[Music] [BLIXT Locally Grown presents][Captain Soapman] [A new short play by Mary Sinclair] [Fighting off germs just got fun!] [...] [Michael:] Robots never get sick. I guess their batteries run out every once in a while. But my Robbie the Robot has never been too sick to play. But daddy says some people are getting sick right now. It's like how I get sick sometimes, except doctors are still learning about what's making people sick. [Daddy:] Michael, say hi to Mommy! [Michael:] Hi, Mommy! [Daddy:] Yep, he's playing. Yes, I'll tell him, I'll tell him. Love you too. Bye. Uh, Michael, Mommy says she loves you, and she made it to grandma's! [Michael:] Are we going to grandma's? [Clink] [Impersonator of grandma waving hands] [Daddy:] Uh, no, we're going to stay here for a while, just you and me, make this place a man cave! [Michael:] When is Mommy coming back? [Daddy:] I'm not sure. See, Grandma needs help to get around the house, and Mommy's helping her and cooking for her. [Michael:] Why doesn't Grandma stay with us? [Clink] [Impersonator of grandma shaking head] [Daddy:] Because remember that sickness I told you about? Well, older people like Grandma are more likely to get really sick from it. And if we move Grandma out here with us, she could possibly get it. We want to keep Grandma safe and away from the germs. [Michael:] Could I get it? Will I get really sick? [Daddy:] There's a possibility that you or I or anyone could get it, but we're doing all the right stuff to stay healthy. You'll be just fine, bubba. [Michael:] Okay. [Daddy:] Okay. Pal, I have to talk on the phone for a while for work. I'll need you to keep it quiet in here, okay? [Michael:] Okay. [...] It's weird being home all day. Daddy is usually at work. I'm usually at school. Daddy helps me with the homework Mrs. Reynolds sends me every day. Sometimes, it's hard. [Music] [Laughing, gibbering] [Sniffling] [Disturbing laughter] [Strange sounds] [Michael:] Oh no! It's the germs! [Gasping] [Germ 1:] What's this? [Gasp] Robbie the Robot? Well, Robbie, did you think you were going to get to play today? Not anymore! [Laughter] [Germ 2:] What are we going to do with him? [Germ 1:] Let's make him stay in bed all day and not get to play! [Laughter] [Michael:] No! [...] [Germ 1:] Sounds like someone else is here. Scram! [Music] [Music fades out] [...] [Daddy:] Hey, pal! Ms. Reynolds sent over some math for us to do! Wanna work on it with me? [Michael:] Okay. [Daddy:] What's wrong? [Michael:] They took Robbie! [Daddy:] Who took Robbie? [Michael:] The germs! They snuck into my room last night and took Robbie! [Daddy:] Listen, Michael, germs can't take away your toys or you! You're much bigger than any germ, and you and your toys can fight 'em off! [Michael:] How? [Daddy:] Well, with soap! [Ding] [Michael:] Soap? [Daddy:] Oh yes, with soap! It's a germ's biggest weakness. [Michael:] What do we do to fight the germs? [Daddy:] Here, I'll show you. We have germs on our hands when we touch different things and surfaces, but when we wash our hands we make the germs run away. So you get your hands a little wet. You take a pump of soap and rub it all over your hands. Make sure you get between your fingers and your thumbs and even under your fingernails. The germs like to hide everywhere. Now once you put soap on your hands, the germs get scared and run off. That's how you fight them off! [Michael:] Okay! [Daddy:] Okay! [Beatboxing] [Rap singing]You better watch your hands and make it good so those germs don't get a clue, uh. Make your hands and fingers, fingernails and those germs will start to shoo, yeah. Heh. [...] Okay, now that we've fought off some germs, you ready to do some math? [Michael:] Yeah. [...] [Beatboxing] [Laughter] [Germ 1:] Let's check to see who else we can make sick here, hmm? [Michael:] Not so fast, germs! [Germ 1:] Oh! Look! It's a little boy. [Laughter] [Michael:] I'm not just any little boy! I'm Captain Soapman! [Gasps] [Germ 3:] Oh, no! [Germ 1:] Captain Soapman, we meet at last. [Michael:] You germs are gonna give me Robbie