thermography is the pictorial representation of the infrared radiation emitted from the human body. Medical thermography had its beginnings in about 1956. Due to the or as a result of some observations by dr ray Lawson of Montreal Canada to speak. On the subject of thermography. We must first review some of the basic principles of infrared radiation and I will attempt to going through this related to the medical applications of this technique. Infrared radiation was first discovered by Sir William Herschel in about the year 1800. Okay. This photograph depicts the original experiment which was performed by Sir William Herschel, in which he first demonstrated the uh the existence of infrared radiations in this particular experiment he used or allowed sunlight to come through a split and fall upon a prism. This prison then dispersed this sunlight into the well known rainbow, so to speak, or the electromagnetic spectrum in the visible region. Having seen this before, he then placed various thermometers within are over the various colors of this spectrum and found that when the thermometers were placed just below are just outside of the visible region on the red end of the spectrum, um heat was manifested. That is the thermometers begin to indicate a rise in temperature. Thus, he discovered the existence of these invisible infrared radiations. The technique by which heat is transmitted From one body to another. Mhm. When talking of infrared radiation and we now have learned to uh speak of it in terms of its wavelength, there is what we call the near infrared. That is the infrared radiations which are very near the red end of the spectrum. The middle infrared radiations which are about 3-6 microns. The far infrared determined as six to 15 microns and the extreme infrared, 15 to 1000 microns. In wavelength infrared photography operates in the near infrared region. Medical thermography Is involved with the imaging of middle infrared radiation. Too far infrared radiation, something between 3-15 microns and wavelength to image such wavelengths, we find that infrared photography or the photographic emotion itself is of no value. Ah In the sense that these emotions are only sensitive to wavelengths up to about nine micron and wavelength. So to image infrared radiation given off by the human body requires the development of further techniques. This slide illustrates the spectra of radiation which are emitted from the human body at normal body temperature Here, this is at 300° Kelvin are about 37 C, R 98°F. And you'll notice that the major portion or the maximum amount of radiation is given off at about nine microns, wavelength 9.7. While there is some given off below that in a large portion given off above that uh, on this particular scale, this direction is longer wavelength and less energetic photons. While in the other direction, we find the charter wavelengths and more energetic photons. You'll note that the human body at this temperature or anybody at this temperature does Not give off radiation below one micron, which means that infrared photographic plates would not respond to the radiations that are emitted by the human body. Now, that particular distribution that we showed you was called the plank distribution or the black body distribution of radiation from a heated source. Uh further this slide goes to show the black body distribution and what we Call a selective radiator distribution, one which might come from heated gases which are not necessarily considered black bodies. And here is another distribution very similar to the black body. However, of less output, indicating what we call a gray body distribution. The area under any of these curves represents the power given off are the total energy given off by this body at a particular temperature. Now, the amount that it does give off is well defined by the Stephan Goldman Law, which says That the amount of radiation given off by a body is proportional to the 4th power of the temperature, the absolute temperature of that body and proportional to also they are related to this temperature by what we call the emissivity. When the emissivity is unity, this means that we are looking at a black body radiator. If it's less than unity, we have a great body radiator, the distribution is identical to the black body distribution, however, is less in amplitude. Now in developing detectors for detecting infrared radiations, it was first necessary to define this business of black body versus gray body versus versus selective radiators. And uh in the development of detectors for these radiations, it was necessary to to construct radiative radiation sources. This is the general construction of what we call a black body radiator that is used for calibration of these detectors. Um Sir Albert Einstein many years ago in one of his thought experiments defined his concept of a blackbody blackbody being one in which if a photon should enter this port and reflect from these walls, the walls being either non absorbers or very having very little absorption. This photon could reflect within these walls forever without ever coming back out the port. Should we define some sort of cavity like this in which the probability of bouncing back out of the port is zero. Then this aperture would be considered a black body source or a black body. It would have properties of a black body in that a black body is a perfect absorber as well as a perfect radiator and uh the emission then coming from it would represent or be proportional to The uh 4th power of the absolute temperature of this body. So such cavities have been constructed and as you well know, uh this type of thing, there is a finite probability of the photon bouncing back out. So it would really not represent a a true black body but we have