my name is William Diehl associate dean and professor of medicine at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham it is also a privilege to serve as president of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society as president of the Society I am pleased to introduce this taped interview of a leader in American medicine one of a series entitled leaders in American medicine this series is made possible by a bequest of the late doctor's david and beatrice siegel both were faculty members of the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons they were distinguished physicians in their own right the purpose of these taped interviews is to record for the benefit of current and future generations the character and spirit of some of the most distinguished physicians and surgeons of our time an interview format is used and the interviewer is either a former student or a colleague each of whom will recognize leaders in their disciplines therefore it is a great pleasure to present a leader in American medicine you entered medical school Arthur I know with the intention of becoming a practicing physician and yet you became a biochemist a basic scientist how did that actually occur well it's a long story Bob try to make it brief I was an eager student and when I left College in 1937 and the depths of the Great Depression there were no jobs and even if I want to go on in chemistry which might have been my preference the surest way to survive late in the 30s mister keep going the method keep on going to school which I enjoy doing and I was a good nigger student and so I went to medical school which ensured me four more years of school but once I was there I very much enjoyed the curriculum the excitement of the curriculum and intended to be a doctor and in fact it was an intern in internal medicine from 1941 to 42 but in the during that year Pearl Harbor came along and I had to join military service and so I joined the public health service and I was assigned to the Navy and I was a ship's doctor for an interval of time and then as a result of some research I done in medical school I gained the attention of the director of the NIH then made a place for me at the NIH and I was assigned to do research I worked in rat nutrition I fed rats and observed their weights and how many he lived and died on one or another nutritional deficiency diet and discovered that I enjoyed it unlike the rather haphazard nature of clinical events and practice here I could control the diets and the experimental details and after about a year I decided it was more interesting work with rats and more fulfilling than working with the assortment of problems one has in the clinic and so I just continued with that I made decision then terribly overt but quite naturally decided this was a good way of life how long were you actually involved in your nutrition research well I was at the NIH from 42 to 45 roughly three years you decided to go into nutrition research developed a large rat colony developed a important laboratory for the study of rat nutrition would you cite one or more important discoveries that came out of this work that you carried out in rat nutrition yes I had a rather large rat colony but turned over every week to some measure and explored a variety of vitamin and mineral deficiencies and so forth so it was a very flourishing enterprise and producing lots of papers - could you cite one or two would you consider to be outstanding or unusual discoveries that you made during that time well one in particular was the demonstration that folic acid is a vitamin that's needed by mammals and whereas it had been isolated or was in the course of being isolated by two or three groups in the pharmaceutical industry as a bacterial nutrient it was quite clear that it must have some importance in animal nutrition I think I was the first to show that a restricted we call a purified diet fed to rats resulted in a certain number of cases and folic deficiency and it also showed that celfon amines which were toxic and cause nutritional deficiencies among them was folic acid and vitamin K and learned something about the importance of microbial flora in furnishing vitamins to mammals rats mice and humans as well so of this early recognition of the nature of folic acid and the need in the diet of animals is novel and gratifying now I understand although I was not active in those days that biochemistry was to a large extent work in rat nutrition in fact certainly in the United States many of the perhaps most of the laboratories biochemical laboratories were engaged in research of that kind is that correct well yes no I came into nutrition in its Twilight and already it was clear to me that the most exciting and vigorous nutritional research was being done with bacteria people like Snell and Willi we're doing exciting things that I couldn't possibly do do it with that microbes that I couldn't possibly do with animals let alone humans to use a hunting metaphor that I think I've only used perhaps in this century as you know the microbe hunter is who were in the Senden sea during the early decades were then succeeded by the vitamin hunters but those were the decades of the 20s and 30s when the B vitamins and the fat soluble vitamins were being discovered when I came into it in the 40s they had already been exhausted and now when wanted to learn what the vitamins did in metabolism and clearly