and never come back. [Germ 1:] What makes you think we'll do that? [Michael:] Because I have this! [Ding] [Screams, gasps] [Germ 1:] Whoa, kid! You don't know what you're doing. [Michael:] Give me Robbie! [Germ 4:] My eyes! This soap, it burns my eyes! [Germ 1:] Give him Robbie! Here. You have your little friend back. Are we even? [Michael:] You germs aren't allowed back in my house ever! [Music] [Germs screaming] [Music] [Daddy:] Hey, kiddo! I see you got Robbie back. [Michael:] Yeah, I fought off those germs for good! [Daddy:] Oh, that's good! You feel better now? [Michael:] No. [Daddy:] No? Why not? You fought off the germs. [Michael:] I miss Mom. [Daddy:] Oh. I'm sorry, pal, but your mother's gonna be home soon. [Michael:] When? She's supposed to be here. She's supposed to take care of me. She's my mom. Not Grandma's! [Daddy:] I know, and your mom wants to be here with you, but her mom needs help right now. If mom needed help, wouldn't you want to help her? [Michael:] Yeah. [Daddy:] Okay, see, that's what Mommy's doing for Grandma. Mommy's helping her mommy, just like you would do. [Michael:] I guess. But I want her here. [Daddy:] I know. I do too. [Music] [Daddy:] Michael, I have someone who wants to talk to you! [Michael:] Who? Hi, Mommy! [Mommy:] Hi, baby! Can you say hi to Grandma? [Michael:] Hi, Grandma! [Grandma:] Hi, sweetie! [Michael:] Mommy, guess what? I used soap and fought off the evil germ robbers and rescued Robbie! [Mommy:] I'm so proud of you! Are you and Daddy protecting the house? [Michael:] Yeah! The germs will never come back! [Mommy:] Oh, good honey! I miss you. [Michael:] I miss you, Mommy. When are you coming home? [Daddy:] Michael! [Mommy:] Actually, baby, I'll be home in a couple of days. [Clink] [Michael:] Really? [Mommy:] Yep! I've been setting up Grandma's house so she can get around on her own, and her neighbor is nice enough to drop off groceries for her. [Michael:] Yay, mommy! [Mommy:] Now, I think it's close to your bedtime, mister, which means you need a bedtime story, right? [Michael:] Can you read Goodnight Moon? [Mommy:] Yes, baby, I… I think i have it right here. [Oop] [Laughter] [...] [Clears throat] In the great green room, [Soft music] there was a telephone [gasp] and a red balloon… and a picture of… dun dun dunnn! the cow jumping over the moon! [Music] [Written by Mary Sinclair] [When I look outside] [At the place that's mine] [I see cars roll by] [Who will I become with my childhood son] [Will they notice me? What will people see?] [My town's more than what it seems] [It's a place to build my dreams] [I sure hope they will come true] [I've got things I want to say before summer fades away] [And I hope you'll listen, too] [listen, too, listen, too] [Woman 1:] We got this, Lincoln. [Yellow lemon drops, sudden ice cream stops] [August baseball games] [I am happy here with my family near] I'm gonna take a star and pluck it from the sky] [Ride it to the moon and spread my wings and fly] [Man 1:] We're all in this together. [One day, I'll be old, all my stories told] [Creaky rocking chair] [But for now, I'll play,] [wish my cares away] [Dream of who I'll be as an older me] [This little town has lots of space] [It's my awesome happy place] [and a home where I can shine] [Every time we sing this song, we'll remember we belong] [To this place that's yours and mine] [Singing] [Yours and mine] [This place is yours and mine] [Woman 2:] We got this. [Yours and mine, yours and mine] [We'll remember we belong to this place that's yours and mine] [Man 2:] Take care, Lincoln. [Yours and mine, yours and mine] [Yours and mine] [Yours and mine] [This place is yours and mine] [Yours and mine, yours and mine] [We'll remember we belong to this place that's yours and mine] [This place that's yours and mine] [And mine] [Music up full and fades out] [Blixt Locally Grown presents:] [Captain Soapman] [A new short play by Mary Sinclair] [Fighting off germs just got fun!] [Woman 3:] Together. A greater Nebraska. [Credits] [BLIXT logo, locally grown] [www.blixt.space] [...]