[Herr Professor Doktor Jakob Erdheim Prosektor Krankenhaus Der Stadt Wien September 1933] [Professor Doctor Jakob Erdheim, Prosector, City Hospital, Vienna, September 1933] [Krankenhaus Der Stadt Wien] [City Hospital, Vienna] [Camera pans around the outside of the hospital.] [Doctors are gathered around a corpse lying on a table, talking amongst themselves.] [At another table, two more doctors are cutting and organizing organs.] [One doctor slices a crescent shape into a man's chest from shoulder to shoulder.] [The doctor then slices a line straight down from the center of the crescent to the bottom of the abdomen.] [He pauses to turn and speak to others.] [Other doctors then help to pull the skin apart to expose the organs.] [Two doctors work to slice tissue and skin off of the rib cage.] [The skin is then peeled back further around the throat and lower abdominal muscles to give doctors more room to operate.] [Two doctors carefully cut through the rib cage and remove it from the body.] [The primary doctor then begins to cut out the intestines and other major organs, placing them off to the side.] [The doctor rinses his hands in a bowl of water near the feet of the corpse to remove excess tissue from his gloves.] [He speaks to others preparing to work on the corpse.] [Two doctors cut out the lungs and place them on a separate table.] [The primary doctor then makes an incision in the lungs.] [The doctor exchanges words with one of the doctors standing nearby, possibly explaining the process to him.] [The skin on the face has been peeled back and now the doctor is removing flesh near the nose.] [The doctor makes several incisions into the skull.] [He peers down at the skull, then looks up and around.] [Another person hands the primary doctor a hammer and chisel which he uses to crack the skull.] [He uses the chisel to create more openings on the sides of the skull.] [The top of the skull is removed and the doctor uses his finger and scalpel to carve out the brain.] [The doctor picks away pieces of the skull from the brain and places it on the table.] [The primary doctor begins to speak to the other doctors again, likely telling them something else about the process.] [The doctor continues his explanation to the other doctors as they observe the way he is handling the brain.] [The primary doctor rubs his fingers along the different regions of the brain and turns to his left to offer explanations to others.]