want to do more with microbial studies and when could with rat studies you've had a very successful laboratory studying rat nutrition however you decide to abandon that and begin a study of enzymes enzymology why did you do that looking back on it I guess it was courageous but because it succeeded it might have been called foolish and some people thought to abandon a productive area of research and start in something to which I had which I had no training whatever but I was excited by sporadic reports and experiences in which people were talking about enzymes and ATP and even genes which I had never really heard about or understood very little of but these were the agents that clearly determined how a cell and organism operated these were the metabolic machines in to which vitamins contributed in some remote an undefined way so there was a dynamism about understanding how energy was obtained by body and how the energy was transduced into various functional forms and what made a cell grow and where did folic acid actually come into the picture and we knew it had something to do with the formation of blood cells I knew that folic acid efficient rats couldn't make red cells or granulocytes or other white cells and perhaps most of all I sense that this is where the excitement was this was the frontier of biologic and medical science and this is where great discoveries could be made so you were a public health service officer at the time your commissions officer yes so how did you actually how did you learn about enzymology what did you do to educate well know it there were papers there wasn't much research going on during the war but there were names like those of Lippmann fritz Lippmann Hermann calc are these sifted through I remember hearing a lecture by ed Tatum talking about the one gene one enzyme hypothesis that he and beetle had elucidated from their work on the rostra he's made a big impression on me although not much I might say on other people in the nutrition section in which I was working I to repeat I sensed that this is where one could begin to understand some of the most basic features of a living system and I was also influenced by Bernard Harker we were very close friends really neighbors and Bernie had been an entomologist before the war then during the war he worked in the civil service department and then got a job at the NIH giving cockroaches DDT an important industrial hazard and with the conclusion of the war he was liberated to return to his work on cytochromes and cytochrome oxidase --is and I assimilated some of the possibilities and excitement of bioenergetics and they did meet area metabolism from Bernie and so I began working with him and isolated sucks knocks today's inside of chrome C and we had a new Beckman to use spectrophotometer in which he took the readings and I recorded the readings on a pad of paper he didn't trust you to use the instrument no I don't think so although I did work with pig hearts and bovine hearts to extract cytochrome C and in sucks in oxidase and got my hands wet but then I understand you decided to actually go off on a sabbatical yes I where seriously Mike and not do this part-time looked into where enzymology might be learned had the blessing somewhat reluctant of Henry C brow who's my chief and before this there had been no sabbatical or training in of that people could take at the with the support and the expense of service and the health as a Public Health Service Officer I identified severo ochoa a young Spaniard who is doing the kind of enzymology that both Bernie Harker and I thought was very exciting getting out the enzymes of a Krebs cycle to try to figure out how oxidative phosphorylation took place how the energy of metabolism could be funneled to make ATP this was the Holy Grail as I saw it at the time and the Cho was doing this as a guest investigator at New York University Medical School I met him very taken with him as a personality his devotion to science and he was agreeable enough to take an utter novice like myself who didn't know ATP from ADP or how to spell enzyme to work in his lab and there I moved in December of 1945 Arthur you've been a very strong proponent of basic research why why is that so yes i i've been vocal about it i've written about it and i believe deeply in it because it is counterintuitive to people including my fellow scientists that the solution of an urgent practical problem can be attained by working on something that seems esoteric arcane and utterly irrelevant and yet we have examples that illustrate to us that most major advances in medicine were made by people pursuing some line of research whether it be in physics chemistry or biology that was awfully unrelated seemed totally irrelevant to the practical end to which it was we applied and then Sheen quickly x-rays a physicist curious about discharges in the vacuum tube penicillin Ernst chain curious about an enzyme which he thought it was which lyse the walls of bacteria turned out to be a small molecule and chemotherapeutic lee obviously a great milestone how did culture cells in define media culturing those kidney cells enable the engineering of the polio vaccine by Salk and Sabin and in our own work to which you've contributed so much finding the ligases the polymerase is the nucleases this gave our colleagues the chance to make recombinant DNA and the genetic engineering revolution which occupies medicine