been able to simulate true black body sources by the use of cavities such as this and cylindrical cavities are spherical. Now, other aspects of radiation, our infrared radiation which deal with the use of detectors. The development of infrared detectors lies in some of the properties of our atmosphere. And I'll explain why in the sense that infrared radiation had its beginnings with uh the uh applications to the Department of Defense. That is applications to uh the conduct of war, the the night vision, the problems of night vision and such. And so uh the utmost concern was the ability to look through large distances of atmosphere. You will find that in medical thermography today there are two types of detectors which are very popular in medical thermography. The first is the indium antenna mine detector, the second, the mercury cadmium telluride detector. And it's very interesting to note why these two detectors are have attained the popularity that they now have the first indian antenna. Mydd has a response as we will see a bit later in the 3-5 or somewhere in this region. This window uh This series of wavelengths and as you see here, this is transmission of the atmosphere in percent versus wavelength. And you'll see that the atmosphere has a transmission window here Of 3 - five microns. So much effort was placed in the development of infrared detectors which could detect infrared radiation in this wavelength range. Uh There is another atmospheric window Here at 7 - 14 microns. And this is exactly the response capability of the mercury telluride detector or mercury cadmium telluride detector. And it is from from about 6 to 15 microns. So much effort was placed on the development of these two detectors simply because of the existence of these atmospheric windows which would allow them to be used for our defense purposes in imaging through cloud layers, heavy fog, dense fog, whatever. Here again, we see the, what we call the Detective Itty, of these various detectors of the two detectors that I speak of and as regards to their wavelength over which they are sensitive here is the indian antenna. My detector, this dotted curve indicating the theoretical limit of Detective Itty. Once you approach that you have reached the theoretical limit of the system, the indian Montana. My detector has been developed to the point that it has reached the theoretical limit. However, you notice that its range of responsive Itty is only from about two, 25 microns at most. And if you recall the wavelengths given off by the human at 37 C ranged from, well, the peak is at 9.7 micron and uh little most of the radiation emitted is above that here. The indian and the Merck had telluride detector is shown to operate from anywhere around five out to about 15 microns. The uh Detective itty is not as near the theoretical limit as an Indian 10 amid. However, since we recover most of the radiation given off by the human beings, we have a much higher signal response using this detector than the other. Both are what we call semiconductor devices. They have very high response times. Uh As compared to for instance, the very early detector used an infrared work called the bill a meter. The barometer was not an infrared radiation detector. It was a thermal detector. It is the mechanism by which it operated consisted of uh heat falling on a blackened surface, heating the surface and then causing the the resistance of this barometer to change. Consequently there was a heat transfer mechanism involved in the detection of this heat. Um and uh the long response time here the response time of these photon type detectors or semiconductors is on the order of a few male microseconds. Now to use these detectors, These minute detectors which are all on the order of about 3000s of an inch on a side. To use these detectors in the generation of an image, one must employ some such simplified here optical system scanning optical system here radiations which are uh entering the system from this point reflect onto the scanning flat surface mirror here they're reflected from this flat service onto the collective collecting optics and from there focused onto the small radiation detector which is simply a chip. Yeah. Now to form an image then this scanning mirror is oscillating back and forth and uh in a raster formation such as in the television raster. It starts at the upper left hand side of the field of view scans across. Then it tilts a bit, scans another line across. And in this form in this way farms in a serial manner the infrared image. Now one other way of looking at this is to consider the infrared detector here and the image of the infrared detector here, this infrared detector or the image of this detector, the size of the image out here is called the resolution element size. This means that you are measuring temperatures over that particular dimension. Now this has to do and bears upon the resolving capability of this scanner and its ability to resolve very small objects across the human body. Other considerations are the field of view, what we call field of view and this has to do with the angle over which this scanner Is moving. Whether it be a 10° angle of scan or a 30° angle We say this is a 10° or 30 degree field of view. Now. Uh these have many implications. For instance, when you have a very wide field of view in a thermo graphic scanner, there are many optical considerations such as f number or speed of the optical system in these faster optical systems, the depth of field um is very narrow. The depth of field is very narrow in this system. However, the advantage of The 30° field of view is that one may place the patient very close to the scanner head. If you have a very narrow field of view to see the full patient in the scanner, it requires that