[...] [Theme music] [Still pictures of adolescent boys pan across the screen] [Self incorporated] [Upbeat guitar music] [...] [Discordant music] [Upbeat music] [...] [Discordant music] [...] [Upbeat music] [...] [Discordant music] [Upbeat music] [...] [Eddie:] Hi, Virg. [Discordant music] Virgil, what are you doing? [Gunshot] [Footsteps] [...] [Eddie:] Is that the new gunyou told me about? [Virgil:] Yeah, doyou want to see it? [Eddie:] Sure. [...] You're so lucky livingon the reservation. You can have your own gun now. [Vehicle approaches] [Door slams] [...] [Bob:] Hi, Curly. [Curly:] Hello, Bob. [Bob:] Why don't you go and geta couple of cans pop, Eddie, while I get a loaf of bread? [Eddie:] OK. [Glass door refrigerator opens] [Grape soda can clicks] [Eddie:] Hi, Virg. [Virgil:] Hi, Eddie. [Eddie:] About the other day-- [Virgil:] [Non-English speech] [My Friend] [Eddie:] Yeah, you're my friend, too. [Virgil:] If it's OK, I can come over Saturday. [Horse, galloping] [Horse, trotting] [...] [Metal bucket clanking] [Chickens clucking] [Music playing] [Singer:] I can be me. You can be you. Look at the funthings we can do. [...] You're my friend. [Flute accents] Lucky for me, friendsare for free. I hope you see whatyou mean to me. [Flute and acoustic guitar music] You're my friend. [Flute flourishes] [Eddie:] Dad and I will bethrough haying on Wednesday. So I can help youherd on Thursday. [Virgil:] Far out! [Horse, gallops off] [Virgil:] It's nice to be outof that cold weather. [Eddie:] Yeah. [...] [Virgil:] Hey, do you knowthat day when we were little? You goofed around with the sheep? [Eddie:] Yeah. Sure was fun. [Big truck approaching] [Cow bell sounds from sheep herd] [Eddie:] Virg, the sheep! Get out from there! [Truck engine] [Cow bell sounds from sheep herd] [Truck engine idles] [Virgil:] Thanks, [Non-English speech] [Speaker 1:] Hey you kids, you better keepthose stupid sheep off the road. [Virgil:] You, whitey. Whiteys are wrecking our land,tearing up our pastures, just to get that coal he's hauling. [Eddie:] But Virg,we need that coal. [Virgil:] Yeah, youdo, but we don't. [Sighs] [...] [Eddie:] I've alwaysenjoyed eating here. [...] This is good. What is it? [Speaker 2:] Sheep intestine. [...] [Eddie:] It's still good. [...] [Hammer bangs on wooden stilt] I'm finished. [Virgil:] You go first, Eddie. I want to see how you do it. [Eddie:] OK. [...] [Gentle guitar music] [Eddie:] It's really easy onceyou get the hang of it. [Music] Come on. It's easy.I'll help ya'. [Music] Come on. [Virgil:] Going easy. [Eddie:] Come on. All right! Keep it up, Virg. Uh-oh. [Wooden stilts fall to ground] [Virgil:] Laughter. [Laughter] [Fishing line splashes in water] [Eddie:] Good cast. [...] [Virgil sighs] Fishing just isn'tgood as last summer, is it? [Eddie:] Oh, face it, Virg. You're just not thefishermen you used to be. Can't catch them anymore. [Sand rustling sound] Dang you. [Rustling sounds and laughter] Virg, your pole! [Fishing rod splashes in water] [Hands splash in water] [...] Don't worry, Virg. You can have my pole. I've got another one. [Sweet acoustic guitar music] [Horses, trotting on path] [Music continues] [Eddie:] Hey, I know. When we ride again, let'sride up to Navajo Mountain. [Virgil:] No. [Eddie:] Why not? [Virgil:] We can't. We just can't. [Eddie:] I don't understand. [Music continues] Virg, you're not worriedabout our first day of school tomorrow, are you? [Virgil:] Yeah. I hear it's not likeelementary school. [Eddie:] Me, too. I hope the older guys don'tsmear lipstick all over us. I heard they do that. [Virgil:] Or shut us in the lockers. I'm really worried aboutsomething else, too. [Eddie:] What's that? [Virgil:] Our friendship. [Eddie:] Why? [Virgil:] I just thinkwe might be in for it. [Eddie:] Because you're aNavajo and I'm white? [Virgil:] Yeah. [Eddie:] Virg, are you going towear Levi's to school tomorrow? [Virgil:] Yeah, they're OK. [Eddie:] I guess I'llwear them, too. [Music ends] [Virgil:] I wish we hadmorning class together. [Eddie:] Me, too. [School bell rings] I guess we better go. [Virgil:] Yeah. Let's eat lunch together. [Eddie:] Okay. [...] [School bell rings] [Books close] [Speaker 3:] Class dismissed. [Speaker 4:] Excuse me. [Speaker 5:] Hey, Eddie. The guys are meeting for lunch. Want to come join us? [Eddie:] No, I'm goingto eat with Virgil. [Speaker 5:] You meanyou're going to eat with one of those Navies? That's not the way toget along around here [...] [Virgil:] How was science? [Eddie:] We had anassignment the first day. [Speaker 6:] Hey, Navi, how canyou stand to eat that junk? [Group