johnny ladies and gentlemen, it's been a long time since I've been playing with a low back. In fact, I was in training when I first started and got interested because I had a devil of a back of my own and I hadn't been around there long until I realized that nobody knew anything about them. So my chief got pretty provoked at me for the time I was wasting. But with any year he become completely convinced and called me in and told me this had to be published. This is the greatest thing in 100 years. And he lined me up to give it at New Orleans in 1932. So that's how long I've been talking On the low back in 1932. Now we'll get started on these because we're running late. We better get going. Does the bright lights stay on? Hmm. To ask. Yes. Tell me how your point. Oh, I thank you. Alright, let's start with the first slide. We have it here. Human posture is unique without, within the animal kingdom. There's nothing else that has it. It's the art of balancing a massive superstructure on a small base of support. However, we have a potential base quite large. Any phase of which we can use at a moment's notice of a disturbance in the center of gravity of the trunk. I say, any phase of which, although it's hip joint motions our only to the side front, not backward. When you take a step backward, you're having to arch your lovable sacred spine. What's the next? Now? This is a review of the posture in some of the primates. A up there is the recent tree shrew. It has a massive hamstring, it attaches to the two thirds of the lower end of the femur. In the upper one half of the tibia, it is attached to the SQL tubarao city which lies a long way behind the hip joint has a powerful leverage. This is a muscle that permits this animal to lunge forward. It is opposed by the ilo source and the maximus. The and the these two are attached down as low as a junction In the middle of lower three the beauteous and Delius source so that they have quite a long leverage on the hip joint so that this animal is typically a quadruped moving over to the rhesus monkey. Yes. Still two velocities moved in a little closer. The hamstrings are now attached to the Lower 2/3 in the upper one half of the the upper. I can't see what's good for me. That's the upper four. Yeah the lower 1/2 and the upper 4th of the tibia. Uh the hip joint has extended at least 30 degrees from what it is here so that the hamstrings are falling more in line with the femur and approaching the vertical axis is the hip joint. It's still a good extensive of the hip but nothing like this. These ilia saurus and the maximus are shown here. They these attacks as far forward as a tense dorsal vertebrae and the maximus as you see is a hip flexor, it's attached to the front of the hip joint. They're not attached as low as they are here. They've migrated up the shaft so that the leverage on the hip joint is a little less strong than it is over here. Now the knee joint has extended 90° from what it was coming down here to the gorilla. The alias source has gone up the back. The bloodiest maximus has moved down and around so that its posterior fibers are coming all the way down to the knee joint, thus reinforcing the hamstring muscles, which have become very weak because the ferocity is turning under and approaching the vertical access to the hip joint. The knee joint has straightened out a little further than in the reaches, but this animals begin to get in a dangerous situation. His hip flexes have gone up his back and down behind as extensive and his powerful hip extensive have moved under the pelvis so that they're becoming more of a stabilization of the pelvis in the erect position rather than a power of push off. Nature had to move in and do something about it. So the intensive fashion was started in these animals here, it's a fashion that comes up and attached to the pelvis and down and attaches around the knee joint. It prevents us from going back otherwise if we keep on going, we're going to flip wrong side out. So now we come up to man who kept on going. His elio sauce is going straight up the back. The glorious has removed has has come back behind entirely so that it has become a powerful hip, extensive. The ferocity with its attachment of the hamstrings has moved under, approaching very closely the vertical axis of the hip joint. We are in danger of flipping wrong side out here because our flexes have gone and our extensive hours are nothing like they were over here, but they are still strong enough to flip us wrong side out. If it wasn't for the fact that nature moved in and reinforced that sense of fashion in man is a powerful structure. It attached to the Anterior 3rd of the Ilium tv inguinal ligament and a clear over to the Tabernacle of the pubic bone and the tense of muscle itself is enclosed in an envelope of fashion, but that on the back of it and then on the front of it meet just below it and combine into a terrifically strong ligament that runs all the way down to the upper end of the tibia. The elio tibial uh ligament. Our band is a powerful thing so that we've got the main force here to keep us from turning wrong side out in the fashion intensive fashion. Not only that we've got it so strong