the patients set some further distance away from the scanner. Hit itself many times. This is on the order of 6-8 ft where this might be two ft and this is often a consideration in the clinical application of thermography in the sense that space is at a premium here we show the effects of this resolution element size as we focus out to various distances. The optics can be arranged that we can focus at two ft or focus at six ft. However, since the speed of the optical system is the same than the resolution element size is going to get larger as we get further away from the machine here we have a plot of what we call the resolution element size and it's expressed in what we call the angular resolution or what we call the entrance pupil to the scanning system. And you can see that as one Moves as one moves close to the patient here at two ft from the patient. For a particular angular resolution you have down here, you can read off the resolving power in cycles per centimeter are in uh millimeters. That is the size of the structure. That one may be able to resolve. Uh the machine that I am using now in the clinic has about a 75 miller degree or mila radian angular resolution. This allows us to operate um at let's see, 75, we can operate um at two ft we have some 10 cycles per centimeter. Or we can resolve one half millimeter objects separated by one half millimeters. So we have very high resolution with this system. Now this uh will illustrate how resolution affects or rather how the elements size affects the resolution of the system. If you consider a resolution element size as depicted here. Now this element, this is an image of the detector is going to cross some vessel, let's say some vessel on the the surface of the patient here we see it position one and now it positioned to as its sweeping across this vessel. The size of the signal. The electronic signal that is generated is shown here as as the element resolution element crosses this vessel and you will see that at no time. Is the resolution element completely filled? That is is it sampling or is the entrance pupil completely flooded with the radiation? So the amplitude of the signal which results from this is much less than the actual temperature of the vessel That is, he indicated are the manifested temperature of the scanner never does reach the actual temperature of the vessel. Whereas if the resolution element were small and crossing a vessel, you see that it is soon completely filled and the electronic signal or the video signal coming off from this uh coming out of this amplifier then saturates holds a particular level and then begins to fall this signal or the amplitude of the signal then truly represents the temperature of that vessel. This is one of the important aspects of high resolution and why we would want high resolution. We must always consider the fact that the temperatures that we see in these images may or may not be the absolute temperature of the vessel are the part, body part that we're speaking of depending upon whether the resolution element size was smaller or larger than the body part in that particular field of view or that plane. Yeah, by means of the scanning technique then we can generate images such as this. This is a high resolution thermo graphic image of breast patient. The scanner that he was used to generate this image. was laying down some 535, scan lions per frame and Scan these lines in approximately 3.5 seconds. There are many types of machines are many types of machines available on the market today and it should be very clear to the, to the user or the prospective purchaser of one of these machines that each of these machines represent state of the art. They differ only in the parameters that were available to the engineer. That is. Should you want high resolution, you must give up something In certain instruments that are of very high resolution. We have long scan times. That is something on the order of three seconds two seconds. Three seconds. If you want very high frame rates such as real time viewing then you must give up resolution. The machines with 5 25 lines have a three second scan. As I said before. Those that have 16 frames per second have only 100 scan lines. This then limits the resolution of the system. So all of these things are parameters which the engineer must weigh must uh Yeah, give and take as it were to design the machine for your needs. Mhm. As I stated very early, the whole field of medical thermography came from some of the early work of DR Lawson. Dr Lawson performed some experiments in 1955 and 56 and was the first note document an increase in temperature over a tumor involved breast. After documenting this data, he went further, he went on then to make some measurements of the blood flowing through vessels of this of these patients harbouring breast cancers. And here you can see he embedded a small needle for MR into the tumors and measured the temperature of the tumors. We want to compare these temperatures with the temperature of the blood flowing in the lateral thoracic artery as shown here and the lateral thoracic vein here is the corresponding temperatures of the internal memory and internal memory vein. You'll note that Number one. The Venus blood temperatures are higher than the arterial blood temperatures. This told DR. Lawson and was interpreted by DR Lawson has meaning that this blood was draining the tumor site that is it was draining or carrying heat away from the tumor site. The tumor being the site of the genesis of heat and the arterial blood coming in rather cool and leaving by means of the veins at an increased temperature. So this has helped us in the interpretation of thermal grams as I'll show you in a little bit. And there are other considerations before we speak