oh there was no doubt we were living through a revolution I certainly experienced that as such internalized it in that way when the paper by Avery MacLeod McCarty came along I didn't use the phraseology but my exclamations were equivalent saying this is the dawn of molecular genetics as for this first time we could have a biological assay for the genetic activity of an external molecule so that publication next to Francis Ryan were the the molding effects on my career was talked about quite extensively around the department at at Columbia it turns out we had a couple of people who were important liaison alfred murski who has been remarked on as having been an inappropriate critic of Avery MacLeod and McCarty I don't think it was inappropriate but it was certainly a severe critic chequered was also the greatest Herald of the story so we would hear about what was going on at the Rockefeller Institute on the other side of town from as if we had been at the same institution but also Harriet Taylor was a graduate student working with LC Dunn had become interested in as well and she in fact went to do postdoctoral work in Avery's laboratory shortly after that time so we had very close information linkages to the research that was going on there we were very well-informed about it we reacted to it there was a lot of critical dialectic but it was not something that could be ignore it was the most exciting thing that had happened in many many decades and was precisely because it was so important that is the identification of DNA as genetic material that I emphasize with the view that it should be subjected to the most critical examination it was two important issue to just accept casual so as long as the debate was alive that was the way the scientific method operates