agriculture not to mention Wall Street so these are a few examples in which the pursuit of curiosity about some aspect of chemistry or biology or physics has led in some serendipitous circuitous way to the major advances in medicine I might add that just one really derivative of what you were saying earlier your curiosity about how nucleotides are made and metabolized has led to the discovery of a normal of a number of compounds for uracil for example and others which are very important chemo therapeutic agents in the treatment of cancer well you're absolutely right Bob not only cancer but the best drug for AIDS that's now available drugs for herpes autoimmune diseases transplant retention these are all designed to interrupt the synthesis of RNA or DNA and these drugs were fashioned with the end in mind of interrupting one or another of the enzymes that we and our colleagues defined in the synthesis of the building blocks in their assembly into DNA and RNA but still we the latest oxymorons out of washington our targeted basic research or strategic basic research which clearly indicate a ignorance or an abandonment of these very basic historic facts these very logical facts that we can't create a crusade for cancer as Nixon did in the early 70s when we don't have the weapons we don't know the blueprints and so we've not made it the kind of progress in cancer the same is true of AIDS Bill Paul at the NIH you have directs research on AIDS made it's very clear that one has to get to do a lot of basic work in immunology and virology to struggle and cope with this very difficult important virus and the disease of causes so to repeat basic research is the lifeline of medicine in fact an industry I've learned through associations that necessity isn't the mother of invention inventions become necessities and some creative genius may have made an airplane or discovered xerography and then it took years maybe decades to an interest commercial companies to make it and supply it and fax machines I discovered recently were available 30 years ago but it took a deteriorated postal service to make them a necessity as we find them today so creativity whether it's a medicine or an industrial fear is what leads us to the most important tools and means we have to advance our health and our welfare around this time I understand you decided to leave the NIH and take on the chairmanship of the microbiology department at Washington University in st. Louis yes but what prompted that well I it was a both push in the polls I was rather unhappy with the bureaucracy at the NIH I'd reached the level of administrative authority which was pretty much the limit that I wanted to go and for the most part didn't respect the administrative people who were my managers and superiors secondly there was the poll of very flattering invitation to join a faculty that I regarded as among the most distinguished in science in medicine in this country that was a washing University School of Medicine with notables like Corey and Erlanger and of the Nobel laureates all of a Lowry and some others I could mention and I thought being in their distinguished company is a member of an executive committee of chairmen of the Medical School faculty would be another kind of social and communal experience as it turned out I might add as an aside I was disappointed because at in those meetings of the executive committee of medical school of people discussed their salaries and other bureaucratic problems and rarely touched on issues of science and education and also of the facilities were have a primitive at Washington or City as you may recall when you got there 1955 I got there 53 compared to rather elegant laboratories the NIH and to this very day I wonder whether it was wise to have moved from the NIH to wash University at that time so let's continue then with you the sort of trail of research you you had focused then you had taken a diversion through phospholipid into phospholipid biosynthesis decided that that was not really gonna tell you how the phosphodiester bond in nucleic acids is made and then you went after a nucleotide biosynthesis well because as you point out Bob one didn't know what the building blocks were and I thought that if one could figure out how a cell assembled of purine or pyrimidine with the sugar and the phosphate but that would then give us a clue as to what the true intermediate was in the pathway to assembling them into the polymers RNA and DNA and Buchanan Greenberg Navas had been working on purine nucleotide biosynthesis and so I decided to work on primitives which hadn't been done before erotic acid certainly a primitive that resembled uracil an epoxy group was very likely intermediate on the pathway and focused on that I learned how to use enrichment cultures finding bacteria in the soil that metabolized a compound and at that time we believed that pathways of utilization and biosynthesis were reversible and anyway one could get clues as to how something was made by the enzymes that were found that degraded it so we worked on enzymes that used from organisms that used erotic acid as a source of carbon and nitrogen and energy and did get clues as to how erotic acid was made of lieberman who was a postdoc with me at first and then an instructor Wash University whom you recall very well join me in defining how a primitive nucleotide is truly assembled the course that we discovered PRPP frost arrival