of interpretation. There are other considerations of the architecture of the breast which we must take into consideration And some of these have some physical base is # one. Should you consider a tumor are a heat generating source deep within the breast. We must consider the fact that the breast is covered by a sheath of adipose tissue, adipose tissue, fatty tissue being a very good insulator of heat. There is no way or there is little evidence to show that heat generated from a tumor deep within the breast can be propagated to the surface and thus seen by a thermo graphic scanner. Now this brings out an additional point and that is that thermography images the infrared radiation as I said before, emanated by the patients are admitted by the patient. However, it maps the temperature of the surface of the patient only. This is what we're talking about the temperatures as seen on the surface of the patient. So, going back then to the structure of the breast, one can see that a deep lying tumor cannot propagate this heat to the surface. The only way does he can get to the surface is by means of what we call venus conviction. This is where arterial blood bays the tumor are the lesion and this venus blood carrying the heat away. Now wherever these vessels happen to surface, this is where we're going to see increased heat. And a bit later, as we go through some of the thermal grams and the patterns we see. We'll see venus displays of increased heat. And this is the reason for that. Um There are a number of other considerations. First one recalls the thinning of the adipose tissue in the region of the a realer and also the rather a vascular structure of the nipple itself. These will show up Now there is indeed in the region of the a realer an area of rich anastomosis of the deep and the superficial venus networks. One would expect then, that should a deep lying tumor exist. That heat would eventually show up in the a realer as it makes its way from the deep vascular to into the superficial vessels. And this does show up indeed in this region of anastomosis and this network now um in looking at thermography and attempting to uh assess its value as a diagnostic technique. Very early in the game, we realized that there were some changes going on that other factors had to be taken into consideration. This is a picture of a patient harboring a cancer in which we mounted a very small transmitter which had to thir misters Coming out. one measuring one which was placed over the tumor in the I believe the tumor was in the left breast and then another for mr placed over the contra lateral area in the right breast. And we measure the temperature of the surface temperature of this breast for a period of a few days, perhaps a week or so. And this is what we found. First of all, we see, the left breast is the solid line. The left breast temperature was rather stable and at a much elevated temperature over the right. There were no changes at all. While the right breast, which was the diseased free breast, demonstrated this a circadian rhythm. It is the mean temperature being below the temperature of the tumor involved. Rest. And uh beyond that, having this circadian fluctuation are variations. There was much consideration of this data. We would note first of all that if thermography is going to be used to diagnose breast cancer and if a symmetry is going to be our principal criterion for interpretation, that is a difference in temperature of the right breast versus left breast are some structure on the right breast versus a structure on the left. Why then this would tend to indicate that the difference in temperature would be dependent upon the time of day, that one made the the images strictly due to the circadian rhythms. Now these are variations within one patient and you know well enough that there are patient to patient variations. Beyond that. However, there was some speculation as to the the interpretation of this here. We call the circadian rhythms. The tumor involved breast has lost its circadian rhythms, attempting to to interpret the meaning of such things. We found some data in a in the literature. This was a published by Dr franz Hallberg and his work on circadian rhythms here. He has plotted mitosis per 500 fields. This is my topic index of a tumor. Well, my topic index period of tissue versus the time of day. This top line which has very little variation and is very high. Was this was a my topic index of a tumor that had been transplanted or rather implanted in the back of this uh small rodent. And he took the metadata really took specimens from this tumor every so many hours and showed that the main topic index not only was higher than normal tissue has shown here. However, not only higher, but very stable and not very much. Whereas the mitten topic index in normal tissue seem to very over a large range and the mean value being much lower than the cancerous tissue. This went on and became circadian rhythms in the normal rodent. We still do not know the essence of heat or what we call now call the thermal genesis in breast cancer. We have little idea as to where this heat comes from, Why some cancers are taught by some cancers are cold, Why some small cancers give off more heat than some large cancers? This is an area which is presently being investigated and much work is being conducted. Yeah. Now we will move on into some thermal grams or thermo graphic studies and show you some of the variations that you find. This is considered a normal thermal graham, I should say. And is what we call the splotchy pattern. The patient is covered with little venus knuckles all over torso and such. Um This occurs in about 4% of asymptomatic women that we screen. Uh There is a little asymmetry in the sense that there's a cool area