Rehm: So too many priorities, too many goals,and too many expectations? Pahl: The regions were told to set their ownpriorities and to meet them and then they would either be continuedor not continued, depending upon the way qualifiedreview groups would deem their effectiveness in carrying out theirown missions. Butas the program went on, Washington was impatient to resolveeverything. I believe this is a very clear case. I thought soat the time and I believe so even more as I watch other programsin the country. If you give people the responsibility to dosomething and then come in ten minutes later and ask them to dosomething else and twenty minutes later and the next afternoon,after a while they don't make anybody happy, even though they'reworking very hard to meet what they are told are the latestrequirements. The funding follows meeting requirements inmany instances. So that in a way, I believe the federal governmentshot itself in the foot.