pyrophosphate which is the committed first step in purine biosynthesis and also is the means by which a perimeter is built up into a nucleus I you I attended the the meeting the Federation meetings at which the structure and role of prpp in nucleotide biosynthesis was revealed you never told me that oh and it was tremendously exciting the room was packed and it it came like a bombshell here was the long sought for in immediate in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in Weld intermediate well it eluded so many people for so long and when can look back and reflect on all the things one did that kept it elusive and then the lucky things one did that brought it to light but you know Bob one looks ahead rather than back and so those are almost bygone days but once we had the nucleotides and when knew there were nucleoside five-prime phosphates then there was the urge to label them and look for some extract some juice of some cell whether it be bone marrow or bacteria whatnot that would then put them into a chain which would then be large enough to be insoluble in acid compared to the solubility of these presumed building blocks so tell us how that how this line of research went because that occupied you now was really the beginning of work that occupied you for 3035 years yes it was I won't go into all the details but one fine day given a c14 thymidine by Morrie Friedkin he'd synthesized it from thymine and deoxyribose phosphate I found that that could be incorporated into something acid insoluble by an extract from Escherichia coli this is a common gut bacterium yes what's more these few counts just a few cows about background could then be rendered acid soluble broken down by DNA's and I recall looking at that counter and seeing those counts relatively few to be sure but clearly an indication that thiamine II was entering something that had the properties of DNA and that it was a substrate for DNA's they're walking down the hall and stopping in your lab now you were a postdoc at the time you've been there just a few months to three months and you're already well started in identifying how this unique nucleotide in phages t even bacteriophages was being put together this was the hydroxymethyl cytosine that is the hallmark of the teaming phages and how does the virus make such a unique compound and you already had extracts but we're doing just that and I've always been impressed that I showed you these crude data and you said it once I would like to work on that subject which was remarkably courageous and within a few days you've moved your lab into my lab which was a little larger and started working on the activity responsible for converting thymidine into a component of DNA I'd like to say at this juncture Bob if I may he it erupted that the work you did thereafter which led to the purification and naming of DNA polymerase identifying that one needed for components discovering the four deoxynucleotide triphosphates going on the show that unlike any other enzyme reaction known until then was template directed you did those things and I'm forever grateful well well no I was your student and it was a group of us and maybe I can elaborate on this even though I'm the interlocutor there were a group of us yourself Sylvie her late wife Marie specimen Ernie Simms your research assistant myself in this small room working 18 to 20 hours a day on what was what the most exciting problem that any of us had ever been involved with probably the most exciting problem in biology then in existence and it was a an exhilarating time for all of us where discoveries were being made daily we all shared in the tremendous excitement and joy of these discoveries and it was in all together a remarkable experience for all of us I in my own experience unmatched by any other in science well Bob as I mentioned just a month ago on the occasion of that wonderful 70th birthday anniversary that was given for you and attended by hundreds of your students and colleagues and friends that in those early days nineteen the early months of 1956 and thereafter as well I had a family of three young boys and went home in the evening and the only news that I anticipated it was not from the radio or TV but a call from you to tell me what the results were and that late afternoon experiment I join you and feeling that those were among the most exciting day I can in my experience well so let's go on then so this research evolved DNA was being made the question was the major problem was what was the mechanism how was how indeed was Howard indeed were chains of DNA being assembled by this this marvelous enzyme that was being extracted from Ecole I did this common gut bacterium well it's disappointing to my family and lay friends to tell them that having outlined this problem which in essence seems simple that we're still working on it thirty years later and really you don't understand it adequately in terms of the three dimensions of the enzyme and how it does this remarkable template directed synthesis of these genetically defined chains but along the way I would recall that some dozen years after we discovered DNA polymerase people still ask me at the end of a seminar in which we describe details of the enzymes action whether we could make a gene with this enzyme whether we could make a length of DNA that had biologic activity and that had eluded us and then in 1967 you discovered ligase an enzyme