Table 174.—Corrélation between height and weight in recruits with hernia, first (PJ and second (PJ million draft recruits. Weight, in pounds. Height in inches. Total. 47 71 120 341 642 1,288 2 249 4, 433 4,871 5 017 4,242 3,249 h«» and ' 90-under. 94 1 3 9.X 99 2 3 -- 4 0 3 i 2 100-104 3 1 2 18 23 24 21 18 8 12 10X.110-109 114 115 119 2 5 14 59 95 203 249 281 261 227 116 62 18 5 4 1 1 120-124 3 9 19 53 98 198 336 433 124 372 283 145 73 27 6 125-129 3 8 s 46 104 214 340 515 635 573 476 251 135 62 16 3 1 130-134 135-139 140-144 2 G 20 24 87 176 330 536 708 736 651 422 231 96 49 16 2 3 145-149 4 3 2 12 19 45 107 240 384 546 606 577 462 301 134 56 19 8 4 150-154 3 1 4 11 25 75 123 267 308 478 476 438 307 142 71 28 6 155-159 4 2 3 3 9 14 35 83 161 239 321 409 340 250 155 80 33 6 2 ï 2 160-164 1 2 1 1 5 11 27 55 87 161 238 227 257 210 144 83 35 17 3 3 165 170- 175-169 174 179 181V 18X 190- 195-,200- 20.X 210-184 189 194 1991 204 209 214 1 21X 219 22(1- 225-221 229 58 and under. . .. 59 .... 3 6 4 11 , 25 26 38 31 1 86 62 118 61 152 56 159 32 133 5 3 10 27 68 155 353 493 641 690 589 117 255 120 46 15 1 1 11 24 61 116 278 450 707 714 730 560 374 186 87 13 8 2 2 1 2 3 l 1 2 , 7 1 1 ....... 2 2 , 2 ___: i |... 60 1 i.... i i 61 l ........... .......!"i ........... ..... i 8 14 40 52 102 150 171 174 154 120 65 37 10 1 1 i 63 2 8 18 41 51 87 109 119 111 71 48 26 14 1 7 10 18 32 62 59 64 55 67 31 27 12 2 i 4 8 23 25 40 37 43 47 41 30 13 10 ::::l::::::::i:::: 64 1 4 11 ,8 22 25 21 24 "ï 4 10 26 23 17 3 1 6 9 14 9 14 8 i ....|.... ....L... 66...... 3 ... 7 A... 12 4 '.... 12 1 1 14 t 1 11 ... 2 24 1 1 1 .... .... 67. .. ... 21 11 61 32 12 3 1 68 i i >9 ! 70 71. .....,........r . 72. 1,209 607 109 49 17 11 6 26 ; 17 25 14 8 11 6 9 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 .... 73............... 1 7 11 .... 2 7 0 2 1 2 74 2 .... 75 '"' I 2 1 1 4 ........ ___l___ 76 i 1 5 ■■ 8 3 . ... 2 4 ........ i 2 2 1 i 2 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ........ i 1 1 1 1 i........ ko and over...... | 1 1 1 i 1 Total...... 34, 324 2 ! 5 19 135 318 827 1,603 2,479 3,391 3, 890 4,337 4,101 3,531 2,780 2,152 1,568 1,122 1721 452 328 1,85 'l45 88 114 j 13 10 3 3 | 2 Pi Number ofcases: 13,870. Ueight: Mean,67.40 inches; standard déviation, 2.74±0.0t inch. Weight: Mean, 141.69 pounds; standani déviation, 17.22± 0.07 pound. Corrélation: 0.5285±0.0041. P2— Number ofcases: 20,454. Height: Mean, 67.47 inches; standani déviation, 2.77±0.01 inch. Weight: Mean, 140.91 pounds: standard déviation, 17.12± 0.01 pound. Corrélation: 0.5130±0.0035. Pi and P>— Number of cases: 34,324. Height: Mean, 67.44 inches; standard déviation, 2.76±0.01 inch. Weight: Mean, 141.23 pounds; standard déviation, 17.17± 0.04 pound. Correlation: 0.518s±o.0O27.