing circulation, but more than a pulse, you'll need to check blood pressure. Get an exact systolic value you can use as a baseline to monitor any changes for the overdose. Victim is on a trip. He may not stay where you find him when you first come on the scene. He may be stable for a while, then plunge into a respiratory depression spiral that unchecked leads to death. Check his level of consciousness. If he's drowsy, he'll react to voice. Hey, wake up, leave me a lot or give a vocal reaction to pain . Uh, don't okay, you can tell if he's pretending unconsciousness by a quick lift of the eyelids . The comatose victim look straight ahead. The pretender tries to hide. Another good check is the arm drop. The pretender is careful to protect himself. The rial one isn't. If the victim is truly unconscious, you take the most important step in overdose treatment. The bag mask oxygen alone is not enough . Overdose of any kind affects the brain to press his breathing causes. Ah, hypoxia spiral. Lack of oxygen leads to lower breathing, which in turn reduces oxygen intake even further. This is the only way to make sure that oxygen gets into his system . You have to assist. It's important to measure the level of consciousness right away so you can determine his condition and spot any later change. The lightly comatose victim has a defensive reaction to pain stimulus. If he's mawr comatose, his reaction may be non defensive movement unrelated to the location of the pain. And if he's in deep coma. He's very close to death, and there may be no physical reaction at all. Whatever his level of consciousness, be alert for changes. If he goes any deeper, call the hospital at once. As soon as you've taken care of the victims. Immediate needs make a quick assessment of the situation. Is it O D or illness or trauma or a combination? If there are witnesses, ask questions. What happened? Hey . Passed out how long ago? He's 20 minutes ago? No, he hit it head on anything . When he fell, he fell flat backwards. He didn't hit anybody pretty hard when he landed. Have you been drinking it all the day? Way ? Split a pitcher of beer during lunch. Just the one. Just one Just Is it gonna be okay? I think so. Does he have any medical problems? Does he take any pills or anything ? Yeah, he does. I saw him take a couple right after he got back from lunch. You know what he takes? I really don't know . They're on the dresser. I'll see. Frequently . You'll find there's more than one substance. Alcohol and tranquilizers, diet pills and narcotics. Every imaginable mixture. If there's time look around for bottles, pills, anything the victim might have ingested. But don't lose time. Playing Sherlock Holmes at the risk of the victim's life where his trip started doesn't matter as much as where he's headed right now because you're traveling with him on the way in, check his vital signs again and again. Monitor for any downward trend. Here's where that systolic blood pressure can alert you to sudden changes in his status. Any overdose victim Oh did on any substance can seem okay one minute and take a plunge toward hypoxia the next. If you missed the signs, you may miss the point where he turns off permanently. These are the five key steps to bringing your overdose victim in alive . Check the airway breathing and circulation. Determine his level of consciousness. Assist breathing with a bag mask if he's unconscious. Assess the situation for possible trauma , illness and how much of what was taken when most important, monitor his vital signs. Is he going up or down? His life may depend on your knowing the answer. Let's look at the outlines of a few OD calls situations that actually happened. Watch how the NTS handled each call and ask yourself What would you do? We'll start with the case of the happy kid. Gonna be okay, e . I'm gonna call your folks. If you throw up, maybe you'll feel better. Sometimes it helps . You're What do we have here? No, He's like he's kind of wiped out. How you doing? Mhm. Did you drink all this? Do you drink this? I think so. Thank you. Thank you a long way. Didn't see anybody want came on. You get his name by any chance? He wasn't very talkative. I'm not saying much. I think you'll be OK. Oh , yeah. I think he's probably just trouble. I don't envy him. He's gonna have quite ahead tomorrow. Remember your first time? Yeah. Barely . Yeah. Everybody has to learn the hard way . Really? I don't think I'll forget about this for a while. Blood pressure is good at Pulse is going to How do you find this? Folks or the hospital will take care of that. They'll never find done. I think on the way back right up front with you. Just let Junior sleep it off in the back. Okay? Okay. Good luck. Junior didn't get a hangover. He was dead on arrival at the hospital. What would you have done to prevent it? The empty bottle was a good indication that he might have taken a lethal dose of alcohol. The victim's age was a good indicator that he could have a low tolerance for alcohol and no judgment in using it. An assessment of the situation would have pointed to acute overdose. Ah, second check of his vital signs would have discovered his abrupt plunge into hypoxia. And a breathing