that links chains together and we used a substrate a template a small virus of bacterial virus that was circular but now we were able to copy it with our DNA polymerase complete the circle with the ligase isolate the product and show that we had made infectious DNA and that created quite a stir it was called creation of life in the test tube and in 1967 when Friday in December the media all assembled here at Stanford and there was a great deal of perhaps excessive exaggerated excitement about our capacity to make a DNA chain with synthetic nucleotides and then pure we thought of pure enzyme and evoke the curiosity of people whether one could create life as it was called in the test tube that was a milestone looking back on it it had some very notable features because we realized at once that once since we could put a chain together we could insert analogs or non uncommon nucleotides and so we could make mutations in a synthetic DNA and later on actually shown source of Nobel Prize for Mike Smith that he could use this very kind of enzymatic synthesis to make point mutants along a DNA chain another milestone was the discovery of how DNA chains are initiated even though DNA polymerase is a marvelous enzyme and can do a lot of things it is incapable of initiating the synthesis of a new chain however you were able to discover how DNA chains were synthesized we didn't know how to start a DNA chain we knew that the DNA polymerase we had couldn't and we knew enough about the progress of a replication fork to realize that first because DNA chains have opposite polarity they point up and down and DNA polymerase that one in others that we were finding copied a template in only one direction so it wasn't clear how it was clear how one of the chains of the parental DNA can be copied but the other presumably would need starts and there was no enzyme available and no DNA polymerase available that could start a chain it was at that point that there was a cartoon by somebody whose name I've probably purposely forgotten picturing our knowledge of the replicating fork as discreetly covered with a fig leaf and the fig leaf was there to indicate that we didn't know the working parts of the replicating machinery for reasons I won't go into we did eventually discover that that those starts were made with RNA unlike DNA which is indelible in cells RNA turns over and so RNA was laid down as a very little bit of primer which was then extended by DNA polymerase and later that RNA was removed and so yes we had not solved but certainly made a lot of progress on how chains are elongated and now we had a clear insight into how chains are started and generally not universally chains are started with a small RNA primer and that occupied us for some time and in the course of that we also learned that there were other let's say more important flim races in the cell that we've been called to and three actually discovered by my son Tom and then studies of how bacterial viruses phage fyce 174 is replicated in e.coli stumbled upon an array of enzymes including these priming enzymes and a very complex form of a polymerase called DNA polymerase 3 at many different subunits and while I was frustrating that it got so complicated the good news was that we were actually looking at the replicating machinery of the cell itself how it made its own chromosome so again is it fair to say I think it is fair to say that by the me ATS you had been able to reconstruct with purified enzymes purified cofactors purified substrate the complete replication of a chromosome the bacterial ecoli chromosome well we've skipped something Bob we given a replicating fork given a started fork we could more or less define the elongation process and the initiation process but we didn't know how chromosome was started in the first place at the origin of replication replication and again an episode among the few that one has in a scientific lifetime June Day 1981 after what I calculated was 10 man years of futile effort we found an enzyme system that would start at the very origin of the e coli chromosome and that opened up a whole vast array of opportunities to understand how a chromosome was started and so by the mid 80s as you've said we began to understand that system as well but so by the mid 80s you had in fact defined the component that were required given a chromosome to initiate at a specific site the origin of replication and complete the semiconservative replication that chromosome be more precise Bob for you know this very well but for others the chromosome we were using as our substrate was a mini chromosome we had in a plasmid a thousandth the size of the e coli chromosome incorporated this origin of replication and so but it behaved genetically physiologically in the cell this plasmid in as a mini chromosome and yes in the test tube we could take this mini chromosome and replicated in a fraction of a minute and get a valid copy of it and I think it's fair to say this work is not going on in isolation people in other laboratories we're trying to understand how human chromosomes are replicated again using model systems much like your own the sv40 tumor virus being one example and the what's come out of those studies correct me if I'm wrong is that the way in which these model human chromosomes are replicated are not different in any significant way from the way in which the E coli chromosome is replicated well I think you're