ee : Qe f april 24, 1920 Dr. Frankel, Third Vice President, In re: Survey of health service in American cities : In accordance with the suggestion..contained inyour memorandum of January 21, we have revised our questionnaire so that it may be sent to health officers rather than to our superin- tendents. As we now conceive it, our plan is to collect informa- tion from the two hundred and fifty larger American cities, where there is an attempt at health administration along the usual lines. Our form, if completed, will obtain for us a cross section of health service as now practiced in our larger cities. We, attempt- ed to cover all the more important activities. We have also asked the health officer to state his more urgent needs and his plans for future expansions and also what the Company can do to cooperate with him, The questionnaire is submitted for your criticism. I suggest alse that it be sent to a few of the more critical saniterians of the country, such as, Winslow, Chapin, Armstrong, McLaughlin, and Drake, to get their reaction to it. We want to know whether they think health officers will complete such a form. Armstrong was very favorable to the idea when I discussed it with him the other day, saying that the time was very opportune. The American Medical Association and The Red Cross, The National Tuberculosis, sre think- ing along these lines. If our questionnaire is success ul, we can give all these associations basic date for their own programmes. He also urged the necessity of putting this through at the earliest possible date. o1