: Jan. 21st, 1920 DR. DUBLIN: I have again carefully gone over your memorandum of December 22nd and the schedule thereto attached, I am more than ever convinced that our Superintendents are not able to have this schedule filled out. They surely are not in a position to do it themselves and I question very much whether they can obtain co- operetion of health officers, It would seem to me that if this infomation is : desirable we had better communicate with health officers directly, Judging from the results which I obtained two years ago in the completion of the questionairye which I sent out at thet time, health officers are very responsive and we can count upon help from most of them. With proper follow-up letters we ought to be able to have practically all of them send us the desired data, Will you rearrange the schedule so that it may be sent with a letter to health officials.