here which is not seen here. However, uh This is not considered an abnormal thermal graham as such. This is a normal thermal graham And the splotchy pattern are splotchy Appearance occurs. As I said in about 4% of the patients we screen here's another image ah of a woman. And I should note to at this point that black represents areas of increased heat. Black is hot here. Um Here we're beginning to see. Now some asymmetry here is a very large vessel on uh this woman's breast which is not seen on the right breast. This would be considered an abnormal therm a gram of the left breast. That we can't say, a positive thermal graham for cancer. Uh This technique is is non specific for breast cancer. It would be considered more specific for breast disease and particularly asymmetric breast disease. However, this does represent a significant asymmetry in lieu of the rather in view of the fact that the right breast is rather a vascular and cool in appearance. Here is a therm a gram of a woman which has more vascular breasts. However, you can see here very a large area of increased heat in the upper outer quadrant. Also, you will again note the perry realer heat are increased. Perry realer heat here as compared to the left. A realer this would be considered also an abnormal thermal graham. Yeah. Again, this is a 17 year old girl with a very large abnormality or asymmetry in heat distribution. Again, symmetry being the the major criterion in thermography. This is an abnormal thermal graham abnormal for the right breast. Okay, I'm going on through here. These are more dramatic and more uh well easily interpreted thermal grams. Very few in screening large populations of women. Very few thermal grams. Come up quite this dramatically. But here again, you see a very large difference in symmetry here. The vessels. Not only are there more vessels, they seem to be engorged and very warm as compared to the vessels of the left breast. This picture was taken in 1972. The same woman was scanned again in 1973. Uh The uh aspect of this picture has changed a little bit due to some technical adjustments of the machine. However, this is the same patient. You see. The pattern has not changed significantly and uh the patient did receive uh ma'am a graphic examination in 72 nothing was found and in 73 the same image. However, nothing has been found there either. This woman is presently being followed. Okay, here we have a therm a gram of which is not so dramatic. However, there are a number of things. First one sees the asymmetry and vascular charity here. More linear vessels of increased heat. You see the perry realer heat of the left breast based on that one would consider this an abnormal thermal graham of the left breast. When you look at the right breast, it's relatively a vascular. With the exception of this tortuous looking vessel here, which is rather abnormal. This particular patient presented with bilateral carcinoma of the breast. Okay, again, we get into the more difficult cases. This woman was an elderly woman. Ah The only a sign of abnormality here is the difference in size of breast and one would wonder then if this size had to do with retraction, our distortion of the breast itself. However, I'm looking very closely, since there is no thermal asymmetry to speak of That is that is significant one. If you look very closely, there is a bulge in this outer aspect of the breast in which there was a very large and clinically palpable mass which did turn out to be a breast cancer. But thermal graphically this would have to be called a negative thermal graham. Yeah. Yeah. And going on, we here is a therm a gram of a very young girl. And along with the corresponding infrared photograph, the infrared photograph now simply demonstrates the venus network across her breast. These vessels you are able to see not because of their temperature but because of the absorption of the near infrared radiation which is falling on her. And uh simply allows you to see the superficial vasculature much much easier. And the thermal graham of course, is very dramatic. Both breasts are very hot, however symmetric and this thermal graham them demonstrates the appearance of a young girl in her first trimester of pregnancy. Again, this is a normal condition. It's the beginning of lactation. This thermal graham um again presents what we call the normal thermal pattern that being the cool breast that is a vascular uh no vessels over the breast. However, one may use high resolution thermography again to interpret or rather to detect abnormalities of the breast. If you look at the curvature of the breast here as compared to the curvature of the breast here. You see a very flat region here and this distortion in the contour of the breast, now called the edge sign is considered one of the criterion for criteria for interpretation and this edge sign or distortion of the breast was used to consider this as an abnormal thermal graham of the left breast. And indeed she did have a carcinoma of the breast. Yeah. Now to do proper medical thermography are breast thermography. There are certain established protocol and techniques. Number one. The patient is first disrobed In a room of about 68-70° Fahrenheit. We allow this room this woman then to cool in such a room for about about 10 minutes, anywhere From 6 to 10 minutes. This is indicative or whether is required to increase what we call the subject contrast of the patient. Upon first disrobing, this woman has little range of temperatures displayed over her torso. After she cools a while, the areas of increased heat are much more highly delineated and detail over the surface of the patient is much easily, much more easily recognized. So uh this shows schematically what a mass screening installation should have as if you're