down there that in many people, it's too strong and is holding them down in a position like this. So it has to be stretched out in some of them, and a lot of them. On the other hand, when you go to deal with people standing like this, you don't have to worry about their tensors being short, but you can put them on the table and check them and see and if they are short, then it's very important to stretch them out to let them lift the front of the to avoid the lord dot strain Lord position. Uh Next in the light. This is a sketchy drawing showing, let the hip joint has gone as far into extension as it safely can do. It has reached the point the point where if we go beyond it is completely unsafe and it lacks still about 35 degrees of going into complete extension. In other words, it's about the angle of tilt here is hear that this don't go out to here, it lacks that far of going in line with the vertical axis of the hip joint. The it's the female itself, but it's about the same angle that the sacred table makes with the horizontal up at the okay uh Help begin. So that those those two angles are very similar in in their wits, but that's as far as we dare go. And that's why in a backwards step when you get so far you've reached your hip limit and to take a long backward step, you have to arch your lumbar, sacral spine. Next this is a sketch showing a normal lumber sacral angles of average angles About 40, but they vary from 25 to 70. Yeah, and depending on how soon you break down your disk, depends on how great that angle is. When it gets up to 70 you're eventually going to break down the lower three discs in your back. The of course the third one is the last one to go, but it goes after midlife in most people who have an angle of 70° because they have to bend so severely to stand up. Now you see that the foramen are wide open, the nerves that come through coming through there not being irritated in any way the facet joints are in a normal relationship, They're not subluxation or override. Next please, That's beautiful. Okay, alright. These begin to the bottom one begins to break down very early in life, all the things you've heard called growing pains in kids, little kids, our disks that have ruptured already at that phase in life, of course the nucleus is very gelatinous at that stage. But this was a seven year old child. And you see on this side that the disk is down The 5th lumbar is almost resting directly on the first section. And if you look to the right you see the first sacrifice set lodged in the inter vertebral, not to the fifth lumbar vertebrae exactly where the fifth lumbar nerve traverse is the canal as it comes out. Now this was only a seven year old child which we brought in for why? Because of growing pains. And I ran for a year. I ran at with the assistance of A. I. Pediatrician growing pain groups and the disk has already let down in that stage. Next please. Now this is where we end up in the erect position. And you will note that our center of gravity is thrown on the very back edge of the disk in the neck. The disk is the only supporting tissue, soft tissue supporting tissue in the spine. Uh I was Still talking about the other one. But can you go Back to that other 1? But you see what the center of gravity comes through. It falls down through the back edges of the disc, in the cervical region and through the joints. And actually through the Spartans processes. Then it moves down and look what it does at the lumbar sacral region. Your main power, your main load is carried right on those posterior structures of the disc, which is the first thing to give way because it's a soft tissue supportive structure there. But within that bend backward where we're compressing it fearfully making a bow out of it without lumbar uh muscles acting as a bow string. Next Now here's the way we would be if we grew up as we're born. This upright position that man has acquired ah not last 50 or 20,000 years is an acquired characteristic. If we remained as were created and born we would be walking as did ancient Man like it's shown there in Figure eight. In other words this would be the position. Mhm. But after birth we do that takes us a year to stand up, Takes us three years to get her balance. And then from there on it's stand up straight, stand up, straight, sit up straight and so on. Yet. There's very few people that do it. You can hardly see anyone that hasn't got their knee crossed or their knees higher. That's the only position of comfort in city because when you rare backwards you close in on those structures. Let me have the next one please, nah, this is a get the light again here on the left you see in the dope that has a normal appearing lumber saker of this. They cassettes are in pretty good relationship. The foramen is not closed. The nerve has plenty of room to come through. But if you look here behind should have been taken better. You see a large 5th lumbar spine is process and a large first sacral spine is process. Uh they're making contact here a weight bearing contact and that never will close or let down any further because bone has hit bone and one bone rests against bone. Your you stopped, you're settling of the dish. Now on the right there. You see another adult that don't. This this to have this large first sacral and that one large is pretty rare thing, but when it does occur it will protect the dish from collapsing. Clear down. Now over there you see the disk is gone from behind, lumbar is resting on the first central practically and Superior. 