ee 5 ee : 4 Se Ag sade ig. & gs Pe Be at hee FRee thew # bone % CHAMBERS OF Che Superior Court LOS ANGELES 12, CALIFORNIA LEWIS DRUCKER, JUDGE Mareh 27, 1961 AIR MAIL Dr. Lawrence Kolb . 6645 32nd Street, N.W. Washington 15, D.C. Dear Dr. Kolb: A short time ago I visited with Dr. Walter Treadway, of Santa Barbara, and had a very interesting discussion with him concerning the narcotics problem. You may have heard concerning the hysteria and emotionalism that permeates the atmosphere in Los Angeles County when the narcotics problem is discussed publicly. Publie officials, newspaper, radio and television commentators, and law enforcement officers are clamoring for long prison terms for all of those who are convicted of narcotic offenses. Presiding Judge Louis H. Burke and I have made certain recommendations to the Governor for the treatment of the narcotic addicts on a state and local level. At the suggestion of Dr. Treadway, I am contacting you to obtain an evaluation of the tentative treatment programs, copies of which are herewith enclosed. I understand from Dr. Treadway that you are retired, and I trust that you will not consider this inquiry a trespass upon your time. I would, indeed, be most appreciative if your time would permit your analysis and suggestions, or your forwarding or referral of any material that would be helpful to us in regard to a treatment program. I know, from my previous discussions with you when I was Chairman of the California Adult Authority, of your interest in this problem. I recall, with a great deal of pleasure, our previous associations and your report to Governor Warren that resulted in the building of a medical facility for the Department of Corrections. With kind regards, I am, Sincerely yours, AD LEWIS DRUCKER LD; HH Enes, ee: Presiding Judge Louis H. Burke P.S. I am also writing to Dr. Robert Felix at the suggestion of Dr. Treadway for any available material. | L.D.