going to screen many women, you would have a number of cooling booths where the patients are put into these booths allowed to Sit for anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes and brought out from behind their curtains placed in front of the scanner thermal grams are performed while the others are being cooled. One can then rotate patients through these cooling booths and uh uh the throughput time will be uh that dictated by the time to take the pictures itself. Each image taking on the are taking on the order of about A minute. uh some 3-4 seconds for the scan and 45 seconds or so perhaps for positioning. And that should be the only consideration there. Now. As far as operating the machine, there are certain things that a person should know. Uh the thermo graph machine. While it is a very complicated and sophisticated electro optical system, actually only has two knobs that you should be considered with in performing medical thermography. There are three really, there is a focus control. However, if you place the patient at the same distance for each study, the focal plane need not be changed. One can do this by using a small measuring stick set. The patient in front of the machine used the stick to adjust her to where she is in the focal plane and then start the scan. However, Beyond that there are two knobs. One is called the range control and the other the temperature level control. Now, what do we mean by range and level control? Well, if we consider a thermometer here and we say that all right on our screen or in our image. If we're going to use black for hot. Why then black we want black to represent 85° and white To represent 75°. Well, this means we have A 10 degree window. That's our range control. The range control adjusts the thermal window going in what we're going to represent on the image from black to white. This is determined by the range control. The level control simply Moves this 10 degree window up and down the temperature scale. Yeah. In making these adjustments. Well, here we show A five degree window uh compared to a very wide window perhaps Uh 15 or 20° mm. Mhm. This becomes important when you consider the temperatures which are displayed by the patient themselves, himself or herself. For instance, if this be this these solid lines represent the temperatures which are emitted are seen on the patient. If you were to measure temperatures across the patient's torso. If this is the range of temperatures which the patient exhibits. Why. Uh And this is the sensitivity. The window of your thermo graphic scanner. You can see that the patient is emitting radiation which your machine is not picking up. Now if this is the black end of their spectrum and this is the white, you can see that much of the patient is going to be saturated in the black end, totally saturated, much of the patient will not be seen at all. It'll be white or whiter than white and we will not have on the photograph. So this range control is improperly set, The range control should be adjusted such that it encompasses the temperatures given off by the are emitted by the patient as seen by the patient here again, the temperature range control is properly adjusted. However, the level control is a little too high in this case. Then there will be no part of the patient which will be truly black on the film. Yet there will be much of the patient which is invisible that is in the whiter than white region and simply not seen Now. The effects of mala adjustment of these controls on the quality of a thermal graham can be demonstrated here. Here we have a thermal graham and I like to have part of the super club vehicular area as well as the mouth in this region visible on each thermal grams so that I have an idea of the significance of temperature of other parts of the body that I see for instance, here we see an asymmetry. A definite asymmetry. A vessel under the left breast which is not seen on the right. Um The significance of this temperature of this vessel is can be judged when we compare the temperature here as to the temperature of other parts of the body such as this. Now I can see that the temperature here is not very significant in comparison to other temperatures of the body. However, there is a slight asymmetry. So, I would call this a slight asymmetry now should the level control be maladjusted. This is what one sees then the temperature of this vessel is exaggerated. I can no longer tell the significance of this vessel in comparison to other parts of the body. Since this is saturated and in the blacker than black region many times are false positive rates can be affected by a bad photography and bad technique. This is the picture of the thermo graphic unit which we have installed at the breast cancer detection center here at ST joe's ah breast cancer detection center. And you see a motorized chair motorized and remote control stand here is the control console. We can present images in the black hot. Are the white hot mode? Yeah the images are processed and drop out of the chute. They're mounted up in a what we call an aperture card. This is processed within about 45 seconds after the completion of the examination And nine images are obtained on one chip. The images maybe interpreted. Uh huh by means of a projector. Uh The advantage of this technique is first of all the compactness of the data. Uh and the fact that one may view all nine images at the same time without having to shuffle things in and out of envelopes and whatever. So this is, it gives us an idea of the instruments we are now using at ST Josephs that you will have an opportunity to see. And many of the slides and many of the studies coming from this center will be available for you to review, as well as assist in the interpretation. Thank you.