1st Sacrifice, except is lodged in the not Through which the 5th lumbar nerve is emerging. Next. Please right now you get up occasionally to settle down and contact the vertical themselves First. In other words, here's a Tilt of a bone about 25° in the sacred table. This is much less than the average. The 5th lumber are settled until it's resting on the point of weight bearing is between the two vertebral bodies themselves here. Why? Because the first sacred facets are very short, they have not lodged in the notch. We still have a wide open notch for the nerve to emerge through. And our point, our basis of bony sustenance is between the bodies of the vertebrae themselves, between the fifth and the first. Next. Now, here you see it lodged in the inferior table nine has been taking the weight of this trunk for so long. That's taking the weight. I mean that's the bony contact that transmits the trump weight to the felt that is taking the weight and has been doing so so long that it is rounded off on top. You see here's where the bottom of the Inferior one of the 50s, but that has become a weight bearing structure. Born against bone. Next please, Here you have another one bone against bone in the notch. The top of it rounded off from long years of continued weight bearing on it. But you have here also the disk is down post eerily until it's making contact with the first signal. But there's a posterior displacement Of the body of L. five on S. One. Why? Why? Because the downward and backward plane of those articulations is down and back and for that disk to settle and collapse. Sir, it has to slide down the joint dislocates and it slides down that down and backward plane of those. Percents. And pulls the fifth lumbar vertebrae with it. And you see that has been riding up in there for years to in order to get rounded off to that extent. Next I hear you see another one, This lodge dumped in there and has cut a notch erosion a notch into the Inferior 5th Lumbar Notch. Uh This is not to calm, but Why does that one cut a notch and another one throw out a spur. Well, I went through that too for a couple of years. This one, I can tell you has a uric acid that is well down in within normal limits. Next. Please here's one that's thrown out a spur where there's been weight bearing in the notch, right where the nerve is joan Alice per. And if you look over there, there's another spur on the anterior edge. This group constitutes those who are inclined to be on the gaudy side and run an elevated serum uric acid because they deposit those fine crystals and small vessels around the point of irritation and it becomes calcified so that uh my experience these notches all the way up and down the spine. Can tell you a lot about the constitutional patient as far as Gaudi or not. Gaudy. Next please. Ah here is a skeleton showing the same thing. Can you imagine a spur formation that big Within the notch of the 5th Lumber Nerve. What's happened to the 5th number nerve. And look at this superior first sacred. You can tell by a glance that it's hard to donated. I did a section of it and it's just completely dense bone. Couldn't even find any suggestion of any card in the surface anywhere. But that weight has been carried in that. Not for years in order to do that. Next, please. Now, here's another one. That surgical section you see here the disk is down, you see some residual of the disc remains back here. You see that hole is constricted. That's the hole through which the nerve comes out. I opened it up to what I figured that was before it broke down. Here's what it did to the frame into which the nerve comes through and there you see the sea to our throw sis the track of the overriding of that joint which had been standing down there about a quarter of an inch new joint because of the subluxation, false joint below that. But it opens up for Raymond to a normal side. Next. Please. Now, on the fourth lumbar, it's usually different to fourth. Don't nearly catch the the fifth lumbar nerve is frequently As does the 5th. You see this disc is down here but this one's down too. Why? Because the spine is process of force has settled Against the spinal process of five and that's become a weight bearing joint and don't think they can become painful. Those pseudo art. And you see the subluxation Is not severe, there's still room for the 4th lumber nerve to come through there without being crushed to make every time you bend backwards. Uh Next and There is a 5th lumbar vertebra that is 1/4 lumbar vertebra that has settled onto the spine is process of the 5th lumbar vertebrae. Ah all of that irregularity and roughness has developed there from a false weight bearing joints between the spine ist processes. But once usually established a bony a point of contact and weight bearing. That's as far as the dis settles. But can you imagine the pain that that sort of a