December 22, 1919 Dr, Frankel, Third Vice President, In reply to your memorandum of December Sth, I strongly recommend that the schedule prepared by us be kept in preference te another and shorter questionnaire as you suggest. Our schedule was prepared with great care and covers only the essential facts of health administration, I am afraid that our Superintendents would not be able alone te fill out satisfactorily any questionnaire which would have any real value, My suggestion is to keep the questionnaire, to send it to Superintendents with a request that they get in touch with the health authorities and, working together, have the form completed, ; This precedure would have the advantage that the technical part, te which you evidently objected, would be filled out by those who would be competent te do so, that the Superin- tendents would be interested in the procedure and would get in touch with the health officers, many of whom have not had an occasion to do so, Finally, such cooperation with the health officers would make the answer to the important last question very valuable, If we succeed in putting this across, we will have the most complete infcrmation, with regard te public health, existing in the United States, and an important contribution could then be made on the present state of American public health administration and what it most needs, We are in an excellent position to carry out such an investigation and I cannot urge you too strongly to do it, GSROESKRHS OR MR SRR RRR ero RS «2 Statistician