Table 157.—Corrélation between height and weight in recruits with mitral insufliciency, first (PJ and second (P.J million draft recruits. Weight, in pounds. Height, in inehes. 58 and under. 59........... 60........... 61............ 62........... 63............ 64............ 65............ 66............ 67............ 68............ 69............ 70............ 71............ 72............ 73............ 74............ 75............ 76............ 77............ 78............ Total................... 8,860 Total. H 30 52 115 276 45g 732 1,034 1,244 1,380 1, 140 984 620 399 205 101 44 19 4 5 89 and under. 95-100-; 105- 99 ' 104 109 110- 114 115- | 120- 119 124 125- 12g 3 4 11 32 86 110 164 157 138 113 53 34 11 6 130- 135- 134 13g 2 1 1 2 5 2 3 1 7 11 2g 20 61 42 96 85 167 142 206 181 191 228 139 154 107 123 35 71 22 38 8 18 3 3 1 4 1 140- 144 145-.150- 14g 154 1 3 2 1 3 g 2 12 g 27 13 56 46 ge 54 148 g2 îgs 131 164 142 128 134 85 99 45 60 25 21 7 13 2 5 1 1 8 44 112 j 273 523 778 j 923 | 1,083 1,127 | 1,008 I 830 686 484 Number ofcases: 4,257. Height: Mean, 67.86 inches; standard déviation, 2.73±0.02 i nches. Weight: Mean, 139.11 pounds; standard déviation, 16.62± 0.12 pounds. Corrélation: 0.4860 10.0071' 155- 160- 159 164 165- 16g 356 230 170- 175- 174 179 180-j îax 184; 189 190A95- 194 : 199 2OO-I20.X 210J215- 220- 225- 204 , 209 214 219 | 224 229 2 4 . 2 ' Al 52 36 22 ! 20 22 P2- Number ofcases: 4,603. Height: Mean, 67.82 inches; standard déviation, 2.73±0 0-> i nches. Weight: Mean, 138.87 pounds; standard déviation, 16.94± 0.12 pounds. Corrélation: 0.5029±0.0074. Pi and Pr- Number of cases: 8,860. Height: Mean, 67.84 inches; standard déviation, 2.7.i±0 01 inches. ' Weight: Mean, 138.99 pounds; standard déviation, 16.79± 0.09 pounds. Corrélation: 0.494g±0.0054.