situation would produce in in between this finest processes themselves. Next, please. Uh huh. Here's a sagittal section, showing The 5th disc is down and showing there is a complete subluxation of the articulation. In other words, the Superior 1st Sacral Cassette is lying right against the 5th lumbar nerve. That's a nerve right, lying right against each other. Can you imagine just a slight hyperextension here? If those muscles were to contract like a bow string, you would only take an eighth of an inch or a little over to put you in bed because it would jam that 5th lumbar nerve with that of course severity. Next please. Now this is what you're aiming to do. You're aiming to reduce the lord doses in your back as much as possible trying to approximate these I foid card please. To the synthesis fusion just as I say, half the entire audience or more of you are that way. Now you're screwed it down and got your knees up. That rounds it out and takes the pressure off of the structures behind. Next please. Now, the biggest waste of money and time I know of in orthopedics is the technique of x rays uh for an X ray that's taken for an ap view of the lumbar sacral knees should be straight and hips should be straight to take it ideally would be to take it standing but you can't keep patient quiet without moving and messing it up. So you put put them flat on their back, knees, straight, hips straight and tilt your tube so that it's coming in at an angle at the top of the sacred table. Next now here's the one that is often messed up. They'll put this patient on their side and in order that they can lie there comfortably in a stable position. They'll bend their knee well, bending. The knee will open up the majority of the lumber cycle spaces and it will be read as a normal joint. But there are literally thousands that go through and are never read because the technician has propped the knees up so that they laid stable. No, keep those knees straight. You usually have to put a little sandbag under the one next to the table to lift it a little bit provide a belt And that one too and then come down near the crest of the ilium. You may have to drop a sound a meter below depending on the utility individual, but you take it that way You get 90% of without having to repeat. But Now on this one This one is nobly quit and Notice What we had to do with that upper leg. There we have to prop it up on three three sandbags in order to keep it from tilting the pelvis and the knee is straight and the hip is straight. Be sure that at least one leg is always straight. Otherwise you you open the lumbar sacral joint. Now you can bend your knee on the leg next to the table in order to stabilize yourself and turn to an oblique position and shoot down obliquely through again to get the first set joint one on each side you take next. Please. Now the muscles that are concerned in this upright position, there's the abdominal muscles we've sacrificed. Those are the pro gravity muscles. We come up against these and these hang flabby. We rarely ever use these for any forceful movement because they're hanging rabidly pro pro gravity. Uh Here's the back muscles. They're always contract all the time you're up and going. They're holding you up against the downward pull of gravity that's taking place in your neck and down in your back uh up in your neck all day long. You by your head, gravity buys it for you. You have to lift it back up with the extensive muscles and hold it there. So these become powerful. These are flabby, nothing to them. So these get tighter and shorter, clamping down on the disk in the neck where we also have the other Lord does. Now the glorious muscle pulls down the back of the pelvis. That's the same as the abdominal muscles that lifts up the front they work together. But this power cancer that has developed in man runs all the way down here and attached is actually down onto the tip and that's a tough structure and in so many it is so strong that just it's got us held in some such a position so that any program in developing muscles should be developed, abdominal muscles develop gluteal muscles, stretch the direct this party and stretch the tensor factor. That's the basic of. Alright, let's see the next Now pro longstanding these are common causes of pain in the back, bending over a wash bastard lifting a window that's stuck in women so many it used to be and now it's lifting the garage doors, working with the arms over the head and sneezing. Common things in the history, uh prolonged standing after so long standing, you get tired and you do this, you let go of your muscles and that lets you stick out in front down here, that shifts your center of gravity, Talk forward and overcome it. You've got to lean your trunk back to senator senator gravity. So as I'll show you bend the knee one or both. If you have to stand long bending over a wash base. And how many men do you hear? Say it just kills me to shave. But also how many men do you have? Tell you? You know something doctor, I've discovered that if I bend my knees and my head, I could share you without hurting my back. That's so common. If you take many at all lifting a window that's stuck garage doors where they