right and let me reflect on that for a moment Bob because I have followed a certain Dogma in my research and it's clear from the things we've discussed already that I believe in enzymes the in fact the book that I have written as a scientific autobiography is for the love of enzymes not a pitch for sales but so yes I love enzymes passionately but logically the dogma is that enzymes are essential for every important event in a Cell there may be exceptions but they're rare secondly that if one takes the enzymes apart as we've been discussing and then has the opportunity to put them together you can elucidate a major biological whether it's photosynthesis or oxidative phosphorylation more or less may not be perfect example replication and then to reflect on the comment you made is a third element a third article of faith in this dogma that's in the universality of biochemistry it was found at the turn of the century by the early biochemists that the juice of a yeast cell can convert sucrose from a grape to the effervescent miraculous alcohol by a succession of a dozen discrete reactions which then were found to be virtually identical to the reactions that a muscle cell carries out when it converts sugar to lactic acid to furnish energy for its contraction and since that time whenever we look at a pathway whether it's in the synthesis of an amino acid or a nucleotide or some other fundamental reaction the same thing is true nature having learned a certain lesson whether it's in a microbe a fungus a plant or an animal has conserved that pathway almost intact throughout a billion or more years of evolution now as you know better than I very exciting things have been done in your lab and other labs with regard to the mechanisms of eukaryotic replication imagine cells Drosophila animal viruses but as you've said the basic themes are the same the polymerase is the ligases the binding proteins pretty much the same the variations of fascinating and they're terribly important for further understanding of how these systems work in the particular place where we find them so to continue then this was a tremendous achievement without dwelling on it never though it represented the first instance in which a chromosome could be replicated from purified enzymes substrates and cofactors this was a tremendous achievement but as you say there was a tremendous amount of work that needed to be done about the mechanism clearly you had defined you and her students had to find all the components that were required you would certainly ordered the process the sequence of reactions but as you yourself have pointed out very little is known about the three-dimensional components of the system it's incredibly complex a lot of work remain to be done nevertheless you decided to stop working on DNA replication at a fairly late stage in your career and took on another problem Oh Bob if I may add to what you've said the ultimate understanding comes from having the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme this marvelous little machine and knowing how it works and that brings us into various structural chemical techniques and approaches that are really beyond me there's another aspect in figuring out how this works in a cell we know how to works in the test tube again a vast array of physiologic and genetic approaches that again I don't feel as if I can master quickly and easily so here I was in some central area of defining a pathway defining reactions in a gross way and so many of my students and colleagues were doing that terribly well and I felt a hankering to do something different I wanted to start an area of investigation that had some novelty that was not going to duplicate or compete with what others were doing and so I became infatuated with another molecule much much less sexy and DNA polyphosphate inorganic polyphosphate it's inorganic which immediately makes it uninteresting and it's a monotonous chain of phosphates it has the virtue when you look at it of having bonds and hydride bonds much like you find the ATP so we call them quote high energy and so for the last three or four years pretty much switched in fact in the last two years completely switched and DNA has not worked on inorganic polyphosphate was probably present on earth long before organic molecules it's simply a condensation at high temperature of phosphate which is found in rocks the question immediately arises what's it doing water it's functions and this is a challenge we want to find the uses to which this forgotten polymer is put in the variety of circumstances in which one finds it in the living world may I add one thing with regard to our approach to this most people I would say at least nine out of ten of our colleagues and students would approach this genetically they look for mutants that either failed to make polyphosphate and a given organism or make much more of it and fail to utilize it some would take a physiologic approach and find conditions nutrients and whatnot that favor its accumulation or its disposition my approach is you would gasp but few of us well others my two is to find the enzymes that make it and use it and nowadays there's so much reason to do that first it's easy much easier to isolate enzymes and when you have a pure enzyme as you know Bob you immediately have an insight into the mechanism of reaction a clue to the pathway but nowadays you have the pathway of reverse genetics