[Copyright 1929, By Maurice L. Blatt, M.D., Chief of Department, Diseases of Children, Cook County Hospital - Chicago.] [E.S. Age 9 yrs. Incubation period 2 Mos. Dog bite tip of nose and left leg. Treatment mercurochrome locally. Prodrones: Drowsiness 48 hrs. Delirium 24 hrs. Attempt to drink produced convulsions. Sanguinous expectoration and vomitus. Temp. 104.5] [Short periods of agitation alternating with periods of perfect lucidity. Death 20 hrs. after admission. W.B.C. 14,800 HB. 90 percent albumin and sugar in urine. Active treatment: Morphine 1-8 and 1-6. 20 cc. encephalitis serum. Triparsenides 1 gm. intravenously.] [Boy shown in bed pulling on his face] [Boy lying down in bed] [Someone offscreen tries to hand the boy a cup and he turns away from it.] [A second person tries to hold the boy so the first person can offer the boy a drink.] [Boy struggles and pushes drink away.] [Boy is thrashing in bed and pushes cup away.] [Boy is scratching skin and talking.] [Boy pulls away from adult and hits adult.] [Boy covers himself with blanket] [Boy scratches himself and looks agitated] [Adult is trying to turn the boy towards the camera but the boy fights him.] [The boy holds his throat and blood can be seen coming out of his mouth.] [The boy continues to struggle.] [The boy is agitated and the adult tries to keep him still.] [F.B. Age 2 1-2 yrs. Incubation period 3 wks. Dog bite below left eye. Illness 4 1-2 days. Prodrones: Drowsiness, anorexia and somnolence. Sudden onset with screaming and clonic convulsions. Examination showed marked salivation and agitation.] [Extremities spastic without cervical rigidity. Prophylactic treatment unknown. Active treatment: morphine 1-32 gr. Q. 4 hrs. Chloral grs. 15.] [A little boy is shown in bed and he is agitated. There is a doctor holding the boy and using a stethoscope on his back.] [The boy is struggling as a doctor is using a stethoscope to listen to his chest.] [The boy is laying down while an adult is checking his reflexes under his left knee.] [The boy is in bed and agitated.] [The boy is sitting up and hitting himself in the right leg.] [Boy is very agitated and is hitting the adult.] [Adults are trying to encourage the boy to drink but he pushes the cup away.] [The child is shown sitting in bed very agitated.] [L.F. Age 6 yrs. Incubation period 2 mos. Dog bite above right eye. Primary treatment cauterization of wound.] [Sudden onset with vomiting of bloody mucus followed by retching, foaming at the mouth, convulsions and short periods of unconsciousness, dysphagia, hypersensitiveness to external stimuli, marked rigidity of neck,] [Positive Kernig and brisk patellar reflexes. W.B.C. 29,550, 80 percent polys. Active treatment: morphine grs. 1-12. 10 cc. 25 percent mag. sulphate in buttock. Death: 8 hrs. after admission.] [A boy is shown in a bed. He is holding a toy. He is agitated and restless.] [The boy grabs his neck several times.] [The boy is very agitated.] [The boy is standing on the bed, sits down, grabs throat again.] [The boy and the bed are outside the building on a rooftop or terrace.] [Someone offscreen hands the boy a cup and he sips from it.] [The boy is walking around holding the hand of an adult. Another adult male wearing a suit is in the background] [The boy is walking on his toes.] [The boy runs around until an adult lifts him into the bed.] [The boy lies still in the bed. The camera shows a close-up of his face.] [Curtiss Stringer Nov. 13th 1927 - 2 weeks after being bitten by stray dog. Laceration of right face and right four-arm -- Death in 18 hrs.] [Acute symptoms 3 days duration began with abdominal pain and vomiting, convulsions began 24 hrs. previous to picture, accompanied by great fear without loss of consciousness.] [Temp. 103. Pulse 106. Resp. 36. Spinal fluid under increased pressure, sugar 88, otherwise negative. Active treatment: chloral hydrate grs. 20. Calcium bromide grs. 20.] [The boy is shown in bed, very agitated, kicking his feet and struggling with an offscreen adult.] [The boy continues to struggle.] [The boy vomits on the bed.] [Note coordination and thoughtfulness displayed by patient, use of cloth for expectoration. He constantly exclaims to the nurse, "Hold me! Hold me!] [The boy continues to struggle and flail about on the bed.] [The boy vomits on the bed as the nurse holds him.] [The boy vomits several more times.] [The boy is handed a cup but he doesn't drink it and hands it back.] [The boy continues to struggle and vomit.] [The film ends.]