bend over up here and lift the door and they're back with these powerful contraction of those lower spinal muscles bolstering in action, closing those joints right down tight on each other. Ah sneezing, sneezing. It's another thing when you gave a sneeze, you get a jerk throughout all your nerves to some extent in the fine due to the fluid pressure. But you may, if you are in an erect position when it happens, you frequently end up in bed where you're gonna stay for several days where it really hits and hits hard. But again, the patients that I've seen through the years that had learned of their own records when they feel a sneeze coming on to get close to the there, chest, close to the knees and you can jerk those nerves and it don't hurt. Now I don't hurt up here because the holes are open wide and slick and what a little jerk you get, don't hurt but down there where the nerve is anchored and has adhesions around it and the 1st sacred set is against it. You Jerk on that one and you go to bed If you get a pretty good jerk next please prolonged standing shows here in this first one what the effect of it is. Now in other words, that patient has let go like that. They've gotten tired. All you have to do is what shows and be then one knee or both of them that much and that makes you bend your trump forward and reduces a holler in your low back from what you're doing this hi, he is the first worst thing that anybody ever thought of. It's the most hideous thing from our back standpoint for every quarter of an inch that you lift that heel, you have to arch a little further back so that when you get really up here, you're really closed back on those structures at the lumbar sacral joint, you have to as you come higher, it throws your weight on the ball of your foot and that's if your center of gravity forward and to put it back in balance, you have to put your trunk back pregnant. How many pregnant women told me my first thing in the low back occurred during my first pregnancy. Well, that's not so hard to explain. You see the load goes in front and protrudes out from the lower abdomen. What does that do that throws their center of gravity clear off. It's in this and they would fall right over if it wasn't for putting the trunk back this way and centering the center of gravity. Next there's the kind of positions that women get into when they're not out where they can be seen, they they enjoy curling up in some of those positions. All they're doing is rolling out the holler out of the back and opening up the lumber sacred a joint. And a male. He don't care. He'll he'll catch him in his hand and hold them. He'll do it out in public. But a lady, she desert around the house when nobody sees it, it's just position of comfort. Next everyone should maintain the ability to to squat flat footed all their lives. Now it gets rough as you get older. See our sin, I'll soon be 30 but I still squad on my exercises And I'm 77 to tell you the truth. That will be in four months. But you need to maintain that because women especially as they get older, begin to work in the yard and they never squat down for anything. They bend over from here and lift the drugs this way, closing down with a bow string tough action right on next week. Uh, when you've got a job to do in front of you don't ever lean forward with your knees straight, look what you do. All the load your trunk is being held with this bolstering contraction here of these directors finding monsters. If they were to give for an institute fall off the floor, they're holding you up and clamping you tight together. All you have to do is bend your knees and you eliminate who that lord position next please. That's just before having a crash. Next. That is the worst lift of all that load he's got out in front of him. Yes, he is out here 20 inches in front of the fulcrum. The muzzles he's lifting it with are less than 2" behind the folks. So that is terrific the power on that And then The one beyond him. That's here. He won't get that down without the next no, I don't lift with your knees straight. Always have one ft flat on the floor or both feet. You can lift us both feet. But the minute you get down on both tiptoes, well, I'll fall, I'll show you you arch your back, I'll drive as soon as you get on both tiptoe and then if you lift from that position you're gonna get in trouble. Don't do it squat down and lift and have one ft flat on the floor at all times neck please. Now that is a good load to carry. I have treated many a patient by putting about a 35 pound load on their back and asking him to carry it a mile twice a day. That load is being carried by these muscles powerfully contract to hold that. This is opened up of the joints, the subluxation joint, the pressures off of them and the closure on the nerves. It's open. Uh A lot of primitive people do their lifting and carrying in that fashion. Well, I was a pulling their boats and things along the canals, the far east. It's a rope that they're pulling with over the short, it's pulling with their belly muscle. And another thing if you remember those primitives, they found in the Philippines about four years ago. Five. Remember all those pictures you saw in them