you know a polypeptide sequence you infer the nucleotide sequence you fish out the gene get the gene knock it out over express it immediately you see the consequence of the under or over functioning of the enzyme in question but what attracted me immediately as an approach to this problem and getting a pure enzyme that makes polyphosphate and uses it is that a pure enzyme gives you a reagent and in this case the methods for analyzing polyphosphate were both cumbersome and in exact and not definitive and so we've isolated four or five enzymes now that are specific for polyphosphate and they've given us precious reagents for the rapid sensitive definitive determination of polyphosphate even when its present in minut amounts as it is in many animal cells so we're excited about it let me turn away now or from this sort of description of your research activities and Arthur you've been a extraordinarily successful scientist your Nobel laureate you founded a very distinguished department of biochemistry here at Stanford you have been very successful as an author you have published a definitive treatise on DNA replication you've published a widely read autobiography of your life as a scientist and you've been a very influential and important teacher would you reflect on these aspects of your career and when I reflect on them I have enjoyed them all as an administrator since you allude to the biochemistry department yes I organized the department serves as chairman for 10 first 10 years and have been active in its growth and vitality since then but I've never wanted to go beyond that level of administration I never felt comfortable in the politics of larger organizations whether it be institutional national or international this level of administrative responsibility and activity has been just right for me and as you know we've had a small department a biochemistry department had eight nine people in it much of its life and nevertheless had a very good place and the estimation of our colleagues around the world I felt that the success of our department which you know in Italy and you served as chairman for at least one term more has been in the wisdom of its people that altruism is in their self-interest so our colleagues have been very generous they respect what their colleagues do and we've engaged in something that possibly illegal we've shared our grants now in the letter of the law we may have violated some Clause or something else but by sharing our space our reagents our equipment we have made very prudent use of them they've not been duplicated at the same time it's brought us physically together so that it's one of the hallmarks of our department that there is no territorial integrity each of the working labs has people in it from at least two or three groups the students and postdocs who leave here as you know find that one of the most exciting elements of their experience and by virtue of sharing space and equipment and reagents we also share ideas and the success of the department rested on the fact that we focused in one area as well we focused on nucleic acids and their interactions we were not a broad-based Department criticized for it but ultimately we could make a contribution that was unique so this is the home where recombinant DNA was discovered and where some of the most fundamental aspects of nucleic acids and proteins and their interactions were found that's given me a great deal of pleasure but Bob in the order in which I rank these various activities I would say that with all that I've said I would give that a lesser ranking than I would the science which has really been the essence of my being and which I feel is the fiber that unites all the other activities whether it's writing teaching or administration I should add as far as teaching is concerned teaching not in a sense not only in the sense of appearing before a classroom and and and and lecturing but teaching if your students at the pre-doctoral and postdoctoral fellows your students have are spread throughout the world many very very distinguished scientists including a Nobel laureate Paul Berg members a very distinguished scientific organizations chairman of departments and Institute's and very very active scientists so you created a school of scientists and that I would think would be a very source of tremendous pride to you well I am uneasy about that there are no controls if you do an experiment that no one's done before and it reveals something discreet and useful that can be built upon that belongs to you even though it's built upon other people's ideas and reagents and so forth but you come along as a postdoc you've had a good experience your scientific works been outstanding renowned you've been a great teacher I've enjoyed our friendship enormous Lee but have I been your teacher there's no control you might have done better under some other circumstance so whether it's an elector or in the one-to-one experience one has with graduate students and postdocs I try to convey the spirit I have about science my curiosity and enthusiasm for data its assembly that is properly written and displayed and presented but to what extent I have taught someone or perhaps even misled someone hard to tell having said that I have enjoyed the maturity and the achievements of over a hundred people to whom I owe a great deal because it's their effort and their responses that have made this worthwhile life