In Stockholm, Sweden, the coveted Nobel Prizes. Honored for chemistry is Dr. Linus Paulingof the California Institute of Technology, receiving from Sweden's King Gustav the awardfor findings on the structure of protein molecules. For medicine and physiology, Drs. John F.Enders, Frederick C. Robbins, and Thomas H. Weller share the award. Dr. Enders, of the Harvard University MedicalSchool, is rewarded for finding new ways of growing virus for polio vaccine, as is Dr.Robbins of the Western Reserve Medical School in Cleveland. The third member of the distinguished team,fighting dread polio, is Dr. Weller, affiliated with the Harvard School of Public Health. For the ailing Ernest Hemingway, the LiteratureAward is accepted in his behalf by U.S. Ambassador J. Morris Cabot. To five distinguished Americans: Nobel Prizes,emblematic of the ultimate in worldwide scientific and cultural attainments.