ESTABLISHED 1817 โ€” HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEw YORK AND LONDON โ€œWnt 11926 49 EAST 33โ€ STREET, NEw YORK,N-Y. dune 10, 1926. ae yo Dr. Louis I. Dublin, The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Madison Avenue & 23rd Street, New York, New York. My dear Dr. Dublin, = In the current issue of the Review of Reviews I have come across an excerpt from your report published in the journal of the American Heart Association. The subject of this report is one that al- ready interested us and, to be frank, we have made more than one attempt to secure for Harper's Msgazine an article on the subject. The two men that we approached both said that they did not feel competent to handle the theme properly. I wonder if you could not be persuaded to do ib. Dr. Haven Emerson made a statement in the Survey some months ago that ten per cent. of the beds in the hospitals through- out the country were now occupied by heart cases. The picture that you give is even more appalling, but what I am interested in chiefly is to find out the cause of this remarkable increase in diseases of the heart and whether the condition as you present it is purely American or is to be found in the hospitals throughout the world. If it is only an American condition it seems to me even more significant and interesting, and people should know more about it. Is there something in our American life that accounts for its increase? How much has it to do with the way we eat and drink and exercise? If all these matters could be covered in a semi-popular paper of not more than four thousand words in length, I think it might exert a very salutary influence. While we do not print illustrations in Harperts Magazine we could use charts such as the Review of Reviews has reprinted. I shall be very grateful to you if you care to con- sider the idea of doing such a paper for us and I think that its pub- lication in a magazine of our sort would be most helpful to the work of the American Heart Association. As you probably know, we have always made a feature of our scientific articles, so that it will not be necessary to write down to your readers, as might be the case if you ~ ESTABLISHED 1817 Dr. Louis I. Dublin........Page 2. HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS : NEw YORK AND LONDON 49 EAST 33โ€ STREET, NEw YORK,N-Y. June 10, 1926. were preparing an article for some more popular magazine. Hoping that I may have the pleasure of hearing from you in regard to this matter, TBW/RD Very sincerely yours, Editor, Harperts Magazine.