December 27, 1937 Thomas Parran Surgeon General U. S. Public Health Service Washington, De Ce My dear Doctor Parrant — You will recall, I am sure, our conversation after you had delivered your very remarkable address at the University of Kentucky last year in regard to the need for improvement in our mental hysiene pro- grem in Kentucky. Governor Chendler expressed e great deal of interest in the problem at the time, and since, with the fine cooperation of Dr. Treadway, the associa~ tion interested in psychiatry in Kentucky, 40” committee for mental hygiene and the American Psychiatrie Associa- tion, he has inaugurated a program which will require several years for completion. In the development of his plans, he has had the particularly enthusiastic support under the lesder- ship of Honorable Barry Bingham, publisher of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, and of practi- eally all of the looal press in the State. The State Medical Association has unanimously epproved the development of the program and elected Dr. W. Ey Gardner, the State's most outstanding psychiatrist, as ites president-elect, at ite recent session. Governor Chandler has been especially favorably impressed by the remarkable success of the U. $. Pub- lie Service Hospital, No. 1, at Lexington. I have had the privilege of conferring with him during the last few days, and he is particularly anxious to se- cure the leadership of Dr. Lawrence Kolb es —y +c Teal .YS r8dmeced serra ote , daneded bay iat oy 23 aa wsodgaldea | erie seoeet ‘taeb * ‘egnsncriveee xe ree ae I flees ite wet ssethbs eldaiiamer yrev wwoy beseriieb bad vox sete oF bisget at tasy taal yloutned to ysiatevins oft te aM. eae {atnem 0 ak treneve stat tot been edt 7 a pieubaee wk mery to [eeb sagig a ‘seas aetbast? tonteveS —— atiw ,eoate bas ,emt? edt te meldotq edt al deotetat ~slocese ett .yewheotT oid %eo nolivaregoos eat et Sots imme o “th qdoudued af yrtaldoyeq af hetaeietat sold ~stooaeA olrteltdoyel ssoltemA odd bae emelyyd Lateem 10? — erlapert +eaes tloldw eee a bevatvgvant sed ed .mold 2ieignoo tot etsey Larreves edt bod eed of ,anslq sid to daemyoleved edd al -tebsel edd tebay dteqquea oltsal sucitne eiveivetivay ett Yo tedetiduq ,madgati yrtel eldatoneH ‘to qide -tjog@1q to base ,wenil eflLivetwod bae Laaiwol~reliwed .otat edt at asetq Leool edt to (fa yflao se S ylevomineay ead soktatooseA Iaotbel efate edt ES Ley Set otagic bag metgotg edt to tuenqoleveh eit Sevotqgs wae & oat buat aszo deom e'otad? edt ,teabis® .2 .W .t7 es Sky a gre007 ad a .toele-tuebleerg ast ea ,deittaldoyag go “ye a’ aoleses S94, © Sey ~ we ge © Sulseaven qlistoeqee aved aad xolbasdd tomtevod ex F6u4 +8 .U edt to seeoove oldaliarer edd yd beesotqnt © Sebad eved I ,aotgnixel te .f .of ,latiqeoK sotvre® off “geal off gaiiyd mtd dttw gaivietcee to egelivitg edt ~ea of gvoixas yivaluoltisg af ef baa ,eyeb wet diol eomerwal .1I to qidaiebecl edd oie ll a aac te Peat ee ee Dr. Parran wee for the next year or two, in the perfection of this program. . This suggestion has met with the enthusiastic approval of everyone interested in the subject. The Governor has asked me to say to you thet he will turn the matter of selection of personnel over entirely to Dr. Kolb, as well as the guidance of the entire program. If it is found to be necessary, he will do whatever is needed to give Dr. Kolb such assistance as will enable him to undertake this addition to the very great bur- den he is now carrying; so that he can continue success~ fully to administer the program in the Hospital at Léxington. | Before writing this letter, I commnicated with Dr. Kolb so aa to be asgueed that the submission of Governor Chandler's request to you would be acceptable to hin. Thanking you for the consideration I know you will give to a development that can mean so much, not only to the people of Kentucky, but toe every other State in the Union, I am, Sincerely, A. T. MoCormack, M. D. State Health Commissioner ATM: et