laughter] [Eddie:] Don't pay anyattention to them, Virg. We'll be eating hotlunch tomorrow, anyhow. [Indistinct chatter] [Speaker 7:] Don't eat whitey's food. [Speaker 8:] Ah, let's just forget it. [Speaker 7:] The boy should beeating with his own people. Ah. [...] [Speaker 3:] One place in themetric system to another place, then is made simply bymoving the decimal point. Are there any further questions? No? OK, then do the assignment. All the exercisesare on page 306. [...] [Footsteps approaching] [Speaker 2:] What are you working on? Why won't that schoolteach you things that help you be a goodNavajo, like how to take better care of the sheep? [Indistinct chatter] [...] [Broken eggs and sign posted on Virgil's locker] [Virgil: (reading posted note)] [Echo effect] Since you Navies won't touch eggsany other way, you can clean them off your locker. [Paper crunching] [...] May thousands of owlsfly over your teepee. [Eddie:] Why did the notesay this about the owls? [Virgil:] They're just makingfun of our ancient beliefs. [Eddie:] Oh? [Virgil:] Yeah. An owl flying over a homemeans illness or bad luck. [...] [Foot sounds kicking snow] [Speaker 9:] Let's have some fun. Hey, Whitey, when it gets alittle cold, you Whities just can't take it, can you? [...] [Giggling] [Speaker 10:] Whitiesare just sissies. [School bus approaches] [Airbrakes] [Bus door opens] [Eddie and Navajo boys board the school bus] [Navajo boys push Eddie out of the way] [School bus door closes and departs] [Indistinct chatter] [...] [Speaker 11:] Hey, how's the water, Navi? Did it get someof your dirt off? [Speaker 12:] Doesn't look like it.He's still brown. [Laughter] [...] [Eddie:] Come on, guys. Leave him alone. [Speaker 12:] Eddie, youwant to be our friend. Stay away from that Navi. [Speaker 13:] You betterdo what he says. You won't stand a chance of making the team without our help. [Speaker 12:] Yeah. We'll make you look badat tryouts if you don't. [Basketball bouncing] [?:] Come on guys, defense. [...] [Teammate intentionally trip Eddie] [Speaker 13:] Eddie's out. Come on, Eddie. A good player wouldhave had that. [Speaker 14:] Come on, Eddie. Be alert.Be alert. [Feet running up steps] [Speaker 15:] Hi, Eddie. Hi, Virgil. Want to go to the drive-inand get a cone before class? Eddie, do you want to come? [...] Oh, he can come, too. [Virgil, (Voiceover):] Theydon't want me along, and I don't wantto go with them. If when I'm with Eddie I have togo around with white girls, maybe I better start hangingaround with other Navajos. [Virgil:] No. I can't. I have to talk to Mrs.Harris before class. [...] [Eddie:] Hey, Dad. I've been wonderingabout Virgil. [Bob:] What do you mean? [Eddie:] Well, I don't knowif I want to hang around with him anymore. [Bob:] Oh really? Uh, I don't understand. [Eddie:] Well, allthe kids pick on me for going around with him. Pretty soon I won't haveany more friends left. And the guys are doingthings to make me look bad in basketball tryouts. Dad, I won't make the teamif I see Virgil anymore. And I'm not going to. [...] [Bob:] I know basketballis important to you, son. But, you've been friends withVirgil for four or five years. I think you better thinkabout this one, son. [...] [Speaker 3:] Sometimeswe don't make very wise use of our resources. Yes, Virgil? [Virgil:] The Navajodoesn't change land. We use only, only what the landcan give us over again. [Speaker 3:] Do you mean whatthe land can replenish? Good, Virgil, uh. [School bell] You're excused. [Books close, students exit classroom] [Speaker 16:] I think the Navieshave some pretty dumb ideas, don't you? [Speaker 17:] Yeah,like not stepping foot on Navajo Mountain because it's supposed to be sacred. [...] [Virgil:] Want to come overthis weekend, sometime? We can go hunting. [Eddie:] I can't. I have to do my homework. Besides, I havechurch on Sunday. [...] [Ball hits baseball glove] [...] [Ball hits baseball glove] [Speaker 18:] Oh, no! [Footsteps then bodies collide] [Speaker19:] [Screaming] You didthat on purpose! [Rustling] [Yelling] [...] [Speaker 20:] On top of him. [Inaudible] [Mr. Hansen:] Hey, you guys. What's going on down there? Break it up. [Speaker 21:] It's Mr. Hansen. [?:] Let's split. [Solemn music] [Virgil:] [Non-English speech] Yeah. [Music] [...] [Pulsing music] [Speaker 23:] Self Incorporated was supported by a consortiumof 35 educational agencies. [Developed with assistance from Exxon Corporation] This program was produced byUNIT Productions of the Utah State Board of Education. Under the supervision of AIT. Agency for Instructional Television. c 1975 [...]