papers. They were always like that in a flat footed squat position. That's the way they rest. Mhm. Next. Most chairs are too high for women. Their knees drop below. Especially in theaters, in places, knees drop below the hips, throwing the holler in the back, Their back begins to eight. They can eliminate it by crossing a knee across one knee across the other nearby. Roll their hauls out of the back next please. And if that if that chair is contoured right it can be made of concrete and it'll be comfortable next. How many a many a man I've seen that has had to give up his work as a traveling salesman because of his low back. But after instructing him in a full program and making him one of the most important things that pushing his seat forward as far as it'll go and then rolling his buttocks forwards a bit. Get his knees above his hips. And I've Never seen one that couldn't go back and return and I never had them return again once they did that. But they're back. I've put many and many a man back on the road just by that simple measure and he can travel and be comfortable next please. The old fashioned rocking chair which you can't see. Very good in that. one is one of the most comfortable seats that was ever made, especially for mothers who had left their babies out of cribs. Put them up here and carry them around. No they sit down in the rocking chair and they maintain their back in good contour. In fact it's comfortable to anybody is a chair in that position. What was his name, Kennedy, President Kennedy. He spent most of the years as presidencies. Hadn't been one of those things. He discovered that it was the only thing he was comfortable in an old fashioned rocking chair. Next thing never sleep on your abdomen. You're arching your back and you're twisting your neck, sleep on your side curled up and with your knees pulled up until your law back is rounded backward or sleep on. And the next one please you're back with your knees propped up you can put that prop under the mattress and then you won't be losing it all the time and slipping out. And also when you wake up enough in the night to change your position in your half asleep you're gonna pull your knees up into a flex position in order to avoid that hump in the bed next please. Now when it comes to putting them in the hospital I put them in attraction like that and I put those that doesn't do not respond within a matter of 2-3 weeks. I keep in touch with them by phone and those that don't respond and in a Matter of two or 3 weeks time Mark reported marked improvement. Put him in the hospital in a flexed position. That traction. Don't do anything of good up there as far as pulling anything open or apart. All that traction does is to keep the patient from twisting and turning in bed and that's the only reason I use that next please. However, we do have attraction that we use next slide. You can't see that very well. Let's cut the lights down. This is a band that goes around the upper part of the pelvis has two straps that comes off of it and come up here between the legs, go up to a spreader up there And then go through a pullin down here with 25 pounds of weight on that keeps the public continually in a flexed position, rounded open from behind. Now, next please. And this thing here shows okay, now chose the belt we used, that's the front of the belt at the bottom down here that fastens just on the upper pelvis above the edge of the side. And those are the two straps that come down between the legs and that's the spreader they join up to and that joints to a pulley and over the top for the year. And that patient can start on his knee pull exercises which I consider the most important of all on leave relieving their pain. Now someone they they hate to do worst of all in acute pain because those muscles are in severe spasm and just to roll like this. But the first I had a petition is a long time. But I had a guy a cowhand coming from west texas, oh this has been 25 30 years ago. And he uh he wasn't used to the city stuff and he was crossing the street downtown to get across to my office in the medical arts building and he would just darn near hit with an automobile. But anyhow when he got up there, he had a fearful twist off to the side and forward in this fashion. And he was in terrific pain. And uh I let him in, he said doctor you've got someplace I could lie down and I says, yeah, I said why I want to manipulate this. I said I want to see this. I took him in there and threw a pillow down, he got down on the floor, he got a hold of his knees like that you're wrong three or four times like that and then give Them one awful pull into his arm. He got up with a perfectly straight spine and his severe pain was gone. Now that's one that has learned that didn't learn it from me. He learned it himself. But she's very interesting next now after they have been taught the program and there's some of them, especially those with the with around hollaback abdomen like this that have been so used to walking that for so long that they don't get it. So I usually put them in a flexion jacket in that fashion and cut it up the front, bind the edges and and put it back on them with a belt. And tell them to