Table 140.—-Corrélation between height and chest circumference (expiration) in recruits recruits. ith tuberculosis (pulmonary), first (.P,) and second (I'2) million draft Chest, in inches. co Total. 9 12 34 64 121 236 502 782 1,192 1,435 1,579 1,489 1,237 884 566 2X2 135 53 23 5 X 1 37 1 3X oo Height, in inches. Oj CO cr. 1 2x and under. 29 30 31 32 33 1 11 21 33 61 107 212 247 274 285 248 185 127 56 30 6 (j 34 35 30 39 40 41 42 43 and over. b: 58 and under............. 1 3 4 11 29 41 89 158 210 211 206 176 117 70 32 15 12 3 3 4 7 17 25 50 102 179 250 318 330 275 219 122 68 30 16 8 2 2 3 5 11 18 41 104 151 223 317 328 351 290 200 135 62 35 11 3 2 1 1 159............................................ 60...... 3 2 6 2 20 14 22 13 14 17 7 6 6 7 12 32 60 74 92 100 99 64 43 26 4 5 1 2 2 3 X 18 38 57 111 123 171 178 172 141 114 54 18 14 S 2 1 1 13 19 24 44 6.5 94 X9 90 xo 44 28 14 4 2 2 ..1................ 1 r>1 • 1 1 IJ 62.............. 1 ° 63. 4 11 20 32 41 30 36 42 30 27 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 6 14 14 9 11 11 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 64. 65.... 1 1 00............. 67. 6X....... 5 2 2 1 69............... 1 70... 1 71...... 72.............. 1 .1 74...... i 1 76........ 77 78 1 1 1 3 1 | 79..... "T" Total............. 10,649 126 62X 1,3xx 2,026 2, 293 1,918 1,233 617 290 X9 22 14 2 l 2 Number ofcases: 4,627. Height: Mean, 68.02 inches; standard déviation, 2.69±0.02 inches. Chest circuinference (expiration): Mean, 32.33inches; stand- ard déviation, 1.X7±0.01 inches. Corrélation: 0.2391 ±0.0093. Number ofcases: 6,022. Height: Mean, 6X.12 inches; standard déviation, 2.76±0.02 inches. Chest circumference (expiration): Mean,31.90inches; stand- ard déviation, l.S0±0.01 inches. Corrélation: 0.2499±0.0081. Pi and P-2— Number ofcases: 10,649. Height: Mean, 6X.07 inches; standard déviation, 2.73±0.01 inches. Chest circumference (expiration): Mean,32.09inches; stand- ard déviation, 1.85±0.01 inches. Corrélation: 0.2412±0.0062.