assist from the bag mask would have saved his life . Then there's the case of Sherlock Holmes on the suicide attempt. Laura. Laura? Has she said anything since you've been here? Bill, Jonah came as soon as you called, and I found her like this. Laura, do you want me to call her? Folks know. Please leave them out of this way. You She took a whole bunch of pills. You know how long ago I talked to on the phone? About 15 minutes ago. She called me and she was really groggy then. So I got here about 10 minutes ago and she was laying just like that. You know why she took him? We had a fight last night. She got really upset. And I I think that's why she's gonna be OK. She's gonna be alright . Her pulse is good. Strong. Have you any idea what she talked? Just what's here? Yeah, about 1 10 of a 60. Her pupils are big and awful sluggish that any sleeping pills ? There she takes tranquilizers. I think there's a medicine cabinet. Something called jalape. Urano. Okay , ampicillin. Listen. Durbin Durbin. What do you think? A whole bunch of different ones in there. These you ever heard of anything? P N v k. Listen, Dilantin, do it . This woman recovered, but they came close to losing her. What would you have done? It's what you wouldn't do that would help her. You wouldn't waste time playing Sherlock Holmes with a comatose victim needing a bag mask and a fast trip to the hospital. The wide variety of common drugs and all their combinations make on the spot. Diagnosis difficult. Dilated pupils can indicate alcohol or stimulants or hallucinogens, or they could mean your patient has died. While you were guessing in any overdose situation, the most important thing to assess is the victim's condition and needs . How about the case of the snoring. Derelict . Hi, fellas. Readings. What we got here from another drunk. Another drunk? Yeah. He you sit. You know him? Yeah. Yeah. His name is Lenny. He hangs around the neighborhood quite a bit. Watch out for this . Yeah, One of the local juicers, Uh , quality of is alcohol has improved that we go through flying to Brandy. Yeah, top shelf. Yeah. Yeah, I saw him about an hour ago. He was pretty loaded then. I I came back here and there. He has passed out . This'll isn't the first time he's done it. Oh, no. They come and get him a couple of times a month. Mhm. False is about 90 90. Okay, you guys are new around here, right before this part of town. You'd recognize him. Okay. You want to give us a hand lifted him up here? Yeah. Why not? About 1. 45 will be. That sounds pretty good. Doesn't look like a lightweight . Of course. You ready? Okay. Go . Oh, right. What do you What do you do with him now? All were taken on the detox. Let me sleep it off. Well , I appreciate you coming to get me, literally . Look it. He sleeps and you guys gotta work. This man might have slept longer than anyone anticipated. And not because of a no overdose. What would you have done when you assess the situation , you'd have added up the broken bottle on the nearby steps to get a good possibility of a hard fall and resulting trauma an assessment confirmed by a check on his level of consciousness. Deep coma, indicating a probable head injury. As for his peaceful snoring , it was a sure sign that his tongue was dropping back to include his airway. Let's look at , um, or common situation. Call it the case of Dr Killed Air and the good horse. Come on, wake up. Come on. Lose somebody here to help you. Come on, sweetie himself. What happened? It's all my fault. I just wanted to be special. Has been called , went out to eat and have, like, just passed out. How long has he been drinking ? We've been drinking all night. What is that ? How long would you pass out? About 20 minutes ago. He also did a little bit of heroin. How much? Just a little. He's snorted a little happened like this one. He's done it before. Yeah, but it never come on . Wake up. Showed that it would make him feel good, but it didn't. Come on, John, Wake up. Okay. Is there anything I should do? It. I make some coffee or no coffee would help him. Is he gonna be all right? Come on, now. Wake up here. Yeah, he'll be okay. I wanna hold his head up, Please. Come on , honey. We'll be all right. 1 20 of but over 70. Pulse is good, too . Comes removal. Yeah. Mom, Stretcher. Thank you. Thank you. You know, one of go. Yes. Come on, John. Wake up here. Try to keep awake when you're riding with him. Alright, Get a MALP aided points here. That's systolic. About 1 15 trip . Done. Hey, John. You saw them go through all the right steps. Airway breathing, circulation, level of consciousness. Assisting breathing with the bag mask. Assessing the situation, questioning the witnesses , identifying the drugs, even rechecking the vital signs to determine his trend. What else would you do at this point? You'd stop wasting time playing. Doctor killed air and get him to the hospital as long as you keep a close watch on him on route. Keeping him awake is less important than keeping him alive. More important than any list of steps or rules or do's and dont's in overdose situations. Keep them breathing. Do you get them in? And the most effective diagnostic and treatment tool you can work with is your common sense.