wear it all day long to take it off in the evening to take their exercises. And before they put it on in the morning, take their exercise again. But to wear that thing And see me in 4 to 6 weeks time. Well, it certainly gives them a different idea of posture because by the time they've traveled in that thing for that long, I have no trouble getting them to tend to keep forward instead of leading with their bellies. Next that's A lumber sake reflection brace that I designed some 35 years ago. Uh that strap that goes around the abdomen comes back here and through that rod that holds the the Sacred Bad who stood there at the side. Then it goes back and attaches to the lower end of the lateral upright so that we're not uh strap is pulled tight. It pulls the bottom end of this upright back this way and it puts puts This bad forward that these two approx. But up there where that hinges where this bar attached from from that point up. It also goes forward. So that it means a pressure here that's in the dorsal spine just below the Anglos Captain pressure here. And these two opposed with the pressure across the haven't done it some. It's a three point pressure reflection brace and it's still gone. And there are those elderly people who wouldn't be without it at all wear it all the time because avoid picking up their backs next please. Now this is something I'm just calling your attention to. It's a little off the subject but it's something that you should know about. It's an up tilt of the lumbar sacral joint taken with the patient standing with knees and hips perfectly straight. Uh Show me the first film with Nick's film office. Now when those lines are about power parallel and both tilting to the same side, you're dealing with a short leg on that far side. Next, please. But when it's like that the legs are level. But the there is an anomalous development of the first sacral vertebrae. Next please, here's the same patient. It's the most common cause that I found in all my practice of so called idiopathic scoliosis. It's due to a tilt of the sacred table. And I have proven that on mothers who brought in the Children, mother, one mother that had a scoliosis that I treated for in young adult life and she moved out of town was married and came back in about 10 years with two little Girls. 1 9 and 1 6 and she thought she would begin to see a little Character in the nine year old lined them up and they both had the same anomaly mama. Now they do, they're not noticed. I picked Him up at six years old, You can't see a scoliosis at six unless you take an X ray of it standing. And then it's just a thing like that. Aosis begins at adolescence when the spine begins to grow and then it becomes very noticeable and very rapidly. So. And mama or anyone else can see that one shoulder is higher than the other. Good. You can take that patient and put a lift on that side and overcome many of these if you'll get them before they've reached the the adolescent age or or very soon before they reach it. I've had some that I've had to actually take the lift off because it was over correcting once they reached adolescent and the spine really began to grow. Now on the other hand, a lot of your low back pains, the majority of them hurt on the high side on that patient you put a quarter to an inch lift on the heel of the shoe, on the side. That don't hurt. Now remember, I don't care if it's a short side which is rarely that's that's hurting as hard as it can. Don't you ever put a lift on the short side whether it's pain or not pain, but most all of them The vast majority 2/3. It's alongside, they're having their painting. You can lift this side a quarter 38 on every shoe that goes on their foot and wipe many of them out completely just for that left alone. Next. Now when you've got a tilt that way, if it's much of a tilt, it's multiplied By four. As you see if it's that much of a tilt, you're gonna put the lift on the on the heel of the, of the shoe, fits onto that far leg adam. And so that you've got About a # four magnification of its next please. Well, this is the neck and I will try to finish this later in the day and go into the exercises for the low back and the treatments of it. But I'll just show you this. You see your tilt of the uh first dorsal verba. It's about a 30 five degree tilt. The number of sacred it's more But that has about a 35° tilt because the top dorsal is rolled forward, The mid cervical disc is usually the 1st 1 to go. And again it's taking the pressure on the very back edge of. And you will see that where that disk is down in the middle that there is osteo fights on the edge of the adjacent to vertebrae. And you will also see that the foramen 1, 2 and three wide open. But you see the next one is closed to a half or two, 1/3 of its normal size and even the spine ist process have settled down together. Now you're framing below that are wide open again so that you're dealing with the same type of mechanic and all they love as I already told you. You by your head gravity, does it? You lift it back up, your neck muscles do it and that I will try to get the rest of it is just a very little bit of it left. And I want to thank you for your kind attention. Yeah.