[Music][Cancer] [Music] [Woman:] ...Mr. Davis. [Dr. Ross:] Mr. Davis, come in, come in, won't you? [Mr. Davis:] Thank you.[Dr. Ross:] How do you feel today? [Mr. Davis:] Very well, thank you.[Dr. Ross:] Well, that's fine. Some of my colleagues would like to have a look at you. Now, this is Dr. McVicker and Dr. Rahm. [Dr. McVicker:] Matter of fact, we've just been having a look at a slide of your specimen. [Dr. Ross:] These gentlemen are research scientists. [Mr. Davis:] Oh? [Dr. Ross:] Will you put your hat and coat on the chair, please? Thank you. [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Dr. McVicker:] It's very interesting example. [Dr. Ross:] One of the most curable of all cancers. [Dr. Rahm:] No pain at all, Mr. Davis? [Mr. Davis:] No. [Dr. Ross:] Mr. Davis is one of the lucky ones. 90 chances out of a hundred, we'll cure it. Thank you, Mr. Davis. It's very gratifying to know that you can do something. Your treatments will begin immediately, Mr. Davis. [Mr. Davis] Okay, Doctor, thank you. [Dr. Ross:] Don't worry now.[Mr. Davis:] No! Are you chaps going back to the lab? [Dr. McVicker:] Yes, I am. [Dr. Ross:] Thanks for coming in.[Dr. McVicker:] So long. [Dr. McVicker:] Right.[Dr. Rahm:] Goodbye, Dr. Ross. [Dr. Ross:] Goodbye, Rahm. [French narration] [French narration] [Music] [French narration] [Music] [Music]