[...] [Jamaican music playing] [Singer:] Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. [Jamaican music continues] [Singer:] Do what you want. [Speaker 1:] What's it good for? How will it help me? [Speaker 2:] I don'teven know what it means by that, family planning. [Speaker 3:] I don't think it'swrong for you to have children and you are not married. [Speaker 4:] I readabout family planning, but my man don't like it at all. [...] [Speaker 5:] I don'tuse family planning. I use the French letter. [Speaker 6:] I wentup there Tuesday, but the clinic was closed. [Speaker 7:] I thinkis a good thing. But I think thewoman should do it. [Speaker 8:] Mygirlfriend had the coil. Well, she said it hurtso, she took it out. [Speaker 9:] I don'ttrust any man. I'm going to takecare of myself. [Speaker 10:] I really wanted togo to the commercial school. And look what happened to me. [Narrator:] Many peoplehave questions about family planning,and that's only natural. Some are afraid. Some don't believe itmeans anything to them. Some have heard rumorsor misleading stories. Unfortunately, somepeople wait too long to find out how familyplanning can help them. Sometimes, peoplefeel funny about going to the family planning center,especially for the first time. They don't know what to expect. They don't feelcomfortable talking about their privatelives to a stranger. But fortunately, more andmore average Americans are realizing thatfamily planning can help us better our lives. More and more women and menare coming to the centers. And they're finding that thepeople who work in the centers really care about them.Listen to their problems, and give them thehelp they need. [First Stop to Somewhere] But let's visit afamily planning center, so you can see whatit's like for yourself. [Indiscriminate chatter] [Speaker 11:] My boyfriend andI agreed that family planning was a good thing. He has another yearbefore he graduates. And, of course, I don't wantto lose my job at the bank. But then I had to admit I felta little strange about coming to the center at first. [Indiscriminate chatter] The first thing I noticed, andyou'll see that when you come, was that the center was reallya nice place. Really pleasant. Then, as I lookedaround, I saw how many other girls, just like myself,had come there for help. There were evenmen who had come. [...] I also saw that things werewell-organized at the center. When your turn comes,like this lady, the clerk takes downall the particulars before you go into see the nurse. Then the thing thatreally impressed me when I talked to the clerkwas how nice she was. I wasn't even embarrassed. [Clerk:] Are you married? [Speaker 12:] No. [Clerk:] Do youlive with a boyfriend? [Speaker 12:] Yes. [...] [Clerk:] Now, how manychildren, living children, have you? [Speaker 12:] Three. [Clerk:] Four-- three. How many pregnancies? [Speaker 12:] Four. [Clerk:] Four, so that meansyou have three living children. [Speaker 12:] And I lose one. [Clerk:] Three live births,and then you had a miscarriage. So that's fourpregnancies, right? Have you had a Pap smear before? [Speaker 12:] No. [Clerk:] Well, I would alsohave to write a form for you and get the nurse to do it. [Nurse:] Good afternoon,Mrs. Keith, how are you? [Mrs. Keith:] Good afternoon,nurse, fine, thank you. [Nurse:] And I see you havecome to our family planning thing, which I take that you areinterested in family planning? [Mrs. Keith:] Yes, nurse. I want to space my children. I have one baby now, and Idon't want to have another one. [Nurse:] And howold is that baby? [Mrs. Keith:] He isjust a year old now. [Nurse:] So, Ithink probably you'd want to, say, space a baby foranother three or four years? [Mrs. Keith:] About anothertwo or three years, my husband doesn't want usto have another one for about two years. [Mrs. Keith:] I was surprisedhow thorough the nurse was in the examination. And in addition totaking blood pressure, the nurse checked my weight. She told me how importanta test for cancer is. They call it "Paps." Then she did one for me. And it was so easy. [...] And what really impressedme was the nurse. She explained everything to me. And she really listened to me. [Nurse indiscriminate audio] She was interestedin my problems and she really helpedme making my decision. [Nurse:] It's the pill. It's about 99.8%. [Doctor:] This is quitesuitable in some cases. So that, in general-- [Speaker 11:] Aftertalking with the nurse about the different kindsof family planning methods, I decided to havea coil inserted, because once it wasdone, I wouldn't have to worry about it. And I would becompletely protected. As the doctor was there, insteadof the nurse fitting my coil, she handed me overto a nice doctor. He made sure I understoodall about the coil. Then he gave me aninternal examination and inserted the coil, whichhe will do with this lady. [Doctor:] This is alsoquite a suitable method. Unfortunately, forthe first, sometimes the first week after theinsertion of the coil, patients sometimes haveabdominal pains and bleeding. But in my experience,this usually clears up within this period. For the first threemonths, at least, one has to expect that theperiods might be heavier. Have you got anyquestions to ask? [Speaker 13:] Well-- [? inaudible] Not at present,because the nurse had explained most of it already. [...] [Nurse:] How didyou like your exam? [Speaker 12:] Well,nice and painless. [Nurse:] Like it work. [Speaker 12:] Yes. [Nurse:] And youhave selected a method. [Speaker 12:] Yes. [Nurse:] Right. [Speaker 11:] I remember afterthe doctor finished with me, I went back to theclerk, like this lady. I got my appointment tocome back for my checkup. And when I cameback, I picked up some pills for my girlfriend. [...] [Speaker 12:] He said to comeback the 10th and first of next month. [Nurse:] The firstof next month. [...] [Speaker 11:] My boyfriendcame to meet me at the center and I couldn't wait to tellhim all about it as we left. [Music] I'm so glad I decided to visitmy family planning center. I'm telling all mygirlfriends about it. I know that family planningwill help us better our lives. [Narrator:] Family planningcan better your life. Visit your nearest familyplanning center today. [Jamaican music playing] [An Airlie Production] [Singer:] Do what you want. [Executive producer, Murdock Head, M.D.] Do what you want. [Produced and directed by, John S. Scanlan] [Music] [Director of photography, Charles E. Francis] [...] [Written by, June Cottle] [Edited by, Gordon L. Heerman, Raymond Garcia] [...] [Singer:] Whoa whoa whoa whoa. [Photography by, Charles Durie] [Sound by, Michael Barrett] [Singer:] Whoa whoa whoa whoa. [...] Whoa whoa whoa whoa. [...] Whoa whoa whoa whoa. [Special consultant, Basil L. Morgan] [Exec. Asst., National Family Planning Board] [Music by, Gay Feet, Ltd., Kingston, Jamaica] [...] [Produced for, The National Family Planning Board, Jamaica, West Indies] [Singer:] Do what you want. [Music fades out] [...]